The Wingham Times, 1888-02-03, Page 2,.—.1!9,9149900.91r,,r9.1.9,orriritAMTW7IrtrirMli. LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY, DEO. 25711, 1885. TO SOBSOM84RTS. great many subserfpftena to Tui Trans ritt aspire collie jt of January, and we tiit 'Mr./Wends tall he prompt in renewing. Eaton. lex Mat by paying promptly in advance you 'ean •ge,t the pagrfer tho licar for §.1.00,. Rthermise Va.? rate of §1.21 will he strictly lidhered to. .Zet (ce/t subeinher kindly snake a little effort and pay lt hat ie due, and a rar'in advance, and ire Mil .guarantoo 4 Sitbatantiai improvement iw the' get- Itp (If THE TIMES next year. The indoidua? antott:te are small, Ind nhcz gathered t Ohm. ibew make a largo sum, and would leave a hand - surplus wi114 to to carry out oontemplat. Lti improvement& La each obscriber fake this as a personal initiation and renew promptly. Tan Trans wishes all its patrons and friends a Merry Christnias. I'm Mass will be celebrated in the •Cathelio church, in this town, next Sunday . auperity to do so • niorning at 10:30 o'clock. Pies and PuffPastav ; Jelly Cakes and' Fin,Nn ROW.C/WAT, formerly olerk in the post office, here, has left the l'fi�n brewery, Lafayettes ; iceing and fancy ornainenting a specialty at the Dominion Bakery. Toronto, where he was book-keeper, and is ITh'Ssnow employed in a similar 'capacity by Itaf • muss.--Iyou want a good McColl Bros, & 9o.,ef larduie and Machine fitting Collar Or a first class harness go to Gnest, Scotch Collar and Harness"'" 'au"' Wingharo. A Canal, linecza.—The city papers the other day contained a cruel report to the TnE, TIMM earrier by will present his annual address to lois patron t next week, 'effed that R• E, Simmons a this town, had beceme insane since the execution of his and we trust he will be remembered in a /substantial manner by them. • sou in London. The report is entirely Ton am.—A. :Singeowing machine, without foundation, BA Mr. Simmons is en- - nufaeturina purSr ',voses, belonging loying excellent mental and physioial afor anapto health. Tindall estate; will be sold cheap Apply to T, Mcelyrnout, executor. * Tun salt well has now; reached a depth EVERSatirday nighduring the winter of about 1,310 feet, and drilling operations Y t Mrs. Anderson will give au oyster sup- 7111 he concluded as seen as U50 feet is retitled. The pump will then be set in per at her restaurant, opposite the Bank of Hamilton, whewe or stews will be operation and. the capacity of the well will • n ra' be tested in order to ascertain if aalt has served at 115 cents per dish. GYster culls been fennel in paying quantities. ',The received direct from the boats at Neav York. - pumping apparatus arrived from Petrolia . ' Wwu Funeral Furnishings are wanted on Monday. Tar the Angel Food and Golden Cake at the Dominion Bakery. Tel; members of the Wingbaru Caled0U- ian Snoiety are talking ef holding a grand ainuer at no distant day. • Tim regular fiefiaion a the Divieion Court was held in this tow). on Monday, and quite a number of oases were disposed of - Now to yeti): time to order your Xmas Cakes at the Dominion 1361tery. All the latest cake mixtures are to be had at the Dominion Bakery. - ot• A. Incur Si—s. Dixon, who was coininitted for trial on the charge of burglarizing Inglis ik Co.'s mill, was tried in Qederich last week, and 'received .the extraordinary gentence of ooe week in the gountyjwi.Mer time is up and she hi ex- peeted home to -morrow. It is not OM; in- tention at present to discuss the propriety of Sandi a 8011t011100 upon ono onavioted of a deliberately planned burglary) but it does occur to us that Justice is either a great farce, Cr else ber scales have got out of order in eorne way and do net balance; evenly. Tint • Methodist church advertises iu Tus W.. --Xu another column of this another column for tenders for 20 fiords of ' paper wilt be found, the advertisement of drY and 10 cords of green W°°(1' 1184111eirS The Week,withoutdoubt the foremost liter• would do well to make a note of this. ary ouru al in Canada, Iapelitica TheWeelt To Bar,—The old established PurnP is thoroughly independent, its articles aro works belonging to the Ate Thos. Minim timely and wen.00luaacrea, it embraces located e•tImclinow ; ran by horse power; list of contributors unequalled by any an excellent opening. Apply to Alm, Thos. other paper in the Dominion, its form is Mullin, Duckuow, neat and handy, it is superbly printed. on E. X, liaratanoux, agent of the G. T. R. toned paper, and altogether it is a. journal in this town, can now issue ticket e to Win- of which every intelligent Canadian nipeg and all poiuts west on the Canadian should lee] proud. A sample copy will Pacific railway, having recently received convince any person pf the superior ohar- water of The Week, and it can be obtained free of charge by addressing the publisher, 0. Blacked Robinson, 15 Jordan street, To- rento. Sr. Lours Miloitzum.--ThiErtistuily excel- lent publication excels itself in its January number, It is a holiday' ntimber, full of Christmas and New Years stories, papers and poetry, accorapauied by Several full- page illustrations, C. Palward Mob, editor of.the Boston Barening Record, Horaee S. Keller, Vivien Castane and others' con- tribute stories ; Luther G. Riggs of the Chicago' Evening Telegram, Bev. P. B. Valetta, and Min Rebecca C. Boyle have "Holiday Papers;" the pcietry is ha Lillian Grey, Maude Meredith, Minnie C. Ballard, Lilla N. Cushman and several °there. The 'Light Moods" humorous department has contributions by Mrs, Clara ;T. Dentou'and Baiter De Moil) A specimen copy will be sent to any address for 10 cents by the St. Louia,Migazine Co., St. Louis, Mo. xeit aoAn.— e friends of ames Srigley, formerly of this town, will be pleased to learn that 'he is meeting with great success in his 'enterprise at Pelee Island:Essex county. • During the 'leave your order with S. Gracey,wlookeeps .all the necessaries for 'nuerals,Ilat Crape, • Gloves, cte., all furnished and Funerals at- tended to,pronaptly. Charges reasonable. S,.40g„iettegit, 'Undertaker, Wingham. * a.•—Lastrrida.y a. rink composed of John Hann•a, John Coati, John J. Ander- lion and, A. R. Morris went to Luckuow to •liaye a twirl at the stanes. They return- ed in the morning, but 'refused totell how 'the score stood. It was learned, hov,revek, ihatthey received a terrible' licking, hence * "rPsa4Tla exam . Isistr, o Norria,,the other day received a:handsome andvaluable Christmas present from his brother Malcelni Isbister, who livea in the North West, in the shape of s buffalo skin •;riverboat, trimmed with coon skin. The gaiment 116the owner to. perfection, and fs, of ep•urse, highly prized by him. THE store adjoining Wm. Mullen's in the „Royal block, is being fitted alp throughout ;afor M. S. Ostrander, of Tilsonbuag, who 'will open a boot and shoe nanufaetery there the beginning ot janna.r.e. Mr. Os- trander is highly spoken of as a, pushing snd energetic business man, and we pre - 'diet for him abutidant success in our live- ly town. CA./tap/AL.—A grand masquerade carnival • will be held at the>roller rink this evening, when valuable prizes will be awarded for the best' ladies' ad gents' costume. Among other attractions will be a band of Indians trona the North West in their war paint and savage costumes, and a two-mile rage open tohoys. under 13 years of ago, -Ai:lumber of skaters from neighboring, rinks will be present, and this premises to bo the best carnival of the season. A Wiumrse.—Itie reported that a lumber :of informers are working up delinquents, du isnrrounding 'counties in, the matter of regiatering births, marriages and death, end there is a likelihood of theni striking this n:siglaborhood at any time. Such being the OSSA it would be well for those • interusted to 'gee tnat the births, marriages and' 'deaths are duly registered with the clerk of the municipality. The penalty for neglect is $20, half of which goes to the informer, thinttiTMAS PAP/MS.—WO are in receipt of the Christmas numler of the Toronto Globe, and a magnificent number it is. It munpriees 22 'pages, with au attraeti ett; cover, filled with interesting Christmas taatter and a host of prize stories. Ae- companyieg tbe paper is a fall page en. geriving entitled "Miss Ca-nade—the finest Tolima -dollen of that young lady we have oven seen. The paper is a monument of newspaper enterprise and is exceedingly creditable to the Globe. The London Ad- vertiser also issued a Christnim number last Saturday—a 20 pig o sheet, With a. cover—being the largest paper ever issued in liVehtOril Otittri V; vias 0. ni"unaiotli undietaking for0 )40 City journalism,' v. ateikina (a;aniple of the Senoces Our.—The public schools of this town were dismissed for the Christmas holidays ou Wednesday evening. Under the new Act relating to public schools . the holiday in cities,,towns and incorporated villages is made to correspond with the high school holidays. Thus the :Central sehool will reopen on Thursday, Jan. 7th, instead of Monday, the4th, as wee generally understood. LAST Thursday night -Mr. and Mrs. John Ea,des retuned from Toronto whither they had gone to consult Dr. Temple regarding IllarkiniirTalM:—XiiO'rir Can" u 030.14- u °Aim the doctor pronounced it a case Of cancer of the liver, nd hole out but ;;little hopes of her recovery. However he re- commended a couraof medical treatment, which he said was Iler only chance. She bas been taking the mediine,•furniedied, but thus far there are no signs of iinPrerfe- ment. THE NQUINATIONS.--7The nomination of candidates for °fano of Mew, ieeve an deputy -reeve will be held inthifcounil ehamber ' next -1donday morning 'at 10 &cloak, and the nomination 'of iandidaces for the oflicesof municipal councillors and school trustees will be held on the same lay, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, at the following places : Ward No. 1, at Wrd. offiee ; Ward No 2,'ea PI, Guest'', shop ; Ward No. 8, at thezonneil chamber. Ward No 4, at Inglis & Co's. milli . The election will be held ou the foliowing Mon- day. Tile Trams dropped into Samuel Nickel's carriage factory the other day and found things booming for all they are worth, and the men are compelled to work over -time to tutu otit all the orders when promised. Among the jobs under way are a two - seated dog cart sleigh for Ben, Willson, a wo seatedpleasureshaigh for johnDinsley,. Lied a two -seated sleigh for Wm. Black's livery, all new and elegant patterns. sides these there are a number of han some jobd for, ether psrties upon whic excellent meolie.niral and artistic work is - • , Lamar Blattatrirmitxr.--The Young Peoples' 1.aterary Society of the Preaby• tartan church gave a TrInSiCai and )itorary entertainment in the basement of the charch, ou Vriday eveaing last, whieb, as far as the programme Wai. concerned, was a decided success, but the attendance was not aaiftige as the entertainment warrant- ed. 110Y. H. MAnarrie occupied thechair, and opened the proceedings with a short and appropriate address. A number of members of other literary societies were present aud rendered valuable aid. Chao, MeOlelland, of the Bolgrave :Literary So- ciety', favored the audieuoe with several excellent selos, which were highly appreei ated as were also those by Mrs S. Me. Gill, Miss Andernou and Jas, Cline and the dnetts by Mrs. John Norris and. Mr, Smillie. John. Buchanan, of the Motile - dist Literary Society, and S. GraceY, president of the Presbyterian Literary So- ciety, gave several readings in their usual well-kuawn and aeoeptable style. Reeita- time were given by Dr. McKenzie, of Bel. grave, Mr. Smillie and Misses Borah Mo - Glair°, Annie Agnew and Maggio Cargill, each of whom acquitted themselves in a highly creditable manriei.. The entertain,. ineut was brought to a close by a vote of thanks being tendered those wlio had SO kindly taken part in the programme, and especially those 'who had come from a dis- tance. The society purposes holding sev- eral entertainments of this description during the winter months and it is to be hoped that they will he patronized as liberally as their merits demad. The proceeds- of the entertainment amounted to 013, -which will be applied to the organ fund.' NewBlacksmith Shop. The nueerstanod begs to inform the inhabitants of Wingham and surrounding country thaelm has opened up n blacksmith shop IZ LEMMEX'S,„,OLD .ST4ND ST.„.4 ' and solicits a share of the prblic Patronage HORSE SHOETATG A SPECIALTY, Ha'vin5 spent many years in one ei the best horse shoeing establishments iu the country, 1 Dan give the very best satisfaction in this respect, and guarantee iny work to be the best. • Particular Mention paid to horses with unsound feet, and horses shod to prevent interfering or forg- ' -Re X) IZEAVER Wingham. Dec. 1, 188e.23in. present year he anade.;1,015 gallons Of sotg- • ' hunt syrup, theVrecluet of six acres. The cane was of the Early Amber and Early OrangWyatieties, and some of it yielded 200 gallone to the acre. The syrup brought 40 to 50 cents z gallon. Besides this, Mr. SrigIey sold over 8 tons of Con- cord grapes the past season, the irodact of 3 acres. lie also obtained ,300 bushels of potatoes front 4 "totes'300 bushels of ebeets aridaearroia:7130dalalielts Of 'sorghum seed, 5,000 grape vrortsrabont 700 bushels of ecru and a quantity .ok hay and other produce—all the above being grown on 26 acres that he had under cu1tivatio3T A number of cattle, "Wine and other animals were also raised anafattened for market. Thiais certainly a good "sliewing, and re - fleets credit upon the energy; and intelli- gence Krigloy. Asps lJr, 1iij.ins Our."—Between 4 and 5 o'dlock Sulday morning as•Duiloan laCollani,. a L., H. Cs• B. conduet‘or, was walking along Josephine street, lie espied. a. man diligently at work with a brace and it boring holes hz the post office door. Dunean went up to the mad and asked 'what he was trying to do, when he was in- formed that "it was none of his business." Then Duncan asked the man if be would 4 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF POLI- TICS, SOCIETY AND LITERA-. • —TUBE.— THE WEEK, PUBLISHED EVERY '1EVItSDA.r $Q(1 Per *Year. THE WEEK, "Canadeit Literary Journal:" appeals by its comprehensive table of °entente to the differ. ea** which oust within the circle of a cultured honke, and will endeavor faithfully to reflect and saunter's° the intellectual, social and political move- ments of the day. Platen, in the form both of serials and, short stories,. alto moupios a prominent place. In Politics, THE WEEK is thoroughly bide. Pendent. It is untrammeled by party connections, free from party leanings, unbiassed by party consid- erations. In Canadian politics its desire will be to further, to the utmost of its power, the free and healthy development of the Nation. READ TUE FOLLOW/NG LIST OF CONTRIEC- Prof. Ooldwin Smith, Principal Grant, D. D., Louis Honore Frschette, Wm. Houston, IP Blake Crofton, G. Mercer Adam, Jaguin Miller, Prof. Wm. Clark, M. A. John Heade, George Stewart, jr., Prof. Mur- ray, L L. D., Chas: Lindsey', Thos. Hughes, Q. C. John Charles Dont, Mrs. Kate Seymour McLean, Miss Machar (FhlellS), Miss Louisa Murray, Dr. Daniel Wilson, Hunter DUVAL', and others. 'C. Blackett Robinson, ntiDLISEEtt. 4 JORDON STREET, TORONTO, ONT sample conies Fro on application. remain there until lie went fOr „Chief I Pettypiece, and the woold-be burglar SS". , k i not e wired him he would:: *hen, the chief and 1)a 1 ea en n his escort returned a few nnnutea later . . . the bird had flown: Tiy4tin tracked. See' If 't C.113.. the man to the bla'ck bridge; alcout a mile ' . south of the town alieni: they discovered him at the side of, the road among some trees. They did not know but what he might be a thoroughbred, XXX, all -wool - and -a -yard -wide burglar, so Dunc; inquir- ed of the chief in a low voice, "Say, Nary Iievolver had George. But Dune, was quid to the emerges and palling a sil- r-moimted lead pencil from his pocket, e p2inted'it at the pian in the bushes being displayed: Mr. Nickel is gaining an mid slitalted, ”Handa thumbs out." excellent reputation in his 'textualist line When the man saw tlie lead pencil glisten - of business, which accounts for the rush a ing with deadly glare in the moonlight he work he is enjoyingknew his oose was Oblted, fie up went 'Mfg. 01 Wm, BIM—John Hanna, init.!). hands. While the Inall 'WAS thus dropped into Tux Tisiss 'Ace� Motiday "covered,' the <mid nabbed him and. and suggested to the editor that an artiere 'brought him triumphantly to the. lock-up. ou "What one dollar will bny,n would bg It was lotted that the inan was not the an appropriate 0110 at this festiveseason dangerous character he was taken to be, C4.olgo, have you got a revolver ?" for lus mammoth intellect to tackle. being none other than (*arida Powers, a happened this morning that We forgot o young na.ai , employed in Bradwin's pot• massive intellect, luving left it Oltenia in terYa andwho has Wale*, borne ao out other hat, and now- that Wd attedipt cellent character. An investigation show - to discues,,thiS importantqatatiou we' lib a ed that several large holealind been bored ourselves thirst at sem. We know of lots in the post oMee door, just below the holt,- of things that a dollar Will ,buy, raid we and. the evident intention was 40 iueett the know that ten dollars will buy ten times more than ono dollat, but at present We cannotrecall all of them to .our mind. It ricours to US, however, that tho heat value itist now for ono dollar is Tim Tares for a 17,'N'. and WO %Wild advi,,a Clone who harks ? witted; far waa token to flakier-, "= hand, withdraw the bolt nd thus gain. ca, anceas to the building., Nihon l'oWera was taraigned befote Mayor delaudsoon Mon. day Morning on a Charge of attetupted burglary, he pleaded guilty mod woo,00ro, 30 lbs. good rice i'dr SLOCI. 14 lbs. best grat ulated sugar Pr $1.00 5 bars einotrie soap for 25c. 3 lbs new raisins for 25e. 3 packages corn starch for 25c. 2 cans salmon for 25c. 1 box Eddy's matches for 7c. And for eirerilb. of 50o. Toa yott buy we atill,g4Yo you your ohOleeoftbe ft+ lonhnft Articles Free : A luttiasocit motto, china cup and saucer, one lb. choice mixed candy, three flint lamp glasses, medium size, and with every three lbe., 50a Tea your choice of either one lb. Prince Wales tobacco, one i Olen glass pitcher, one handsome sal- ver.;Itna for every 5 Um 60e. Tea, your choice and piek in crockery and glassware to the amount of 31.00. ' Don't think because these presents are big value that the tea Is not good. r mean business and when I cut en goodi 1 go deep. 1 liavo always betierecl in having the profit nyself, but this this 1 will give my patrons the benefit for thirtitdaysfrom 10th inst., for spot cash. Thanking you for your past patron. ago, 1 remain yours truly, E. Bowers. December 7th, 1885, ucbanan Bros. Have detorit boa to continuo THE CLEITING SALE ror Cash for another Incuth. An they have an immense storm]; 01: Boots (t You cannot fail in securing just wlmt yoIl want, We menn buoi. DHSS 91n1 Will not be linder. sold,so corne along and • secure bargaiun. Noto klIG of rihr Prim: Men's Long Boots frotn $1.7.5zi Boys' 4. . 1.00 ". Wonterils goat beets " 81.25 whole Stock " $1.Q0 " We are also talong Cleland in the Any person requiring anything in this line will find it to thoir. ad, vantaue to deal with ns, Wo aro prepared to, take any quantity of wood in ekeliango jar harness. 10Z OFF FOB. CASH - Buchanan, B. • 1.....1•4•011111••• • , . 9, 1 • Wingham Dee. 18, W$5 nonr p, r cwt. $2 25 to '2 .50 Flour per 4 50 to 500 7 10 all Nliheat per bus..,. 70 to, . 78 g. 45 tO 21; to ' ... 45 to M 55 to 5C4 25 to 25 Spring Oats Barley 4, • i! Peas " Potatoes now . Butter per lb... 14 to 15 Eggs per 15 to' 1,t, flay per ton new 800 to 9 tul 1 50 tzs 1 '1:i 11