HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-02-03, Page 1• . • • 'a NGHAM • VOL. XVII. ---NO 5 WING -HAM, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB .1000.4.1s NEWS. T, W. McKay, reeve of Oeborne, is ward- en of this county for the current Year. a. Robertson, reeve of Harriston, editor of the 1iloss0, is Warden of ;Wellington this year. Private parties average two 'or three a 'week na.town and the adjeining conntry at the present season, Mr. W, Scott, reeve of Oulross, was .eincSted warden of Bryce county.He has been in the Calms council some 1,6 years 'and well deserves the honor, The funeral sermon of the late Jelin Shell Will be preached in the Methodist (bomb. next Sunday evening by the Rev, D. 40, McDowell, the pastor. He who decreases the quanity of snow on the sidewalks by "but one poor scruple" da a public) benefabtor, and may expect the choicest blessings of pedestvians. A lad named Irwin WitEi almost killed by Wiling off a sleigh at Teeswater, and the ,council net and passed a by-law prohibit- ing children hanging on sleighs. • Several milliners gave evidence before the Goverareent Labor Cemmission last week in Toronto. From 05 to 09 a, week is the wages obtained by milliners, Only really first-elassbands command the latter. • "1 understand yox are a graduate of Vassar, Mise Luo. D you ever study English literature to any eittent ?" Oh, meray,.yes? We had Hogg for breakfast, Raeon'for dinner, Laub for tee., and Lover in the evening. Groves,, of Winghana, deorge Mosgrove, j. S. Wilson, Turnberry, J. 'Thompson, of -Bluevale, and A. 13tirchill -were appointed by the county Teachers' Association to draft a scheme for uniform promotion examinationb), The three former met here on Saturday and outlined -a ticheme. The Swarth Ezytositer suggests that at •all conventions, assooiatio'ne, eto„ one or two members he appointed to prepare a •cotidensed sunanaarypf the proceedings for the press. If sent to one, proof sheets could :belient to the other newepapers. Report- ers can't be at every gathering from the beginning to the close. Maud and her George were in the parlor, and Maud's father was laying down bis ,politioal tenets to Maud's. George. I tell you, he exelaimed, we don't want any 'third party lieke. That is A precisely, Papa, replied Maud; a thirty party is a •innisance anywhere. Meald's father with - .drew from the field. A. Boston paper thinks not elle out often • " 'can spell these words correctly withont •preparation. Teachers might have on. .Monday. They were bought in the teat exercise with their pupils on them vicinity of ingham and Belgrave. Mr. bayou, abhorring, aisle, trisyllable, agre• e- Wilson is an uncle to Mr. McLennan, of able, amateur, beleaguer, mysterous, differ. Belgrave, and is a shrewd and reliable •enee, illiterate, initiation, exemplary; corn- busiuess man. plaisant, collectible, ohaise, solicited, •seknally, preparation. Rutherford Bros., who some time ago opened out a store at Dungannon, have "Potato culture " was the subject of • what is spoken of by the press as a very proved themselves to be moat consummate and excellent pasuccessful swindlers. They did apet read by J. A. Morton, of good business and by pronipt payments at Winglaam, at the first meeting of the West first got the confidence of the wholesale nptan Farmers' Institute last wee Mr. Morton is a man of more than average house of Boyd Bros., Toronto. One brother left some time ago with, it is said, from versatility and..mental grasp,. being well 05,000 to 010,000 and he was recently fol- - read -ton Mental and natural science, lowed by the other, after nearly thowhole oiblogy, politics, history and current Mom ture as well as his own profeskonstock was disposed of at ridionleusly low . • . W,Dippel,:of the bank *as called away 'figures, ' on Wednesday to attend the funeral of. An importont topic nowt before the pub - brother, an active young man who die1. at lio in this town, is the question of the Elmira, °Minty of Waterloo, in his 20th efficiency of the Fire Co. In this matter year), With Rev. D. Dinol and membera there is no room nor time for, personal of his family we have been intimately se- reflections or aspersions. 'What the public •(Minted for several • years, A clever, want are the actual facts. Readers vi . genial, warm hearted man, he ranks high notice by reference to another column ni the ministry of the German Evangelical that 111r. Scott, the ex -chairman of the • ohtirch to Which he belonga. He is at fire and water committee, is willing to present stationed atIlildmay. • give all -the facts {vhen enquiries or charges „The manned meets on, Monday evening. The De:minion Express Q. have re• moved let° Hiscooks' attire with /ferry as agent. The Wellington poor house has now 78 intgategi the largest number in its history, Buffalo iii to have a new railway depot to accommodate 21 roads and cost 03,000,- 000. Neil, who murdered Guard, Rutledge at the Central prison, is to be hanged on the • 29th of February. Aloughing started at Medicine Kat, N. • W. T., a few days ago, the thermometer being 00 degrees above zero. The Toronto Police Magistrate disposed of 13 cases in 13 'inanutes the other morn. tug. That is dispensing swift justice, surely, • A large party spent Tuesday evening pleasantly at the residence of Mr, John Dell, foreman in Gilchrist, Green & Co's factory. Be,. Father McKeon, of Parkhill, who has the reputation of being an able and popular lecturer, is, to give an address in Goderioh on the evening of the 7th inst. /Rev. S. H. Moorhen:4e was conducting services in Lainbton county last week, and Rey. F. E. Hyland, of Warwick, preach- ed in St. Paul's churoh here on Sunday. A few days ago a hotel man in. Owen Sound was fined for Sunday selling. The parties who beught it from him have since* been fined. Why not? as .both are equal. ly blameworthy. • Alex. McLaren, of Hibbert, was chosen warden of Perth. Well-read and honot- able, with 25 years' experience in the county council, be deserved the honor and, will do credit to the position, • Quite a few of the young people 'attend. • a ball given by the Owl °hal), of Brussels, on Friday evening. Megsrs. MoIndoo, Latimore and Sebastian furnish music on the organ, violin and cornet respectively. An Illinois editor writes: "Never judge by appearance. A, shabby cost may con- tain an editor, while a man wearing a high-toned plug hat and sporting a dude cane may be a -delinquent subscriber, Human nature is theeame the world over. An exchange in speaking of a epee % from the throne at a Mock Parliament flays; "it was a very disgestive affair." Whether that was intended. for a oomph: ment or an reflection we cannot, say. To the ordinary reader it will appear a little in efinite. Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, assisted. by Mr. D. Steviart, of this town, ehipped a oar load of choice butohers' cattle to Toronto " are =dein the Writer's ovvesnaime. thraie in quest of a desirable besineas 'We had it pleasant oall on T'uesday • Centre and: please:at and healthy place of from Mr. Dougal McKinnon living near abode for thew amongst other reason: Leektiow who is a shrewd, thotightful and We have lively, honorable, energetic lansinese men in all business lines. It ia'a, firet•clase market for everything that a farm producea, It offers the very best ad- • ,venteges for manufactures. It offers the very best advantages for. those seeking a Or home, 'Our churches are large, eolt• fertable, and witil•filled. Om: sehoole are as good as,the best. We have honest and ,effieient municipal government, Wingliain ie bound to be to the front iti everything •Itipon depends the rental vielfere of /ter nitlAene, Wingliam ought to command itself to ITARY 3, 1888. WHOLE NO. 838 A. large Newfoundland dog dropped deo on Josephine street on Wedneaday leek No owner °Gala be found. D. McInnes & Co, have jiist removed to Orr's old stand, They have it ene as. sortment of goods. A Musical Cheer oencert is to be &eft at the skating rink on 'Wedneaday evening next, The energetic managers, Kerr Bros,' are catering well to the reoreation-loving citizens of Winghain. While the Salvation Army were bolding a banquet and jubilee in Iiktb. on Tuesday evening last, it gang raided the barraoks. Two out of the gang were taken and ledged in the look -up over night. •• Eventuated, exourted, farewelled, Sun- dayed—What horrible inroads and in- vasions are being made on the Queen's" Englieh? Whether significant ornot many of the new words finding their way into our language are far frcim being euphon• Mous. • The Salvation Army had a, well•attended and maccessful, banquet and jubilee inIthe town hall on Wednesday evening, Adju- tant Sweetman, of .Valtnerston, led, the meeting, assisted by officers fremListewel, Brussels, Teeswater, Wroxeter„ Blyth and kincardiue. niter- retty • able do I it r .001n ,f111 too Pilch 'deal ever, Scord le as feel ;1y— my Oern- an , life r; to rmy , y 14 nod Ore ty as !OOdt3 and Oital the from • the Rev. Dr..I.Jaidlaw, of Hamilton, is to E,ealie preach the anniversary sermons in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn-e8a48- ing and evening. He will also be0 • A present. on Monday evening. •The choir is unusually active in preparation. Peasmist.—Mr. J. M. and Mrs. Fatrow, of Wingham, apent several days in Gerrie visiting at Mr. •James 'Young's. Gorrie MEM—Mrs. Eelly, of Brussels, sister to Mrs. Hutton, of Lower Wingham, returned home on Saturday.—Mr. R. Hill, late of the pop works here, was, prospecting in Chatham and vicinity laat week.—Mr. Wm. Moore, wife and family, are visiting at Exeter and vicinity this' week,—Mr. Richard Scanditt, of London,*was visiting at Mr. John Kerr's, of Kerr 13ros., this week.—Miss K. Shaw, of Winghana, is, pifew weeks with friends'a;t 'Sea - forth and Brucefield. —Mr. W. D. Pringle, late of the Dominion bakery, has removed his family to Brampton.— Mrs. C. A. Oanapbell, of bleW York," sister t Mrs. Brockenshire, went to Toronto, this week. --Mr. W. T, Yates and wife and S. Smith attended a concert in the Methodist church, Wroxeteron Ttiesday evening. • Mrs. Yates and. Mr. Smith gang several Wed• tions.—We had it pleasant call this week from A. H. N. Jenkins, the genial, ener4 getio and outspoken editor of the Brussels Budget.—aa, Harry TOMs an old Wing - ham boy, was in town last week visiting his sunk Mrs. Tamlyn.—Mr. Wm. Mc- Cutcheon, • hardware clerk of Brussels, paid Wilighana a visit on Tuesday last.— Miss Emma Robbins left on Wednesday last on at extended visit to Toronto.—Mr. Charles Carr spent a few days in Kincardine this week:—Mr. R. Palmer if3 spending a few diva in Guelph.—A. X. Snell and wife, who have been iii Wingha.m for some days past leave to -day for their home; in • CleveIand.-L Mr. Frank Halliday* was awarded the prism for fancy dress costume at the Wroxeter aarnival on Thursday last. —Mr. j. Abraham, of Stratford, visit- ed his brother here this week.—Mr. W. Macdonald, of Exeter, spent a few days with bis brother this week. —Miss. M. Cosford attended the funeral of her mother at Drayton this week.—Mr. A. Tracey left for Tottenham on Monday. Congregational 1VIeetita t the annual congregations' meet- ing ot the Presbyterian church on Tuesday the attendance was better than it had been for several years. Mr. W. Scott was voted Wale chair. The financial statement was read by Mr. S. Grimy,. and showed, the re- ceipts lastyearto be over $2,500. There are now 272 •TileiZlherS, 22, being re- ceived last yea, Messrs. George Mc - well -read man. He naturally takea Kay and s. tidey were re-elected lively interest in the Crofter question hi 'managers and P. Deane (Ibsen in Scotland. , In his earlieryears he lived place of Mr. it jesk, resigned, •also with his parents on the areal' Jolene of W. Sjpan in p ace of W. Scott, re - Rum, west of Scotland, owned by the eigned. 13. Grimy was re-elected Marquis of Salisbury,.and he frequently played with the pretanit prime minister of England whilst a boy. Ilveft then land. lord and tyranny were keenly felt. Diffused ed.eeation and growth of demootatio instittitiOns thaws enebled pee- ple to view Willis be tlultei alit`orot hglee now. seer ry-treasury, and P. Dente to • take charge of pew- seatinstead of S, G ktoGlll, reaped ; Mr lames Olin°, presentor and•Miss Sarah Hut. ton, organist ; D. Stewart and Cloutts, auditors. Two special cone°. tons ate to be taken up tct reduce. the ddbt on the church: ....W...." .1.. whe told you, Hed 'd o anythlitg te you." "I deal know about that, Dora TO the .Editor et The Times With a florr9Wful shake of my head. Deny Sir—Please allow me space "'Deed and would he I Sure know he was dying for you all far b in your paper to say a few words more Christmas ; and 1 used to hope v&dJ regarding the Fire Company. The writer of the Advance article, after leading the people astray as to the captaincy, on, looking over his file, finds that Mr. Pettypiece was appoint - ea for the rest of the year. Yet, he is under the impression that the year ended with the 31st of December, 1887. see him, though I thought 1 could He surely knows but vGry little about fret for anything again after tbe clemerlaat he undertook to explain to the Ie ft Grayacre I ' public. Did the new year conime-nee I sit looking at Dorothy,but I amso . listening to her, my mind is so full in October, 1887.9 Every sensible new norrible Idea. If Hugh takesto derson knows that the council were big brandy, there is no hopefor Ili i will be as obstinate in this as n every else—he will go on from bad to Heaven only knowing how it will on may be too late even now to save him ple are 80 seldom saved who once vi Wriebt's EeelY to the advance, fond of him at last, dearie, thong couldn't, forget poor Master Laurie sure Mr. Hugh was better able to bali of you than poor Master Laurie ever that we all knew had death in his fa flay he put his foot inside thz doors. but Mr. Hugh is going stair way himself too, drinking so much and nothing. It fairly breaks m old he en of sound sense and appointed it aptain who understood the duties he ed to perform. -Yet, the Advaner riter thinks he knows more than the whole counciltegether. As to know - griefthis terrible temdrownptation, As long a 'ng anything about the efficiency of a lade, he will try to - . . . . .. th how long will it last? .As long as m Fire uompany ne °warty proven e perhaps, I think with a shudder, and, contrary. He has in fact, been trying Hugh will know where to find the to explain to the public what he atwhich deadens the pain for a minTressiliutan knows absolutely nothing Sheet. Ile what a price! It Hugh loses his self-reepect, he is a ruined would 9,1so like to knte- what I I Mean and, if he is ruined, his . ruin lies by the " staff of life. Well, in the door!-' summer montbs the water in tbe mill morrow. Wiel hirn He is to bmarred the day fro aft pond is freqnent17 so low that the - lLeslie wean enough and tender enough to lead him hat is Will she be rnillS cannot more than. half time. the result ?' They are shut •. ' terrible propensity? , A •,'4 to the right way? Or will she drive,h lown. Why does not this vise man • aooD CITIZEN GONE, do the wise thing and set his own wise self in the way of growing wiser. He would like to know 'who are the , geese end golings. I meant it for any e - one that the cap would fib. The coun- . oil last year was eoraposed of compe- tent men put there as the people's re- preseettatives, and the Advance man's criticisms are weak and absurd. But . it will illustrate the old adage of the • , geese and goslings. We hope he will use the Fire Committee as a looking glass in which to see MS Iowa fanits. • and mend what he may eee amise in his own ways. I would sooner' pick a boa° in peace than fight over an ox roasted whole, Yeers, Rough and lleady, T. Wnrone:' ---** - • • Death of Mr, John Sn.elt, We have been headed the following brief sketch of the deceased: He was born in April, 1837, near the famous sea sfAe resort of Ilfrocombe, Devon- shire, England. His father being E rioted teacher kept, a scbooi. for ad- vanced pupils, where his son received his education, until deprived by death of. -his parent. He then emigrated to Canada at the age of 16, locating first at Brampton, then removing to Olin. ton and was married in 1860 by the Rev. A. D. McDonald, Presbyterian -minister of Clinton, now of Seafort1s, to the youngest sister of Messrs. Jack- son, Clinton.. About 24 years .ago he moved to Winghain and carried, on the business of 'building and contracting until his health failed him. The ,fine public school, the English church parsonage, Baptiit.church, and many private residence e remain as monu- ments to his mechanical, skill and creditable performance of hiscontraets. Be thett accepted the office of bailiff about -6 years since wbich he continued to hold to the satisfaction of all, until his death. He was a cousin to john Snell Sons;the famous cattle dealers of Brampton, also related to the Snell's of Haat. One sister is yet living in England and a brother, William, in Winglaare. Three of it family surv,ive him: A. 3. Snell, millinery 'buyer fcir a large mercantile house in Cleveland, Minnie Snell, on the public school staff, and Edgar M., who acted as deputy bailiff for the past few months. He was liberal in all his views, a mem- ber and trustee of the Methodist church, one of the first Foresters .in Winghain, and' in politics an in— • dependent Reformer. He was a1. ways found on the side of justice and honor, and maintained his views with decision. He was in every respect a good citizen. He funeral was largely • attended, the Foresters' organization being well represented from Wingham and surronieding towne. A Eminent Anent' the Fire Company. To the &hien ot Wats: DEAR Sin,—In yoer last week's issue some person signing himself Citizen, makes a number of false state. mente in reference to our Fire De-. pertinent, which if not contradicted might give uneasiness to SOIXte rate- payers who an not know the fats of the ease. 1 do not wish to enter into a newspaper 'oontroveray without knowing with whom I have to deal, mid, if Citizen will acknowledge his last week's production over his own signature, I will then prove my as- sertion in reference to inkstittementa. If he declines to do this I think the Ohne may consider that he knev when making a number of them that they Were false, Yours, Sow • WALTER SCOTT', ExeChairmnn of FJeW.' Coin. • • ReeOrara_ended as Bailiff,- • A largely attended meetinge \Vag • held in. the Caledoniai hall on jT1.1eS7, day evening to ascertain the. pubp6 • ; , - sentiment as to who should sueceed... the late John Snell in the Mr. Geo. MoKenziekery aptly presid ed over the orderly anderoWded teeet- ing. The names put before' the meet- ing were those of Messrs. F.' IlolieWey, •j. W. Inglis, A. G., Macdonald, Wne.. Robertson, 0. McConnell, 3..Bradwiri- • -. and W. Diamond.,: Ballots were passed round until' in the filial vote • with Ilfaeclonald and Robertson in the field, the result was 119 to 82,, being, a majority of 30 for Macdonaid We,1 4 preeume then that as the nominee .6,V';• the party, his name will be sent to presentative, Ron. A. M. Rosa, and 'in, all probability the appointment,rclief4 accordingly. Mr. Macdonald ie hint, .: • well and favorably known, encl;:;the act ofhis receiving theappointment ttU' be heard with pleasures by his, Tinnier: •s.d. ous friends. <.) Commercial eurreney; • Slippers from 25 ots. up at, McCereirek- Le Co's. • Notice what Mr. A. Ross offers - .111.1,00 Popular Book Store.• , just arrived at jos. Moludoolf,...%;llmr lino of different qualities of ladies Y hand; , satchels at reasonable prices. •.• • te • The reliable firm of the Anchor :House, ' Messrs. Gordou & kleletyre, havb au in- teresting annountnnent in another coluinu. aWanted to rent it conitortable dwelling house in Wingliain. Those havipg such are requested to enquire at TitZ Trims office. A. large tind choice' stook of ormagee .hat juat been, reetived. Veil be sold at 'prices' rawer reached in Whit/ham. „. Freala 'feints, of all kinds at MeNseviees. E. lrviug Bronna, piano tuner and regu- lator, (graduste'oftBosten Conservatory !of music). will be hi' 'gingham abont the 5th February. Patios wishing their. Ottawa ' put in Arst-olas order can have ttent; promptly attended to by les.vipg tbdir- ordra Tim Times office, if you Want &good cigar, . . And not walk very far; • Call into hicKelvie's and see /f he don't USe you And a good cigar eb11, thvreext algae free, Afolitostem• , • •<,