HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-12-25, Page 8LOCAL NEWS
Tax the Angel 1`oo:; and Goldela Cake at A Limn' leatatiaczs.•...Mrs. Dixon, who LxT.eicenx .lasvTi:tix.+zs�Isax,-T'lio Young
Eire Dominion Bakery. * was committed for trial oa the charge of 1'oopleS ititarrsry Elaoioty of the ,Presby. Buchanan Bros*
Tuat members of the Winghem Calediin- burglarizing Inglis ,a, Co.'s rn!ll, was tried Orion church gave a musical and literary
1'1tIDAY, DEO. 2GTii, 1'b85, tau Society are talk* of holding. a grand in Goderioh last week, and received the chino }; au;Friday etyliaMslasb, iwh h,titte: t3ett'rtt:illPcl t0 Colltillllis
-- ,, M _- - . �. • inner et ..0 iata..a day, . extraordinary aentenea:of arae week in, the far its the programme was, concerned, was
°gushy 1a;�. ger time is up and slue is es- a decided success, but the attendance Was
petted hp1'pe tsr•urorow. It is not stir in* enot es lelsge as the entertainment w.arrant-
tention at resent to discuss the propriety ad. Ren. II. tdc(uarrie occupied the chair;
p P y and °paned the proceedings with a short
of such a sentenceupon one ocliviotcd a a and appropriate address, A number of
deliberately planned berglaryi but it °loos members of °thee literary SOOlotf@s were !•
°°Surto us thab Justtceis after a great present fund rendered valuable aid. Chas. As they 13ave an immense stooc. nl'
g AZoClciland, of the Bolgreve LiterarySo-
farce, ar else. her scales :lave gob out of eiety, favored the audience with several
oder in .some Way and do not Wager; excellent solos, wlrioli were iii; hiy appreci-
ated as were also those by Alts S. G. 111e.
Gill, Miss ,Anderson and Jae, A. Cline and
Tut, Werax,-In auother column of this the dnetta by Mrs. John Norris anti. Mr.
paper will be ,fouled the advertisement of bmiilio, Johu Buobauau, a# the Metho.
The Week,withoutdoubt the foremost liter,
dist Literary Society, .and S. Gracey,.
aryjourua1u Oanada, Iii aliticsTl}e1Vaelr president of the Presbyterian Literary So.
p piety, gave several readings iii their usual
is thoroughly independent, its articles aro well-knawn awl acceptable style. Racita-
timely and,v'eli.considered, it embraces a tions were giveu by Dr. Mckenzie, of Bel -
grave, of contributors uuequ(rlled by env .grave, Mr. Smillie and Misses Sarah te.
Guire, Annie Agnew and Maggie Cargill,
other paper in the Don:demo, its form is each of whom aoquitted themselves in a
neat and .handy, it ie superbly printed op highly creditable manner.. The entertain=
f,oued paper, and altogether it. is a". journal rneut was brought to a .close by to vote of Men's Loth Boots from $1,75 nu
of which everyintelligeut Canadian thanks being tendered those who had so Boys' r " " $1,1)U c'
g k-indly taken part in the programme, and 1't oure s ;oat boas °F �f1,2t$ ,°
should feel proud. A sample copy will especially those who had come from a dis-
convince any pereen•of the superior char. tante. The society purposes Bolding sev-
eral. 4G whole Smolt. '� a1.00 ''
aster of The Week, and it can be obtained entertainments of this description
free of charge b ad durng the winter months and it is to be
Pies. and Puff Peaks, t felly Cakes arid" FRANK' RoLrowax, formerly clerk wow g y dressing the publisher, eloped that tlioy will be patroirized as
Lafuyettes ; iceingv and fancy oxnamgiitiug Past giizce, Here, has left the lion brewery, C. Blao. keit Robinson, 6 Jordan street, To= liberally as thou merits. dama£tm The
a specialty -at the Dominion Bakery, Toronto, where he was book-keeper, and is tont°, proceeds of the entertainment amounted
to 616, which will be. applied to the organ
now employed in a similar"capacity by ST. Lotus MaOsznia.-Thisaisuany excel• hind.' •
lection Bros, & Co., of 'Jardine and machine lent publication ewoels itself in its ;January _ ____, _
Christmas It is a holiday' number, full. of Ne'w Blacksmith .Shop..
n y s and Now Rears stories, papers •
oil fame. num>lor,
A. Cuing. REPORT. -.The Cit papers the and poetry,accompanied b . several full -
other day contained a cruel report to the p y The undersigned bogs to inform the nhahftnn a of
page illustrations, C. Edward Bich, editor Winghmn avid aurrunming country't1lat:he has
effect that R.' P. Simmonsof thie town, had ropened up a blaeksiulth shop
of,bhe Boston Evening Record, Horace S.
become insane ;ince the execution of his Keller Vivien Castaue and others con- IN LEi11MEN.'S , •OLD ,STAND VIC--
son in London. The report.isaentirely tribute stories ; Luther G. Riggs of the - TOE . ST:t
without foundation; as Itti Simmons is en- Chicago' Evening Telegram, Iiev. F. E.: - and solicits a share of the piililic patronage
joying excellent ineutal . and physicial Valetta, and Miss Rebecca C. Boyle Have•
health. 'Holiday Paperii;" the poetry is bl. Lillian
Tun salt well Lias now; reached a depth Grey, Maude Meredith, Minnie 0.. Ballard, .• ' RS E SHOEING
of about 1,540 feet, and drilling operations LillaN. Cushman and Several. othepa The A SPECIIALTY,
will be concluded as soon as 1,650 feet is . "Light Moeda" humorous department has
reached. ,.The pump Will then be set in contributions by Mrs, Clara J. Dentou'and Ravine spent many years in one Of the
operation and the capacity of the well will iiik.itor De Meth', A specimen Dopy will be best horse shoeing establishments ie
be tested in order to ascertain if saltliaa sent to any address for 10 Dents by the St. the country, I can give the very
been found inpaying quantities. ',The Lii4l)la
bugazine Co:, St. Louis, Mo. . - "best satisfaction in this
apparatus acre -ed from Petrolia respect, and guarantee illy
pumping pP "A ser rtif01n$oin.-The friends of
l,• rvorh to be the best.
on Dtonday. lames Sri isy, forrserty,sf his town, will
inarticular atontionpaid to horses with unsound
SCHOOL'S OIIT.-Tlie public schools ofthis be pleased to learn that he is meeting feet' and horses shod to prevent interfering or fors-
town were dismissed for the Christmas with groat 'success in Jus 'enterp}use at ;c'g'-a. pltEAVER.
holidays on Wednesday ;evening,. tinder Pelee Island; Essex county. • During .the V ingham. Dee, 1, 1885.-3m.
;the new Act relating to publicschools the Present year he,made(1,016gallons of Borg -
holiday in eities,,towus and incorporated hunt syrup,' the product of six .acres. The 4. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF POLI-
villages is made to correspond' with, the carie was of theEarlyAmber` and' Early TICS, SOCIETY AND LITERA-. :
r Cu¢zuiKtt--LastPriday a rink composed of highschool holidays. Thus the central Oran; e'varieties, and some, of it yielded TITRE.-
Sohn Hanna, John Coad, John J. Ander- school will reopen on Thursday, Jae. 7th, 200 gallons to the acre. The syrup
have a twirl at the .staneS.
sou and A. R. Morris went to They
uknw to instead of Monday, the4th, eaves generally brought 40 to 50 :cents a gallon. Besides r EE
Luunderstood. • • this, Mr. Srigley sold over 81• tons of Con -
TO $ SORisia11S.
.4 great many subscriptions to Tun Tiaras
•e:ilevpir•e on the la of,Tanuarll, and uo trust
otir friends uilt be prompt in Tenoning. Retn°m•
1 L that by ftayinp promptly in advance you 'rum
•,rct elle paper for the year for 51,00, °thereto
+,;c •rate of $1.2510'11 be strictly ahem? to. Let
nevi sater:ter kindly maks a little for and pay
r.hat is due, and a year` ia advance, and we WV
,guarani° a substantial inipro'emant iw the 'get•
top of Tun. Trus next year. • The individual
enti.vuts ars small, but trhen pothered t pother
Meg make a tarp° sem, and would leave a hand-
.s •r sutl)lus milt which to carry ord oontemplat,
cd istZ,ror•ctneuts,- Jct each snbacribar fake this
.as a personal irelr(ati°ta and moo prmnptly.
Tu.s regular session of the Division
Court was held in tufa town an l>tlouday,
and atilt. w cumber at oases Were disposed
Now is your time to order year X.mae
Cakes at the Doreinio}a Bakery. All the
latest*Washington oake mixtures are to be
had at the Dominion Bakery, *
Tull • Methodist church advertises in
another oolumu for tenders for 20 cords of
dry and 10 cords o£ green wood: Farmers
would de well to make a note of this,
To Rear. -The old established pump
works belonging to the bite Thos. Mallin,
boated ap Iaucknow; riau by horse power;
an excellent opening. Apply to Mrs, Thos,
Mullin, Luckuow.
Tan Thies wishes all its patrons and E. J• Smariaironr, agent of the G. T. R.
. friends ail Terry Christmas. in this town, can now issue tickets to Win -
Brea Mess will be celebrated in the iiipeg and all poiuts west on the Canadian.
•Cathelio church, inthis town, next Sunday 1?aoifio yafhvay, having recently received
morning at 10:30 o'clock, au tlr city to do so,
For Cash for another m ,utb.
Boots do Shoes,,
You cannot fail in securing just w!•svt
you want. We menti Inuit..
tress girl will not be Mien
sold,so come alung and
secure' bargains.
Soma of Oar
Manes, I nnvass,.•-If you want a good
•frttiug collar or a first class harness go to
• H. Guest, Scotch Collar and IIarnees
Natter, Wingliem.
THE TIMES carrier boy will prosent his
,annuai.i4ddress to his patronti next week,
•aiid we trust he will be remembered in a
:substantial Manner by them.'
`Pon SALE, --4 ,,Singer 'isewing machine,
'Ver manufacturing purposes, belonging to
Jebel 'Tindall estate; will be sold cheap
Apply to T. DTcClymont, exeeutor. *
Evna^r Saturday night during the winter,
Mrs. Anderson -will give au oyster sup..
per at her restaurant, opposite the Bank o£
Hamilton, when rams or stews will be
served at 15 cents per dish. Oyster 011115
received direct from the boats at New
York., *a
Wirta Funeral Furnishings are wetted.
:leave your order with S. Graeey,whokeeps
wll the necessaries for 1'nnerals, $at Crape,
Gloves, &a•, all furnished and Funerals :at.
' tended to promptly. Charges reasonable.
S. ey•, Undertaker, Wingham. * -
oil in the morning; but refused to tell how
the score stood. It was learned, however, LAST Thursday night Mr. mid Mrs. John cord grapes the past season, the product
thatthey received a terrible licking, hence Earles retuned from. Toronto whither they of. 3} acres. Tie also obtained 500 bushels
•ti ." ., d Bono to consult Dr. I'empl xegardind beetstan � frons.,4 aeras, h800 bushels, rof
:> lirarlodesty. had
e'''x ILttense4sa-3,?msaa-T.-edWin. Is ,ister, of r"s.`La es' se' •,A
.fter a careful eYain- r . 10- 1 a ., f
'Morris, the outer .day.received aliaurl"some. ivation the doctor pronounced it at case of
of or rn and a quantity of hay and other. Tm
EE'wpEK, "Canada's Literary Jot at.° appeals
andvaluable pht7stmas present' from his Dancer of the liver, and bald outbut little by its comprehensive table of content! to the differ.
hoes of her recover However he re- produce -all the above being grown on • 26 enttastes which exist within the circle of s cultured
•brother Malobhn Ishister who lives in the P y" home,; and will endeavor faithfully to. reflect and
acres that he 'had • uuder, celtivatiol A
North West, -in the shape of ,a buffalo skin commended a °ours of medicaltreatruent, suutwanf the intellectual, Fiction, in'the political move•
- number of cattle, t3 sue and gbher animals sura s of the day. also in' the form bath of
;overcoat, trimmed with Coon skin. The which he said was Ilea' 'only chance. She. serials and short stories, alio oucupias a'proniinent
axment fi$s the owner to per£eotfon, aiid bas been taking the inedxoine :furnisli'ed, were:also raised aiid f:ttuned .for market._ place., In Politics THE WEEK is thoroughly inde'-
Th18 ie Ce rxainly a`,good showing, and re pendent. It isunlranunoed by party connections,
is, of course, highly prized by him. but thus far there are no Sivas of improve- tree from party leanings, unbiassed by party consid-
went. - : 'fleots credit upon the energy; and intelli- . orations. In.Canedian polities itsdesire :will be to
;�� "'Till; store adjoining Wm. Mnllen'sinthe further, to the utmost of its -power, the free and
•., Boca,' healthy development of the Nation.
g $Tr.:brigle}..
,,Royal block; is beingfitted-ails throughout' rue NosunaTloxs -The nomination -of READ THE' RdLLCWING LIST OF CONTRIhQ-
P ° sena Ur, - ansies Our." -Between 4 .—Tons:—
"for M. S. Ostrander, of Tilsonbuxg, who candidates for offices of Mayo i, reeve an .
r and 6 o'cluck Su-Way:lnore:mg. as>I)llnoau Prof. Goldwin Smith, Principal Grant,. D. 7)., Louts
-mill open a boot and Shoe t ilufactery; deputy -reeve will be held in the council, • c Honore khgchetto;' Wm. Houston,F. Blake Crofton,
"there the beginning of Januar.= Mr, Os- chamber nett. Monday morningat 10 112cCollam, a. L., R. Oe B. conductor, was G, mercer Adam, .'slims MinorProf. Wm. Clark,
" n walking along ,7osepl}fue street, 'lie' espied
M. Ao John Meade, George Stewart jr., Prof. Mur-
trander is highly spoken of as •a pushing o aloe]:, and the 'nomination 'of caudidaaes, ray, I D D Chas: Lindsey Thos' hashes R C
-and energetic business man, and we pre- .for the. offices of municipal councillors and
' diet for him -abuazdant'success in our live- school trustees will be held on .the sank
ly town. Say, commencing at 12'o'clook, noon, atthe
CATINIVAx,.-A grand masquerade'oarnival following .places.: Ward No. 1, at WM.
will be held at the roller rink this evening, Bidd's office ; Ward No: 2,'et H. Guest's
When valuable prizes will be awarded for shop Ward No. Stat the.council chamber:
the Bost' ladies' and gents' costumes. Ward No: 4, at -Inglis. & Co's. mill, , The
Among other attractfone will be a band of :election will bo held on the following Mon:
Indians from the North Weab in their war day. • ` •
paint and savage costumes, and e. two-mile ' T� Tiiurrs dropped. into Samuel Nickel's
race' open to. -boys• under 13 years of age. ' carriage factory the other day and found
• A number of skaters from neighboring rinks .things booming for all they are worth, and
''will he present, and this •prorniees to be the the num are oompelled to work over -time
best carnival of the season. ' to turn grit all the ;orders when promised.
A Wan:rive.-Itisreported that a number Among the fobs under way are a two -
of informers are working up delfiignents, seated. dog cart sleigh for Ben, Willson, a
an iiurroundiug: counties in the matter of wo seatedpleesure sleigh for John Dinsley,
regimering births, marriages and deaths,
end there is a likelihood of ; them striking,
this neighborhood at any time. Such
being , the case it .would' be well
for . those ' interested to see' meat
the births, marriages and deaths are
duly registered with the clerk of the
municipality. The penalty for neglect is
020, half of which goes to tire. informer'.
Cnittsrar.s 1'A' its. -We ate in receipt of
the Christmas Humber of the 'Toronto ,
Globe, and a magnificent number it is, dropped into Tie Three ctfice en Monday "covered, the enief nabbed hint wad i g,n on glass• pitcher, one handsome sal.
It comprises 22 pages, With an titer toil t,e• and suggested to elle editor that an addle brought frim triumphantly to the lockup: ver; nd for every u ribs 50e. 'Tea your
cover, fl11e,1 with interesting (,Iiristmas cu "What one dollar will buy," would bo It Was found that the man was not the to tl eeanlo pltlof $1.00,{cry and glassware
matter and a host of prize stories. Ae. an appropriate one at this festive -season dangerous character he Was taken to be,
ooln mai ieg the paper is a fail for his mammoth iutellcet to tackle. ,It being none other than Chitties Powers, a ,
t 5 � P p Mage eta Don t titinlc beaalise these presents
greying entitled "Miss Canada"r--ilio finest happened this morning, that'hve forgot one young min ; employed in ]lradwin's pot. are big value that the tea, • is not
Tepreaentation of that young lady we have massive intellect, he vitae left it ae ileum ;in . tern, Olid who has hitherto borne an 'ex- Board, Z meat, business and' when t
oven seen. ` The paper is it monument of oat other.luat, and. now that mel 'attonipt cellent" character. An investigatiorr show- cut do goods. 1 go deep. X liavls
newspaper enterprise and 18 o^tccedsngly to checuss-tl'ris important tluoatiou we fled edtliat several largo lroles' lad been bored always •helderecl ill having the Profit'
crreditable to the Globo. The London Ad- oursolyes almost at sear.. 'Wo know of lots in the post office dooi`, lust:below the boltr:.i:yself, but this title 1 Will give my
vertiser also issued e. Christine:a number of things that a dollar will tbuy, and we, and the evidentintehtion was to insert the' patrons the benefit for tilirtjt daysfrom
last Saturday --a 20 page sheet, with a• know tint tett dollars will buy tett times baud„ withdraw the bolt ud thus gain lOth inst., for spot Dash.
Clove --being the.lrartdssl ,sa^Nsr over issued
more than one dollar, but at enema ale acceSs 'Loth* building.. Vhen ;Power' was Thanking you for .your past p,'ttron-
in 'Woi:t rn Outarin. T;; war' a, intuiimotb cannot recall all n thofn to our mini. It' arraigned before Mayer, ereleauleson Mon- age, 1 remain yours truly+
rin1=tts,kin;; for 11 treat City journalismifrccure to u:;, however', teat the best value day uroraing oh a charge of .attornpted,
, .>1:fa. �!f u :afrii lee c:x,trnple of tiler • Suit now for one dollar is Tun Toms for a' but' liti'y, he pleaded guilty and was, com;
- vc,,,,r. °,nil we wurrlcl eilvl,ie th+,ne -who have witted for trial. 11r. wee falcon to (snider
t.t•, .,..,..,•...... December 7tltt 1886;
seed, 5,000 grape worts; about' 700- bushels •--
a man :diligently at work with a brace and John Charles Dent, Mfrs. Kate Seymour :McLean, Miss
tit lroringiholes in thepost office: door. Maehar (Fidelis); Miss Louisa Murray, Dr. Daniel
o, Wilson, J'.1Iunter Dnvar, :and °there.
Dunrran went up to' the rnau and asked C Blackett Robinson,what he VMS trying to de, when he was in
formed that "it'was none of his business." BUBLISHE1t.
Then Duncau asked the man if he would
Sample Copies Free on .Application.
remain there until he went fol", (thief
Pettypieee, and the would-be burglar as- s a n h Rp/n� eaten
eared him he would.• When,the chief and I4' �ai"inn ' . Y I onfan .I
bis escort returned .a few• minutes later ,
the bird had flown. 7.'ine ta4-in trackeh
the man to the black; bridge, ,shout a mile
south of the. team, when?'they discovered
him at the side of, the road among some
trees. They did not know but what he 30 lbs. good ricefor $1-.00.
might be a thorougli,bred, XXX, all•wool- 14 lbs, liesbrt sea tsforted snot -far' 1 00
and-a-yard=wide burglar, so Dune. inquir- 5 bars elebtile soap for 25e,
ed of the chief in a low voice, "Siy,'.3 lb
haenvolver had Gaorge. But Dune. was 1 box L+"ddyts matches for 7c.
quill to the emetgeney,:and pulling w sil-
r•mou>i�ted lead pencil fiom his pocket, And for oyery 1b. of 50o. Tea yon buy we
lYepoi1tea'it'at the' pan. In the bushes wilLgtvOyoUyour choice ofthe fol.
being displayed: Mr, Nickel is gauping an aiid shouted, "Hands up, thumbs out." lelairtioles Free excellent reputation in In particular line ' When the man saw the lead pehoil glisten- ' A handsore ' motto, china cup and
of business, wlr ell coconuts for the rush of ung with deadly glare ih the moonlight he saucer, oue lb..'choice mixed candy, three
work he is enjoying knew his.Dose was pocked, 'gm up went Hint lamp glasses, medium eize, and with
every three. lbs, 50c 'Tea, your choice of
Wirier $1 `'Jar Bina -John Hanna, both hands. While the man was thus either one ib,1'rince -Wales tobacco one
See If 't Can;
s nreav raisliie £or 2Oc.
George, have you got a revolver? Nary 3 t1Ci'hoes Ct1rll starch for
land a two -seated sleigh for Wm. Blaclt s ++ p
livery, all new and elegant patterns. i2 " 2 cake salmon £ox 2• 5a
sides these there are a number of han
some jobs for other psrties upon whie
excellent meclianical and artistic work is
E. flowers
We are alsotaking the lead in the
lam „aro
Any person requiring rPquirin„ nla) thing in
this line will6nc1 it. to their .
vantagevantageto deal with us.
are prepared taiirzlrtasiti
quantity of woodin
zoo OFF rut,. C ASI
�ct �er
Winghttln Deo, 18, 1885
Plonr p,.rcwt. $2 26 lb 2 50.
Flour per bbl,........ h 50 to 5 00
Pali ‘bheat per bus.... 70 'to- .. ►,S
Spring 45 to 80,
Oats rc qa ,.. 2S tC,' ;1L)
13iti'1ey ,. rt 45 • to' • 55
Peas '< <t ... , ) to Ski
retatOea new ... 25 to ,Z ,
Butter per lir........,... 14 to 15
Eggs per doz... 15 to* " 45 ..
Hay per ton new ..,..,800 f (,. ) Cl(-)
'S`•ed,'...«..........t1 3U t•J T 'i:*