HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-12-25, Page 5• • TEM MA.YOri,ALTY. However well qualified for his pos. Con, or efiloicnt1U his services, in the advancement of the town, he is utterly powerless in:stopping what everybody 4rmErws to bo a fuo—the fast increas- ing business of the Arm of Vessra, 'Seat Al Boll, wholesale and retail Furniture manufacturers, of Wingliam, This firm,has been engaged upwards of 15 years lu the manufacture -of Moo, Church, Lodge and Elouscholci Furniture. Weare now able to-. fill all orders. wholesale and retail, We cannot be undersold, as we are the 'largest mayufactuyers in Huron. Try us for Parlor and Bedroom Suites: 'Furniture orders in car loud lots :always hue our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken in 'exchange for !Furniture. Mahogany, Walnut and :Marble Top Furniture always iu stook. SCOTT''44,1 BELL, Wingham. HEALTH IS ivEALTii. f0,4v A). • if!! Tieg ..... E Dr. E. 0. West's Nerve and Brain' Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Madness, Convul- * ,don, Fite, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration,caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, 'Wakefulness, Mead DepreSsion, Softening of the airain7resulthur in insanity and leading to misery, decay.and •death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of 'Power in either sex Involuntary Losses and tettati caused by over-exertion of the Brain, tio;N:buse or over -indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1. a. box, or six boxes for .$71, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any ease. With each order received by us Thr six boxes, accompanied with $S, we will send. the lisErchaser our 'written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a onre. Guarantees issued only by 0. E. Williams, Winghein. sum N CD CD w 04 LAI CD CD ct CD irtq tuve ano 1 ea t • ELEGANT AND DESIRABLE • floiida —SUITABLE FOR EVE,taBODY • co MAKE NO MISTAKE. DO NOT LAY OUT A DOLLAR IN PRS' EIT11-3 UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR SPLENDID STOCK babsolobobeht thshehmitiolothsobcotio isishiliols110110 41010114%1110110104111011f101011111111°1 A Choice and Well Selected Line of New Attractions in °V thel er cksiJewiry eltiev, ttes Beyond all Question the Most Complete and Best Assortment of' Really Desirable At .Prices that Defy Competition. iHrrEn at a3Cap POST OFFICE BLOCK NM A. Fine and New Stock Df Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurance Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylo,graphic Pens. Also a tine lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and: Every. thing in the line of drugs and Druggists Sundries you want at - THE PHARIVIAGY. .111r. TOWLEITS Dinue STAME, W 1 0-1:1: STEAMSHIP NOTICE.—Tickets issued at reduced tares to Europe y the Beaver, State and Inman Lines of Steamships. To all points in Florida and Texas—very iow—via "The Mallory Line," tillonly through line from New York. EARRY HISCOCKS, Has the Finest Stock of HOcild y Groceries, Etc, Ever Shown in Wingham, Oa]} and Examine his Stock NEW 300±-c... ST10±=§ 0 -Ravin°. purchased the Book, Stationery and Fancy Goods stock of All Reading at a great reduction on cost, I am now selling off these goods at such exceedingly- ]ow prices as surprise my customers. ' Wall Paper at 5 cents and up. .Paper, New Patterns, at 1 cents and tip, • Other Goods Equally Low. "0 WINGHAM, ONT, PALL ko,!Th WINTER SUITS 0. 000-00C C 10$4 ECPBELL, THE TAILt R Has just received from New York: the latest fashion plates of Fall and Winter Suits. Alarge number of styles to se- lect from. • Don't fail to see them5. I have in,rgc and fine selections of CHRISTMAS and other new goods corning. S cliool Supplies aways on Hand Customers will find that 1 do as 1 advertise. Wingham, Nov. le, 1881. J. B. FE;t\CUSON. Damon Vook,,Oppcs:te The Royal 000 —000 000 IF YOU WANT A. STYLISH OR BUSINESS SUIT AND A GOOD FIT CALL ON W. A. CAMPBELL - SCOTT'S OLD BANK. THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE AND THE THOUGHTFUL HOUSE HROL r ROVIDE FOR CHANGING WEATIlEii • BY SELECTING THEIR GOODS NOW, ANI) INSPECTiNG —THE IMMENSE STOOK DISPLAYED BY— WHITNEYfri DUFFIELD Giv all classes a chalice to invest their means:to the best advantage in COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COM -STOVES ,,p„„1„!„, „ :so PUMA ' AND RANGES, TINWARE, . • 4 ,1101.391.12,11111-.C%., Lamps, Lamp Goods, CuMery and Woodenware.. And in fact everything for a house from garret to collar in our Hue. An cricati and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesa.ti and leLul. Eavutroughing a specialtyRepairing neatly and prom/Ay done. Also sole agentr. for the Celebrated Rochester Electric Lamp. Don't make any nustake but call and inspect our stock and gel, our pi ieos. WHITNEY & D 1:VALTht, SEONE •'BLOCK, IVINC;11A,M,. • t,