HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-12-25, Page 4e ....77"77-77:""7111174 TSTIMINIIISPIMMWRIPMvser • 01,;43m-rx 1.41,7,,YIZIOEAXIATMair WACTOLL=YVVM.:EMr47.KL:7-'...1.r, - ng euffer their not to sorrowfully Ontario lentislitture will meet C I IR am, oi,imc$ 'abide in cold mid comfortless homes, o- Thursday,. Jan. 28, 1880. ee-e, - selves in comfortable robes and pass 18814 s 110 I 114 , joy the blessings of life while some of week, and it will be a difficult Matter ICa It is wrong Met we blIOUld wrap 013r- ' I tl iartimilarly new FeeIDAy, DEo. emu. leein by on the other side aml selfishly ell, nninieipod matters to report this ta ew our fellonecitizens are OUtrering from detrmine ho are golug to run, and I Want of food and elethieg, To re- for what awe until next IN/outlay, CelleeSTelete DA.Y". "Christmas conies but once a year, / lieve those in dist.es will not tax our The oply caudidates we know of as , 1 ability or visibl affect our financial segnifying their intention of running Anil when it comes it brings good cheer." Christmas day—overflowing wit 1 Y aro l‘faeor Neelands for the mayoralty I standing', and if we overlook and Deightet and holiest associations, in. lect eMid Walter Seott for the reeveship. It ngthem we commit a griev, Lensed with prayer And resounding te etated that Jelin J. Andersou is in ous wren°. Christ came to perform 'eith praise, mirthful with laughter and th enisy with greetings, covered with e mat work of reconciliation, to decorations and burdened with gifts, return us to the friendship of God. In itoxicated with joy and crowned with the bustle and excitemeet of this oodness—has once more kindly husv age misunderstandings and dis urned to ladden our hearts - gre- putes are sure to arise, and not un- :gand brighten our homes. We gladly em- brace this opportunity of conveying, to -ell our friends and readers joyful greet- 1ngs, sincerly wishing them a Merry Ohristmas and a Happy New Year. United Christendom gladly assigns to this day the loftiest place of honor. The different nations of the earth ob- serve and honor different days in cam- inemoration of distinguished events that mightily influenced their national strength, progress and character, The brilliant victories in those tremendous conflicts which convulsed the world and deluged fields with blood, and- the kings and generals who led on the triumphant armies, are enehroned in the history, memory, and heart of the nation. The return of July 4th ex- cites the heroic pride and arouses to the highest pitch of enthusiasm the American Republic, and.she gives ext - the field for the deputpreevoship, but what degree of truth there is in the rumor we do not know. The present reeve has not been presented with that "numerously signed requisit:on," and is not likely to be, ether. broken and destroyed. This is the her, and it is frequently the cords of friendship; are not known 'whether he has determined time to put in operation the lto run without 'it or not. Monday w of will tell, bey/even forgiveness ; this is the time for en- largiug our charity, fel' healing up old Palace Bookstore. wounds of strife and bitterness, for drawing closer to each other 11:C -the XMAS 1885. bonds of unity and love, for deepening and proving our sympathy for the sick, the sorrowful, the needy. Let our better natures stand forth ; let our love and sympathy spread forth into all the duties of our profession, all our opportunities of social intercourse, all ()cessions for lightening the burdens of others, and of helping on their joy, and we shall be amply rewarded with M a erry Christmas arid a Happy New SEE THE 5 & 10c pression to her feelings in e1 open oratiens, olazirg fireworks, militai y parades end sham encounters,' The mention of famed Waterloo stirs the brave and strong heart of the British Empire, and she gladly pours forth her ' tribute of praise anct will never efface from her memory that glorious victory and, the honored name of the distin- guished soldier who commanded her armies—the Duke of Wellington. A.nd so it is with every nation. But judgment of the Supreme Court ;to througuont the extensive domains of the effect that the power to issue Christendom the glorious memories tavern and shop licenses rests exclu- awak-eued by the arrival of Christmas sively with the Provincet;, and rever- ses the decision. of the Supreme Court HuIIS C12 as to the powers to issue wholesale '44 MORCIREADING. • and vessel licenses. The Supreme Court had decided that the power over wholesale and vessel licenses resided in the Dominion. The Privy Council, however, decided the other way, and holds that this power also is vested in the Provinces. Taus has the Privy Council decided once more that .Sir John is not- a constitutional liteeier, but that he is a would-be .usurper of. Provincial rights, and it has onee more borne testimony to Oliver Mpwat's unquestionable ability tie,- a constitutional lawyer and champion Of Provincial rights. It said so in the' Insurance case ; m the Escheat case ; Do you. want to borrow money? To buy in the case of the Queen vs. Hodge ; int:Ireland for Yourself or Your Sons. To in the Rivers and Streams Bill case ; build a House or Barn. To Fence, Clear in the Boundary case ;and now i Underclraln, or. otherwise improve Land an • To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. 0 the License case. for any other Purpose, If you do the un dersigned aro able to Loan at the lowes rates ef Interest and more reasonabl In view of the decision of the Privy Terms than any one else in this section 0 Council, ie is feared that further diffi• the country. MEYER Sc DIOKENSON, culties may arise to obstruct the Bai risters, Wingham Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Geo.. MASON Is now showing the largest assortment of 'Xmas Cards., Toys, Fancy Goods, Miscellaneous Boolts, SATCHELS, PLUSH. GOODS, &c., Ever offered in Wingham. • WINDOWS. Year. • . ANOTHER PROVINCIAL VICTORY. • The great constitutional lawyer and usurper of Provincial rights, Sir John lefacdonald, has sustained still another defeat at the hands of the Hon. Oli. ver Mowat, "the little Premier" of Ontario, this time being on the liquor license question. The Imperial Privy council has just given its decision on the Dominion Government's appeal from the Supreme Court of Canada as to -the constitutionality of the Do- minion License Act. It confirms the have made it incomparably the glad. dost and happiest day that the sun shines on. The most eminent and hon- ored event in the secular records of the world dwindles into utter insignificance in comparison with the great event which we are expected to loyally cele- brate to -day, viz.: the advent into this world of Jesus Christ, the found- er of the Christian religion. Job tells ne when the foundations of the earth: were laid "T.he morning stars sang to- gether, and all the sons of God shout- ed for joy." And at this Christmas tide we commemorate a new creation, a new age, a new birth for the world, the foundation of a new heaven and new earth, • Then let the morning stars once more sing together and. all the sins ot God shout for joy. It was the edvent of Christ that brought down the angelic attains of heaven to thrill throngh human ears ; it was tens that filled all heaven with joy, send flooded the earth with light. All the associations of this day conspire to make glad our hearts and our operations of the Scots Act. The fact homes. The happy family reunions, that the Dominion License Act, Ole hearty, family greetings, the fest- whieh has been declared uneonstitu- b e gatherings which will crowd and tionale comprises clauses providing for gladden the precious hours of Christ. the enforcement of the Scott Act, and was, 1885, will be almost beyond Qom. which he been wiped out with the putation, and all professedly held, in rest dill° Act, would naturally lead honer of the infant, born over eigh. to this conclusiole This being the teen centuries ago in. a mean stable itt case it remains fee the Provincial Bethlehem of Judea. Christ was.Ged's 'Governplato make such provision as .inestimable gift to man, and through will reserve the Scott Act intact and this marvellous expression of heavenly prove:to-for its proper enforcement, lore originated the universally observ- fld and beautifullyexpressivecustoth of M. 0, Oeleeetee, M. P. is malting distributing gifts, Duringeteiis festive arrangements to deliver an addrese, he floason let us not fail to Temember the Wingham, on sortie of the leading poor and needy. We have it in our political questions ot the day, and al. power to gladden hearts and homes Lthough the date has not been dean - now clvvriess an:, desolate through, aely fixed, it will. likely be the early want,And, suffering. Although Wing. !part of next month. Mr, Cameron is. hatu'Is not oppressed with much pov. 'ono of the ablest and most eloquent 4rty,still there are families in our town (haters in the Dominion, •and we feel T F 13LAOK'q 'YOIJE PATRONAGE SOLICITED, G'II®_ ivr_A_SOM\T, MASON )31,001f. 72,000 COPIES Per Weds Sworn citculation Daily and Weekly Free Press. BEST FAMILY PAPER IN CANADA. Established 41 Yeare. • Largest Eighlage P/Ietropolitan Week- iy Pupas m the Dominion. KING Or WEEKLIES! TILE .PE,BE PRES S . LONDON ONT. The Agricultural Department is a noted feature of tho "Free Press," being always up to the times andmonducted by personspractioally Skilled in farm work. uJ 1.1•1 By Telegraph, Telephone, Mail end Correspondence up to the hour r"". of publication. . r— '4 SPECIAL MARKET DEPARTMENT ...4 n • ,t = r..4 AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. rri CAPITAL STORY ALWAYS EVENING. r INGENIOUS L'Uk1LE COLUMN. • JUST THE THING FOB THE I,AMILY. Every member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. LARGE $1 PAPER ! In clubs of four and upwards, 75e. each. .—BALANCE OF 1885 FREE.— More money can be made by agents in canvassing for the "Free Press'.' than at any other employment. $12,000 in Premiums given away to Agents The most liberal inducen ents ever offered in Can- ada to patties getting up clubs for the Weekly ?Imo Press. Send for a copy of our Premium List, and see the Inducements we are offering. Sample copy Roe on application. Free Press- Printing Co. LONDON - CANADA. d 0 Farrne wpers ASTOUNDINI Iva' -1, eee reen.ate The Greatest Offer yet, at OPPOSITE TIIE BRUNSWICK HOUSE, WINGHAM, oc Heavy Reduction of our stock must be mado within the next Six4y Days as we prefer the cash to employ in our SPRING PURCHASES, SILVERWARE —AND - 7 To Carrying Goode Over. 00' T LS IS TO BE A GENUINE SLAUGHTER AND -ALL; WE i3AY TO YOU IS COME AND FIXAIVIINE. . TAKE NO ASSERTIONS EITHER FROM COMPETITORS. OR OURSELVES WITHOUT PROOF. In Dress Goods we offer you a chance that will pay good interest to buy and keep the goods for making up months hence. Celnnerte at 1flee worth 25o. ALL WOOL French Cashmere worth 45c at ne per yard. 'Reantifut ALL WOOL GOOD 8 at 271c formerly sold at 37ic and. considered cheap at that price. Shirt lining at fic a yard.. Great Reduction'throughout our stock. A large assortment in Knit Shawls, Clouds and Hoods at 80c on the dollar of wholesale cost. JEWELRY, POSITIVELY AT UNTIL JANUARY lst 1806 "MIST BE CLEARED OUT AT whorequireltindly andsubstantial hep.! assured that ho moot with a Onripg, our haerry:tetelung, and feast.: cordinal re.Ceptipn weenevee he oomes5. 4 1...11_11.1aNT 2a. -y A lovely assortment of -trimmed hats which we offer dnring this sale at twenty-five per cent. discount from the prices which havtt.. been pronounced aheady remarkably low. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING MUST BE CLEARED OUT REGARDLESS OF COST. We repeat tbe request,—Ceme and prove the truth -of. our .a.S.cier- tions. These goods 1VIII 'ST BE SOLD. THE BARGAIN SALE, OPPOSITE THE BRUNSWICK HOUSE, WINGHAM. 177-11,]7\ LE W. urAPILL)LERSITOT. B. GRAC E Y, The LEADING UNDERTAKER. iNT� PT_ A_M _ rr FALL IMPORTATIONS Immense Bargains at the Corer • Store. 0 Our Stock of Pall and Winter Goods is complete, and at Greatly Reduced Prices. in Dress Goods will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitings, Woo] Plaids. Special Bargarns in Ulster Cloths, Blue, Brown, Black and Grey. large stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination Snits. A fine selection of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, In Ready Made Clothing a large assortment, Stylish and quality' unsurpassed. A large consignment of Overcoats just to hand in Men's Boys' and Youths' Knitted Wool Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, I -Tats, Caps, &e. Boots and Shoes from the best makers. A large stock ef Pure and Fresh Grocer- ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in New Designs. Our stock was never hotter 'assorted than at the present time, • From now until the lst of Janilary we will give Special Bargains in every depart- ment. Don't forget to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We mean business and will not be undersold. 1Ve have a large stock and want to sell the goods. W. ELLIOTT Corner Store. Winghtlina..