Clinton News-Record, 1953-12-24, Page 8PAGE EIGIBT
CLIN"i<Y1N rmwsm,Eccolp
News of Bayfield
1$$ LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 415r3
4 -+++r•• -•-s • 4 -•-••••+•$ e
Mrs. F. A. Lawson spent the
weekend with Mr and Mrs. May-
nard. Corrie and family.
Master David Corrie went to
London on Sunday tobe thee
of Ms aunt, Mrs. Les. R. Gray, for
a few days.
Mrs, William R. Elliott left on
Sunday for Kitchener. Her hus-
band will join her on Thursday
for Christmas.
Mrs. George Wright returned to
London on Sunday after having
spent a week with her daughter,
Mrs. Arnold Makins.
Charles Bell and Don -motored
to Collingwood on Friday for Geo-
rge Bell who is home after a sail-
ing season as third engineer a-
board the S.S. "Prindoc."
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham,
London, spent the weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Heard. Also with them
on Sunday to celebrate the family
` gathering at Christmas were Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Heard, London,
and Mr. and Mrs. George Heard,
United WA
The annual, meeting of the
Woman's Association of St. And-
rew's United Church was held at
the home of Mrs. P. Renner on
Tuesday evening of last Week with
a good attendance. The president,
Mrs. L. Makins, opened the meet-
ing with a Christmas poem.
The yearly business was trans-
acted and the reports all showed a
substantial balance, Before bring-
ing in the slate of officers for the
new year, Mrs, Makins expressed
her appreciation for the co-opera-
tion which had been given her in
her 15 years of leadership of the
WA, and extended her good wishes
to the new president.
The officers for 1954 were pre-
sented as follows; past president,
Mrs, Lloyd Makins; president, Mrs.
.Gordon Scotchmer; first vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. L. Talbot; second vice-
president, Mrs, I. Steckle; third
vice-president, Mrs. Bert Greer;
secretary, Mrs. C. •Scotehmer;
treasurer, Miss J Stirling. Rev.
P. Renner declared them officially
., , •
... and this wish: May suety brand' •
en your tree bear the symbols of
a happy Christmas celebration.
Our greatest delight, at this happy time of
she year, is to wish our many loyal customers
and friends a holiday season filled with the
sparkly and gaiety of the Yuletide spirit.
H. C. Lawson
Insurance and Real. Estate
Notice of
Nomination Meeting
A Meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith
will be held in
Watson's Hall, Kippers
Monday, Dec. 28
1953, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices
of Reeve and Councillors or 1954 and School Trustees (2 to
be elected) for the years 1954-55.
Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock
to two o'clock in the afternoon.
In the event of more being nominated than are required
to fill the positions,
An Election
will be held on
Monday, January 4th, 1954
Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the
following places;
P.S.D. No. 1—Mrs. Sheila King's--D.R.O., Harry Chesney
House, Egmondville--P.C„ William Cameron
P.S.D. No. 2—S.S. No. 8 —D.R.O., Roy McGeoeh
P.C.. William Scotehmer
P.S.D. No. 3—S.S. No. 4 —D.R.O., W. 1'. Roberts
. , . . • ... 44 . , P.C., George Turner
P.S,D. No, 4--S.S. No. 3 . , -- 7►.R,Oo Norris Sillery
.... P.C., John Broadfoot
I.S.D. No. 5-S.S. No. 113"11,0., Melville Tra.quair
P.C., Glenn Bell
P.S.D. No. 6—S.S. No. 9 .. - D.R.O., W. S. Broadfoot
P.C., Robert Gemmell
Returning Officer
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs, William McGuire
rare spending the Christmas season
in Goderich with Mr. and Mrd.
Frank Jeffrey, and plan to s eend
part of the winter there, Mrs,
McGuire's parents are not in the
best of health,
Mrs. Makins was completely
taken by surprise when Mrs. F,
Watson stepped forward and read
an address, and Mrs. Renner pre-
sented her with a certificate of
life membership of the Wornan's
Association of the United Church
of Canada, together with the WA
pin bearing the crest of the United
Church. Mrs. Makins made a very
fitting reply in which she said
that she esteemed it a mark of
great honour to wear this pin.
Rev. Peter Renner made a few
kind remarks concerning the work
of the Woman's Association, after
which he closed the meeting with
prayer. A bountiful lunch was
served by the committee in charge
and a social half hour brought the
meeting to a close.
The Women's Auxiliary of Trin-
ity Church met at the home of
Mrs, N. W. Woods on Thursday
afternoon last,
Mrs. R. H. 'F Gairdner opened
the meeting with the litany and
members' prayer In the absence
of Mrs. George King, Mrs, E.
Heard read the portion of Scrip-
ture. The secretary's and treas-
urer's reports were given and
adopted. Mrs. Larson also read a
letter from the secretary of the
Diocese of the Arctic, acknowledg-
ing a small donation and asking
for the continued interest and
This Not So Foolish "Old Hen"
Protects Brood in Snowstorm
(By ,our Bayfleld correspondent)
A little story which might
be entitled "The Heroism of a
Hen" was told us recently by
Mrs, William R. Talbot, dau-
ghter of the late Mr, and Mrs,
George Dewar, BlueWaterer
Highway, Stanley Township.
Mrs. Dewar had turkeys
which were down at the end of
the garden, and also a hen
with a late hatch of chicks
when the storm hit on Decem-
ber 9, She feared for the saf-
ety of the turkeys and was
sure that the hen and her
brood would have beenblown
away and perished.
But when they went out
next morning, the turkeys
were foundto have weathered
the storm safely, They looked
around for signs of the hen
and chickens, and .found them
under a snowdrift with an air
hole at the top.
Mother hen had chosen a
sheltered spot near the bank
of the creek and gathered her
young in under her. The storm
had raged, the snow had fal-
len, but still she sat as it
drifted over the top, of her!
Her breath had melted the
snow and so kept a little hole
open in the top of the drift.
And so her young were kept
warm and dry until they were
rescued by Mr. Dewar.
prayers of this branch for the
great work in the northland.
The president introduced Mrs.
H, H, Ormond who gave a most
interesting talk onBr zit its
ples and terrain, which she en-
titled, "The Surprises of Brazil".
The country is larger than all the
rest of South America and em-
braces a hot climate in the north
and cold in the south. Mrs. Or-
mond also told of attending a
sewing circle at a church in Sao
Paulo fpr English speaking peo-
ples, and helping make baby
quilts, etc„ for a Salvation Army
Home and Orphanage. After a
period for questions, Mrs. Ormond
delighted those present by 'playing
carols on her accordian.
As a young lady, Mrs, Ormond
taught in a Presbyterian Church
school in Brazil, so she was no
stranger to the country when she
went to live in Sao Paulo where
Mr. Ormond, an engineer for the
Ford Motor Company, was engag-
ed in a building project for three
years before retiring to Bayfield.
The meeting was closed by re-
peating The Lord's Prayer in unis-
on, after which Mrs, E, Heard,
the hostess,' served tea.
Born—CRAIG Aileen and Bill
Craig wish to announce the birth
of their son, William Bruce, on
December 11, 1953, at Grace Hos-
pital, Toronto.
40 -*....40-00
'Santa Claus
A large number of children at-
tended the Santa Claus movies and
treats in Zurich Community Cen-
tre on Saturday,
Sunday Service
The Mission Band sang a num-
ber during the Christmas church
service on Sunday morning, "Away
in a Manger", accompanied by
Mrs. Bruce Keyes; also a trumpet
solo was given by Mrs. C. McBride
"Star of the Sea". The church
was decorated with evergreens and
coloured lights.
Mission Band
Goshen Mission Band opened
with "Away in a Manger" Mar-
lene McClinchey read the Scrip-
ture from Luke 2 : 8-17, and Gail
McBride offered prayer. The min-
utes were read by Gwendolyn Mc
Bride and 30 answered the roll
call. Donna Hayter and Gail Mc-
Bride took up the offering and
Mrs. CIare McBride read a Cbrist-
mas story.
WMS Meeting
The'W6pman's Missionary Society
of Goshen ;United Church held the
Christmas meeting at the home of
Mrs. James Keyes. Mrs. Robert
peck was in charge of the pro-
gram. Assisting were Mrs. Clare
McBride, Mrs. William Hayter and
Mrs. Murray Hohner.
Christmas hymns were sung and
Mrs. •Robert Peck read a story,
"What does Christmas mean to
you?" Rev, and Mrs. T. 3. Pitt g
sang a duet. The business was
conducted by Mrs. Richard Robin -
con. Rev. Pitt offered a prayer.
Mrs. Arnold Keyes read the min-
utes and a good number answered
the roll call. The treasurer gave
her report. Before election of of-
ficers, Rev. Pitt gave a short ad-
dress. Election of officers result-
ed as follows:
President, Mrs. Richard Robin-
son; first vice-president, Mrs. El-
mer Hayter; second vice-president,
Mrs. John Armstrong; third vice-
president, Mrs. Roy McBride;
fourth vice-president, Mrs. Bruce
Keyes; fifth vice-president, Mrs.
Melvin Elliott; sixth vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Robert Peck. These
vice-presidents will serve as group
Treasurer, Mrs. John Robinson;
recording secretary, Mrs. Arnold
Keyes; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. John McKinley; press cor-
respondent, Mrs. Clare McBride;
literature secretary, Mrs. Anson
McKinley; supply secretary, Mrs.
Floyd Armstrong and Mrs. John
Armstrong; Missionary Monthly
secretary, Mrs. Murray Hohner;
Associate Helpers' secretaries,
Mrs. Clarence Parke and Mrs. Al-
lan Armstrong; Christian steward-
ship secretary, Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kinley; temperance secretary, Mrs.
John Keyes; community friend-
ship secretaries, Mrs. William
Clark, Mrs. Russel Erratt, Mrs. C.
Park and Mrs. J. Keyes;
Baby Band secretary, Mrs. Floyd
Armstrong; organists, Mrs. Bruce
Keyes and Mrs. R. Erratt; birth-
day fund secretary, Mrs. Elgin Mc-
Kinley; greeting card secretary,
Mrs. Keith McBride; Mission Band
secretaries, Mrs. Bruce Keyes,
Mrs. Arnold Keyes and Mrs. Clare
McBride. The meeting closed and
lunch was served.
ur�fr, Pouble-rower Rehire
New mahogany plastic table model.
Stain, warp- fode•proof. 17.1n. Tuba.
Builhin UHF•VHF onlenno. New, im•
proved 1954 model.
• New, tttdlutive bbuble.Power Piclurel
• txtlusive bfstante SelectorSwilthl
Phone Clinton 634r4 i ,z+asw�a��llar�,pa�a
Ratepayers and others are requested to NOT
park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the Township
during the winter months in order to facilitate snow-
plowing operations. The township will no11 be respon-
sible for damages to any vehicle parked on roadsides
caused by snowplowing operations.
(Signed)—E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk
Our wish to you —
That your Christmas
be ever so joyful!
George C. German
Coal Dealer~
.41PaN.OtOt ha aTra4tI htrdtra Warr, azawt5MERt- 21M-20 5tym a tAMMANTA IhN
From the Staff of
1 a
'.il r;aa rga: ar' ago rma taxa`eratoomva'r�rur�mmtra a r a amt :
1 Christ
*. ..
Vey each shining light twinkllnq
on your Christmds tree, remind yea
of the warm. friendly wishes we eitend
is our many friends! May you have
• Very Happy Holiday .. e
D. A. KAY and SON
Painter's and Decorators
Floor Sanding
. 9tia;dal Ntaesui* 7.u;i %v11%14tA lnh #&it,
will be held In
Wednesday, December 30
at1.30 o'clock
KEITH TYNDALL, Secretary -Treasurer
S. Riddick and Sons
Phone 114
"Viravklaszo rma;t a#ra to amea)aayoaatrttromt lvi matt ?
Township Of Stanley
NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of electors,
for 'the nomination of candidates for the position of reeve,
councillors and trustees for the Township School Area, will
be held in the
Monday, -Dec. 28, 1953
between the hours of one o'clock and two o'clock in the
afternoon. -
If necessary, an election to fill the
above lamed positions or any of them will
be held on
Monday, January 4, 1954
at the following places and by the following named persons.
That is to say, in:
PSD Nb. 1—Baird's School DRO—Cliff Stewart
PSD No. 2—SS 10 School DRO—John Aikenhead
PSD. No. 3—SS 14 School DRO—Robert Flood
PSD No. 4—Twp. Hall, Varna.. DRO—Lloyd Keys
PSD No. 5—SS 5 School DRO—Frank McClinchey
PSD No. 6—SS 4 School, WDRO—Leonard Talbot
PSD No. 7—John Denomme's,..
Drysdale DRO—Philip Durand
PSD No. 8—Bayfield Town
Hall DRO—Harold Brandon
Commencing at 9 a.m. and continuing until 5 p.m.
FRED WATSON, Clerk and
Returning Officer
11-1 1_ I ID A. Y
In the spirit of friendliness and
good cheer of the Christmas Season
we thank you for the many favors, and
wish you all an old-fashioned Yule
Abounding with cheer and happiness.
•Canada Packers
szoizo aArTmba lionoro7mol0000tc •a aa,**litnbaha'or +tatliSaT+rAt