HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-24, Page 7/1DGYIbYbY YbY ,+z ..4„0000,womemoval A p11 m—Wife n i Y 4 fiztz THCTRSD.w, DECFrMi31 It, 24, 19o3 Classified Rates CASH RATE --- (If Paid by `Wednesday following date of in- 'osertion)- eTwo cents a weird first ensertion (minhnlun 50 cents); .;subsequent insertions 1z cents a word (minimum 36 events); 15 •/eents extra for box number or '.tor direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE -12 noon, Wedne day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT SEZ.F-CONTAINED 'Apartment. Phone Clinton 460R. ' 50-p 'UNFURNISHED APARTMENT to rent.Apply Bill Grigg. Phone Clinton 498W. 50-b SIX -ROOM COTTAGE with bath, hot air furnace, screens, storm windows and all modern conven- •lences. Immediate possession. Phone Clinton 595W. 50-1-b NICE FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE on Highway 8, between, Seaforth and Clinton. Available January 1. Equipped with hydro, hot and cold water on tap, floors covered with new linoleum. Phone Clinton 516r13. Apply Johnathan Hugill. 50-b Accorrrimodation Wanted APARTMENT WANTED, three :furnished rooms. Phone Clinton 219, 50-p WANTADS CLOTHING FOR SALE ONE OFFICER'S GREAT COAT. $1.0, Size 38, Apply L. D. Hol-- lannd,phone Clinton 130. 50-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goder1ch. Phone collect, 93032, or 936r21. 9-.ptfb DEAD, L)ISABLED HORSES Oft cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea- forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. LOST AND FOUND LOST—SNOW SHOVEL, opposite News -Record office, on Friday evening. Finder please phone 4 or contact the Clinton News -Record. 50-x MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- lieves quickly. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief too. ONE USED I.E.L. Super Pioneer Chain Saw, like new and guaran- teed, Can supply new I:E.L. Pow- er saws. Apply Robert Glen, Clin- ton. Phone Clinton 907r25. 49-50-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid initiation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb USINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- businessetrades listed: restaurants, gasstations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- eng. L. • G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448, 14-tfb BABY CHICKS - BABY CHICKS 17c -- PULLETS -- 22e ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCK Pullets, 17c; Sussex X New Hamp- sires, 22c; Sussex X Red, 26c; GW'tiite Rocks available weekly De - umber and .later, other breeds January 4 and later. Four and six week Sussex X Red Pullets avail- able December 15-29. Special price, Hatching weekly. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM. Phone Exeter '7 47-8-9-50-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED HANDICAPPED, male, good cook, five years experience in dietician kitchens, chauffer license, reliable. Part time or full time. Phone Clinton 86. 48-9-50-p LIGHT PLUMBING AND heating repair work wanted by e, perien- c'e , reliable man. Apply 130x 47, 'Clinton News -Record. 48-9-50-p FARMS FOR SALE BICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. 44 inter, Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb 200 ACRES OF LAND, eight -room house, bank barn, on Highway 8 between Clinton and Goderich, one mile from Holmesville, with or without stock and implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 901r13. 49-tfb POULTRY FOR SALE 200 WHITE ROCK CHICKENS, five weeks old. Apply D. Bruins - ma, R.R. 4, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 616r31. 50-b PIANO TUNING YbUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb CLINTON NEWSaECOrmt PAGE SEVEN BIRTHS, FLETCHER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 20, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Thom- as Fletcher, Clinton, a son (Thomas James). MANNING --- In Clinton. Public Hospital, on Thursday, Decem- ber 17, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Manning, Blyth, a son (Cameron John), MASSE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, December 18, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Masse, R.R. 2, Zurich, a son. WAit,SH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 3.9, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Walsh, Blyth, a son (Layton John), MARRIAC ES MILLER-PEPPER—In the United Church rnanse at Hensall, on Friday evening, December 18, . 1953, by Rev. W. . 3, Rogers, Hannah Margaret,` daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, Hen- sail and Robert AIexander Mil- ler, Staffa, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Warden Miller. DEATHS SNOWDEN—At his residence, Lot 15, Lake Shore Road West, Stanley 'Township, on Saturday, December 19, 1953, Thomas Matthew Snowden, in his 85th year. Funeral from the late residence to Bayfield Union Cemetery, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 22. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM T. T. CAMPBELL, late of the Vil- lage of L o n d e s b o r.o in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned' Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 12th day of January, AD, 1954, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATJ..D at Clinton, Ont., this 12th day of December, A.D. 1953. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 49-50-1 Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH • J. COREY, saes Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk New --- Modern White Rose Service Station FOR RENT OR LEASE In Town of Goderich Easy Terms -- Possession January 1, 1954 Apply to Box 329, Clinton Hugh, Joe, Dick EVERY GOOD WISH FOR CHRISTMAS and Murray 48-tfb Dt tis` DvAirirraa-D `r'2z"9 3n arai%a1"-.az")iDa21:174 i ae24 Yiart.x,==tiy1kaaiaiatdryE�il t rt. A 'CHRISTMAS WISHES .May you enjoy a rich ..bounty of Christmas spirit, joy, gladness and 'happiness! ,"4040.0 reoeilkeher•Rei1• a .,r .r 47 HACHTON'S WELDING SHOP "Larry" and •s'}teO" a"Aminw,:ti'gliitl 01)i a lsla' ati7aaili*Ayil, tr. CADILLAC COACH AMBULANCE Convenient Safe Reliable Heated attic cturbixlanrc �Ql•�i.re lOtelMeretereeteleaeteeleleleteleleleteleteteetel Again, bells herald the Yuletide Seoson; Again, we wish our many friends a very ME,RY CHRISTMAS, BUTLER & COX fect 'NRA Like the otnamet'ta that adorn your tre coal' your holiday celebration bo feMoe:led with fust add gaioty, "Al" Galbraith GA,I UIZAI:TH 1 AL IO and TELEVISION* St. A4.drews S.S. Present Pa g eant The cIaildren of St. Andrew's Church School, their parents and many friends enjoyed the Christ= mas entertainment staged by the school on Friday evening, Decem- ber '18, inthe auditorium of the church. Some 60 of the pupils presented the story of the Nativity, as re- corded in the gospels and gave an impressive interpretation of the various scenes associated therewith from the annunciation of the birth of the Babe, through the manger scenes, the visits of the shepherds, and the wisemen and the presentation of the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, down to the scene with Simeon taking the child in his arms, and praying to God in the words of the Nunc Dernittis, The concealed choir intermitten- tly joined in, at the appropriate time, with the great Christmas sel- ections of praise and added wond- erfully to the continuity of the pageant. Following the pageant, the child- ren with their parents, retired to the school room where to the great delight of all present, Santa made his annual visit and around a gaily decorated tree, distributed treats of sweets, and gifts to every child in the room. The gathering ended with sing- ing "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow," Card of Thanks We would like to thank all those who sent floral tributes, sympathy cards or assisted in any way during our recent sad be- reavement. — MR, AND MRS. OSCAR PRIESTAP. 50-b I,wish to express my sincere ap- preciation to all my friends who sent flowers, cards, letters and treats to me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Bayfield Agricultural Society and Willing Workers of St. Andrew's United Church, also Doctor Oakes and nurses for their kindness.—MRS. HAROLD PEN - HALE. 50-b Merry Christmas From all in our organization, we send Holiday Greetings to all our friends. ASHTON'S TAXI BOXY . THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING --Dee, 24-26 . `Farmer Takes a Wife" Tecipticolor -- starring Betty Grable -- No Matinee Christmas Day --- MON„ TUES.: WED.. -,-Dec. 28.30 Abbott and Costello 'Meet Captain .id' A Grand Christmas Show In Color. THUR. FiU. SAT.—Dec. 31 -Jan. 2 Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds "I Love Melvin" --- COLOR ..-.- Conning--January 4-6 "Girl Who Had Everything" PARK THEATRE GQDERICf-- phone il1"5Q Now: +'NATURE'S HALF' ACRE" Ia Teehrticolor with Red. Skelton Ia "HALl' A HERO" MON, TUES., WED. "ALL ASHORE" -- In Technicolor -.-. A breezy, salty, nautical musical comedy takes YOU from Southern California to Catalina with three sailors on shore leave, Mickey Rooney -- Peggy Ryan and Dick Haymes THURS., FRI., SAT. , —All The Brothers Were Valiant. Int Technicolor -- From Ben Ames Williams' widely read novel about two seafaring brothers. Stewart Granger -- Ann Blyth and Robert Taylor CAPITAL THEATRE GOIDERICII Phone 41 Now: s'MADE IN HEAVEN" -- Tic. Technicolor --. David Tomlinson and Petula Clark MON, TUES„ wr,D. `Siren ofRagdad -- In Technicolor .-- An ,Arabian magician with a troupe of dancing girls runs into trouble with a despotic sultan. Paul Henreid — Patricia Medina Huns Conreid - THURS., FIR, SAT. "Prince of Pirates" --- In Technicolor --. In which France and Holland unite to frustrate Spain's dream of world conquest: in the 16th century. John Derek -- Barbara Rush and Carla Balenda May All Your Hopes Become Realities In 1954 When December BILLS Pile Up! * Have you Christmas bills waiting to be paid? Why not let us help you carry the load? Clinton Community Credit Union LIMITED (Opposite Cold Storage Locker) Phone: Clinton 557 W. V. Roy, Manager 50-b Proclamation BIXING DAY Saturday, Dec. 26 Jin accordance with motion of Council, on December 14, 1953, 1 hereby proclaim that Boxing Day is declared a CIVIC HOLIDAY and request that all residents guide themselves accordingly. (Signed) Wr, J. MILLER, Mayor Ve A-14 3aZtria"c$',rJ�`-72,0V4.` 04,a` ia:iar`Yt i,' Dalt tc4141ltM-"rjsa'3-`•`3 t° PAP.izt D igiGir SEASON'S GREETINGS to our Customers W. L. Johnson &Son , eereteeete t there -.teen rr ste r rrestetete rere ftrt vuataletetetc e. m F Certificate of cob Will T/ s 'a ee441# Mad WHEREAS • r , WHEREAS it r r WIIEREAS r , r WHEREAS o r Therefore the joyous Holiday Season is grow here ., the Spirit of friendship and Good Will now prevails every where we value greatly our Friendly relations .. we want to Express our appreciation for this Friendly Association we are pletiscd to send you this Certificate of 'Good W i 11 which carries with it our sincerest wishes for a /Acuity GII ISTMA.S• AND A fiIAtr rt NEW TZAR Clifford Lobb Store a Clifford Lobb Elwintti1 iliaAa1434110a onlaaRMei$a'ba:¢liK 126i"it W,13414 914idielI tVa7ialla 41. t A SEND a weeart ' etatACttL ,t iteciere i GREETINGS, DON'T FORGET !! ,r Please let us have your Corsage orders early for the coming formal dances. K• PHONE 66W C. Cook FLORIST CLINTON 50-b 4.14 e Cyreii'riai Vol G °d t° menIS this h OhrtiscTnas, sS y �0 ° ails OUT way, vitt 4ti� oleg .,. ,jhank yos f°°fyvurs, 41010.nectars .x°te ..- "Bill" Counter "Lou" Dutot 4.W'TuNTl t tm:?:BULDERSSUPP.1ES Clinton !c: 04 -Van a ahat, z°''8'r/ar" -Za-`agar'firala-r.'3'�=4,fgii rah ga�tur s,"eti"i'3oatA!a etelerete tei ellekatelCCine# :Vete" lam: PICKETT CAMPBELL THE 8t0R41 FOR STnTSON IIATS PHONE 25 (Main Corner) • CLINTON i titSIra Pt is a i to attestisoll sttelee6tftr t t a *Va t r ta3retlatesi heti rests ARROW SItitlet