HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-24, Page 4, . , and a snowfall
of our best wishes in chant
true pattern of the Yuletide,
May your clay be a merry one and filled
all things good, this Christman
John A. Anstett
There wilt be NO MILK DELIVERY on
December 25 or January 1
Clinton Dairy Fa rhahne Daisy
PAGE roe
Godrerich Township ..
WA, Will Meet
The regular meeting of the Wo•
Men's Association of St. James'
Church, Middleton, will be held on
Wednesday, January$, at the
Wane ,of Mrs, Edward Wise, Roll
call will be payment of member-
ship, fees. Come Prepared to quilt.
&fay the shining decor*.
,tions of Christmas
4 A
Machine Shop
A Missionary Christmas Service
prepared by Dianne Haughton
Mud Miss J. Pitt was .enjoyed by
the young folk of Ebenezer church
in the school.pn Wednesday even
ing, December 9. The meeting
was conducted by Dianne,
'Vile program' began with quiet
music and singing the hymn,
"While Shepherds Watched Their
)~locks by Night."
The scripture was read by Mary
Howard and Erma Rueger led in
prayer, The hymn "Silent Night"
was sung. Jack Rueger took up
the offering.
An interesting story "How
C'hY istmas Came to the 'Village"
was read by Bruce Lobb, The
story told how a missionary of
India presented the Christmas
story to a group of children there
and how as a result they planned
a White Gift Service, The poem
"The First Christmas Gifts" was
reed by Murray Lobb,
Sack Merrill conducted the bus-
iness, -
After games the meeting closed
with the hymn "Abide- With Me"
and the Mizpah benediction.
The next meeting will be in the
Christmas holidays under the con-
venership of Bruce Lobb and Jim
ustetet to le tctineezra cmc etelle fit laWa tttlatm. SIM2ta'�t.•eeiMar
We're a 94,71 :a; up every
good wish for you with a
bit of holiday cheer that says --
"May you all enjoy many
• Christmas blessings."
'Meat Market
and Staff
RP_ . -tetetS2t vart$tfet toemet stat etatimEratetate 2etetaetetettR'mataisotzty
each year we find our,
selves eagerly awaiting the Christmas
season because in it we find the Oppor-
tunity to express again our apprecia-
tion for your thoughtfulness,
Merry Canadian Christmas!
Take it from three-year-old Carmen Bourdon, there's no time
like Christmas in Canada, Carmen lives deep in the pulpwood
forests of the Gatineau where her father is one of thousands .of
men who cut the tall pines that go into the production of Canad-
ian paper products, plastics, wallbc Ards and other materials, Car-
men and the other children and their parents of the pulpwood
districts have magnificent Christmas celebrations, including great
quantities of wonderful food, songs, games, religious services and
parties, and a regular Yule visitor to their homes is the inevitable
gift -bearing Santa Claus. (Photo by Malak, Ottawa)
In the first seven months of this
year Canadian labour income tot-
alled $6,655,000,000, nearly ten
per cent more than in the same
period of 1952.
Of about 5,000 persons' employed
in radio brodcasting in Canada,
three quarters ,work for private
stations and o n e quater for the
CBC. •
London Road Club •
Euchre .Is •Success
The London. Road Cl.tib held a
successful pregressIve euchi card
party in tie Agricultural Office
Board• Rogni Friday, December 14,
The lady's first prize was present+
•ed to Miss Helen Stuart while .the -
men's first prize went to Bert
The lady's low was given to Miss
Heien Anderson and the men's low
went to Jim Nott. The prize for
the most lone hands was won by
Stan Collins.
The draw was made for the
lovely quilt on display, which had
been made by the members of the
London Road Club. The lucky
winner was Miss Joan Xiaszowski,
A lovely lunch was then served
after which the "Lucky Cup" prize
was won by Mrs, Arthur Wiltse,
G p.
Two Delegations
Ask Ice in Arena
(lay our Mensal) correspondent,)
The regular meeting of Hensall
village council was held December
7, R. E. Shaddick appeared as a
delegate from the Canadian Legion•
presenting a resolution from the
same favouring the installation in
the arena of artificial ice and also
Presented one from the Ladies'
Auxiliary on the same subject,
J. A. Paterson reported the 1953
tax arrears as being $1,206.22 or
only about three per cent out-
standing. Reeve A, Kerslake was
authorized to proclaim December
26 a public holiday. Constable E.
R. Davis was instructed to collect
the poll tax at once. The Hensall
recreation council was granted the
sum of $200. E. L. Mickle was
appointed village representative to
the South Huron District High
School board, Exeter, for the years
By-law 13-1953, changing the
name of the Hensel) Community
Park Board to the Hensall Mem-
orial Community Park Board as
requested by the Park Board was
tgtirtettaiq sesames ;et -t4 re* 1+ a
hip �-
' • b>tCY...4w. 4xxixicc4x.x ..4x4ww+.9 tX•x4440 {{4.wi:
Creator power with four advanced
valve -in -head engines, Bigger, brawn-
ier Thriftmaster and Loadmasu r en-
gines now develop a new 112 horse.
power. The rugged and durable
'Forgot -master engine develops 125
hotsepower, and the Workmastet
130. This year you cart get the right
power for any job — giving greater
efficiency and new fuel and operating
MI four 1954 Chevrolet truck engines
bring you the full benefit of high -
compression Mower; With new, even
higher Compression ratios, they make
every drop of gas work harder to
give you !treater otx'rat,n% economy
along v'vitb Areal? increased horse•
power and finer performance.
Here's Canada's greatest truck builder's
latest and greatest truck! Here's the brand-
new line of Chevrolet Advance -Design trucks
for 1954!
They're here to do your work for less!
They're here to bring you big savings on.
operating and upkeep costs ... to do your
trucking job faster and more efficiently.
You'll find these completely new Chevrolet
trucks packed with new advances and
advantages you want ... loaded with great
new features you need! There's new power
under the hoods . . . new comfort in the cabs
... new, bigger load space in the bodies •--
plus new automatic truck transmissions .. •
new chassis ruggedness • .. new Advance -
Design truck styling.
And that's only the beginning! There's
much more that's new awaiting you in the
most powerful, finest performing, best look-
ing Advance -Design trucks ever built!
There's a model that's just right for your
work, So plan now to come in and get all the
facts on the biggest truck news in years. Be
sure to see the trucks with the most new
features .. , the trucks with big new benefits
for both owners and :drivers -- really new
Chevrolet trucks for '54!
ocr 7 t7 MMR7t/1' MOW ON A vfag t
New Cotnfortmastcr cab offers great-
er comfort, convenience and safety.
New one-piece curved windshield
gives greatly increased visibility. New
instrument panel is easier to read
and to reach. New Miele Control
Seat* offers the last word in comfort
for track drivers,
*Optional at extra cost, Ride Central Seat is standard on t:At.
models, avadobie on deluxe cab models as extra equipment.
With increased ruggcdncst at vita[
points throughout the chassis, Chov-
roles trucks for '54 offer new and
even greater dtatendahllity. You'll
find heavier axle shafts in 2.ton rood -
els bigger, more durable clutches
in light- and heavy-duty models
more rigid frames in all models.
New pickup bodies have deeper sides
, , • are grain and Sand tight for
greater convenience. Tn addition,
they're built stronger to stand up
longer * and set lower to the ground
to make loading and unloading
easier than ever,
Eip, 1954 CHEVROLET TUC 0.i`
Here's great new ease and conveni.
ence for driving in city traffic and
for door.to-door delivery service.
There's no clutch pedal to push —
you can drive all day without shift
ing t Truck Iiydra•Matic transmission
is offered not only do 1- and 3/4 -ton
trucks, bet on 1 -ton models, too!,
handsome new. Advancal)esign styi.
ing reflects the new power and rug-
gedness of the 1954 Chevrolet trucks,
New front-end design is more massive
and sturdy in appearance, New park-
ing lights are positioned near the
fender corners to indicate the full
Width of the truck,
CT -154A