Clinton News-Record, 1953-12-17, Page 115 HE .almert SPORTS G eii3effto 70/944oio When these lines were written, there very fortunately bad not been in recent National blocker League battling any such disturbing injuries as the skull fractures suffered in the past by Ace Bailey and Elmer Lack, and it is devoutly to be homed that no such near -tragedy will dot the annals of the game, But if such an accident does befall, it willbe in part the fault of the victim, becaue he, like all other hockey players, refused to wear a helmet. In baseball there is nothing 'like the contacts or the physical dangers that are Constantly present in hockey. But during the past summer, Frank Lane of the Chicago White Sox revived the idea of compelling all batters to wear protective headgear at the plate, And, of course, he was 100 per cent correct. Serious consequences have followed "beaning" of batters, whether purely accidental or the result of trying to "dust off" the hitter, just as falls on the ice, or headlong crashes into the boards, whether from checks or trips, lay hockey players open to similar injury. Ballplayers are like hockey players, and said to oppose this safety device, however, "False pride" is the explana- tion offered. "Pride goeth before destruction" is a proverb recommended to the attenton of potential beanball victims of baseball, or head injuries in hockey, In other sports, where head injuries are always a pos- sibility, protection is accepted and in some cases mandatory. Jockeys, football players, auto race drivers and fighters in training all use protective headgear. Some football players even wear face masks, not only in scrimmage but in games. After the Ace Bailey crash, there was an edict that all hockey players must wear helmets. The teams provided these, but after a few weeks they were tossed into the dis- card. Players said they were too hot. But the truth is, the players were too proud of their physical toughness to wear them. They considered helmets effeminate. But If those exposed to danger in other sports wear hel- mets for safety, why should hockey players be too proud to do Likewise? Your comments and suggestions for This column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto, Ca1vet DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO tete+aeteet 'ettaataMatevoetmatatamcol t€rteanareamm,e te!meteQw A 1 '''i VRSD,A,Y, i>ECEIViB R 17t 1,953 RCAF' PERSONALS $/1., and Mrs. G. D. Bland ar'.e visiting with his mother in Toren to this week. F/L P, E. (Percy) Pigeon. is currently out of commission with a very bad stiff neck, Hopes are that he will be back in shape by Christmas. )Airs, 41. T. Arnold entertained at a tea party held in her 'home Last Sunday afternoon. F/L and Mrs. W. F. Potts are visiting with, their parents in Ot- • tawa With whom they expect to spend Christmas this year. Last Minute CHRISTMAS Suggestions For the Junior Fisherman: GLASS CASTING. ROD, Level wind casting reel with nylon line—regular 8.20—NOW $5.95 GLASS CASTING ROD, sturdy reel (no level wind) with nylon line—regular 4.70—NOW $5.95 ARCHERY KiTS (bow, 4 arrows and wrist protector) 7.25 Hockey 8.95 and HOCKEY PANTS, Shin Guards, Skate Guards, Gloves, Hockey Sticks, Skates, etc. DAISY AIR RIFLES— Model 155 (1,000 shot repeater) 6.55 Model 141 Repeater (with sling) 10.50 COOEY RIFLES—M60 Repeater 21.95 M75 Singie Shot 13.75 GOOD SUPPLY OF CLEANING RODS, OILS, SOLVENTS, Etc., in stock SPotifflir 5004 orqadap O M T A R/ O PHONE 42 CLINTON Gay Holiday. Plans For All Personnel At RCAF Station. RCAF Station Clinton is begin- ning to bustle with activity with the coming of the festivities sea- son. Though many are contem- plating on leaving this area to spend their holidays with their next of kin or friends at various points across Canada and the 'United States, a great number will spend the season in this area, To provide for those Staying in this area, a complete holiday pro- gramme has been arranged. Com- mencing with December 19, the Staff Club is holding a dance, the Sergeants' Mess a turkey bingo, and the Officers' Mess a Christmas Decoration party. On the 21st the Sergeants' Mess is holding a Christmas draw and the Staff Club a card tournament. Also on the 21st will be the children's Christ- mas party for all Station Clinton children, both civilian and service, from two to five in the afternoon. Open house entertainment is field in the Officers' and Sergeants' Mess and the Staff Club through- out the week. On Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass and Christmas music will be held in the Roman Catholic chapel and midnight service in the Prot- estant chapel. On Christmas Day a Christmas dinner will be on the menu at all the messes. On De- cember 26, a Station dance will be held at the recreation centre with music of the Paul Cross orchestra. The Station will then attempt to get back to normal for the three days prior to New Year's Eve, when New Year's Eve dances will be held at all messes and at the recreation centre. STANLEY 'H-s+44s'4H'++w 4444+40-41-.-4-4 Conuntntity Club The regular meeting of the Stanley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Baird on December 10. Mrs. John Mac- Farlane conducted the meeting in the absence of the president. The meeting opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer, followed by the secretary and treasurer's reports, and the roll call. During the business meeting, it was decided to give $10 to the Children's Aid Society. An in- vitation was received from the London Road Club, to a party they are having, and plans were made for the club's own Christrrias Party to be held on December 28. The program consisted of a reading by Mrs. John A. McEwau and a reading by rMs. Victor Tay- lor. 'The next meeting is to be on January 28 and the roll call will be " Your New Year's Resolut- ions." The meeting was closed with the benediction followed by a lov- ely lunch. . ry g,,., asci a'"tVetee*U'-tE,'-tar t VeileM"r OMMeleMeru x, tletekeee ., MOIMIZMIgiWar weemeeNeee Get with pe Experts ooffeeI An all -glass co not even a s coffee Bayo Coffee Br ory-brewed coffee: Lass makes the best w Cory is the only wcr made. There's f rubber to change a Cory Alt -Glass get "coffee -happy"! Cory guaranteed -against - breakage glass coffee brewer An ail -time favorite as a gift because it makes the world's most delicious soiree! Complete with plastic coffee measurer and upper bowl safety stand, Prom $7.45 to $8.95. Only Cory offers 4 month guarantee against breakage Of any kind--rubberless models. Cory Corporation (Canada) Ltd Toronto, l0 Ont. lest Nene In Coffee ire Ing LIG LTE Ifni[ year &ive the gift that paeans Christmas cheer for the entire family—through- out all the years to came. Give a Prensi'o Coo1.iat. Beautifully designed, per - feat), constructed, PRes7t'o COOKERS ate easy, SAIL[, monde/id f1<t to Use, MMoke appetizingi, inure noun. iklxitiS n'reais are prepared in Mere »tiinitc.s , . , with a Pfizer CooitrL PRICE -411.95 4 1 .MIXM!SIEI JUNIOR BEATS, STIRS FOLDS, WHIPS MIXES, BLENDS Give New PYREX (baking Ware, in colour! Here's your big gift value of the year. The world's most beautiful Baking Ware makes a wonderful colourful gift—in Sets. Choice of Flamingo or Lime. The two-piece set shown, has an' interchang- eable cover included so that you have a shallow or deep covered casserole as you choose, Gift cartooned -- Only $2,95, 7R K T IH rN TASKS • Mixing Guide and Thumb- tip Control in handle, • Bigger Beaters, More volume in fess time. • Simple Beater Ejector -- easy k remove and' insert beaters, • Convenient Heel Rest. Give Sunbeam and you give the >>'inest litIMOUrat "Ho'ld's your Wife driving these days?" "She took a turn .dor the worse yesterday" SUTTER PERDUE ,.+ 01,090 ftst> sr -1r roan raiz-* rt rl489601 4110 1;3ittilt i**44010blooiVet ;atIlalit8A90480,19tIt Ori mats. CJJ TQN N7 WS -RECORD PAGE ELIVEI G/C Ashdown's Message To RCAF Station Personnel The :Commanding Officer has expressed his wishes in a letter he wrote to all Station Clinton per, sonnel which reads as follows: "It is my p r i v i l e g e and pleasure, as Commanding Of- ficer, to bring to all airmen and airwomen at RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, the sincere wishes from all officers at this Sta- tion that each and every one of you has a merry Christmas and that the New Year will be a happy and successful one, "I take this opportunity also of thanking one and all of the staff airmen and airwomen far the splendid support they have given to the Station in the past year in conducting their daily labours and appreciate also the eo-operation in var- ious Station activities. "Christmas is a time to be spent at the family fireside wherever the opportunity per- mits. Unfortunately, to many of us in the Armed Services, circumstances do not allow us all to get home to our families. For those on duty, and others who will spend the holidays at RCAF Station Clinton, all pos- sible has been done to make your Christmas and New Year's holiday a memorable one. "The "RCAF Family" at Station Clinton will fully ob- serve all Air Force traditions associated with the holidays, It is hoped that you will all heartily participate in the special Christmas church ser- vices, carol singing and other activities arranged for your benefit. "In the midst of the merry- making, let us not lose sight of the religious origin of Christmas and spare a thought also for those' less fortunate than ourselves. Let us also re- solve to make an even bigger and better personal contribu- tion in 1954 to the efficiency and happiness of our Service, our country and the world at large. "Again wishing you a happy Christmas and a fruitful New Year. (H. C. ASHDOWN), The Commanding Officer, RCAF Station Clinton," Station. Clinton Basketball Teams Lose to Kitchener* irWo hotly contested games once again introduced basketball to the fans at RCAF Station Clinton, as the Clinton RCAF girls' team aptly named the "Cern- ets" and the men's station team Ushered in another basketball sea- son with a doubleheader tilt with the Kitchener Income Tax girls' team and the Kitchener Mayfair exhibition team, Both games were well attended and those who did come out to watch this twin bill certainly went home satisfied that basketball utas a thrill a minute and appeals to a fan in such as manner as to keep hien rooted to his seat until the final whistle. The girls' game was a low scor- ing affair but was fast and packed with action from start to finish with the "Comets" coning out at the bottom end of a 12 to eight score.. Kitchener scorers were Hol- latz with six points, Shearer with three, Prus with two and Nowak with one. Kitchener: Faith, Quantz, Ernst, Shearer, Hollatz, Prus, Nowak, Dowsett. Clinton RCAF: Emin, Ruest, Smallakoff, Robertson, Ney, Pet- ers, Weaver, Bennett, Conlon, Hand, (Hanson, Rooks. The men's game also saw the station team on the low end of the scoring, but was packed with excitement from start to finish. The Kitchener Mayfair club corn - posed of the better players from several teams in Kitchener put on a great show of ball handling in the first quarter, sewing up the ball and making it almost impos- sible for the Clinton five to score. High scorer for Kitchener was Lehman with 18 points and for the RCAF it was Babchuk with eight. Kitchener: Schneph, Boehrnar, Johannes, Werbeweki, Brubacher, Lehmen. Clinton RCAF: Smith, Hazen, Babchuk, Paul, Lefurgey, Gairns, Wiper, Humphries, O'Neil. SKATES SHARPENED We !lave the Finest Equipment Lengthwise and Hollow Ground for Best Results Nelson's MACHINE SHOP CLINTON Fresh Fruits +& Vegetables MA. Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. 29c AGA Pork and Beans, 20 oz. 2 for 31c Libby's Mixed Vegetable, 15 oz. 17c Libby's Chili don Carne, 15 oz. 32c Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 for 25c Fluffo Shortening ib. 29c M. Jackson Popping Corn 21e Van. Kirk Chocolate (hipets 29c Interlake Tissue 2 for 29c RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET --PHONE 86 -- f TOWNSHIP OF TIJCKERSMITR. Notice of Nomination Meeting A Meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tuckersinith will be held in Watson's all, Kippen on ' n,iay e, 195e, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors or 1954 zutd School 'Trustees (2 to be elected) for the years 1954-55, Nominations will be received from the hour of otic o'clock to two o'eloek in the afternoon, In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the positions, An election will be held on Monday, January 4th, 1954 Polls will be open from 9 serf[, to 5 p,m., at the following plocest P.S.D, No. 1—Mrs. Sheila icing's-� Di.lt,0., Uarry Chesney' House, Egnrondv llc"- P.C., Wi[lta>irt f;atneron P.S.?D. Note 2—S.S. No, $ —"Out, (toy McGoOe i ISM,. Williant Scotehmer P.S.D. No, 8--S.S. No. 4 -ri.1t.O., W. le, Roberts P.tC,'`,; Getirgc turner P.S.D. Nor 4--S.S. No. 3 .. , --�D.tt,(!,, Norris Siltery P.C., John Broadfoot I?.S.I .fele. 5—S.S. No. f D.7tt.b„ 14Ie1VIlto teittuair y... , ... , , , E•P.C.,Glenn $ell y ".r^9�y .1Q, 4e, 64-4.S. No. 9 . , ,.._,.Ir♦r�u.Cf. 'WW S. Broatifoot ... P.C., Robert Gemmel .i.:A. P, Cil SNE JF. , Returning Office' The perfect gift for all the family will be found in our wide range of Westinghouse Appliances: --Electric Ranges —Refrigerators —Roaster Ovens —Laundry Twins —Toasters --Vacuum Cleaners -Irons —Television —Radios -- all at — Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH "Your Westinghouse Dealer" PHONE 479 CLINTON oZidfin-Tea t�tijrn° i a;V7t`Ji`ui'd°,33a`7`rS kO21- tc`.tR`7Ztr ath''80/MA p`tMDiva y 140C ---I a .'ata Wzt s atee n gtAmt emittsIIs-lotatiettt4i P 'p� deg ffi t Gifts Cost . Ids; % Less At Counter's Our Christmas Sale continues till we close on Dec. 24. Alf our lovely new DIAMOND RINGS, complete CHESTS of SILVERWARE, newest WATCHES for both Ladies and Men and dozens of other items at $25.00 or over all going at 10% off regular price. STERLING SILVER DRESSER SETS, as well as PLACE SETTINGS in all STERLING PATTERNS in stock, ELECTRIC SHAVERS, and all other items of Jewellery or Crystal over $25,00 are on sale. We hove many other bargains in inexpen- sive gifts so be sure to visit our store soon. It will pay you to shop here, Tovomictoggpstetotettmotuctvommoritomtztomovievomor OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS .401) a i itYltr]pq oo-1s )!bizuvol-too a i tl item ptlYReermolioft W. N. Counter "Huron County's Oldest Estblb(ishod Jewellery Store 2$Mt+10tNtlitl alit fibilPtllt91 )blotill i t"8tram t di)i�la 1i1)tyi) ai3at tli