HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-17, Page 7as eSv ig+ :ataSlesseltanatiii+anneaetatel teasle n�inneset 1 tatana,ri h s For HIM Socks, Ties, Shirts, Sweaters, Belts, Jewellery, Hats, Pyjamas, Gloves, Sport Shirts, Jackets, Etc. Open Dvenings t.Tntil Christmas PICKETT CAMPBELL SWORE POO, Mi ARROW WIMPS STETSON HATS I* ONE 25 Main mer) CLINTON rief sesesisesti;51eeatetieeelalOtt ' eviaiezeaReetheseie1 i7t1 esSna its l l!ddrientiet R, 71-IV/WAY: MEMBER 37, 3963 • ,CIJNTON N WS, CoRp 1' AGE am. Classified Rates CASH RATE(If paid by 'W 'ednesday following date of ":aertion)—,:Two cents a word first 'insertion (ntlli intim 50 cents); • 'ubsequient insertions 1% cents s word (minimum 35 cents); 16 rents extra for box number or "lox direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 Bents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT FURNISHED HOUSE for RENT, for three months, heated, all mod- ern conveniences, six miles from Clinton, Available January 3 until end of March. Phone Clinton 908r3. 49-b TWO -ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, steam -heated, private ent- rance and bath. $10 weekly. Apply Pearson's Motel, Bayfield Road, Gederieh, Plione Goderich 980. 49-b NEW FOUR. BED -ROOMED apartment in Seaforth; all con- veniences.Apply Dr. E, A. Mc- • plaster, Phone Seaforth 266 or 27. 48-9-b FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent, share bath, mile and one-half from Clinton. Lorne Tyndall. Phone Clinton 904r4. 49,p "TEiREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment. Share bath with one other tenant. Phone Clinton 78W. 49-p 'TOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, three-piece bathroom, hot water beating. Phone Blyth 6. 49-p 'ITIREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, Apply Herman's Men's Wear, 49-b APARTMENT FOR RENT, Phone Clinton 795R. 49-b Accommodation Wanted A GARAGE IN VICINITY OF ,hospital far winter months. Apply Miss Donalda Robertson, Clinton Public Hospital. 49-b . ARTICLES ,FOR SALE SNOW RUNNERS TO FIT Sun- shine Baby Carriage. $3.50. Phone Clinton 6484. 49-b .A SOLID OAK DINING SUITE, buffet, extension table and six chairs (one arm chair), leather upholstered seats. Apply F. Bain - ton, Blyth, Ont. Phone Blyth 6. 49-p SPECIAL for IMMEDIATE Sale. Limited number of Avon products for Christmas gifts. Apply Winni- fred O'Neil, phone Clinton 57W. 49-p LADY'S HAND -MADE BLACK morocco purse, also hand -made leather wallets. Apply Bob Mor- gan, phone Clinton 417. 49-b ARTICLES WANTED ONE DROP-LEAF CHERRY table. State price and condition. Apply Box 48, Clinton News -Re- cord. 49-p AUTOMOBILES POR SALE 1951 AUSTIN Four -Door Sedan, recently overhauled, new battery, five good tires, one owner car, attractive two-tone. Reasonable for cash. Phone Clinton 910r41. 49-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS 170 -- PULLETS -- 22c ARBOR ACRES WRITE ROCK Pullets, 17c; Sussex X New Hamp- entres, 22c; Sussex X Red, 26e; White Rocks available weekly De.- camber emcamber and later, other breeds January 4 and later, Four and six week Sussex X Red Pullets avail- able December 15-29. Special price. Hatching weekly. LAKEVIEW, POULTRY FARM. Phone Exeter 7. 47-8-9-50-b 18c -- PULLETS 18c MAMMOTH "ARBOUR ACRES" White Rock X Sussex, and Sus- sex X Red, December and Jan- uary, only, Also 15,000 mixed "Arbour Acre" White Rock chicks- available hicksavailable weekly (the cream of a1.1 broiler chicks), Government ap- proved, also six other breeds from Kelterborn Poultry Farm, Milver- ton, Ont. Apply for price lists, G. 'Vanderhaar, R.R. 1, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 28r24. • 45-47«49-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE TWO PINK coria i.OY i3unnie Suits, with white fur trim. Sire one year. Will sell separately. Phone Clinton 287, 49-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED IITANDXCAPPDD, male, good cook, five years experience in dietician kitchens, chautfer license, reliable. Part time or full time, Phone .Clinton 86. 48-9-50-p LIGl:1T PLUMB/NG AND heating repair work wanted by experiens Sed, reliable man, Apply Box 47, Clinton News -Record. t , . 489_50,ii FURNITURE FOR SALE SEVERAL SMVtAI.L TABLES and her stands, Phone Clinton 656. FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FATl.IMMS POP. tale, L. Gf W inter, Real Rstate. %'FLone Clinton 448. 33•.tfb 2(10 ACRES OF LAND, eight -room house, hank barn, on Highway 8 between Clinton and Goderich, one Mile from I-lolmesville, with or -t itilout Stock and irePlen)ents. Apply CIaresrirn Sturdv, Giiratoti. Phren Clinton 901r'13, 49-t;lb te— WOULD LITE MAN (OR BOY) to keep walks shovelled. when necessary, throughout the winter, Apply , Mrs. M. D, 1YIcTagg4r b phone Clinton 99. LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Min Ranch, Goderich. Phone colleen 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea- forth 655r2 or Godarich 936r21. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO SOWS, CARRYING Second litter, bred October, Apply Fred Arkell, Bayfield. 49p LOST AND FOUND ELL WANED -,--►SALE BIRTHS AIKEN--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 12, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aileen, Clinton, a daughter. CRAIG --- In Grace Hospital, To- ronto, on Friday, December 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William S. Craig (nee Aileen Castle), a son (William Bruce). DECKER --In Clinton 'Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, December 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Decker, R.R... 1, -Zurich, a son. DUCHARME --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, December 12, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor daughterDueharrnre., R,R. 2, Zurich, a MASTER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, December 12, 1953, to Mir. and Mrs, William Master, Clinton, a son. SEELEY — In Sisters' Hospital, Buffalo, on Friday, December 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Seeley, a son. TARAS--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, December 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taras, Londesboro, a daughter. THOMPSON -- In Haldirnand Memorial Hospital, Dunnville, on Saturday, December 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Thompson (nee Olive Thompson) a son (Allan Cameron, brother for Anne, Jean and David.) WILSON—In Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on Tuesday, December 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilson (nee Helen Welsh) a son (Robert George). LOST -- ON DECEMBER 4, be- tween Bayfield and Seaforth one car wheel and tire. Apply .r. E. Howard. Phone Bayfield 53r2, 48-9-b MISCELLANEOUS CRESS-CORN_SALVE for sure re- lief. Your druggist sells Cress Callous Salve too, relieves quickly. 49-b SHARPENING SAWS—All kinds of saws sharpened. Leave at resi- dence of David Elliott, Fulton St. Also table turnips for sale. Phone Clinton 263. 47-8-9-p ONE USED LE.L, Super Pioneer Chain Saw, like new and guaran- teed. Can supply new I,E.L, Pond- er saws. Apply Robert Glen, Clin- ton, Phone Clinton 907r25. • 49-50-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice, Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb GIVE NURSERY STOCK FOR Christmas. 40 to 60 per cent cash discount sale. April delivery. Spec- ial Christmas trade only. Roses reg, $1.75, now 79c. Evergreens $7 to $9 value for $3.60. Amazing prices of fruit trees and hedges, while we have them. Order now. Act fast. Hogle Nursery, Camp- bellford, Ontario: 47-8-9-b • PET STOCK PUREBRED SCOTCH COLLIE pup, four months old, $10. Francis Powell, R.R. 3, Clinton, Phone Clinton 907r4. 49-p PIANO TUNING YbUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,'50. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb NEW HOUSE WITH GARAGE, living room, kitchen, dinette, two bedrooms and bath, oil heated. Apply Joe Finck, Rattenbury St. West, phone Clinton 570W, 46-tfb WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY OF DRY Soft maple, cut 12" long. $4 a cord cash right at the yard; or $5 cash delivered. Apply C. J. O'Brien, R.R. 5, Clin- ton. 'Phone Clinton 615r25, 49-b Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cuning- hame are now ire Montreal visit- ing their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, before journeying to Vancouver where they will be Christmastide guests in the home of their other daughter, that of Dr, and Mrs. T. E. Hull. Early in the New Year they plan to take up residence in Victoria for the remainder of the winter. ` rocla r dation BOXING DAY Saturday, ° r eco 26 In accordance with motion of Connell, on December 14, 1953, I hereby proclalin that Boxing Day is declared, a CIVIC IIOLIDAY and request that all residents giilde themselves uccordittgly, (Signed) W. 3. MILLtR, Mayor 4.4-4 4-4-.444+ / YaL%hi CADILLAC COACH A1V. tULANCl1 Convenient Safe Reliable Nested a to tnt1rititutl DEATHS GIBSON—In Detroit on December 9, 1953, Lulu Mulholland, widow of the late Charles Gibson. In- terment took place in Detroit on Saturday, December 12. PRIESTAP—At the home of his son Walter, in Ellice" Township, on Wednesday, December 19, 1953, Frederick. Henry Karl Priestap, father of Oscar Pries - tap, Clinton, in his 82nd year. Resting at the Heinbuck funeral home until tomorrow, at noon when removal will be made to St. John's Lutheran Church, Wartburg. Interment in Wart- burg cemetery. RANCE—Suddenly at the Private Patients pavilion, Toronto Gen- eral hospital, on Friday morn- ing, December 11, 1953, Dorothy Breck Phillips beloved wife of Charles C. Rance, and dear mother of Dr. Charles Philips Rance. Funeral service in St. Clement's Anglican church, Dup- plex and Briarhill Aves., Satur- day morning. Interment in Mount Pleasant cemetery. 0 In Memoriam McDONALD —In loving memory of a dear mother, Mary Hannah, who passed away one year ago December 14, 1952: "Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never: The memory of those happy days When we were all together." —Always remembered by her hus- band and family, Marion, BiII, Frank, Jack and Archie. 49-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM T. T. CAMPBELL, late of the Vil- lage of Londesboro in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 12th day of January, A.D. 1954, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 12th day of December, A,D. 1953. F. FINGLAND, Q C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 49-50-1 Clinton Community Fables AUCTION SALES E'VERY' FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the pian with a young family. Consult-- 1IAL liAltringlit, Representative CANAI)A. L11 Clinton, phone 454w 4404444444 Ontario St, Girls Hold Yule Party The Girls' Club of Ontario Street United Church met on Wed- nesday evening, December 9, in the church hall with Doris Batbin presiding: The meeting opened with the singing of " Joy to the World" and the Lord's Prayer repeated in un- ison. Evelyn Olde do charge of devotions spoke on the Christmas Story as told by the carols, Ruth Knox sang one of the carols men- tioned. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Edith Lobb in°the absence of the secretary. The treasurer's report was given by Emma Plumsteel, The Holiday Dime Bags were turned in and Miss Sybil Courtice gave a short prayer of dedication, Rev. A, G. Eagle was present to read the new slate of officers for the corning year, with all positions being filled with the exception of recording secretary,, Edith Lobb, Kathleen Levis the striking com- mittee were instructed to secure a member for this position, Following the business the meet- ing was turned over to the group leaders in charge of the annual Christmas party. Elva Wiltse and Mrs. Treleaven played a pleasing piano duet. This was followed by a period of erok- inole playing wth Mrs. E. Welsh and Miss S. Coutice winners of high scores, An exchange of gifts was made before Iunch was served, Elva Wiltse moved a vote of thanks to those who had assisted in making the party a success. There were 51 members and guests present. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLATING - DEC. 17-19 , °Treasure at the Golden Condor' wrong Cornet Wilde, Constance Smith --,, In Technicolor MON., TUES., �l'EI),—Dec. 21-�3 S. Ricardo Cyd Montalban Charisse "SOMBRERO" — .COLon — TiIUURS., FRI., SAT. --Dee, 24-26 Betty Dale Grable Robertson "Farmer Takes A Wife"� — COLOR •-,- COMING DEC. 28— ABBOTT and COSTELLO "Meet Captain Kid" Card of Thanks We would like to thank our many friends for their best wishes and lovely gifts given us on our departure for Hamilton.—JOYCE, EARL and DENISE CICERI. 49-p Mrs. Robert Laidlaw and Jay B. Holmes wish to express their thanks to their friends and neigh- bours for their expressions of sympathy, also for their kindness to Mrs. Holmes. Special thanks to Dr. Thompson and the nurses at the hospital: 49-b Wesley -Willis WMS 1954 Officers; Mrs. N. Shepherd Again President The December meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Wesley -Willis United Church was held at the home of Mrs.. George Beattie. President, Mrs, N. Shepherd was in the chair. Mrs. Vincent was at the piano. The meeting was opened by the singing of "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing". The last verse was repeated in unis- on as a prayer, and prayer was offered by president. The roll call was responded to by many beautiful "Christ- mas thoughts". The worship ser- vice was led by Mrs.• C. Nelson, assisted by Mrs. Hugill, Mrs. Shipley and Mrs, Nediger. Christ- mas poems were read by Mrs. Laidlaw and Mrs. L. Jervis. The story of "Ben Davies in Search of the Child" was read by Mrs, Nelson. An exercise "Christmas Sym- bols" was given by three girls of Mrs. Nelson's Sunday School class, Darlene Stanley, • Carol Anne Egan and Marilyn Miller, who also sang two Christmas numbers. Two lovely instru- mentals given by Carol Anne Egan were very much enjoyed, Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. C. Wilson and Mrs. W. Jervis and a very happy hour , was spent. Following is the slate of of- ficers for the year 1954, accepted as read by Mrs. J. Sutter, and presided over by Mrs. J. McGill: Honorary president, Mrs. 11..C. Wilson; past president, Mrs, M. Addison; president, Mrs. N. Shep- herd; first vice-president, Mrs. C. Nelson; second vice-president, Mrs, F. Fingland; third vice- president, Mrs. N. Holland; re- cording secretary, Mrs. P. Liver- more; treasurer, Mrs. B. Sutter; Temperance secretary, Mrs, A. T. Cooper, assistant, Mrs. E. Epps; supply secretary, Mrs. M. Addison; literature secretary, Mrs. Charlesworth; press secre- tary, Mrs. J. Nediger; Christian Mrs. Johnston. Host To Clintonians Mrs. James Johnston entertain- ed the Clintonian-.Club at her gaily decorated home for the Christmas gathering. The president, Mrs. Colclough occupied the chair, and Mrs. Ed. Welsh submitted the minutes of the former meeting and in the ab - sense of the treasurer she also read the financial report. The club decided to purchase two radio sets, for the Clinton Public Hospital and to supply Christmas treats for two homes. A splendid supply of toys for children at Byron Sanitarium was collected and Mrs. H. Managhan was appointed 'as transport con- vener in charge of them. During recent days the club has made a layette for a baby, 12 nightgowns for the hospital and has purchased an electric clock for the nursery of the hospital. The club forwarded a bale of good used clothing and two scrap books to be distributed among the crippled children at Woodeden Hospital, London. The 14 members and four visit- ors present enjoyed an hour in contests and games, with Mrs. Mc- Chnchey and Mrs. Foote winning first and second prizes and Mrs. Bert Wise the low prize. Santa attended to an exchange of gifts, and refreshments were served by the hostess and her as- sistants. The next meeting will be at the home. of Mrs. Milton Wiltse, munity friendship, Mrs. L. Jervis; associate members, Mrs. J. Mc- Gill; Mission Band leader, Mrs. H. Wilson; Baby Band, Mrs. W. Jervis and Mrs. Hugill; pianist, Mrs. Hearn; assistant, Mrs. IL Charlesworth; birthday box, Mrs. VanHorne; corresponding secretary, Miss L Walkinshaw. PARK THEATRE GODERICH-,-Phone 1150 IYQW, "T 1CBarbara Staiwycle, Clifton Webb and lariats Sabarese MON„ TUES., WED, Kathryn Grayson — Mery Griffen & Waiter Abel Grand in theme, glorious in Technicolor, the life story et musical Grace Moore; whose • gifted voice thrilled millions. `SO THIS IS LOVE' THURS., f' RI., SAT. RIND SKELTON with Sean Hager and Charles Dingle For the merriest tonic you've ever takers don't miss Red as a man of frustrated fortitude ire "HALF A HERO" Coming: 'BALL ASHORE" -- in color with Dick Haymes and Mickey Rooney CAPITAL, THEATRE GODERICJI --, Phone 47 Now "Si'ACEWAYS" ;-,-starrtn6 Howard Duff and Eva Bartok MON., TUES., WED. Dream of Jeannie A bright and lilting musical romance with all the colorful, activity of Showboat days. Ray Middleton -- lvituriel Lawrence Rill Shirley TOURS., FRI., SAT. "Made hi Heaven" And so worth waiting for; a Technicolor romance, musically treated, pleasing in its simple entertainment value. • David Tomlinson -- Petula Clark & A, E. Matthews Coming: "SIREN OF BAGDAD" in color -- Patricia Medina and Paul Henreid The family of the late Mrs. Annie Leiper wish to express sin- cere thanks to the neighbors, friends and relatives who sent floral tributes, sympathy cards and so kindly assisted during their re- cent sad bereavement. 49-p The family of the late Mrs. Fred Prest wish to thank all those who were so kind during Mrs. Prest's illness, and also those who loaned cars, sent floral tributes and.as- sisted in any way during our be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, Rev. J. T. White for their services, Mrs. Clarence Craw- ford and Ball and Mutch Funeral Home. 49-b The family of the late Mrs. Emma Lansing wish to thank all their 'relatives, neighbours and friends for many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to them dur- ing their recent bereavement. Thanks also to the 'Rev. J. E. Ostrom and Rev. J. T. White for their comforting words, to Rev. J. E. Ostrom who sang so beautifully and Mrs. R. 3. Philips, pianist; also for the many lovely floral tributes including the Summerhill Com- munity, Tenth Concession of Hul- lett and the Baptist Church, Au- burn, also for cards received and the friends who acted as pallbear- ers, 49-p Fred and John Mulholland were in Detroit on Saturday attending the funeral of their sister Mrs. Lula. Gibson. 3% INTEREST an Savings Open a Savings Account an Clinton Community Credit Union To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans. at Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day Open Mon. and Fri. till 5.30 u r.41,P~..~...rrw.:w.41,a.w ALAN GALBRAITH Sys: - smart TV buyers KNOW TV's the most wonderful thing you can have in your home. But it's also the most complicated. We know from our, happy cus- tomers that our complete service facilities play a very important part in keeping them happy. Your Most Dependable TV Buy! 1954 Improved Concentrated Power Chassis and pat. ented Picker: power unit double up, bring the sta- tion nearer, tnake the pic- ture clearer! Doubly de- pendable! New mahogany plastic table model. Stain-, warp, fade -proof. tT-inch tube Buithin UHF -VHF antenna. New, improved 1954 MODEL 1y1+1.5 $279.95 st Pali 1 -Year Warranty on All Parts! Robot 82 OHFAMF Tuning Optional! M06Et 2/1C1M'� Now wairnut finish console features an acoustically' matched cabinet with special Glare Down/Sound tip styling. improved Concentrated hewer Chassis doubles up with patented Pictrof power unit for Double -Power Picture, 21.tnth picture tuber..,famous Lifetime Focul, Mahogany or blond, slightly Asarco $ Motyt:L �1Kl�W 469.95 W EXchnsive blstarice Selectee switch l • EXclustve• New UHF-VHP Rote-Tenee t AND THE BEST PLACE FOR SIRVICE i5 ► GALBRAITH :RADIO and TELEVISION YYf✓lGilwows O4Lx AgooittrRAIv Phone 4$M Canton ton