HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-17, Page 5' OURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1955 CLINTON NEWS+RECORD News of Holmesville Mr. and Mrs, Thomas McDonald, Teeswater, are the guests of IVfr. and Mrs, E, Potter. Mrs. M. Stock and Miss Betty Stock spent the weekend in Lon- don, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. William McClinehey. Fred Mulholland was called to Detroit this week, owing to the death of his sister, Mrs. Gibson. The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. Mulholland in this, his loss, W.M.S. and W,A. The Women's Missionary Soc- iety and Woman& Association of Holmesville United Church, held their regular meeting in the Sun- day School rooms op Tuesday, December 8. The W.M,S. meeting was in the charge of Mrs. William Norman and opened with quiet music, play- ed ed by Mrs, Lloyd Bond. TheCall to Worship was taken by the lead- er, followed by the singing of the hymn ' Infant Holy, Infant Lowly," and prayer by Mrs. Norman. The Chritsmas. Story from the scripture was read by Mrs. Frank McCullough and Mrs, Norman read "What Christmas Means to You," and "Whose Birthday Do We Celebrate?" The hymn "An- gels From the Realms of Glory" was sung, and Mrs. Jack Yeo read an article on Christmas Steward- ship, Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs, Reg Miller sang as a duet "Hear the Bell's of Christmas Ringing." Mrs, Lloyd Bond read ,"The Leg - CHRISTMAS PAGEANT "THE NATIVITY" will be presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church School ON Friday Evening, December 1 ' at 7.30 In the Auditorium of the Church Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Elizabeth, the Kings and Wise Men; the Shepherds, Angels, Cherubs, and Herod -- all in cos -Wines - with The Child in the Manger.. A. Beautiful Pageant, Worth Seeing Everyone Welcome To, See It Silver Collection at the Door 49-b Clayton's Ince Cream Bar "The Biggest Little Store In Town." GIVE YOUR FAMILY A HOLIDAY TREAT Special Christmas Ice Cream Brick. 3Oc We wish all our friends and patrons A very Merry Christmas and a Prosper- ous New Year. BEN MOORE, Proprietor g end of the French Shoemaker." The president, Mrs, Fred. Muihoi- land conducted the business per - }cid, and Mrs. Bert Lobb read the the .chapter from the Study k3ook.. Mrs. H, C, Wilson, Clinton, con- ducted the election of officers and Mrs. Norman read the slate of of- ficers for 1954, The meeting clos- ed with the hymn "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" and the Lord's Pray repeated in unison. The lection of officers for the W.M.S. resulted as follows: 'presi- dent, Mrs. Fred Mulholland; first vice-president, Mrs. William Nor* man; second vice-president, Mrs, Leslie Jervis; third vice-president, Mrs. N, Heard; fourth vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Lloyd Bond; secretary, Mrs. Reg Miller; treasurer, Mrs, Elmer potter; literary -secretary, Mrs. E, J. Trewartha; temperance secretary, Mrs. H. d. Wilson; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Bert Lobb; flower committee, Mrs, N, Heard and Mrs, H. Williams; vis- iting committee, Mrs. H. J. Tre- \vartha; pianist, Mrs, Norman; Mission Band superintendent, Mrs, Frank McCullough; assistant-sup- erintendant, Mrs. Jack Yeo. Following the W,M.S. meeting, the W.A. held their meeting with the president, Mrs. H. Cudmore in the chair. The meeting opened with the theme song and creed, and Mrs. Cudmore read the scrip- ture lesson, John 15: -11th verse and gave comments on the verse. A letter of thanks from the Childrens' Aid Society was read for a parcel of gifts sent to them. Mra, Edward Grigg gave her treas- urer's report, and it was decided to give $35 to the M & M Fund. Mrs, H. C. Wilson conducted the election of oficers, and Mrs. Will- iam Norman presented the new slate of officers. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. H. Cudmore and a pot luck supper was served. The 1954 W.A. officers will be as follows; president, Mrs, H. Cud - more; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Yeo; secretary, Mrs. W. Yeo; treasurer, .Mrs. Edward Grigg; flower committee, Mrs. B. Mac - Math and Mrs. Lloyd Bond; visit- ing committee, Mrs. Bert Lobb; buying committee, Mrs, W. Yeo, Mrs. Edward Grigg, and Mrs. R. MacMath; press secretary, Mrs. Frank McCullough. Open Bowing -= NIGHTLY commencing DECEMBER 18, 1953 until JANUARY 2, 1954 Clinton Bowling Alley MIXETTES $23.95 $29.95 G.E. KETTLes, $14.50 hilips Philco Dumont Crosley Halicrafter TV Priced from $259 td $559 G.E. STEAM IRONS, $24.50 SETS OF BOUDOIR LAMPS $7.50 and up ELECTRIC COFFEE PERKS G.E. Featherweight IRONS $5,95 $25.95 $14.50 SUNBEAM MIXMASTEIt OUTDOOR and INDOOR $63.95 CHRISTMAS LIGHT SUPPUES -,- Many Other Electrical Gifts To Choose From -- Merrill radio and Electric Be Wise Buy from a Service Dealer PiFHON! t 31. 4 CLINTON 'AGE Ely! News of Londesboro Allan Dunbar, .Belgrave, visited on Sunday with Ted Peckitt and family, Mr.and Mrs, Harry McEwan and family, Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Govier,. Mr. end Mrs, Frank Roberton and family, Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Nott, The sympathy of the community is extended to the Lansing and Prest families in their recent sad bereavement, Mr, and Mrs. William 13agaent and family, Ingersoll, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fairservice. White Gift Service A combined service of Sunday School pupils and the church con- gregation marked White Gift Sun- day in Londesboro United Church on December 13, with Harry SneII, superintendent of the Sunday School, in charge. The scripture was read by David Alexander and Miss Lois Wood read the Christ- mas story. Rev. White, pastor of the church, gave a short address. Homemakers Club The second meeting of the "Lon- desboro Laughing Lassies" club was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Leonard Shob- brook. The president, Margaret Lazet, opened the meeting, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by five girls and the two leaders, The leaders, took charge of the rest of the meeting and discussed the following topics: Care of the person (the hands and arms); manicure; making the most of our clothes, daily habits; straighten- ing and shrinking material; cut- ting and folding bias binding. Donna McVittie and Beryl Pol- lard served a dainty lunch. Owing to the Christmas seas- on it was decided to hold the next meeting on the second Saturday in January. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stewart, Benmiller, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton, John C. Middleton who has been six months with the Technical Mine Consultants at Uranium City on Lake Athabaska, arrived home to .spend Christmas with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. John Middle- ton. S.S. 10 Fairmount School Holds Christmas Concert Under new management this year the Christmas concert of SS 10, Fairmount school maintained its reputation for a splendid con- cert on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 8. There were 23 numbers with a wide variety of interest. These were put on with no time be- tween numbers, as each guest had a program, and this eliminated a chairman. We congratulate Geo- rge Flewitt on his "Welcome Re- citationr" and the Rhythm Band for its gusto. "The Wedding of the Painted Doll" was a delightful number. Bonnie Stirling was lov- ely owely as Suzy Snowflake. The Nativity Scene was delicately portrayed with lovely carol sing- ing. The Three Magi had well contrived costumes. "The Square Dances" first by the seniors, then by the juniors brought the loudest applause. The 23rd psalm was repeated beautifully and reverently. The younger girls, cradling huge dolls, and singing "Away in a manger" and other carols were lovely to see. Three plays were well present- ed and again the costumes were splendid. Miss Catherine Welsh sang and played beautifully in several num- bers, Miss Marilyn Rathwell also assisted at the piano. In the absence of a music in- structor, Mrs. Joseph Storey act- ed as pianist for the concert. On behalf of the overflow aud- ience, Robert Welsh moved a hearty vote of thanks to the teach- er, Mrs. Nesbitt, for her splendid, snappy concert. Thereupon San- ta appeared to relieve the . glit- tering tree of its burden of pres- ents. Never have we seen Santa in such an ebullient and amorous mood. The little (and big) girls got a. hug and a kiss, as well as their presents. ..4. +..-« News of Varna S.S. Entertainment The annual Sunday School en- tertainment will be held on Wed- nesday, December 23. Special Services Special Christmas services in the United Church will be held on Sunday, December 20, at 10.15 a.m. A pageant entitled "The First Christmas Morn" will be presented by the members of the W.A. at the evening service. A Christmas Eve service also will be held at nine o'clock December 24. School Concerts The various schools in this area are hard at work preparing for Christmas concerts. These are eagerly awaited and they certain- ly have an educational value as well as providing good entertain- ment. Santa Claus is, of course, expected to make an appearance , with the usual good cheer. pageant Because of the Christmas pag- eant, "The first Christmas Morn" which is being presented by the United Church Woman's, Associa- tion on Sunday, Decembr 20, at 7.30 p.m, in the Varna Church, the regular service will be held at 10.15 in the morning instead of the afternoon, There will also be a Christmas Eve service at 9 p.m. Varna L.O.L. No. 1035 held its annual meeting last Thursday ev- ening. The election of officers for 1954 resulted as follows: Past Worshipful Master, Orrin Dows- on; Worshipful Master, Wilfred Chuter; Deputy Master, Lloyd Keys; chaplin, Murray Rohner; recording secretary, Chas Reid; financial secretary, Louis Taylor; treasurer, John Aldington: marsh- all, Grant Webster; first lecturer, Gordon Coleman; second Iecturer, Frank McClinchey; committeemen, George L. Reid, Watson Webster, Hr YOU DON'T LIKE SHINING YOUR SHOES . Let Esquire Scuf.Coat DO THE ,10IE FOR YOU . » Just apply it to your shoes and see it shine. No brush- ing or buffing necessary. Esquire Scuf Coat is available now at Ray's Shoe Hospital * * * * 4' 4 SPECIAL NOT/OP: * We will be chased, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, De- comber 24, 25, 26. 4' ,k A' * 4t 'P 4' Shoes wanted before Christmas should be called far on or be- fore December 23. Merry Christmas aid a Happy New ear To All! Ralph Stephenson, John Ostrom and John Stinson; tylers, J. Scott and Kenneth Stephenson. The officers were installed by County Master Anson Coleman. The Goshen and Varna United Church Young People's Union met on Monday at Varna. The presi- dent, Berne McKinley, presided. A nominating committee presented a slate of officers for 1954 and it was adopted. The officers are as follows: honorary president, Rev. T. J. Pitt; past president, Berne McKinley; president, Ivan McCly- mont; vice-president, Miss Ruth Clarke; secretary, Miss Joyce Webster; treasurer, Berne McKin- ley; faith and evangelism, Miss June McCIinchey; stewardship, Miss Ann Ostrom; citizenship, Miss Marjorie Dowson; recreation; Misses Ruth Clarke and Nancy Webster; organists, Misses Marj- orie Webster and Lola Chuter; outdoor sports, Howard Armstrong and Gerald Clarke. Public instaIIation will be held early in January. A Christmas social will be held on Monday, De- cember 28. SAVE p (MILK &�TM.ONEY GAD.GE 1 EX (NIXON) Multi -Antibiotic Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your Money Back! Gargetex contains two penicillins, streptomycin and the new antibio- tic bacitracin, combined in a com- pletely milk soluble ointment, bringing the effect of four antibio- tics against mastitic infections. Gargetex works immediately on the internal infected udder tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective re- sults. Get a tube of New Gargetex today. Instructions for easy ad- ministration on every package. Made in Canada by Nixon Labor- atories Limited. F. B. PENNEBAKER IDA Drag Store - Phone 14 The Voice of Temperance parent drinks, the percentage is 833 of men, 54 of women. Where both abstain, it is down to 58% of men and 28% of women, Clearly, parental example is an important factor in the decision of college youth about drinking, Whatever may be the facts about drinking in Canadian, colleges, that which holds of parental example across the line is probably equally true of Canadian youth in general. This advertisement is inserted by the Huron County Temperance Federation. 49-b A sort of Kinsey report on cam- pus :drinking has been published recently, It is an analysis of the survey conducted by the centre of alcohol studies of Yale University, which has been working on the problem of alcohol for 20 years, Questionnaires were sent to 17,000 men and women students in 27 colleges throughout the country. Here are the conclusions drawn from the answers, Where both parents use alcohol 92% of the men students drink also, and 83% of the women. Where only one v 4 for a white christmas A 'welcome gift indeed ... Forsyth White Shirts , .. easy - fitting masterpieces with all the famous Forsyth points of superiority .. . taper -curved collars . . , full fit ... non - ravelling cuff . . , custom tailoring .... and a freedom and comfort he'Il appreciate every day of wear. Come in. Choose your Forsyth Gift now. give.. ... NE WANTS, • Tony Day SWEATERS HICKOK BELTS CURRIE TIES Fine Quality DRESSING GOWNS WOOL - SILK d 7 Priced from ........ +p i.95 • BILTMORE HAT Gift Certificate PYJAMAS Flannelette Broadcloth 4.95 to 7.50 "No one ever regretted buying Quality"-REG'D Herman's EVENINGS HERE 1 1 en's Weart Rgg BILTMOIt.E HATS FORSYTII SHIRTS Phone 224W Clinton Ri I- d OIrdatI tlaz-PaM arl beat -or 2115;0 Mr4-21raa r "laWAS MM -1 M -74M i`'iMait Baa-ig-t6's+ P ",K".aiaaaaaeG 1eiae-taa- ' 'o-9aR a- - -Pale-a;3aV,VaCea ak-Y. -a ou Lrf da °I-DMiVEtw"'Z1-, 3? ls'a Ntr4aM- diet`.` 4,dirt`r`''r`,a'tari3dry7'Drc'!'di3'tADMi `�'Ya�^ti i3y'i`3r`u�7n't± 4-22iiZW E COUNTER'S have a very SPECIAL SELECTION of lovely NECKLET and EARRING SETS for you to choose from. They are priced to please you at . $3.95 and $4.95 per set and beautifully packaged ir9 attractive gift boxes. Don't over- look these when buying for MOTHER, SISTER or SWEETHEART. Also, LARGE SELECTION of NEW EARRINGS, BRACELETS and PINS from $1.25 up. Also, a COMPLETE RANGE of PEARL and RHINESTONE NECKLETS, CHOKERS, BRACE- LETS, EARRINGS and BROOCHES. W. N. C utter "Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store" p Ray's Shoe Hospitoijj terg-MtC{..t '4aetHtE-► !':tG eiti'.0 41040 a,KZPa::i$+ t.': =WICOM t 4V4444000.►F. ' *;;•`.AltRt^�. ' BETTER QUALITY • - BETTER VALUE Furniture For The Home 5 pc. Metal Bridge Sets -3 colors $28.00 Knee -Hole and Student's Desks "$22.50 to $75.00 > Bissell Cirpet Sweepers, four models $8.45 to $11.50 3 pc. BEDROOM SUITE, Double Dreeser, Chiffonier, Bookes.se Bed. P, $129.09 either in Sun Tan Finish or Walnut. SPECIAL 1 Only 2 Pc. CHESTER :L1) SUITE Co xlbination Grey and Red Rayon Frieze. $150 00 WALL CALENDARS ARE DOM NOW come khat' AND W r ONE Beattie Furniture r3 4Ar 7 dtih7 G l# ; t C V P��RNfir l t t t i, Q t` �Q R R 7 iM'"i Fi�9 l t It t±11 41 �4 7 9 iAal0