HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-10, Page 9a f a7 h`DITOFz"a� /DI-- i -I '�?�a D'fs�f`r}adlas t`r at'✓-'iryrt�i}t'd`r.'7-:i�^vY3. 704-aiiF2ruaai`.�' Alt:`. arhairh. as zealCtgvthatstzatatt[itVat^t•'?E„?:tmIncii&!avfrt^trr{/•wrty#am(a{sczyt(�kta ? Rry; o2tat,�Qt,� sod clinIs MA ear Fr rfr, � n + ;til .Y _..,a,., �_ .:aka•, �__-t�.i�.'..r.+�:.h!�.rY.., • PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS POULTRY. Phone orders -accepted until noon, Dec. 19. All ordersaL to be picked �(up by noon Dec. 24. COMPARE THESE PES I-IEN TURKEYS (A Grade) (not drawn) TOM TURKEYS, over 18 lbs. (A Grade) (not drawn) GEESE (A Grade) (not drawn) DUCKS (A Grade) (not drawn) CHICKENS,- 5 lbs. up (A Grade) 52c lb. 65c Ib. 55c lb. 45c lb. 45c lb. (not drawn) All (i1 Grade) Poultry less 3c r.b. WIIILL TU! 8I/PPLY LASTS --,--We are offering A TOM TURKEYS, 18 lbs. up 69c lb. ready for the oven at ......... CANADA PACKERS LIMITED Phone 580 - 581 i?Tit�t rlrilkt r7kt 2Tii t itlit�S t reit r a t tBi"4t titt7014101t illi t00/Metlia IM/A "THURSDAY, DECiEMI3ER 10, 1953 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE N>' RCAF Personals (WO R. It. Vezina, phone 382, lord 5: will, be pleased to ae, dept any personal or social items from Air Force personnel living fn Adastral Park, or the dist- riot, for this coltunn. When you, have visitors, or a party Is held, phone Mr, Vezina and let haul know.) Mrs. C, G. Tessey entertained at 4 coffee party Monday evening. Mrs. C. B. Hilimer, Oakville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, E. D. Fraser. Mrs, Fraser entertained At a coffee party on Tuesday even- ing. Ball -Macaulay Limited 1,umber - Lime - Cement - Sash CLINTON SEAFORTH Jione'97 Phone 787 Aix woman's Softball Team at Station Clinton Shown here is the RCAF Station Clinton's Airwomen's Softball Team at a Sports Banquet held last week at the-. Station. These girls played at Various towns throughout the summer, travelling as far a& Selfridge Air Force Base near Detroit, Michigan. From left to right are Leading Air- woman J. Peters, Cadomin, Alta.; Airwoman A. Ruest; Timmins; Leading Airwoman C Hammond, Bracebridge; Leading Airwoman P. Dowl, ing, Victoria, B,C.; Leading Airwoman D, McIntyre, Monc- ton, N.B.; Cpl. E. Jensen, Newton, B.C.; Cpl. A. Weaver, Milton, N.S,; Leading Air- woman P. Mousseau, North Bay; Cpl. V, Henn, Victoria, S.C. F/O K. Commons Is Posted Overseas RCAF Station Clinton's popular bachelor pharmacist will shortly be leaving for Germany, However, there's a strong rumor about, that he will not be a bachelor when he does leave. Flying Officer K. G. (Ken) Commons has become well known in the district during the past two years. He was born in Fernier British Columbia and edu- cated at the University of British Columbia where he received his S.FTh. During his final year at U.B.C. he joined the RCAF, and after re- ceiving his bachelor's degree in Pharmacy in 1951 he spent a short period at the Officers' School in London before coming to Clinton. His new duties will take him to Number Three Fighter Wing Headquarters in Zweibrucken, Germany. 1 SPECIAL on Hunting Clothes WHILE THEY LAST .REVERSIBLE HUNTING CAPS reg. 1.50 Now ELUXE WOOL SHIRTS sizes 15 & 15%, reg. 7.95 i.: Now. LUE & BLACK, CHECKED COATS reg. 16.00 Now Red & Black DROP -SEAT COATS reg. 23.75 Now Green & Black CHECK COATS reg. 15.00 Now 1 only -DROP -SEAT COAT khaki duck -with parka - size 36 -reg. 22.50 Now 1 only -SHEEPSKIN VEST - size 38 -reg. 7.50 1.25 5.95 12.75 19.95 11.95 19.50 Now 5.00 A GOOD GIFT FOR THE SPORTSMAN, IN YOUR. FAMILY Spalitsi Soodf ONTAVIO pi-IONE 42 CLINTON Tony Golab Speaks At Mess Dinner The officers and Flight Cadets of RCAF. Station Clinton held their monthly mess dinner on Fri- day, December 4. The guest speak- er for the occasion was Squadron Leader Tony Golab, well known in football circles as Canada's Gold- en Boy of Football. Tony Golab, who just recently retired from the game saw 12 years as a profession- al with the Ottawa Roughriders during periods before and after World War II, He served overseas as a fighter pilot in the RCAF during World War II and is now commanding officer of RCAF Sta- tion, Port Hope, Ontario. He was ii/kenhere YOU WANT IN T'V! The "Westwood" (Model 21TVI7K) Westinghouse Auto- matic TV keeps the picture perfect while you enjoy uninterrupted entertainment. $479.50 for Clear Pictures that Stay Clear Automatically... and • Super powered 22 -tube chassis • "Custom Craft" genuine wood cabinet • iculbtoned 12" Concert Speaker • Full -Year Picture -Tube Warranty Clinton Electric Shop f; Purina Research with .over two hundred beef cattle on feed at ail times has proven that STEER FATENA saves grain and saves money. Repeated tests show that plus hay and roughage it takes approx. 920 lbs. of grain to produce 100 lbs. beef - To produce the same gain- t.75 ain--td75 lbs. of STEER FATENA saves approximately 375 lbs. of grain. In dollars and cents this means -you save $6.20 in produc- ing 100 lbs. of beef with STEER FATENA plus your grain or 6,2 cents less per pound. For FASTER GAINS -- CHEAPER GAINS - BETTER FINISH - Feed STEER FATENA from the CLINTON FARM SUPPLY and take advantage ,of this saving: STEER FATENA costs $4.25 per cwt. or $85.00 per ton delivered. -944-hf-4-+•'1- * g R+ 4-4 4 A HOG Igt ElETIN k will be field In the Agrieulturai Iloa#d Itpnnrs, Clinton, on ')CVJ1GSDAY N OUT, blECEIVII3ER, 15 at $.34 o'clock, Films t of a} ricultfi ai interest will be shown. Profitable hog feeding prograntnes will he discussed. Bring your neighbours, farmers: e-#•4-.+4-•-4-• •-•t`•4•4.-.-1-.-i ....,i -t a..4.-A•4-4.aava.. CLINTON FARM SU PLY 10 5 wounded in action during World War II. During his talk S/L Golab gave an outline on the history of foot- ball going back to its early days over 1,500 years ago. With the Grey Cup series just over on No- vember 28, the listeners found it a pleasure to speak with one so well versed on football, Many pros and cons on the last series and on present day football as compared to the game ten to 15 years ago were discussed. The guest speaker was introduc- ed by W/C E. J. Greenway and W/C B. G. Miller thanked the speaker. 0 Sports Banquet Held at Station A semi-annual sports banquet was held at RCAF Station Clinton in the Airmen's Mess on Wednes- day, December 2. Some 125 athletes, both male and female, attended this function which turned out to be very suc- cessful. The Commanding Officer, Group Captain H. C. Ashdown, MBE, CD, gave 'a talk during the course of banquet speaking on the importance of sports from the stand -point of morale building and healthful and physical develop- ment. F/L A. E. Sturgess, the sports officer, and his committee, WO1 G. Brown, WO2 S. Baptie, Sgt. D. Allan, F/S G. Pratt, and Sgt, M. Kahle, did an'excellent job in ar- ranging the function. The awards which went to the winners in baseball, touch -rugby, softball, and tug-of-war, were pre- sented by W/C B. G. Miller, S/L G. J. Bury and F/O E. Bowers. Following the presentation Sgt. F. Harron provided a floor show, made up of artists from the recent show "Stage Fever". Following the floor show the music of Sgt. Hamon's Orchestra was enjoyed for the balance of the evening. Officers' Mess Bingo Winners The annual Christmas Turkey Bingo held at the Officers' Mess, RCAF Station Clinton attracted a record turnout of Members last Saturday night. Personnel of the Air Radio Of- ficer School walked off with the majority of the turkeys plus the $75 jackpot. Turkey winners included W/C and Mrs. E. J. Greenway, S/L and Mrs. C. E. Endersbe (two), F/0 and Mrs. R. R. Vezina, F/L and Mrs. J. H. I'loult, F/L and Mrs, L. E. Olien, F/L and Mrs. J. Hope, F/L and' Mrs. H. L. Cartmill, F/O and Mrs. E. A. Francis, Nursing Sister Law, F/O and Mrs. Sterling and F/L and Mrs. C. J. Irwin. The $75 jackpot went to S/L and Mrs. H. W. Keane. To console the less fortunate a buffet supper featuring cold tur- key was served after the game. After the food came dancing to top off a very enjoyable evening for all. BAND CONCERT STAGED AT RCAF STATION CLINTON' The RCAF Training Command Band, which is based at Toronto, gave a band concert to a full house at the Recreational Centre at Stat. ion Clinton last Thursday even- ing. On December 4, the orches- tral section of the band played for a station dance. LIGHTEN her kitchen tasks ... MODEL 10 AUTOMATIC STE "kW EZe BOWL -FIT BEATERS for lighter, higher, finer -textured cakes. All the batter goes into and through them. More even mix- ing, greater aeration. Sutter - Perdue NIXON'S SCOUREX WILL "SAVE" YOUR CALVES SCOUREX WORKS FAST! Removes infection from the in- testinal tract overnight. The "combined sulfas" in Scou- rex work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid recovery. Save Every Calf This Season Get NIXON'S SCOUREX at: W. C. NEWCOMBE, Phm.B, Rexall Store -- Phone 51 acts.ressaa Avoid Qld Car Extravagance N and Make Transportation A Pleasure 1952 FOD Custorline Sedan (A beautiful machine) 1951 FORD Tudor Custom 1950 CHEVROLET Coach 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan 1950 MONARCH Sedan (Like new) 1950 MERCURY Tudor 1950 FORD Tudor with radio (Top performer) 1949 FORD Sedan (An ideal buy) 1948 DODGE Special Deluxe (Just in, A Daisy) 1948 STUDEBAKER Sedan 1.947' FORD Sedan 1947 FORD IRD Tidor 19.47 PONTIAC Tudor 1947 DODG:lt Tudor 1946 CHEVROLET Sedan, radio,- etc. 1946 HUDSON' Sedan 1947 CHEVROLET Coupe TRUCKS: 1953 1IERCURY % tont 1949 DODGE� ton panel 1947 STUDEB &ICER 3 ton stare (with hoist, 2 speed differential) 15 Older Cars to Choose Front ARRANGE DEM01tiNSTR ATION AT (None better to be had) (Nein car condition) (Imagine owning this) (See to appreciate) Sedan-- BobCook Motor Sales Phone 178 Hensall Your METEOR MERCURY Dealer * a` rah alae* woo dt,'asltt tllm ibe;gi" thugot)itt t , tl cot it i um,. THECallitrt SPORTS ..COLUMN 4 .46eme4 7eigiademe From time to time, In these column$, we haven .paid modest tribute to persons and events exemplifying what we consider to be unusually good sportsmanship, or courage be' rgoealndm theof linoathofletics, duty,]?asossiblCouyragelve goesoverlookin thede many such incidents, for courage and modesty usually go ]rami ltt hand atd you don't get to hear of some of the unusual gestures in the less publicized divisions, of sport. By way of contrast, we'd like to refer to what we consider the least sporting event of the year, Fortunately, although this involved a sport fundamentally Canadian, it didn't hap- pen in Canada, We refer to the vicious attack by the New York Garden's denizens of the upper galleries, which, by sheer vitriolic phrase, literally drove a fine hockey player and pleasant personality right out of the major league, By turning an undeserved ribald attack on Allan Stanley the Garden wolves forced New York Rangers to shift him elsewhere, lest his nerves break under the strain, New York hockey and other sports fandotn is, in the main, an uninhibited group, gifted with ability to sear a. dis- liked athlete with acid phrases that pour from raucous throats. They can swing from almost maudlin worship of a player who happens to. catch their fancy, to bitter personal hatred of one whp doesn't happen to appeal. Last season, and at the beginning of the present series, the gallery wolves of the Garden turned their batteries of venom on Stanley, by no means a bad hockey player, who had come into the League widely heralded as the highest-paid rookie up to that time. Stanley was a Glean, free -skating defence player. But, unfortunately, he wasn't the rough, rugged type of such darlings of the Garden gods as Ching Johnson, or Ott Heller, or some other such players who could rattle the teeth of an invader. He was skillful; but not aggressive enough to suit the boys in the upper balconies, so they got on him to the point that, for New York purposes, he was ruined. Rabat anti -Stanley fans hung banners at Ranger home games berating the defenceman. One had Stanley's name with a black eight -ball beside it, Another referred to him as "Sonja Stanley", a throwback to the days when New Yorkers were down on Lynn Patariek and likened his style to that of the famous figure skater, mostly because Lynn was the son of the current Ranger coach, Lester Lynn Patrick, a fine hockey craftsman, outlived the Insults, as did little Roy Worters, the midget goaler, who jeered right back at the howling wolves, so that suddenly their spite turned to admiration. There may be episodes of more distorted sports spirit than this, but we doubt it. Your comments anti suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO a11 10% - 10% Christmas Sale Timed to make it possible for everyone to give the finest gifts at genuine bargain prices from December 10th to closing time on December 24th. You will buy for less, and make real worthwhile savings if you come to Counter's, This sale applies on all Complete Chests- of Community and 1847 Rogers Bros. silverware, also on all diamond rings and all watches regularly selling at $25.00 or over. You also save the same 10% when your total purchases of any goods amounts to $25,00 or more at one time. These savings apply on all cash sales at our store and the more you buy the greater the discount you receive, so plan now to do all your gift shopping for everybody on your list and you will save many dollars. ,The soving will be the same on such items as electric shavers. better clocks, and many pieces of fine jewellery and silver and other mer- chandise. We invite you to see our complete stock any day now. This is a genuine saving we offer from regular prices. Open Evenings ental Christmas o dcar;3amtzoxzvatr + rpt at `th z,,.rxva.taaz,"r atmm,r,6t W. u Y ter "Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store"