Clinton News-Record, 1953-12-10, Page 8PAAV .EXG>s' Hello Homemakers: There are more tasters than we need around the kitchen these cold days. They want "some" no matter What it is. When we suggested that Nancy say please, we were told: "My' arm is longer than my tongue." To or up interest in a project tor children, mention candy. Its. magic.. So here is a helpful col umn for teenagers,. TAKE A TIP 1. Adequate I utensils for candy making are a. deep saucepan, wooden spoon, measuring cups and a candy thermometer, 2. If: the recipe does not state the kind of sugar, always use fine granulated.. $. To test for syrup stagds with- out outat rmo.ter: (a) Softball Stage — When a- • bout Y teaspoon .of the sy- rup is dropped into a cup soft ball is formed. containing ice cold water, a (b) Medium Ball Stage—when about 3/4 teaspon is dropped. into a cup containing alit tle cold water, a firm ball is. formed --try pinching it. (c) Hard Ball Stage—when sy- rup is dropped, long threads (about 3 inches) hang from edge of spoon, 4. Do not let sugar mixture boil until sugar has dissolved in the combined ingredients by stirr- ing over low heat, 5. Fondant candies should be boil- ed without stirring, To prevent crystals from forming, dip wooden spoon in hot water then scrape sides of saucepan. 6, Fudge mixtures should be set aside to cool as Soon as soft ball stage is reached. ,(Do not chill suddenly.) When lukewarm, beat until mixture loses its gloss, then pour into a greased Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls are Used" Meetingswill be held on MONDAY, DEC. 14th at 1.15 p.m. in the Town Hall, Exeter TUESDAY, DEC. 15th at 1.15 p.m. in the Community Hall, Blyth A moving picture on frozen • semen will be shown, as well as slides of all the bulls used. An opportunity will be given for questions about the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation, and men will be elected to select and advise direct- ors from Huron County on the board of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by Appointment Local Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 T. PRYDR and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH FARMERS. We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONIII COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tfb WIII N BIG M�NEYon BIG T �1 1201175 our CFPL Radio 3 to 4 p.m. TWE Oar Daily with Box Tops from CANADA PACKERS 'ash Da Products Dishcloth inside each NEW DOUBLE SIZE PACKAGE OF QUIK SOAP POWDER • GIVES YOUR WASH THAT CLEAN LOOK •MAKES COLORS BRIGHTER, WHITE CLOTHES WHITER Girt ACTS QUICKER The following retailers of Clinton and District stock "QUIX" Double Size and "BYE" Detergent: REG. BALL'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET C .t W GROCETERIA, RCAF STATION CLINTON FITZSIMONS MEAT MARKET MODERN MEAT MARKET RUMBALL'S IGA GROCERY STANLEY'S ABATTOIR TI•IOMPSON'S ROOD MARKET 47-8-9-b assisrawa pan and spread with a hot knife, Butter Fondant 2 cups sugar tspcream tartar. 2/4 cup milk 2 tbsps. butter Put sugar, ,cream of tartar and Milk in a saucepan over low heat and stir until sugar is. dissolved. Boil without stirring to .soft, ball. stage (236 degs.) Then stir in butter and turn out on Warm but- tered pie plate. Let stand until lukewarm then beat with a stiff knife until it changes color. Gather up quickly and knead 20 times. Store in a covered casserole over- night, Orange Bon Bons: Add grated orange rind and % tsp. orange ex- tract. If necessary, warm to shape into balls. Coffee Bon Bons; Make fondant substituting strong coffee for the milk. When cool, shape into tiny mounds. Chocolate Fudge 2 squares unsweetened chocolate % cup milk 2 cups sugar Few grains salt 2 tbsps, butter 1 tsp. vanilla Add chocolate to milk and cook until blended on low. Add sugar and salt . and stir until mixture boils. Continue boiling without stirring until soft ball stage is reached. Mix in butter and van- illa. Cool to luke-warm, then beat until thick. Pour intog reased pan immediately. When cold, cut in squares. Coconut Fudge: Stir in 1 cup coconut near end of beating of chocolate fudge. Roll in balls. Nut Fudge; Add 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans when candy is beaten. Turkish Delight 2 tbsps, gelatine r/ cup cold water 2 cups sugar 3i cup boiling water % cup orange juice Y4 cup lemon juice Grated rind of 1 orange Soak gelatine in cold water, 5 mins. Combine sugar and boiling water, stir, then beat until dis- solved, Add gelatine, dissolve and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 mins., remove from heat and add orange juice, lemon juice and grat- ed at - ed orange . Pour into heat- proof casserole that has been rins- ed in cold water. Have liquid about inch deep. Chill in elect- ric refrigerator, Cut with sharp knife. Note: (a) Roll rectangles of De- - light in icing sugar. (b) Add 1/ cup diced, drain- ed marashchino with orange. (c) Or strain after sim- mering and divide in two portions. Color one batch green and the other red. THE QUESTION BOX Miss C. T. asks: How can we prevent melted chocolate bars from becoming too thick for coat- ing bon bons? Answer: If the smallest amount of steam gets into it, the chocolate bar will become too thiok for coat- ing bon bons but may be used for cooking. The pans of the double boiler should fit closely. When the 4rc�l NEWS -RECORD Junior Debate YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kidneys fail to ,, a remove excess acids and wastes, beak - ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often. follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimu- late kidneys to normal duty. You feel hotter—sleep better, work better. Got Dodd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodds. Farmers and Speak • HURSDAY' DECEMB) R 1Q, 1953. George Turton and Frank Alton of the Colwanosh group Werejudg- ed the .best debating team of the six 'teams in competition ,at a recent debating and 'oratorical contest for Huron County Junior Farmer and Junior Women's In- stitute members held in the Sea - forth ,high school. They upheld the affirmative of the topic "Re- solved that commercialized Sunday sports should be legalized in Nu- ron County." Although they were point losers by a small margin, they were un- animously declared the best and will meet the Bruce County win- ners on or before December 15, place and date to be decided. This winning team opposed Jane Dykeman and Howard Pym of the Exeter group, who upheld the ne- gative. Campbell Brown and Grace Ed- gar, Belgrave, upholding the af- firmative, won out over Donald Dow and Murray Bradburn of the Howick Junior Farmers, debating on "Resolved that Junior Farmer and Junior Institute organizations are satisfactorily developing the purpose for which they were or- ganized." James Chapman and Earl Mc- Spadden, Seaforth, upholding the affirmative, defeated Fred Gibson and George Turner, Clinton, de- bating on "Resolved that agricul- ture in Ontario is becoming too specialized to ensure continued prosperity." Named Best Debaters The two best debaters of the evening were named as James Chapman, Kippen, a member of the Seaforth group and Frank Alton, Dungannon, of the Colwan- ish organization. There were only two entrants in the public speaking contest, Miss Ruth Keyes, Seaforth and Arnold Alton, Dungannon. Mr. Alton spoke on water and Miss Keyes on a goodly 'heritage. E. J. Jenkins, Clinton, and for 42 years general secretary of the YMCA atOttawa: Miss O a, Jean Stebkle, Huron County Home Ec- onomist• and Angus Pegg of the Seaforth High School staff were the judges. Ronald McMichael, Wroxeter, and president of the county farm organization was chairman of the evening. Entertainment was given by a group of Exeter junior farmers. Windsor Squadron To Farm Auxiliary pans are placed on the electric ole= ment, keep switch turned medium or low — never high. Miss D. W. asks: How• can we make a bitter-sweet chocolate coated candy? • Answer: Pour 1 lb. or 2 pkgs. of Dot chocolate chips into top of double boiler and cover pan. Insert over the lower part that contains 1 cup boiling water. Heat 2 mins. then uncover and stir constantly down sides of pan and across the bottom to dissolve evenly. When it is a creamy consistency cover cho- colate and remove from heat. Add cold water to lower part until tem- perature of water is lukewarm, then return chocolate over lower pan and stir constantly until it is lukewarm. Begin dipping at once. If it is neither too hot nor too cold the shape of candies and gloss will be perfect. Use a 2 tined fork to lower fondant balls into choco- late * 4 * Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o Clinton News -Record. Send in your suggestions on home- making problems and watch this column for replies. O�4'T LET THE -NICE FA' 3 FOOL YOU The snow will soon be here and you would be wise to get your car ready for for winter NOW . . . For the ultimate in winter tires buy the GOODYEAR S l ;par S,ow 1TE Tire We can also give you the Suburbanite tread in a re -tread tire. Don't wait, inquire today -- at -- WELLS AUTO• ELECTR W "TILE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" CLINTON - ONTARIO '4-#-s-e-d-s•o-e-o-4-•0•o-o--+-o+s-d-s-s-o-o-o-0-1 o-o-O-e-A-+-+-0-9-6+o-o-A-O-A4-�-o-•a•0-oma An Auxiliary Aircraft and Cdn-. trot. Squadron is to be formed in Windsor, it Was .announced last week by Air Force headquarters. The formation of the squadron is planned for the early • part of next year and will provide for training approximately 300 airmen and air - Women, A small number of reg- ular force personnel will be at- tached to the unit for instruction- al duties. In accordance with defence plans for preparedness in Canada, the role of the sequadron will be to train auxiliary force personnel, from the Windsor area, in all as- pects of aircraft control and warn- ing operations. An officer from the Windsor area will be appointed to command the squadron the control of which will be under, Air Defence Com - mond Headquarters at St. Hubert, .Que. Messing, working and do- mestic accommodation are pres- ently being worked out. 0 Eskimo Family Two Huron Girls Place Second At Winter Fair Kathryn I•funtet^ and Beth' Tay. lor, members of Elimville Home- making Club, placed second in the National 4-H Club .competition in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair this year. They were chosen to. represent Ontario as the provincial clothing team, and presented their project, "Anyone Can Wear A Skirt," An Alberta team placed first for the eighth year. Ontario cloth- ing teams have never placed high- er than fifth up to this year's competition in which 57 teams were vieing for honors. Kathryn and Beth grade 13 stu- dents of South Huron District High School, Exeter, are members of South Huron Junior Institute and have been very active in girls' club work. They exhibited their project "Cottons May Be Smart", at Western Fair in London this year. While in Toronto the girls have attended the Royal Winter Fair and been taken on a trip to Niag- ara Falls. Before returning to Well Travelled The Air Force wrote finis to the story of a wayward Eskimo and his family who set out 60 miles from Resolution Island in the Can- adian Arctic to their home at Port Burwell, on the most northly tip of Labrador. By the time their Komatik and dogs, roll into Port Burwell Jimmy Ananik, 56, and his step -children, Willie, 19 and •Joe, 13, will have logged almost 4,000 miles by RCAF plane, by ship, and by dog team. His wife Annie, who had been taken to hospital in Quebec City during October remained be- hind in hospital. Shipping out of Quebec City on the DOT ship Lapointe, Jimmy, his family, komatic, and dogs ar- rived at RCAF station Goose Bay on November 6. Since then they have been under the care of the Goose BayRCMP detachment. When they deplaned from the RCAF Dakota on November 16 at Fort Chimo snow drifts were sift- ing across the wartime airfield and the Eskimos were wreathed in smiles to be back near home. Jimmy cannot speak English but when 19 -year-old Willie was asked what he thought of the outside world and his trip back home he replied, "Too many peo- ple. Airplane good". WHITE -BLUE PLATES IN '54; ISSUE NOW OVER MILLION Ontario's 1954 motor vehicle license plates have a white back- ground and blue lettering, a col- our reverse of the 1953 plates, J. P. Bickell, Registrar of Motor Vehicles announces. Licenses go on sale January 2, next, in all parts of the province. This year, Mr. BickelI reports is a record in all branches of reg- istrations. Passenger vehicle lic- enses have already gone over the million mark for the first time in history with 1,081,770 issued up to October 1, and the total at that time for all classes of vehicles was 1,359,417—compared with a total of 1,205,076 for the complete year of 1952. THE ERFECT Xry."7S GIFT ANEMASTE EISTE3P S ES COMEINIG See for yourself how you can ?let ea Ci .s v, C9o¢aa er shave in LESS TIME them wet o; thy (These d.'op rr l';ira nab the f c ,, Sutter - `'erdue their homes they visited Ottawa, saw Parliament in session and were entertained at the Chateau Laurier. Leaders of the Elixnville Home- making Club who have led the girls in nine projects are Mrs. Del. mer Skinner and Mrs. Harold Taylor, Beth's another, J. S. Scruton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 371 Phone Goderieh 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR i'Af;YY >,.:f,:F::i:•:::i:':.Y :•Y. n•:: \i;h;;•yr,•Y:;:Oi .?wf,:i?,:,:^y ONE OF THESE IS THE RIGHT CAR FOR YOU! Saki, C6eced a.7dd9veAPniPPea( IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH THE HOUSE THAT VALUE BUILT ..�rt;i?:;'r•{r{:� ��'ti i':{:i'i .:q:{{.i'$:::Y:;::{.YiyY;:ii<:1 ::'a,:l:)i<3 ::•....: :;G. :Y.. �:':hY?::f::.: ..:;•.:: v•;\::.w...::::.:4::??::N.isY:.:�:ti........:.....n???i>?:e,.?::Y•x;::v .....•,•:..:.u.O r,.YI:!;:.; :...:.:.::. .1952 FORD Custom Sedan automatic transmission, low mileage 1951 CHEVROLET Sedan See this one! 194 PLYMOUTHtwo-door iso door Sedan New motor; radio; very clean 1949 FORD SEDAN $995 Special at MURPHY 13110S. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH — FARGO TRUCKS Phone 465 CLINTON Huron St. "Debentures are the sake investment I h::' erre been looking for" "My Huron & Erie debentures guarantee meI' interest on my savings, and they're a most dependable investment. can buy them for a -year term, and For as little as $100. Debentures were tailor-made for my investment needs." Ask for the folder 20 Questions' District Representative listed below -H. C. Lawson, Clinton, Ontario Head Office --- London, Ontario ThQ Cam air *he Green Oak By Roe Farms Service Dept VL -16 Lni��� TON 70 m.4,f t PROP/% I___, ° �/ 666 01$1.1 -!-'' 460 ✓ P4fe . l ; x ge r�:" youR l�/� ti) . h U,tka�y EIMEI any a , E C. , / PU'R� YES, JOE- THOUSANDS OF TONS OF 'GRASSES GO THROUGH OUR DRYER EVERY YEAR TO GIVE YOU NATURE'S OWN VITAMINS AND MINERALS IN POWDERED VITA -GRASS FOR ROE POULTRY AND STOCK FEEDS. YOU KNOW HOW YOUR FLOCKS AND HERD5 THRIVE ON LUSCIOUS GREEN GRASS AND CLOVERS EACH SPRING AND SUMMER. WELL, ROE VITA -GRASS CARRIES YOU MEAN DON'T HAVE TOSTOP THE BENEFITS OF GREEN GRASS WHEN I PEN MY B1 RDS? ,----^--' GOSH, DOC, THE WAY YOU SAY IT, IT JUST LIKE MOVING THE RANGE INDOORS. 1 GUESS WHEN YOU PUT°FARM'�PROVEN" ON ROE FEEDS YOU:41:Y MEAN IT, THAT'S ABOUT IT, JOE, OVER 20.000 ROE HENS IN OUR PENS PROVE THE VALUE OF VITA -LAY EG6 MASH-THERE`5 NEVER ANY GUESS- WORK ON YOUR PART. OF COURSE NOT, JOE - NOTICE THE RICH FRESH COLOR OF ROE VITA- LAY EGG MASH- IT HAS VITA -GRASS IN IT TO SUPPLY THE VITAMINS AND MINERALS YOUR FLOCK NEEDS TO BUILD STRONG BODIES- PRODUCE EGGS AND MAINTAIN HEALTH. --.--+. 1 ,'ray: -‘0"'"---; -""17'`' THIS SAME BENEFIT IPENSOUR LAYING •� ► '.� �. 0; :.1411JR1 $f Iii 0,1;I :`" I ` .�, - et p f , let, .I. �I ��� III�IIII L- f ).%++�� r1 4 "\� � YL1y ' �,i) :� Ipl ` V t . W . i;.�l �- /,[ ( ' ' 7 �'''r „ — ` I ;`++. moo" .= •i r,Ltnlfm, . .- rid //��++��Ies, JO rr=' �_ �r.�+.—� //!jl ' .,, ''i4'k.' .... . ItixJ.A ,� M-.�'7,e- • = A SII / „ .1 �,y� Ol e r • 'II( 'P.,.\...ytiw'y� R-+�.!raaasa I. ,• /// Vey::� TO aii ate 4 �// l�htiy t� l� j,, �/� 1i . f, �• r Rote ` �!,,17r �9v 1i t ,�rrt�.. '� 1 HOW DOES THAT !00,1.1/ •f, HELP me, [SOC 4 4t ti_ r "' ' I Ilml l �, '' '' :4 .•r "' f f �' OP ...'' je •.;:• 6 Sf y.:,::04.4y$::,..4.1 q �s i�%f i,.. + ,4,. •.: ger ,1,� ; ..+� �p ,�. �.�r . .� •• .�, ,y �,.� - r ?.p ���,,.;:,�Vii, O ♦ •f H. Charlesworth NTN A. J. MUSTARD Roti If'KII n /�,\ ,,� �� � ��"Ir