HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-10, Page 6We Have Our Christmas Trees IN STOCK • Will remain open Saturday, December 12 and Saturday, December 19 until 5.30^ p.m. for the convenience of those wishing to purchase their trees. J. W. Counter, Builders' Supplies Phone 120 Clinton wA�"�rarerl3r�r�t�trrt�r�r��z�t�tit�a-�r��r�r�rmr�r�a-ter �s-��r�,raru��,�n�-,a`� PAGE SIX CLIN!ON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1'$3 . News of Bayfield •Representative: 'KISS LUCY R. WOODS A Phone BAYFIELD 45r3 N} ..+• •-4••11 1 1 1• +++ 0.+4-* Mr .and Mrs. E J. Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs. Robert MacLeod and little Cathy, London, spent Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. H. MacLeod, Mrs. Adam Boyd, Gravenhurst, left on Sunday, December 6, to spend the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Roy Macdonald, Van- couver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rathwell and baby daughter, Goderich, ns r p Tow , h' visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rath - well, on Sunday. Wins Bible ' Master Phillip Gemeinhardt won the Bible donated by Mrs. Gaird- ner on Sunday last (Bible Sun- day) to the boy in Trinity Church Sunday School who could answer questions regarding the source in the Bible of certain stories and passages. Man Ormond was in Detroit on Monday and Tuesday. Mi$s Barbara Bassett, London, was home over the weekend. . Mrs, George Castle is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Craig, Toronto, Miss Joan McLeod, London, spent the weekend with her moth- er and sisters. Billy Parker, London, was with his parents from Thursday until at laste urda week. Saturday Jackie Fraser, London, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, over the weekend,, Mrs. Keith Truss and small daughter, London, were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Park- er, over the weekend. The many friends of Lloyd Ma- kins, who was taken to Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Louise Crane and two children, Michael and Diane, De- troit, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Lucy Plater. Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon, Preston, spent the weekend with her hus- band at the home of his parents, Trinity Guild The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church held a very successful ba- zaar and tea at sthe Albion Hotel on Saturday afternoon last. Tea was served in the dining room and the home-made articles and BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB Fowl Bing FIIDAY, DECEMBER 11 AT THE TOWN HALL, BAY1IELD 8.00 p:m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission Free VOTERS' LIST POSTING TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY I, Fred Watson, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, declare that I have posted up in my office, R.R. 3, Bayfield, the Voters' List for the year 1953 and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law. This list was posted in my office on the 30th day of November, 1953. FRED WATSON, Clerk 48-9-b baking were sold in the living room. The Guild of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner on Tuesday evening, The president Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, conducted the opening exercises. Mrs. William E. Parker gave the secretary's report. Plans, were made to hold the Christmas Sun- day School party in the Orange Hall on Monday afternoon, Decem- ber 28. The rector closed with prayer after which the hostess served refreshments. EXTRA SPECIALS 4 SHOP and SAVE December 11 and 12 SMOKED PICNIC HAMS z, Ib. 45c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO •2tins 23c LEAN BONELESS VEAL lb, 49e SWIF '4 NIPPY or SMOKEY CHEESE ,,, ,,.,,, „ ,,..,�,..., 21/z Ib, rolls 45c 1 COUNTRY KIST WAX �Si BEANS 2 tins 19e a bkLMAR MARGARINE , -pkg. 29c a HORSI�,'.'S BLENDED G JUICE ,,,,',,,,, . 48 oz. tins 31c -11 - Lt �- . Bart's Little Super er Market p dV "Where You Park With Ease" 3 Free Delivery—Phones 414 and 415 F 0 Stanley's- Abattoi•rIN IN htt %t�Mr4Vili-1 mt-I rii Illtat19- i"IIz4�Jri�t�7-`GrdaMaattlattld'fxiaabliz'rntedi'6to7 d a7Vo erre ioA SOUP ROLLED VARNA .-•-•-•.-•-•'+-•-•-• The United Church Christmas entertainment will be held before Christmas. Miss Barbara McConnell, nurse - in -training in -training at Stratford, spent last weekend at her home, The W.A. of the United Church are planning a Christmas Pag- eant in the near future. A number of boys with their parents attended the 4-H achieve- ment night in Exeter High School last Friday night. A large number of people at- News of Holmesville 14+4 - Mr, and Mrs. William Batkin motored to Galt on Friday, Mrs. J, W. Smith, Goderich, spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCullough. Sgt. and Mrs. Al Parks and sons, Aylmer, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les Jervis. Friends of Mrs. M. Stock will be pleased to know that she is feeling better following an attack of the flu. The Rev. Dr,, Thomas Buchanan, India, was the guest speaker in Holmesville United Church on Sunday afternoon, Friends of Mrs, Oliver Pocock, Benmiller, will be sorry to hear that she had the misfortune to fracture her shoulder. tended the Stanley Township Fed- eration of Agriculture Banquet in the Zurich Community Centre on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. C. Widcombe, Bayfield, Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary (By our Bayfield correspondent) Former residents of Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Widcombe, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home, 797 Huron Line, Windsor, on Novem- ber 19 when their daughter Mary and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Winni- fred Widcombe, served a turkey dinner for members of the family. Guests also were present from Toronto and London. For this happy occasion Mrs. Widcombe wore a navy blue two- piece silk frock and corsage of yellow 'mums. The table was centred with a two-tiered wedding cake, topped by an iced vase which held baby button 'mumsin gold. Golden chrysanthemums and tall tapers QUALITY ROSE CARS 1952 DODGE SEDAN— Radio, air-conditioned, tires nearly new, a wonderful clean car 1950 FORD DELUXE TUDOR— exceptionally good car 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - 1940 FORD COACH—newly recon- ditioned, bumper to bumper 1939 CHEVROLET COACH -- Trucks 1953 MERCURY 1/2 TON Express automatic transmission 1952 FORD 1/2 TON EXPRESS -- 194'7 FORD 3 TON— long wheel base dg $1675 $1500 $1275 $ 675 $ 300 a $2110 , $1400 $ 375 n: McPherson Bros. RAISEI----WILL rS DEALERS Front -End .Alignment – Wheel Balancing PHONE 492 CLINTON hiF �l+�i'�i i':i �hihk47:1 i 7 3iq W7 i iiiht441 it4X[4*I 4104) i $44,* ?" 4V4 1•)•*K23421,12044 STOP! • SHIPPING FEVER • PNEUMONIA • CALF DIPHTHERIA • INFECTIOUS_ ENTERITIS THIS SEASON WITH NIXON'S FEVREX 1 The concentrated, easy to use solution which combines the ef- fect of 4 SULFA DRUGS. Complete, detailed dosage chart for all animals on every bottle. F. B. PENNEBAKER IDA, Drug Store —"hone 14 also graced the table. Mr. and Mrs. Widcombe were the recipients of over, 50 cards, letters and telegrams including a letter from the Hon. Paul Martin. Mrs. Proctor Palmer has re- turned from Oshawa where she was the guest .of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Rol- and Gerig. Mrs. Herbert Pocock has re- turned to her home from Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth where she was a patient following an operation . Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer were Mr. and Mrs. William Proctor, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gerig and son, Oshawa. Mr,and nd Mr s, Frank Lawson, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Detroit, Mich., were week- end guestsof Mr.andMrs. D. E E. Qliddon. Mrs. Beggs, Bowmanville, has been a guest for the past five weeks with her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stur- dy. Mrs. Sturdy accompanied Mrs. Beggs on her trip home. Congratulations! Congratulations to Kenneth Potter on the wonderful showing he made at the Huron County 4-H Club Achievement Night held in Exeter. Kenneth had scored 912 points out of a possible 1,000, and won the warden's novice trophy, donated and presented by Warden Kerslake. On Saturday, November 21, Mrs. Allan Pye also held open house for her parents when about 40 called to offer congratulations and best wishes. Mrs. Widcombe, formerly Miss Lillian Lucy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lucy, was born at Coleford, Gloucestershire, England. On November 19, 1903, she was married at Corsham, Wilts., to Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Broom Widcombe, Castle Combe, Wilts., and they took up residence at B 1 a k e n e y, Gloucestershire. Their three children, Kathleen (Mrs. Allan Pye), Samuel (who passed away December 4, 1949), and Mary, at home, were born there. Mr. Widcombe served in the British Army in World War I. In 1920 he and Mrs. Widcombe de- cided to emigrate to Canada. After two years at Thedford and short periods near Zurich and, at St. Joseph's, they settled in Bayfield. Twelve years ago they decided to make their home in Windsor to be near their children. Mr. Widcombe has been in the Corps of Commissioners for al- most 12 years. He received a medal after ten years service in the Corps. ' They have three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. • 1 G 1 no was enjoyed and the study book period was taken by lVtr. Jack Yeo with the senior group, and Mrs. Frank McCullough with the juniors. Mrs, Jack Yeo read the new slate of officers, and the meeting closed with the hymn "Silent Night" and prayer. The new officers are; president, Eleanor Yeo; first vice-president, Robert Grigg; second vice-presi- dent, Leonard Wilson; secretary, Edward McCullough; treasurer, Franklin Yeo; World Friends sec - Community Club The Community Club held their first party of the season on Fri- day night, in the school. Cards were enjoyed and the winners were: high, Mr. and Mrs. William Bolton, Goderich; and low, Mrs. Harry Williams and Charlie Will- iams, Jr. The lunch committee, Mrs. Proctor Palmer, Mrs. Clar- ence Sturdy, Mrs. Leslie Jervis and Mrs. Harry Cudmore prepared and served lunch, and dancing was enjoyed to music by a Goderich orchestra, directed by George Bol- ton. retary, Cathie Potter; correspgnd ing secretary, Barbara Yeo; pian- ist, Mrs. Frank McCullough; as- sistants, Barbara Yeo and Frank- lin Yeo; hymn book caretaker, James McCullough; .peace, Barbara ileo, Leonard Wilson, Bonita Will- iams, Cathie Poter, Donald Yeo; temperance, Robert Norman, Mar. ion Liebold, Dominique Gahweiler, Paul Cudmore and Franklin Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mulholland visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mustard, Brucefield. Mission Band The regular meeting of the Wil- helmine Mission Band of Holmes- ville United Church was held in the school on Friday, December 4, with Mary Hutchins as leader. The meeting opened with the carol "O Come All Ye Faithful," followed by the Mission Band purpose. The Scripture lesson, St. Luke 2:8-14 was read by Frances Mc- Cullough and the prayer was giv- en by Bonita Williams. Cathie Potter read a poem "Miss Hurry and Miss Steady," and Eleanor Yeo read a story "Alone with His Treasure". Ted McCullough read a peace story "The First Christ- mas and This." "Away In a Man- ger" was sung and Douglas Nor- man read "Their Christmas Child." A short time of carol singing with Mary Helen Yeo at the pia - TENDER Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS will bp received by the undersigned up until, 4 p.m., December 15th, 1953, for the construction of the Stanley Jackson Drain, Township of Tuckersmith. 5,890 feet tile, 2 catch basins, one field stone protection, ten feet of 15" iron pipe. Contractor to supply all i'lrquire- ments except tile which will be supplied by the township. Work to be completed by June 30th, 1954. Marked cheque for 10 per cent of tender to accompany each tender and tenders to be sealed and marked "Tender". Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office in Tuckersmith. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth .:f' c-iC. .w' e - - el4-ta.1P.APs!o tat a`P.lc J atMWVamm'•!°w{Pw n- a a 'asv-%c- ;.e'-,pa-wwz a 'atetwommele4Pz°P. teterze!mt a'- 4-P+TP'meiS42i REi ai4a'-%�w eyoze?wG:CH ma .?w ' " clot emetze'ttvg42 • • • iWG 19 V EIV dG 1 NYLON CREPE COTTON G • -->z. Z lb �. •. °'vvT 4 "' Et t '. il,, rid ..§ . :. « asp: giri VIAC IT/ H NYLONS in Christmas Pack 98c-1.75 TOWEL SETS 1.95 — 3.75 74 BLOUSES _ riSkirts and Slacks All Sizes o° "fa��. � ,.:<`: NYLON of Assorted Colours All Sizes — All Colours Wool and Orlon RAYON COTTON aG 2.95 — 5.95 7.95 —.12.95 1.98 —12.95 T `, IT SWEATERS GLOVES • Leather.— Wool Fur — Chamoisette !'f up ° 79c — 6.95 ik PURSES d �F Leather and Plastic C 3.95 — 9.95 4 1.95 — 7.95 1.98 7.95 gmaic-temovg-t' voctC voetct4Ktoct t, vvc-to tcty ' egtvC'tY.;SEC'-tooetcr4tmFi. ' . voct ° -f 3 zsvwc : {E 1ctatocti itioal vvet '-tw.vvatvetetl'z'` ooct twatc gtoc tvoctmc+ v:t6tGt ;: DREssEs CHRISTMAS ' DRAW 1st—OTTAWA VALLEY BLANKET -60x30 (, OATS 2nd—NYLON SLIP ' 3rd—TWO PAIR NYLONS — One Ticket for Every $1.00 Purchase -- ta,4tatoc .ttvte tetetztevoc-tetct:tetovc-tctetpctoc-K 4osetetwetmtaste tvcvt ;cAcctccQ HOUSECOATS PYJAMAS Nylon and All Wool 5.95 —12.95 2 2.95 --- 8.95 :t4 tiICCI CICVetetet4tX=VctetMCKV.C.CM VCAVetct tetatCWIC aetetrttCtMett; HOLIDAY FORMALS Nylon - Flannelette - Broadcloth All Sizes Assorted Colours 22.50 26.50 wItActo toot! + toctotztr~ t ' e a g tt tgtct zt omectocui a cetozoo `tntr woe X ** c lip"Altiletsittatatia 14 g34+7q 01411P diRi Se 4i4 aeier S LaUieSif pi ear FOR SMART THINGS TO WEAR Phone 59 ... r;,>a*�w tl� ****�w*l ** t* �w* * titdtlt ; •a t tt t t t t �: 0•00041100004 s 7�47tr la]lt t