HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-10, Page 5W:t'Lli-SDAY, DECE1V4AE1t, I;II, 1953 t WANTADS Classified Rates CASH RATE (%t paid by ',Wednesday following date of in- ertibn)---Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); +rcubsequent insertions 1% cents a ^word (minimum 35 Zents); 15 dents extra for box •numlbdr or 'icor direction to NEWS -RECORD Mice. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- daY. • ..ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'FURNISHED apartment, heated, private entrance, suitable for . young couple, phone Goderich •534, 55 Elgin Ave., Goderich. 48-b "TWO, FOUR ROOMED unfurnish- ed apartments. Self-contained. Available January 1. Apply 'Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 692W. 48-b ' TWO NEW HEATED APART- znents. Doctor E. A. McMaster, phone Seaforth 26, 47-8-b 'FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent, share bath, mile and one-half from Clinton, Lorne Tyndall. Phone Clinton 904r4. 47.8-b SMALL TWO ROOMED apart- ment, furnished, suitable for coup- le; also two romed apartment fully furnished. Phone Clinton 73J, 48-p NEW FOUR ROOMED apartment in Seaforth, all conveniences. Ap- ply Dr. E. A. McMaster. Phone "Seaforth 26 or 27. 48-9-b FURNISHED SEVEN -ROOM brick house in Bayfield. Hot and cold running water and bath. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 41-tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE FIVE -LEAF extension tab- le. Good condition. Phone Clin- ton 259W. 48-p FIRESTONE SPECIAL: Dormey- er Portable electric food mixer, regular $29.95, special price $22.95; also G. E. electric kettles, regular 14.50, special price $11.95. Tele- • phone orders, delivered. T. A. Dutton, Firestone Dealer, Bruce - field, phone Clinton 634r4. 48-b ARTICLES WANTED ONE USED EASY CHAIR OR 'Chesterfield chair; also one small table for a hot plate. Phone Clin- ton 768W. 48-b aS. SECOND-HAND SUIT or sport coat, size 14 or 16, Phone Clinton ,619r2. 48-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1952 CHEVROLET coach, good condition. Owner posted. For in- formation phone 382, local 245. LAC Robillard. 48-p 1951.PREFECT, IN GOOD con- dition, Phone Clinton 807r31. 48-p 1948 CIVILIAN JEEP. New mo- tor, used only 11 months. In A-1 shape. Apply to Ross P. Feagan, phone Clinton 90203. 48-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES :BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- huSiness trades listed: restaurants, ',gas stations, tourist camps, groe •nry stores; one Main St. build- 'ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; ;Phone 448. 1.4-tfb (BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS 17e — PULLETS — 22e ARBOR ACRES WHITEROCK Pullets, 17c; Sussex X New Hemp - shires, 22c; Sussex X Red, 26c; White Rocks available weekly De- oember and later, other breeds January 4 and later. Four and six week Sussex X Red Pullets avail- ab.le December 15-29. Special price. Hatching weekly. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM. Phone Exeter 7. 47-8-9-50-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE BUILDING KNOWN AS Rance office on Rattenbury Street, Ap- ply Roy Tyndall. Phone Clinton 907r3. 48-b CLOTHING FOR SALE MAN'S SUIT, SIZE 40. Can be seen at Clifford Lobb's Store. $15. 48-p GIRL'S NAVY WINTER Reefer, with hood, size 12, with snow pants to match. A real bargain. Phone Clinton 910r13. 48-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED HANDICAPPED, male, good cook, five years experience in dietician kitchens, chauffer Iicense, reliable. Part time or full time. Phone Clinton 86. 48-9-50-p LIGHT PLUMBING AND heating •repair work wanted by experien- ced, reliable man. Apply 13ox 47, Clinton News -Record. 48-9-50-p FURNITURE FOR SALE SEVERAL SMALL, TABLES and stands. Phone Clinton 656. 47-8-9-p DOHERTY ORAGAN, good con- dition. Apply Box 46, Clinton News -Record. 48-p FARMS FOR SALE 1(11Ctr LIST O1 ` FARM$ FOR sal. L. G. Winter, Beal 'Estate, "Phone Clinton, 448, 33-tfb FARM WANTED FARM WANTED 'W`10,'Ii HOUSE and barn, of about 4b or 50 acres, riandy loavn or loam soil, workable fields, not too hilly, reasonable terms. • Apply 13ox 45, Clinton :t eves -`record. 48-tr HELP WANTED—MALE MAN AS 11tEAD salesman. Ap- >Uartliff Brea, Clin- tent. LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderieh, Phone collect, 9136r32, or 936r21. 94ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHT PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply Ivan Hoggart. Phone Cline ton 805r22. ONE HEREFORD COW, due on January 7. Apply Mrs. James East, R.R. 4. Phone Clinton 807r66, 48-b SIX OPEN HEIFERS, serviceable age, milking Shorthorns. Regist- ered and vaccinated. Apply Alex "Sandy" Pepper, R,R. • 3, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 656r41. 48-p LOST AND FOUND FOUND—A SOW wandered to Herbert Pocock's. Would owner prove property and pay for expen- ses. 48-p LOST — ON DECEMBER 4, be- tween Bayfield and Seaforth, one ear wheel and tire. Apply 3. E. Howard. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 48-9-b LOST—ONE PAIR OF BROWN rimmed child's glasses, reward. Apply C. Dixon, Phone Clinton 320. 48-b MISCELLANEOUS CRESS BUNION SALVE relieves fast, wear stylish shoes soon. Druggists sell Cress Corn Salve, too. - 48-b EXPERT LADIES' TAILORING, dress making, remodelling and al- terations. Apply Mrs. Ted, phone Clinton 105W: 46-7-8-p SHARPENING SAWS—All kinds of saws sharpened. Leave at resi- dence of David Elliott, Fulton St. Also table turnips for sale. Phone Clinton 263. 47-8-9-p SAY IT WITH MINK THIS Christmas, Buy her a four piece stole in dark or pastel shades. Also for sale: dressed turkeys for Christmas. Phone Clinton 907r5. E. Trick. 46-tfb VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb GIVE NURSERY STOCK FOR Christmas. 40 to 60 per cent cash discount sale. April delivery. Spec- ial Christmas trade only. Roses reg. $1.75, now 79c. Evergreens $7 to $9 value for $3.60. Amazing prices of fruit trees and hedges, while we have them. Order now. Act fast. Hogle Nursery, Camp- bellford, Ontario, 47-8-9-b NOTICE ATTENTION ALL FARMERS— We are discontinuing Custom Kill- ing until further notice. Please do not bring in any livestock on chance as we are sorry we can not oblige you. Thank you. Stanley's Abattoir, Burton A. Stanley, Clin- ton, Ontario. POULTRY FOR SALE ONE TRIO OF GREY toulouse geese, five years old; also one trio of buff geese, three years old. Good breeding stock. Apply Al- bert Leibold, R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 910r13. 48-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully, tuned, Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb • PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb NEW HOUSE WITH GARAGE, living room, kitchen, dinette, two bedrooms and bath, oil heated. Apply Joe Finck, Rattenbury St. West, phone Clinton 570W. . 46-tfb FOR SALE OR RENT--Six-room cottage with bath, hot air furnace, screens, storm windows, and all modern conveniences. Possession January 1, Phone Clinton 595W. 47-8-p $10,000 BUYS ONE OF Seaforth's most beautiful homes. Four bed- rooms, hot water, heated with oil. Fireplace. Well insulated. Com- plete with new drapes throughout. Two -car garage. WelI-Iandscaped lot. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Phone Setif orth 26. 47-8-b WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY OF DRY Soft maple, cut 12" long. $4 a cord cash right at the yard; or $5 cash delivered. Apply C. J. O'Brien, R.R. 5, Clin- ton. Phone Clinton 615r25. 48-p CAt ILIAC COACH AMBULANCE Convenient Safe Reliable Heated unlit Atttbtthatre Mtfrt. CLINTON NEWS -m coRD PAGE FIV4: BIRTHS COULTIS--In Clinton Public Hos. pital, on Saturday, December 5, 1953, to Mr". and Mrs, William Coultis, Varna, a son, (John Henry) . DALRYMPLE—In. Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 4, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Dalrymple, Kippen, a daughter. GARNISS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 3, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Garniss, Blyth, a daughter, (Georgina Marie). LOBB—At Esquimalt B.C. on Wednesday, December2, 1953, to S/Sgt. and Mrs. Everett M, Lobb, son (Douglas Allen, a brother for Peter and Richard). MAKINS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Makins, Bayfield, to daughter (Brenda Ann). r REABURN—In South Huron Dis- trict Hospital, Exeter, Tuesday, December 8, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reaburn, Hensel], a son. DEATHS HOLMES--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday morning, De- cember 4, 1953, Mary Jane Hawthorne, widow of the late Joseph Holmes, in her 81st year. Funeral from the Walker fun- eral home to Wingham ceme- tery, on Monday, December 7, LANSING—At the home of her son, Sidney Lansing, on Base Line, on Wednesday, December 9, 1953, Mrs. Emma. Lansing, in her 90th year. Funeral from her sons home on Base Line to Ball's Cemetery, -on Saturday, Decem- LEIPER—In Hullett Township, on Monday, December 7, 1953, An- nie Leiper, beloved wife of the late James Leiper, in her 82nd year. Funeral from her late resi- dence, lot 10, concession 11, HuI- lett Township, to Burns' Ceme- tery, on Wednesday afternoon, December 9, PREST—At her home in Londes- boro, on Wednesday, December 9, 1953, Mary Crawford, beloved wife of Fred Prost, in her 56th year. Resting at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High St.; Clinton, until Thursday. Funeral from the family residence to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Fri- day afternoon, December 11, at two o'clock. MURRAY—At his home in Lon- don, on Sunday morning, No- vember 29, 1953, Garnet C. Mur- ray, beloved husband of Harriet Young, in his 68th year. Funeral from the Bennett-Oatman fun- eral home to Forest Lawn Mem- orial Gardens, on Wednesday af- ternoon, December 2. A. G. Grigg & Son "More Heat Per Gallon" Modern truck equipped with latest metered and stamped delivery tickets. Guaranteed Supply "HONE '74W --Clinton London Rd. Ladies Plan Quilting Bee The November meeting of the London Road Club was held at the home of Mrs. Doucette, 12 members and three visitors an- swered the roil call. The meet- ing was opened with the sing- ing of "The Maple Leaf" follow- ed by the repeating of the creed. The minutes of the last meeting were' read and adopted and the correspondence was read The treasurer's report was given and it was decided- to send a donation to the Children's Aid Society. Plans for a quilting party the following week were made and arrangements discussed for the card party which is being held December 11. The mystery box was won by Mrs. Arthur Wltse. The meeting closed with tbe singing of 'God Save The Queen' The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Wiltse on Tuesday, Dec- ember 15. The roll call will be an exchange of gifts, 0 Tuckersmith Club Makes $1O Gift The December meeting of the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Alden Crich with 21 members and seven visit- ors present. The meeting was op- ened by singing the opening Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer. "Oh Come All ye Faithful" was sung. The monthly and annual reports were given. It was decided to send $10 to the Children's Aid Society at Goderich, along with the shipment of children's cloth- ing. Mrs. Bert Garrett was the win- ner of the Canadian Rose quilt. The exchange of Christmas gifts was held. Mrs, Rogerson moved a vote of thanks to all the officers for their co-operation during the year and Mrs. B. Garrett tendered the thanks of the club to Mrs. Rogerson. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. W. Whitmore, and Mrs. E. Crich gave a reading "Christmas in the 80's was some- thing to remember." hi Memoriam In loving memory of a dear fatti- er and grandfather, Robert Orr, who passed away, one year ago today, December 10, 1952. Gone but not forgotten. Ever remem- bered by his daughters, Pearl and Lillian and son William and fam- ily, 48-b FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the man with a young'family. Consult— HAL IIA.RTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w T CE The Beauty Shop will be closed from January 18 until February 8, 1954 SHIRLEY'S BEAUTY SHOP Phone Clinton 185 :-��o-.-d-a.-a.s-a•.►-+-+-o-+-a-o-�-.�-e-o-s-►+a-e.-♦.►e-s-�-o-s-o-e-*-a-a.-era.-e-e-w: IMMOMMI To the Electors of the Town of Clinton: My sincere thanks to all who supported me at the polls on Tuesday., Best wishes to the 1954 Council and uay Clinton continue to prosper. With Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. —W J MILLER rgPG'2Fn ikCQwtTOE;P/$L a?cZaVaalakalP/x �° P E�yPI?P " F �F "IMP.n, �r,�e ey,�rw�aheat�P�tt� Far n 1>@ who don't like Christmas Shopping. Leave your order with ""Bol," now .- At aro extra cost to you I will have your gift Christmas- Wiiipped and ready for you to pick up when you watt it --- Buy Her Something To . Wear Every Woman just Loves New Clothes We Have Everything ror "tier" To Wear +'S d� ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING—December 10.12 "PONY SOLDIER" starring Tyrone Power, Cameron Mitchell -- Technicolor --•- `ON-TUES.-WED.—Dec. 14-16 FLIGHT NURSE" ,roan Leslie, Forrest Tucker Jeff Donnell THURS.-FRI.-SAT—Dee, 17-19 Cornell Constance WILDE a SMITH "Treasure of the Golden Condor" --- Technicolor .2 - DEC. DEC. 21st -- "Sombrero" — Technicolor — r PARK THEATRE GODEItICH_Phone 1150 NOW:, "THE DESERT RATS" with James Mason as Erwin Ronunel MON: TUE S -W an June Allyson, Johnson and Louis Calhern A murder -mystery -comedy, yeh really, in which an aspiring singer and a perspiring drummer become innocent suspects. "REMAINS TO . BE SEEN" THURS-FBI-SAT— Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyclr, Thelma Ritter The Blue Ribbon winning story of the 1912 maritime disaster in which 19 lifeboats saved 712 out of 2200 passengers. "TITANIC" Coming: "SO THIS IS LOVE" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now: Dan Dailey and Constance Smith, In: "TAXI" MON-TUES-WI";D-- Joan Leslie, Forrest Tucker and Jeff Donnell A high -flying adventure with a girl who dared the most hazard- ous of all occupations "FLIGHT NURSE" TI1URS-FRI-SAT— Dale Robertson, Rory Calhoun, Robert Wagner A swift -moving Western, built a- round a young stage coach driver who had rare sense of justice. "The Silver Whip" Conning: "I DREAM OF JEANNIE" A lilting comedy romance N Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation to all my friends who sent flowers, cards, letters and treats," to the WMS and WA for the beautiful plant, also to those who visited me while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses for their kindness. MRS. LEE McCON- NELL. 48-p 3% INTEREST on Savings Open a Savings Account in Clinton Community Credit Union To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans at Reasonable Rates W, V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day Open Mon. and Fri. till 5.30 Clinton Community Farmer AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. ThRMS 'CASH Also offered at this sale will be a 1940 Ford Two Door Se dan, model 110. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 1 Specials for December 10-11-12 di SALMON, Fancy Red Sockeye 1/2 ib, tin 33c SALMON, Fancy Red Cohoe, 1/2 lb. tin 23c POTATOES, P.E.I. (extra special C and C) (only 50 bags at this price) 50 ib. bag 89c DIAMOND BUDDED WALNUTS ib. 53c BRAZIL NUTS lb, 49c MIXED NUTS lb. 41c PEANUTS, in shell lb. 33c ORANGES, new crop Navels size 282 doz, 35c ORANGES, Florida, size 250 doz. 29c CANDY, festive mixed lb. 39c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver sar-2a-ae: ee AZALEAS BEGONIAS POINSETTAS ,CYCLAMEN ROSES — CARNATIONS 'MUMS --- Etc. • PHONE 66W 0 FLORIST CLINTON 48-9-b a1 A—WM kil446lelMMelele iftle ialgileiMMIE1 a WM WVa-lalleleM*4 Wei 610af'. 4 te CHECK THESE on YOUR LIST SIIIRTS -- TIES SOCKS — BELTS SWEATERS — JACKETS DRESSING GOWNS PYJAMAS SPORT SHIRTS -- HATS Jewellery — Handkerchiefs Luggage -- Etc. Use Our Lay -Away Plan GIFT BOXES 5 PICKETT CAMPBELL 11i 1E S T O 111; E 1+' t1 M E N Al(1r1k1tiW smIt ES ItA?E S PHONE 25 (Main Corner) CLINTON'