HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-10, Page 4P41 FOUR. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, mcata3va 1$0 Personas Miss Kay Snider has returned from Brampton where she visited her sister and family, Miss Janet snider, Meaford, spent a few days last week with her grandparents, IVIr, and Mrs. John Snider. Mrs. S, Riddick and Mrs, J. B. Cox returned home On Sun•- day after -visiting the former's sister in. Ingersoll, Prior ; to this, Mrs, Riddick had spent same time In. Windsor, Detroit, and Dondon. Engagements Announced. Mr, and Mrs, Burton A. Stanley, Clinton, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Phyllis Ann, to Richard A, Dohme, only son of Mr. and Mrs, A. C, Dohme, Rustic Road, .Dayton, Ohio. 48-p ]tor, and Mrs. Orrin Dowson, Varna, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Janet Elizabeth, to Robert Wilson Rum- ney, Willowda]e, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rumney, Victoria Harbour. The wedding will take place early in January, 48-p Officers. s. Appointed Ontario St. School The annual meeting of the Sun- day School executive of Ontario Street United Church was held Monday evening in the _church. hall after a bountiful chicken sup- per. The superintendent presided for the first Part of the meeting and. Rev. A. G. Eagle presided for the election of officers. Routine business was dealt with: and arrangezrients made for White Gift Sunday on December 13 at the evening service and the Christ- mas concert. The election of officers resulted in the following for 1954: super- intendent, Charles Stewart (pro - tem); assistants, F. Townsend, S, Schoenhals; secretary, Robert El., liott; assistants, Arthur Tyndall and Doug. Batkin; treasurer, Mrs, Reg. Ball; M. and M. treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Elliott; lantern operat- ors, Mr. Lavis' class; pianists, Miss Grant, Marlene Jervis, Katherine Powell; cradle roll secretary, Mrs. Roy Connell; executive secretary, Mrs. F. Townsend; assistant, Mrs, B. Olde; envelope secretary, Ar- thur Aiken; auditors, Mrs. Gilbank and Mrs. Olde, Teachers were all re-elected. Any other vacancies will be dealt with at the January meeting, Meld's Slippers Romeos, Opera ,Style, Zipper Type, Wool, Leather or Sheariing Construction 2.35 up ,44 GLOVES SOCKS BELTS , SWEATERS .v. I. A �6VT VOA .p BILLFOLDS -- BRIEFCASES UTILITY CASES -- WRITING CASES CHANGE PURSES DACK AND SCOTT-McHALE SHOES FOS MEN Mrs. Beattie Meads WesleywWillis W.A. The December meeting of the Woman's Association of Wesley - Willis United Church took the form of a Christmas party. The lecture room was prettily decorat- ed with garlands and candles, Tile president Mrs, George Beattie, was in the chair and Op- ened the meeting by quoting a familiar verse, God so Loved the World", and three verses of a carol "0 Little Town :of Bethlehem were- sung. Mrs. Benson Cox read from the 15th chapter of St. John's gospel and three members, Mrs, H. C, Wilson, Mrs. J. Addison and Mrs, Norman Shepherd, gave a meditation on the Love of God for the World, The secretary, Mrs. Frank Fing- land, end the treasurer, Mrs, A. E, Shaddick, gave their reports. Car- ols were sung at intervals with Mrs. H. Charlesworth at the piano. Mrs, Willis VanEgmond sang very sweetly, "Bless This House", accompanied by Miss Elva Wiltse, the encore was the popular "White Christmas." Miss Wiltse contributed a Piano number—always popular — "In a Monastery Garden". Mrs. Frank Fingland read a true story from the pen of Fred Sloman, entitled, "Breath of God". This was a story to remember. Mrs. H, C. Wilson conducted the election of officers and congratul- ated the retiring ones of 1953 for their faithfulness. The convener of the striking committee, Mrs. John Nediger, was then called upon for the slate of officers for 1954. This was adopted. Miss Mavis Steepe closed the meeting by contributing a group of instru- mentals. Tea was served from a prettily decorated table centred with beautiful red chrysanthemums, set off by tall green and yellow lighted candles on either side. Tea was poured by Mrs, A. T. Cooper, and a group of young ladies served the guests. The menu involved Christmas cake and candy. The Officers for 1954 Honorary president, Mrs. H. C. Wilson; president, Mrs. George Beattie; first vice-president, Mrs. Gordon Manning; second vice- president, Mrs. James McLaren; treasurer, Mrs. Douglas Bartliff; recording secretary, Mrs, Milton Steepe; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Reece Jenkins; press secre- tary, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; group leaders, (1) Mrs. Clifford Cooper, (2) Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, (3) Mrs. Charles Nelson, (4) Mrs. Leslie Ball;» Conveners, property committee, Mrs. W. Pinning and Mrs. Harold Adams; sewing, Mrs. D. Laidlaw and Mrs. H. Cameron; programme, Miss Ida Walkinshaw; flower, Mrs, F. Potter; manse, Mrs. W. Pick- ard, Mrs. Fingland, Mrs. F. And- rews; social, Mrs John Nediger, Mrs, Norman Egan, Mrs. Elmer Hugill; pianist, Mrs. Harry Char- lesworth. i , sz aevatm'l' a-lavg-t i" va to 'c? toetvg--fC v, ..,-'a',a'�.atC�li--%-w6tnd. a Isou�� Jst t, �,�}� a Prok t? We would suggest a trip to o.ir store, our voiri•ous gift sections in *raze stoves will be o big help, many exciting gifts fair all ages. TOY'S! TOYS® TOYS! Dz Large Selection to Choose From, Many New Items CCM Skates, Sticks, Pads, Pucks, Etc. Good Supply Now In emoovoatammvatetenkeovelgomatelimetommatmevatmea i r(v 74 Tree! Free Fre BALL and 'RTC 'S ANNUAL CHRIST AS D A This contest is now two weeks old. At this early stage many people seeking to win the prizes have already taken advantage of our offer. We feel you will agree that the rules of this draw are vary simple. Why not cointuonce your Christmas Shopping now while the selection is at its best. It will +certainly pay - you to shop at Bail and 1Vi:utch's for with every five dollars you spend you will receive extra. value in tickets and will be building up your chances of Winning these grand prizes. WtegtoompropftgozwoottectOmmogtmowrOztomotze tey Cutting and Lock Re -Setting "Why be stuck with one, let us crit you some!" BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE .. FURNITURE PIIONE 195 CLINTON, ONT, ST. ANDREW'S W.M.S. WILL MEET TUESDAY The 'Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, will meet on Tues- day, December 15, at the home of Mrs. E. Farquhar. • Reb ekab,s, JOOF Christmas Party The regular meeting .of Huronle Rebekah Clinton LonodgeMonday lelvo, 0ve6 waseing held a good attendance, Miss Winniwithe Gray joined by transfer from Am- ber Rebekah Lodge No. 349, Hen- still, A donation was authorized to the Navy League. After busi- ness was concluded the lodge clos- ed in regular form. Following t h e meeting the Christmas party for the IOOF members, their wives, the Re., bekahs and their husbands or friends was attended by over 100 persons. The first part of the evening wasspent in playing eu- chre and "500". Prizes for "500": high, Mrs. Addie Sturdy, Dr, Harry McIntyre; low, Mrs. Joyce Ciceri and Clarence Sturdy; euchre;, high, Miss Winnie Gray, Wilfreil Freeman; low,. Mrs. Mock, John MulhoIIand. Prize for lucky chair went to Mrs. Martha Wilson. Lucky draw, Melvin Crich and Wilfred Freeman. Santa Claus then appeared and distributed the gifts. (Mrs, C, Cook acted as Santa.) A delicious lunch was served including candy, and a Christmas cake. The cake was made and donated by Noble Grand, Janet Zapfe. A half hour of carol singing lead by Mrs. Mary Nediger and Charles Wilson was Much enjoyed. The evening closed with singing the National Anthem. —o --- Happy Doubles Fix Toys for Children The Happy Doubles of Ontario Street Church met on Monday evening at the home of Helen and Joe Fink. The devotional period was in the- charge of Lois and Cecil Elliott who chose, "Gentle Mary Lay Her Child", as opening hymn. A reading, "Christmas In Holland" was giv- en. The business period follow- ed and it was decided to give $50 towards shipping the W.M. S. bale to Korea; $10 to the T. B. Fund; $10 to the M. and M. fund of the church. Each member is to bring a 25c gift to the Christmas party and each couple to bring a couple. The remainder of the evening was spent dressing dolls and re- pairing toys. A delicious lunch teas served by Helen Aiken, Mildred Merrill and Florence Symons. 0 LOCAL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ENTERTAIN AT CHRISTMAS The Clinton Women's Instit- ute will be hostess to the Lon- don Road Club on December 17, in the Agricultural Office Board Room at two o'clock. The Roll Call will be a display of home- made Christmas novelties. There will be an exchange of Christ- mas gifts. Miss S. Courtice will be the guest speaker, Mrs. D. Carter and Mrs. W. Ross are the pro- gramme conveners. Hostesses will be Mesdames M. Wiltse, W. S. R. Holmes, F. Johnston, F. Reid, W. McClin- chey, J. McGi11, H. Jenkins, W. Wise, T. Glazier, L. Hunter, W. CoIclough, and P. Miller. erliftrs Sunday, December 13, 1953 (STANDARD TIME) e lop= iYU fntteb Ourtb Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship "What Shall We Ask For This Year?" 11.20 a.m.—Primary School. 12.15 p.m.—Church School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise Carol and Candle -lighting service, auspicies: Young People's Union Holmesvillo United Church 1.30 p.m. --Service at Holmesville Come to the House of Prayer Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a m Communion Service 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Children's Hour — Tuesday 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY, 8 p.m.— PLAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Pentecostal Church P.A.O,C, Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10,00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Evening at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Friday, 7.00 p.m.—Young People's. ALL WELCO.ME Mrs. 1161mes Again Leads W1VI Society Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes presided at the December meeting of the Ontario Street United Church Woman's Missionary Society held on Tuesday at the parsonage. Miss Wiltse was at the piano. The meeting opened with the singing of "Hark, the Herald Ang, els Sing", reading another hymn in unison, and prayer led by the president, Mrs, Holmes. The wor- ship service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Eagle, who gave a talk on "How to Observe Christmas Day?" Prayer was offered, and the poem, "The Christmas Prayer" was read. Roll call wasanswered by a verse on. "Peace". Mrs. W. Van- Egmond and Mrs. D. Symonds fav- ored with a duett and Mrs. Van- Egmond also sang a solo. "Christ- mas Carols" was in the charge of Mrs, Holmes, assisted by Mrs. M. Aiken, Mrs. M. Wiltse, Mrs, J. Radford, Mrs, F. Townsend and Mrs. W. J. Plurnsteel, Miss' S. R, Courtice closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and a social time was enjoyed. Following is the slate of officers for the year 1954, accepted as pre- sented by Mrs. C. O. Martin, chair- man of the striking committee: honorary president, Mrs. A. J. Mc- Murray; president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; first vice-president, Mrs. W. M. Aiken; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. W. VanEgmond; third vice-president, Mrs. M. Wiltse; re- cording secretary, Mrs. F. Town- send; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. O. Martin; treasurer, Mrs. 3. B. Lavis; Christian stewardship, Miss H, Courtice and Mrs. Lucy Swan; Watch Tower, Miss S. Courtice; community friendship, Mrs. R. Webster, Miss M. Wiltse and Miss Elizabeth Gibbings; as- sociate helpers, Mrs. F. Watt, Mrs. J. Johnston; temperance literat- ure, Mrs. C. Elliott; supply secre- tary, Mrs, N, Sly; expense fund, secretary, Mrs. G. Wheatley; press secretary, Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. N. Car- ter; study book, Mrs. R. Fear; pianist, Mrs, C. Radford, Miss E. Wiltse, Mrs. Treleaven; Mission Band, Mrs. Ross Trewartha and Mrs. George Colclough; Baby Band, Mrs. W. Hogarth; auditors, Mrs. Gilbank and Miss Mary Turner. St. Paul's Anglican Ch urch REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs, J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service. Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service. W.A. will meet Tuesday, December 15, at 2.45 p.m. in Owen Memorial Hall. Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV, J. E. OSTROM Organist—Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service. 12.15—Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader 10,00 a.m.--Church School 11,00 a.m,—Divine Service. Children's period. Sermon subject: "A Hymn from ; Heaven." 2.30 p.m.—Service In Knox Church, Bayfield. The church school is preparing a wonderful nativity pageant. Look for the date and res - serve it.. All welcome at our services ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR --REV. A„ GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST-4MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00 a.m.--•Morning Worship. 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School, 7.30 p.m, ---White gift service and cantata by choir. TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m. ---Worship. 3.00 p.m. --Sunday School Joseph Street Gospel Hall G. P. TAYLOR will close special meetings this week, but you still have a fetv nights left. Thursday and Friday at 8- p.M. Order Of meetings for Lord's Day, December 13; Children's Meeting at 3 pan. Believers' Meeting at 4 pan. Testi/11°11y Meeting at 7 pan. G. P. Taylor will be with us at all of these meetings. Plan to cone. Year hove some got saved as they tell it at the 7 o'clock meeting. AL1:. wEYr'olvlla. ` i s k a�d4b2 t41-'111VaV7 3 dik1,11t7rt3 3iba�Y1�t a'IfiVi2a*7Wal tltiltightt"dt10F.i"a10t i»a`;J 4444444444+++444444444 CWL. Plans Party For Children. The Catholic Women's League held Rs monthly meeting in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, December 7.Pians were made for the children's party to be held in the hall the Monday following Christmas, December 28, Two committees were formed, .one for entertainment, and one for the children's treat. The. Butterfly quilt was raffled and won by Joseph Blake, The proceeds of quilt was $35, The mystery prize was won by Mrs. John McGuire, A social program was arranged by Mrs. Nogalo and Mrs. Carbert. Prize winners were Mrs. Joseph Flynn and Mrs. Man- aghan. It was decided in the future that a ten cent fee be.charged for lunch, A delicious lunch was serv- ed at the close of the meeting. 0 hayli A midnight feed Of m:iI4, of course. It's all t'mnyne� LEGION AUXILIARY PLAN CHRISTMAS PAITY The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will hold its Christmas Party on Monday evening, . December 14, in the Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street. Members please bring sandwiches unless otherwise in- structed. THE VOICE OF - TEMPERANCE Dr. R. G. Bell, medical director of Shadewbrook Health Founda- ion, told an .aucltence recently,. "Many .of the country's alcoholics need never have been addicted had they known the danger signals early in life.�tOur youth in Hu» ron County and throughout On- tario will grow up knowing the danger signals if advantage is tak- en of present Department of Edu- cation regulations. For Alcohol Education is now an obligatory subject study of st y of grades ten and eleven. The Department is being urged to extend this teach- ing down into grades seven and eight since many students never reach grade nine, It goes without saying that in churches and Sun- day School alcohol education should be Carried on continuously. A very excellent Teacher's Man- ual for Alcohol Education has re- cently been produced by the On- tario Department of Education. Preachers, Sunday School teachers and leaders of young peoples' groups interested in this vital sub- ject will find this manual inval- uable, This advertisement is inserted by the Huron County Temperance Federation. 48-1, 'tz¢uc atattiKK;e?IVer �' ole w ? SCte{CIC4 *''GIFTY...'THRIFTY ke\ta'•• Pre Christmas Shopping Specials No need to wait until after Christmas for these Bargain Prices, BUY WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES THE MOST GOOD. F We Pride Ourselves in Never Knowingly Being Undersold. �f11Z2rt11Z1R,CO/1t�+JWWr1.242'�Oi��gt�'��,`iYia-�a�a�o'-�nt6i(�'� 0 All Women's and C Dresses ��ss�s Taffetas — Wools — Nylons — Ribolenes Sizes 8 to 14 and 12 to 221/2 matelomtwocrawatcpoevoweveteletwermveleatostatetwee All Women's and Misses' Coats r•; Sizes 8 to 14x and 12 to 22% LEPR IOF SLIPS— Sizes 32 to 44—values to 3.95 1 95 4 Extra Special at only ea. 9 4DIADMIDPOMan"`aZ& pa rr"tx>litiat�a�r3t�r Mr3IN-oS aDrDi IDD42r t 0tV 11 E'< n ci V'mam.itW*'a',ayipH..Gma{^q'b'G vVParivhi *'menwoV?`etem{'p�: d1 in Christmas Wrap — by /loies Smiles Chuckles — Ganong's Candy Canes Gum Drops French Cream; Chocolate Drops BE SURE TO SEE OUR CHRISTMAS MIX OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL -- FROM FROltz OUR STORE ONLY Chocolate Marshmallow Rolls Reg. 85c for ..,..,...,.. 29C BARTLIFF BROS. PRONE,.. 1 k 4,,1t',h1k-i.110 4 ii i iYaMilmitl aiki$aill S Y'A7�N: 1AIiT,JR►S and CONMCTIONERS CLINTON icy