HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-10, Page 3. ria STOVE Ojitario if h $ THURSDAY, D ch 1I3ER 10, 1953 •CETON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE PETER.,±,he BACK SHOP Well what do you know? We got a letter last week? A real honest -to -goodness letter fiom an almost -acquaintance . , in fact the chappie who wrote it actually lived in Clinton for :a time. But- tons is his name. Of course you remember the Delhi cat of which we told some weeks ago now in this column. Well, he's written us a letter, and we're pleased to pub- lish it for your enjoyment. ooa Of course his typing hand could be improved quite a bit. We doubt that he'd receive A's in any business college Course. But his heart is in the right place, and he likes Clinton. That makes up for a multitude of other possible drawbacks, We regret only that we cannot re- produce his foot -p r i n t with which the letter was signed, El El El DeAr PeTeR- My mistreSs neVer seEms to hAve tiMe to wRrite yoU,. so I be- CaMe vErY impAtient This mOrn- ing and deCideD i HaD betTer geT buSy mySelf. Your ArTicle IN the ClinTon paper during CaT WeEK was much Enjoyed by my FamiLy. I HearD the Lady OF the HouSe reading it OuT to all The faMily, and I muSt admit I SwelLed With Pride (as wEll as with Dr, BO - Lar'd's Cat FoOd) to knOw I waS the subJecT of your sTory. NoW I knOw you Dislike CatS, but 1 aM slate thAt evEn YOU wouLd admire jUst A liTtle mY fine, SleeK appearAnce; all The girls In the CaT NeighbOrhooD aRe puRring thEir hearTs out oVer me -and 1 oWe it aLL to you, dear Mousse. You cAn be suRe thaT, foNd and AIL as I am of a MouSe-DinNer, I wouln't hdRm onE hair Of yOur liTtle Grey hilae; IN facT, siNee I was broUght haCk to my FiNe hoMe in Delhi, after my harrowing exPer- ienCe in ClinTon, I haVe a sofT spoT in my .cAt heaRt for EvERY mouSe T meet. My conscience BothErs mE whenEveR I haVe one for BreakFast! I heand the Boss of the HouSe saYing he miGht he taking us North onCe morE this Fall, so sHould we be throuGh cLintoN, I promise to loOk you Up, PetEr- but 1 asSure yOu that it won't be foR the puRposE of luncheoning oN yoU, but meRely to leT you seE whaT a truLy fiNe lOokinG aniMal I haVe becOme, aNd to thAnk yoU onCe morE for heLp- inG me fiNd my FamiLy laSt AugUst! CatTilY yours, --"ButTonS" P.S. -•- My misTress says she KneW she CoulD counT on tHe helP of a WeekLy newspaPer in findiNg anYthinG, evEn a CaT, becAuse she knoWs whaT a fiNe outFit thEy are, haVing beEn in the ofFice of tHe C,W.N.A. in BraAmptoN some yeArs Ago! O El There, Tow isn't that a catty letter if tI ere ever was one? O 00 One other thing we must men- tion, and that is that there are only 11 more shopping days until Christmas. Sure, and we know there has not been much in the way of snow to provide the leg- endary white Christmas. But the days are growing shorter. Soon it will be the shortest day of the year, and then just four days later Santa Claus will be making his rounds. Right now is your Iast chance to do your shopping "early" and avoid those last minute rush nt tarn- °v'"waatatatn�ia n i-t,M.3434i-ta3.%IItr t+wi n'°`ni ntni M.,ASeiVet tkentl Riley's Grocery EXTRA SPECIALS Breakfast Bacon lb. 89c Fresh Weiners Ib. 35c Fresh Bologna ib. 25c Fresh Sinal: Sausage lb. 39c , Orange and Grapefruit juice, 48 oz. 32c Wax Beans 2 for 19c Jelly Powders 3 for 2'7c Fresh Peanuts lb. 30c New Mixed Nuts .. lb. 39c .0eices _ RILEY'S GROCERY FREE DELIVERY --PHONE 39 a a4 ,a�q i try. i hiN-Is t-a>bgidrv`t"di-;deed$"troiik"`a3tgrai`siri311t tglint7-0'J- mail i-c'i-n�Y"a htsg9t-vzlra'rasudi-�s',;3' M te. '4tOtele 4 q -'4"q' i'a„Y1i0q .i 'igiti 4"9' ,'q"o�1�'W'W".i'V?'4"C.-•'..5• 2 ENWOOD "RAMCREST" 60 x 84 11.50 72 x 84 13.50 36 x 50 Baby 5.95 KENWOOD "FAMOUS" 72x84 16.95 '36 x 50 Baby 7.50 KENWOOD "VICEROY'" 72 x 84 ` I9.5 • Price alone is a poor yardstick, It is unwise to pay too p much, but it is worse to pay too little, When. you pay too much you lose a little money - that's all; but when you pay too little you sonietirnes lose everything because . the thing you bought is incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balande prohibits paying a little and getting a lot. It can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is Well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you have enough money to "Buy Quality." MARTINS DEPT.. Cii14011. 1p11O/43E1S: VAT -+- 36W With . the Farm Forums FIRESIDE FORUM (By Mrs. d, R. Tebbutt) The home of Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Anderson was the meeting place for the Fireside Farm Forum on December 7 with 20 members at- tending. Discussion for the even- ing was on Citizens of Tomor- row. It is the opinion of this forum that young people who were for- mer members of 441 clubs and junior farmer organizations do be- come leaders in community and former organizations, Successful farmers should try to be of help to these organizations and give the young people a helping hand in any waythey can, such as shar- ing the benefits of their exper- ience. Young people's interest, we think, could be stimulated in pub- lic affairs and international rela- tions by joining a Farm Forum in their district, listening to world affairs on radio, reading news- papers and and isc discussing their find- ings with parents, leaders, and teachers. The current events which are taken up in school each morn- ing are very helpful, as are the debates and discussions held by 4-11 clubs and junior farmer or- ganizations. After thoroughly discussing the topic for the evening, recreation was held in the form of a euchre game, prizes being taken by the following; • ladies' most games, Mrs. Robert Dalton; lone hands, Mrs. Robert Jamieson; men, most games and lone hands, Bert Hog- gart; consolation prizes went to Mrs. Robert Jamieson and Harvey Taylor. Lunch was served and the mem- bers returned home, to meet again next week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter. purchases. By the way, do your shopping in Clinton, The stores are lovely, with bright Christmas ware. S,S. 4 F'ORUM (By Mrs. I. Merrill) The S.S. No. 4 .Farm Forum, met on Monday night at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Pearson.. There were 12 members present. The topic for discussion was "Citi. zens of Tomorrow." It was decided that 4.11 clubs In our community have not been in existence long enough to reap the benefits of its education by producing leaders, but we believe that over the province, as a whole, these clubs have produced leaders and brought out hidden talents in many young boys and girls, which might not otherwise have had a chance to become developed. We think that being a good farmer is not enough. Good citizens should definitely take part in community organizations. A person in any occupation, whether he be a far- mer, or in any other occupation, is he cannot see farther than his own work, becomes very narrow minded and takes no interest in anything constructive with regard to his neighbourhood. We consider it the duty of the parents to be more interested in public affairs and to give the young people a chance to attend their .4-H club, and other public meetings. We thing they should be brought to a realization of their responsibilities gradually first by the 4-11 club, then in the junior farmers, and by the time they reach membership in the Federation of Agriculture they have cultivated a keen interest in public affairs and international re- lations. Following the discussion, games of "500" and "Lost Heir" were played, and lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones. PORTER'S HILL Mrs. Gordon Liscombe was hos- tess for the annual meeting of the Woman's Association of Grace Church on Wednesday, December 2, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Donald Harris was in .charge of the meeting which opened with singing Christmas carols after, which Mrs, Liscombe offered prayer, The scripture les- son was read by Mrs. Peter gar- rison and roll call was answered with an exchange of Christmas gifts. The usual secretary and treasur- er's reports wereg iven and also a full report of the year's work. It was decided to give a donation to the officers of the church and also to the M & M Fund, A committee, Mrs, Wilmer gar- rison and Mrs, Reid Torrance were appointed to get prices on dishes that were to be purchased for the church after the first of the year. A crib quilt was quilted during the afternoon bringing the total number of crib .quilts made in the past year to 14. Mrs. Austin Harris, a past presi- dent, conducted election of officers for 1954 which resulted as follows: president, Mrs. John McCowan; vice-president, Mrs. Argyle Lock- hart; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Peter Harrison; assistant secret- ary -treasurer, Mrs. Alvin Betties; pianist, Mrs. William Cox; assist- ant, Mrs. William Cox; sick and visiting committee, Mrs. William Townshend and Mrs. Gordon Man- ning; work committee, Mrs. Reid Torrance, Mrs. D. McDougall, Mrs. Allen Bettles and Mrs, Donald Harris. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and the host- ess served a tasty lunch. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley and family, Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Friends in Constance sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pethick in their sad bereavement. We are pleased to report George Leitch is home from the hospital; we wish him a speedy recovery. Legion Dance LEGION �� MEMORIAL IIALL, KIRK ST. FRIDAY, DECEMBER E EP 11 9.30 peen. - 1 a.ln.. Frank Harron Orchestra Admission: 50c plawalalc-tatmetatctc late'' «t4' te tat elate uttak'ee$tR mtgoptrrtc+smm..sar,j d of SI kigIM rtidtoa;ataMitaar<rslr r i-�txacr :child l iratr-afrtl Ml- aMeat at;aMkr A Message from Santa Claus To Clinton. Town Council "Will arrive in Clinton from the North on Saturday, December 19th, at 2 p.m. "Have all the kiddies meet me. Fol- -towing the parade, gather at the Town Hall for free candies." 48-9-b P LUXURIOUS 1,`&06? • GEMEY 4 Re lovely fragrance in a scintillating gift wrap. Perfume set in a styrofoam violin, flashing with metallic star dust and fittings .... $1.75 Cologne - fit for a queen - this lovely crown - like, gold color container set in styrofoam base is a gift sure to please $1.75 Ousting Powder with the lovely Gemey Fragrance _. $2.00 DEVELOtSS Pu,dunte Atomizers. The famous Devilbiss ori- ginals - get one of these exquisite, useful, decorative pieces for her vanity - table . $1.25 to $5.00 POND'S. - ANS -EL FACE -- A cosmetic gift of the finest quality - set in a beautiful plastic mirrored case - a perfect "extra" gift $1.25 YARDLEY Canada's roost popular toiletries Attractive ladies' gift set containing Old English Lavender, Lavender $Dap, Leven. der Talc and Face Powder in a lovely lined case $4.85 Other ladles'sets $2.00 up Old English Lavender . .. $1.25 to $6.50 LotusCofogne .... .. $1.75, $2,50, $3.00 Lavendo Meal - the perfect bath luxury $2.00, $3.50 / i •tui r jv% ,azo e• /sr u/ir • Lathes rrasstoes and Dresser Sets LAla1 S" HAIR BRUSH • 0/ • Lucile handle • Pure nylon bristles 1, Exceptional value 1190 • t MESSIER SETS Lovely 3 -piece dresser sets in a �,. �r variety of designs from $3.93 f��l; Flt _ up. As illustrated. $5.9 140%i/////ivaiginJp ;�ir�.rwper "We ?O44eruna,lr's PENS and PIRACIES •• Waterman's 356 set - pen with 0 �11c3i}:i: ::e:LY'o3i+:� r``irr +•::iL''vl�'i]Ifi`"Vi'''`i;+.... COURTLEY TOILETRIES A Shaving Mug - full of rich lathering shaving soap - long lasting . $1.50 1'v//'//r//// Men's Cologne or After Shave Lotion Each"yam/////// //�J/ $1.50 iao ' "One for the Road" Set - contains mug, After Shave, Cologne and Anti. / septic Deodorant, Powder - In attractive gift box $4.50' GILLETTE GIFT SETS Racket Razor Gift Set - containing the modern deluxe rocket razor, a tube of Gillette Shave Cream and a 10-blade•dispenser of the famous Gillette Slue glades $2.20 Gift packs of blades in dispensers - 5 ten btode dispensers ..... . $2.50; t0 twenty blade dispensers $5.00 SI-UI,TOM OLD SPICE /1' Travel Set " Lather Shave Cream plus travel sizes of Old Spice After Shove lotion and Talc In masculine gift box .............. ...................... $2.00 Two-piece Set - Shaving mug and After Shove Lotion in attractive box . $2.85 Shaving Mug - $1.50; Men's Talcum - $1.25; After Shave Letson $1.35, $2.00 Two Topaofch Giffs Genuine Rubber:et Shove Brush with badger casing and brittle centre $4.00 value for $2.98 English Morocco Leather Billfold flat all round zipper and all fittings in gift box $2.50 Tense for $1.79 ;.lv,} � ".rdiAlt l;.S,,,-.; /n,.c<, 344' • K,:DAK CAMERAS Here is a gift sure fo plecse someone on your list -• y s Kodak Duaftex Camera easy to operate - excellent photos available with two lens WithKodet Lens $16.00 With Kodor 1/8 Lens $25.$0 8rownio tiawkeye flash outfit - for easy to -take pictures day or night, in• doors or out - complete set $16.50 See the complete range of Kodaks r 04g; {iil,.yO' /!y�.<, /f1;„i" /rrilr/i/!„ a ;err c/%;/ fa .c git 1"S Pik€LESI4AVE f y The wonderful new electric shaver - fast becoming the most popular one one the market. Check these features) ® 12 self -sharpening steel -blades ry quiet (and we mean it) motor • easy to clean A truly exceptional gilt $29.75 9///49:::;/7://fd/;„ i WILLIAMS' Gil* Box for Men if is A ;r;;{L et PHISANfkr$ FOR alma at Wilt • S9PEY •11T GENTLE arras 11.7'5 Luxury Shave Cream, Aqua Velva and Conti•Shampoo •chi $1.50 - rfele ��ket5Give a RONSON - Give the BestRonson Medallist ............ $6.50 ////, Ronson Sankey . ... .......... $6.95 ///,r!// // Ronson nstanStandard ... ... . 57 95 V with gas tone gas lighter $13 50' j/. �yr��yivp�!gp •/ j//i l tai ala�su 70 t2 FOR A SCUT CASUAL CURL 14 Kt. gold point, one stroke M . filler, lustrous finish - pen i' and pencil $5.00 ' 0• Crusader two-piece set $10.25 '; Crusader pen , $5,95 ' Other Waterman pens from $1.95 up .PAPER -MATE PEN • The, nor' -smear, non -staining pen with the, retractable ball point - a perfect gift for a student - excellent quality at a reasonable price. $1.96 it lee WILL POINT PEN For an everyday pen the perfect gift for a stinking economical and serviceable for only 35* GIE'r sTATIoN lEYf 5IOXLEU 0, Eaton Crane and Eike CHRISTMAS GIFT ROX A lovely pack of attractive stationery and envelopes. 1. 4 00440,; Gages Quality GIFT BOX Featuring the convenient "telf•seal envelopes and fine quality stationery. $1.00 Other stationery bozos at Sur, 75k and up • Wert- toms //614.1 sxtu1Poo 11.75 14' 4S, 1.75 let new - 8 keeps your hair lovely an evening without any fuss or bother - emit /, 11.75 '1 /NEEDS NO NEUTRAUZER n FILTER PIPE Always dry Always cool / Always cloon $1,50 r, n.25._ ZIPPO The original stonn•prool lighter * 1 rdy attractive ttraNfv. * moderately priced $4.50 MACDONALD'S EXPORT CIGARETTES . n .,,,, The stondard of quality NESTLE SPRAZE 1 ,rl. The fragrant non•uticky hair spray. Buy one of these convenient economital ' bombs and receive a free pedal of sparkles for your holiday hoar dol t6 4 $L25 '51.75 '.;I,'/e'!% /;plrs%KY/Asr', /iii/iiiiiiriea/,r/%ere4Suawi/4i ..,lisV%/lrJr.'w/z ✓yy�+;f /�. uta one � /y .-0• PLAYING CARDS ROLLWAVE HAIR MUSH y t - Ladies 'Jeweilfe Ag,Doubleset in smatt designs $2.50 Milady $et double deck in lovely fabric covered case. - $3.95 gMilord tet to r rnalculine sinus. toted leather case 3 43.95 Scotch R A fine quality tucite brush with gen• . Dine nylon bristles - mode by pro.ry, phy.lacilc. . 1. $3.95 ///!////1//l///,% ,e,/ Awi#4,:2y,a,,,, i!?/di,,,,„„ /////�'S2..,, , I y Henkscradt 1. Baby ,Bet*le Warmers • Brand GAIT WRAP TAPES 10* 2$ F. Pennebaker to the proper 1„,,s $3.25 with voci,;c40 tap $3.95 Flat 50's - $2c 1U's-33c 25's - 41c Many popular brands i0 20's, 25's 50's al 331, 41c and 8c Pipe'ebeetoe In 19 lb. tins - Forest A, Stream, Old Virginia 51.45 Briar, bid aunt 41.50 Phillip Morris 1,s,0, Rend Street I,yS Prince Albert $1.90, Tarbyton $2.10 Pepuf r bran& of elates fn 5'. tr 25's Two AO. COLL for Dad, for oho ertr• Flashlights - Britelito $1.32 Eyeready Flashlights $).35 up