HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-03, Page 10eAGE TEN
Clinton Celts,certainty
showing vivid signof the work
of their new coach. Last Sat-
urday night, playing against
Mitchell they completely out-
classed the visiting team. Their
passing plays have started to hit
their marks and the positional
play that Bun Smith has stress-
ed is a treat to behold, We have
no doubt that this year's club
will give all the remainder of
the teams in the group a battle
all the way.
Members of the Kinsmen Club
of Clinton certainly have their
hands full each evening at Clin-
ton Lions Arena, This service
club is sponsoring a town league
for boys between the ages of
nine and 12 years, (although any
boy who is too old for this group
and not quite able to make a
bigger team will be allowed to
play. Approximately 40 boys
turned out so far and last week
the confusion was so great that
those in charge were forced to
split the enthusiastic lads into
twogroups and play them on
alternate nights. It is hoped that
a four team league will be form-
ed and that from the four teams
a team will be picked to re-
present Clinton at Young Can-
ada Week that is held in God-
erich during the Easter Holidays
One thing is certain . . . if
Clinton is to continue on in
hockey we must develop the
youngsters in our own town ...
a town league is the only way
to do this. So to the Kinsmen
Club of Clinton we doff our
weather-beaten lid.
Thanks to Mr. Ries of the
lVlilverton; Sun we now have a
little more information on the
Milverton Dominions. As usual
Milverton has come up with a
few new players and if we can
be a judge they will be good
men. hose who are most fam-
iliar to Clinton fans that are
still wearing Milverton colours
are:. Carl Kipfer, Ross Kipfer,
Bob Gaul, Delbert Schmidt, Larry
McCallum, and Charlie Westman
New members of the Domin-
ions are defenceman Bill Stet-
son, who has been playing his
hockey in Hamilton's Industrial
League. John Tomiuk, another
defenceman is playing his first
year with Milverton. John is
formerly of Timmins where he
played Juvenile, Junior "B" with
Porcupine Combines, Ontario fin-
alists in 1951-52 and last year
Colt Scoring
G A Pts.7'en.
McEwan ... 4 9 13 0
Smith 5 4 9 6
Draper 4 4 8 2
Edgar 2 3 5 2
Strong 3., 0 3 0
Noble ... 1 ' 2 3 0
M. Colquhoun 0 3 3 0
Hanly ................. 1 1 2 0
May 1 0 1 0
K. Colquhoun ..... 0 1 1 0
Mercer 0 0 0 4
Armstrong 0 0 0 4
he played Intermediate hockey
in Timmins. Ken Post is anoth-
er defence addition. He is a res-
ident of Hamilton where he ,has
been playing • Industrial League
hockey. Eller Baler, right wing,
is back again after a year's ab-
sence and should add to the
team'e attacking forces.
Another first year man will
be Jim Feuer, Jim patrols the
right boards, played formerly
with Hamilton, He has played
with Simcoe Intermediates and
Philadelphia of the Eastern Am-
ateur Hockey Legue. Last but
not least is Don Hartlieb, a left
winger who is fresh from four
seasons with Stratford's Junior
"B" entry.
All in all it looks like Milver-
ton should be the team to beat
again this year.
Four Teams in
Midget Schedule
Clinton, Wingham, Goderich and
Lucknow will be the teams com-
peting in, the WOAA Midget ser-
ies of this district. Goderich and
Lucknow will receive "byes' into
the WOAA playdowhs while Clin-
ton and Wingham the two "C"
teams will fight it out for the
group title, a best of five affair,
10-Goderich at Clinton
16-Lucknow at Wingham
22-Wingham at Goderich
29-Lucknow at Goderich
4 -Clinton at Lucknow
6-Goderich at Wingham
7-Wingham at Clinton
8-Goderich at Lucknow
12-CIinton at Wingham
14-Lucknow at Clinton
19-Wingham at Lucknow
19 -Clinton at Goderich
Juvenile Schedule
Stewart Taylor, Clinton, conven-
or of Group 1 of the juvenile series
of the WOAA. met with represent-
atives of the four teams represent-
ed in the group in the Municipal
Buildings on Monday evening.
The following schedule was
drawn up.
10-Goderich at Clinton
17-Hensall at Clinton
18 -Exeter at Goderich
21 -Clinton at Exeter
28 --Exeter at Clinton
4 -Exeter at Hensall
7-Hensall at Goderich
11 -Clinton at Hensall
11-Goderich at Exeter
14 -Clinton at Goderich
18-Hensall at Exeter
22-Goderich at Hensall
Exeter and Clinton are "C"
teams and will play a five game
series for the Group Championship
Goderich "B", and Hensall "D"
will enter into the WOAA play -
downs immediately.
After travelling to Elmira thro-
ugh some of the heaviest fog to hit
this .area this fall Clinton's high-
flying Colts took the measure of
the Merchants of that town by a
score of 6-4 to chalk up their third
straight win of the current season.
The game, a very dull affair, was
witnessed by about 100 spectators.
The Colts showed little of the
fight that helped them defeat Mit-
chell and stepping out on the big-
ger ice surface put a decided crimp
on their passing plays. The Colts
finally started to find the range at
the three-quarter mark of the first
period, they tied the game by the
end of the period, took the lead
early in the second and never look-
ed back. Bun Smith paced the
goal -getters with two, single tallies
going to Hanly, Strong Noble and
Elmira jumped to an early lead,
scoring at the 1.14 mark, Fousk
batting the puck past Nediger
from close -in. Ertel added another,
D. Shirk and Reger drawing as-
sists. Smith put Clinton back in
the game with a neat goal after
McEwan and Murray Colquhoun
had tried their luck. Hanly tied
things up just before the period
ended beating the Elmira netmind-
er cleanly from twenty feet out
with a low corner shot.
'The period was shortened by 40
seconds when one of the side
boards was broken and had to be
Dnn Strong put Clinton into the
lead for the first time in the game
early in the second only to have
Schlett tie the score a few minutes
later on a shot from well out that
Nediger misjudged. Bun Smith
scored his second goal of the night
at 14,26. Penalties crept into the
game in the latter stages of this
period and both teams had a two
man advantage but failed to cap-
italize on their opportunity.
Al May scored his first goal of
the year on a long shot from just
inside the centre red line. AI's
drive seemed to be deflected off an
Elmira player's arm and fooled
Cobert completely. Elmira began
to apply the pressure mid -way
through the final period and had
the Colts going in circles for a
few minutes. Reger was finally
rewarded for his efforts scoring
from ten feet out when he was
left uncovered as Clinton became
very lax in their defensive tactics.
Two minutes later Murray Col-
Electras Win 1.2-4
From Crumlin
Four hundred cheering hockey
fans were treated to a bang-up
hockey game between Clinton El-
ectras from RCAF Station and
the RCAF Crumlin team at the
Clinton arena Monday night. Clin-
ton won 12-4. The Electras wast-
ed no time in scoring four goals
in the first five minutes, and were
never headed from then on. Seven-
teen penalties were handed out.
The win marked the second one
for the Electras. The next home
game is Monday, December 14.
High scorers for Clinton were
Petrie and Begin with four goals,
Garrow and Minty with two,
Clinton: Bannville, Dery, Fong,
Balechuck, Begin, Britton, Blanch-
ard, Garrow, Quinn, Savant; and
WleM' ` PZ'; ` tele P 're!ate'? -iatereeeel e".e,eeMe` teeiteeeele' :C:MSZEMelG' lE; eeteve ; -'me' '
quhoun and Me1wan took the
sting out of the Elmira attack;
Murray flipped the puck to Mc -
Ewan at Centre and he had little
trouble beating Colbert after out
skating the .Elmira defence.
Fa.ceoffs: Danny Colquhoun was
hit an the face early in the third
period and had to receive medical
attention to a .cut that required
four stitches; Murray Colquhoun
played on left wing in place of the
injured Bob Draper and turned in
a very good effort,.
....Clinton; goal, Nediger; defence,
Edgar, Danny Colquhoun; centre,
Noble; wings, Hanly, Strong; subs,
Armstrong, Mercer, May, McEwan,
M, Colquhoun, Smith; sub -goal,
Elmira: goal, Cobert; defence,
Shirk, Tulcher; centre, Reger;
wings, Ertel, Wilker; subs, Mc-
Cormick, R. Shirk, Schlett, Mus
selman, Grove, Fousk.
The annual Christmas Party for
the members of Huronic Rebekah
Lodge and their husbands and the
members 'of Clinton Lodge IOOF
and their wives will be held in
the lodge rooms on Monday, Dec-
ember 7, at 8.30 p.m. Please note
change of date. An exchange of
gifts will be a feature of the even,
The December meeting of the
WMS of the Wesley -Willis United
Church will be held at the home
of Mrs. George Beattie, on Thurs-
day evening at 8 o'clock, December
Mrs. C. Nelson's group will be
in charge of the program.
The roll call will be responded
to by a "Christmas thought."
A special invitation is extended
to all ladies of the congregation.
A social hour will be enjoyed at
the close of the meeting.
Clinton Court
Magistrate's court opened for its
second session this year in the old
public school building, with Mag-
istrate Dudley Holmes conducting.
Edgar Rose, 20, RCAF Station
Clinton, pleaded guilty to a charge
of driving a motor vehicle while
impaired, was fined $50 and costs,
or seven days. This was a first
offence, and the magistrate warn-
ed that a second offence would be
punishable with jail sentence.
Antoine Garon, Clinton, pleaded
guilty to a charge of hunting on
property owned by Elmer Trick,
after seeing signs posted, and be-
ing warned not to hunt there, and
was fined $15 and costs, with
warning of greater fine and pos-
sible confiscation of his weapon.
A charge against a Stanley
Township father for failing to send
his children to school for' two
months this fall, was dismissed by
Magistrate Holmes, when it was
learned that the youngsters had
commenced attending Clinton Pub=
lic School. The father had claim-
ed that the rural school was more
than three miles from his home,
and was too far away to send the
children. Ruling however was that
the three miles distance should be
measured from the schoolhouse up
to the residence of the child con-
Colts Show Power •
Dump M tehe11104
Clinton Colts put on a surpris-
ing display of power at the Lions
Arena last Saturday night as they
bad little trouble in downing a
fast skating Mitchell team 10-4.
The Colts were full value for their
win and but for the stellar goal-
tending of Harefield could have
easily ran the count much higher.
The passing plays of the locals
were really clicking and defensive-
ly the entire team kept their re-
spective checks tied up completely,
The team was led by the newly
formed line of Draper, McEwan
and Smith who accounted for sev-
en of the goals and were on the
ice when two more were scored.
Bob Draper was top man in the
scoring with his first hat -trick of
the season, McEwan and Smith
flashed the red light twice and
Edgar, Strong and Noble rounded
out the scoring. Powell, Gatenby
and Weber were top men on the
attack for Mitchell and were
especially effective in the latter
part of the first period when they
rattled in three goals in the last
five minutes, After that, the Colts,
who had become a little goal hun-
gry, settled down and played posit-
ional hockey to walk off with an
easy win.
Mait Edgar was the first man
to beat Harefeld, Mait broke out
of his own end when Mitchell were
staging a ganging attack with
Mercer off for slashing. He carried
the puck down the left boards
crossed the Mitchell blue line pull-
ed the trigger on a shot that nick-
ed the post as it whizzed by Hare-
feld. "Izzy" Powell was thumbed
for slashing McEwan and while he
was off Draper scored the first of
his three goals. This was a partic-
ularly pretty play with Smith, Mc -
Ewan and Draper working a three
way passing play to get•behind the
defence. McEwan cut across in
front of the Mitchell net, passed
back to Bob who caught the shot
side with his ankle high drive.
Draper scored again at 11.35 on
another three-way play and Smith
made it 4-0 thirty-seven seconds
We Have the Finest
Lengthwise and Hollow
Ground for Best
later with Danny Colquhoun gett-
ing the assist,
The Colts at this point forgot
about checking and really went
after goals only to find that this
style of play can backfire. Mitchell
scored three times before the per-
iod ended and the score at the end
of the first showed Clinton in front
by a slim 4-3 margin,
In the second and third It was a
different story, with Clinton stay-
ing strictly to positional hockey
and they were rewarded hand-
somely. They caught the Mitchell
forwards flat-footed and the Leg-
ionaires defence were called upon
to do a yeoman chore to keep the
sore down as low as they did.
An unfortunate accident happen-
ed early in the second period when
Nichol, Mitchell's sub-goaltender,
who had been brought into the
game at the start of the period
was struck on the forehead by the
puck and had to retire from the
game, The cut required eight
stitches. Don Strong suffered a
wrench knee when he collided with
a Mitchell player in•,the third per-
iod. Bob Draper was also favouring
his bad knee and it is hoped that
he will be ready for next Satur-
day's game with Milyerton. Eddie
Dolmage, who played with last
year's Colts was very effective on
defence and with his partner Hein -
buck rocked the Colt forwards on
many occasions,
MITCHELL: goal, Harefeld; de-
fence, Dolmage, Heinbuck; centre,
Weber; wings, Gatenby, Powell;
subs., Gibson, Srpith, Flood, Roh-
fritseh,. Hennick;subgoal, Nichols
CLINTON: goal, Nediger; de-
fence, Armstrong, ,Mercer; centre,
Noble;. wings, Hanly, Strong; subs.
Smith, Edgar, McEwan, CoIgq-
hqun, May Draper; sub-gooal, Pout,-
Referees - Robertson and Mc. •
Fadden both of London,
Local Federation
Holds Banquet
The directors of the Hullett
branch of the Federation of Agri-
culture celebrated the last meeting
of the year with a turkey dinner
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs„
Keith Tyndall
During the.`b'usiness session Mr.
Tyndall,, the retii`ing president, ex-
pressed his appreciation of the
support given by the directors in
all projects undertaken by the
Federation: He also wished his
successor, Percy Gibbings, every
success in they coming year,
The members spent the remain,
der of the evening playing euchre.
Prize winners were: ladies' high,
Mrs. Verne Dale; mens' high, Ro-
bert Turner; lone hands, Robert
Turner; ladies' -' low, Mrs. Earl
Gaunt; men's • low,- Stanley Lyon,
3.00 - 4.30 p.m. -RCAF Public School Skating Period
4.30 - 5.30 pen. -Kinsmen Club Hockey
6.00 - 7.00 p.m. -Lions Juvenile Hockey Practice
3.00 - 4:00 p.m. -Clinton Public School Skating Period..
6.00 - 7.00 p.m. -Lions Midget Hockey Practice
7.00 - 7.45 p.m. -Clinton Colts Hockey Practice
8.15-10.00 p.m. -PUBLIC SKATING
9.00-10.30 a.m.-FREE SKATING (Children 12 years and under)
2.15 - 4.00 p.m. -PUBLIC SKATING
3.00 - 4.00 p.m. -Clinton Public School Skating Period
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. -Kinsmen Club Hockey
6.00 - 7.00 p.m. -Lions Midget Hockey Practice
7.00 - 8.00 p.m. -Lions Juvenile Hockey Practice
3.00 - 4.00 p.m. -Clinton Public School Skating Period
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. -Kinsmen Club Hockey
2.15 - 4.00 p.m. -PUBLIC SKATING
5.00 - 6.00 p.m. -GIRLS' SKATING CLUB
8.15-10.00 p.m. -PUBLIC SKATING
3,00 - 4.30 p.m. -RCAF Public School Skating Period
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. -Kinsmen Club Hockey
7.00 p.m. -MIDGET HOCKEY-Goderich vs. Clinton
9.00 p.m. -JUVENILE HOCKEY-Goderich vs. Clinton Lioar,
This Arena Schedule Sponsored By:
H. C. LA i - ON
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