HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-03, Page 947,7i1.,IftSPAY,.PC4141iS.11, a, 1053 04 ta cumroAT Nyvirs-nEcollp e Fever" Makes Hit at RCAF Station Clinton Pret.TV, .,•..".0'" ,, • eer e e e: .a• ..: ete,. .;.,.*,,,i..§ ...,:".y.,,,,: : 4,,*,. ..f.: NA ;$,,'4,,,,. .,--44.0io,,,. ....,441846...14.;.5-4:;.,*,,,ift..,:v.:50:....,,,,.......';::::::::....,.....,...,...,. .............. .i'.,:::.::. . ... . „........,.. . aiwais.,,,,,w, ,..*,:i.u.„.......v..... „ - .., ' *.....,:n., ... .A.:: "Stage Fever" was the name wider which a variety show was presented by the staff and trainees of RCAF Station Clinton. Held at the Station Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, the production proved a huge success. Produced by F/L S. Kerr and under the direction of Sgt, F. Hereon the show was a complete sell-out with mane disappointed would-be patrons turned away. Having arrived half an hour be- fore curtain time this reporter went backstage in a very doubtful frame of mind, but it did not take long for him to lose all feelings of doubt about this cast. Ward- robe and make-up operations un- der the supervision of AW1 Carol Hill were in full swing. Technical stpervision W/O S. Estwick and stage manager Sgt. R. Allen were acting like old heeds at the game, The "Comets", Airwomen Gladys Murray, Shirley Anhorn, Esther Raine, Jackie Lewers, Carol Mac- Neil, Georgie Prozeniuk and Do- reen Overton opened the show with their rendition of "Balling the Jack", a song and dance in the best tradition of the chorus Tex Thomas dressed as the mod- ern singing cowboy complete with guitar drew the delighted laughter of all with his song, "The Little Rooster". "The Astra Sextet", a group of flight cadets (F/C's Headley, Bo- wan, Stonier, $t, Arnaud, Lennox and Jonsson), were reduced after the first night to a quartet. F/C's Arnaud and Lennox were, called away to join in a search and rescue operation being conducted jointly by the USAF and RCAF From our Complete Sporting Goods Selection! Choose the right gift for the sportsman on your list from , ur top -name, top-quality line-up! Men's Hockey Gloves • 8.95, 10.75 Youth's Hockey Gloves 5.50 EIibow Pads, per pr. 2.00 Rubber Skate Guards. 1.85 Shin Pads 1.25 to 4.35 CCM Skates 8.95 to 72.50 0 Archery Sets 7.25 and 8.95 Practice Arrows (children's) ea, 25c Hunting Arrows, 28', each 1.75 to 1.50 A Perfect Gift for Father! I USED STEVENS PUMP SHOTGUN, 12 gauge, complete with choke, like new $67.50 .••• AAPC.Z1M .A.;k3*, ,,4)4p • „,1 h • CLINTON Christmas Suggestions Tools Appliances Accessories' Seat Covers Motor Robes Commencing December lst — Store Will Ie Open Evenings until 9 p.in. at Kinross, Michigan for an Am- erican jet fighter lost in that area. Eileen Hodge sang "Without a Song" and rhythm dancer Jackie Lewers wowed the audience with her. dance "St, Louis Blues". The two Jacks, Scott and Fisher, mem- bers of the orchestra gave out with a trumpet duet called "Tea for Two". Frank and Dorothy Hanlon, also of the orchestra, teamed up for "Fun at the Ivories." Shirley Anhorn sang "Blue Moon", Andres Champous Tenor, sang "Come Back to Sorento", then teamed up with Barbara Graham, soprano, for "Because You're Mine" after which Barbara sang the beautiful "Eternally." Master of Ceremonies Yvon Boivin teamed up with versatile Eric Bastin, Paul Desrochers and Lucille "The Brat" Turcotte in numbers entitled "The Three For- eigners", "The Shiek of Araby", "Hello", "Honolulu Hotshots" and "Teeter to Totter". Lucille Tur- cotte was hilarious in a number of her own when she sang "The Pur- ple Cow". Doreen Overton played the role of a studious though un- worldly female, resisted the efforts of Eric Bastin with Such come backs as, Eric: 'What's your tele- phone number," Doreen: "Do you wish to speak to my father?", in e scene aptly called "Adventure on the Wall". Billy Manuel in her apache style dance entitled "42nd Street" left nothing to be desired. "Hypnotic Magic" . by Flight Cadet Wally Hopkins which thril- led Monday night crowds had to be cancelled due to Wally's par- ticipation on the search and rescue operation mentioned above. Ray Williams carried on in excellent style with card, rope, rabbit and other magic tacks. To close the show the whole cast turned out in a grand finale entitled "Flying on to Victory". Included in the finale were the Flight Cadet Colour Party F/C's Headley, Taylor, Stonier, Drolet and Boivan. The Comets were in drurn majorette, uniforms and Jackie Lewers proved her versatil- ity as not only a dancer and sing- er but an excellent stick handler. All in all it was a wonderful show and considering the fact that most of the participants are trainees who must keep up their study activities to meet ever -cur- rent examinations, it was a per- formance which may well instill justifiable pride in all cencernetl. Supporting roles and 'technical assistance were provided by the following: Airwomen J. Amieson, T. Children, D. Lewis, 3. Malloch, B. Newcomb, L. Roy, A/W Scott, A/W "Smallakoff, A./'W Wood, A/W Ney, Aircraftmen J. Glover, W. Love, E. Lerner, LAC McKen- zie, E. Olsen AC Pessah, A. Rad- cliffe, AC Radway, T. Thomas, and J. Scott. RCAF .Personals The NCO's Wives' Auxiliary wishes Mrs. Ethel Forest a speedy recovery. • Officers' Wives An executive Meeting of the Of- ficers' Wives' Auxiliary was held Tuesday, Nov. 24 at the home of Mrs. H. Keane. Plans were made for the animalChristmas party which was -to be held Tuesday, De cember 1, in the chapel annex. Boy Scouts Meet New facilities having been made available, the Scouts met Monday, November 23 for the first time in some weeks. Patrol corners were assigned and the evening was spent mostly in getting settled in. Donald Quimette, a new mem- ber, was welcomed into the troop. In future regular meetings of the Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brown- ies will be held in the new build- ing. Home and School The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Association was held Thursday, Nov. 19; in A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public School. The meeting was opened with the playing of "God Save the Queen", with Miss Miller at the piano. President Ken Jones pre- sided. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Al Starner and the financial report by M. E. Kahle. At the close of business, the programme committee chair- man,. Don Richardson, showed some interesting movies. After the films, the lunch committee, repre- sented by Mrs. Marjorie Plunkett and Mrs. Betty Pigeon, served re- freshments. Farewell Party A farewell party for Myrtle Hacking was held at the home of Mrs. Agnes Gattinger. She receiv- ed a Lazy Daisy serving tray. The evening was spent playing court whist at which Shela Nash and Agnes English won prizes. Mrs. Emily Pinnell and Dorothy Pratt assisted in serving lunch. Ladies attending were: Millie Murphy, Annette Manderson, Zetta Harley, Dorothy Pratt, Ethel Forest and her sister Ruby Spence, Sybill johnsoe, Helen Irwin,, Bernie Smith and Connie Jenson. Christmas Party The 1953 executive committee of the Officers' Wives' Auxiliary played hostess to members at the annual Christmas party held in the chapel annex. The evening start- ed off with new elections held to replace members of the retiring executive. Mrs. N. K. Young re- tained the presidency through ac- clarnation. Those elected were Mrs. C. E. Endersbee, vice-esi- dent; Mrs. J. T .Arnold, secretary; Mrs. W, L .Srnith, treasurer and Mrs G. P. 1VIurclock, social conven- er. Retiring members of the 1053 executive are Mrs. W. F: Potts, Mrs. .14, W. Keane, Mrs. H. T. Beggs and Mrs. P. E. Pigeon. The evening proved a huge success. Gifts were exchanged and a de- licious supper featuring cold tur- key was served. Ten Flight Cadets Receive PO Wings Friday, November 27 saw a group of Radio Officer flight .cad- ets receive their wings and com- missions as Pilot Officers in the RCAF regular force, Scene of the wings parade cere- mony was RCAF Station Clinton. Because of the damp weather con- ditions the parade was held in the drill hall adjacent to the parade square, where many friends and relatives were on hand to view the ceremonies. • Reviewing officer for the parade was. Group Captain E. B. Hale, DFC, Director of Armament Air at Air Force Headquarters. G/C Hale pinned on wings and con- gratulated each of the first nine men. For the tenth man it was a special occasion in more ways than one. Flight Cadet J. D. Callagh- an's father. was on hand to do the honours. With pride -filled eyes and hands trembling with emotion Inspector 3. A. Callaghan of the Ottawa Police Department pinned the covetedeRadio Officer Wings• on his son's left breast. Following the parade, a recep- tion was held hi the officers' mess where G/C Hale distributed diplo- mas to the graduates. The new Pilot Officers are: R. L. Turner, honour gr a d u a te , MacGregor, Man.; R. I. Cottingbarn, Fort Frances; 3. M. Laurin, Hawkes- bury; A. Baler, Toronto; J. R. Britt, St. Johns, N.B.; R. R. Ed- munds, Ottawa; T J. Holder, Min- to, B.C.; J. D. Callaghan, Ottawa; 3. Verreault, Montreal, and G. H. Sirnpsore Arden, Man. ‘r, CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -MR HEATING PLUMI3ING A, FURNACE FOR EVERY JO3 WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton e4-*-oee*-eo-e-e-e-+-o-eeeee4-e-*-o-e-oet-o-t-oeo-t-It-4-iee-*eee-eeet-reoepeee-o-e-eeee COMM 41,),feee DE FROM !AT A Use our Christmas LarAway Plan Western Tire and Auto Supply (ASS2J O1) attenbury St. East Phone 849W Clintett USE OUR tASY ittlbGET PLAN PEATURItS Roll -Out Shelf tIft'�flOnd Adiuseable Foll-Width FrEMZer Suttee keeper Meat Keeper Nilo/414th Humldrawer Model nrE a4 $399.50 ESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR Iinton Electric Shcp W. OtOrtiVISitt "Your Westinghouse bealer" PlitoNtit 419 (iLtSTON 44 -4 -44 -****.+44 -4444.446.44 -444 -44+44 -**44-444-40. New Senior NCO's Mess Opened A major social event took place at RCAF Station, Clinton, on the evening of Saturday', November 28, when the new Sergeants' Mess was officially opened by Group Captain H. C. Ashdown; MBE, CD, Commanding Officer, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton. Approximately 400 members and guests attended the formal opening and the dance which followed. Music for dancing was supplied by Ken Wilbees' orchestra. A sup- per was served during the course of the evening — southern fried chicken (with trimmings). A high- light of the event was the pre- sentation of a gift to the mess by John S. Parker and W. H. "Hap" McAlpine, on behalf of- the honor- ary members. Flowers, donated by friends of the mess, did -much to add to the festive appearance of the main lounge, games -room and dining r000m. From the many favorable com- ments received ,the event was thoroughly enjoyed by an who at- tended it, and the Sergeants' Mess entertainment committee are al- ready working to make the New Year's dance even more successful. F/L (Bob)o Carey Bound for Europe Flight Lieutenant R. 0. (Bob) Carey, Clinton and Goderich, will be leaving RCAF Station Clinton shortly to take up new duties at No. 1 Air Division Headquarters in Metz, France. F/L Carey was born and edu- cated in Goderich. He went to England in 1938 to join the Royal Air Force. He trained as a wire- less operator air gunner and serv- ed with the RAF on 226 squadron in France before and during Dun- kirk. Later he served with 226 and 21 RAF Squadrons, and as instructor in England and Ireland. Be was commissioned a Pilot Of- ficer in the RAF in November 1941 and in March 1945 transferred to the RCAF with the rank of Flight Lieutenant. He re-enlisted in the RCAF in 1948 and since then has served as an instructor at the navigation school in Surrenerside, Prince Ed- ward Island and the Air Radio Of- ficer School, RCAF Station. F/L Carey's wife and family, who presently reside on Ratten- bury Street, Clinton, hope to ae- company him on his departure. a Practical Defence Training in RCAF Operation "Hit the Dirt" Ives airmen the chance to try heir hand at ground battle. Wherever Canada's air force is stationed, on this continent and abroad, person- nel are being trained in ground righting. For those stationed at St. Hu- bert, there is one day a week set aside for groups of 22 men who are taken to Farnham, 40 miles south of Montreal. There, on the Army's rifle ranges, you can see dirty -faced, camouflaged airmen creeping along the ditches side by side with dirty -faced, camouflaged squadron leaden. if enemy forces every try to take an RCAF airfield, they might find they've bitten off more than they can chow. SAVE MILK & MONEY GARGETEX (NIXON) Mufti -Antibiotic Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS OT Your Money Bock! Oargctex contains two penicillins, streptomycin and the new antibio- tic bacitracin, Combined in a corn. pleteiy milk soluble oiettneet, bringing the effect of four antibio- tics Against mastitic infections. Gargetex works immediately on the internal infected udder tissue, promoting fast safe recovery arid is guaranteed to give effective re, sults. Get a tube of New Chi:meta today. Instructions for easy ad. ministration on every paokAge. Made in Canada by Nixon Labor- atories Linifted, W. C. NEWCOMBE, wteRitit wife. Stere Piton411. PAGE FOR ME PERFECT •GIFT Send The CLINTON NEWSRECORD THECtV*d SPORTS COLUMN &ago 9e4;960010 Once; again, another Grey Cup football classic has been written into the colorful saga 02 one of Canada's most picturesque sports events, an epic struggle that annually attracts more far-flung attention and wider interest in these Dominions than perhaps any other sirtfn aiais, event, possibly Including the Stanley Cup And once again, this column raises a plaintive voice to eneelire why and on what grounds the entire football populace of Canada's west, and a large proportion of the same hardy breed it the east, are excluded by mandate from viewing any part of this gridiron spectacle? The answer to this is likely to he that Toronto's huge Varsity Stadium, with its 28,000 seats, can accommodate more people than any otheir bowl in Canada, If that's the answer, it isn't a good one because it contains two holes through which you could ehoot a 250 -pound line plunger, The first gap In this line of thought, presuming it exists, is that in giving Toronto the monopoly on this game, several thousand Canadians, west and east, who couldn't afford a trip to Toronto, and probably couldn't secure a seat for the game if they got there, are shut out. .And these several thousand are the folks who, by giving their whole -hearted support to the teams of the Western Con- fernce on the prairies, and the Big Four in the east, make the Grey Cep spectacle possible. The second yawning gulf in the answer is financial. If the Grey Cup is to be made a medium for extracting the ultimate in dollars, then its practical proponents are missing a bet, If it were played on the same practical basis as the baseball World Series, or the hockey Stanley Cup, two ends would be served. Those who helped make the series possible would see the games, and the reeeipts of, say, a 3 -game series, one east, two west, and vice versa in alternate years, would more than equal the returns from a single game. There are those who urge that this is Canada's most gaudy, glittering and colorful sports drama of the year. We agree, But we don't agree to the argument that it should be lim- ited to one game, one cltY, or to the theory that it would cheapen the Cup finals to broaden the scope. It hasn't cheap- ened the world's baseball series or the Stanley Cup series in any noticeable way, and these give the fans who paid all season a chance to view not only the prologue, but the final drama. So it should be with the Grey Cup. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yonge S., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO To eep yTthe Straig t and I o on i. atmovemtvmol Narr• poda 7 , In order to drive a Straight Line you must be able to see it. Faulty windshield wipers will impair your vision greatly. Come in today and have the blades, arms and motor of your windshield wipers checked by our mechanics. If the road seems too narrow and your car is inclined to wander. It is time to have a front-end alignment check. This not only improves the steering of your ear but saves wear on all front-end parts. McPherson Bros. Aero-Willys Salts and Service Front -End Alignment — Wheel Balancing Fit Phone 492 Clinton 0, ViDiSflaDgatD3M2-.01-2MaatDaWM`,06-41.MIDa-L'aaMalniCZML:=i'41TailWari-Da41113WI 5 ellMatalerallee WO MON ROOS our Th oar 12, CFPL Radio 3 to 4 p.m. Daily with Box Tops from CANADA PACKERS Big Wash Day °duets Dishcloth inside :each NEW DOUBLE SIZE PACKAGE OF WAX SOAP POWDER *GIVES YOUR WASH THAT CLEAN LOOK • MAIM COLORS GRIMM, WHITetteress MOO otit Acts QUICKER The following retailers of Clinton and District stock "gum, Bottble Size and "BYB'F Detergent: IWO. BALL'S SIIrEluOR. I3'001) MARItIOT ;0& W OitOORTIIRIA, MAP STATION MINTON FITZSIMONS WIttit MAILItkt 111001111.N winivr lVIABEBT BlIMBAtit'S tilltOCEBY STANMY'S AlriAr.tOtit TIIOMPSON'S Ir001)