HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-12-03, Page 5'I''I URSDA`Y,`DEClEi4i$FR 3, 1953 OLEITON NEWS4ECORD PAGE FIV IO Classified Rates CASK RATE -- (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- Miert%n)--Two cents a,.woxd first eineertion (ntitrintu ►. 50 cents); °subsequent insertions 11 cents e word (minimum 35 cents); 15 apnts extra for box number or 'for direction to NEWS—:RECORD 'Mee. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 noon, Wednes- d0y. ACCOMMODATION for RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT. Phone Clinton 62 or 631r33. 47-b ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO genntlemen sharing. Phone Clinton TWO NEW HEATED APART- rnents, Doctor E. A, McMaster, phone Seaforth 26, 47.8-b APARTMENT FOR RENT, share bath, mile and one-half from Clin- ton. Lorne Tyndall. Phone Clin- ton 904r4. 47-b FURNISHED SEVEN -ROOM brick house in Bayfield. Hot and oold funning water and bath. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 41-tfb Accommodation Wanted J' iJRNISHED HEATED APART- znent in Clinton area for couple with 18 month old daughter. Ap- ply Box 43 Clinton News -Record. 47-b FURNISHED APARTMENT wanted by airman and wife with four-year-old child; desires posses- sion the first of January: Apply Box 44, Clinton News -Record. 47-p , ARTICLES FOR SALE CHILD'S TRACTOR, IN GOOD condition. Apply in the evening to Mrs. M. Batkin, Princess Street, phone Clinton 359J. 47-p SMALL MIXMASTER, almost ,new, $20; one baby stroller, good condition, $10. Apply Mrs. James Redmond, phone Clinton 905r31. 47-b HUNTER GREEN DRAPES, nic- ely lined, used four months. Two and three-quarter yards long. Five pairs. Box 38, Clinton News - Record. 47-b ARTICLES WANTED ONE BALL OR PART BALL OF dark brown, Botany blend;. wool, Dye Lot 14. Pay double for it, desperately wanted. Phone Clinton 258M. ' 47-b BABY'S CRIB, HIGH CHAIR, and play pen. Box 42, Clinton News -Record, 47-b USED ELECTRIC '''RAIN. Must be in good condition. Please give particulars. Box 41, Clinton News - Record. 47-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 7.948 CIVILIAN JEEP. New mo- tor, used only 11 months. In A-1 shape. Apply to Ross P. Feagan, phone Clinton 902r33. 47-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; 'hone 448. 14=ifb BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS Ile. =- PULLETS — 22c ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCK Pullets, 17c; Sussex X New Hemp - shires, 22c; Sussex X Red, 26c; White Rocks available weekly De- cember and later, other breeds January 4 and later. Four and six week Sussex X Red Pullets avail- able December 15-29. Special price. Hatching weekly. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM. Phone Exeter 7. 47-8-9-50-b BABY CHICKS 18c — PULLETS -- 18e MAMMOTH "ARBOUR ACRES" White Rock X Sussex, and Sus- sex X Red. December and Jan- uary, only. Also 15,000 mixed "Arbour Acre" White Rock chicks available weekly (the cream of all broiler chicks), Government ap- cn'oved, also six other breeds from Leiter born Poultry Farm, Milver- ton, Ont. Apply for price lists, G. Vanderhaar, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Phone Blyth 28r24. . 45-47-49-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE SEVERAL SMALL TABLES and ,stands. Phone Clinton 656. 47-8-9-p ONE KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs in good condition, Price reasonable. Apply David Oakes. Phone Clinton 16 after 6.00 p.m. 47-b EIGHT -PIECE DINING ROOM ouite, two-piece chesterfield; kit- chen furniture; also cook stove, two beds, dresser and odd tables. Apply George Glazier, phone Clin- ton 4783. 47-b. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CLYDESDALE FILLY COLT. Ap- ply Leen Rehorst, RR 5, Clinton. Phone Clinton 614r31. q 47-b SEVERAL HIGH-GRADE, Leices- ter'ewe lambs. Apply. Jenkins - Manning, R.R.'`'1, Clinton, Phone Clinton 910r41.47 -b —. REGISTERED SOWS and Boars, purebred, registered if desired. Harry Thompson, RR 2, Clinton. 15Clinton hone Clintbll 904r13. 40-tfb 'MO GOOD PORE13R1✓D Short- horn heifers, 18 months old. Apply W. C. Montgomery, RFS 4, Walton, tihone Seaforth 834r4._ 47-p ir,.ELMSCOT'r LARGE ENGLISH Yorkshires, serviceable age boars, bred from English it'nported fent- 1 dation stock. Apply to A. C. Levey, 1 ..x,14 R, Seizfart)r. INICES R LIST or FARM U sale, L. G. iii inter, Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb HELP WANTED—MALE FARMS FOR SALE A. H. LOFFT & CO. LTD., St. Marys, Department Store, requires the services of an intelligent young man, 17 to 25, unmarried, some experience preferred but not ane- cessary. A good opportunity awaits the right man,. Apply to the above address. 47-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead Cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Coder%h. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge, For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea- forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. LOST AND FOUND LOST—WHI'1'E CANVAS TAR- paulin, approximately 10'x12', be- tween town and RCAF Station Clinton. Finder phone Bayfield 32. 47-p LOST — IN LIONS ARENA, one left, white skate and ankle sup- port, size two. Have one right skate to exchange. Call Clinton 317J after 6 p.m. 47-p MISCELLANEOUS FEED GRAIN WANTED. Apply Eldon Yeo, phone Clinton 911r21. 47-b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Druggists sell. Cress Bunion Salve—wear stylish shoes soon. EXPERT LADIES' TAILORING, dress making, remodelling and al- terations. Apply Mrs. Ted, phone Clinton 105W. 46-7-8-p SHARPENING SAWS—All kinds of saws sharpened. Leave at resi- dence of David Elliott, Fulton St. Also table turnips for sale. Phone Clinton 263. 47-8-9-p SAY IT WITH MINK THIS Christmas. Buy her a four piece stole in dark or pastel shades. Also for sale: dressed turkeys for Christmas. Phone Clinton 907r5, E. Trick. 46-tfb VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice, Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb GIVE NURSERY STOCK FOR Christmas. 40 to 60 per cent cash discount sale; April delivery. Spec- ial Christmas trade only. Roses reg. • $1.75, now 79c. Evergreens $7 to $9 value for $3.60. Amazing prices of fruit trees and hedges, while we have them, Order now. Act fast. Hogle Nursery, Camp- bellford, Ontario. 47-8-9-b POULTRY FOR SALE 100 SUSSEX X RHODE ISLAND Red pullets, five months old, start- ing to lay. Apply A. E. Town- shend. Phone Clinton 900r21. 47-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb SIX -ROOM HOUSE, three-piece bath, furnace. Garage 20x12..Built- in sun room. Red insulbrick. Im- mediate possession. Apply Box 40 News -Record . 47-p NEW HOUSE WITH GARAGE, living room, kitchen, dinette, two bedrooms and bath, oil heated. Apply Joe Finck, Rattenbury St. West, phone Clinton 570W. 46-tfb FOR SALE OR RENT—Six-room cottage with bath, hot air furnace, screens, storm windows, and all modern conveniences. Possession January 1. Phone Clinton 595W. 47-8-p ,10,000 BUYS ONE OF Seaforth's nost beautiful homes. Four bed- ooms, hot water, heated with oil. ?.ireplace. Well insulated. Corn- ilete with new drapes throughout. rwo-car garage. ' Well -landscaped ot, Dr. E. A. McMaster. Phone eaforth 26. 47-8-b PET STOCK ONE MALE TERRIER PUP, black and white, for sale. Apply Glenn Broadfoot. Phone Clinton 21r3, 47-p STOVES FOR SALE ONE USED ENAMEL Cook Stove, coal or wood, copper reservoir and waterfront, steel top, perfect condition; one used G.E. hotpoint electric range, very reasonable. Apply Don Gray, Brucefield, phone Clinton or Seaforth., 47-h TEACHERS WANTED COMPETENT TEACHER required for SS 4, Tuckersmith Three Miles South of Clinton Salary $2,600.00 Write full particulars to: W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer Tuckersmith Township School Area R.R. 3, SEAR ORTH, ONT. 47-b ZURICH NOMINATIONS A new nomination is necessary or Zurich police village. It was ,elievcd Friday night that Mil- red Schilbe, Leroy O'Brien and leginald Illsley would be named y acclamation, but as Mr. xllsley as failed to oualify, a new mato -p iitust be tianleti, BIRTHS COX—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, December 2, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, James Cox, Clinton, a daughter. EVANS — In Trenton Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, November 26, 1953, to Cpl. and Mrs, Frank Evans, Trenton, a daughter (Mary Ellen). JOHNSTON --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Novem- ber 28, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnston, 'Brucefield, a daughter (Marilyn Joyce). LONG --In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wedesday, November 25, 1953, to Corporal and Mrs. Gor- don Long, RCAF Station, Clin- ton, a daughter. MEDD—At their home on Wed- nesday, December 2, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, a son (James Harold), brother for David. POUNDER — In Edmonton, on Sunday, November 29, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder (nee Beverley York), a son, Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to all mem- bers of the Clinton Lodge, A.F. and A.M. No. 84, also many good friends for their tributes to "Dick" and their kindness to me. Again I thank you MRS. NEIL FOX. 47-p I wish to thank all those who remembered me with flowers, cards and gifts and also those who visited me while a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newlands and nurses, — MRS. THOMAS O'CONNELL, 47-b I wish to thank all those who remembered me with flowers, cards and boxes while I was a patient in the Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Street.—MRS. LEN RAD - FORD. 47-p We want to thank our neigh- bours, relatives and friends at Westfield and Brucefield for many 1 kindnesses shown at the time of i our bereavement. Thanks to Rev. W. J. Maines, special nurses, Mrs. Dick MacDonald and Miss Noble, the staff and doctors of Seaforth Hospital. S n• c e r e l y, — MRS. STACKHOUSE AND FAMILY. 47-p SHERIFF'S SALE OF GOODS County of Huron, To Wit: By virture of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario and to me directed against the goods and chattels of William Clark and Harold Wolfe at the suit of Edward William Wilker, Administrator of the Estate of Henry J. Walker, Mary Burchatzki, William Facey and Louise Facey, I have seized, and taken in execu- tion the following property viz: 1940 FORD TWO DOOR SEDAN Model 110 which goods and chattels I shall offer for sale at Clinton Commun- ity Sales Barn, Bayfield Road West, • Clinton, on Friday, Dec, 11 A.D. 1953, at the hour of 2.15 p.m. TERMS—CASH Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Nelson Hill, Sheriff, County of Huron segysec Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI lowers - ,Telegraphed Anywhere FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton CADILLAC ' COACH AMBULANCE Convenient Safe Reliable Heated vtf tE ii'lt 5ulattrt► ratite Mrs. Farquhar New WA President A Supper meeting of St. And- rew's nd-rew s Women's Association was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. M. D. McTaggart. The meeting op- ened with the singing of Holy Night triad the reading, by the president, of the story of the Na- tivity in Luke's gospel, and prayer offered by Mrs. D. J. Lane. The minutes were read by Miss Pearl McPherson, secretary, and the treasurer's report was given. by Mrs. R. L. McEwen. Plans were made for sending Christmas remembrances to the sick and shut-ins with Mrs. Ed. Farquhar, Mrs. Norman Ball and Mrs. Alex Cudmore as acting con;<- raittee members. The association agreed to assist Santa with gifts for the church school Christmas entertainment, Mrs. McTaggart and Mrs. Mc- Ewen conducted an entertaining quiz in which Mrs. Ed. Gibson and Mrs. L. Maxwell were winners. The election of officers for 1954 was made as follows with Mrs. Lane conducting the voting: presi- dent, `Mrs. E. Farquhar; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. D. J. Lane; secretary, Miss P. McPherson; treasurer, Mrs. R. L. McEwen. The various committees will be appointed at the January meeting. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring president, Mrs. William Shaddock, who has served for six years. Thanks were given to the other officers for 1953 and to Mrs. McTaggart for the use of her home for the December Christmas meeting, for the enjoy- able supper and an evening en- joyed by the members of the as- sociation. The meeting closed with carol singing and the Lord's Prayer. 0 CDCI News and Views (Roni Waldron) After weeks of preparation and many hours of practice, the big night finally came: Commence- ment for 1953. Early in the even- ing, students began pouring into the halls of CDCI. In a very short time there was a great transport- ation, for costumes and make-up helped create a make-believe at- mosphere. Soon everything was in readiness although some students may have been experiencing a slight ease of stage -fright. A complete list of award win- ners and actors, etc. appears else- where in this paper. Congratulations for a splendid performance. It was hard work but worth it. FRIENDSHIP C0LUB `TEA The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held a very successful tea on Wednesday afternoon. Christmas decorations were used in the parish hall. Mrs. R. Bulteel and Mrs. J. Hart welcomed the ladies at the door. Miss Evelyn Hall, Mrs. R. Draper, Mrs. W. Counter, Mrs. R. Camp- bell and Mrs. K. Cooke were in charge of the tea tables. Mrs. I. Andrews, Mrs. A. Leybourne and Miss F. Schoenhals sold doll clothes. In the kitchen were Mrs. M. McAdam, Mrs. A. Crozier, Mrs. W. Burton and Mrs. V. Hapgood. Mrs. G. S. Elliott won the door prize, In Memoriam TIDESWELL — In ever loving memory of a dear husband and father, -W. Tideswell, who passed away November 24, 1950: "He suffered patiently and long His hope was bright, his faith was strong, The peace of Jesus filled his breast • And in His arrns he sank to rest." —Ever remembered by his loving wife and family. 47-b ROXY THEATRE D 1G iNir o N NOW PLATING --Dec, 3.5 "The JAZZ SINGER" starring Danny Thomas — Peggy jtee -.- TECHNICOLOR, MON„ TUES., WED. --DEC. 7-9 Ray Rita MILLAND GAM "TIE THIEF" THURS., FRI., SAT. DEC. 10-12 Tyrone Cameron Power Mitchell "PONY SOLDIER" DEC, 14 -- "SWEETHEARTS ON PARADE" PARK THEATRE GODEIUCH-n-Phone 1150 Now: Gal'y' 7ooper and Phyllis Thaxter "Springfield Rifle" Warnorcoior MON., TUES., WEA. Elizabeth Taylor, Fernando Lamas and William Powell Do as you please but don't whine when you're hurt , . that was her code; until it boomeranged. "The Girl Who Had Everything" TFIURS., FRI., SAT. Richard Barton — James Mason and Chips Rafferty Glorifying the British troops at Tobruk in their epic encounter with Field Marshall Erwin Rom- mel. "DESERT RATS" CAPITAL THEATRE GQDER1CII M-, intone 47 Now. "Both Skies of the Law" Ann Crawford ds Peggy Clin tnin.3 MON., TUES., WED. IRRIOIT ROAD" If you are looking for something bright and new in a motion pic- ture story "Bright Road" is your answer. Dorothy Danridge—Robert Horton Allan Sanders THURS.; FRI., SAT. Dan Dailey --Constance Smith and Blanche Yurlta A comedy drama, filmed entirely in New York, tells about an Irish colleen and her search for a husl'and. "TAXI" Con)::::-;: "THE SILV.E'' 'P 1111P" w;iii lion: 1::tliontt anti lt:.,d:,� a}a crtson ONTARIO ST, MIS WILL MEET TUESDAY The December meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Ontario Street United Church will be held at the parsonage on Tues- day afternoon, December 8 at 2.30 o'clock. Roll call will be "Peace"; and a special Christmas program is being repaired. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Drinking is the downfall of many teen-agers who get into trouble with the law. This is the opinion of Alfred H. Sumpter, recently appointed probation of- ficer for the York County courts of Willowdale and Newmarket. "It brings out the ugly side in them," he says. "They may steal through. conceit or greed or mal- ice, but they' wouldn't do it if they were sober." Sobriety is one of the conditions of probation under which the offender is giv- en suspended sentence with a period of supervision under the probation officer, usually a year or more. Mr. Sumpter's cases in- clude adults of all ages, but the majority are in the late 'teen- age group and are first offend- ers. York County, Mr. Sumpter's territory has a variety and mul- tiplicity of liquor outlets. It would seem that their harvest is heavy. This is one crop our Huron County does not grow well. This advertisement is inserted by The Huron County Temper- ance Federation. 47-b Clinton Community Farmers .AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH Also offered at this sale will be a 1940 Ford Two Door Se- dan, model 110. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk CHRISTMAS PARTY OF ONTARIO STREET GIRLS' The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church will hold its .annual Christmas Party on Wednesday, evening, December 9, at 8 o'clock in the Church Hall. Members are asked to come and bring a friend. 3% INTEREST on SaNings Open a Savings Account in Clinton Community Credit Union To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans at 'Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day Open Mon. and Fri. till 5.30 ST ANDREW'S GIRLS (PLAN POT LUCK SUPPER The Girls Club of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold a pot luck supper in the Sunday School room of the church, Wed- nesday, December 9, at 6.30 o'clock. SPECIAL SALE FOR CHRISTMAS Reg. 29.95 MOTOROLA 5 TUBE RADIO Now 24.95 (One Week Only) '-- SAVE $5.00 -- GALBRAITH RADIO & TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" Phone 482 Christ Jesus came into the World Why? To save sinners '-- I Tim. 1:15. Who are the sinners? You and I. Rom. 3:23. HOW CAN WE BE SAVED? Believe an the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31 Who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13 Ile died in our place and stead, bearing our sins, that we might be justified who trust in his finished work.— I Pet. 2:24 T` r E t; The Beauty Shop will be closed from January 18 until February 8, 1954 SHIRLEY'S BEA�.-TY SHOP Phone Clinton 185 FINE QUALITY HITE SHIRTS 10 COLLAR STYLES Single or Double Cuffs 3.95 to 12*95 GIFT S `!' EATERS PULLOVERS— Luxury Sweaters by Tony Day in Cashmere ., CAEDIGANS-- ' A perfect gift for use at any time. TOOKE "VIYELLA" Authentic Tartans Plain Shades $1L95 $9.95 GIFT E RAYONS SILKS WOOLS VIYELLA 6.95 to 27.50 LINED GLOVES -2.95 to 7.95 SCARFS— WHITE INITIAL PLAIN AND FANCY WOOLS 1.95 to 5,95 JEWELLERY by 1lickok-- 1.50to 10.00 FORSYTH NYLON SHIRTS 12.95 POLO PYJAMAS FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS BROA1OLTTI lI*AS 4.95 to 7.50 HUNDREDS OF O'C'HER ITEMS TO CHOOSE EE,OM Hernian's Men's Wear Phone 224'' B1tTJ,IORE MATS VORSYTII SMUTS Clinton