HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-12-18, Page 6TiHE FARM. FOREIGN FOHOFSS. TUB I, KILN GRUB to the feet that a me member dropped a be- A Christman pie afforded much amusement gee dime into the oolleetion bowet the last at a tennis, party. Moat of the gifts had Daring the peat week the club muaenW re- meetteg, and Alen to the further fact that beet) given in the morning, but one for eaoh George Barnes, once famous as the Moline teemed the fallowing valuable relics : the weekly oolleetiona had boeu stoedify de- persou present had been re erved for mthis , Warble8 in Cattle. lair, Evapgellet i f ineutuc ty, is now a mit- A skull supposed to be 12,000 years old, oreaemg for the last month, He dldu t know dish, w hien was in the shape of a 1erge o One of my cows has, some one asks, lumps sionary in India for the Church of England. and to bow() belonged to ae Indian princess, whether political excitement or the approach fashioned tie, t hough really not a pie at all. Mi. herbaok, to each of which is a',man hole. Bobo, the chimpanzee lately brought to Any of her relatives eau have the skull at of the melancholy aeon was the cause for Tho presents, whioh were all small—ono On the lamp being preened, sometimes a P,ria by a friend of Do Bronze, the explorer, any time by producing the proper fndentifi• it, but anoh action would soon place the was it ring, one a locket, another a bit of old small worm win come out. These lumps are has died from the effects of the unusually cation pope. s and paying the Librarian $2. Committee on Ways and Means in a very lace, a third a five -dollar gold piece to put• celled in this distriot merbowa. What is mild weather which Bet in early in the fall. A two-inch auger which was nicked up on embarrassing poeitiop, phase some books a certain boy felt were the canes of and remedy for them? A, census of the homing pigeons in Trance the battle• leld of Lundy'e Lane. How many "I reckon I'll walk around wid you die necessary eo complete his bappinoes—wore 'The lamps are produced by the sting ot is to be taken thie winter, in order that the soldiers were killed by this dewily weapon eavouin' an' stretch my lege a bit," said the dome up in ,mull i aokages, tied with ribbon, the Mamie gadfi;, the insertion aof the ova,War D partment ma know how many nem y Is not known for sure,but the Libr,xian President and he descended and a000mpani . and oovered up in the fine white eand with Haid its gradual growth into the a magg plegia, whin it preesea upon and thine the be dap. nhand upon for use in case ot an em- sakela oud the Wombat at 200 f aonv nieuoe ed or Sir Ieaao ou his tour. b whish the bowl was fill. d, The sand was It was wonderful how the cash s000unt roundt d up en top, biding the packages, skis, and eventually escapee, shortly to eLgeAoy,. Aboot•jick dugout of a mound in Nova looked up, and how ready and willing eaoh and was decorated with a wreath of green proeinoo the troublesome fly which in July laogliah entomologfeta are excited cunt Scotia, and supposed to have retired from member was to give, Even Eider Toots, who ground the edge, and a serig of belly eta& asi August, especially in damp woodland tie addition of a now butterfly to rho British active business several thousand years ago. generally gete off ou a cent, dropped in a in the centre. localities, harass the cattle, .lash injury faunam , aking a tool of sixty five spealeo. The public-spirited citizens who forward- dime and eearohed his pockets for more. It was passed ar; and the table, and seals is time caused to the hides. The obvious The species ie Lycc'+a arpiades, a common ed the agave entice will please ooneidgrthem- The oolieotion taunted up over S12, and parson allowed to put in his fingers and i+enedy, as pointed out by Mise ihnterod, dweller in southern Europe. selves duly thanked by a largo majority, there wasn't a load nickel in the whole lot. draw out one peokage. Each paokage had the honorary o' naulting entomologist of the Iteyel Agrioultnral society of England, is to destroy this cattle peat at some stage of its growth, and this is evidently most readily dose when it is comparatively ecceasible and quiescent on the backs of the cattle. The lumps should accordingly be rubbed with concentrated brown carbolic acid, or a little acid diluted with water injected with a sharp pointed syringe into the swelling, or a. dreeeing of mercurial ointment should be eaailouely applied. The mercury, however, needs cautions using, aa it is apt to bo ab- sorbed, and if freely appllt d causes general- ly irritation and mercurial poisoning. Some such ogees were last spring reported In the lingliah agricultural papers, Cows and Carry -Comb. It is probable that not one farmer in a knndrod, ea; a the L ve Stook Monthly, ever thinks of tieing email a thing as the curry- somb and brush on Ms oowe, although those instruments are need regularly in the horse 'stable. Yet there is jnet as much necessity for keeping the akin of the oow in good con- dition aa that of the horse. No matter whether the MAY is suffered to run at large in the pasture all the time, or is kept in the steel° or oorraI and fed, the process of curry- ing and brushing will consume but little time, and the farmer will be amply repaid for his trouble, both in the better appear - Wien and increased yield given by the cows for their good treatment. That a currying In necessary for the health and in grateful to the animals may be seen by the hahit which cows have of "brushing" each other for a half-hour at a time with the spiny auifaco of their tongues, The evident signs of satis- faotion which they give when undergoing this process should furnish a hint to the ob- aervent farmer which needs but Iittle trouble to aot upon, In some parte of Europe where oowe are kept in the barn nearly all toe time, their coats are as curefutIy combed and attended to as is the hair of a child's head, and it is regarded as a matter of ne- cessity. No doubt this suggestion may be laughed at by many who are accustomed to let both horses and oowe go almost sneered for from one year's end to another, but the fact nevertheless remains that keeping a sow's skin in good order and cleanly is of as much importance to her well-being as keep- ing her well supplied with nutritious food. Timely Suggestions - Two recipes for tanning skin veldt the fur on, a subject about which we have frequent inquiry, are given by the Shoe and Leather Reporter : "Take two parte each of alum and salt and one of saltpeter, all well pulverised. Clear the flesh of fatty matter. Sprinkle it white with the mlzture. Fold in edges and roll up ; remain four days ; then wash with clean water, then with soap and water. Pull the skin when drying, to make It soft. Another recipe is : L y the wet skin on a smooth slab or hard board ;• scrape with a dull knife until all loose flesh and film is re- moved ; then wash off' in s .ft water, Take a glass or stone jar, put in an ounce of oil of vitriol and a gallon of rain or river water, Let it steep in tale for about half an hour, Take it out, work it with the hands until dry, when it will be pliable and soft. Tho MODS worked the softer. Use no grease. ' A visit to a friend's house where the cis- tern water is very foul showed that every- body doesn't yet know the advantage of drawing from near the top, instead of the bottom, to have the water always sweet. By use of short pieces of oorcmon, fireman's hese, j,intsare easily made in pipe which are water -tight, and by use cf a float the end of the pipe can always be kept near the top. My overflow pipe also connects with the bottom of the cistern by a close -fitting tin pipe with inch holes at the bottom. Thus, in Daae of hard showers, the cistern is thoroughly rinsed out. The importance of having cows calve in the fall, so as to have the heaviest flow of milk In the winter, when milk and butter are high, cannot be too welt understood. Some farmers value fall °elves as highly as spring calves, for the reason that they are ready to turn on grass as soon Ks it comes in the spring, and so get the full benefit of a summer's pasture. Referring to the necessity for supply of articlea of adornment and taste for boys and giris on the farm, Dr. Hanalord proposes an association of, say; fifteen farmers, mare or Ws, to invest in a library of really good and instructive books and valuable papers, to be teken home in turn for brief periods. Ferment who have been in the habit of drawing potato vines to their bathyal de to breaking there, thus rendering it obvious ""13rudder Seek-no-Furder Srritlr,'didn't I people present to carry the gifts, which he and error. Good men in all ages have lifted beworked up into manure had batt r omit that the aokoowledged advantages of metal 'pint yon an' Bell -Flower Jones an' Huokie- finds among his load of furs and bunrller-, to to it the eye of faith, and laked of its the praatioe this year, especially, in places eloepere must be realized, under an improved berry EEawkineon dat committee 'way back the erpeotsnt company seated at a respect- glories in their dyiug hour. Martyrs at tete The rot is undoubtedly produced by s. fun- "Yes, soh." Santa C1 where the potato rot has been prevail ut. system. ]set mummer?'' asked the President. Jul distant e. 'stake, the sniffed, ,td, and the bleak, haveleo - �w.r.Clime is to be dressed in a fur coat ed to it and forgotten their persecutors and gut growth whioh oc igtnatee in the leaf, Henry Lebouohere is going over to Dab- "Does dis club know, from any pinta far- and cap, and wilt have a `full white beards their pains I No wonder, then, that the and carrying this to the manure heap is the lin to conduct his own defence in the suit nisbod by you, whether dar' wan patche3, and wig. The feet have been manufactured angels watched that hoar when the Savleer moat certain mode of spreading it over the broughtuet him by Ald.o Mclennan Harris, a plume an' apples 'puff to go 'round ? Has at homeut of wool and o Atm. Small belle, wee born—that they hymned, in eerapi�rie fly, dietinguinhaied Hebrew disoonnter of that you furnished any eta+istics about de yield *owed along the sleeves of his coat, whioh numbers, that love which induced the lion city. There to a good deal of curiosity to of de huokleberry ? Am we long or abort on ring whenever he moves, will add much to of God o veil hie divinity in mortal focna, "'I will give any man $100,000 who will ace wbother he will hold hie own against the de cranberry crop? 1)id de* naahun atop the effect. The sleigh will be brought in and whioh made him the hope and eafug a of pir"flnoe l give ing mthan will ,000 awtit a will lights of the Irish bar as he haeehown himself short at 5,000,000 watermelyons ? Am ee whole or pieoomeal, as beet tun's the size of a lost world 1 of rodded anything from .t will white," Saye a well able to hold it against their English persimmon gwine to. turn out glorious, or the doors, and after it is in will be arranged It is this event for whioh these Christ:nee p brethren, At all events, there will be a lot only scene ? Will dope rout abound die vele- in the bank parlor eloee t,r the folding -doors bells are in chime, It Is this event that )Asea prominent elhieogo arohitect. of fun, ae the Irish lawyers are infinitely wit- for or has wegot to tnru to popcorn to keep leadinginto the 1. tint arlor, and in such a given such beautyand bri htnese to thes : Pix P� P + 6 g The Sunday movement is spreading in tier and gayer. Lxbouthere•is very popular one jaws gwine no position that the horses are supposed to have morn. It it this event that has poured nuela Europe. In Switzerland is a paper ea voted in Ireland. "I dnnno soh We didn't hev no time to /stopped just after they had got out of eight. a tide of happineaa and love through the to the re:ear:laden of the Sabbath as a day The dairymen of Prussia—where farming ABOUT MOTTOES. - -. --- en it the name of the person for whom it asoma to struggle under quite as great a de _ t" I duan' go much ou mottoes an' aide"was ictended, and as few ,if any,idrew their prevision no .v as in Grrat Britain—are fight- said Brother Gardner ae he opened the meet- How to Give Christmas Presents• own, there was considerable passing over of ing artificial butters and demanding that the ing in the !muddegree and winked to Sam. After the momentous question of what to gayly tied p eokageath , which added to e Government compel the makers to call their : nal Shin to raise the alley window. give at Chriatmaa hart been decided, comes fun, goods by their right name. "I once knowed a man who sot out in life the one of how the gifts shall be bestowed, Another Chriatmaa pie, which looks exact, A Loudon project is to make plates by wid de motto : s Exoeleior,' fee was proud Tho time•honored'necking as a receptacle ly like a real pieand gives no evdlenoe that photoengraving of the American illustrated of it, an' he stuck to it, an' de las' time I for the gifts bestowed by Santa Claus heads it containe anything more than a pie should„ magazines, print theur on a common quality saw him he wee in de poa'•houee, Re get so the liet. The child who has never had the in made by lining a large dish with a this'll.of paper, and get them on the foreign roar- tired of leggin' dot motto around dot he pleasure of timidly taking a first look at his crust mace without ahorteniog, After the ket at half price within four days after the couldn't work ober throe days in do week, laden stocking, etr.rngoly changed from the under crust ie planed in the dish, it is efled issue thrte of the originals. "I once knowed a man who had de mot- gaunt slender::ess in whioh he haelleft it the with cotton, ot anything that will keep apt to r • Time is Money' hung in ebory nom in night before, o a humpy, knobby plumpness t he upper cruet, whish is then put over the According to the Southern Practitioner, thq City of Mexico being entirely without his house. Ho invariably rushed in his oo n very euggeative of interior riohneea, and of top, bat not fastened to the lower one at the sewers or drainage, the mortality is at the ten daye too ably, an' den tried to aivorage gayly drawing out the topmost bundles, and edge. After the crust is baked, the top is high rata of 50 per 1,000 of Ropulation an- up things by plentin his latera twenty days tremblingly iuveatigating the far regions of lifted off, the gifts planed in the pie, the top anally. In Gnanajaato, a city of 58,000 in - too late, Da only ocuaahun when he got the toe, has missed one 'source of joy _that laid on again, and a twiatof dough laid around hob tante, the death rate is said to Pe 74 per even wid time was when he jumped his should have fallen to hie lot. the edge to hold the two crusts together. . 1 clock half an hour ahead. De only time ' A pleasint fashion is to put a sprig of cedar The whole is then set in the oven just long when he had a decent crap was when he lay on the front of each stocking neer the top. - enough to harden the twiet, but not long The telephone has been introduced into sick an' his wife win hod da truck patch. The children, no matter how eeld and stormy enough to heat the pie through. The pie is many of the hotels and cafes of Belgium, and " I once knowed a man who carried do the weather, enjoy gathering the green then taken out of the dieb, and sent to iia guests are allowed to make use of it with- out charge. Under the circa Mimeo the motto of "A Penny Saved am a Penny Airn- themeelvea the day before Chriatmaa, and destination, with a message that it is not to ed' in • all his pockets, an' no pueson ober trimming off a spray for each stocking. be out until brought on the table at Chriatmaa user makes a point of ordering some refroah- found him wid a dollar in Dash to his name. When 'the stockings are hung at bed -time, dinner. ment, no that the proprietor gets his money He was all on de save an' nuffin on de airs, each is dreamed with a tiny sprig of cedar, A pretty arrangement is to line the pie back. " Doan' you git de ideate inter yer., heads and after the children have wound up their with tin -foil, and place above that a layer The expression " galvanizing a corpse" has excsed to be exclusively metaphorioal. M. Kargovaty. a' Frenchman, has diaoover ed amethod of preserving bodies by giving them a metal ooating. Wo may, according to our meatus, become silver-plated, nickel - plated, or galvanized with zinc or copper. The prooeas has been thus far tested euo- easefully on eleven human bodies and more than one hug. red timea on the carcasses of animals. M. Ronan is about to come before the world as a dramatic author; though, as the " Pretre de Newi" is in five long acts, and is moreover, announced as a " phiio: phicai drama," it can hardly be intended for stage representation. He says that he has aimed' at two objacta in the work, the first being to exhibit the workings of democracy, as he conceives them, in antiquity, while the sec- ond, which he declares he has had before him in all his writings, in to demonstrate the impossibility of the existence of society without religions belief of some sort or other. Prince Alexander of Balgeria's honaehold is very limited in number. There aro four servants, all of the sterner sex—Germans— whom the Prince brought; reith him from his old home in Hesse, besides a hall porter and thee Resto-Baja, who is a martial -looking Montenegrin, with smartly turned up mous- tache, The Aides -de Camp are former com- rades of his Highness, the most prominent among them being Baron Corvin, who l was Captain of the company in the Russian garde - du -corps in whioh the Prince aerverl as Lieutenant. A friend of Ms boyhood, Herr Mengons, occupies tee position of private secretary to the Prince. A very simple, though somewhat expen- sive, arrangement of telephone wires has been introduced in a Glasgow mere'rent's office by which, it is stated, the annoyances of inducticn are prevented. The office is connected with the prop•ietor'n dwelling house, some thirty miles distant, by a pri- vato line, To prevent disturbance from in- duction of other wires, and the wires, he employs a return wire, and the wires are Simply arranged in a spiral or heli- cal form, as follows : Suppose each pont to be provided with four insulators, arranged at the four eagles of a square, the sending wire et attached to insulator 1 on the first post, 2 on the second, 3 on the third, 4 on the fourth, 5 on the fifth, and so on The return wire le a tachid to. the insulators at the opposite corners of the equaro, or what would correspond to that position, thus forming the helix. It seems that the want of entire success with steel eleepers on seine of the English ; second flo' an' poultice your head wid a bran- manner : ' railways has led to the substitution of an - mash ! You's got 'em bad an' it am our A week before Chriatmaa each member of article which, it is thought, will meet the • solemn dooty to Dura yon if a remedy kin bo the family will find tied on his or her door deficiencies hitherto experienced. Accord- found. Remove do patient 1' knob in the morning an invitation from ing to the new system, the metallic sleeper Tee puzzled and wondering Professor wan Santa Claus to bo present in the front parlor is rolled to the requisite trough-like vection. speedily taken in charge and removed, and on Christm's morning at seven o clock. Under each rail is a sole plate to strengthen - when he had diaappeated the President con- Eaoh note is to be written On bright•eolored it there. The chair is formed of two jaws tinned : I paper, out into fancy shape, and each dif- made of steel plate, stamped into form and " When a man who aims an aiverago of ferent. The notes will be securely sealed, ribbed centrally so as to give strength to re- fee dollars a week, an' who may possibly addressed in a scraggy hand which can not afatthe pressure of the wedge. The jaws, hev trabbled as fur as Toledo an' back, gito be traoed to any one about the house, and sole plate, and sleeper are united by rivets de ideah in his head dat be fully realizoe de so is calculated to provide the children with peening through the three thickneaees. The wants en' needs of die kentry, an' dat all de the mystery they so much injoy. The friends iron sleepers that these are intended rto wheels would stop if he let go de handle, who are to spend Christmas at the mune take the place of were sufficiently elastic sunthin' should be done fur hit), right away. house will receive similar invitations. and did not rust seneibly, but, being serious- He's bad off," The pa -tors whoa opened cn Chriatmaa AND GOOD WILL TO MEN ; and the cross •,of ly weakened by the large holes necessitated A DESERVED REBUKE morning are to be dimly lighted, and will Christ stands now as it stood eighteen hate by the oharacter of thefastenings, and these - The Chairman of the Committee on dieol';se the sleiga In whioh Santa Claus is dred years ago, unworn by age, and throw• holes being situatedeon other side of the Pomology was then asked for bis quarterly making his roands and the jolly old gentle- ing its accred dight through the earth. Re- ran jest where the strain on the eleepers report and he replied that he had none to man himeolf, who, after a few remarks of pentant multitudes through the past have wait greatest, the Matter were oontinally make, greeting, calls on some one of the grown tip turned to it, an' forsaken the petite of guilt dat a motto or a maxim am gwine ter .feed frolic with a Christmas song, they go to bed of damp cotton, on which are arranged cboioe an' clothe ye an' whoop up rent and doctor to dream of the next murni, g's pleasure's. oat flowers. bills. It's mo' in de man dan in de maxim, When two or three families are to be I kit show ye fo'tv pueaons in my naybur- gathered together for the holiday sea -m. - hood who sot on de nets all summer an' eon, an appropriate holder for the gifts Associations of Christmas. keep deir eyea on de maxim : ' Industry am ie a large stocking, roomy enough to de Road to Wealth,' I kin show ye fo'ty hold all the presents, large and email, ex- - BY B. E. HARPER, D, 0, mo' wlio hang up de motto of ' Providence oepting, of course, such things as a rocking- • will Purvide I' and sot down fur Providence horse and a piano, or such of their condos In All the bells which swing in the countletr, to do eo. If de wife airs a dollar date size as may be included in the collection. . towers of Christendom, are now pouring Providence, The atocking should be made of bright- their music forth to hail this happy morn, " Stidy work at fair wages, wid a domes- colored cambric, out the shape of a stocking, ; Palace and cottage, the swelling city and tic wife to Imes de kitchen, am motto an' but of a short and stubby one, and trimmed : the castled steep, catch and return the glad maxim 'ennif fur any of us. If anything with green, It is hung in its place by the echoes. The young yield themselves to furdor am wanted let us strive to be honest, mantle•piece before the younger members of festive mirth, and the aged are happy again truthful, charitable an' virtuous We the party are obliged to say good -night. ore they depart this earth, The eyes needn't hong out a sign on de fences dat we The gifts are giveu into the charge of one ; of the dying light up ; and immortal hope am atr:vin', but jiet git dtr' widout anyirceth or two persons to bo placed in the stocking, cheers even the gloom of the grave. of July firework's to attract publioattenahun. which is emptied of ite treasures, on Christ- . This should be the bappieat day in the Lot us now purceod.' maw morning at as early an hour as wide- t year. It bus a source of gladness all Ma GRANTED, awake juveniles and nap -loving elders can . own. This is not the greeting of friends., A communication from the offroe of the agree upon. Each gift la done up into a : nor the gathering of childhood and age ones Mayor of Pekin, Ill;, asked permission to neat package, plainly marked with the more around the family hearth. It is not name a street in that city largely inhabited name of the person for whom it is intended. the interchange of kind wishes, 'cr the ming - by colored people " Brother Gardner Av- Some one appointed to unload the stocking, - ling of glifid voices over the banqueting enue." and two or three assistants from among tho board. It is not that bright promise which " While I duan' want to rob Gerrit Smith children dietribute the packages au the names . greeta the glance of the father in the face or Charles Sumner of opportuoitieu," said are road. of his boy, nor those smiles of infant beauty the President, "I deem' want to seem cap- Of Christmas trees there are all sizes, • over which the mother hangs In transport ; nhue about ema'l matters, Permiahun am ahapne, and kinds. The t ee may tower to nor is it that stored tie which binds :u darfore granted." the ceiling in a richly furnished parlor,' or it brother's pride to a sister's confiding love, DON T KNOW 'BM. may reach the height of -a few feet only in It is a love beyond this, beyond all that A communication from the office of the some cottage, but it is very doubtful if the human heart hath known. It was born far Attorney -Ge, eral of Indiana inquired if the lofty specimen will afford more pleasure back in the depth of ages. No ear -they " Honorable Egg and Chioken Destroyere" than its lowly neighbor. splendour encircled its cradle ; azo pinion- of Indianapolis were a branch of Lime -Kiln It does not take much work to make a ophy taught it lenient) of wisdom ; no awn Club, Several of them )ately arrested for tree look gay and festive, From branch to toms of humanity matured it into lsighee grave offeneea had' claimed that ouch wee branch are hung chains of gilt and silver pa. strength. Yet at its word enrrow forget the ogee. per, made by outtiug the paper inter narrow its tears, and despair smiled—the lame Brother Gardner instructed the Secretary etrips three inoses long, and pasting half leaped like the roe, the deaf lietened.to am. to reply in the most positive cardinal ink the strips into rings by joining the ends to- wonted harmonies, the blind caught viaiont that the Lime, Kiln Club didn't even know gether, then all into a long chain by slipping of transcendent beauty, the dumb shouted the society mentioned, and that, further, it the other atripa through the rings already for joy, and the dead left the dark prison ,ot didn't care to. made, and joining the ends as before, the grave. SQUELCHED. Wreaths of bright berries are placed en the But this love was, unrequited ; it vet Prof. Benoblaok Dawaon then bobbed up topmost boughs. Hollow egg shells, color- poruecuted and betrayed. The form in whieia and offered the following resolution : ed light shades, or those covered with gold it dwelt was mangled on the cross, aid yet " l esolved, Dat in our opinion, de con- and silver paper, aro hung on the tips of it prayed for those who did the deed, Over tinnaehun of freedom, peace an' good- will branches by tying a thread around a taeaol its divinity death had no power ; it rase will in die kentry d-mando de immediate made of tisane -paper out into very fine stripe, from out t' e gloom of the grave ; poured annexathun of d e Isle of Cuba, either by passing the throsd through the holes in the its light over the hills of Palestie'e, over the purchase or de fo'oe of arms," egg, ud tying other end around the branch. isles of Greece, and through the palaces of What a dat ?" sharply queried the Pres- The best effect is obtained by making the imperial home. The divinities of super- ident. "Let de Secktetary read dat reso- holes in the side instead of the end of the&belle. tithe sew it and fled ; while the dark •eye. lushun Agin 1" Tiny horns of colored paper, are also hung, toms of philosophy, like shadows at the It was re -read, and Brother Gardner look- large end down, from the branches ; wher- break of morn, melted away is its light. ed across at the Proferaor and said : ever they can be placed with safety, are put Ages have passed away, n=coons disatp- " Putfessor, did 3 ou write dat ? ' small candles. When the presents are ar- peered, the storms of - revolution and time " Yea, sate." ranged to show to the bent advantage, and swept over the wrecks of human greatneea, " Dom you seem to foel•dat way ?" the candles lighted, the tree makes a pretty but this D.vine light stili etreema on. It "I does, sah." sight to both yourg and odd. glows title say over the city of David ; it le " Werry well, de Committee on Annex- In a certain family this Christmas the hailed in the baronial halls of England ; It ashun will conduct you to room ' B' on the gifts are to bo presented in the following gleams amid the relicts of Rome ; it kind15s along the ley cliffs of Greenland ; it metra over the dark bosom of Africa ; it illunrincss the 'ides of the northern seas ; it pours lea splendours along the betake of the Ganges„ • It is this light which cbeera our temples ; whioh sanctities the hearth of our ho a ; which fills this day the swellirg city, the quiet hamlet, and the aisles of the deep fair- est with hymna of gratitude and devotions, This is that light which came from heaved ; that love whose mission of mercy flows to all lands, and which will yet reach the ane- rows of every human heart, The voices of the angels, as in Bethlehem, still peals the anthem, PEACE ON neeirvt The Diocesan Synod of Armagh lately die- look tip Mali things;" replied the defaulter, The elolgh ie to be provided with fur robes, myriads of hearts that beat in Christian of rent. Itis called Le Jour (II 12epo8, covered the practice existing In various parte "Oh, you didn't 1 Well, you'll hey a good and filled with the gift*, sumo done up iia lands. May this happiness, dear reader "se In a fiord at Serreveze v a woman was of the north of Ireland of drinking ether in- dell rno time on yo- hands artor din moethi 1 packages, and others left without any wrap' thine ; may this love be the light of "tiny sriept into the river, but her skirt caught steady of we iskoy. The habit prevails Do eentonce of die court am dat your oom- pings, As soon an Santa Claus has filled his sous ; may this Saviour be to thee the oli;Ce spoil d hook in the wall, and she was hold largely, and hue given rite to nevorel cones mitten be upset, an' dat eaoh ono of you pay arms- with the feet of the presents the sleigh among ten tht,usand. Thie choice and este safely time for three hours when rescuer$ of insanity. The causo of the preference a find of $0 000 an' dean' come tvidiu thirty- le to be quietly drdwn from sight and taken tion Isis fidelity will repay ; He will be tisy serifs, for ether is that it is a cheaper fntoxi ant, eight feet of de stove die hull winter long. out, and when Santa Cilan hands the last revand strength when other supports shall A Chluese banker, Ilan Qua of Canton, ix The synod recommends that the traffic in Let other committees take watnla' by emir bundle to bit assistant he wiletlisoover that fail ; He will enataln thee when the lamp of said to fro the wealthiest man in the world. this and other noxious drugs bo restricted; downfall," hie team has started on without him, and Life goes out, and gracicuely remember thee lite pays taxes upon estate cf $450 000,00e, so north of Ireland men well soon have to YiErAaATfo a with a grand flourish and good-by's and loud in that day when He aha}l number up ?ids avid >s admitted to be worth $1,400,000,000. fall back again on whiskey.Sir Isaac Walpole desired to call attention "Wiens Y' he will run out After it, jewels,