HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-12-18, Page 1INGH ALM VOL. XIV. ---NO. 51. 11 11 IMES. WINGHAM, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 1885. WHOLE NO, 727 rgentiuggamtlalit5 S. W. GALBRA.ITH, PnorniETOU. Tun Wmorisx Tints' published every Friday morn- ing, is a live localnewspaper, and has a large circulation in Wingham and surround. ing country, making It a valu- able advertising medium. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 81,25 per year -81.00 per year if paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: Space. I 1 yr. i 6 mo. I 3 mo. I 1 no. One Column I 1:4) 00 06 CO r' • Half " '25 00 20 100 quarter" 46 00 12 00 Qiie Inch 5 001 8 .03 Tho 3!dayortdty. To the Electors of the Town of Wingham. GENTLEMEN,—Tha time is at hand when you will be called upon to select yuur municipal representatives for the year 1880, and such being the case, 1 beg to announce myself as a candidate for re-election. lt is hardly necessary that I should -at this time enter into details of my stewardship. My acts are before you, and I shall leave you to judge me by then). During my brief term of office as Mayor 1 have endeavored to serve you faithfully' and well, and to discharge the duties of the as oo oir office with impartiality and in the best 7 00 4 00 • interest of the town, and, 1 hope, 200 100 with acceptance to the majority of the Loca notices 8 cents per line for first insert on; 5 toots per line for each subsequent insertion. Bathe, marriages and deaths inserted free. Correspondence of a newsy nature and communi- cations upon live topics respectfully solicited. MEY 3: DICKINSON. BARRISTERS, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. CommIssioneis f or taking affidavits for Manitoba. Private funds to toes in straight leans at lowest rates. Offices — Runt's Book, Wing hem, foreknew and. Gerrie. it. W. c. MEYER. E. L. DICKINSON. A. MORTON, sd. BARRISTER, tco., %%Ingham, - • - Ontario. GEORGE McGILL, (Late partner of Refamere, Black dc Reeser, Torronto.,) 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR OF SUPREME COURT, 'NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE: BEAVER BLOCH, WINGRAM, Otranto. Money to loan at lowest rates. Mortgages bought and farms sold. DRS. BETHUNE do YOUNG, • PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Office, corner Centre and Patrick streets, Wingham 0.. dark. ALEX. BECHUNE,M. D., W. J. YOUNG M. D. MRS. MERR, people. During my regime an im port- aat step has been taken towards se- curing the extension of the Canadian Pacific railway, and my energies with this object in view have been untiring, and next year, should 1 be honored with re-election,1 promise to he as un- tiring in my efforts, and hope, with the valued aid of influential citizens, to see the extension an accomplished fact. Trusting that my conduct has war- ranted a renewal of the confidence re- posed in me at the last election, I remain, Yours respectfully, JOHN NEELANDS. Wingliarn, Dec. 10, 1885. erty, It is reported that W, Ray, deputy -reeve, intends becoming a can- didate for the reeveship, and that he will be opposed by J. R. Miller. C. E. Howe and J.. Proctor purpose run- ning for the deputy reeveship, One day last week the mail train on the Teeswater branch of the 0, P. R. was thrown off the track, a mile east of Fordwich, owing to breaking of an axle of one of the box cars. Tho pass- engers were considerably shaken up, passed a resolution strongly condemn - but none were seriously injured, The ing the Scott Act. The Bruce county council has mail car was set on fire by the stove re - and the flames were not extinguished fused to appoint a police magistrate until quite a large amount of mail under the Scott Act, matter had been more or less destroyed The American public health used - by fire. ation has decided to hold its next an- nual meeting at Toronto. Mrs. Catherine Logan, aged 103, died at London, Ont., on Saturday. She was a slave for sixty years, miles below Guderich. Capt. Varker, It is said that Hon. Mackenzie of the Maxwell, gave up all hopes of Bowell admits that the Government being saved, expecting every hour will be defeated on the reassembling that the vessel would founder. The of Parliament. crew stuck to the pumps until they The North West council bas decid- were completely used up, The men to insist on the payment of a fee of News items. "NA on their shoulders all the way from St. Vital to the Cathedral, some' oiX The Marquia and Marchioness of miles. An immense crowd, compris- Lorne will visit Canada in the spring. ing many from Winnipeg, were at the The funeral of the late vice-Presi- funeral. The services were most im- dent Hendricks cost the United States pressive. but there was no special dem- $160,000. onstration. Biel's mother, brothers A train of 141 cars, loaded chiefly and widow with an infant in her arms with cotton bales, was hauled the were present in the church, seeming other day into New Orleans. deeply affected. Few who saw their The Norfolk county council has sorrows were unmoved, Tho Reeveship. To the Electors of the Town of Wingham. GENTLEMEN,—Having been request- ed by a number of my fellow electors to allow myself to be nominated as Reeve for the town for 1886, 1 beg leave to inform my friends that I have consented to do so, and hope to secure their hearty support. Respectfully, WALTER SCOTT, Witigham, Dec. 17, 1885, Neighborhood Noi4W0a DRESSMAKER,. A farmers' institute is being formed ", ' ,,,ass, ,.„- Itoomlb s over W. :Amide" stdrer at Brussels. ---,, , , MoRertie Block, WINGILLAI - • ONTARIO.. • „sate trustees of the Bluevale school was thesSettlement of the reeveship, ssliave engaged Miss ryucker, of East when it was advocated that it was 'a ID ARE CffiANCE.-60 acre farm; some Um ler ; the Wawanosh, as teacher of the junior party necessity that Mr, Kelly should iles south et Vassar, Michigan,- sandy loam ; springof $925 ''.3 — once more fill the town 1.ii.makingsof a nice home; 'delightful situation,. 3i division, brook ; school and state road near; IL C. Ry. switch ,) at a salary .., . , a ev. K. McDonald, of B lmont,10Nourse Mr. Hamilton naturally op - arm chair. acres highly improved farm, lot 30, con. 6, and ma', has accepted the icill of the Ashfield I posed. this being brought up at this acres lot 0; con. 8, Culross. Free deeds. Sale or on corner. Also 320 acres Southern Manitoba. 100 ,,,r Presbyterians, an abe induction ser- meeting but at last offered to leave it exchange on easy terms. Ciro, McKinnon, • Wingbam. vices will be held about the middle of in' the hands of the meeting, when to F. S.—Private funds on real estate at 7 per cent; his great astanishment Mr. Kelly was no expensen. Wingham, Oct. 9, '85-3-m. January. . . the man by a large majority, and will John Allin, an employee of Miller's consequently have a walkover. The DENTINTEY, cabinet factory, Lucknow, lost four of allowing temperance people are badly put out his fingers the other day by G. L. BALL, L. D. S., them to come in contact with a shap- Honor Cradsale, and Member of Rabat &Mal College, ing machine. 'ammo. .s The American schooner, A. C. Maxwell, went ashore during a terrible gale at an early hour on Wednesday ramming of last week, four County Council. The December session of the county council opened at Goderich on the lst, hist, and closed on the following Fri- day. The usual reports from the various committees were received and adopted. Among items of interest was the passing of a hawker's and peddler's license law in accordance with Act of Legislature. Peddlers on foot will how have to pay for the privilege of hawking around goods, not the product or manufacture of the Province, $25 per year. Peddlers with one horse suffered terribly, and were badly frost- 850 by lawyers going to the North rig 810 per year, with two horses $1.5. The cIezk subruitted a statement bitten. The Goderich life -boat crew West to practice. showing the cost et new bridges went out and rescued the crew of the The small pox epidemic has died erected in the county this season as Maxwell. Every attention was paid out in Montreal, but Toronto is follows: Bali's bridge, $9,000, Sauble them. The vessel's boat -rudder, and threatened with a siege unless great and Bell's bridge, $5,091; Londesboro stearing gear, both anchors and sails precautions are observed. _ bridge, $5,582 ; Wingham bridges, were carried away. The hull is in Apples sell for $14 a barrel at Ed good condition, and by the aid of monton, N. W. T.,and a sufficientmakingtotal di for newbndgeathais seasoneoxfp$e2n1,1tu7r8e, steam pumps it is expected she will cinantity cannot be had at this figure. $1,505,Thepresentment of the grand jury be saved, weather permitting. This Regina apples are fetching $5 a barrel. at the recent assizes, urging the access - is the first time the life -Float has been The United States government - has ity of a poor house being established* called into service, and 'the rescued granted a pension of $8 per month was taken up, and the matter was sailors are loud in their praise of the and back pay to Mrs. Jane McLaughlin referred to the jail and court house kindness rendered them. of Port Credit, Ont., whose son was committee. The committee A Blyth correspondent writes: We killed in the American war. mended that no action be taken. The recom- are net to has e a contest for the reeve- Mr. Gladstone is said to be per - warden's explanation of his reasons ship after all. For the past week there feeting a Scheme tor Home Rule, the for not complying with the resolution has been quite an excitement, as details of which are kept a profound of June session in regard to memoral- Messrs. Kelly and Hamilton had been secret e,Fcalpt from Lord Granville, izing the Government to appoint a canvassing very earnestly up to Tues- Lord SEIM*, and Lord Rosebery. police magistrate, not being quite day night (8th); up to this time the It is reported in Montreal that the sat- isfactory, he was asked to have the bitterest enmity existed between them military authorities have suggested to replies received from members during, but a meeting (Ccinservative) was held the Imperial authorities that it would recess placed on the table and read, when Mr. Clegg, of, Wingham, presid- be desireVe to order a regiment of as it was contended that the warden -ed s The' first and foremoat business light caval-ry-eIther Hussars or Lan- might hale nnsconstrued the nature • cets—to Canada. of such replies by whiehlie felt The war claims commission has fid in holding back the memorial re - concluded itis labors at Winnipeg, and felted to until the December meeting. the members have returned to their a 'he warden refused to place the re - homes. They meet in Ottawa Jann- plies before the Council as he son- ' ary 10 to complete their work and sidered them in the nature of prrvil- submit their report. eged communications. This brought The Rev, Pleasant Hunter, of Pal- up a motion of censure against the mor. Mass., recently received two calls warden in order to constrain him to at $5,000 and $3,000 a year. Al- place the replies before the Council in though he receives only $1,800 a year self-vindicatiou, but the motion was 'in his present charge, he has decided finally withdrawn. The request of the Scott Act Association to memory ialize the Government to appoint a Police Magistrate was complied with to the extent that the Council recom- mended their petition to the Govern- ment. to appoint a P. M., without salary; be complied with. stie Attends his office over Gordon dc MeEndoo's _afarm of John Wilson, on the every Wednesday. Best of reference and satisfactloh 8th con. Morris, has been sold at given. Tho various anaestheticstooth. Prices moderato. mortgage sale, Frank ,McCaughey used in extracting being the purchaser. The farm con - S. JEROME, L. D. S. DENTIST, WINGHAM. OPPIOE—Stone Block, Oldest stand In Wingham. Charges moderate. Can be found at his office, Stone 131ock, at all times except on the first Monday and Tuesday and third Monday and Tuesday of each month, when ho will be in Lucknow. All the latest anesthetics used in the painless extraction of teeth. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Gold filling a specialty. THE CHEAPEST MONEY on the market, Private or compan.es' funds to Loan on farm security at 6, os and 7 per cent. Apply to H. DAVIS, 'Opposite the Market Square, Wingham. XOTIAN OE HOTEL, WINGIIAM, • ONT. This house has lately been re -modeled to a con 'd erable extent, and is thoroughly comfortable in every respect. Always sets a Good Table. Guests well pleased and come again. Rates reasonable. Good stabling in connection and No.1 hostler. J. PATTERSON', CENTRAL HOTEL, LATS MERRITIELD'S. *vmazAn Sazittam NEAREST 10 triti ALAREET. VIRST-CIASS 111 EVERY RESPECT. CHARLES SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Jou; Marline, Manager. AL?. Beantetin, Stable Mon. tains 100 acres and brought 83,240. Gorrie has a monthly fair for the sale and exchange of live stock. The first fair was held on the 3rd inst., and it proved quite a success, several car -loads of stock being sold at very fair prices. Much interest has been created over the advent ot a pair of twins in an Ash- field household. They weigh only 4i• lbs. One is a tiny midget of only 14 lbs. Tho little ones are alive, and likely to thrive. Andrew Strorne, whose saw mill was burned down last summer at Fordwich, and who sustained losses to the amount of $3,000, has got his new saw mill nearly completed and will be ready for business in the course of a week or so. This is only an example of those tem- them—to remain where he is, because he on Mr. Hamilton deserting thinks he has a work to do tliere. perance candidates coming out hide- . "Doctor" Andrews, of Toronto, an pendently of party. old man 73 years of age, has been The following candidates attending • arrested on a charge of procuring an the Goderich and Clinton model abortion on a young girl named Jennie having secured 60% of the aggregate schools have been awarded certificates 'Leslie. It secms that Andrews has been making a living for years in this marks required : (sioderich subset— „ay. The girl is very ill and her re- ISIinnie Cook, Katie Collins, Annie covery is doubtful. Oaughlin, Ann M. Graham, Ann Elerbert Gladstone, son of the ex - Keefe, Joseph Case, John Cameron, premier, has written a letter Daniel Deveraux, James Erwin, M. K. Gordon, John K. Green, Freerick discountenancing the seperation of Ireland from Great Britain, J. Green, Fenton Hartley'mJaes G. hut adds, "but if five -sixths of the Irisla Munro, James Malone, Aligns Mc- Dougall, Uharles McLaughlin, Wm. people desire a Parliament in Dublin to manage local affairs, in the name Tough, Jas. A. Young, Mary R. Rob- of justice and wisdote, let them have ertson. The following had their cer- iv, • . „a, tificates renewed; Maggie Murray, W. H. Vanderbilt, the railway king, Eliza BlcOonnell, Maggie Radcliffe, was buried in New York last Friday. Maggie Rutherford. Clinton school. No publio display was made, and —Kate Calder, Jean Dickson, Bessie everything pertaining to pomp was Dodds,,Felina Floody, Sarah E. Greg- avoided. Vanderbilt's wealth amount. ory, Alice ti. Holmes, Minnie E. Lay- ed to $190,650,000, which yielded an in, Jane McTavish, Mary McEwan, income of $10,343,000 per year, or John M. alrown, David D. Birks, $28,000 per clay. He left each of his Whiteehureh. "Snow two and three feet deep, yslaerdighsisibrirgky good,l, logs coining into mitt 'fey. 3. Anderson, of Titoerton, offi- ciated at the Presbyterian sacramental ser,es on Sunday, the 13th. John Macobray has disposed of his saw mill and machinery to Mr Colters, and it is being removed to East Wa- wanosh. Kohinoor Council, No. 154, R. T. of T. has rented the use of the Eorester's „ hall, and will meet there every ffrst, and third Wednesday evening in each months The new Methodist church at Luck- Edward (limper, John Cooper, Frank children $10,000,000, besides liberal, sa4ohn Strath, teamster while unload- now,edifiees in this sectou of the country Griffin, Kenneth McKenzie, Frances and to charitable objects. other day received a severe blow on bequests to his wife and near relativeS, ing logs at J. Gaunt's mill yard the one of the handsomest church I. Ewing, Humphrey S. Gray, Morley was dedicated on Sunday 16th inst. M. IVIathers, Duncan McKeuzie, JohnIn many of the Catholic churches the head from a tilted skid. Re is The total cost of the building was McLeod, Wm. Potter, Thos. Rumball, in the neighborhood of Montreal ser- d,*°11.• $10,300, and of this some $8,000 has Angus G. Stewart. The following mons were preached by the parish/ C. 0. F. No 116, held its first meet- alreadY been subscribed. had their certificates renewed: Kate „ priests on Sunday, denouncing skating ing in their new hall on the eyeing of Wm Doig,Ge • R Fowler '...he new foresters' haltat 331tievale, MoEwan, ' o• R. ' rinks, snow -shoeing and tobagganing 9th.7 They are tastefully furnishing it is nearly completed, and it is intended Geo. McIntosh. slides, particalarly the latter, as hurt with chair seating and other embellish - to have a grand opening entertainment ful to the morals of young ladies moats, and at an early date will enter- on New Year's eve, when, some of the Enquire at 0., E. Williams, druggist Parents were also reproached -for per- tam their friends to a basket soeial. leadingman of the order will be present.in reference to the extraordinary mer- I mitting their children tosattencl these Tho hall iS 24x50 feet, with 14i foot its of West's Cough Syrup. It is in -1 places of amusenient. The Catholic Marl'led. coiling Mi will make a, oommiodious comparable for the speedy cure of clergy have forbidden ladies wearing BLIIIRIPP-4NGLEs.—At the manse, Whitechuroh, OR BIS 7th hist by Rev. J. .A. Andernn. Ara eon, d HEIFERS ASTRAY, „ And domtortable place of meeting- , coughs, colds, consumption in its early toques to appear at church servsses. Sheriff, to Elizabeth Ingles, cf West Wrtwanosh. Zetland, three two year old Heifers—one red, one Geo. Forayth, who has for several stages, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, Louis Ries body was quietly buried ,-. Died. Strayed irons the premises of the undersigned, en tho belly. Any person giving inforMation that at St. Boniface on Saturdsy morning At GI f dat th 1 of W antob.—. an or , rcs encem. strawberry and the other brownish with some wtito yeaas held the office of reerre of Morris. whooping cough, and all throats and • sain mast to their recovery Will be suitably rewarded. will not seek re-election this year, oa lung diseases. Price 25 Crnts, 50 Bethune, on the 10th inst., Mra. Jane Nichol, rel.: (lemon TamTo snow their respect for Riot% me s' let of the late Rev. I. Niohol, Presbyterial minds uo. tt, 1865.-5 t. &Hark aceOunt of having dispose.1 of big tro_l. cents, ancl $1.00 per bottle, ory, his Netts friends bora the coffin tar,et Edinburgh,Seothind, aged 78 yearn'. 1 0- 11,11111ilidiali.a : SiSESSISST r 4-