HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-10-15, Page 9"`1d171,�a1)t�, OBER 15, 1953 ;VEER SEASON 'N HURON DISTRICT t$y E, 13,. Meadows, Huron Die - '10.14 1ct Fish and Wildlife inspector, B.L •No. 1, i iespeler, Ontario. ) The following counties in Hur- on 'District are open far the taking of deer from November 4 to Nov- eatber 7, inelusive: Bruce, Grey, Huron, Axford, Perth and Water- loe, These dates coincide with the deer season in the north but it is expected that those who usually e north .each year to hunt deer will continue to do so. This will eliminate any overcrowding of deer hunters in the afore -ment- ioned counties, ,. Licenses for the deer season May be purchased from any lic- etlse issuer in the Province of On- xeric, and the same license can be used in both northern and .south- ern Ontario. Farmer Peer Lic- OLXNTQN NEWS»RECORD enses ere available at a cost of per license. One :meter h each farmer's household is .entit- led to purchase one of these 1ic. enses, The Fernier Deem License may be used only in the°.tcounty in which the farmer resides and .only by the person whose name is on the •license: ether members of the family are required to Pur„ chase a regular $5 license to hunt deer. The definition of a "farther" under the Game and Fisheries Act is as follows: Farmer means. any person actually living upon and tilling his. own land, or land to the possession of which he is for the tiine being entitled, or any bona fide settler engaged in clear., ing land for the purpose of bring,- ing it to a state of cultivation. Most of the townships in the, six counties listed above have pas- sed- by-laws prohibiting .dogs to be at large from November 4 to No- vember 7. inclusive. t ;FORGOT that a bit of wood preservative*, applied at little cost when the fence was put in, would have saved him the cost of new posts now. In the telephone business, as around your own home, we firael it's better to do the job right in the first place and then look after it. It's the best way we know to avoid heavy repair and replacement costs, to save expense and give you most service for your money. That's why we treat telephone poles against rot; why we keep -out trucks dean and in good repair; why we put up exchanges and offices to last. It's comruon sense if we are to keep our costs down—and the price of your telephone service low. 4:11 you would like to gatnseful information on the preservative treutnenr of wood we suggest you write Forest Products Laboratories, • Department of Resources and Development, Ottawa. , ti AO THE BELL MEM= = COMPANY OF CANADA Hello Homemakers! From the meetings of the Associated Coun- try Warren of the World, emiss- aries of .goodwill will return to their homes in many parts of the world with a better understand- ing nderstanding of life in Canada, We, too, have benefited by the eriendjness and the deseription of family` life as told 'b the delegates who 0 live n farms in other countries. This association held confer- ences on mutual problems such as how to improve the lot of countrywomen and how to pre, sent their ideas to international councils, With a membership of over six million and representat- ives from 26 countries, we be- hove their efforts will have a far. -reaching effect. - Then each Women's Institute in Ontario (an organization, of the Associated Country Women) may take to heart the words of Halsey:- "You cannot be a thous- and people but you can join a thousand people and the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts." TAKE A TIX' Gleanings from women in other countries: 1. People May be highly educat- ed yet they do not pay close attention to the daily nutritious foodsthat are needed to maintain good health. 2. Too few rural homemakers re- gard homemaking equipment as a meatus of saving time, effort end money in other countries. These recipes are highly re- commended by the delegates of the A,C.W.W. conference who kindly selected a favorite recipe from, our World Cook Book. Italian Mazetti 11/ lbs. (cubed) pork 3 tbsps, fat 3 small onions 2 tbsps, parsley afi cup green pepper r cup celery 1 (5 oz.) can mushrooms 1 can tomato soup 1 cup water 1 cup cooked noodles Brown pork in fat. Chop on- ions, parsley, pepper, celery and mushrooms; add to pork. Stir in soup and water: Add 2 tsps. salt, 1/2 tsp. pepper and 1 tbsp. mole asses. Pour 1/a cup noodles in an oiled casserole, cover with the meat. Add another 1/n cup nood- les. Bake for 1hour at 350 de- grees. Dutch Apple Pie 2 cups sifted flour 3 tsps. baking powder le tsp. salt 2 tbsps. butter 1 egg, beaten �tl li 1I 11 um,III IIII 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIInuIuiutI uuIIQI Jo. IiII�i i[it illilIDIf 1 III 00,011.,ISSgS; . coV t o,CetetC�etq,Vet, J PTfla otC wim uq 1JI!Cik,moria,, ,i onf„n,, ,mi I'afi) 1fffil 115 �jIT' r 1011111 wallifiulanuwiluudraMounmapacwimunraintmun a. G By authority of our appointment by Bank of Canada as an official sales agent for the Eighth Series of Canada Savings Bonds. WOO CUADY & COMPANY LIMITED has appointed H. C. LAWSON CLINTON, ONTARIO as an official sub -agent for The New Improved CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Ittii'OfflhliQAiifi[i • 'IsWIiinumnlll� WAWA/NW WarenIIDN IiII m z �YIIU0Tiii�lIi11IDratt 1figni1�NJ 24 cup milk 6 or 8 apples 1 tsp, cinnamon 1/4 cup molasses 3 tbsps. sugar Sift flour, baking powder and salt together; cut in butter, add egg and enough milk to make a soft .dough,, Roll y inch thick and line greased (9in.) pan, Cov- er dough with sliced apples and sprinkle with cinnamon and mol- asses, Bake in hot oven (400 degs.) for 30 mins, Sprinkle with sugar and bake 4 mins. Serve hat Ceylon Rice 2 cups rice 1 cup chopped peppers 1 cup onions 1 tsp. soya sauce 2 tbsps. butter Boil the rice until tender and fluffy. Melt butter in eklllet; add boiled rice, sweet peppers, onion, soya sauce and 1 tsp. salt. Toss lightly until delicately fried. Serve with chuncks of cooked chicken whichhave been re/led it beaten egg, dipped; in bread. cruinbs and browned in deep fat. Serves 5, Swei4P J7 Tote 1 cup sugar 21/c, cups" all-purpose flour 1 cup butter 1 clip spur cream Strawberry jttin Sift flour with' sugar, then work in the "butter and aeiur cream (the cream should " be thick). Pat some of the- reixttire into a pie plate to make ea thiii layer. Spread this with jam and press another layer of dough over top. Bake in hot electric oven (400 degs.) for 15 mins. then move oven indicator to 350 for 20 mins. Serve in pie -shaped wedges with whipped cream. Makes two (9in.) tortes. Norwegian Hyldkak To 3 cups cold mashed potat- oes add 1 cup 'flour and salt to taste. Make mixture into round cakes (1/a, in. thick and about size of a saucer). Place these on a griddle and brown on both sides. These cakes are served hot or cold with butter, goat cheese, sugar or syrup. Danish Pastry 1 lb. butter 1 ib. flour (3% cups) 1 cup water 1 (2 oz.) brandy Mash butter in ice water and make it into a square. Knead water and brandy into flour on a pastry hoard. Roll it to an oblong square. Place the butter in the centre and fold dough over it. Roll out gently as large as possible without butter break- through. Fold each end to centre. .Fold once crosswise. Repeat 3 times but place in electric refrig- erator each time. Use this dough for tarts, napoleon cakes and cheese squares. Bake in a hot electric oven for 10 mins. THE QUESTION BOX Many questions have been mailed directly to the signed addresses. Thank you for ' signing your name and address in full on your letters to us. Anne Allan invites you to write to her % Clinton News - Record. Srtad in your suggest- ions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies 4-0-6-4-1,-+.0•0-44•4.-0. 4-0 -4-4-4-4-4-10-4-4-4-42. Do you want your radio performing like it used to? A radio may be had while yours is be- ing repaired. BOB WEEKS Radio & Sound No. 8 highway -- ph Miles East of Clinton ANOTHER NEW BANK CUSTOMER Johnny's bank account is one of nearly 9,000,000 now carried by Canadians irk the chartered banks 3,750,000 opened in the last ten years alo! m,, practically everybody Competition arson ii. Prins of l rides sir k;' • - r;e i;: the reasons why &'f)1Id',, t,f a;r' d of umr, 1 can expect prompt, c'fjicteft, courteous attention to your needs ''at your own local branch. TSE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY fr .4* HOLMES lIL E teee.ax+9-e*-• .•.s.e..... Sgt. and Mrs, Al Parkes and. family, Aylmer were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Les Jervis, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gerig and son, Oshawa, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. P, Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. 7Ei. M. 'Bezemi and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bezeau, Kit- ichener, were guests of Mr. and Mrsa Frank McCullough 4n Sun- day, 74th. Anniversary - lielmesville United Church obr served the 74th anniversary of the church, en Sunday, October 11. Rev, H. C, Wilson, minister of the Wesley -Willis - Holrtiesville .circuit, was in charge of both morning and evening services, which were larg- ely attended. The church was decorated with baskets of autumn flowers, and the windows were adorned with small vases of tiny 'mums. In the morning, a women's choir was en- joyed, and during the anthem, the solo parts were taken by Miss Sandra Williams, Mrs, William Norman and Mrs. Edward Grigg. With Mrs. Nelson Brown, De- troit, Mich„ as the accompanist, Mrs, Roland Gerig, Oshawa, sap "My Heart Be ver Joyful" and Mrs, Bill Cox, Porter's Hill, sang "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked". Mrs. W. Yeo. was 9r- ganist for *Jog of the ,service. At the evening service, the men's choir of Wesley Willis Unit- ed •Church, Clinton; suppl ed�3'the tnusic witheMra, Ray' Vin enti"`at the` organ. The chair sang' "Bless This House", "My ,Anchor Holds': and "While the Years- Roti° 'By" and a quartette bf young men sang `"Let the Lower -Lights Be Burning" • and "Send the' Light1i, all of which was greatly enjo'ed BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Fred Burdge, Wil- liam Burdge, Mrs. William Fother- ingham, Mrs. R. P. Watson and Mrs. W. F. McMillan motored to Hamilton on Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. James Burdge. Dick Munn, son' of Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Munn, London, spent Thanksgiving weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Dinnin. Mr. and Mrs. R. Barr, Patsy and Jean, Burlington, also were there for Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse and Eva, Brucefield; Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Stackhouse, Johnny and Mary Ann, Wilton Grove; Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale, Pat and Ron, Glencoe, attended the Boothman- Wightman wedding in Auburn on Saturday. s • 4 New Canadians Se Vivid Film On Aetive Christianity The Christian lteforin Con- gregation was entertained by a film Showing on k'riday evening, October 2, in St. Andrew's Pres- bfteriaChurch. "The Power God"depicted in vivid fash- ion, the results effected in the little town of Bliendale, Following the film, a general sing -song of hymns, In English and Dutch was enjoyed. Rev.. George IIoyteman presided and was assisted by a committee of three,. representing the ehildren, the youth and the older men and Wee nen, PAGE NINE J, Scruton Oils - Greases. -Gasoline PetroleuT Products Mone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTC.IUUTOR QUALITY taws E CARS 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 19$2 Pontiac Sedan 2--1952 Chevrolet Styline Sedans 1951 .Chevrolet Sedan (two-tone) , 1p51 Chevrolet Coach (power glide, built-in radio) 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, fully equiped 1949 Ford Custom Sedan (two-tone) 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coach 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1917 Chevrolet Sedan 1946 Pontiac Sedan 1942 Dodge Coach TRUCKS'` 1946 Chevrolet 34 Ton Pick-up 1946 Ford 1/2 Ton Pick -Up 1.6--1943 Dodge Stake Bodies, 2 ton -SPECIAL 1947 Mercury 114 four door sedan $695 AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 4} 3r W s����f7�q!,1��`�� ,W��i, i� � �� v,• " ! �C.Y A'` e..� Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. " — PRONE '73-X CL1NTON—Co»taet Knox Williams, Ph. 641 ligatke aletatiatatiOalefir Serving Canada in the Army you serve .. . Comradeship is one of the finest features of Army life. Ask tiny soldiers You take part in sports, live, work. and ince dangers with hien who share your Were* and ambitions: 4 'Travel will give wet wider experience and interests. There are many thanees for travel In Canada and overseas. You see and learn more in the Arrny to, daY than °Vet before. �G. Never before has an Army career offered so many advantages to young men. Army life b for men who want to help guard Canada's freedom. It is not art easy life' but it is a rewarding one, You and Canada profit by the many opportunities and benefits of military service. Here's haw you gain when you serve Canada in the Army: good pay, financial security and pension; 30 days annual leave with pay; opportunities for special training, promotion, adventure, For Canada, you will represent another trained soldier to help guard our freedom, 'l'o be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to 45, When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. Apply right away Per full information write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. Ne 13 Personnel Depot, Wallts Rous°, Rideau & Charlotte Sfs., Ottawa, L'Int. f Io. 5 Personnel Depot, Arfiitory Park, }fagot St., klatgstone Oaf. Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 9b Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. i' per3onnol Depot, 'Wolseley farrecks, Q*ford & Ellzab9lh Sts., London, Beit. Artily Recruiting Cerdrer, 3466 Main 5t. W, Nerth hay,Onk Army Recwitfng sehtre, Oak - James Street Armoury„300 Jeinies $t. North:, Nalnlltofi, Kink Kfoeva•d