HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-10-15, Page 8u PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS R7ECORD- a • THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER, 15, 190.;' News of Bayfield IteltresentaUve; MISS L'tUCTi R. WOODS E. A. Featherston!London, was home over Thanksgiving. Miss Ann Tate left to -day on a vacation to Buffalo, N,Y, P.C. Lloyd Westlake, Elora,, was home over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith, and family spent Sunday in London. Dr. and Mrs, A. C. Chapman, Detroit, were- at their cottage last week. Mrs, J. M. Stewart left last week to spend Thanksgiving in New Mork. Mrs. E. Jones, London, spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs, E. Heard. Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner left on Monday to spend a few days in Detroit. Miss Barbara Bassett, London, was home over the Thanksgiving weekend. Mrs. L. M. Burt, London, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. L, Scotchmer, -'$one' BAYFIELI 450 over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tillma u and family, London, spent the week- end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George, Fellows and guests spent the long week- end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flagg, London, were at their .cottage, `Flagg Hav- en" over the holiday, Cpl. and Mrs. G. Ii. Adams and children spent the first .weekend in October in Montreal. Lawrence Fowlie, London, spent the long weekend with his sisters, Misses F, and E. Fowlie. Mrs. Bruce Menerey returned home on Friday :night after having spent the week in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. B. Meyers and family, Byron, were with Mr, and Mrs, S. Bryant over Sunday. Mrs, R. W., Bristol returned home on Monday after a delightful trip to Vancouver and Seattle, . 8o «4e $100 l,/ "SALAD TEA & COFFEE Maitland Golf Club OFFICIAL CLOSING DAY OCTOBER 18 MEN'S TOURNAMENT begins at 8.$6 a.m. LADIES' MAITLAND TROPHY TOURNAMENT begins at 12.30 p.m. There will be entertainment and an excellent dinner.. Dinner tickets are now available at Wood's Newstand, ]louse Auto Electric, Allison Meat Market and the Golf Club, Goderich. Advance ticket purchases urged because of limited number. 40-b 1Vlr. and Mrs, Harry Balser, Con- nie and Gwen, London, were at their cottage over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs, A. Hayman and Jimmy, London, were at their cot- tage over the weekend and holi- day. Mr, and Mrs. Sid Castle, Sim• cge, were at their home in the village over the weekend and holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leckie and Donna, London, occupied their cottage in Lakeside Park over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ted lvlcPortland and two daughters, Chatham, were at their cottage over the long weekend. Mrs. W, J. Millsap and Miss Simpson, London, occupied her cottage at The Highlands over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, W. L Dunn and daughters, London, occupied their cottage on Bayfield Terrace over the weekend. Jackie and Mildred Fraser, Lon- don, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, over the week- end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott and small son, Kitchener, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Elliott. Mrs, Vera Ballingall and dau- ghter, Mary Joan, London, were guests at ,the Albion Hotel over the weekend and holiday. , Mr, and Mrs. Martin Ormond and son Thomas, Dearborn, Mich„ visited their parents, Mr, and Mrs. H, H. Ormond, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buch- an, Dunnville, came on Sunday to spend a few days with the form- er's sister, Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon and Jerry Sturgeon, Preston, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Sturgeon, Sgt. and Mrs. Ted Davies, Tren- ton, who were spending Thanks- giving in St, Thomas, visited friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vance and three children, Johnnie, Ronnie and Donnie, Toronto, were at their cottage over the long week- end. John McKenzie, member of the staff at Albert College, Belleville, spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Mc- Kenzie, Mrs. R. J. Watson and Edwards, accompanied by Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, spent Thanksgiving day in Listowel with the Rev. and Mrs, F. H. Paull. Dr. and Mrs, R. G. Hunter and two daughters, Mary Alice and Sally Beth, Toronto, occupied their .home in the village over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs, Warren P. Cook and family, London, occupied their cottage, which they purchased last summer from Dr. R. Torrens, dyer Thanksgiving. Ronald, Toronto, with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, visited Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs. F. C, Genieinhardt over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. L. R. Bannister and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Le Souder and family, Stratford, were at their cottage on Delevan St., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay and family accompanied Leslie Elliott 1 Eavestrogh Screens 1 Eliminates Trough Accumulations ons and Cleaning EASILY APPLIED -- NO TOOLS NECESSARY t Made from Heavy Duty Galvanized Screen Designed. to Fit any Standard Trough 43/x," wide x 3 feet long 20c per lin. ft. BALL-MACAULAY CLINTON SEAFORTH Ph. 97 , Ph. 787 Lumber, Lime, Cement, Builders' Supplies firestone Budget Plan SELECT WHAT YOU WANT TELL US HOW YOU WANT TO PAY YOUR ACCOUNT IS OPENED AND_ YOU'RE ON YOUR AY T. A. DUTTON Brucefield Phone Clinton 624r4 40-tfb SANTA SAYS . . it "srt's time to think of your personal CHRISTMAS CARDS that vital link in each of your friendships" hoose From the BIGGBSr most BEAUTIFUL and VARIED display of Christmas cards we've shown in many a year The desiUn shown is by National and is part of a selection that sparkles with spirited originality and traditional warmth. ASIIIIIMMEMIROMPRI To Reside in Prince Edward Island MR. AND 1I $ JOHN NOGALO, are shown here following their wedding which was solemnized in St. Joseph's Roman Cath- olic Church, Clinton, on September 25. The bride is the former Anna Doreen McGuire, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John McGuire, Clinton, and her husband is the son a Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Nogalo, Sault Ste, Marie. Following a two week wedding trip through Northern Ontario, the young couple is living in Summer - side, P.E.I. (Photo by Doerr) to Mount CIemens, Mich„ where they visited Mr. and Mrs. II, Mil- ler over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod and Cathy and Miss Janet Mac- Leod, London, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, H. Mac- Leod over the long weekend, Magistrate and Mrs. Angus Mc- Millan and two sons, Dick and Bob, were at their home on the Blue Water Highway, Goderich Township, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Evans Cameron and two children, Scott and Paul, vis- ited their father, Joseph A, and Mrs. Cameron over the holiday. Bernard Reid, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Graham Jones, Windsor, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Reid, "Enfield." Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and Barbara; Dr. Donald Stephen- son, Toronto; Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit, were at their home in the village from Friday until Monday, Miss Margaret Ferguson, Otta- wa, was at her home in the village over the weekend. She left on Monday to attend the Congress of Correction being held in Toronto this week. Thomas N. Elliott who under- went surgery in Beck Memorial Sanitarium, London, was able to return to his home in the village last week his many friends will be glad to know, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, Elm - vale, and daughter, Mrs. J. P. A. Campbell, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las King, Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving _weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George King. Ronald Poth, Huron College, who is studying business admin- istration at the University of Western Ontario, spent Thanks- giving weekend .with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth. Mr, and Mrs. James Cleave, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scotchmer and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Town- ship, returned on Tuesday night after the weekend in. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin and two children, Seaforth; Miss Don- na Sturgeon., London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sturgeon. Cecil Colley was also the guest of his sister over Thanksgiving. Charles Plater, son. Bill and daughter, Mrs. Barbara Terribile, Detroit, spent the weekend with his wife and younger sons at "Kearsney" cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and David, Port Huron, Mich., also visited Mrs. PIater over the weekend. Miss C. P. Rankin closed her cottage, "Glenboig", and, accomp- anied by her guest, Mrs. S. Gil- lepie, Paisley, Scotland, left on Tuesday on a trip through North- ern Michigan after which they will motor to Penney Farms, Flor- ida, where Miss Rankin spends each winter, Mr.- and Mrs. James, Maitland and Peter, London, Mrs. J. A, Ferguson and Mrs. William R. Jowett, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall, Amyx Grace and Jane, Elmira, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and Ronald on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Jowett remained to spend a few days with her daughter. The Rev. 3. C. Ferrier, formerly of Nebraska, now living in Lon- don, visited Bayfield on Sunday. He addressed the Sunday School in session when he called at Trin- ity Church, stressing the import- ance of being an Anglican and loyalty to the mother church, Mr, Ferrier took services in this parish in 1894 when he was a student at Huron College. Miss Ethel Blair and Charles Guest, London, Miss Helen Blair, Alliston, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Blair, Mrs, Blair drove her daughter as Mr as Listowel on her return on Mon- day. She was accompanied by Mrs, J. E. Howard and Margaret, and Brenda Blair and Ruthann Scotchmer who visited with Bren- da over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Edwards, Jr„ London, spent the Thanksgiv- ing weekend with Mr, and Mrs. T, C. Bailey, Guests at the New Ritz Hotel over the weekend and holi- day included: Mr, and Mrs. George Mair, Kitchener; 1Vtr. and Mrs. G. Ross, Detroit; George Rose and son, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Chip- manand daughter, Karen, Lon- don; Miss Dorothy Reinke, Miss Hazel Long and Miss Eugene 13ut- tenham, Hamilton. Mrs. Don Kingsbury entertained nine little schoolmates and friends in honor of her son, Douglas' sixth birthday on Thursday last. The guests were Mary Elizabeth Ervine, Gayle Turner, Helen Grainger, Douglas and Shirley Darnborough, Patsy Sider, Lynda Gemeinhardt, Barbara 'Turner and Garfield Merner. Mrs, Gairdner entertained the children at games upstairs and then they all March, - pd down to the dining -room sing- ing their favourite song, "Jesus Bids 'Us Shine", where Mrs. Kings- bury and her mother, Mrs. Nelson, had a bounteous birthday repast ready To delight small hearts, Molted Cihurch WWI The United Church women met on Monday, evening at the hamof Mrs. J. Seotchmer, Blue Water Highway, with a good attendance. Mrs 'G, Westlake, the president of the WMS, had charge of the ineet- PORTERS .HILL 10 s * 9. r$ -I -s rr++# #**+* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrewes, Toronto, .spent the holiday Week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Bet- ties. Miss Mary Snell and Miss Rae Crockett, Hamilton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin 1 Kettles, Oonununity Club The October meeting of the Porter's Hill Community Club will be held on Tuesday afternoon, Oc- tober 20, at the home of Mrs, Ray Cox. This meeting is .one day earlier than usual due to change of bazaar .date. Mrs, E. Geiger is spending two weeks with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Geiger and famlly :n Toronto. Miss Fayme Logan has sold residence on Main Street to Mrs. John Richardson, Kippen. Miss Logan, who has been a resident •sf this village for 15 years and an active worker in St, Paul's Ani,- Iican Church, expects to take 'up residence in London, and will visit with her sister in Nashville, Tenn, this winter. Grace Ohm et WA On Thursday last week the members of the Women's Assoc- iation of Grace Church ,net in the church basement. The president, Mrs, Donald Harris presided. Mrs.1 Jim Cox offered prayer and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs., D. McDougall. Roll call was an- swered by a Thanksgiving verse, secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and a business period followed ing and read a timely article on Thanksgiving. The hymns and scripture reading were all on this theme. Trinity Club The opening meeting of the Trinity Club was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Maynard Corrie on Tuesday evening, Oc- tober 6, with an attendance of 18, Mrs. Pat Worth opened with prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were re- ceived and, following a short business session, Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Poth showed most interesting Kodachrome pictures which they had tallen in and around Rayfield and of spots which they had visit- ed. The meeting closed with pray- er followed by lunch served by Mrs. Corrie and Mrs. Middleton. Thanksgiving Service Trinity Church was beautifully decorated with grain, vegetables, fruit, flowers and coloured leaves for the harvest Thanksgiving ser- vice on Sunday evening at which there was a Iarge attendance. The rector, Rev. E. Carew - Jones, preached a heart-searching sermon taking for his text: 2 Cor. 6, verse 2, "Workers together with Him", in which he stressed co-op- eration with God. Mr. Carew -Jones dwelt on the spiritual harvest and the life which must come from within, which must be cultivated by pray- er and communion if the fruits of the Spirit are to grow. As an ex- ample he cited the great St. Pan- creas housing scheme in the slums of London, England, which had been inspired and grown through the prayers and devotions of the Vicar and a few devoted members of the church of St, Mary, Marie - bone. He pointed to the small acorn which if planted grows into a great oak tree. A great many movements for better living have had very small beginnings grow from spiritual inspiration. Service in Trinity Church will be held at 7 p.m. for the next six months. Sunday school will be at 2 p.m. £114N$ DELUXE MODEI, 151 clean, comfortable heart without work Just light this powerhouse ... set the dial and you get clean, even heat 24 heirs a day. It use low cis! fuel oil and is lower in operating cost than any othet type of oll.fired equipment. easily install- ed in a few minutes. Heats 4 to 6 rooms. Hoatwave Power Blower available at small extra cost. FRES BUY NOW At b Gi;r A $ 000 AUtOMA TiC .,.... tiEEgmbs'i'AY ABSOLUTELY FREE ACV NOW. Thi Offer geed f4s MUD TIME ONLY, Clinton Electric Shop Final pians for the bazaar were made and the time and place were changed. It was decided to hold It on Thursday afternoon, October 22 in the vacant stere next to Clinton Cab, A committee was named to be in charge of improv- ing the church grounds. Mrs, Wilmer Harrison gave a. reading and the remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting, The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah benediction and a pot -luck lunch was served, The November meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ray Cox The Annual Meeting of Duron County CREAM PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION will, be held in the Municipal Building an Clinton at 8.30 p.m. a' Friday Evening, October 16.1953 GUEST SPEAKERS: Kr. Everett Biggs, the Ontario Dairy Commissioner and . Mir. William. Bettie, chairman of the On- tario Cream. Producers' Marketing Board. All Cream Pro- ducers are invited to attend this meeting. 40-b VihiPWWNOVW E THE CARNIVAL' QUEEN event sponsored by Blyth Lions Club in connection with Fall Carnival to be held on WEDNESDAY, OCT, 21 BLYTH COMMUNITY CENTRE ARENA Carnival Queen to report at Blyth Memorial Hall, at 7 p.m. Entries to be in the hands of Gordon Augustine, Blyth, by Monday, October 19th. PRIZES: ist Prize: $35.00 2nd Prize: R&M' DRESS FORMAL Children of Public School Age excluded from this event .it'' E N DER. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH , SEALED TENDERS are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for SNOWPLOWING TOWNSHIP ROADS in the winter of 1953-54. V -type, 8 -foot plows to be used on trucks rated at four ton or better. Plow and wing to be hydraulically operated. Contractor to supply all equipment and labour required and be available for work by November 1st, 1953. Tender to state a flat rate per hour and to be sealed, marked "Tender" and in the clerk's hands by October 20th, 1953, bq 8 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tucikersmith 39-40-b TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY COURT OF REVISION TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roil for the Township of Stanley will be held; in the TOWNSHIP HALL, VARNA on Friday, October 23, 1953 at 2.00 pari. AND FURTHER take notice that all appeal. against the 1953 Assessment Roll must be in my bands by Monday, October 19, 1953. FRE]) WATSON, Clerk and Treasurer, Township of Stanley 39-40-b GES" THE GUARANTEED PROTECTION OF \Q\ vA\w�.AvvA�A\��w���awv�ivvaAw �,� Western Tire and Auto Supply (Assoriaie Store) Itatte tbury St. E. USE OUR E. UDR' ` PLM C initon