HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-10-15, Page 5. TIURSPA , B'.Ea 15, 1953. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PubIic School Exhibits Bayfield Fall Fair Schools taking part in the Pub- lic School section -of the Bayfield Pall Fair recently were SS 1, Stanley; S$ 3, Stanley; SS .4W, Stanley; SS 6, Stanley (Varna); SS 8, Stanley (Bayfield); SS 10, Stanley; SS 14, Stanley;. SS 5, Goderich Township (Porter's Hill); SS 9, SS 10, and SS 11, Goderich Township. Winner of the shield presented to the school receiving the high- est number of points at the fair, was SS 4, West, Stanley Town - alp. This is the third consecutive year that this school has won the shield. Next in order of points was Bayfield Senior Room, SS 1, Stanley, SS 9, Goderich Township, end Bayfield Junior Room. tesytts were asfolle.Ws; Races: 'Beginners, boys, Murray 1316,ekie, . Douglas Kingsbury, lYoug- ><aa Telford; gimes,, Shirley Dare- boretigh, Pat Snider, Sus'an A nMS: grades 1 :arid 2,.hq',s, Dau A,5 Darnborough; Richard Bunter, �f}'chtiel :Scotchmer, girls, Linda Wenger, Roberta lieeLeod, Freida. )Mcleod; grades 3 and 4, boys, Roy'TeifO . Gerry. Greydanus, Bo - Q Grate FleWittrl§Margaret Wallis; grades 5a>rld '6, Cloys'; Larry Powell, Jei?ferey % eSler, Ronald Smith; girls, Evelyn Turn- er, Luella Bell, Iciferle Armstrong; grades 7 and 8, boys, Doyle Tal- bot, Mervyn Boyce, Stanley Tel- ford. Sask Race: • grade 4 boys, Roy Telford;. grade 1-4 girls, Margaret Wallis, Catherine Wallis; grade 5-8 boys, Wayne Watkins, Ronald Smith, Andy Riehl; grade 5=8 girls, June Turner, Francine Grey- danus. School Display; SS 4W, Stanley; SS. 9, Goderich Twp,; SS 1, Stan- ley; SS 14, Stanley; Bayfield Jur - for room; Bayfield Senior room. School Display of Five Crafts: SS 9, Goderich Twp.; Bayfield Senior room; SS 4, East Stanley; SS1, Stanley. Hand hemmed and embroidered tea towel, grade 5-8: Ann West- lake SS 4W; Rose Marie Telford, Bayfield Senior room; Marie Mc- Farlane, SS 1; Kathleen Rathwell, SS 9 Goderich Twp.; Nancy Mc- Farlane, SS 1; Rosalie Watkins, SS 1. Grade 2-4: Joan McCowan, SS 1; Ann McCowan, SS 1; Mary McDougall, SS 5, Goderich Twp. Knitting 6 inch square, plain knitting, grade 5-8: Ann West- lake, SS 4; Marie McFarlane, SS 1; Jane McFarlane, SS 1; Donna Murch, SS 9; Nancy McFarlane, SS 1; Mary Grainger, SS 4W. Knitting four inch square, plain :knitting, grade 2-4: Joan McCow- an, SS 1; Helen Grainger, SS 4W; Pinger's RESTA URAN T Says: To the many pat- rons who visited our new, modern rest- aurant estaurant since we op- ened on October 2. FRWINNERSEE DINNER On opening weekend were: 1st: Roy Mann A T - Bone Steak Dinner for 4 persons. 2nd: Miss Dorothy Managhan —T -Bone Steak Dinner for 2 persons. Come in and try one of our daily dinner specials. We serve Silverwood's Ice Cream. ringer's RESTAURANT Phone 405 MAIN CORNER, CLINTON Cathy Wallis, 13ayfield Junior. Dressed doll (hand sewn), grade 5.8; Penna Murch, SS 9; Brenda Blair, Bayfield Senior; Jane Mc- Farlane, SS 1; Kathleen Porter, SS 3; Nancy McFarlane, SS 1; Joyce Be1I, Bayfield Senior. Grade 2.4: Glenda Soper, Varna. Picture Cutout to illustrate nur- sery rhyme, grade 1-4; Ronald Scotchmer, SS 4W; Gary Talbot, SS 4W; Blair Todd, SS 1; Shirley McCowan, SS 5; Betty Taylor, $$ 3; Jim Cameron, SS 1. Flour and Salt Model (map), grade 5-6: Donald. McKenzie, Bay- field Senior; Jeffrey lieseler, Bay- field 'Senior; Wavne Sterling, SS 10; Howard Scotchmer, Bayfield Senior; Gary MoAsh, Varna; Ros- alie Watkins, $S 1. Junior Scrap Book, grade 2-4; Victor' Cornish, SS 4W; Peter Du- charme, 5$ 4W; Rey Telford, Bay- field Junior; Jackie Weston, Bay- field Junior; Margaret Porter, SS 3; Ronald Scotchmer, SS 4W, Sen- iqr Scrap Book, grade 5-8: Brenda Blair, Bayfield Senior; Mary. Grainger, SS • 4W; Kathleen Rath - well, SS 9; Douglas Cantelon, SS 9; Talc t lees strong, SS 3; Louise Woodwork Model, grade 1-4: Stewart Gregg, SS 9; Hughie Lightfoot, SS 1; David Corrie, Bayfield Junior; Jimmie Collins, SS 1; Diane Barris, SS 5. Wood- work model, grade 5-8: Gary Mote, SS 10; Gary McAsh, Varna; Bobbie Faulds, SS 14; Arie Ver - beef, SS 1; Allen Lightfoot, SS 1; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield„Senior. Illustrated Poster, grade 1-4: Joan McCowan, SS 1; John Harris, SS 9; David Corrie, Bayfield Jun- ior; Jim Heard; Bayfield Junior; Tonnie Verhoef, SS 1; Sharon Reder, Bayfield Junior. Best Pos- ter "Children's Exhibits", grade 5-8: Ted Turner, Charlene Scotch- mer, Brenda Blair, Donald Mc- Kenzie, Joyce Bell, all of Bayfield Senior Room; Douglas Cantelon, SS 9, Goderich Township. Glass Painting (any aspect of bird life), grade '3-4: Douglas .Me - Ash, Varna; Joan McCowan, SS 1; Jimmy Francis, Joe Heard, Cathy Wallis and Margaret Smith, all of Bayfield Jr. room. Glass Painting (winter scene), grade 5-8: Beat- rice Murch, SS 9; • Steve Scotch - mer, Brenda Blair, Donald Mc- Kenzie, Francine Greydanus, Charlene Scotchmer, all of Bay- field Senior room. Writing first verse "God Save the Queen", grade 3-4: Janet Red- er, Bayfield Junior room; Esther Steckle, SS 4E; John Moddejonge, S S14; Alex Hyde, SS 14; Roy Telford, Bayfield Jr. room; Joan McClymont, Varna. Writing first verse "God Save the Queen", grade 5-8: Rosaline Carew -Jones, Bayfield Sr. room; Ruth McClin- chey, Varna; Wayne Watkins, SS 1; Ruthann Scotchmer, Bayfield Sr. room; Ronald Smith, Bayfield Sr. room; Cecil Bruinsma, SS 11. Printing "Rock -a -bye -baby", grade 1-2: Eris Martin, SS 4E; When friends drop in serve Coke cAnd..snacks 6.6 "Coke" is a ,eye,lped track -mark. Aozlwgzed biller of Cixo•Coln ondv, zonula, .441 Coco•Cole Ud Esbeco Limited 658 Erie Street -- Phone 78 Principal Ga H. ,le fersou YuWs Grid e 8 Classroom George H. Jefferson, principal of Clinton Public School, is shown here in his own classroom at the new public school building on Percival Street, These desks are of the newest type, and the -desks are adjustable to the height required by the student using thele. The chairs are of curved plywood, and the desk tops of bard plastic coated material, are hard enough to defy even the most determined pen knife. This is the only classroom in the building to be equipped with new desks this fall. After due consideration the members of the school board decided on a plan which utilized a good many of the old-style desks in use at the old school building. Some of them were put on skids, and they as well as the individual desks were treated to a good sanding and re -varnishing, before school opened in September. As time goes by, and funds become available, no doubt the board will con- sider replacing these old desks with those of newer style. Ferne Steckle, SS 4E; Ramona Telford, Sharon Reder, Jackie Weston and. Roberta McLeod, all of Bayfield Junior room. Printing "Dick Jane Baby Spot" (begin- ners) : Myrna Scott, Susan Adams, Shirley Darnborough, and Douglas Telford, all of Bayfield Junior room; Michael Greer, SS 4W; Bon • nie Johnson, SS 3. Plasticine Model: Susan Adams, Bayfield Jr. room; Gerald Hayter, SS 3; Allan Gilbert, SS 9; Bonnie Johnson, SS 3; Marion Porter, SS 3; Michael Greer, SS 4W. Weaving—Paper Mat: Michael Greer, SS 4W; Pat Snider, Bay- field Jr. room; Garfield Merner, Bayfield Jr.; Ruthann Steckle, SS 4E; Beepy Zondag, SS 4E; Sharon Cleave, SS 4E. Named Leaves, grade 2-4: Vic- tor Cornish, SS 4W; Mary Town- send, SS 5; Roy Telford, Bayfield Jr. room; Ronald Westlake, SS 4W; Helen Grainger, SS 4W; Margaret Porter, SS 3. Named Leaves, grade 5-8: Donald McKen- zie, Charlene Scotchmer, Charlie Wain, Howard Scotchmer, Binnie Sturgeon, all of Bayfield Sr. room; Donna Murch, SS 9. Collection of Grain and Seed in head; Brenda Blair, Donald Mc- Kenzie and Joyce Bell, all of Bay- field Sr, room; Mary Grainger, SS 4W; Helen Grainger, SS 4W; James Story, SS 10. Collection of Weeds: Charlene Scotchmer, Bay- field Sr. room; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr. room; Nancy McFar- lane, SS 1; Marie MCFarIane, SS 1; Joyce Greer, SS 4W; Victor Cornish, SS 4W, Small Table Bouquet of Garden Flowers, grade 2-4: Gail Farquhar, SS 14; Michael Scotchmer, Bay- field Jr. room; Sandra Westlake, SS 4W; Eleanor Wright, • SS 14; David Corrie, Bayfield Jr. room; Ramona Telford, Bayfield Jr. room. Small Table Bouquet of Garden Flowers, grade 5-$: Joyce Greer, SS 4W; Douglas McAsh, Varna; Joyce Bell, Bayfield Sr. room; Richard Heard, Bayfield Sr. room; Ronald Westlake, SS 4W; Brenda Blair, Bayfield Sr. Centrepiece, vegetable or flow - With new non -roll top and hidden power panels, it slims and supports you as Nature intended! NEW! Turhtny-fiattees fineg latex "finger" pan- els firmly assist the gentle lift of your own body muscles. NEW, See how the boneless, non -roil top and the latex "fin - 'ger" panels are invisibly mould- ed in. 50 Fabric lined 4 reinforced adjustable garters Extra -Large size, $10,50 NEW/ Fabric lining in, side, with love iyrtextured latex surface outside, Magic -Controller is as IoM• fortable as your own skin, MARTINS er, grade 2-4: David Corrie, Bay- field Jr.; Victor Cornish, SS 4W; Margaret Smith, Hayfield Jr., Gary Talbot, SS 4W; Sandra. Westlake, SS 4W; Ronald West- lake, SS 4W. Centrepiece, grade 5-8: Brenda Blair, Bayfield Sr.; Donna Murch, SS 9; Rose Marie Telford, Charlene Scotchmer, Ruth Ann. Scotchmer, Beverly Heard, all of Bayfield Sr. room.' Beets: Ralph Triebner, SS 14;1 Ann Westlake, SS 4W; Anne Du- charme, SS 4W; Michael Greer, SS 4W; Gary Talbot, SS 4W; Joan McClymont, Varna. Carrots, long: Victor Cornish, SS 4W; Frankie McCowan, SS 1; Peter Ducharrne, SS 4W; Ann McCowan, SS 1; Gary Talbot, SS 4W. Carrots, Elaine Weston, Bayfield Sr.; Joan McCowan, SS 1; Eileen McLean, SS 14; Jackie Weston, Bayfield Jr.; Gerald Johnson, SS 14; Allen Hutchings, Bayfield Sr. Spanish Onions • Victor Cornish, SS 4W; Keith Rathwell, SS 9; Marjory Hyde, SS 14; Katherine Rathwell, SS 9; Gary Talbot, SS 4W. Onions, any other variety: Victor Cornish, SS 4W; Frank Mc- Cowan, SS 1; Brenda Blair, Bay- field Sr.; Joyce Greer, SS 4W; Ronald Scotchmer, SS 4W; Bill Pilgrim, Varna. Potatoes: Gwen McBride, SS 3: Roy Telford, Bayfield Jr. room; Stuart Steckle, SS 4E; Brenda Blair, SS 4E; Gary Talbot, SS 4W; Jackie Weston, Bayfield Jr. Table Corn: Ronald Scotchmer, SS 4W; Anne Ducharme, SS 4W; Gail Farquhar, SS 14; Ann West- lake, SS 4W; Marjory Hyde, SS 14; Alex Hyde, SS 14. Pop Corn: Gary McAsh, Varna; Freddie Du. tot, SS 9; Brenda Blair, Bayfield Sr. Best Head Sunflower: Wayne Watkins, SS 1; Douglas McAsh, Varna; Gary McAsh, Varna; Joan 4Stanley;W,Stanley Ronal.d Scotchmer, SS Boy getting highest number of points in shield competition; grad- es 2-4: Donald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr.; Gary McAsh, Varna. Girlgetting highest number 'of points in shield competition, grad- es 2-4: Helen Grainger, SS 4W, Stanley; Cathy Wallis and Susie Adams, Bayfield Jr. (tie). Girl getting highest number of points in shield competition, grad- es 5-8: Brenda Blair, Bayfield Sr.; { Ann Westlake, SS 4W. 81.50 for pupil obtaining most points in Section 7: Donald Mc- Kenzie, Bayfield Sr. 81.50 for pupil obtaining most points in Section 9: Ann Westlake, SS , $1.004Wfor pupil obtaining most points in Section 4: Ann Westlake, S;(tSied). 4W and Joan McCowan, SS 1, 81.00 for pupil obtaining most in Section 5; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr. 81:00 for pupil obtaining most. in Section 8: David Corrie, Bay- field Jr. 81.00 for pupil obtaining most in Section 10: Charlene Scotch. mer, Bayfield Sr. - Mrs, J. Howard's Specials Glass Painting, senior: Beatrice Murch, SS 9, Goderich Township; Glass Painting, junior, Douglas MCAsh, Varna; pupil obtaining McClymont, Varna; Bob McCly- mont, Varna; Roy Telford, Bay- field Jr. Sheaf of Wheat: Helen Graing- er, Mary Grainger, Sandra West- lake, Ann Westlake, Ronald Scot- chmer, all. of SS 4W; Margaret Wallis, Bayfield Jr. Sheaf of Oats: Ann Westlake, Ronald Scotchmer, Mary Grainger, Margaret Wallis, Helen Grainger; Brenda Blair, Bayfield Sr. Sheaf of Barley: Helen Grainger; Cathy Wallis, Bayfield Jr,; Mary Grainger; Ann Mrestlalte; Brenda Blair; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr. Plate of Apples, any variety Bob McClymont, Varna; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr.; Gerald Stirling, Bayfield Jr.; Gail Far- quhar, SS 14; Catherine Stirling, Bayfield Jr.; Joan McCIymont, Varna. Plate of Pears: Joan Mc- Clymont, Varna; Catherine Stirl- ing, Bayfield Jr.; Gerald Stirling, Bayfield Jr,; Bob McClymont, Varna; Kathleen Rathwell, SS 9; Kathleen Porter, SS 3. Home-made Candy: Charlene Scotchmer, Bayfield Sr.; Ruthann Scotchmer, Hayfield Sr.; Beatrice Murch, SS 9 Goderich Twp.; Eve- lyn Hyde, SS 14; Brenda Blair, Bayfield Sr.; Lynda Wager, Bay- field Jr. School Box Lunch: Don- ald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr.; Bren- da Blair, Bayfield Sr.; Charlene Scotchmer, Bayfield Sr.; Joyce Greer, Ann Westlake and Mary Grainger, all of SS 4W. Baking Powder Biscuits: Joyce Greer, SS 4W; Kathleen Rathwell, SS 9, Goderich Twp.; Ronald Scotchmer, SS 4W; Joyce Bell, Bayfield Sr.; Elaine Weston, Bayfield Sr.; Don- na Murch, SS 9, Goderich Twp. Special Prizes Boy getting highest number of points in shield competition, grad- es 2-4: Victor Cornish, SS 4W, +.......1.11••••-w0rwr PAGE FAV' Lectures About Homebuilding Goderich. School Beginning last week, a series of weekly lectures was begun in the Goderich Collegiate Institute, tits der the direction of the Veteran's Land Act. At the request of the Board of Education in Goderich, the VLA is sponsoring the series in home-building, and will bring in lecturers experienced in the dif- ferent aspects of home-building, such as landscaping, planning, etc. A fee of $10 as requested at time of enrolment, and if 80 per cent of the classes are attended, then half of the enrolment fee is returned at the close of the term, The balance of the fee is turned over to the collegiate to Cover ex- penses involved in the presenting of the course. The classes, though especially to benefit veterans, are open to any= one interested in building their own home. most points in Section 6 (begin- ners): begin-ners):: Susan Adams, Bayfield Jr. Galbraith Radio & TV Special (Section 7):, Donald McKenzie, Bayfield Sr. Competitive Prices --Personal 1 Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders for Thursday, Friday, Saturday RUBBER SUNDRIES I.D.A. Brand HOT WATER BOTTLES "Utility" -- 2 year guarantee $1.79 ."Dependable"—extra-heavy duty .. 4 year guarantee $2.19 BABY HOT WATER BOTTLES $1.69 to 1.89 BREAST PUMPS 1.20 COMBINATION ATTACHMENT SETS 79c to 1.05 EAR AND ULCER SYRINGES 55c to 3'0c FOUNTAIN SYRINGES 2.49 to 2.89 ICE CAPS 2.25, 2.39 INFANT RECTAL SYRINGES 1 oz., 600; 3 oz., 80c VAGINAL DOUCHE SYRINGES 2.10 to 3.00 Your IDA Store has a full range in stock A.S.A. TABLETS Extra Special! 100's, 300's SPECIAL! WASH CLOTHS 12 inch size in wide assortment 25c 2 for 29c Value 19c, 49c "Valu" Brand ABSORBENT COTTON . ib. gross 39c Ib .A. Brand SPECIALS Ease -Gloss Floor Wax] n., reg. 53e 39c EVELYN HOWARD Cold Cream Theatrical Type 1 ib. jar, reg. 89c ................ 69c Tincture of iodine 2y2%, reg. 25c l9c Corn Remover i/ oz., reg. 350 29c Calamine Lotion 4 oz., a oz. 23c, 39c Beef, Iron & Wine With. Vitamin B-1 18 oz., reg. 1.00 - 79c Wild Strawberry 3 oz., reg. 50c Compound 39c VITAMINS are Health Builders AYERST ALPHAMETTES 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 15.00 AYERST 10-D COD LIVER OIL 1.00, 2.35 FROM NEO -CHEMICAL FOOD (Fluid)....1.55, 3.35, 5.90 MEAD'S OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM 1.10, 2.95, 4.60 One-A-D'ay Multipled VITAMIN' CAPSULISS....1.25, 2.50, 4.25 SQUIBB 10-D COD LIVER OIL . 1.00, 2.25 SQUIBB PLAIN COD LIVER OIL 750, 1.5,E $Quenu Sr.E()1iAL FORMULA CAPSULES `1.25, 4.00 gyffTolt, 1B -VITAMINS 5.95 IDAMALT—Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil -- 1 lb. ,... 75c 2 lb..... 1.29 4 ib, 2.29 VITAMIN "E" GELUCAPS, 30 I.U. 100's 2.95 PHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DRUGGIST 14 uck Shooting IS IN FULL SWING ! We have a good supply of Ammunition on hand; take your pick of two favour- ites: IMPERIAL or MAXUM, with the famous settled crimp. Drop in and browse around, we'H be glad to help you out with your hunting problems. OTiLR PRICES ARE RICIIT ON SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BALL & WITCH PRONE 195 CLINTON, ONT. Specials Ripe 14.1. Ragged PEACHES 24c Aylmer Pitted CHERRIES ..., 26e Libby's PORK and .BEANS, 20 oz.......... 21c Nature's Best CORN 2 for 25c Green Giant PEAS 2 for 39e IGA 2 -Fruit MARMALADE 29e York BOLOGNA 33e IGA Whole CHICKEN $1.99 Campbell's TOMATO SOITP 2 for 25c Del Mar MARE NE ............ 29e fELLO POWDERS 3 for 29e INFANT EO4M)S 3 for 29e RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET