HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-10-01, Page 13"3 lJRSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1%3 =WON NEWS -RECORD WANTADS.,o�oy ,os�a Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (If paid by 'zWednesday following date of in- eier'tion)--Two cents a word first 1insertion (minimum 50 cents); anubsequent insertions 1/ cents a •word (minimum 35 cents); 15 eerits extra for box number or `for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE• -12 noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, .heated. F. Bainton, Blyth. Phone Blyth 6. 38-b • UNFURNISHED HOUSE IN Bay- field. Insulated. Hydro and bath. Phone Bayfield 9. 37-8-b TWO ROOM APARTMENT, Fur- nished, heated. Phone Clinton 68W. 38-b SELF-CONTAINED FRONT ap- artment in Switzer block. Four rooms. Phone Clinton 460R. 38-p .ACCOMMODATION, for Boarders or roomers. Gentlemen preferred. Phone Clinton 163R. 37-8-b FOUR ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment for rent. Phone Clin- ton 498W. 38-b .5 ROOMED, SELF-CONTAINED ,apartment, unfurnished and un- heated. Apply F. Fingland, Phone Clinton 60. 38-p THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED, heated. Suitable for two adults. .Available immediately. Phone Clinton ' 463R. 38-b COMPLETELY FURNISHED ;house with modern conveniences, Available October 25. Mrs. E. Bell, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 206. 38-b FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT IN Seaforth, newly decorated, private bathroom, cupboards and floor covering. $30 per month. Phone 679r14, Hensall. 37-8-b HEATED APARTMENT in Sea - forth, private entrance, hydro, hot and cold water; available Octob- er. 1. Write E. B. Goudie, Box 206, Seaforth or phone Seaforth '782. 38-p TREE — HEATED, FURNISHED room -and good board for middle- aged lady, capable of caring for self. No heavy work. Share home for companionship. Apply Box 21 Clinton News -Record. 38-p THREE ROOM SUITE WITH shared bathroom, separate ent- rance, suitable for two. Water paid. Hydro, tenant's responsibil- ity. Apply Mrs. H. S. Kerr, High Street. 38-tfb FURNISHED TWO -ROOM Apart- ment with garage, in steam -heat- ed private home. Available Octob- -er 1. References required. Apply to W. V. Roy, Rattenbury St., be- tween 5 and 7 p.m. 37-tfb Accommodation Wanted SMALL HOUSE OR FOUR room apartment, modern, needed immediately by town policeman, for family of four. Phone Clinton 346 or 456, 38-p ARTICLES FOR SALE SUNSHINE BABY CARRIAGE, metal crib, both in fair condition. 'Phone Clinton 659. 38-b 200 FT ROLLED RIDGE ROLL, galvanized, in good shape; 40 -gal- lon steel tank, as good as new. Ed Morrison, phone Clinton 457W. 38-p TRADE YOUR ASTRAL Refrig- erator. Get $75 allowance on brand new Firestone 7 cu. ft. refrigerat- or, $279.50. T. A. Dutton, Fire- stone Dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 37-8-b ARTICLES WANTED BABY CARRIAGE', IN good con- dition. Phone Clinton 626r31.. 38-b WANTED TO BUY OR RENT— Large used safe. Phone Clinton ' 130. L. D. Holland, Town Clerk. 37-tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — ,business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- z'ry stores; one Main St, build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE' TWO SPRING OR FALL COATS one grey reefer; one grey cloth. In good shape. Size about 15 or 16. Mrs, Harry Fowler, P.O. 'Box 441, Clinton. 38-p INFANTS SIZE, ONE PIECE Kline satin snowsuit with zipper down one leg. Medium size Que- bec heater and pipes. Cheap for quick sale, Phone Clinton 565M, 38-b CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING apply Joe Gibson, Phone Clinton 616r3 • 38-p Employment Wanted- -- WOMAN WANTING PART time house work from 9 a.m. to 4 p.tn, Phone Clinton 633113, 38-9-p CAPAi3LE I',A13Y SITTER, avail- able days or evenings. Mrs. Lucy Fieryo, Phone Clinton 640J. 30-7-8-9-b FARMS FOR SALE )'BICE LIST OF FARMS FOR ;sale, L, G 'Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33- tfb VAIIM PRODUCE FOR SALE DRESSEI DUCKS FOR; Thanl.s- js iv%rig. Please order early. lVtrs, George Colrlengh, R.R. '1, C11n- ten, Phbnie Clinton 805r3t. 33-b FRUIT FOR SALE PEARS, GOAD FOR EATING or canning, Also small white enamel Empire cookstove. Phone Clinton 587J. 38-p FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR FURNITURE, PIANO and radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. 38-9-40-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOUR STEERS, TWO HEIFERS, around 800 pounds, Durham and Hereford. Also 400 barred rock pullets, Phone Clinton 807r6. 38-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. LOST AND FOUND LOST — ONE RED STEER, 800- 900 pounds, Sawed off horns. Strayed about four weeks ago. Ernest Dale, R,R. 4, Clinton, Phone Clinton 800r21. 38-p MISCELLANEOUS HEMLOCK LUMBER -- WE have a quantity of hemlock 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 and 2x12 for sale. This is choice stock. James T, Craig and Son, Auburn Sawmill. 38-p VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. • 10-tfb YES! NAMELESS COLD Remedy is still being produced and many sufferers from head colds, sinus and hayfever, are daily being re- lieved. A convincing trial will be mailed postpaid for $1.00. Address Purity Co. Exeter, Ont. 36-7-8-9-b PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb NINE ROOM HOUSE, TWO SUN porches, double garage, oil heat with hot water. Centrally locat- ed. Apply to Mrs. H. Bartliff, phone Clinton 95. 34-tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb STOVES FOR SALE RENFREW COOKSTOVE AND Quebec heater, in good condition. Albert Bond, East St. Phone 428. 3S -b QUEBEC HEATER, GOOD con- dition. Phone Clinton 654J. 38-b WOOD FOR SALE DRY STOVE WOOD, foot long, at the farm of Frank Falconer. Phone Clinton 615r16. 37-8-9-b HARD WOOD, ALSO.KINDLING, from $4.50 a cord to $6.50 a cord. Immediate delivery in two cord lots or more. Apply Walter Forbes phone Clinton 904r31. 36-tfb SAVE YOUR WINTER FUEL. Try our slab " wood for ^ooh fall weather. Hardwood Slabs $3,00 cord; mixed wood $2.50 cord; soft wood $2.00 cord, All dry from measr: red piles. We deliver for $1.00 per cord. Phone Blyth 43r24. James T. Craig and Son, Auburn. 38-9-40-p IN MEMORIAM FREEMAN—In loving memory of our dear uncle, Robert James Freeman, who passed away, Oc- tober 70950. "Gone into that light that shines so fair, Gone from the earth of sorrow and care, Resting those hands that did their best, Gone, dear uncle, gone to rest." —Ever remembered by Fran k, Theda, and family. 38-p REID—In loving memory of a dear sister Mrs. James Reid, who passed. away 11 years ago September 26, 1942. "Her weary hours and days of pain He troubled nights are past And in our aching hearts we know She has found secret rest at last." —Sadly missed by her sister Laura,, brother-in-law, Lloyd, and three nephews. 38-b 0 Mrs. Iddo Crich Funeral service was held in the Ball and 1VItiteh funeral home High Street, Clinton, on Tuesday afternoon, September 29, for Sarah Ann Crieli, widow of ';he late Iddo Crich, who passed a- way at her home in Clinton, on Saturday, September 26, in her 76th year. Rev. A. Glen Eagle officiated. Interment was made in Hamilton Cemetery. Mrs. Crich was horn in Ham- ilton in 1878, the daughter of the late Christina McGregor and Donald Campbell, For some years she was a milliner in Clines ton. She married Iddo Crich in 1922. She had been a resident ofClintonthe C nton !or past , t 31 years, 2 and was a member of Ontario Street United Church. Surviving are four brothers, Tay and Robert, Toledo, Ohio; Charles and James,Hamilton; twtr sisters, Christina 1Vrs. John- son and Marjorie, Mrs. H. . Fisher, I3anil.ton. Her husband predeceased her 16 years ago. MARRIAGES HENDRICK—MITCHELL -- At the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, September ` 26, 1953, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, Patricia Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Mitchell, Hensall, to Elgin Albert Hend- rick, Dashwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hendrick, Dash- wood, JOHNSTON----DR4.GER-- In the United Church manse, Sea - forth, on Saturday afternoon, September 26, 1953, by Rev. John W, Stinson, Pearl Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ern- est Drager Seaforth, to James Bruce Johnston, Varna, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Johnston, Varna. NOGALO—IVICGUIRE — In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chur- ch, Clinton, on Saturday morn- ing, September 26, 1953, by Rev. J. W. Graham, Anna Dor- een, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John McGuire, and John Nog- alo, Sault Ste. Marie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nogalo, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, TAILLEFEB—HEALY— Int Ont- ario Street United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, Septem- ber 26, 1953, by Rev. A. G. Eagle, Sheila Patricia, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Healy, Toronto, to Clarence Alfred Taillefer, Haney, B.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Taille- fer, Haney, B.C, 0 BIRTHS CHALMERS--Jn Clinton Public Hospital, 'on Friday, Septem- ber 25, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chalmers, Blyth, a daughter. CURRY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, Septem- ber 30, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. George Curry, Clinton, a son. DENOMME—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept- ember 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Denomme, Zur- ich, a son. HALLAM—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, Septem- ber 25, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallam, Auburn, a daughter. WEST—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, September 27, 1953, to AC1 and Mrs. Jack West, Clinton, a son. COLCLOUGH—In Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, on Fri- day, September 25, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. David E. Colclough Clinton, a daughter, (Brenda Leigh) . 0 DEATHS INGS—In Scott Memorial Hospit- al, Seaforth, on Sunday, Sept- ember 27, 1953, Alfred G. Ings, beloved husband of Laura E. Horner, in his 76th year. Fun- eral from the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth to Bronson Line Cemetery on Wednesday after- noon, September 30. JENNISON — In Swift Current, Sask., on Wednesday, Septem- ber 9.,. 1953, Pearl Winnifred Hanly, beloved wife of Thomas Jennison, in her 64th year. Fun- eral and interment at Swift Current. McDONALD—In St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Monday, Sept- ember 29, 1953, Emma Reid, be- ' loved wife of the late James Mc- Donald. Funeral from the Hop- per -Hockey funeral home, Exe- ter, to Baird's Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, October. 1. CRICH—In Clinton, on Saturday, September 26, 1953, Sadie Cam- pbell, beloved wife of the late Iddo Crich, in her 76th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Hamilton Cemetery, Hamilton, on Wed- nesday, September 30. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank my neighbors for the lovely cards, flowers and treats sent to me while I was a patient in the Clin- ton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Yates and Dr. Oakes and the nurses and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital — MRS, AARON C. FISHER, SR., R.R. No, 4, God- erich. 38-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P,M. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOIJN, Clerk MODERATE PRICI'', sp1 MODERN EQUIPMENT PERSONAL SERVICE JlNiftte ' tttteral 14tiatut* Clearing AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS at north half of lots 24 and 25, 4th concession of Huilett Township, on No. 4 Highway, 2�'/ miles north of Clinton, on Saturday, Oct, 3 at 1.30 p.m., the following: CATTLE: Brown Swiss cow, 8 yrs. old, milking; Brown Swiss cow, 5 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Jersey cow, 8 yrs. old, milk- ing, bred again; Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs; old, milking, bred again; 2 Jersey cows, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Jersey heifer, recently freshened; Durham heifer 4 yrs, old, due Nov. 29; Durham x Jersey heifer, recently freshened; 4 heif- ers, 114 yrs. old; 2 steers, 1 yr. old; 6 spring calves; calf, 3 weeks old. PIGS: Yorkshire sow with 9 pigs 8 weeks old; Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs 5 weeks old; Yorkshire sow, due time of sale; 1 hog. IMPLEMENTS: 1950 ‘%-ton Chevrolet truck with stock rack; 1948 Ford tractor; 1948 Farmall Cub tractor, equipped with hydrau- lic plow, . scuffler, mower, and planter; rubber tire wagon (fact- ory made); hay rack; side deliv- ery rake; hayloader; manure spreader; 11 -disc fertilizer drill; harrows; root pulper; cement mix- er; circular saw; 2 -wheel trailer assembly and tires; 500 -chick el- ectric brooder; 500 -chick oil brood- er; grain crusher; 100 feet of %- inch cable; 125 feet of se's -inch cable; hay fork; pulleys; forks; shovels; .22 rifle; 4 milk cans; strainer; pails; quantity of used lumber; electric fencer; numerous other articles. FEED: Approx. 1,000 bus. of oats; approx. 14 ton of mixed hay; 2 acres of husking corn; 2/z acre of mangolds; 30 bags of po- tatoes. FURNITURE: 3 -piece Chester- field suite; floor lamp; table lamps; child's bed, springs and mattress; dresser and stand; child's crib; double bed, springs and mattress; dresser and stand; porcelain table; kitchen chairs; day bed; Quebec heater; Beatty electric washing machine; sewing machine; toboggan; girl's bicycle; quantity of girls' winter clothes, size 14. TERMS—CASH No reserve as the farm is sold. AL STEVENS, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 37-8-b Clearing Auction Sale Of the Estate of the late John Cluff of Farm, Farm Stock, Im- plements, Feed and Grain at Lot No. 18, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, 11/4 miles southwest of Middleton's Church, or '7 miles southwest of Clinton, on Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 1 p.m. (EST) CATTLE and Equipment: 24 head of Ilolstein cattle, all vaccin- ated, most of these cattle are from the Waterloo Artificial Unit and of good quality and in high pro- duction: 9 cows and heifers, recently freshened; 10 cows and heifers, milking and bred again; 3 Hol- stein heifers, recently bred; 3 Hol- stein heifer calves; registered Holstein bull, 8 months old; 2 -unit Surge milker, s/i, h.p. motor; 6 milk cans, milk pails, compressor and fittings. IMPLEMENTS: 1950 Fordson tractor with disc and plow attach- ed; 3 -section spring -tooth har- rows; M.M. manure spreader on rubber (nearly new); M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; ..McCormick Deering 6 ft. mower; M.H. 11 -hoe drill; 5 - section drag harrows; hay swath- er; hay loader; hay rake; rubber - tire wagon; sliding rack; sulky plow; Fleury land packer (nearly new) ; fanning mill; .poultry equip- ment consists of 5 range shelters, water tank, drinking fountains and feeders, 2 electric brooders - 500 chick capacity. FEED and GRAIN: Quantity of mixed baled hay; approx. 600 bus. of oats. FARM: At 3.30 p.m., the farm will be offered for sale, This farm consists of 187 acres of clay loam with water supply being a drilled well, a never -failing spring, and the river at the back of the farm. On this farm is approx. 50 acres of bush including second growth hardwood and a good supply of cedar, The buildings consist of a 11/z storey brick house, and a bank barn 72'x54', with straw shed at- tached, accommodations for 500 hens in the barn. There is also a double garage. TERMS on farm stock, imple meats, feed and grain—Cash. TERMS on Farm: The farm is offered for sale, subject to a mort- gage of approx, $4,000, having about 3 yrs to run. 10 per cent of purchase price to be paid on date. of sale and balance subject to adjustments to be paid in 30 days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to the under- signed solicitor. MRS. HELEN CLUFF, Arbninistratrix, F, I! INGLAND, 4.C., Solicitor of the Estate. E1)WA1U) W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, 38-9-b Notice to Creditors In tb" Estate of HUGIl GIL- MOVR, lata of the Village of 1Trueefield in the County of Meurer, Esquire, Deceased. :111 persons having claims against the latate of the :hove deceased ire Inquired to file the same with the uedersig;ned Solicitor for the jai"l Estate, on or before the 20th dae of October, A.l). 1953, after whichassetsh lute thewill a dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the Plaints of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 29th d tv of Sentembe;<'. A.D. 1953. I ; lr''.INGLAND, (1.(i,, Clinton, Ont:, Solicitor for the said Estate. 38-8-40-b ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING --OCT, 1-3 "MONKEY BUSINESS" STARRING Marilyn MONROE Cary GRANT , MON-TUES-WED-Oct, 5-7 STEWART GRANGER JEAN SIMMONS DEBORAH KERR "YOUNG BESS" Charles Laughton — Kay Walsh Color by Technicolor Commencing at 7 o'clock PAGE 'I'HIRTEEkT PARK THEATRE GODERI•CH,—Phone 1150 Now; "ISLAND OF DESIRE" — In Technicolor — Linda Darnell and Donald (xray MON-TUES-WED— Van Johnson .-. Janet Leigh and Louis Collier!). Show what happens when a big hearted Texas poppy teaches his poetry -professor son how to put steak on the table. Confidentially Connie" THUR-FRI-SAT— Virgina Mayo — Steve Cochran Gene Nelson There's an appealing love story wrapped up in this scintillating dance -musical, "SHE'S BACK ON BROADWAY" In Technicolor Coming: "SCANDAL at SCOURI" Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICR Thome 47 Now—TWIN' BHA,— "THE THREE MUSKETEERS" and "Hurricane of .Pilgrim IUD" MON-TUES-WED-,- Evelyn Keyes — Detuiis O'Keefe M, Anderson Dramatically telling the story of two people who- learned to dis» tinguish between romance & love, "Om' Big Affair" THUR-FRI-SAT.-- Randolph Scott — Donna Reed and Claude Jarman <Ir. In Technicolor --A post Civil War story based on an unibush that took place ,after the war ended, "Hangman's Knot" Coming: "CAPTIVE CITY" Joan Camden and John Forsythe AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 55 Head of Cattle, Dairy Equip- ment and Wood, on Thursday, Oct. 15 At 1 p.m. at Iiot 2, Eastern Division, Concession 8, Colborne Township, 4 miles west of Auburn on County Road. MACHINERY: Massey -Harris 101 tractor with new 30 motor (rubber) ; M -H one-way disc (nearly new); International truck, one -ton stake body; International No. 3 cream separator; DeLaval magnetic milker, 2 single units with motor, pump,. -converter and pipe line; 9 eight -gal. milk cans. DAIRY CATTLE: Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, due Oct.; grade cow, 5 yrs. old, due Dec.; grade cow, 5 yrs. old, bred in June; grade cow, 4 yrs. old, bred in July; registered Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, bred in Aug.; registered heifer, 15 months old; registered heifer, 4 months old; grade heifer, 2 yrs. old, due in November; 2 grade heifers, 2 yrs. -old, due January; grade heif- er, 2 yrs. old, due February; grade heifer, 1 yr. old; 1 grade heifer calf, 7 months old. BE> F CATTLE --Durham and Hereford: One Hereford bull, reg- istered, 2 yrs. old; 1 Ilereford, Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due Oct.; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh; blue cow, 4 yrs. old, due Dec.; white Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due Dec.; White Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, due Dec.; White Durham cow, 3 yrs. old, bred in June; blue heifer, 2 yrs. old, due Nov.; white heifer, 2 yrs. old, due Dec.; Here- ford and Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old, due Jati.; 20 steers, 700-1,100 lbs.; 6 baby beef calves; 3 small calves. POULTRY: 22 Sussex hens. PIGS: 2 sows, bred August; 15 pigs (70 lbs.). WOOD: 50 cord of wood, elm and soft maple. TERMS—CASH LLOYD YOUNG, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. WALTER PITTMAN, Clerk. 38-9-b AUCTION SALE of FARM PROPERTY on Monday, Oct, 12 At 1 p.m, at Lot 14, Bayfield Road South, 1 mile west of Varna, on County Road, Stanley Twp. 105 -acre farm; clay loam land; 15 acres of 2nd growth bush, re- mainder workable land, all freshly seeded. Frame house; bank barn 40x80, cement pig and poultry 'building. Hydro available. TERMS: 10 per cent down, bal- ance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to reserve bid, For fur- ther particulars apply to: NORMAN CAMPBELL, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. 38-9-b Notice to Creditors In the Estate of JANET ROSS, late of the Village of Bruce - field in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 20th day of October, A.D. 1953, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled rntitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 29th day of September, A.D. 1953. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Said Estate. 38-8-40-b Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estates of IIEIVRY ADAM GLAZIER, Labourer, and DE- LILAH VICTORIA GLAZIER, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Henry Adam Glazier, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd day of December, 1935, or against the estate of De- lilah Victoria Glazier, who died on or about the 12th day of March, 1953, aro hereby notified to send to the under -signed on or before the 6th day of October, 1953, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estates will ill be distributed having regard only to the claiths of which notice has been received, Dated, September 15th, 1953. I' 11N0>LAND, Q,C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ad- ministr ttors of the 1Htettry Adam (Heti& and Delilah Vie* torta Giatier, Edifies. 394.8-1) CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY EVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 tfb 4 4.--ai-.+i-.6p- HOUSES FOR SALE 4 -ROOM DWELLING — Hydro,.. good size lot, located in Bay- field, Ont. Price $1,000.00. 7 -ROOM FRAME DWELLING, hydro, good well, situated in the village of Brucefield, Ont. Immediate possession. Price $2,500.00 APPLY H. C. LAWSON REALTOR PHONE 251W—CLINTON, ONT. Fred )errand, who is employ- ed on the Antofagasta and Bol- ivian Railway, Antofagasta, Chile arrived in Toronto this week and will pay a visit to his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jose- ph remand. Then he plans a journey to Vancouver to visit his married daughter. His son George is employed with the Hudson's Bay Trading Company. In 1939 he came to Canada from Chile to volunteer for the RCN in which he served during the war. 3% INTEREST on Savings Open a Savings Account in Clinton Community Credit Union To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans at Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day except Wednesday afternoon; open Mon. and Fri. till 5.30 Hyacinths -- Tulips -- Daffodils Crocus -- Narcissus — Etc,. These are all Top -Size Imported • - DUTCH BULBS K. C. COOKS FLORIST PHONE 66W CLINTON • , amigo,* BLUES • GREYS.,. BROWNS . 3 SMART STYLING LUXURIOUS SUITXNGS SUPERB TAILORING SHORTS! REGULARS! TALLS! We have a suit to Fit You from 49.50 to 69.50 /.Jt/..rNW..'V\.'...Nye•. .h .�.1 ..� TOPCOATS— Season's Newest Shades and Styles ---all sines., MATS --- By STETSON' and CREAN. V�/.A./.J.�w.': •,..,.aAi\l..v.+\�v.N..Mh/OM1.JtA✓,nh/^./,r'+.nJ,..++..+.n.."✓..,.+1..�./�nJ'..nd+a. PICKETT CAMPBELL ARROW SH1W S .. STETSON EATS "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 (Mann Corner) — CLINTON