Clinton News-Record, 1953-09-24, Page 5.'f:'J=1.U11SPAX, .SF.,P'i'EMIEI#,. 24, 1953 Mu. •h WB -ANC RMD PAW. FATE Classified Rates CASH RATE (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in 4,1ertion)-,--Two cents a word first Insertion (minimum 50 cents); Keubsechuent insertions 1' cents n word (xni'ninnini 35 Lents); 15 cents extra for box =inner er 'tor direction to NEWSRECORD Vfioe, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE ---12 noon, Wednes- zl r. np1C QMMURA7 TUN ror f(ir1 1 - UNFURNISHED HOUSE IN Bay- '`field. Insulated. Hydro and bath. Phone Bayfield 9. 37-8-b "FARM HOUSE WITH HYDRO, Phone ' Clinton 623r12. W. G. Clarke, Varna. 37-b SIX ROOM HOUSE in CLINTON, ' Hot water, heavy wiring. Three- piece Math, phone Clinton 549M. 37-b ACCOMMODATION fpr Boarders or roomers. Gentlemen' preferred. Phone Clinton 163R. 37-b 'APARTMENT IN , SEAFORTH, ground floor, separate bath, built- in, cupboards. Phone Seaforth $4ir2, • • ' 35-tfb "F(7RNISHED TWO -ROOM apart- ment, sink, hot water, centrally located. Available immediately. Phone Clinton 73J. 37-p THREE ROOM, SELF -CONTAIN - ed apartment, available after Sep- tember 15. Conveniences, Needy 'decorated, floors all covered, heavy Wiring. Phone Clinton 257. 37-b FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT IN Seaforth; newly decorated, private bathroom, cupboards and .floor covering. $30 per month, Phone .679r14, HensaIl. 37-b T''URNISHED TWO -ROOM Apart- ment with garage, in steam -heat- ed private home. Ayailable Octob- .er 1. References required. Apply to W. V. Roy, Rattenbury St., be- tween 5 and 7 p.m. 37-tfb Accommodation Wanted LOCAL BUSINESSMAN requires a two bedroom house in Clinton as soon as possible. Neil. D. Campbell, i Clinton Farm Supply. 36-7-b FOUR or FIVE ROOMS, IN Clin- ton. Conveniences, heated. Ab- stainers and very careful tenants. Phone Clinton 382, local 235. 36-7-b PILOT OFFICE REQUIRES fur- s nished accommodation for wife and I three children by October 1, for six ! month period.' Phone Clinton 4 or write Box 20, Clinton News -Re- 1 cord. 37-b r ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO FRENCH DOORS, about (8"x31"; complete with glass, hinges and one lock set. $12 each. Apply to John Plumtree, Maple Street, Clinton. 37-p TRADE YOUR .ASTRAL Refrig- erator. . Get $75 allowance on brand new Firestone 7 cu. ft. refrigerat- or, $279.50. T. A. Dutton, Fire- stone Dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 37-b ARTICLES WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT -e• Large used safe. Phone Clinton 130. L. D. Holland, Town Clerk. 37-tfb WOULD LIKE TO BUY BABY'S eriib and high chair. Phone Clin- ton 467W. • 37-8-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1952.FORD 1/ TON EXPRESS, 10,000 actual miles, excellent con- dition. Reason for selling; switch- ing to panel trucks. Contact Clin- ton Dairy. 37-b 1949 METEOR COACH, excellent condition. Best offer, will trade, See Flight Sergeant Jones, 30 Regina Road, RCAF Station, Clin- ton: 36-7-b_ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -BtYSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — •business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ry stores; one Main St, build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE LADY'S GREY WORSTED SUIT, size 18-20. Almost new. Will sac- rifice for less than half price. Phone Clinton 363. 37-p GIRL'S ;RED VELVET HAT, Coat and leggings set, size 4, Fair of child's white skates, size 9. Phone Clinton ,$39R. . 37-b THREE WOOL SKIRTS, size 14; two winter coats, size 16, one green, one wine. Phone Clinton 467W. 37-b LADY'S BLACK CLOTH COAT, salver fox collar; mid -blue coat; wine suit; blaek suit; brown ski suit, all size 16, Boy's sand ski pants, 6X; gray tweed coat, navy blue coat, 6. Phone Clinton 349J. 37-b GIRL'S STATION WAGON Coat (size 12) ; girl's red winter coat (12 years); girl's chenille turquoise rooe (10 years); blue taffeta skirt, bolero (10 years). Mrs. Har- old Adams, phone Clinton 289J. 37-p GIRL'S GREEN WINTER COAT (14 years); brown satin bomber ;racket (12 years); brown coat (10 years) ; plaid and other skirts, slacks (12 to 14 years), Phone Clinton 4131. 36.7-p Employment Wanted. CAPABLE BABY SITTER, avail- able days or evenings. Mr's. -Lucy Reno, Phone Clinton 640J. 3f -7-8-9-b —FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OP l'ATtMS POR sale. L. G V,' infer, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 38-tfb 1.Or. ACRES, WITH Bro. BARN, ria+f mile from highway, Box"17", News -Record, 37-p FURNITURE FOR SALE LARGE GREEN SOFA BED FOR sale. Mrs, Noble Rolland, phone Clinton 617r22. 37-b KROEHLER 18th Century Style sofa, wine in color, good condition. Phone Clinton 177, 37-p STEEL DOUBLE BED, SPRINGS and spring -filled mattress; heavy duty three -burner electric stove, circulator type, large size heater; man's CCM bicycle and large tri- cycle, all priced low for quick sale. Phone Clinton 443R; ��37-p HELP WANTED BOOK-KEEPER AND CLERK wanted to work in hardware store, Apply to Hugh R, Hawkins. 37-b HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment. Experience not nec- essary. Bartliff Bros, 36-7-b GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSE work, full time. Phone Clinton 296M. 37-p LIVESTOCK FOR SLE TWO RED SHORTHORN BULLS, 16 months old, from accredited herd. Priced reasonably. W. J. Falconer, Brucefield, Phone C1in-. ton 629r12. 37-p FOUR STEERS, TWO HEIb'r:RS, around 800 pounds. Durham and Hereford.' Phone Clinton 807r6. 37-b PUREBRED SHORTHORN BULL for sale, 18 months old, roan col- our. William T. Livingstone, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 847r31. 37-p SUFFOLK RAM, two years old. James A. Cox, White Rose Service Station. Phone Clinton 680, 36-7-b TWO-YEAR-OLD HOLSTEIN heifer, due in October. D. Mc- Kenzie, R.R. 1, Bayfield. Phone Bayfield 909r13. 37-p SEVEN LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. Stewart Broadfoot, phone Clinton 621r3. 37-p REY-BRUCE LIVE STOCK CO- apera.tive sale of 1,300 cattle, traded in car and truck lots, at Viarton, October 1, commencing t 10 a.m. T, Stewart Cooper, ecretary, Markdale. 37-p LIVESTOCK WANTED VANTED, OLD HORSES AND ead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink aneh, Goderich. Phone collect, 36r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb )EAD, DISABLED HORSES OR ows removed free of charge. For rompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief. Your Druggist sells Cress Callous salve too, relieves quickly. 37-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb BUILD A FINE BUSINESS! Full or spare time. Learn how you can sell cosmetics, domestic products, tonics, liniments, farm products, etc. We offer you FREE SPEC- IALS monthly, high commission and the chance of establishing a business of your own. Details on request. FAMILEX, Dept. 4, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 37-b YES! NAMELESS COLD Remedy is still being produced and many sufferers from head colds, sinus and hayfever, are daily being re- lieved. A convincing trial will be mailed postpaid for $1.00. Address Purity Co. Exeter, Ont. 36-7-8-9-b PET STOCK THREE SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS for sale. Only $5 will give your youngsters hours of companion- ship. Ralph Cornish, R.R. 3, Bay- field. Phone Bayfield 57r11. 37-b PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOrt sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb 164 ACRES OF LAND, LOT 57 and 58, Maitland Concession, t God- erich Twp. Mrs. L. Lawson, R.R. 5, Clinton. Phone Clinton 615r12. 36-7-b NINE ROOM HOUSE, TWO SUN porches, double garage, oil heat with hot water. Centrally locat- ed. Apply to Mrs. H. Bartliff, phone Clinton 95. 34-tfb POULTRY FOR SALE ABOUT 500 SUSSEX X RED pul- lets, ready to lay. Apply to G. Vanderhaar, R.R. 1, Londesboro (Dick Vodden's farm) Phone Blyth 28r24. 37-b PIANO TUNING4 V'OUR PIANO carefully tuned. ,net call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6933. 43-tfb STOVES FOR SALE OIL S'rOVB, MET)IUM SI7.I space heater. Phone Clinton 680, 37-b PRINCESS ROSE, COOK STOVE, used one year, $38. Also four -bur- ner electric stove. Frank Rooth, en Highway 4, close to RCAF Sta- tion. 37-1r WOOD FOR SALE DRY STOVE WOOD, foot long, at the farm of Frank Falconer. Phone Clinton 615r16. 37-8-9-b HARD WOOD, ALSO TrINDLING, from $4.50 a cord to $6.50 a cord, Immediate delivery in two cord lots or more. Apply Walter Forbes phone Clinton 904r31. 86-tfb BIRTHS T3OYCE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, September 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Boyce, Varna, a daughter (LYnn Louise, sister for Larry). FAULKNER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 22, 1953, to Flight Lieuten- ant and Mrs. James Faulkner (nee McGaw), RCAF Station, Clinton, a daughter (Anne Kathleen). McCLINCREY In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, September 20, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClinchey (nee Hollyman), Blyth, a daughter, RAU—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, September '17, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles • Rau, Zurich, a daughter (Joanne Bernadette). MARRIAGES CUMMINGS-PURVIS -- In Blyth, on Saturday, September 19, 1953, Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Purvis, Lucknow, to Michael Cummings, son of Mrs. Cummings, Brussels, and the late Edward Cummings, DUNBAR-PECKITT— In Londes- boro United Church, on Satur- day afternoon, September 19, -. 1953, by Rev. Mr, White, Mary Patricia, daughter of F. M. Peckitt, Londesboro, and the late Mrs. Peckitt, to Joseph Alan Dunbar, Belgrave, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunbar, Belgrave. MACDONALD-MacDONALD— In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, on Saturday afternoon, September 19, 1953, by Rev. F. J. Barr, Grace Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, Frank MacDonald, 156 Birmingham St., Stratford, for- merly of Clinton, to .Hugh Mac- donald, Stratford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Macdonald, 224 William St., Stratford. STEWART-BLAKE—At the home of the bride's parents, on Satur- day afternoon, September 19, 1953, by Rev. Mr. Williams, Gladys Marie, daughter of Mr. • and Mrs. James E. Blake, Ben - miller, to Donald Carmon Ste- wart, Langside, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert A. Stewart, Lang - side. WISE-EPPS — At the summer home of the bride's parents, in Bayfield, on Saturday, August 29, 1953, by Rev. Ernest G. Clarke, Seaforth, Sybil Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ell- wood Epps, Clinton, to William Robert George Wise, Goderich Township, son of Mrs. Wise, and the late William Wise. DEATHS HOHNER--In Clinton, on Wed- nesday, September 16, 1953, William Henry Hohner, beloved husband of Dorothy May Boyce in his 77th year. Funeral frdm the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High ,Street, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, September 18. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY FEATURED in This Week's Sale will be one man's herd of HOLSTEIN COWS --- all due within the next two months. Also the usual line of Stack. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHbUN, Clerk MODERATE PRICES J MODERN EQUIPMENT PERSONAL SERVICE eattie jfittnert{ Adlttlr. Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estates of HENRY ADAM GLAZIER, Labourer, and DHE LILAIR VICTORIA (pLAz.nat, �,t'ialrrw, De r c user!. All nersons h s ine e!ditns against he Estate= of Ilei,,' Adam Glazier, late of the 'I'o, n of Clinton in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd d•ry of 1)eeember, 1033, oe ar gain.,s 'he! ,';tate of De- lilah Victoria Gln4(Tr, who died 00 or about the 12th slay of March, 19)3, are hereby not died to send to 0,0 under-'ier,n'Ri 00 or before the (1tis day 'of t)etober, 1933, their names and 11111 particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estates tatQ ► 11 be distributed having regard only lo the claims of which notice has been received. Dated, September 15th, 1953. I+"INGLAND, C , Clinton, Ontario, So/Jet-ter for the Ad- minlstraztors of the henry Adam Glazier and Delilah Vic- ter -1a (Hazier, 'Estatew, 36.7-$-b Clearing ROXY THEATRE AUCTION SALE ; T FARM STOCK; IMPLEMENTS, Now Playing -,-Sept. 4,,26 FEED and HOUSEHOLD EF "WAGONS WES„ FECTS at north half of lots 24 starring Pe6 y Castile -- Rod and 2,5, 4th. concession of Huillett Cameron Township, on No. 4 Highway, 21/2 miles north. of .Clinton, on Saturday, Oct. at 1,30 p.m., the following; CATTLE: Brown Swiss cow, 8 yrs, old, milking; Brown Swiss cow, 5 yrs, old, milking, bred again; Jersey cow, $ yrs. old, milk,. ing, bred. again; Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs. old, milking, bred again; 2 Jersey cows, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Jersey heifer, recently freshened; Durham heifer 4 yrs, old, due Nov. 29; Durham x Jersey heifer, recently freshened; 4 heif- ers, 11/ yrs. old; 2 steers, 1 yr. old; 6 spring calves; calf, 3 weeks old. PIGS: Yorkshire sow with 9 pigs 8 weeks old; Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs 5 weeks old; Yorkshire sow, due time of 'sale; 1 hog. IMPLEMENTS: 1950 %-ton Chevrolet truck with stock rack; 1948 Ford tractor; 1948 Farmall Cub tractor, equipped with hydrau- lic plow, scuffler, mower, and planter; rubber tire wagon (fact- ory made) ; hay rack; side deliv- ery rake; hayloader; manure spreader; 11 -disc fertilizer drill; harrows; root pulper; cement mix- er; circular saw; 2 -wheel trailer assembly and tires; 500 -chick el- ectric brooder; 500 -chick oil brood- er; grain crusher; 100 feet of %- inch cable; 125 feet of %-inch cable; hay fork; pulleys; forks; shovels; .22 rifle; 4 milk cans; strainer; pails; quantity of used lumber; electric fencer; numerous other articles. FEED: Approx. 1,000 bus. of oats; approx. 14 ton of mixed hay; 2 acres of husking corn; 1/z acre of rnangolds; 30 bags of po- tatoes. FURNITURE: 3 -piece Chester- field suite; floor lamp; table lamps; child's bed, springs and mattress; dresser and stand; child's crib; double bed, springs and mattress; dresser and stand; porcelain table; .kitchen chairs; day bed; Quebec heater; Beatty electric washing machine; sewing machine; toboggan; girl's „bicycle; quantity of girls' winter clothes, size 14. TERMS—CASH No reserve as the farm is sold. AL STEVENS, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 37-8-b AUCTION SALE Of the PROPERTY and FURNI- TURE of the Holmesville Church Parsonage, on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 2 p.m., the following: FURNITURE: Modern 3 -piece chesterfield suite (pastel shade, nearly new) ; 9 -piece modern wal- nut dining room suite, including buffet, china cabinet, extension table and 6 chairs; 4 -poster mod- ern bed and springs, inner spring mattress; dresser; three-quarter bed and springs, inner spring mat- tress, dresser; 2 wash stands; 2 chests of drawers; oak roll top dgsk; 2 book stands; 6 living room chairs; Axminster rug 9'x101/'; congoleum rug 10'x12'; combina- tion hall mirror and hat rack; kitchen extension table; other tables; large kitchen cupboard; day bed; complete set of Encyclo- pedia books; Brittanica books; numerous other articles. PROPERTY: At the same place at 2.30 p.m. there will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid, the property consisting of Y4 acre of land, more or less, on which is sit- uated a 9 -room frame house with asphalt shingles. This house has a sun porch, a 3 -piece bath and pressure system, and a. hot-air heating system, also a garage at- tached. TERMS: Of furniture, cash; terms on property, 10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to the undersigned or H. J, Trewar- tha, Holmesville. Sale under cover if weather is unfavorable. Elmer Potter, secretary of the Trustee Board of the United Church, Holmesville. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 36-7-b Clearing AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of Wil- liam R. Glazier, Lot No. 28, Tuck- ersmith Township, on No. 8 High- way, 41/2 runes east of Clinton, or 41/2 smiles west of Seaforth, on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 12.30 noon sharp, the followings CATTLE: 26 head of Registered Herefords, accredited and va6ciri- ated, POULTRY: 300 hybrid pullets (laying). IMPLEMENTS: Case Model S tractor (nearly new); Allis Chal- mers 51/2 ft. combine (nearly ri)ty) ; International 2 -furrow trac- tor plow (nearly new) ; tractor 1u.ndem disc (nearly new) ; M.H. 13 -disc fertilizer drill; stiff -tooth cultivator; buck rake; Rowell ham- mer mill; 10 ft. dump rake; M.H. manure spreader on rubber; mower, 51,e ft. cut; steel roller; 3 - section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon; stock rack; electric brood- er; oil brooder; 6 range shelters; bay ear; 125 feet of steel cable; forks, shovels, tools, logging chains and numerous other artieles, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two bedroom suites; Davenport; single cot; 4 kitchen chairs; rocking chair; cabinet Victrola and re - voids; chemical toilet; electric heater; liTr iv table; numerous small tables and stands: hallrack; Coleman lantern; Coleman lamp, TERMS ----CASK No reserve as farni is sold. WILLIAM It. WAWA Proprietor W. S. O' EEL and EDWARD W. immoT'H.', A.uCtloners 3647.'b Mon-Tues-Wed—Sept. 2840 A,NN RALPH TODD RICHARDSON 44Breakhng The Sound. Barrier" Owing to length of performance, doors open 6.45, commence at 7 Thurs-Fri-Salt Qct. 1-3 CARY MARILYN GRANT MQNROE "MONKEY BUSINESS" Coming --Oct. 5--- 44‘ ou -••-,"Young Bess'" Stewart Granger - Jean Simmons Deborah Kerr mopsionnommumminaimmounimmummemor PARK THEATJ E QOQE1IVH--Phone 1J p NOW, A. Mitzi Gaynor musical In Technicolor "The 'I Don't Care Girl" with Pavlld Wayne CAPITAL. PITAL THEATRE GQDEit1CH --- none 47 NQW:. "Something Money Can't Eu? Anthony Steel -- In a, British comedy romance,. MON-TUES-WED-- MON-TUFTS-WED-,. Loretta Young — Jeff Chandler `4Te LONG and Alex Nicol With Frances Dee and a great supporting cast in a compelling drama based on Fear, Fair and 46 up Two top-flight British stars team up to produce a subtle and sophist. mated romantic drama. John Mills 8: Elizabeth Sellars MEMORY" Because of You" Thursday—Friday—Saturday To Be Announced Later Oaring to unavoidable delay in receiving our October flat of bookings, 3% INTEREST on Savings Open a Savings Account in Clinton Community Credit Union To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans at Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day except Wednesday afternoon; open Sat. evening from 7-9 Clearing AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS at Lot No. 24, Concession 3, West Wawanosh, 3 miles west of Auburn, on. Monday, Sept. 28 at 1 p.m. sharp, the followings° HORSES: Clyde matched team of mares, 5 and 6 years old; Clyde mare, aged; set of breeching har- ness; horse collars. CATTLE: Holstein cow," 8 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein heifer, 3 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred again;, Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old, milk- ing, bred again; brindle cow, 9 yrs. old, milking, bred again, 2 yearling Durham steers; 4 yearling Durham X Hereford heifers; 2 Jersey heif- er calves, 6 months old; Durham heifer calf, 6 months old; Durham calf, 4 weeks old. PIGS; Yorkshire sow; 7 pigs, 9 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS: Mc. -Deering W. 30 tractor; Cockshutt 3 -furrow plow; Deering binder; Deering manure spreader; M.H. mower (nearly new) ; M.H. hayloader; M.H. No. 21 walking plow; hay rake; Cockshutt 13 -disc fertilizer drill; 4 -section drag harrows; cul- tivator out -throw disc; steel rol- ler; Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor, (A-1 shape) ; Cockshutt 7 ft. bind- er (cut 4 crops); 10 ft. tractor cultivator (3 yrs. old); 3 -section spring -tooth harrows; M.H. side rake; fanning mill; 2,000 -lb. scales; 28 ft. extension ladder; rubber tire wagon and rack; steel tire wagon; set of sleighs and rack; scuffler; DeLaval cream separator; quantity of lumber and hardwood, 2 -inch plank; steel water trough (nearly new); hay fork; horse blankets; wheel barrow; sling ropes and chains; steel feed drums and numerous other articles. FEED: 500 bus. of mixed grain; quantity of clover seed. FURNITURE: Some furniture will be offered for sale, the prop- erty of Mrs. Martell. TERMS: CASH. No reserve as the farm is sold. PERCY HARDING, Proprietor, Phone l.1r16, Dungannon EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 36-7-b HOUSES FOR SALE 4 -ROOM .DWELLING — Hydro,., good size lot, located in Bay- field, Ont. Price $1,000.00. 7 -ROOM FRAME DWELLING, hydro, good well, situated in the village of Brucefield, Ont. Immediate possession. Price $2,500.00 APPLY H. C. LAWSON • REALTOR PHONE 251W—CLINTONe ONT., FOR SALE Beauty Shop Equipment Including SUPPLIES, STANDS, CIIROME TURN/TITRE — SWIVEL CHAIR SUITABLE TOR OFTiCIi USE. ALSO ;SMALL HOUSEXIOL.I) ARTICLES. Phone 223 HenriM Beauty �. Shop 86.7-b Wommenonismeionimmeessnmeeseemaeleemee TOWN OF CLINTON . PROCLAMATION Return To Standard Time SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 at 2.00 a.m.. In accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Council, and a Proclomationn issued in April, 1953, I hereby proclaim that the Town of Clinton return to Eastern Standard Tirne at 2.00 o'clock a.m., Sunday, Seternber 27, 1953, and request all residents to observe this prxiarnation. (Signed) W. J. MILLER, Mayor Town of Clinton 37-b ,NA441,#4.I.O.hY•4.4\0, Hyacinths -- Tulips --- Daffodils Crocus -- Narcissus — Etc. These are all Top -Size Imported. DUTCH BULBS . K. C. COOKE • PHONE 66W FLORIST CLINTON 'TODAY'S' CLOTHING BUYS JACKETS S''!' EATERS WARM WOOLS: SMART COLOURS: SUEDE -- MELTON LEATHER -- All Sizes — from 6.95 up —by_ Tony Day GRANDMERE WARREN KNIT iPuliorers — Cardigans Sleeveless — San Om' New LAMBSWOOL --. SUITS and TOPCOATS NOW is the time to ehoGse yoW' die's' fail wardrobe, robe, Ot111 racks are loaded. with SMART NEW STYLES for Fall. PICKETT le CAMPBELL ARROW S1ld!F,TS STETSON' . HATS "The - Store Por Men." PHONE 25 W--{ (Main Corner) 2 CLIt4ION.