Clinton News-Record, 1953-09-24, Page 4PAGE FOIX41.
THURSDAY, $EPTglvfa&R 24, 190
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mutch have
returned following a fortnight's
Gary Campbell, Toronto, visited
his cousins, Mieses Hattie and
Sybil Courtice this week.
Miss Eva Goodhue, Port Stan-
ley., spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs, Charles Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pacey, Sim-
coe, spent the weekend with Mrs,
Alice McLeod, Joseph Street,
We are sorry to learn of the
illness of Mrs, Ed. Boyes, and
hope for her speedy recovery.
Miss Jean Morrison, Toronto,
was a weekend guest with Mr, and
Mrs: M, T, Corless, Orange Street,
Mr. and Mrs, Dia Cornish, Or.
ange Street, have returned from
vacationing in Feline and Detroit,
Mich., with friends.
Mrs. J. W. Peck, Hamilton, and
family of Clinton and Hensall, is
the guest this week of Mrs. J, B.
Levis, Joseph Street,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Southcombe,
Sarnia, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs, B. J. Gibbings, Gibbings St„
over the past weekend.
Willis C. Cooper, London, 'Eng-
land, is a visitor at the home of
his parents, here, Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. Cooper, Fulton Street.
October is "Fun Month"
It's time to entertainyour friends
I Hospital Party
and neighbours,
Miss W: O'Neil
G, W. Nott
Mrs. C. Epps
Mrs, J. A. Addison
For as little as $LOO a week you can
buy one of these beautiful
A lovely selection of colours from Which to
' choose
$11.50 -- $13.50 -- $16.95 -- $19.95
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Farquhar on Sunday were
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Webster
and two children, Lueknow.
Rev, P. J. Lane is to be the
anniversary speaker at Ethel
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
September 27, morning and even-
Miss Ann Shaddock, Mrs. E.
Murray, Mrs: Clarence Neilans,
Mrs. John Snider, Miss Mabel
Harvie, Mr, Harper English and
Rev. D. J. Lane attended the
School of Evangelism, held in St.
Andrew's Church, Wingham, on
Mr, and Mrs, Ostend Partridge,
son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Fulford, North Street,
are visiting in Victoria, Vancouver
and Salmon Arm, B.C„ with Mr.
Partridge's parents and family. Mr.
Partridge is on 38 days leave froth
RCAF Station, Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs, William Fulford,
Goderich, son and daughter-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulford,
North Street, have moved to Kit-
chener. Mr. Fulford, who has
worked in Clinton for two years
with Ball's Construction, will con-
tinue with the same company in
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coates
and their daughter Peggy, Hamil-
ton, visited their aunt, Mrs. Marg-
aret Johnston and cousins, Mr,
and Mrs. Chester Farquhar on
Sunday. They returned to Harrill -
ton via London where they left
Peggy, a third -year student at the
University of Western Ontario.
Good Programme
t At Young Mothers'
September lvlteeting
The Young Mothers' Study Group
of Wesley -Willis United Church
met Tuesday night with 20 mem-
bers present in the charge of Mrs.
Wilfred Jervis. As they entered
they received coloured ribbons
from Mrs. William Hanly which'
they wore during the program un-
til the concluding social program.
The opening hymn was followed
by the scripture lesson, Psalm 121,
repeated in unison, and prayer.
The minute of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. William Murch.
Mrs. Reg. Shipley read a poem,
"Be Understanding." Mrs. William
Hanly and Betty Lou Nediger
sang "Count Your Blessings" Mrs.
Wes Holland, Mrs. Hector Kings-
well and Mrs. Percy Livermore
read articles concerning children.
The club will be in charge of a
booth at the "Country" Fair to be
held in Wesley -Willis Church, with
conveners, Mrs. Wes Holland, Mrs.
William Hanly, Mrs. Egan and
Mrs. Hector Kingswell.
Mrs. Norman Shepherd spoke on
Baby Band work. Another hymn
was followed by the closing prayer
by Mrs. Elmer Hugill, and the
members repeated the benediction.
During the social part of the
meeting, those ladies with match-
ing ribbons worked together in
teams of three in a Bible contest.
A card was read from Mrs. Nelson
Trewartha, who is now on a trip
to Winnipeg. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs,
William Murch, with the hostess
in charge.
Donald Parsons, Kippen,
:Recovering After Fall
Donald Parsons, ten, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Kippen,
is recovering nicely from an acci-
dent he suffered last Wednesday,
September 16, on his father's farm.
Donald was riding on the seed drill
watching the grain when the bolts
broke in the tongue of the drill
causing the drill to go forward,
with the result that Donald fell
striking his forehead on a piece of
iron on the drill. A number of
stitches were required to close the
wound. He was attended by Dr.
Elliott, Seaforth, and his injuries
were dressed at Seaforth Clinic.
Clinton Chapter, •Order of Eastern Star
Hold Birthday Party. Musical Program
The first birthday of Clinton vided by Irwin's orchestra, Cline
Chapter, Order of the Easternton.
Star, was. held in St. Paul's Parish Conveners for the supper were:
Hall, Clinton, on September. 17, Mrs. Myrtle Cook; program com-
when over 100 members, visitors mittee, Mrs. Eula Roy, Mr. and
and friends were entertained at a Mrs. Bert Irwin; decoration, Mrs,
buffet supper. Eulalia Knight, Mrs. Helen El
Mrs See=11e McRae, WM, Clinton liott. The draw was made on an
Chapter, welcomed the guests, as- electric blanket, which was won
sisted by Victor Roy, WP, and Mr. by Deborah Ann Montgomery,
and Mrs. Sid Jones, Past Patron small daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
and Past Matron of Clinton Chap- G. W, Montgomery.
ter. Guests were present from
London, Stratford, Parkhill, Blyth �i
and Exeter.
rank FinglandCalor scheme was carried out in i'
yellow and white, with bouquets of
yellow flowers, and yellow tapers Christmas
flanking the preti;ly decorated Heads
two -storied cake, a gift of Mrs,
Esther Wilkes, Past Grand Matron, S
London. eal Campaign
vAt the buffet table a fiesta
candle in glass holder with the The annual Christmas Seal
base banked with greenery and campaign, sponsored by the Huron
tiny yellow baby 'mums, showered County Tuberculosis Association,
down the emblematic colors of the will this year be ander the chair-
star. manship of Frank Fingland, . Q.C.,
The cake was cut by Mrs. Betty Clinton, who served as president
Hardy, District Deputy. Grand for the past four years. At a spec-.
Matron, No. 5 London. Rev. James ial meeting of the directors, held
Scott, WP of Blyth chapter, led in Clinton, with the new president,
in the sing -song during the supper Fred Snow, Seaforth, presiding, it
,lour. was decided to sponsor films for
A delightful music program fol- educational work on TB before
lowed with Victor Roy, WP, .acting various clubs and in schools
as chairman: solo, by Jayne Mary throughout Huron County.
Snell, Clinton; trumpet solo by .In August and September, the
Mrs. Clare McBride, Zurich, ac- association paid Huron County
companied by Mrs. Keyes; violin hospitals $41 for chest examine -
solos, Mrs. Maitland Driver and tions; and the Beck Memorial
daughter Eleanor, Goderich; vocal Sanatorium at London $688, for
numbers by Leslie Pearson, Clin- chest clinic examinations and re -
ton, accompanied by Mrs. James ports, X-ray clinics, and mobile
Lobb; humorous readings by Mrs. X-ray clinics.
R. E. Wilson, Goderich. Directors attending the meeting
were H. C. Lawson, Mr. Fingland,
and W. H. Robinson, all of Clin-
ton; J. Creech, Exeter; R. Illsley,
Zurich; James Cameron, Bayfield;
F. E. Madill, Wingham; and H. A.
McDermitt, Fordwich. Dr, R. M.
Aldis, Clinton, director of the
Huron County Health Unit, was
also present.
Special speaker for the evening
was Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth,
who gave a most interesting il-
lustrated talk on Mexico. Even-
ing came to a close with a short
period of dancing, to music pro -
Mr. and Mrs. Armand L.
Kernick, Watford, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of
their only daughter, Joan
Louise, to Robert Harold Tay-
lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Taylor, Clinton. The wed-
ding will take place Saturday,
October 17 at high noon in
Central United Church, Lon-
don. 37-b
The members of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion
who will convene the November
bazaar will be Mrs. Inkley, Mrs.
Dawe and Mrs. F. Thompson; not
Mrs. Inkley, Mrs. Lane and Mrs.
Thompson, as the News -Record
stated last week. Our apologies,
Mrs. Dawe,
In 1952 welfare payments took
about one fourth of Ottawa's
$4,326,000,000 budget.
rcY� y
ri M1c � "` �,/,
• Gospel Hall
Sunday School .. ....... 9,45 a.m.
Communion Service 10.45 a.m.
Gospel Service .. . .. 7.30 p.m.
Speaker: Mr. John Martin
c e iep= illi niteb
8i rrli
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship—
Sunday School,
Promotion Exercises.
- Sermon Subject:
"The Three Hills" ti
12.15 p.m. -Church School
Union Evening Service in Ontario
Street United Church.
9.45 a.m.—Service at Holmesville,
Come to the House of Prayer
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister
Mrs: Morgan Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
(Standard Time)
10.00 a.m.—Church School.
11.00 a.m.—Divine Service—
Rev. W. M. Hyndman, B.A.,
2.30 pen.—Knox Church, Bay-
field, Rev. W. M. Hyndman.
All Welcome to Worship With Us
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. M. Elliott,
Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and
Sunday School,
Evening Service withdrawn for
Ontario Street United Church
Friday—Confirmation Class 7 pm
Huron St.
Baptic:t Church
Minister—REV, 'S. E. OSTROM
Organist—Mrs. George Grant
11.00 a.m.—Worship--
Mr. T. Postans.
12.15 p.m.—Bible School ----
Mrs. T. Postans.
7.00 p.m.—Service withdrawn in
favour of Ontario St. United
Church anniversary.
October 4—Baptist Church Anni-
versary—Dr. H. H. Showal-
ter, Stratford, Ont.
Mr° and Mrs. Benson Sutter
were, in Lucan yesterday attend-
ing /the Moore -Stanley wedding
which was solemnized in Holy
Trinity Anglican Church.
Mr. and Mrs, Arden Stickney,
Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Goldie McClocklin, Mitchell, spent
the weekend with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Cole, Mary
Street. Mrs. Cole spent two weeks
with her daughter in Kalamazoo.
Rebekah Lodge
Plans For Bazaar
And Fowl Slipper
The regular meeting of Huronic
Rebekah Lodge No. 306 was held
on Monday evening with the Grand
Sister Marion Taylor in the chair.
A committee was formed to see
about the arrangements for the an-
nual fowl. supper.
A new altar is being presented
to the lodge and will be dedicate(�d.
at the next meeting on October L
A letter was read from the in-
coming District Deputy President,
Kay Canne, that she would be
present on October 19 to install
the new officers.
Plans were made for a baking
sale which will be held in the
council chambers early in Octebe(
Ali members are urged to bring
their baking to help in making
the sale a success.
The lodge closed in ritual form
after which tea and sandwiches
were served.
Melee -
All of the LATEST FALL
FABRICS of Nylon Blends to
make them Longer -Wearing .
Warmer . , , and Weather -
See the garment — Compare
quality — Be assured before you
buy. e
New Stocks Have Just Arrived
Special this weekend — ,.59 yd,.
Speca Dedication Service
of the'
Clinton Pentecostal Church
will take place on
Sunday, September 27
at 3 peen,
Rev. II. 'T Kendrick, Exeter, will ,off>l'mciate,
lnclluda;,ti will ,be an opening exercise outside the
church, where Mayor W. J. Miller will perform the
ribbon -cutting after hymn singing, and prayer by
[virs. II. T. Kendrick..
Regular Horning and Evening Services
Sunday, September 27 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
hander tine direction of' Rev. II. T. Kendrick. Special
music by Sid Harvey, Uocterich, at the afternoon ser-
vice; and special music by Ken Remick, 11tonkton,
at the evening service.
SUNDAY SCHOOL at the Regular Time, 19
Sectional Rally
Beginning Monday, September 28, at 3 p.m.
' Rev. C. Cook, Kincardine, ministering. Rev. M. F.
Cornelius, "Echoes of Truth" pastor, Chatham, will be
speaking at 8 p.m. and each night except Saturday,
until October 4, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Special Welcome to Every -one
K. L. SWEI:GARD, Pastor
glere's what every
Housewife thinks
About our healthful
Dairy drinks.
A complete rtinge of
rrabber boots, and rub.
bets for over the shoe.
Now In Stock
Luggage and Work Clothing
134 ntarto *trees (ijurcb
'unbap, 'eptetuber 27, 1953
Rev. A. E. IKewley, B.A., B,D.,
Associate Secretary of the Mis-
sionary and Maintenance De-
partment, United Church
of Canada
Morning Servke
11.00 a, m.
Rev. A. Glen Eagle, $.A., 8.D.,
Ontario Street United
Evening Seirs ;tee
7,30 pan,
araeo.eep+e.;rw�.,►:deiadeaweaa�rran .,asrweerweeleeseee,
(ediththc EST Enriched
The Freshest,
Tastiest Bread
In Town,
�Kq� �
!I � ra st °°"
iI r
tisedirli ll9 TODAY
Our/ Saturday Special,.. ,
Reg. 25e for 19c
P 1Ul+t]� 1 2LRijTOi1l
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Farquhar on Sunday were
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Webster
and two children, Lueknow.
Rev, P. J. Lane is to be the
anniversary speaker at Ethel
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
September 27, morning and even-
Miss Ann Shaddock, Mrs. E.
Murray, Mrs: Clarence Neilans,
Mrs. John Snider, Miss Mabel
Harvie, Mr, Harper English and
Rev. D. J. Lane attended the
School of Evangelism, held in St.
Andrew's Church, Wingham, on
Mr, and Mrs, Ostend Partridge,
son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Fulford, North Street,
are visiting in Victoria, Vancouver
and Salmon Arm, B.C„ with Mr.
Partridge's parents and family. Mr.
Partridge is on 38 days leave froth
RCAF Station, Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs, William Fulford,
Goderich, son and daughter-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulford,
North Street, have moved to Kit-
chener. Mr. Fulford, who has
worked in Clinton for two years
with Ball's Construction, will con-
tinue with the same company in
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coates
and their daughter Peggy, Hamil-
ton, visited their aunt, Mrs. Marg-
aret Johnston and cousins, Mr,
and Mrs. Chester Farquhar on
Sunday. They returned to Harrill -
ton via London where they left
Peggy, a third -year student at the
University of Western Ontario.
Good Programme
t At Young Mothers'
September lvlteeting
The Young Mothers' Study Group
of Wesley -Willis United Church
met Tuesday night with 20 mem-
bers present in the charge of Mrs.
Wilfred Jervis. As they entered
they received coloured ribbons
from Mrs. William Hanly which'
they wore during the program un-
til the concluding social program.
The opening hymn was followed
by the scripture lesson, Psalm 121,
repeated in unison, and prayer.
The minute of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. William Murch.
Mrs. Reg. Shipley read a poem,
"Be Understanding." Mrs. William
Hanly and Betty Lou Nediger
sang "Count Your Blessings" Mrs.
Wes Holland, Mrs. Hector Kings-
well and Mrs. Percy Livermore
read articles concerning children.
The club will be in charge of a
booth at the "Country" Fair to be
held in Wesley -Willis Church, with
conveners, Mrs. Wes Holland, Mrs.
William Hanly, Mrs. Egan and
Mrs. Hector Kingswell.
Mrs. Norman Shepherd spoke on
Baby Band work. Another hymn
was followed by the closing prayer
by Mrs. Elmer Hugill, and the
members repeated the benediction.
During the social part of the
meeting, those ladies with match-
ing ribbons worked together in
teams of three in a Bible contest.
A card was read from Mrs. Nelson
Trewartha, who is now on a trip
to Winnipeg. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs,
William Murch, with the hostess
in charge.
Donald Parsons, Kippen,
:Recovering After Fall
Donald Parsons, ten, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Kippen,
is recovering nicely from an acci-
dent he suffered last Wednesday,
September 16, on his father's farm.
Donald was riding on the seed drill
watching the grain when the bolts
broke in the tongue of the drill
causing the drill to go forward,
with the result that Donald fell
striking his forehead on a piece of
iron on the drill. A number of
stitches were required to close the
wound. He was attended by Dr.
Elliott, Seaforth, and his injuries
were dressed at Seaforth Clinic.
Clinton Chapter, •Order of Eastern Star
Hold Birthday Party. Musical Program
The first birthday of Clinton vided by Irwin's orchestra, Cline
Chapter, Order of the Easternton.
Star, was. held in St. Paul's Parish Conveners for the supper were:
Hall, Clinton, on September. 17, Mrs. Myrtle Cook; program com-
when over 100 members, visitors mittee, Mrs. Eula Roy, Mr. and
and friends were entertained at a Mrs. Bert Irwin; decoration, Mrs,
buffet supper. Eulalia Knight, Mrs. Helen El
Mrs See=11e McRae, WM, Clinton liott. The draw was made on an
Chapter, welcomed the guests, as- electric blanket, which was won
sisted by Victor Roy, WP, and Mr. by Deborah Ann Montgomery,
and Mrs. Sid Jones, Past Patron small daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
and Past Matron of Clinton Chap- G. W, Montgomery.
ter. Guests were present from
London, Stratford, Parkhill, Blyth �i
and Exeter.
rank FinglandCalor scheme was carried out in i'
yellow and white, with bouquets of
yellow flowers, and yellow tapers Christmas
flanking the preti;ly decorated Heads
two -storied cake, a gift of Mrs,
Esther Wilkes, Past Grand Matron, S
London. eal Campaign
vAt the buffet table a fiesta
candle in glass holder with the The annual Christmas Seal
base banked with greenery and campaign, sponsored by the Huron
tiny yellow baby 'mums, showered County Tuberculosis Association,
down the emblematic colors of the will this year be ander the chair-
star. manship of Frank Fingland, . Q.C.,
The cake was cut by Mrs. Betty Clinton, who served as president
Hardy, District Deputy. Grand for the past four years. At a spec-.
Matron, No. 5 London. Rev. James ial meeting of the directors, held
Scott, WP of Blyth chapter, led in Clinton, with the new president,
in the sing -song during the supper Fred Snow, Seaforth, presiding, it
,lour. was decided to sponsor films for
A delightful music program fol- educational work on TB before
lowed with Victor Roy, WP, .acting various clubs and in schools
as chairman: solo, by Jayne Mary throughout Huron County.
Snell, Clinton; trumpet solo by .In August and September, the
Mrs. Clare McBride, Zurich, ac- association paid Huron County
companied by Mrs. Keyes; violin hospitals $41 for chest examine -
solos, Mrs. Maitland Driver and tions; and the Beck Memorial
daughter Eleanor, Goderich; vocal Sanatorium at London $688, for
numbers by Leslie Pearson, Clin- chest clinic examinations and re -
ton, accompanied by Mrs. James ports, X-ray clinics, and mobile
Lobb; humorous readings by Mrs. X-ray clinics.
R. E. Wilson, Goderich. Directors attending the meeting
were H. C. Lawson, Mr. Fingland,
and W. H. Robinson, all of Clin-
ton; J. Creech, Exeter; R. Illsley,
Zurich; James Cameron, Bayfield;
F. E. Madill, Wingham; and H. A.
McDermitt, Fordwich. Dr, R. M.
Aldis, Clinton, director of the
Huron County Health Unit, was
also present.
Special speaker for the evening
was Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth,
who gave a most interesting il-
lustrated talk on Mexico. Even-
ing came to a close with a short
period of dancing, to music pro -
Mr. and Mrs. Armand L.
Kernick, Watford, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of
their only daughter, Joan
Louise, to Robert Harold Tay-
lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Taylor, Clinton. The wed-
ding will take place Saturday,
October 17 at high noon in
Central United Church, Lon-
don. 37-b
The members of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion
who will convene the November
bazaar will be Mrs. Inkley, Mrs.
Dawe and Mrs. F. Thompson; not
Mrs. Inkley, Mrs. Lane and Mrs.
Thompson, as the News -Record
stated last week. Our apologies,
Mrs. Dawe,
In 1952 welfare payments took
about one fourth of Ottawa's
$4,326,000,000 budget.
rcY� y
ri M1c � "` �,/,
• Gospel Hall
Sunday School .. ....... 9,45 a.m.
Communion Service 10.45 a.m.
Gospel Service .. . .. 7.30 p.m.
Speaker: Mr. John Martin
c e iep= illi niteb
8i rrli
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship—
Sunday School,
Promotion Exercises.
- Sermon Subject:
"The Three Hills" ti
12.15 p.m. -Church School
Union Evening Service in Ontario
Street United Church.
9.45 a.m.—Service at Holmesville,
Come to the House of Prayer
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister
Mrs: Morgan Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
(Standard Time)
10.00 a.m.—Church School.
11.00 a.m.—Divine Service—
Rev. W. M. Hyndman, B.A.,
2.30 pen.—Knox Church, Bay-
field, Rev. W. M. Hyndman.
All Welcome to Worship With Us
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. M. Elliott,
Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and
Sunday School,
Evening Service withdrawn for
Ontario Street United Church
Friday—Confirmation Class 7 pm
Huron St.
Baptic:t Church
Minister—REV, 'S. E. OSTROM
Organist—Mrs. George Grant
11.00 a.m.—Worship--
Mr. T. Postans.
12.15 p.m.—Bible School ----
Mrs. T. Postans.
7.00 p.m.—Service withdrawn in
favour of Ontario St. United
Church anniversary.
October 4—Baptist Church Anni-
versary—Dr. H. H. Showal-
ter, Stratford, Ont.
Mr° and Mrs. Benson Sutter
were, in Lucan yesterday attend-
ing /the Moore -Stanley wedding
which was solemnized in Holy
Trinity Anglican Church.
Mr. and Mrs, Arden Stickney,
Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Goldie McClocklin, Mitchell, spent
the weekend with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Cole, Mary
Street. Mrs. Cole spent two weeks
with her daughter in Kalamazoo.
Rebekah Lodge
Plans For Bazaar
And Fowl Slipper
The regular meeting of Huronic
Rebekah Lodge No. 306 was held
on Monday evening with the Grand
Sister Marion Taylor in the chair.
A committee was formed to see
about the arrangements for the an-
nual fowl. supper.
A new altar is being presented
to the lodge and will be dedicate(�d.
at the next meeting on October L
A letter was read from the in-
coming District Deputy President,
Kay Canne, that she would be
present on October 19 to install
the new officers.
Plans were made for a baking
sale which will be held in the
council chambers early in Octebe(
Ali members are urged to bring
their baking to help in making
the sale a success.
The lodge closed in ritual form
after which tea and sandwiches
were served.
Melee -
All of the LATEST FALL
FABRICS of Nylon Blends to
make them Longer -Wearing .
Warmer . , , and Weather -
See the garment — Compare
quality — Be assured before you
buy. e
New Stocks Have Just Arrived
Special this weekend — ,.59 yd,.
Speca Dedication Service
of the'
Clinton Pentecostal Church
will take place on
Sunday, September 27
at 3 peen,
Rev. II. 'T Kendrick, Exeter, will ,off>l'mciate,
lnclluda;,ti will ,be an opening exercise outside the
church, where Mayor W. J. Miller will perform the
ribbon -cutting after hymn singing, and prayer by
[virs. II. T. Kendrick..
Regular Horning and Evening Services
Sunday, September 27 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
hander tine direction of' Rev. II. T. Kendrick. Special
music by Sid Harvey, Uocterich, at the afternoon ser-
vice; and special music by Ken Remick, 11tonkton,
at the evening service.
SUNDAY SCHOOL at the Regular Time, 19
Sectional Rally
Beginning Monday, September 28, at 3 p.m.
' Rev. C. Cook, Kincardine, ministering. Rev. M. F.
Cornelius, "Echoes of Truth" pastor, Chatham, will be
speaking at 8 p.m. and each night except Saturday,
until October 4, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Special Welcome to Every -one
K. L. SWEI:GARD, Pastor
glere's what every
Housewife thinks
About our healthful
Dairy drinks.
A complete rtinge of
rrabber boots, and rub.
bets for over the shoe.
Now In Stock
Luggage and Work Clothing
134 ntarto *trees (ijurcb
'unbap, 'eptetuber 27, 1953
Rev. A. E. IKewley, B.A., B,D.,
Associate Secretary of the Mis-
sionary and Maintenance De-
partment, United Church
of Canada
Morning Servke
11.00 a, m.
Rev. A. Glen Eagle, $.A., 8.D.,
Ontario Street United
Evening Seirs ;tee
7,30 pan,
araeo.eep+e.;rw�.,►:deiadeaweaa�rran .,asrweerweeleeseee,