HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-09-17, Page 15fiHUI�S AY, SEP1'El1I Ells, 17, 1953 CLINTON NEWS -A. CQ P.A.GE LONDE$EORO 131 Young Folk Autumn Meeting members of the Eurus-Londes- boro. Young p'eople's Union held their first meeting of the season in Londesboro United Church on Sunday night, During thebusiness period the following officers were elected for the year: president, Gail Manning; vice-president, Jack Tareblyn; See - :.rotary, Barbara Pecicitt; treasurer, Marguerite Lyon; pianist, Marg- uerite Lyon; faith and evangelism, :Grant Snell; stewardship and training, Harry Lear; citizenship unci cpmmunity service, Donna Me- Vittie; missions and world out - RCAF AIR FORCE DAY SAT. SEPT. 19 VISIT YOUR NEAREST AIR FORCE STATION McLaren's Studio Photographers PHONE 401 CLINTON EBENEZER Anniversary The Ebenezer United Church held anniversary services last Sun, day, which were well attended. The guest speaker was Archdeacon W. A. Townshend, London, who Was a former resident of this dist. riot and attended this church and Sunday School as a boy. He delivered two excellent ser- mons, which were listened to with much interest by all who were present, Special music was given by a young people's choir in the morning, with a solo by Jayne Mary Snell, E.R. 1, Clinton, and in the evening by a men's choir, with a solo` by Elwin Merrill. Mrs, Jim Lobb and Lewis Tebbutt as- sisted at the organ. Ebenezer WA The Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs, Ira Merrill for the September meeting which was in the charge of the president, Mrs. F. Jones. The meeting was opened by singing the theme song followed by the women's creed and the Lord's Prayer. The devotional period was taken by Mrs, I. Merrill. During the business session it was decided to hold an ice cream party at the school late in September. The meeting was closed with the bene- diction, Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Fred Lobb. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry ()ekes. reach, June Manning; recreation and culture, Bob Tomason; leader- ship education, Clara and Ruth Vincent. The devotional part of the meet- ing began with the call to worship which was given by Jack Tamblyn, Hymn was sung, and June Man - Hing Ted in prayer. Jack Tamblyn read the scripture, following which Grant Snell took up the offering, Rev. White gave a short address. This part of the meeting was brought to a close with the singing of a hymn. Following a short re- creation period lunch was served, and the meeting closed with "Taps." $2,000 CASH • EXETER ARENA F id y, Se t. 18 14 Regular Games for $50 each 3 Special Games for $100 each. 1 SUPER SPECIAL FOR $1,000 • ADMISSION $1,00 Extra and Special Cards 25c — 5 for $1.00 GAMES START AT 9 P.M. SHARP -- PROCEEDS IN AID 0IP THE ARENA FLOOR — 35-6-b See Huron County's Biggest Fair EXETER FAIR WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY •4 September 24 & 25 j I �! KJ — —-•---•.u+►«..- VAUDEVILLE SHOW 7 Sensational Acts WEDNESDAY EVENING • '..4111. • Outstanding Horse Show • Sulky Horse Races 40 Soap Box Derby • Monster Para .e Midway Dance * Admission Prize; • Novelty Features eatu °es — THRILLS ,-,- EXCITEMI ANT A./V/51 (Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF Station • The public school at RCAF Station Clinton is named? for. rear Vice Marshal Hugh L. Campbell, who is now in command of Air Division. Headquarters- presently in charge of the RCAF's Air Divi- sion in Europe, C. A. Trott; Clinton, is principal; of the six classroom school, which this year has 187 children of the RCAF personnel living in Adastral Park:, the permanent married quarters on Station Clinton, The other teachers of the school are Maitland Edgar,ateaching ten pupils in grade 4 and 21 in grade 5; Miss Edythe Beacom, Londeshoro, with 27• pupils in Grade 3; Miss Agnes Mulrooney, 29 pupils in Grade 2; Mrs. Margaret Chambers who has some of the 46 Grade x. pupils, and Miss June Miller; Clinton, who teaches the 29 kindergarten, youngsters• as well as helping out with part of Grade 1,. The principal has two pupils in Grade 8; ten in Grade 7 and 13 in Grade 6, us hich completes the eight grades in this modern public, school. News of Auburn Mrs. 'Wiliam Roulston, Wing - ham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen are visiting their son, Robert and Mrs. Mcllveen,,Niagara Falls, Mrs, D. W. Hamilton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alliston, Parkhill, has returned home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz were Mr. and Mrs. Cassweli,, Plattsville; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoltz and Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Stoltz, New Dundee. Fourteen members of the Horti- cultural Society attended a Horti- cultural meeting in Clinton Fri- day evening when Mr. W. Brown, Elora, president of the Ontario Horticultural Societies, spoke and showed films. Special Service On Monday evening, Dr. Hellyer gave a lecture and told of his thrilling experiences. He has just completed a tour of Mission fields in India, Africa, Japan, and South America. Rev. Hind, Goderich,. presided for the meeting. Rev. Clark of Listowel, prayed. Solos were given by Mrs. J, E, Ostrom and Bill Chase, Goderich, Rev. and Mrs. Silver, Ailsa Craig, a former pastor, were present, as were young people from Listwel, Stratford, Clinton, and Goderich. United Church .Anniversary services for Auburn United Church will be held next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. A. Glen Eagle, B,A., B,D., Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, is to be the guest speaker at both services. The choir, under Mrs. R. D. Munro, has prepared anniversary music and will be assisted at both services by special soloists. The minister, Rev. C. C. Washington, will be present to lead the even- ing service. All friends are invited. 000D P ' NT ,FROM Clinton Electric Shop saves you money in the long run ev�a,n e„ys uw,an ro,nnm „a,°tn d ARLE Eor interior walls or woodwork. Flat, semi -gloss or full gloss. Choose lustre desired. Long lasting. Washable. Easy to apply. 77 deco. rator colors. Pastel to deep tones. EASY, (ECONOMICAL COLOR TUBE Add color from handy tubes to base white paint. Obtain exact quantity re- quired for eack job. No mess, No trouble. Easy as adding cream to your coffee, K7 AIR SECURITY NATIONAL. SECURITY VISO' YOUR NEAhtStt AIR FORCE STATION tAtURDAY •SEPT. 1.1 tdt/utrJvlM1Ab rwr,r co.04I•4/• _ _ .. -.. Presbyterian WMS Mrs. J. C, Stoltz gave her home for the September meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church. The president, Mrs. W. Good, presided, and the meeting opened by all re- peating the Lord's Prayer. The scripture was read by, Mrs. J. Hal- lam and Mr: Milne offered prayer. Current events were reviewed by Mrs. Herb Govier. A cornet solo was given by Brown Milne. Mrs. John Houston favored with a piano instrumental. The chapter from the study book on Africa was taken by Mrs. Ed. Davies. The roll call was answer- ed by a verse of scripture. The offering was received and Mrs. Bradnock offered the dedicatory prayer. Mention was made of the Pres- byterial Rally to be held in Gode- rich, Mr. Milne offered the clos- ing prayer. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Graham, served lunch, Baptist Anniversary Successful anniversary services were held in the Baptist Church on Sunday, when Rev. Dr, H. C. Hellyer, formerly a missionary in Bolivia, now secretary of the Bap- tist Foreign Mission Board of all Canada, was the guest speaker. , In the afternoon he spoke on "The Divine Potter of Human Clay!' Rev. Mr. Hind, Goderich Baptist Church, presided for the service. The pastor, Rev. J. E. Ostrom, who has laden ill for the past six weeks, was able to be present and he expressed his ap- preciation for the kindness shown him during his illness. Also he welcomed all who were present for the anniversary. Mrs. R. J. Phillips presided at the organ and the choir of Gode- rich Baptist Church assisted in the service of song. Mrs, J. E. Ostrom `sang a solo. Rev, and Mrs. Hind rendered a duet and James Corran, Holmesviile, .favored with a solo. Brown Milne, student of Knox Presbyterian Church, pro- nounced the benediction, At the evening service, Dr. Hell- yer spoke on "The Penitent Thief." Mrs. Ostrom sang a solo. Rev. and Mrs, Hind a duet and Mr. Corran a solo. CONSTANCE Mrs. Mary Nicholson Rev. J. Stinson, Northside Unit- ed Church, Seaforth, conducted the funeral service on Saturday af- ternoon, September 12, at the Whitney funeral hone, Seaforth, for a former Hullett Township resident, Mrs. Mary Nicholson, who died Thursday, September 10, at the home of Mrs, George Bailey, whom she had been visiting for the past six weeks. She had made her home in Toronto with her niece, Miss Mary Moore, after her husband, Adam Nicholson, died two years ago. Mrs. Nicholson was formerly Mary. Mann, and was born and educated in Hullett Township. She was a member of Winthrop United Church. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Fred (Annie) Anderson, Geraldton, Ontario. Burial was in Maitlandbank Cemetery. Pallbear- ers were Charles Dexter, Ernest Toll, John Stevens, Reginald Ker- slake, Lorne Roe and John Mann. Charles and Ronald Riley were flower -bearers. Friends attended the funeral from Toronto, Walton, Clinton and Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Riley and family, Kitchener, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Riley, Anniversary Services Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, September 20, at 11 a.in. and 7.30 p.m. with Rev, J, Stinson, Seaforth, the guest speak- er, Special music by the choir, VARNA WMS and WA A joint •'meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and Women's Association was held in Varna Un- ited church on Tuesday evening September 8. Mrs. Bob Taylor took 'charge of the worship service. Scripture readings were given by Mrs. M. Hayter, Mrs. A. Colo -nail, Mrs. Pitt and Mrs. E, Mcclinchey; followed by prayer by Mrs. B. Taylor. The meeting was turned over to the W.A. Pres., Mrs. L. Taylor. 14 :ladies answered the roll call with their donation towards the tornado fund. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. A. Mustard, Mrs. C. Reid and H. Dowson's; also a letter from Schneiders in regards to a supper to be held in Nov. ' The . minutes were read by the secretary and Miss Rachel John- ston gave the treasurer's report. A bazaar will be held at the end of, October. The WMS president, Mrs. G. Reid, then took charge. Mrs. M. Hayter read the minutes. The text word for next month to be "thanks." There were 14 calls to shut-ins, Mrs. B. Taylor, Mrs. Pitt and Mrs. M, Hayter read from the study book, "Where e'er the Sun"; the theme being the life and task of the church. The meeting closed with the benediction. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Fish, Birming- ham, Mich, Stewart also attended the Michigan State Fair, held in Detroit, 6 RCAF John A. ANSTETT JEWELLER and WATCHMAKER Phone 562 Clinton AIR SECURITY NATIONAI SECURITY RCA F° AIR • FORCE DAY SAT. SEPT. 19 VISIT YOUR NEAREST AIR 'FORCE STATION 1111111111 STAN'S LUNCH AND TAXI PHONE 205 CLINTON RAILWAY TIMETABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY SEPT. 27th, 1953 full information team abents Charlesworth H. Ch Feed ,and Seed• Phone 199W — Clinton /� f .yr,,. • A(R ": e! /¢ r�6r l.. •?4 SECURITY' t NATIONAL ;: SECURITY� . AIR SATURDAY .VISIT ',.•. . i . 4r.. yrM• '' b :.C FORCE iii- ////// YOUR AIR STATION t, ,seg Win-. / 1 F;; his ti �,• (�'dry t': 1"t ',i,1Y fj.,t .. , " .f•....,;•'':, .ss '. .:':;i \\\��t s i .'C'P x s%i " :$. y, ,i. DAY `.;; y 19 SEPT. NEAREST FORCE iry Fairhoime Da Phone 157W Clinton p"�„` AIR SECURITY • NATIONAL SECURITY RCAF oKCE THSAT• sEpY'19 �'^ �/1 s-:urrie Reliance Gasoline IPIHOIt IE 342 CLINTON r r •e- wonder wEuesi ,i� ' D ism ? i ��- r, apiii` 4010. CARS 1953 Chevrolet; t Deluxe Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan Z 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1952 Pontiac Styline Coach i 2-1952 Chevrolet Styline Sedans 1951.Chevrolet Sedan (two-tone) 1951 Chevrolet Coach (power glide, built-in radio) 1951 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Coach 1949 Ford Coach 1949 Chevrolet Coach 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, fully equiped 2-1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coaches 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 2-1948 Oldsmobile, Fleetline Coaches, fully equiped +„a,.nr,t , -m{ t,t't'tr�IMnw"tr. I° 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 'r ....,_ 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1 1946 Chevrolet Sedan 1942 Dodge Coach .. TRUCKS ° ,. 1948 Mercury 1/2 Ton Pick-up AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremast Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. — PHONE 73-X CLINTON—Contact Knox Williams, Ph, 641 r -�•';s r *4;714 ' v..,, 1111 0, ��' .�j°ivy tr New Samples Now al y Clinton , wse Record D,bn'tlt hesitate to ask us for advica on your next printing lob. intl. coil Clinton 4.