HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-09-17, Page 13' nSDAY," 1 I'ElS E 1.7, 1.953 CLINTUN NP'W's-nvxmo PAGE TH RTEE,lar . Classified Rates CASH RATE (H paid by Nirednesday following date of in- 7erti.on)--Two .cents a word first insertion (minimum b0 .cents); •subsequent insertions 11 gents a word (minimum 35. cents); 15 +vents extra for box number or ter direction to NEWS -RECORD IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. es E INET -12 noon, Wejin D ADI• . day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT .APARTMENT, TWO large rooms. Share bath. Phone Clinton 6901VL Doug Andrews, 36-b 3rURNISHEP APARTMENT with use of bathroom and refrigerator. Suitable for couple, $35 per month Phone Seaforth 3703. 36-b FRiEE FURNISHED ROOM FOR ' co'uple in exchange for baby sitting Phone Clinton 459R evenings. 36-b FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, WITH bats; Furnished. P s'seSsioit. im- mediately, , l?,htiehq '� Clinton ; 50 or 1.60, , , I 36-b ..APARTMENT IN SEAFORTIL .ground floor, separate bath, built- in, •culfboards." 'Phone °Seaforth • 841r2. 35-ttb TWO ROOM*APARTMENT, furn- ished, urnished, heated and centrally located. .Available Octerbier' 17. Phoneli b ton 768W. , • THREE 11.001 "RATED apart- ment, furnished, available • Immed- iately. Suitable, for . two adults. Phone Clinton 463M. 36-b m `EE ROOM APARTMENT on, ground floor. Furnished, heated naivete entrance. Shared • bath. phone Seaforth `k2 34-5-6-b APARTMENT WITS 'HYDRO, May be furnished if desired, share bath. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clin- ton 904r4, 34-5-6-b SMALL FURNISHED Apartment, on Raglan Street, near both schools, available immediately. A11, conveniences. Suitable for two. Phone Clinton 19J. 36-p ROOM FOR RENT, FURNISHED for light housekeeping. Suitable for married couple, or for sleeping - In. only. All conveniences. Heated. Phone Clinton 419W. 36-b Accommodation Wanted LOCAL BUSINESSMAN requires a two bedroom house in Clinton as soon as possible. Neil. D. Campbell, ,Clinton Farm Supply, 36-b FOUR or FIVE ROOMS, IN Clin- ton, Conveniences, heated. Ab- stainers and very careful tenants. Phone Clinton 382, local 235. 36-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 193'" CHEVROLET COACH, standard model. Mary Ellen Mac- Donald, East Street, phone Clin- ton 338W. 35-tfb. 1949 METEOR COACH, excellent condition. Will trade, or $1,295. See Flight Sergeant Jones,. 30 Regina Road, RCAF Station, Clin- ton. 36-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BnISXNESS OPPORTUNITIES — business trades listed; restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. ' L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE ' GIRL'S GREEN WINTER COAT (14 years); brown satin bomber jacket (12 years); brown coat (10 years) ; plaid and other skirts, slacks (12 to 14 years). Phone Clinton 419J. 36-b 'LADY'S BROWN COAT; TWO teen-age brown coats; red plaid, .teen age coat; man's tweed coat, size 40; youth's overcoat brown. All articles in excellent condition. 'Phorie Clinton 419W, 36-b Employment Wanted. WILL CARE FOR•.SMALL CHILD in oxen home, while metleer works. Phone Clinton 61We , 1' .36-p CAPABLE BABY 'SITTER,. avail- • able: -days or evenings, Mrs. Lucy • Bezzo, Phone Clinton 640J. 36-b LADY WITH "SMALL CHILD won d like part ;time • housework, or :ill one. four' childc� 54 own' horn ; Mrs.. Chitisteneoit, RA, 1, Cain on. Phone Clinton $802r32. 35.6-b 'iFUJRNITURE FOR SALE TREE PIECE KITCHEN SET; table and four chairs; china cab- inet and library table. Phone Clin- ton 623r13. Ed. Foster. 36-b REDUCED TO CLEAR, ONE only brand new Firestone refrigerator, 7 was. ft., reg. 3279.50, to clear, $235 casn. Phone Clinton 634r4. 3G -b FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE PriWER TAKE -OFF FOR Fergu- mot tractor, practically new Ed. Welsh, phone Clinton 301W. 35-6_1 FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR Bale, L. G 'tanner, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 4448. 3i3-tfb FURNITURE REFINISHING von. FURNITURE, PIAN() and Tache cabinet refinishing and re- ntal -hos, sec W. 0, Pickett:, Box MI, Clinton. . _ 34-5-6-p HELP WANTED—FEMME a eIT1iES); 1+`()fi FI.JLL TIME rrployment, ExIeri lace riot nee- ensary. Bartliff Bros 36-b CAPABLE GIItL OR WOMAN . wanted, to care for srnall children in thein own horn°, while mother art hospital. Phone Clinton 222W,b HELP WANTED -•Male YOUNG MAN FOR WRAPPING and packaging in bakery. I3artliff Bros. • 36-b LOST AND FOUND , DIAMOND RING. FINDER please notify Clinton News -Record, • 36-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE jsuFFOL K RAM, M, two e ars old James A, Cox, Mite Rose Service j Station. Phone Clinton 680. 36-b YORKSHIRE BOARS, Purebred, registered if- desired. Harry Thompson, R 2, Clinton, ' Phone 904r13. 36-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD . HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mimi Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. • 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt sand efficient service .phone , St nes collect Ingersoll 21,; Sea - forth 655r2 or; Go •rich•' 936x21„ , • ; .. • 9etfb MISCELLANEOUS CRESS BUNION SALVE relieves fast, wear stylish shoes soon.. Drug- gists sell Cress Corn, Salve tab. 36-b V ULCQ NIZING, TR f CTOR, truck and ear sti'res. 'Flttid''inflation ser- vice. ' Pick-up' •arid ' delivery ser- vice. a Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 53•5. 10-trb • DO YOU NEED MONEY? YOU can make from $50. to $75. a week by selling 250 guaranteed house- hold necessities in your surround- ings. Sendtoday for free catalogue and details. FAMILEX, Dept. 3, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 36-b YES! NAMELESS COLD Remedy is still being produced and many sufferers from head colds, sinus and hayfever, are daily being re- lieved, A convincing trial will be mailed postpaid for $1.00. Address Purity Co. Exeter, Ont. 36-7-8-9-b PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at - $2,'750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb 164 ACRES OF LAND, LOT 57 and 58, Maitland Concession, God- erich Twp. Mrs. L, Lawson, R.R. 5, Clinton. Phone Clinton 615r12. 36-b BIRTHS BROMLEY-- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept- ember 9, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bromley, Clinton, a son (Harold Arthur), LOBB--In'Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. W iikiarn Lobb, Clinton; a daughter, MARSHALL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, September 14, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Marshall, Clinton, a son (Rich- ard Alien). MOCK—In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, September 16, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. ' Robert Mock, Hensall, a son. OESCH—In Clinton Public Hosp- ital, on Wednesday, September 16, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Milton Oesch, Zurich, a son.. RADFORD— In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septemb- er' 10, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radford, Clinton, a son (Kenneth Bruce). SHORTHOUSE -- At Hotel Dieu, St. Catharines, on Thursday, September 10, 1953, ,to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Shorthouse .(nee Mona .Redden,) .a son (brother for Gwen and, Virginia, and 31st grandchild ' for Mrs. Catherine Hedden,. Hensall) . STEPI<•iENS.In Private Patients' eel**, Toronto General Hospi- tal,eonr:..,Wednesday, August 26, .1953,, 'to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens, a daughter, (Nora ;Elizabeth, :,sister for Jane, and. ,Marg.). . SMITH—In,,Clintoii Public Hospit- ;dl, on, Friday, September 11, •1953,, to. Mr. and. Mrs. Donald J. ;Snaith, a daughter (Wendy Ellis) ,MARRIAGES BROWN-GLLDDON —In Holmes- ville United Church, on .Satur- day evening, September.12, 1953, by Rev. S.Miner•, :Florence, as- sisted by Rev. M. G. Newton, Melbourne, Margaret Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Gliddon, to Nelson Ralph Brown, Detroit, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Brown, Detroit. Mich. CASTLE-HUCKINS—In St. And- rew's United Church, Bayfield, on Saturday aft'ernocn, Septem- ber 12, 1953, by Rev. P. Renner, Marion Ledith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • Ormond Huckins, Goderich Township, to Wilfred George Castle, Bayfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Castle, Bayfield. GOWANLOCK-FERGUSON •— At the home of the bride's parents, Hensall, on Saturday noon, Sept- ember 12, 1953, by Rev. W. 3. Rogers, Hensall, Velma Doreen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson to William Grant NINE ROOM HOUSE, TWO SUN Gowanlock, Lambeth, son of Mr. porches, double garage, oil heat and Mrs. George Gowanlock. with hot water. Centrally locate KIRK-MeLEOD—In Carmel Pres - ed. Apply to Mrs. H. Bartliff, phone Clinton 95. 34-tfb byterian Church, Hensall, on Saturday afternoon, September 12, 1953, by Rev. J. B. Fox, Margaret Charlotte Pearl, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Leod, Wingham, to Roy William Thomas Kirk, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirk, Exe- ter. SNELL-JONES -- In Ebenezer United Church, Goderich Town- ship, on Saturday afternoon, September 12, 1953, by Rev. M. G. Nei*ton, Melbourne, Marion Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones, Goderich Town- ship, to James Robert Edgar Snell, Hullett Township, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, Hullett Township. . POULTRY FOR SALE 100 RED X SUSSEX PULLETS, started to lay. William Rusten- burg, R, 1, Clinton. 36-b 100 NEW HAMP X SUSSEX Pul- lets, laying. Phone Clinton 614r24. 36-7-b HAMP X SUSSEX AND ROCK X I -Tamp. 250 mixed. Laying. Ralph Stephenson, Varna. Phone Hensall 676r11. 36-p 200 NEW RAMP. x ROCK Pullets, laying. Also limb wood. Robert Taylor, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 906r33. 35-6-b ABOUT 500 SUSSEX X RED pul- lets, ready to lay. Apply to G. Vanderhaar, R.R. 1, Londesboro (Dick Vodden's farm) Phone Blyth 28r24. 36-p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. 43-tfb STOVES WANTED LARGE SIZE OIL SPACE heater, complete with blower. Phone Clin- ton 445. • 36-b STOVES FOR SALE TWO BURNER RANGETTE with oven control. Very good Condition. Price $49.50. Phone Clinton 634r4. 36-b COOKSTOVE, PRINCESS ROSE, burns coal or wood; also 4 -burner electric stove. F. Rooth, R.R. 5, Clinton, On Highway 4,, near RC AF Station. 36-p, WOOD FOR SALE BODY WOOD, MAPLEFuld beech, foot long, Apply to John Woon, or phone Clinton 805r4. • . 36-b HARDWOOD, ALSO KINDLING, from $4,50 a cord to $6.50 a cord. Immediate delivery in two cord lots or more. Apply Walter Forbes phone Clinton 904r31, 36-b FOR SALE Beauty Sh.op. Equipnie it Including SUPPLIES, 'STANDS, CHROME rUUNITURE . .. SWIVEL CHAIR :iJITABLE FOR OFFICE VSE ALSO SMALL HOUSEHOLD, ARTICLES, Phone 223 Henri Benty Shop 36.7-b .4,4 .4444444•a,+ 4.4.4 *4.4 5.44 WILLS COST LITTLE and save Creole Consult your' lawyer 4bolwt your will, CONSULT IL to IiiilaLjx.'L.L tatiout yore life lnsuratneo Canada Life Assurance Co, Phone 454-W #44,0-4-4.+4-64.1P4 4.4 -*- 44 DEATHS BEATTIE— Salddenlly at Isle of Springs, Maine, on Sunday morning, September 13, 1953, Edna Holmes, beloved wife of Fred R. Beattie, Seaforth, Fun- eral from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Clin- ton Cemetery, on Thursday aft- ernoon, September. 17. THOMPSON—In Varna, on Friday September 4, 1953, J. A. Alberta Thompson, in her 87th year, from Funeral her f m late residence, Isaac Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, , September 7, • CONFIIlEN IMPORTANT .. In time o1 need 3 Ou may call BEATTIE FUNERAL RAL HOME with complete'' con- fidenee. ' Notice to Creditors- • and Other: n; the Estates of HENRY A1) all GLAZIER, Labourer, and DE- LILAH VICTORIA GLAZIER, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Homer Arl;tm Glazier, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, who died ot1 or about the 23rd nay of December, 193'5, nr reeeinst the e tate of 1De lilah Victoria Glazier, who died on ee about the 12th day of March, 1`7:,3, nee l:err'by notified to semi to the a"der-:;i•.*,nand en 01' before the lith day of Oc•tobet, 1953, their mane; end full particulars of their Maims. Irnniedinfely after the saki date, the estates will be distributed Navin; regard only to the claims of which notice has been received, Dated, September 15th, 1953. 1'. PING S- AN1, Q.O,, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor foe the Ads niirdetretors of the. Henry Anent Gieszl& titin Delilah Vic- toria Gl:azicr, Estates, 36..7 -f3 -b AUCTION SALE Of the PRROPERTIC and FUI$NI- TURE of the Hoimesville Church 'I'art„onege, on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 2 pen., the following: FURNITURE: Modern 3 -piece chesterfield suite (pastel shade, nearly new); 9 -piece modern wal- nut dining room suite, including buff et,china cabinet, extension table and 6 chairs; 4 -pester mode ern bed and springs, inner spring mattress; dresser; three-quarter bed and springs, inner spring mat- tress, dresser; 2 wash stands; 2 chests of drawers; oak roll top desk; 2 book stands; 6 living room chairs; Axminster rug 9'x101/2';' congoleum rug 10'x12'; combina- tion hall mirror and hat rack; kitchen extension table; other tables; large kitchen cupboard; day bed; complete set of Encyclo- pedia books; Brittanica books; numerous other articles. PROPERTY; At the same place at 2.30 pan. there will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid, the property consisting of '1/2, acre of. land, more or less, on which is sit- uated a 9 -room frame house with asphalt shingles.' This house has a sun porch, a 3 -piece bath and pressure system, and .•a. hot-air heating system, :•also a : garage at- tached, - TERMS: Of :.,furniture, cash; terms on property, 10% 'down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. For further partieulai"s apply to the undersigned.or H. J. -Trewar- tha, Holmesviile. • Sale under cover if weather is unfavorable. . •• . • . • Elmer Potter, secretary of the Trustee Board of . , the United Church, Holwnesville., Edward W. Elliott;,„ Auctioneer. 36-7-b Clearing - AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of Wil- liam R. Glazier, Lot To. 28, Tuck- ersmith Township,. on No. 8 High- way, 41/2 miles east of Clinton, or 41/2 miles west of Seaforth, on Tn.esday, Sept. 29 at 12.30 noon sharp, the following: CATTLE: 26 head of Registered Herefords, accredited and vaccin- ated. POULTRY: 300 hybrid pullets (laying). IMPLEMENTS: Case Model S tractor (nearly new) ; Allis Chal- mers 5r/2 ft. combine (nearly new) ; International 2 -furrow trac- tor plow (nearly , new) p tractor tandem disc (nearly new) ; M.H. 13 -disc fertilizer driI1; stiff -tooth cultivator; buck rake; Rowell ham- mer mill; 10 ft. dump rake; M.H. manure spreader on rubber; M,H. mower, 51/ ft. cut; steel roller; eel - section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon; stock rack; electric bi$od- er; oil brooder; 6 range shelters; hay car; 125 feet of steel cable; forks, shovels, tools, logging chains and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two bedroom suites; Davenport; single cot; 4 kitchen chairs; rocking chair; cabinet VictroIa and re- cords; chemical toilet; electric heater; library table; numerous small tables and stands; hall rack; Coleman lantern; Coleman Iamp. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm is sold. WILLIAM It. GLAZIER, Proprietor • W. S. O'NEIL and EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneers 36-7-b HOUSES FOR SALE 4 -ROOM DWELLING — Hydro,,. good size lot, located in Bay- field, Ont. Price $1,000.00, 7 -ROOM FRAME DWELLING, - hydro, good well, situated in the village of Brucefield Ont. Immediate possession. i'rice $2,500.00 .. . APPLY.. 11. C. LAWSON REALTOR .• I ]'HONE 251W- OLINN'rO.N, ONT. ..• - CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY. BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUT IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36 -rpt!] A4. -/ --4 %- Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate of JOtIN ROBERT BUTLER, Agent, Decease&. All persons having, claims against the estate of the above-named de- ceased, late of .Clinton, County of lluron, who died on or about the 'nerd of, August, 1953, are hereby etiir'rl to send to the undersigned Crown Tru::t Company on or be- fore the 30th of September 1953, 'laf ;r seams and .full particulars or :lac it ehilrtis. Immediately after the said date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. r s 2911 190 I`latr d Air u t t 3. (IItOW'N'' TRt7S'i'' C(fM1Pil. TZ 284 Iftrridas Street, Lottdof, 1'.I+S1NGLAN», •(i, Clinten, Ont t 10, Solicitor for the said CeoWtt "lt'tttst Corriparty, Exeentor. 34.5.6-h ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING ,-•,. -SEPT. 1.749 • "BIDE THE MAN DOWN" starring Brian Donlevy -- Forest Tucker MON-TiJ $-WED -,-. SEPT. 21-23 TO THE BST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, and ACCORDING TO THE TESTIMONY OF 100,000 WITNESSES THIS ISA TRUE STORY "MIRACLE of Our LADY of FATIM ." • with G%lberlj .Roland — Angela Clark THUBS-F1U-SAT -- SEPT. 24.26 PEGGY ROD CASTILE ' CAMERON "WAGONS WEST" COMING --SEPT. 28: "BREAKINGTHE SOUND BARIUM' Ann Todd -- Ralph, Richardson memanormimoninnensimissesimmiomar PARK THEATRE CAPITAL T i v .TR E HOIpmOU-,-shone 1150 GonmucB -••. 1 one 47 Clark Gable and Gene Tierney In "NEER LET 1VlE Gro" M(ON-TUES-.WED. — • "Breaking the Sound Barrier" The greatest adventure story of our time. They lived and loved like the jets they flew, fast, fur- ious and dangerously. A picture you will not forget;! Ralph Richardson --,. Ann Todd and Nigel Patrick THURS-I+7lt.I-SAT-.- David Wayne ea, Mitzi Gaynor Oscar Levant This technicolor musical biography tells the spectacular story of Eva Tangnay, the musical bombshell who laid 'en' in the aisles in 1912. "The I Don't • Care Girl" COMING: Loretta Young in "BECAUSE OF YOU" NOW; ObloY Simms -- M(iclwaet O'Shea 4uid a talented oast in "row JOCKEY" MO ` TUES-WED �� HIAWA.7 HA' —In Cllnecolor .-... The romantic Ojibway and his D r' acotah bride o de Min eha n ha c meeta colorful life in Longfellow's Indian love poem, Vincent Edwards -- Yvette Dugay - • Keith Larsen THURS-FRRI-SAT Patricia, Roe ,-. Anthony Steel. and Moira, Lister A new romantic team presents a likeable performance in a bright and breezy British comedy - romance. "Something .Money Can'ty Bu " Corning: "THE LONG MEMORY" with John Mills and Elizabeth Sellars • anaaaarananaranitaneistfaastataassra 3% INTEREST • on Savinggs . . open. a Savings • •. Account in ,Clinton Community credit Uanioi�. To -day 'flr' Children's Accounts • Welcomed' Savings Doubled in Case of - DeathLoans at Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day except Wednesday afternoon; open Sat. evening from 7-9 Clearing AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS at Lot No. 24, Concession 3, West Wawanosh, 3 miles west of Auburn, on . 119nday, Sept. g8 at 3. p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES: Clyde matched team of mares, 5 and 6 years old; Clyde mare, aged; set of breeching har- ness; horse collars. CATTLE: Holstein cow, 8 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein heifer, 3 yrs. - old, due time of sale; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Jersey cow, 4 yrs, old, milk- ing, bred again; brindle cow, 9 yrs. old, milking, bred again; 2 yearling Durham steers; 4 yearling Durham X Hereford heifers; 2 Jersey heif- er calves, 6 months old; Durham heifer calf, 6 months old; Durham calf, 4 weeks old. PIGS: Yorkshire sow; 7 pigs, 9 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS: Mc. -Deering W. 30 tractor; Cockshutt 3 -furrow plow; Deering binder; Deering manure spreader; M.H. mower (nearly new) ; M.H. hayloader; M.H, No. 21 walking plow; hay rake; Cockshutt 13 -disc fertilizer drill; 4 -section drag harrows; cul- tivator out -throw disc; steel rol- ler; Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor, (A -L shape) ; Cockshutt 7 ft. bind- er (cut 4 crops); 10 ft. tractor cultivator (3 yrs. old) ; 3 -section spring -tooth harrows; M.H. side rake; fanning mill; 2,000.1b. scales; 28 ft. extension ladder; rubber tire wagon and rack; steel tire wagon; set of sleighs and rack; scuffler; DeLaval cream separator; quantity of lumber and hardwood, 2 -inch plank; steel water trough. (nearly new); hay fork; horse blankets; wheel barrow; sling ropes and chains; steel feed drums and numerous other articles. FEED: 500 bus, of mixed grain; quantity of clover seed. FURNITURE: Some furniture will be offered for. •sale, the prop- erty of Mrs. Martell. TERMS: CASH. No reserve as the farm is sold. PERCY HARDING, Proprietor, Phone 11r15, Dungannon EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 36.7-b N O T J C E There will be a Pigeon Slaughter in t is Town'of Clinton on. Wedinesday J aftern.00n, September 23, between the hours of 1 and 6 p.m. Persons owning pet pigeon are asked "to keep their birds confined during that period. Pigeons Will Be Destroyed by Trap -Shooters (Signed) - • EARL R. DOU.CETTE 36-b 4 • ViSIT YOUR NEAREST AIR FORCE STATIOi ,. RADIO and TELEVISION TV SERVICE SPECIALISTS -- CLINTON 482 • Goderich Business College Fall Term Opens September 14 DAY AND ;EVENING CLASSES - ]Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association Telephone 1272 or 428W -- Goderich, Ontario 31-2-3-4-5.6-b PICKETT e CAMPBELL s "The Store For Men" RCAF, OFFICERS UNIFORMS AND ACCESSORIES PHONE 25 -- (Main Corner) — CLINTON Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY During Summer Months Sales held at 7,30 pan. J. COREY', Sales Manager E. W, ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Flowers iegraphe+ entrawheret S4 TUR D4 Y SEP TEM ER Vit YOW? 'NEAREST AIR FORCE STATION R. C. COOKS FLORIST Phone 66W Canton SeiveatiteneesetenehearaiaaeStieeekeeltinaree