Clinton News-Record, 1953-09-17, Page 12Twgr..v% •cnox Ns-nrcQi? woinsoxtSEPTEMONg 17,190 .....„,....„.„,,,,,..,.....„-,..,..„,..„, PERSONALS M. Maleelin IVIacaulay, South- visiting in Toronto for the past The Clinton Herticultural So- ampton, is with her son, Royee, week .returned to ber home in eiety was augmented by .a fine for a few weeks. Clinton on Saturday. After three representation of the members of Miss Dolena Reeves, Cleveland, months at their summer home in, the Anburirand Hlyth societies at spent last week with her friend, Hayfield, Mr, and Mrs, Cook are their meeting laat Friday, Mrs, e IVItss Aphra Steepe. • now at their home in Clinton, Scrimgeour, president of thHlyth Mrs. Charles Stewart is visiting Among other Labor Day guests society, and also the president of. this week with friends in Learn- ef Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Curling- the Auburn society, both brought ingtort and Windsor. hare in Hayfield were Mr, and information concerning their re - and Mrs. Jim Wheatley, Mrs. Carl East of Toronto. Re- speetive organizations. Auburn re - Saskatoon, Sask., called on the turning from a motor trip to points ported 112 and Hlyth 60 members lady's aunt, Mrs/David Steep, on north they called to see their new last year. Rev, D. J. Lane, presi- the weekend. grancl-nephew, Gordon Eugene, in.. dent of the Clinton society, was A car -load of ladies of St. And- rant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur chairman of the evening, rew's WMS attended the rally of E. Saunders, Montreal, who, with Reports were heard from the the presbyterial in Knox Chivassecretary, Mr. Frank Fingland, his parents, is at present visiting who also informed those present Goderich, on TuesdaY, the grandparents. ,, that the balance in the treasury Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker , o was nearing the $400 mark. She have returned from a pleasant 'G holiday trip through Parry Sound.Has stated that the spring anti fall 00dWill. 'Club • cio orders for plants, bulbs, trees and and Muskoka. districts last week. shrubs amounted to over $500. Mrs. David McNutt, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. M. D. Meyaggart, returned Mrs. Clifford Epps reported that Dr. Hitsehmanova decorative flower beds had been ,p CNR planted at the post office , to her home in Hemmingsford, se Que., last week, Letter From Intim station plot, the "V" on King. $t., window boxes at the town , hall, Mr. and lVfrs. Don Symons and Barbara have returned from holiThe Goodwill Cliibof Wesley- and a bed at the park. She stated ' r sould - daying at Port Hope. Previous to Willis United ' Chiirch began its that this type odecorationbe eXtended another year; A.; H; that Mr, and Mrs. Symons spent autumn activities by holdMg the Epps reporited. on the flower show several days in .IVfilwaukee, Wis. first meeting in the church parlour 3?rof. John P. Vose and Mrs,on Tuesday everting, September 8, Vose,., Robert• • and Anne, rangpx, with 20 ladies present, The meet - Maine, visited last week.wi n,their ing was in the charge of the presi- aunt, Mis'a Elizabeth 'Sheppard and dent, Miss W:- O'Neil, with 'Mavis cousins, Miss APIn'a ,and .Harrat Steepe at the piano. A hymn fol- lionwed by prayer opened the meet- Afld azaar anne :+j S rauin., Horticultural , Provincial President Discusses Care of Peony Beds held August 15 and Mrs. Lillian McKinnon gave the prize winners Of that event. A vote of thanita was tendered IVIrs. Fingland for her donation of eash.prizes for the diningroom table botiouet elass in the show. BY a standing vote, the society decided to ask the town council to have the caretaker of the Town Hall responsible for regularly wat- 4ring the flower boxes: William Brown, Elora, president of the Ontario Horticultural So- cieties, was introduced by C. 11, Epps and gave a wonderfid history of horticulture to his lisfeners. Ie exhibitedcolored slides of scores of varieties of peonies found in his four -acre peony garden at Elora, Naming the varieties as shown, he commented on the ex- cellency and beauty of each type, and told of the origin of them, Mr. Brown issued an invitation to all the societies represented, to visit his, gardens in June, when the garden at its best, • Mrs. Lillian McKinnon expressed the appreciation pf the Clinton society to Mr/Brown. Legion AupdliOy. :Demonstration Steepe. Mr.. and Mrs.. Harry Geuld have returned from a trip to _Western Canada, They visited at -the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Slater at Portage La Prairie, Man., then to Battleford, Sask., for some time viiting relatives: there. Mrs. J. Cree Cook, who has been AIR FORCE ATUP,DAY SEPT. 19T VISIT YOUR NEAREST AIR FORCE STATION CLINTON ['HONE 195 Mrs. M. Steepe, secretary, read . The Ladies'. Auxiliary to the the minutes or the June meeting Canadian ,Legion ,held its first fall and the financial report was given Meeting in the Legion Hall, Kirk by the treasurer, Miss L. Welkin- , St:, on Monday. evening, with the shaw. A letter from Dr,,Hittich-lpresident, lsirs,; grace Castle pre- . , mamma; telling of conditions in India, was .read. The scripture aeon was read by. Mrs. C. Lobb. Mrs. Clegg led in prayer. A piano solo, "Swedish Rhapsody" f•sWaS played • by Mavis Steepe. Miss Stone gave a. resume of current events. The speaker for the evening, Mrs, M. Wiltse, was introdnced'hY Mrs:' G. Grigg; Mrs, Wiltse gave a. Most interesting talk,' taking as her topic one of the verses of the Mary Stewart Collect. Mavis Steepe favoured with a piano solo, "German Dance", by Beethoven. A vote of thanks to all taking part in the program was tendered by Mrs. Lobb. A. hymn and the Mizpah benediction closed • the meeting after which a social time was enjoyed. Clintonians. Holds September Meeting The Clintonian Club met at the home of Mrs. H. Managhan for the September meeting with 12 pres- ent. The creed and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison; the minutes of last meeting, and picnic notes were read and approv- ed. The treasurer gave her report with a nice surplus on hand. Mrs. J. Middleton thanked the ladies for the nice gift she was given at the picnic. It was moved to remember two of our Clinton folk with a little gift; and the object at present is to finish a quilt that was started. Mrs. Welsh won the bean contest. Mrs, E. Epps arid Mrs, Welsh gave humorous readings. Mrs. E. Epps offered her home for the next meeting and Mrs. J. Middleton won the mystery prize, A cup of tea was served. o MISS EILEEN GLIDDON FETED AT BRIDAL SHOWER kiss Eileen Gliddon, bride -elect of the month, was entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Tues - clay night by Mrs. Roy Green, Hespeler, at the home of her mo- ther, Mrs. Fred McCool, Londes- bora. An enjoyable evening was spent during which a bride's book was made and later presented to Eileen. Games and contests also were enjoyed. The bride received many lovely gifts for which she thanked everyone graciously. Lat- er, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, , 1 Specials for Sept.17-18-19 SALMON, Fcy. Red Cohoe % lb. tin 24c FLOUR, Pat -a -Pan Pastry 24 lb..bag $L33 LARD, Whyte's Pure lb. 24c ' ',1)EANUT BUTTER, Tilly's .........16 ozjar 31c -SHORTENING, Snowflake ..L.,., .. ...... ... 1 lb. 23c ;401INSON'S HARD GLOSS .qt. tin $L05 '' JAVEX , 32 oz. btl. 25c SOUP, Campbell's Tomato, New Pack, 2/25c MARMALADE, St.,Wm's. 3 Fruit, 24 oz., 33c COFFEE, Itadana ., ,..- ... 1 ib. bag 91c 11-10111PSON'S FOOD. MARKET Phone 40 ' We Deliver 4,774-......6-0.4-9-4-411.4.1•14• .................... /0. • ..iN.\\Vs`\.. AIR SECURITY • NATIONAL SECURITY etitatet RCAF STATION, CLINTON THIS SATURDAY WHILE IN TOWN -YOU ARE INVITED TO 'INSPECT OUR STOCK OF ILLYGGAGE LEATHER GOODS - MEN'S SHOES Plitoria 1.) Clinton siding, , • In the absence or Mrs. - W. Jervis, the secretary's minute's were read by Mrs, B. StanleY,• following the opening exercises. spie irea'Stftr, -Mrs. gdna De- ziopirne, submitted herreport, ure, ttidate, showing 178.09 welfare, $163.35 general 'and 'after -paying alt bills the balance .arnounted to =Le,tterseot. -dismiss • were read • for' .atcels Sent through C.A.R.E. ,and for remembrances sent to the ill and bereaved. The committee on bingo for the month eonsists of Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Cook, Mrs: Inkley and Mrs. Reddy. Wreaths for Armistice Day use were ordered from the Legion. A representative on the Legion's Musical Festival Committee, in the person of Mrs. Ronald MacDonald, was appointed. After investigation is made, a token of remembrance was planned for Clinton service- men in Korea. A Tupperware demonstration'is to be sponsored by the Auxiliary on Tuesday evening, September 29, in the Legion Hall, and a bazaar in the town hall in November, with conveners Mrs. Inkley, Mrs. Lane and Mrs.. F. Thompson. Mrs. R. MacDonald and Mrs. F. Thomp- son were delegated to discover prices for silverware for the kit- chen. A donation of silverware was offered and accepted from Mrs. Morley Counter. Mrs. Mc- Pherson was appointed check room convener for October. A property committee, consist- ing of Mrs, M. Counter and Mrs. Stanley was named to work in co- operation with the Legion. Ar- rangements were made to cele- brate the 21st birthday of the Auxiliary, by holding a party in November. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. Managhan,, Mrs. McIntyre and Mrs. Counter. 0 esley-Wiljis WY'S epins Study Of °New Book The September meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Wesley -Willis United Church was held in the church parlour last Thursday evening, with a very good attendance. The president, Mrs. Shepherd, was in the chair and opened the- meeting with a poem and hymn, "Faith of our Fathers" followed by prayer by the president. Reports of secre- taries were received. Twelve home and six hospital calls had been made. Arrangements are being made for the Autumn Thankoffering meeting which will be held some- time in October, Delegates Were appointed to at- tend the centre sectional meeting to be held in Monerief. A bale of clothing will be sent for overseas relief in the near future. Mrs. Nelson took charge of the study period. Assisting her in the worship service and conducting the program were: Mrs. L. Jervis, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. J. Nediger and Mrs. Shipley. The the Sun" was the theme of this, telegram, and was introduted by Mrs. Nelson. This btxdr, width was written fiy Dr.. Samuel Moffatt, shows how the world-wide Christian fellow- ship is enriching the dally lives of millions of people and transform- ing communities throughout the world, , - • • The Christian church look s for. ward to the second assembly of the World Connell 'of Charclies„ to lie held in 1954. No preparations' could be had for sympathetic nn. derstanding of that event better than a year Spent in the study of the theme "The Life and Work of the Church around the World." The hymn, "Saviour, Thy Dying Love" was sung and prayer by Mrs. Nelson brought the meeting to a. close. 0 MOTHERS' STUDY GROUP 'WILL MEM SEPTEMBER 22 The Mothers' Study Oroup of Wesley -Willis United Church, will hold its first meeting of the aut- umn season on Tuesday, Septem- ber 22, in the church parlours, Mrs. Howard Currie and Mrs, Wil- fred Jervis will be hostesses. IsItIENDSIIIP CLUB WILL MEET ON SEPTEMBER 23 The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church will hold their meeting on Wednesday Sae- tember 23 at 8.15 in the Parish - IT. rxtiiiis OHMS' AUXILIARY PLAN HALLOWE'EN 'PISA The Gills' Auxiliary of St. Paul's. Anglican Church mot at the Ree - tory at three o'clock On Saturday afternoon, September 2, with Cal- ista Counter tii the chair. Plana 44+44444 were. made fo ra Hallowe'en Tea, Former 1.4 eat MRS. N. SHEPHERD OAS TOPIC FOR CLINTON WI MEETING The Clinton Wornen's Institute will meet on September 24 at 2 p.m. hi. Agricultural Office Board Room, The district president, Mrs. D. Phillips, Dungannon, will be guest speak -61s- . Mrs,- N. 'Shepherd will, give the topic :.on • citizenship and education. The roll call ,w111 be "Things. 'Money •Can't Program conveners are: 1Vris. W. Forbes and Mrs,, E, Brown. .Host- esses are: 1VIesdarees Deeves, Lep- pington,- G. Glazier, .Wilanzi, Nay, Glew, J. JohnStori, !Groves, and N.' W. Trewartha Ontario St. WMS. September 'Meeting Whe August meeting of the 'Wo•-• ardship, in the term of -questiens man's Missionary _Society of On- and answers and •dealt with sev- tario Street United .Chureh was ,eral phases of her -subject. A chap, held at the home of Mrs. M. Wiltse ter of the new study book, "Mere on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. M. E'er the Sun", was taken by Mrs. Aiken, vice-president, presided and R. Fear, assisted by Mrs. C. Mar"? Miss E. Wiltse was pianist. tin, Reference was made tO he The devotional period was con- work done in Mia by Canadian. ducted by Mrs. N. Carter, assisted missionaries; also iin Africa, Er - by Mrs. J. Radford. After the ope and Canada, and work among singing of a hymn, Mrs. Carter the 00mMUnists in China, Miss E. read an article on "The Church, Wiltse and Mrs. N. Carter assisted, Our Household of Faith", followed ,A. temperance reading was given byz>fereauysesrio. o of plans for the Au, work yorrrdsos. nCe. bgy. tgbellisotativaiTiohne Agrremayt Winn Thankoffering and the sec- and the United Church to over- tional meetings followed, Mrs, A. come the liquor problem, was G. Eagle gave a reading on stew- ferred to, . • • Aura WILLIAMS Graduate of the Mack Train- ing School for Nurses, St, Catharines, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H, F. Williams, formerly of Clinton. Miss Wil- liams was awarded the prize for Gynaecological Nursing at the graduation exercises held On September 11, 1953, at the St, Catharines Collegiate. Lions Club Bingo Next Thursday; $1.00 Door:P.64e, Clinton LionsCinb t hOlding the first of a serieS. Of bingpFgameS next 'Thursday evening:in,Clinton Lions Arena. Proceeds :Moir.' the bingos are being 'need to "betier, equip the arena fiat the cornin'g skating and hockey season. • - A special $100 door prize. is be-, ing .drawn for that .esieningi. Free' tickets on this _draw may,, be' 'gobs! tabled from any 'Linit The risitn4 ber of regular ganteS creased from 12 to. lc games, thereby giving more persona,anop- portunity to win apa lige. As iiinaPthere be -4 $1; Spenial 'bingo. • , • - 1 I Needlecraft News .by Pa91 e Roy • WHEN YOU'RE t WORKING on your patchwort . quilt, use only fast colour materials of a firm weave. Remember that ail fabric should be pressed before cutting, and that all cutting must be exact. Patchwork Stitches If you are alternating patch- work or applique blocks with plain blocks, you will wish to do fancy quilting on the, plain ones. Shells, feathers, fans, wreaths, cables, intertwining diamonds, circles or ovals . . any of these motifs are suitable. Many patchwork quilts are quilted close to the seatns. This can be done holding the quilt in your lap and supporting it on a table. Large evil or round hoops are available for quitters who like to work un larger sec- tions of the quilt. For fancy hand quilting of an. entire quilt, however, a frame is necessary. Frames ran be purchased, but any handy man can make one. If you are a beginner, do riot expect perfeet results .imme- diately. However, your work vill improve gradually. Make a knot at the end of the .thread. Insert the needle through the layers of the quilt (from the bottom upward), and draw the thread ttp so that the knot, is concealed in the batt. Use close running stitches. Hold your left hand ureter the quilt to direct, the right hand which works on the top, When a iiection of quilting has been completed, roll it under end muljust yout lamps. When the entire quilt has been quilted, remove it from the froc.lit. Then hem or bind the edges. Quilt ccat Moro colourful than th., l+ .1, -:;;Vis this sunflower pattern has petals of gay cotton print4, t, ttti in a white square bordered •.,:nrk. or oid hands at the craft by strips of dark cotton. New. ire..! ions are Icailable for making will like this fine'example of the SUNFLOWER WILT t.' • • t tamed, sole -addressed envelope to the Needlework Dept. of ,,t; • ask for Leaflet No. fit S-22-3. Imoomemr..* urcliSerbires Sunday, September 20, 1953 Daylight Saving Time Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School .. .... 9.45 a.m. Communion Service .... 10,45 a.m. Gospel Service . 7.30 p.n. Speaker: Mr. John Martin • FRIDAY, 8 p.m.* PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY egep.teinio (Jiniteb Ottreb Rev. aUGE C -WILSON', Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M, R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 ant -Morning Worship - Guest Speaker: Rev. D, W, Williams, B.A„ of Goderich. 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 pm, -Church School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Praise, Our Burdens. 9.45 a.i.-Servite at Holmesville, Rev. 11 W. Williams, speaking COMA to the Rouse of Prayer St. Andrew's Presbvterian Church Rev. b. . Lane, 13A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader 9.45 aari.-Knox Church, Hayfield St, Andrew's, Clinton 10.30 atm -Church School. 11.15 am -Divine Service - Children's Story Period, Sermon Subject: 1Vlinister-REV., tt, L OST1101V1 "True Freedom" Organist-1qm, George Orant All true men And women owe God his rightful praise. 11.00 a.m.-.-Morning Service Ail Welcome to Woraliip With Its 12.15 pan.- Sunday School St. Paul's Anglie9.,4 Church REV. R. M. P. B.GLTEEL, Reeler Mrs. Theodore Fretnlin, •Orgnoist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, , Choir Leader 8.30 a.m,-Holy Conununton. The Rector. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Services - Rev. H. L. Parker, Wing - haul: Ven. Archdeacon W. A. Townshend, Londen. • 7.00 p.m -Evening Service. Thurs., Sept. 24 -Chancel Guild at the home of Mrs. Morley Counter at 8 p.m, Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 arn.-1Vforning Service 7.30 p.m.-Tilvening Service Friday, 7.30 pan, -Young Peopla's Tuesday, 8.00 pare -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Attren St, Baptist Church ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.O. ORGANIST-4VIRS. 11 WENDOUP 11.00 a.m. Rally Day Service - Rev. C. C. Washing- ton, Auburn, special speaker. 7.00 p.m.-- Union Service in Wealey-Willis Church. TURNER'S 011111tOti 0.45 a.ni„-- Morning Worship -Rev. C. C. Washington, Auburn, special speaker. Ontario St. Church Anniversary, September 2/ at 41 a.m. and 7.30 pitn. 444.44.444414444k,Nno, For The Latest fall fashians Visit IRWIN'S TODAY Coats - Dresses Skirts°Nei A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Gainridnt For LINGERIE - OUR LINGERIE DEPARTMENT offers YOU: Branded Merchandise: • t • ' Watsons Harvey Woods ILiatite and. Silknit - makers of SLIPS and PANTIES of RAYONS and . DAINTY NYLONS. ' ; : • , For FOUNDATION GARMENTS - Ask to see -The Famous GOTHIC SURONG FOUNDATION GARMENTS by Grenier and the new Flexees. For SEWING NEEDS- VIYELLA FLANNELS - WOOL FLANNELS PLAIDS - TAFFETAS - NYLON MATERIALS - Etc. They Are All Interesting and New .J11.1181t ArriNed- GIRLS' DRESSES -sizes 8-14 Ideal for School Wear NAVY ¥OOL BLAZES Sizes 3 to fix - a tr, 12 - 12 to 2l The quality is there and the prices are right. --we .invite ypur, inspection. IAN • • 0.4 "• •!- SATURDAY SEPT. 19 • OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL BARTLIFF BROS. DAREIRS and CONVECTION/MS PtIONE CLINTON