HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-09-10, Page 5'41-7T+✓RS AY, Nib^ 'TJ:+MEER, 1D,1953 CIANTO'N NEWS -RECORD r PAGE flrg. Classified Rates, CASA RATE -- (If paid by 'Wednesday following •date of in- ^siertion) Two cents a word Hirst tnsertien (minimum 50 cents)'; erttbsequent insertions Xt cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 gents extra for box number or 'for direction to NEWS-RECO= Office, IF CHARGED. 15 cents extra, DEADLINE --12 noon, Wednes+ stay. ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'SilhLF-CONTAINED Apartment. '('toy ,Tyndall, phone Clinton 907r3. 34-5-b APARTMENT WITH HYDRO, Share bath.'Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 34-5-b FURNISHED APARTMENT with, "use of bathroom and refrigerator. Phone Seaforth 3705. 35-b UNFURNISHED HOUSE IN Bay- field. insulated. Hydro and bath. Phone Bayfield 9. 34-5-b ACCOMMODATION for either roomers or boarders, Phone Clin- ton 795R. --• ' 35-b -TWO-13.00M APARTMENT, fur- nished. Centrally located. Suitable for couple. 'Available immediately. Phone Clinton 735. 35-b CENTRAL, FURNISHED BED- roon. Suitable for one or two adults. Box 16, Clinton News - Record. 35-b APARTMENT IN SEAFORTH, !round floor, separate bath, built-- in cupboards. Phone Seaforth 4841r2, 35 -tib THREE ROOM APARTMENT on ground floor. Furnished, heated private entrance. Shared bath. phone Seaforth 42. 34-5-b F VE ROOM COTTAGE, oil heat- ed, six miles from Clinton. Good house, running water. For further particulars, call Stewart Middle- ton, Clinton 912r6. D 35-b COTTAGE, NEAR BAYFIELD, For rent during the month of Sep- tember. Phone Clinton 314W. 35-b THREE ROOM, SELF -contained apartment, available after Sept- ember 15. Conveniences. Newly decorated, floors nil covered, heavy wiring. Phone Clinton 257. 35-b UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, three rooms and bath, heated. Ground floor, close to clown town, suitable for couple, No children. Also accommodation for one roomer. Phone Clinton 673W. 35-b Accommodation Wanted GARAGE WANTED CLOSE TO News -Record office. Apply above C.hariesworth's store. 35-b COLLEGIATE TEACHER re- quires house or self-contained apartment (unfurnished) with two bedrooms. Permanent ten- ancy anticipated. Phone Sohn Peacock at Clinton 808r4, or Clinton 129. 35-p FURNITURE FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD, FIVE PIECE sectional fringed. Phone Clin- ton 667W. 34-5-b ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, good condition, priced for quick. sale. Phone Clinton 909r31. 35-b ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, good condition, $65. Also Hotpoint electric range with oven in top condition, $95. Phone Clinton 634r4, .. 35-b RUSTINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb BUSINESS LOCATION IN main business section of Clinton, at ' present occupied by Moore's' Hobby Shop, will be available after September 1. Suitable for barber shop. For further partic- Wars, call Noble Holland, Phone Clinton 617r22. . 34-5-b, Employment Wonted. YOUNG WOMAN, JUNIORClerk- typist, experienced, matriculant, desires local employment. Apply Box 17, Clinton News -Record. 35-b ;LADY WITH SMALL CHILD would like part time housework, or will eare for child in own home. Mrs. Christenson, R.R. 1, ; Clinton, Phone Clinton 802r3, 35-b FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE , FERGUSON TRACTOR, WITH power tike -off, practically new. Ed Welsh, phone Clinton 801W. 35-6-p ; ALL1S-CEALMERS ALL -CHOP harvester, equipped with straw ' spreader, pick-up and scour Cleaner. Nearly new. Phone Cline • tori 61601. 35-b , FRUIT FOR. SALE I.ARTLETT PEARS, ready for { carmine, Pick your own. At the farm of the late Cornelius Hoare, jusl north of Clinton. 35-b l FURNITURE REFINISHING 1 !' i Y R4Ft11 NITURE, Pt ANC) and redio cabinet refinishing and re- i oohing see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, ' C lintoe. 34-5-6-pw PROPERTY FOR SALE IVO i Ei }IOOM HOUSE IOP, gale. .Bargain at $2,'50. L, G. Winter, Real Instate, Phone Clift - ten 448, 33-tfb NI ROOIVI EoUSIa,LL NINE SIMM` po rhos, double garage, oil heat ;.937 DODGE SEDAN, FOUR good tires. Homer Andrews„ phone Clinton 778R., 35-b 193'i CHEVROLET COACH, standard model, Mary Ellen Mac- Donald, East Street, phone Clin- ton 338W,. 35-tfb, HELP WANTED ---FEMALE DINING ROOM GIRL, GOOD hours, good wages. No holiday work. Apply at Hotel Clinton. Phone Clinton 793. 35-b GIRL WANTED FOR LUNCH room work. Apply at Stan's Taxi and Lunch room.' 34-5-b COUNTER GIRL, FOR DAYTIME work. Apply at Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar, 35-b GIRL WANTED FOR WAITRESS work. Apply at Brown Derby, phone Clinton 295. 35-p SALESLADY REQUIRED FOR steady employment. Hours: 1 p,m. to 5 p,m. Apply in person. Mart- in's Dept. Store, 35-b HELP WANTED ---Male HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO establish yourself in a business of your own with a real future? Sell our 250 guaranteed products to friends and neighbors. Write for free catalogue and details. FAM - ILEX, Dept. 2, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, 35-b FIND THE COST OF LIVING high? Need an extra $35 to $50 a week? Part time work, hours 6 to 9 p.m. Married men preferr- ed. If you have a car for local travel, apply to- P.O. • Box 6, Harriston. 34-5-h LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO YOUNG COWS FOR SALE. Phone Clinton 83. McAlpine and Dave.- 35-b PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL. 25 months old. Alfred Buchanan, phone Seaforth 841r4 35-p EIGHT YORK PIGS, seven weeks old. $13. Ivan McClymont, Var- na. Phone Clinton 613r24. 35-b YORKSHIRE BOARS, Purebred, registered if desired. Harry Thompson, R 2, Clinton. Phone 904r13, 35-b TWO RED SHORTHORN BULLS 16 months old. From accredited herd. Price reasonable. W. J. Meaner, Brucefield, Phone Clin- ton 629r12. 35-6-p LIVESTOCKWANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of .charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21, 9-tfb MISCELLANEOUS VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve—wear stylish shoes soon. 35-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry. 31-5-p PET STOCK • IANCHESTER TERRIER PUP- ies for sale. Keith Tyndall, phone linton 808r23. 35-b FREE! GOOD HOME WANTED for seven nice little puppies, just over seven weeks old. Their mo- ther is an Irish Setter. W. E. Managhan, R,R. 5, Clinton. Phone Clinton 624. 35-p POULTRY FOR SALE 80 ROCK x NEW HAMP Pullets, laying. Wilmer Reid, Varna. Phone Clinton 6301'24. 35-b 250- COLUMBIA It -0-6K x NEW Hamp pullets, starting to lay. Don Kennedy, Londesboro, 35-b 00 NEW RAMP, x ROCK Pullets, laying. Also limb wood. Robert Taylor, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 906r33. 35-b 00 PED X SUSSEX PULLET, ave months old. Ready to lay, 2.50 each. William Rustenburg, t:ll. 1, Clinton, 85-p 00 Sussex'X RED PULLETS or sale. Laying. Apply Douglas arquhar, phone Clinton 805r5. 35-p 00 SUSSEX X ROCK PULLETS we months old. ,Also 400 Sussex N. Hemp pullets, four months id. Mrs. Chris Kennedy, Blyth. 'hone Blyth 28r4. 3tiep PIANO TUNING OUR PIANO carefully timed rust call G. W. Cox at Clinton 3955, 43-1fh STOVES FOR SALE ORGE, POUR -BURNER table - op electric range in excellent ondition, Also Norge ail-burne ng space heater in good condit- on. I3'ob Morgan, Mary Street. 7hone Clinton 417. 34-5-b BRAND NEW BEACH FOUR - burner heavy duty electric range with oven. Never unerated. House wiring found unsuitable.. Will sell cheap for clash. )'leg, $239,50, For rnuic t sale, $195. Phone Clingy 1 634r4, 34-5-b FARMS FOIL SALIE with hot. water. 'Centrally loco,- NIDE LIST OI! li'ARMS , la OIi tsd. Apply to Mit. IL Dartliff, sale-. L. Cx "Winter-, foci Estate. pt,u,,o Clinton 95, 34-5-b Ishak Otinfoil 440. • 33-tfli BATES—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, September 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bates, Clinton, a daughter. BAPTIE--In Clinton Publics hos- pital, on Thursday, September 3, 1953, to Warrant Officer and Mrs, Stuart Baptie, RCAF Sta.- tion, Clinton, a son (Glen Mar- tin). artin). CANTELON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Septem- ber 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, George Cantelon, Clinton, a son (Melvin Wayne). COX—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, September 9, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Cox, Goderich, a son. DEITZ---In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, September 6, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deitz, (nee Shirley Wolff), Hen- sall,. a son (Larry Charles, bro- ther for Gordon), GAUDET—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, September 5, 1953, to Corporal and Mrs. Denis Gaudet, Brucefield, a daughter (Claudette Marie). MUIRHEAD--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 8, 1953, to Sergeant and Mrs. Herbert Muirhead, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, a daughter.. McKAY In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, September 8, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay (nee Helen, Love), Kip - pen, a daughter (Diane Cheryl), SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospi- pital, on Tuesday, September 8, 1953, to LAC and Mrs. Willard Smith, Clinton, a son, MARRIAGES MERCER--ELLIOTT—In the cha- pel at Westminster Hospital, London, on Saturday afternoon, September 5, 1953, by Rev. J. G. Lethbridge, Lillian Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott, to Robert Kenneth Mere cer, son of Mrs. Mabel Mercer, London and the late Robert Mercer. DEATHS ELLIOTT — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednes- day, September 2, 1953, Clayton Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott, Varna. Funeral from the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Friday, September 4. JENNISON — In Swift Current, Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, September 9, 1953, Pearl Winni.. fred Hanly, beloved wife of Thomas Jennison, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hanly, London Road. in her 65th year. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, MILLER—At her home in Bay- field, Sunday afternoon, Septem- ber 6, 1953, Miss Mary S. Miller, in her 87th year. Service at Hamilton funeral home, Detroit, on' Wednesday morning, Septem- ber 9. Burial in Adriane, Mich. 0 Zurich Man Killed By Overturned Tractor A 37 -year-old farmer was killed almost instantly last Wednesday afternoon, September 2, when the tractor he was driving on his farm on the Babylon Line, about four miles southeast of Zurich, over- turned and pinned him. Jack • Merner, R.R. 3, Zurich, was pulling a tree down when the tractor overturned about 4.20 p,m. Constable C. E. Gibbons, Exeter, investigated. Surviving are his wife, the former Rose Deichert, and three children. FOR SALE 5 -ROOM STONE COTTAGE --- (lot 120'x120'), furnace, heat - Bator fireplace, located on Maitland River near Ball's Bridge, Colborne Township. Ideal location for summer Home. Price $2,500.00. H. C. LAWSON REALTOR PHONE 251W—CLINTON, ONT. CONFIDENCE IMPORTANT In tlnie of need you may call BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME with Complete con- fidence, Notice to Creditors and Others Tai the Estate of JOHN ItOBEit:1 I;ttTTTLER, Agent, 11Ceease(L All persons having, claims against the estate of the above-named de- ceased, late of Clinton, County of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd of August, 1033, are hereby Notified to send to the undersigned Crown Trust .Company on or be- fore the 30th of SepI.ember, 1953, their namcr; and full particulars of 1 heir Moires. Immediately after the eaid date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice, has been received. Dated, August 29th, 1953, CatOWN TRUST COMPANY, 884 Iiunnulas Street, London, 1?, F; xott Amo, 4.C., Clinton, Ont nrio, Solicitor for the said Crown Truat Company, IC xtetnter, 34-5-6-h Huron -Maitland. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Presbytelry ans Evangelism School The Presbytery of Huron -Mait- land of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met Tuesday, September 8, in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, with an almost perfect attendance and Rev. D. G. Canna - Moderator, presiding. The court was constituted fol- lowing the observance of the sac- rament of the Lord's Supper, The new moderator elected for the en- suing year is Rev. A. 3, Simpson,' Knox Church, Teeswater. A school of evangelism is to be conducted under the auspices•. of the committee of evangelism and social action in St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, on September 22 and 23, at which school Rev, W. G. Bell, New York, will be the leader. Mr, Bell is an expert in what is known as "Home to Home" evangelism. A series of institutes in associa- tion with the WMS has been ar- ranged, for the purpose of en- couraging christian leadership, An expert team of leaders will conduct these institutes at Exeter, October 13; Clinton, October 14; Blyth, October 15 and Goderich, October 16. It was reported to presbytery that the pension board of the church will seek to implement its capital fund, to provide larger pensions to its aged ministers. The presbytery went on record by a standing vote to support the general assembly's adoption to put the Presbyterian Record, the of- ficial magazine of the church into every Presbyterian home, by direct mail. The presbytery adopted a mis- sionary budget of $27,102 for 1954 and the objectives for the various congregations were set according- ly. Rev. D. 5. Lane was appoint- ed presbytery's member on the synod's committee to strike its standing committees. The court adjourned to meet in. St, Andrew's Church, Wingham, on Tuesday, December 1. Tuekersmith Ladies Club Hold September Meeting The September meeting of the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. W. P. Roberts with 13 members, and five children present. Mrs. Rog- erson presided, and the meeting was opened with singing the opening ode, followed by all re- peating the Lord's Prayer, The roll call ex as answered by telling one's favorite newspaper column. Several matters of business were discussed about fuiture activit- ies of the club. Thank -you lett- ers were read by the secretary. A question box was conducted by Mrs, Ernie Crich, and the meeting was closed in the usual manner, after which a delicious lunch was, served by the hostess, and her assistants. Cards of Thanks HAROLD AND MARGARET DOWSON wish to thank all those who helped out in any way, and gave their sympathy in our re- cent sad bereavement. It was deeply appreciated. 35-b We would like to thank our friends and neighbours for their help and sympathy in our fire loss; also the Clinton Fire Brig - ode for their quick response once the call got through to them. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha, Mr, and Mrs. William Norman, Dewar Norman. 35-b MR. AND MRS. MORTON EL- LIOTT and family wish to extend thanks for the sympathy shown at the time of Clayton's death, and kindness shown during his illness. Special thanks to the nurses of Seaforth hospital, also Doctors McMaster, Brady and Elliott. 35-b In. Memoriam MOON—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Martha Moon, who passed away on Sep- tember 12, 1950: "Those whom we love go out of sight But never out of mind. They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind." —Sadly missed by husband and family. 35-b BEZZO - In loving memory of William Bezzo, who passed away September 8, 1946: Seven years have passed- since that sad day, When one we loved was called away, God took him home. It was His will ,,Within our hearts he liveth still. —Sadly missed by his loving wife, family and grandchildren. 35`p 4-4-.44.44 ..4-+444-4-4.4-..-,'..,• WILLS COST LITTLE and save much. Consult your lawyer about year will. 'CONSULT IL E. nARTLEY about your life insurance Canada Life Assurance Co, — Phone 454-W CIE''F'°rENT C ° otors CEMENT BUILDING CHIMNEY BLOCKS 'atilt and Repaired GUY VES and SONS Phorae Carlow 1612 36.iyt!b 4 4-4-4-44-4-4-4-4-4,-4-404.4-$.4-44- i 4.44-4•4 NOW PY,A.YING---Sept, 10-12 „FLAT TOP"-- Stirling Hayden, Richard Carlson Cola* MON-TUES-WED—Sel!t. 14-16 JANE FARLEY POWELL ,G13ANGER "SMALL TOWN GIRL TOURS-FRI-SAT---Sept. 17-9 BRIAN FORREST - DONLEVX TUCKER ' "RIDE THE MAN DOWN" SEPT. 2lst—BIG ATTRACTION; "Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima" In Color — PARK THEATRE GOUE.ItICH--Phono 1150 Now: IN TECHNICOLOR --- 'Jeff Chandler and Scott Brady in "YANKEE BUCCANEER" MON-TUES-WED-,- Fredric March 'perry Moore and Adolphe Menjon Filmed in Europe. The dramatic tale of a small ramshackle circus that escapes from behind the Iron Curtain, "MAN ON A �TIGTR.OPE" TRURS-FRI-SAT--» Liar$ Gable — Gene Tierney and Richard Haydn Romance in Mos cow, as two friends dare a host of dangers to bring home their brides. "Never Let Me Go" never forget " BREAKING TIIEA picture}1SOUND BARRIER" Kippen Area Suffers Wind Storm Damage In the severe electrical and wind storm which passed over this district on Friday morning, considerable damage was report- ed in the Kippen area. At Ed. Me]3ride's, four apple trees were uprooted in the orchard and sev- eral in the bush, and part of the roof on their barn was blown off and landed on the road. Ro- bert Dalrymple reported a win- dow smashed in their living room, William Coleman and Rochus Faber had shingles blown off their barns. and a half dozen maple trees in a grove in front of the house on the Forbes farm were uprooted. Alex McMurtrie reported his chicken shelters were damaged, but the chickens were not injured. Bean Harvest Will Be_ Three Weeks Early "The extrextie hot, dry weather which has been ideal for the completion of the grain harvest and storing of excellent quality second -cut hay, has caused sev- ere damage to the cultivated crops," according to G. W. Mont- gomery, agricultural represent- ative for Huron County. "The corn crop is drying up, white beans are being harvested two or three weeks earlier than usual and soybeans and sugar beets are making little growth. Pastures are drying up and dairy operators report a substantial de- crease in the milk flow, "The first turnips were shipped from the Blyth area with the growers receiving 50c per bushel at the field." 0 Fourth Howe Girl. Joins RCAF Unit Fighter Control Miss Claire L. Howe, 19, isthe fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 5, W. Howe, 79 Sadler Ave., Winnipeg to join the Royal Can- nd.isn Air Force. During the Second World War the two oldest daughters Doris, 31, who now lives in the U.S.A., and Irene, 27, joined the Women's Division of the RCAF. Irene, after serving for four years, left the Air Force and when girls were again invited to join the RCAF, she and her sister Mar- ion, 23, became the first sister team to sign up at the Winnipeg Recruiting Unit more than two years ago. Both girls are fighter controllers. Irene is stationed at Metz, France and Marion is working at St. Hubert, Quebec. The latest daughter to join up, Claire, attended Norberry School and has worked for the past three years as a filing clerk in a large department store in Winnipeg. Like her sisters before her, she also applied for training as a fighter controller and is now bound for St. John's, Quebec to commence her Air Force ,training Claire's father served with the Canadian Army in the First World War and her young brother Jimmy, 14, joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Claire said her sister Virginia does not intend to join the RCAF for a few years, as she has just celebrated her eleventh birth- day. Clinton Community Farmers SUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY ;luring Sumpter Months Sales hold at 7.30 p.m. S. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHUUN, Clerk LL oa�ma .w•«ra•.ra4ar«. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 0 FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton Hullett Township Pays Road and Drain Accounts All members but Councillor W. R. Jewitt, attended the September meeting of Hullett Township Coun- cil, held last Tuesday in the Lon- desboro Community Hall, with the reeve presiding. The road superintendent was in- structed to apply for the interim subsidy on road expenditure; Frank Kirby will be paid $1,500 on his contract for the Whyte muni- cipal drain, Accounts passed for payment in- cluded salaries, $160; supplies, $23.55; advertising, $1.47; Blyth fire area truck, $5,053.40; charity, $1.09; fox bounty, $2; drainage, $1,500; USS No. 2, $1,200; roads and bridges, $494.98. Council adjourned to meet on Monday, October 5 at eight o'clock. CAPITAL 'THEATRE GODERJCH Phone 47 Now: "SWEETHEARTS ON PARADE" Technicolor -- with Aileen Christie MON-TIES-WED_ Vera Ralston — David Brian and Scott Brady A rip-roaring romance of the California goldrush, as a ship -load of prospective brides arrives, 'Perilous Journey' THURS-FBI-SAT_ tinny Simms --- Michael O'Shea, and Jane Nigh It's a comedy -with -music about radio disc Spinners and features some well-known jockeys as guests "DISC JOCKEY" Coming: ring VincentlEdwaIrds imememiensionommunownwo— mi 3% INTEREST on Savings Open a Savings Account in Clinton Community Credit Union . 'To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans at Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day except Wednesday afternoon; open Sat. evening from 7-9 GALBRAITH SE VICE it pays to buy from a dealer who is equipped to service what he sells. We take pride in our prompt, efficient service., • AIT RADIO and TELEVISION "CLINTON'S ONLY RECOIID BAR" TELEPHONE 482 1 S . Ivation. Only by Faith An Jesus Christ Neither is there salvation. in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, where- by we must be saved.—Acts 4 : 12. 12 we confess our sins, He, "Jesus" is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all un- righteousness.—John 1 9. CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—TUNE IN—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p,m. EST. 35-b 1:7#4.""##4.*". a.r n1'+ aanr Goderich Business College Fall Term Opens September 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES (Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association Telephone 1272 or 428W --- Goderich, Ontario 31-2-3-4-5-6-b 1 A I R O �, GABAN ARO SPORT SHIRTS Rich shades, in all sizes, A REAL SHIRT AT 6.95 (� .95 ca. —To seas our ' selections of Sweaters, Sleeks, Suits, Jackets, Etc. Visit RCAF Station, Clinton, on.. Air Porgy e Day, September 19 PICKETT e CAMPBELL It 11E S,LOitSCI 1'Ot MJriN OWS/ SHIRTS STETSON HATS PEONt' 25 (Maio Corner rCLINT ON'`