HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-09-10, Page 4PAGE l`'QUfft CLINTON NEWS -R .CORr THUii•SDAY, SEPTEMBER, :io, :1953 Ontario Street S.S. Executive Plans For Rally Day The September meeting of the Ontario Street United Church Sunday School executive was held in the church hall on Thursday evening, September a, with 17 members present and the super- lntendent, C. Stewart, presiding. The meeting ' opened with the singing of "Sun of My Soul", fol- lowed! by prayer led by Miss S. Courtice. The lesson from I Tim- othy, 6 ; 6-19 was read by Miss Olive Johnson. The minutes were received as read and business therefrom was discussed. It was decided that the picnic bills be paid; that Mrs. Schoenhals be teacher for No. 1 boys with Mrs. E. Trick as assistant; that Mr. Levis pay, Rev. Wanless for services rendered; and that Miss L. Freeman be treasurer pro tem. The treasurer's report showed a bank balance of $102.99. Plans for rally day were made And the programs supplied will be used with promotion exercises used instead of the story. Rev. C. C. Washington, Auburn, will be guest speaker for that Sunday, Septem- ber 20. Music for that day will be in the charge of Mrs. E. Wen- dorff. The meeting closed with the hymn "Jesus shall Reign" and prayer led by the superintendent. IeIr. and Mrs. Townsend were hosts for the Iunch and a pleasant half hour was spent, Sunday School will re -open on Sunday, September 13 at ten o'clock. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs, John McGuire, Clinton, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Anna Doreen, to John Nogalo, son of Mr. Joseph Nogalo and the late Mrs. Nogalo, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The mar- riage will take place on Sat- urday, September 26, at 10 a.m., in St, Joseph's Church, Clinton, Ontario. 35-x Clinton Hospital Auxiliary a. Planning PERSONALS 4,10 Month" Parties Boring October J. R. Carter and family, Chat- Mr. and Mrs. Earnest 'Selves, harm, visited last week with his and daughter, Barbara; Mr. and parents. Mrs., Clayton . Colquhoun and Elwin Merrill spent a few days daughter, Janet, Seienee Hill, this week visiting relatives and were recent guests of Mr. and friends in Toronto. Mrs. M. T. Corless. Mr, and Mrs, Howard Trewartha Recent visitors with their aunt, spent the weekend at Florence, Mrs. Margaret Johnston and Mr. with Rev. and Mrs. Stewart Mirier.and Mrs. Chester Farquhar, were Miss Margaret Holland spent Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Cook, last week at Ryerson Beach Exec- Hamilton; Dr, and • Mrs, G. C. utive Leadership Camp, Norman- Rogers and their daughter, Shirlie, dale, Miami, Fla., USA. Mr, and Mrs. Orville Stanley Mr, and Mrs. Norman Elliott and sop, Jimmy, have returned to and daughter, Judith Anne, To - town after spending the summer ronto, visited over the weekend at Grand 13end. with the former's parents, 1VIr, and Miss Gladys Addison, R.N Mrs. David Elliott. They also at - Sarnia, was a weekend visitor tended the Mercer -Elliott wedding with her mother, Mrs. M. Addi- in London on Saturday. son, Huron Street. Mr. and Mrs. William Gaines Mrs. N. W. Trewartha has left and two sons Donald and Irvin, o for a visit with her son-in-law and Flint, Micro., spent the Labour daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mawson, Vilna, Alta. Clarence Cooper, Frederick St„ Beecher Streets, spent the week and also visited with other re - end in Hamilton and attended time latives and friends in Clinton Hamilton Tiger Cats, Toronto and district. m Argonants rugby game. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Taylor, ac- and Miss Pauline and their grand- companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. O. daughter, Patricia Reynolds, visit- Johnson, Seaforth, have returned ed in Toronto last week with Mrs. from a motor trip to Winnipeg, Taylor's niece and nephew, Mr. Man. and Mrs. Jim MacNamara. They Miss Lee Nott, Detroit; Mr. and also attended the Canadian Na - Mrs. A. E. Garrioch and family, tional Exhibition. Windsor, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. and son, Richard, with Mr. and Nott. Mrs. M. T. Corless, returned on Stanley McDonald, accompanied Thursday from a motor trip vis - by Stanley Bryan, Oakville, left on iting friends and relatives in Saturday evening for a motor trip Richmond Hill and Lindsay. Mr. to Manitoulin Island and Northern and Mrs. Corless also spent some time at the C.N.E. Ontario. Mrs. Meredith Young and Miss Constable John H. Wilson, who Marjorie, Nile, have returned home , has been home visiting his par - after spending a few days last ents, Rev. and Mrs, H.. C. Wilson week with the lady's another, Mrs.left on the Monday night train Joseph Webster. , for Western Canada, Constable Mr. and Mrs, Benson Corless i Wilson is at present, serving with and family, who have been on y the Red Deer detachment of the vacation at their cabin at Burts 1 RCMP at Innis ail, Alberta. Beach, spent Thursday with their Miss Shirley G. Sutter, Guelph, parents and returned on Friday is holidaying this week at the morning to their home in Lind- l home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. say, { John A. Sutter, after spending last Holiday weekend visitors with iii week at Ryerson Beach Executive Mr. and Mrs. Chester Farquhar j Leadership Camp, Normandale. were Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Young,1 Next week she will be visiting Mr. Detroit, Mich.; Earnest Webster and Mrs. George Turner, Sarnia. and Harry Howes, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Ambler, Ontario. After the two months' vacation any kind of party: games, bingo, the members of the Ifospitel cards, T.V, Mystery, car just a Auxii.iar.y held their September tea, with any number of guests, charging 25 conte per guest. The meeting in the hospital to plan for COLD WERTHER BRAM Winter's on its way, so choose now from our; group of snow suits! Warm, Bugged, Colourful! SNOW SUITS Just the answer for cold, windy, school days — our snuggly-warm snow suits! Woollens, wind - and - water - proof poplins and gabardines in a host of gay styles, All sizes. You are invited to come into our FALL RANGE of • Children's Station Wagon Coats, Snow Suits,- 3 -Piece Coat Sets and Girls' Separate Coats. Make your selection NOW. Upon a small DOWN PAYMENT we wilt hold garment until needed. store and see the NEW .► .40 •r 411,4 MARTIN Clinton DEPT. STORE PHONES: 363 36W Ontario the work of the next term. The president was on vacation o Mrs. H. Ball first vice-presi- dent presided. The secretary Mrs. H. C, Lawson, was also ab - Sent and Mrs, Reg Ball, the treas- urer, read the minutes, which were approved as read. The treasurer's report was also accepted and a motion passed authorizing her to pay any out- standing accounts. Mrs. F. Fingland was appoint- ed delegate to the Annual Meet- ing of the Provincial Society to be held in Toronto the first of November. The main business of the meet- ing was the planning of "The Fun Month" to be held during Oct- ober, when all members and friends of the auxiliary are asked to entertain for the hospital with Stanley Community Club Hold First Fall Meeting The September meeting of the Stanley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Mc- Farlane on September 3 with a good attendance. Mrs. McFar- lane presided in the absence of the president. The meeting opened by repeat- ing epeating the Lord's Prayer. The col- lection was then taken followed by the secretary's ano treasurer's reports. A A short program followed with Mrs. Ed. Glen giving a reading, and Mrs. Robert Glen conduct- ing a contest. The next meeting is on Sept- ember 30, at the home of Mrs. Ed, Glen, and the roll call is, "to name a county and its county town in Ontario", Each person must name a different one, The meeting was brought tu a close by the benediction, follow- ing wiaich lunch was enjoyed. Tor glowing health And long endurance Milk'is your very Best insurance. If. HURON St. PHONE 441 1 September Clearance I 1 Only— " 2 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE--- modern, 2 cushion reversible style chesterfield, double spring construction throughout. Covered in long - wearing red wool frieze, with light ' finish ,�g�OQ wood trim, Regular $310.00, for 1 Only— ti Modern Chesterfield and Matching Chair— " reversible two cushion style, with pleated back and double spring construction throughout. Covered withred and grey wool frieze, with light fin- ish wood trim. Regular $205,00, for 00 Come early and make your choice of these two wonderful bargains, 14 LI, tr,4 t' PHONE 195 CLINTON, ONT. proceeds will be handed to one of the assistant convenors of that ward. Miss W. O'Neil, Mrs. Bulteel and Mrs, A. J, McMurray are convening this event and also will have charge of St. Andrew's Ward. In the other wards the conven- ers are: St. James', Mrs. G. W. Nott and Miss Luella Johnston: St. George's, IVIz's. McTaggart and Mrs, 3, A. Addison; St, John's, Mrs. C. Epps and Mrs. D. J. Lane The ladies of the various clubs and organizations outside of town and at the RCAF Station who have helped so generously in the - past are being asked to co-oper- ate. This Fun Month is being held instead of the usual fall sale and it is hoped everyone will do her utmost to make it a success. St. Andrew's Girls' Club Plans For Bazaar in October The Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian .Church held its first fall meeting in the church school room on Tuesday evening, with the president, Mrs. Clarence Neilans, presiding. Miss Ann Shaddock read a pas- sage of scripture and Mrs. Elmer Murray led the group in prayer. Mrs. Eric Sims presented the minutes, as secretary, and the treasurer's statement was made by Miss Mabel Harvey, treasurer. Several letters of thanks for flowers in time of illness were re- ceived and read, and thanks for expressions of sympathy from the club, were received from those who had been bereaved. Plans were made for the bazaar to be held in the school room of the church early in October. The Social committee arranged for a meeting at the home of the presi- dent on Wednesday next, for the final touches on the bazaar plans. Tentative dates were submitted for a baking demonstration to be held early in 1954 under the aus- pices of the club. St. Andrew"s WMS Meet at Borne of Mrs. M. McTaggart At the home of Mrs. M. D. Mc- Taggart, the St. Andrew's Wom- en's Missionary Society met on Tuesday afternoon with a good at- tendance and the president, Mrs. Robert McKenzie, presiding. Mrs. John Snider read from Matthew's gospel, chapter 5, verses 38 to 48 and Mrs, Ed Farquhar led in prayer, Mrs. M, p, McTag- gart gave an interesting account of the recent conference of mission secretaries held in Willigen, Ger- many. The members responded to the roll call by quoting a verse of Hensall Ladies Auxiliary Plans Fall Weiner Roast The Ladies Auxiliary to the Hensall Canadian Legion opened in usual form in the Legion Hall. Following the singing of "0 Canada," minutes of the last meeting were read. Plans are to hold a weiner roast at the home of Mrs. RosS' Dick, on September. 3. Members are to meet in the Legion Hall at eight o'clock. In case of rain the aaast will be held on September 10, A thank -you note was read from Miss Gladys Luker. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Bertha Moir. A pot luck lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Lunch committee for October are Mrs. Inez McEwan, Mrs. Bertha Moir, Mrs. S. Dougall, Prs. Howard Smale, Mrs. W:" arke, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. Edna Mae Jones, Miss Gladys Luker, and Mrs. Maude Hedden. The meeting was closed in the usual manner and the club enjoyed refreshments served by the com- mittee in charge of social activity for the evening. Londesboro Women's Institute Hosts To Grandmothers; Hear Fine Program The regular sleeting of the Lon- desboro Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall on Thursday, September 3, with the president, Mrs. Stanley Lyon, in the chair. The meeting opened with sing- ing "O Canada", the institute ode and repeating the Mary Stewart collect. There was also a min• ute's silence to the memory of Mrs. Kelland McVittie who was a valued member of the institute, followed by the Lord's prayer re- peated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Cards of thanks were read from Mrs, Clair Vincent and the Kelland Me- Vittie family. Final plans were made for the bazaar to be held in September. The baking booth is to be -opened first around 2.30 o'clock. Mrs. George Cowan and Mrs. Robert Riley will assist Mrs. E. Hesk and Mrs, H. Durnin in the booth. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Arthur Clark with a bal- ance of $66.83. It was decided to try holding "Hobo" teas. Mrs. Arthur Colson reported good progress on the cook book. Mrs. S. Lyon told a little about the ACWW convention that was held in Torol'to recently. Roll call was answered by 27 members. As it was the Grand- mothers meeting, there were 12 grandmothers present and each was presented with. a nice hand- kerchief. Mrs. Donald Sprung gave two readings, "The* Cattle Thief" and "West Wind", which were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Gordon McGregor then gave a talk on quilt making and samplers, telling how long since quilts and samplers first were made. Thirteen quilts of different patterns were on display as well as two antique samplers. Mrs. William Manning gave a paper on a Persian proverb, "God will not seek thy race, nor will he ask thy birth, alone he will re- quire of what hast thou done with the land I gave thee", which was very interesting. Barbara Kay Snell sang two solos, "Little Doggie in the 'Win- dow" and "Teddy Bear's Picnic", accompanied by Marguerite Lyon on the piano. Mrs. Margaret Man- ning gave a humorous reading "Aunt Hanner Joins the Lodge". Myrtle Knox sang two solos, "Galway Bay" and "Church in the Wildwood", accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ernest Knox. Mrs. Edwin Wood read a poem on "Prayer and Potatoes". A contest was enjoyed after which the meeting was closed with "God Save the Queen". A lovely lunch was served by the hostesses. urth %erliftcs Sunday, September 13, 1953 Daylight Saving Time Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Communion Service 10.45 a.ni. Gospel Service 7.30 pan Speaker: Mr. John Martin FRIDAY, 8 p.m.-- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Klesler=altlillio MOO Chore% Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship The Need for Vision. 11.20 a.m.--Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Church School. Union Evening Worship in the On- tario St. United Church, Holmesville service withdrawn for Ebenezer anniversary. Come to the House of Prayer St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev, D. 3. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choit Leader 9,45 a.m.—Knox Church, Bayfield 10,45 a.m. -_Clinton Sunday School 11,15 a.m.- -D vin e Service, St. Andr, ew's _-.- Raliy Day Service--_ Subject: "Let's All Pull To- gether in the Christian Life" All Presbyterian families requested to rally for the beginning of the new work before us. Children and adults at worship together. St. Paul's Anglican Ch urch REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore FremIin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m: Morning Prayer and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service. Tues., Sept. 15—WA will meet in Owen Memorial Hall, 2.45 p.m. Friday — Confirmation Class in Memorial Hall at 8 p.m, Sept. 20—Remember Special Har- dest Services. Pentecostal Church P,A.O.C. Victoria St. K. L. MEW -AXIL). Pastor 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-•y-Morning Service 7.30 p.m—Evening Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.—Young Peoples Tuesday, 8.00 pari. --Bible Study land Prayer. ALL WELCOIUIE Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV. T•. J-. E. OSTROM Organist ---Mrs. George Grant 11,00 a,m. --Morning Service Dr, ,ft, S. Hillyer, general sec- retary of Baptish Foreign Mission Board. 12,15 p m. Sunday School 7.00 pm.—Service withdrawn in favour of Auburn anniversary. ONTARIO ST. . UNI A ED CHURCH °"11-1FFRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, D.A., B.D. OIt(tANIST—MICU. E. W1 N1i& tF 1.00 a Fri —• M'orrnitag Set vice 2.13 pini,—Stinday School 7,80 p.m.-a-'iveni.ng+ Service 'CCltil�Llt'S o11mte341 Pkv Services AS ahnblliided scripture on protection, Mrs, John Ostrom, an invited guest, sang beautiful missionary selection, From the chapter in the so- ciety's study book, "Education in Africa", Mrs, Lane told of the christian literature provided for the training of African writers, and of Bibles for Africa. She spoke of the responsibility of the church in providing leadership in Africa, and the importance of supplying the proper kind of books and read- ing matter for the common people of that great continent. The singing of the closing hymn, and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison, brought the meeting to close. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, MnKen- zie, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Williasz Shaddock. IR IN'S PRESENT T e Latest in Fall Fashions FALL COATS • FALL DRESSES FALL SKIRTS and.. BLOUSES They are in now and ready for your inspection Wo can show you Quality and Style at a p,riee you cannot afford to malas. Back -to -School Requirements We have everything for the Modern :Miss to wear to school— Dresses -- Skirts — Blouses Sweaters and Jackets All Sizes in Stock from 4 to 20 Collegiate Girls Royal Blue Gym Suits +� Sizes 12 to 20 v PRICED AT !y�w!6 9 •-+•+-n-s-o-�...a�a�-r.�•e.+-o-�o-�►-a.�-o-�w• • .►.o-�o-•-<*.a-r.��-a..►-A-a-o- F ; . LL 'CLOTHING for the Working r an OVERALLS SM•CKS SHIRTS PANTS DENIM JEANS JACKETS CAPS SOCKS AIKEN'S PIE1O:NE 2 LUGGAGE AND SHOES CLINTON 1 4 ,/7.1/27 • ii tL1U111 BO .0400er" tr:a Int C4-4, BE SURE TO INCLUDE SOME OF Bartliff's COOKIES, CUP CAKES, TARTS or SWEET GOODS awr.w.ww.n Sandwiches Taste Better WITH MADE MAD WITH arfliff's Enriched read 444444.444.444.4+041,44NN+1440 . Ww, Our Sat. Special. Fatom 02T!lP !;TORE ONLY-- Honcym ip Donuts Reg, 40e doz. for 3 3 IIr C:It 4,41N•hFI,H.so.O.P. NJv�MMaM lAhar! ., BARTLIFF BROS. DAHERS RS hiiif. CONFECTIONERS PIXONf 1 OLINTO