HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-09-10, Page 360$1411EN LINE The church anniversary of„ the United Church at Goshen will take place on Sunday, September 13. The preacher will be the Rev, Mc- Leod, Kippen. Services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Cowan, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. James 1ViUrraYp Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mccowan, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, Linda and Billie„ spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Goldie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. William Rice and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Rice, Buffalo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird and other friends. Bayfield Lions View Wind Damage to Arena Roof o OBITUARY Clayton Elliott Funeral service was held on Friday, September 4 at 2 p.m. from the Whitney funeral borne, Sea- forth, for the late Clayton Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton El- liott, Varna, who passed away in Seaforth Hospital on September 2. Rev. E. Carew-Jones, assisted by Rev. John Stintson, conducted the funeral services. Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. Pallbearers were Wilmer Reid, Lloyd Johnson, Lee McConnell, Wilfred Chuter, Mel Webster, Lloyd Keys. Flower-bearers were Jim McDonald, George Beatty, Russell Bolton, Gordon Elliott, Arthur Dutton, John McConnell, Albert Horner, Jack Smith, Al Keys, Perce Johnson, Joe Riley, Orrin Dowson, Donald Keys, FROM Clinton Electit Shop saves you money in the long run New heavenly buts to keep you in fashion 'Very much in fashion . the new knitted suits by Lady Anne. They're full of charm- ing touches of elegance to give you an ever softer, more leminine look. Come in soon see the new "tweed" effect, the handsome block patterns, the embroidered collars and cuffs. They'll set you apart in the loveliest of fashions. From $39.95, tbatier'5 FOR -400 THINGS SMART labitg, mi. tar WAR Phone 59. 11PERTf$ EXTRA MILEAGE WE FIX 'EM ALL! No matter what make or style of radio you have, WE '.LkN REPAIR IT. BOB 111111IIIMIXIMISION11.1110111111111 1 I EEKS, -RADIO and. SOUND N. 8 Highway — 11/2 miles east of Clinton PHONE 633.3 SEE OUR QUALITY rin LATEST PA DriLS • LOWEST moms 1950 Ford" Deluxe Coach 1950 Morris Oxford 1949 Plymouth Sedan (Newly eaconditioned) 1952. Ford 1A ton Express LIZ $1250 NEW CA S and NE'' TRUCKS available for immediate delivery. McPherson Bros. Aero-Willys Sales and Service Front-End Alignment — Wheel Balancing Phone 492 Clinton TRANCE FREE See CFA on the aid 'Participate in an actual radio broadoso, Seven lucky people will compete for the Big Top Products and Cash Prizes each clay on CFPLis Big Top Show. #34 p,rn, Fair Week, the Theatre, Confederation Building TomsDAND SEPTEMBER 10, 1953 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGE TRREE EASY, ECONOMICAL COLOR TUBE MIXING 44144. Add color from handy tubes to base white paint. Obtain exact quantity required for each job. No mess. No trouble. Easy as adding cream to your coffee. WOOTI4 For walls and woodwork. Latex base. Supersmooth, Eggshell finish. Dries in 1 hour. No lapping. Use brush or roller —clean with soap and water. Washable overnight. 55 custom colors. Endless pos- sible variations. Even amateurs get wonderful results. ra-a-a-a-atesea-4-•-•-•-•-a-a-s-raes-+ STANLEY J' car Graham left last week on a trip to Alberta. Bob McGregor, Jack McGreg- or and John Moffat, spent a few days at the C.N.E. Mrs, Fisheri Graveniumst, is 'visiting at the home of mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffat. Miss Tena P.. McKay, Buffalo, visited her aunt Mrs. John Mc- GODERKH TOWNSHIP 4-4,-*-•- 4- • - • - • -4. - • • 4--••-•-0-4--11- Mrs. A. Fisher, Goderich, has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Lobb, To- ronto, have returned home after a vacation at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb. Mr. and Mrs: F. Lamphere, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. E. Sager and daughter Sue Ann, Clare, Mich„ visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, and otili r rela- tives in the vicinity. Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, Alex. Mc- Ewen, Mr. and Mrs. John H. McEwen and Stuart McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton were guests on Sunday at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt, God- erich. Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt re- cently returned from a trip to British Columbia and. Washing-. ton. Support Coronation Church The Women's Association of St. James' Church, Middleton, resumed its regular schedule, meeting in the ehurch on. Wed- nesday, September 2 with 17 ladies present. The W. A. hymn was sung and the members' prayer given in unison. Mrs. Cooper read tare scripture reading, the 23rd Psalm Mrs. Rowden gave the treas- urers' report showing all oblig- ations met, eacept the cost for the deanery bale. The president. Mrs. W. Col- dough, read a letter from Mrs. Calder, president of the W. A. Diocese of Huron, concerning donations for a Coronation Chur- ch, to be built from free-will offerings from all W.A. members. It was decided to support this project and' all members are ask- ed to leave their donation with Mrs. Rowden before the end of September. Absent members are asked to give this matter con- sideration. Mrs. Edward Wise read the presidents' address given at the annual in London.' Mrs. Murch had for sale, beautiful bouquets of artificial flowers, $1 per bou- quet as a W.A. benefit. Mrs. Murch also gave a splendid read- ing, "Our First Quarrel." Mrs, 0. Cole recited a very humorous HENSALL • 44-41,-+-110-41.-•••-•-• Mr. and Mrs. Willitm Forrest and their two sons, Edison and Ross, left for a trip to Marquis, Earl Treffry, Cromarty, Samskr. s. had the misfortune to fall and fracture her left arm, her many friends hope for a speedy recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsmen, Bob Bell and Ross Riley, are en- joying a holiday in Western Canada. Lloyd Venner, Hensall, topped I the Goderich Trap shoot's 16- yard event at Goderich with a score of 24, while A. Gilbert and William Beck tied for top hon- ors in the handicap shoot, both shooting 22, with a 23 handicap, poem, "Deacon Brown", Mrs. Colciough pronounced the Benediction, after which -die members enjoyed lunch in the comparative coolness of the church basement. This "pot-luck" lunch was such a success it has: been suggested we adopt this method for future meetings to aid harr- ied hostesses. J. S5 Seruton Oils Greases - Gasolin, Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING MR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM-AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY .100 WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton Wedding Mercer—Mu Tall standards of mauve and white gladioli, ferns and candel- abra decorated the chapel at Westminster Hospital, London, on Saturday afternoonMeptember 5, for the wedding of Lilliqn Ruth Elliott and Robert Kenneth Mer- cer, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Elliott, Clin- ton and the groom is the son of Mrs. Mabel Mercer, London, and the late Robert Mercer, Rev, J. 0, Lethbridge officiated for the ceremony and the organist, Mrs. Theodore Gray, accompanied A. Henderson, soloist, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Be- cause," Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor- length gown of "Rose-pcint" chan- tilly lace and nylon net over satin. Her bolero styled jacket of rose- point lace featured tiny buttons from neckline to waist, and lily- point sleeves. The bouffant skirt of tiers of lace over net and satin formed a slight train, A crown of seed pearls and rhinestones held a finger-tip French illusion veil, and she carried a cascade of white glamelias and pink sweetheart roses, The bride was attended by Mrs. Harold Lawson, London, as mat- ron of honour and Missaq Jolene Elliott and Carol Whitfield, nieces of the bride, as junior bridesmaids. Mrs. Lawson's .gown was of mauve silk organza over taffeta with matching floral head-dress, and she carried a cascade of yellow glamelias and roses. The charming junior bridesmaids were dressed a- like in floor-length gowns of white organza over taffeta, mauve sashes and matching white halo bonnets, They carried baskets of pastel flowers. Groomsman was Harold Lawson and ushers were Alec Whitfield, brother-in-law of the bride, and William Maloney, brother-in-law of the groom, all from London. Receiving guests at Hook's Rest- aurant, the bride's mother wore a navy crepe dress trimmed with lace, navy accessories and a cor- sage of pink Briarcliffe roses. The groom's mother was attired in a grey afternoon dress with black 1947 Ford 3 ton Quick .Canadian Facts . • 1. What one province produces more wheat than all the mat of Canada combined? 2. Of all the goods produced in Canada, are more sold abroad or consumed at home? 3, How many Miles long is the Niagara River? 4. Which Canadian province has the highest birth rate? 5. How many Canadian are em- ployed in agriculture, in man- ufacturing, in wholesale and retail trade? ANSWERS: 5. In agriculture, 827,030; in manufacturing, 1,360,- 662, in trade, 709,768; 3, 33 miles; 1. Saskatchewan' 4. Newfound- land; 2. Canadians consume about three quarters of what they pro- duce, sell abroad about one quar- ter. Material supplied by the edit- ors of Quick Canadian Facts, the handbook of facts about Canada. accessories and a corsage of pink delight roses. For the wedding trip to North- ern Ontario, the bride wore a grey fitted suit with black velvet stole and hat, black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Upon return from their trip the couple will make their home in London, KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it on `nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help' the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better. 134 Dodd's Kidney Pills Extremely high winds last Thursday night destroyed, in a few minutes, many hours of hard work on the part of carpenters and volunteer workers who are racing against time to complete the roof on the Bayfield Lions Arena, The Lions had' promised to have the roof in place in time for the Bayfielcl Fall Fair scheduled for September 30 and October 1. The situation as it looks here will mean much hard labour if the work is done in time. Before the winds came, all the trusses were in place and some of the rafters up. According to past president Charles Scotchmer, some of the material has been salvaged, and work has already conimenced on the replacement of the roof. With the exception of six paid carpenters the rest of the labour is volttnteer, and as many as 35 men have been at work at one time. The Lions Club at Bayfield has 23 members. Ken 'Werner is this year's president and is also the untiring chairman of the committee in chaige of the arena building. This spring the cement block wall was completed, and when the roof is on, the building will be used to display exhibits at' the annual Bayfield Fall Fair ,which will be held this fall for the 76th consecutive year. During the winter, it is expected that the new arena can be used for a skating rink, Meanwhile, the old Fair building, which has served a good many fairs well, is being partly de- molished. If the Lions get the roof on the new building in time, then part of the old building will be Moved to another location and will be used as a cattle barn, in connection with the Fair. 411,04,11NANIN, $2,000 CASH BINGO EXETER ARENA Friday, Sept. 18 14 Regular Games for $50 each 3 Special Games for $100 each 1 SUPER SPECIAL FOR $1,000 ADMISSION $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25e — 5 for $1,00 GAMES START AT 9 P.M. SHARP — PROCEEDS IN AID OF THE ARENA FLOOR — 35-6-b 176" wheelbase $500 How to make your own grains pay: Mix one bag of 35% Poultry Concentrate with three bags of grain. We recommend that one bag of the grain be wheat or corn. FEED YbUR STOCK THE FRESH MIX WAY A 17% Laying Mash under $3.50 Per Hundred? Sure. USE S01- TURGEONS FOR BEST RESULTS 44 ELS OAS 4. W. Counter Builders Supplies, Albert Street Clinton, Ontario Higher quality assures tatisfattion. , Wrf.' " •