HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-12-11, Page 1*INGHAM % • VOL. XIV. ---NO. 150. trIc ijiuIamEimc5 S. W. GALB UM, PlionRIST0a. Teti IVINGIMI TIMES, published every Friday morn- ing-icirrictillokt,iclla ,y(vitsigailliietra,natsiduriirasoulaikrge 'ling country, making it a vain- -• able advertismg medium. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: elm per year—$1.00 per year if paid in advance. • ADVERTISING RATES: Space. I 1 yr. j- 6 nip. I 3 mo. 1 1 mo. Ono Column 1 $00-.90 135 $20 00 $3 00 Ealf " 151:0. 4-20 0 12 00 0 00 quarter " I 20t. 12 00 7 00 4 00 Ono Inch 5 3 00 2 00 1 00 Loa notices 8 cents per line for first insertion; 5 . cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Births; marriages and deaths Inserted free. Correspondence of a newey nature and communi- cations upon live topics respectfully. solicited. mess En & DICEINSGN. BARRISTERS, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners affi for taking davits for Manitoba. Private funds to lurid in straight loans at lowest rates. Offices — lient's Blocic, Lnoknow and Gerrie. ir. K c. EYKR. E. L. DICKINSON. T A. MORTON, . BARRISTER, &o., Wingliam, • - • Ontario. GEORGE MeGILL, 8. (Lato partner of Delmore, Black & Reeser, Toronto,) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR OF SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE: BEAVER BLOCK, lynionan, Oorranao. Money to loan at lowest rates. Mortgages bought and twins sold. ' DRS. BETHUNE al YOUNG., ;IMES. WINGHAM, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 1885. BROUGHT TO BAY. :CLARE ABROAD, churches have long been dieestablishecl' e. __ and disendowed—(loud and continued 4, . — Miss Floode, of Clinton, has been Arrest of the Parties Implicated in the Brilliant Speech by ilia Liberal Leader cheers)—where they work on terms" Durglary at Inglfs es co.'s Km. . engaged to teach school near Wiarton, at a Banquet in Edinburgh. purely voluntary and of perfect equal in town laet Friday and At a banquet recently given. by tuo at The$275 per year. Considerable excitement was ea.' -- family of Hon. A. I.I. Ross. , ity, and with a largo and fraternal Onristain feeling between the different provincial treasurer, will spend the Monday through the arrest of some of Scottish Liberal club, at Edinburgh, bodies. 1 can pointbyou to a country our citizens, who have hitherto borne in honor of Lord Rosebery, and at where the general system of education winter in Toronto. irreproachable characters, on suspicion - which over 600.guests were present, is national and gratuitous—(cheer. e)— Mr. and Mrs. P. Zimmerman, of of being implicated in the burglary of the Elon. Edward Melte, in ,replying compulsery and unsectarian—(hear, Gorrie, have gone to Michigan to Inglis & Co.'s woolen mill on the night to the toaet, "The Empire,' deliver- near) --where out of a population of ; spend the winter. of September 16th. Ever since thae , ed a brilliant speech. In the course under two millions there are half a The Morris Grangers will give thei I e Or 013 remarks Mr. Blake said. million of children on the rolls, annual supper in the township hall time the Messrs. Inglis have oeen on the lookout for the burglars, and -their In the country from which I come, and where there is a public expendi- next Wednesday evening. efforts have finally oeen crowned with hi the Dominion of Canada, your ture of 2600,000 annually for Geo. Cox, a farmer living near Pole success, only it is to be regretted that countrymen in every walk of lite, in elementary education. (Cheers.) 1 ters Hill, realized $450 from tippled some who were entirely innocent were the professions, in agriculture, in can point you out a country which geleown in his orchard this sena:in. subjected to very unpleasant experi- cernmerce, and in the political arena, has an extensive and thoroughly or- / John Diamond. jr., of Bluevalm ences. It appears that John Inglis play a part—a great part—in the devels ganized system of local municipal' fell from the roof of his house the karma that ltobt. Lockeridge, an em opnient of affairs enormously dispropor- tl . government for its counties, and for or day and broke his collar bone ployee of Scott & Bell's factory'bad tionate to their mere numbers. In towaships, and for villages, for its Geo. Blackwell has been engaged as sent a closed box to a certain house truth, my lord, I may say, speaking towns, and for its cities, so that thee teacher in S. S. No. 6, Turnberry, for in Blyth. This house was occupied broadly you rule us. (Laughter.) the_ensuing at a salary of $350. 1 people's business is done accoreing to by a Miss Greenine, a former employee do not now allude the headship of the the people's will by freely -elected s- - year Clinton,representative boards--(cheers)—ema,'David Canteloa,of Chas purs of Inglis & Co , and a friend of Lock- Executive, though 1 cannot forget where the great question to which chased and shipped over 200 car Riede eridge, and the latter Wog accused of, that the most brilliant Governor Gen. where traffic, is settledor 25,000 barrels of apples this year. The Seaforth Mechanics' Instituto and acknowledging to, the stealing of eral of my life -time was the late Lord allusion has been made, that of the gloves from Chaprean's tannery about Elgin, the friend of my boyhood— by a direct popular vote. (Cheers.) I can point has a membership of 310, a library of this time, suspicion naturally rested (cheers)and that we have but lately upon him. While in Blyth looking lost the assiduous and valued serviees to a country where there is a system 3,699 volumes, mid a balance of $432 up the matter Mr. Inglis found that of the .Varquis of Lorne. (Cheers.)in the treasury. . of State Government, a Government Miss Ida Dixon, of Wingham, daughter I do not speak of these—I speak of having large powers for doing business The Brussels fax mill will send an of WM. Dixon, had been disposing of the real rulers, the Prime Ministers of cheaply and expeditiously, and in . exhibit to the World's exposition at shirts, underskirts,a &c., innufaetured the country. (Hear, hear.) Parties touch with the people whose concerns London next year, consisting of 4 11 F L WHOLE NO. 726 Neighborhood. News. PHYSICIANS AND SUR, NS, Office, corner Centro and Patt:ick'stfeek Wirighani 0.46ario. ALEX. BETIEUNE,M. D., W. J. YOUNG h1;13, v. 0. O. P. a. 41. O. r: B. IVIRS. KERR, DRESSMAKER, Rooms over Fir. Holmes' store, McKenzie Blocir, WINGILIM • • ONTARIO. ARE CHANCE. -80 acre faun; some tin ; the _IR, making of a nice home ; delightful situation, 3i Iles south of Vassar, 3fichigad, sandy loani ;spring brook; school and state road near ; 31. C. Ry. switch on corner.. Also.320 acres Southern Manitoba. 100 acres highly improved farm, lot 30, con. 5, and 100 acres lot lip eon: 8, Cuiross.` Free deeds. Sale or exchange-oh:eaSy totals.. Ono. SieRissox, • • ' , ' Wingharo. P. S.—Pirivate funds on real estate at 7 per cent; sio expenkl., Oct. 9, '85.3-m. DENTISTRY, G. L. BALL, L. D. S., • Honor Graduate, Anil Member of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Attends his office over Gordon & Molndoo's store every Wednesday. Best of reference and satisfaction given. Tho various anmsthetics used in extracting teeth. Prioes moderato. S JEROME, L. 13. S. 4 WINCITIAM. OPVICK—Stono Block, Oldest stand in 1,Vingham. Charges moderate. Can bc found at his office, Stone Block, at Uses& , all times except on the first Monday and Tuesday and third Monday and Tuesday of each month, when he will bo in Lucknow. All the latest amesthetle.s used in the painless extraction of teeth. Office hours fro. 8 a. in. to p. ni. Gold filling. a specialty. THE CHEAPEST MONEY on the market. Private or compan-efe funds Loan on farm seourity at°, si and 7 per cont. Apply to H. DAVIS, Opposite the Market Square, Winghatn. F XCHANGE HOTEL, WINGHAM, • ONT. ' from tlie stolen goods. A search war- s maY rise and fall, political views and they are to manage, to attend to the threshed, unthreshed, rotted and dres- rant Yeas obtained for Dixon's se hou, causes may fail to triumph, the tide busmess of the Federal States unem. ed, flax. and while the search was being made of popular favor may ebb or may flow, barassed by matters of less concern. -.-e Twenty-two car loads of new steel Ida and her mother cenfossed to the but to oue thing we are constantever (Cheers ) And in such a country ae rails have been distributed along tha theft, at the same time implicating —we keep a Scotchman at the helm. that, I think you can read;ly under- C. P. R. line, between Teeswater and Thos. Elliott, jr., and ethers with (Laughter and cheers ) Mowat suc. stand how it comes that the Liberals Wingham Siding, with which to themselves. Elliott was arrested and ceeds Macdonald, and Macdonald sue- of Canada are Liberals in British replace the old '1'., G. & B, rails. taken before Geo. McKibben, j, p,, ceeds Mackenzie with the most corn- politics. and most of them belong to While plowing a few days ago Jas. and gave bail in the cunt of $1,500 mendable iteration—(laughter)—and. the advanced wing. (Cheers.) But Foley, of Leeburn, upturned a nest of torliis appearance on Wednesday. In indeed, some of the baser sort have it would be wrong to say that because 50 snakes, bows great and small. The -themea,ntime Mrs. Dixon and Ida invented the calumny that you have all this is done, there are no blemishes, reptiles were in a half torpid condition wade another confession, declaring sent across the broad Atlantic the . that there is no reverse of the medal, and. were soon dispatched with the aid elorihatically that they only were traditions of the land at home, and ' and that there is nothing left for Lib- of a stick. guilty, and that the parties they had that you imitate on the other side of eralisrn although so much has been Mrs. Anderson, of the township of previously implicated were perfectly the water the conduct of those 45 accomplished. Our work as Liberals Stephen, owns a goose whose know. mnoceet. The stolen goods, about lairds who, in the time of trouble, 30G edede of checked flannel, were went out on one side themselves and , still unaboeunted for, when Chief sent thason and heir on the other - pettypiece made another search and so that whosoever's head rolled on the found the greater part of them hidden scaffold there should always be a car - under logs, etc., al Dixon's house. tainy of the estate being preserved. Mrs. Dixon was arraigned before (Laughter and cheers.) Now, I shall Mayor Neelands, Ida being allowed not venture at this hour of the even - to go free on account of turning Queen's evidence. In her evidence Ida told a straight story of the whole transaction, and swore that her mother 'and herself committed the burglary, but that she was forced into it by her mother. The old lady a as committed for trial, but before leaving for Geed- erich Mr. Inglis laid information against her for stealing yarn from the mill during the summer of 1884. To ..his charge she pleaded not guilty, but on the .evidenee of Mr. Inglis, Con- stable Davis, of Blyth, and Mrs, D. ing upon the vast topic which, as Mr. Goschen has said, is preeared ley this toast. My* lords and gentlemen, I ieel that 1 Ought 'not to add more p on this b'raneh of the question, but with your great indulgence, I would desire to say that there is one prac- tical present use which you here in these islands can make of the other parts of the Empire. You can use them for the sake of example. come here and find you in the throes of a general election, I hear of pro- grammes ELMa of platforms of the two Ross. she was committed on this great parties of the State, and I see charge also. Mrs. Dixon's statements the additional suggestions which are all through were hesitating, con- made by the extremist on both sides. tradictory and reckless — sometimes and I find what the near and remote bewailing her wickedness, sometimes issues are. Well, what happens with declaring her innocence. She was us ? Many British emigrants who taken to Goderich on Wednesday, are Liberals come to Canada, and of The confession of Ida, in which she those some become Conservatives in di liti Th reat bulk of exhunerated young Elliott, was em- Cana an po cs. e g phatic and bore every resemblance to Canadian Liberals are Liberals in Im- truth. Her mother and younger sister perial politics, and the larger proper - corroborated it afterwards, and 9,p- tion of those belong to the more ex - to parenfly without knowing of Ida's treme and advanced section of the confeseion. When Elliott was brought Liberal party. Why is it? W hy, it up on Wednesday he was honorably is because the bulk of the questions discharged, there being not a tittle of which you are agitating here are long evidence against hirn, and the war- ago settled with us. (Cheers.) I can rants against the others implicated in point you to a country in which the the worcen's first statement were difficulty that we had in legislation is stayed. The Dixons have heretofore not to check, but to secure sufficient bake, eecellent characters, and meat . deliberation and discussion before the This NUM has lately been remlodeled to a con '4 ?,-..of-y, . arable extent, and isthoroughly coinfortable in every surprise 18 manifested on all sides that final consummation of legislative bat. respect. Always sets a Good Table. Gueste well 'they should have been guilty of such ties. (Cheers.) I can poipt you to pleased and conic again. Rates reasonable. Good stabling in connection and No.1 hostler. , a diabolical crime. Ida is a girl of a country where the land, largely in .1*. PATTEnsON, ' Omit 17 years nf age, and was form- the urban centres and sill more with acceptance to the majority of the ' erly employed in Inglis' mill. Mrs. largely in the rural conimunities, is' people. During my regime an import - CENTRAL HOTEL, Dixon is quite an aged woman and associated in occupation with its ant step has been taken towarclettec- e s ,......- ' has several grand -children. Locker. ownership, where there is a practical, ming the extension of the Canadian ' 4/A,TE )1ESAIIKELD'S. .Mita,Alico Sepvtif-fINAN,,Arp., edge, who was implicated in the first siinple and exepditious machinery for Pacific railway, and my energies with WV 34,) 41141:9 ....- confession, was told by a friend that the transfer and for the registration this object in view have been Untiring. ' iRAREST TO TIM IKARKKT. if he heel any connection with the of titles; whore primogeniture .has and next year, Should I be honored FIRST-OLESS IN EVERT RESPECT. affair he had better melee ' himself long been, abolished; where an eritail with re-election, I promise to be as un - here, there, and everywhere, is never ledge of the seasons appears to be done, and these constitutional reforms mixed. This fad it has laid,10 eggs after all are mainly and simply the and is still engaged in the laudable machinery by which we give to the undertaking. people the capacity for governing Nu. Huber, the Londesboro miller, themselves, and the great task of edu• has put in a claim against the county eating themselves up to that great re- for $800 damages sustained to his sponsibility. (Cheers.) The great mill through work on the Londesboro task of seeing that it is well done still bridge being delayed, and other claims remains, and the wider the constitution, are likely to be presented. and thefranchise, and the larger the Last week Mr. Lough, principal of power of the people, the greater the the Clinton model sohool, was pre- stress and strain on theirconscience, sented with. an address and a hand - their mind, their heart and their in- some hanging lamp and study lamp tellect. (Cheers) I may say 1 bo- by the students of the school, and Have it is applicable to the language Mrs. Lough with a silver cake basket, of the Trans -Atlantic poet who, after as alight tokens of the esteem in which describing the voyage of the Pilgrims they are held. in the May Flower, for conecience, Old George Fraser, one of the pie and for freedom, from this to the other neers of Goderich, and a man who at side of the Atlantic, adds:— one time occupied important official Now occasions bring new duties; time makes ancient good uncooth— positions in district, died last week in We must upward press and onward, would we keep poverty, and was buried at the expense Lo! before us gleam her camp fires; we ourselves of the itown. Ile was a man of splendid' abreast of truth; must pilgrims es,physique n early life. He had been a Launch our May Flower and steer boldly o'er the desperate winter sea, resident of Huron for about 53 years. k Nor attempt the future's portals with the past's blood.rusted key. Mrs. Beharrtell, of Grey, who re- eently lost herhesba,nd through death, The Mayoralty. was last week handed a check for $2,000 by the officers of the A. 0. U. To the Electors of the T—own—of Wingham. GENTLEMEN,—T110 W., No. 138, Brussels, of which order when you will time is at hand be called upon to select her husband was a member. The A. , your nienicipal representatives for the U. U. W. is an excellent society and year 1886, and such being the case, 1 lalways meets its engagements prompt - beg to announce myself as a candidate Y. The other day Mrs. J. Young, of for re-election. 11 is hardly necessary Lucknow, received from the .doctor that 1 should at this time enter into bottle of medicine, a tea8poonful of details of my stewardship. My acts are before you, and 1 shall leave you which was to be taken every two hours. The bottle. was placed upen a to judge me by them. During my brief term of office as Mayor I have en shelf beside a bottle of carbolic acid and when Mrs. Young went to- take deavored to serve you faithfully and her medicine she took carbolic acid well, and to discharge the duties of by mistake. The timely arrival of a the office with impartiality and in the physician prevented any serious con - best interest of the town, and, I Wipe, sequences, and Mrs Young has been taught to look twice before taking a dose of medicine. &ma wireless °DAMES SomopT ProprietorStamm He fa once took the advice is a cutosity almost as great its the tame; in my efforts, andopo, wi no , . AMP. 13ilicliArto, Stablemanagerrilon. ana fled the notintey. dodo—(laughter)—where,it. is the 0118- valued aid Of influential citizens to, soul the past year over $2,000 for all pur- tom of the people to divide their prop-- the extension an accomplished fact. poses. The debt on the church build - BOAR FOR SERVICE. We aesere you that after many Kim and estates amongst' their Trusting that my conduct has war- ing is now reduced to $800. This years' experience we find nothing that children; where propeety iS' :very rented a renewal of the confidence re- congregation ereeted the cher& in Tho undersigned luta for Service on his farm, lets COM compare to West's Cough Syrup equally diffused, and if there are eta, poeed in me at the last election, which they now worship 8 years age, boar -8a priD. the speedy cure of coughs co'as ze whiner wherever he has boon exhibited, • ' there are not, any grand .estateee-- I remain, at a cost in round numbers of $8,000, 7 and , con, 1, Morris, a therougnbred Berkshire 4 end without doubt 000 of tho best in the county. consumption, asthma, bronchitis, there is not either any overnshelming Yours respectfully, and two or three years ago, raised ego of tutu:thing If futhessary influent& Terme, $L00, payable at time of service, With and all throat and lung mass of grinding poverty. (Oyeera.). • jolts NnuLANn8, their miniger'S stipend froth CHAS. IIENDEita08, Proprietor. disease% 0, E. William% dreggiet. 1 can point you to a countiarAttellie Winglia4e1; Doe, 10, 1885. St. Andrew's church, Blytinappears to be in an exceedingly flourishing' condition,.judging from the annual re:, port. The membership is higher than ever before, it being now nearly 250. The congregation contributed during 'Morris, Oct. r1841880.—Ot. , hundred to a tliteisand dellersi 111 e • • 1 1 • ,