HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-09-03, Page 5"c'Fs1Sx31�?, sm'"i'. 'a, 1.053 Po" Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (ft Paid by Wednesday ,allowixtg date of in- esertion) .Two epnts a word first 'insertion (minimum 50 cents); subsequent insertions VA. cents a afford (minimum 35 cents); 15 Beats extra :for box number or 'tor direction to NEWS -RECORD kine, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 noon, Wednes day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT SELF.CONTAINED Apartment. Roy' Tyndall, phone Clinton S07rs. APARTMENT WITH HYDRO, share bath. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. r 34-b ROOMS FOR RENT. ALSO house 'to rent. Reasonable. Apply Dick Hotel, Seaforth. 34-b UNFURNISHED HOUSE IN Tier- -field. Insulated. Hydro and bath, Phone Hayfield 9, 34-b .ACCOMMODATION for roomers or 'boarders. Gentlemen preferred. Phone Clinton 16$R. 34-b 'TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur.. Walled, newly decorated, heated, share bath. Phone Clinton '76688W "FOUR ROO1VI UNFURNISHED ion, Phone Clinton 498W.nt, Immediate �asess- 34-b PARTLY. FURNISHED HOUSE. Apply at Mrs. Beaton's, corner of -.Church and Osborne Streets. 34-b 'GARAGE FOR RENT, TWO doll- ars monthly. Apply William Street, opposite the old Public .School, 34-b THREE ROOM APARTMENT on ground floor. Furnished; heated Private entrance. Shared bath. Phone Seaforth 42. 34-b UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, three .rooms and bath, heated, Ground floor, close to down town suitable for couple, No children. Box 12, Clinton News -Record. 34-p ONE STOREY HOME, TWO bed- ' rooms, modern conveniences, corner of Rattenbury and Ship- ley Streets. Furnished or unfur- nished. Write Box 72, Clinton. 34-b BRIGHT, SELF - CONTAINED apartment, on ground floor, un- furnished. (Three or four rooms) House heated by oil furnace. All modern conveniences. Phone Clinton:' Business, 769; Resid-' en e, 171R. 34-b Accommodation Wanted FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, with bath and heated, by Oct- ober 1, Phone Clinton 382, local 235. 34-b THREE ROOM FURNISHED a- partment, in Clinton, • Needed by September 7. G4rald Prouse, Gen. Del., Clinton. 34-p ARTICLES FOR SALE P,ABY BUGGY. TWO YEARS old, clean, good condition. Priced right for quick gale. Write or phone to Mrs. W. Clement, Box 42, Hensall. Phone Hensel. 19. 34-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1927 DODGE SEDAN, FOUR good tires. Homer Andrews, :phone Clinton 778R, 34-p SAVE $100 BY DIRECT DEAL. Forced to sell 1951 Ford Tudor. 'Excellent condition. Priced to go at .$1,395, Contact 33r. P. Yates, 'phone Clinton 16. 34-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- business trades listed; restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc cry stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. ' 14-.tfb BUSINESS LOCATION IN main business section of Clinton, at present occupied by Moore's TIobby Shop, will be available after September 1. Suitable for barber shop For further partic- • niers,' callNoble, Holland, Phone CXinton 617r22. 34-b 1. • Employment Wanted- YiIGH SC140OL GIRL, 15, wishes rpm and board in exchange fine hid care and household help: Vt eekennds optional Box 15, Cline News -Record. . 34. b 'FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR FURNITURE, PIANO ' and radio cabinet refinishing and re - Pairing see W. 0. Pickett, 13ox 351, Clinton, , , , , 345-6-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OT' ,FARMS FOR sale, "L. G 'Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE McCORMICK DramG H Trac- tor, and two row McCormick Corn picker. i'our years old. $1,200 or beat offer, Ken John- nton, phone Clinton 430, at loc- trta(,e of Bert Huller's store. 34-b FARM PRODUCE FOR t SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD, FIVE PIECE sectional, fringed. Phone Clin- ton 667W. 34-b REFRIGERATOR, lir 6", two yeer guarantee, $275. Four burn- er electric stove; Sunny Boy kitchen can; electric radiator' electric heater; oak rocking chair; wicker chair; typ carpet, 9x6'; bathroom hamper lee box; lamps, dishes, nick- nacks; priced for quick sale, Roy Vodden, Summerhill Store, 34 b 1, Clinton. HELP WANTED --FEMALE GOOD SMART GIRL, TO WORK in food market. Full time. Thompson's Food Market. 34-b GIRL WANTED FOR LUNCH room work. Apply at Stan's Taxi and Lunch room. 34-5-b HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WANT - ed at local bank. Apply at Bank of Montreal, Clinton. 33-4-b WAITRESS WANTED. FULL time employment. Experience not essential. Apply to Bartliff Bros. 33-4-b HELP 'WANTED—Mak WANTED AT ONCE. YOUNG man to work in Food Market. Full time. Phone Clinton 40. 34-b MAN WITH CAR WANTED TO sell over 250 guaranteed pro- ducts. Small capital required. No risk whatsoever. Write for de- tails.: FAMILEX, Dept. 1, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, 34-b FIND THE COST OF LIVING high? Need an extra $35 to $50 a week? Part time work, hours 6 to 9 p.m. Married men preferr- ed. If you have a car for local travel, apply to P.O. Box 6,. Harriston, 34-b LIVESTOCK WANTED .WANTED. OLD HORSES .AND -lead cattle Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Goderich. Phone collect, 13(3r32. or 936r21. 9-ptfb C'T,AT?P'S 1E`A:VOUttITE PEARS. Ptci. your own. Bring your own nor, .liners. Mrs. James Levy,k phtee Clinton 284W. 34-b pl'IARS, DELICIOUS, 31.7ICY and carefully picked. At the farm of the late Cornelius Hoare, Joni north oi' Clinton. 34-b SEED $ A OR - R L J Esq-13U'Sli LS OP )AWbtrt, deed wheat, grower from regist- ered seed, price $1.75 per bushel, -Wearied. and treated. John D. Lincpay, R,.R. 0, Clinton, phone tan 904x14, 34{lt DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb MISCELLANEOUS CRESS WART REMOVER—real- ly does it, Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve'— for sure -re- lief. 34-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides. of river, . at any time hereafter, will be prose- '•uted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry. • 31-5-p POULTRY FOR SALE 125 NEW RAMP X SUSSEX; five months old. Phone Clinton 617r16. 34-p 100 RED PULLETS, FIVE mono the old. Apply Robert Glen, phone Clinton 907r25, Clinton. 34-p 100 Sussex X RED PULLETS for sale. Laying. Apply Douglas Farquhar, phone Clinton 805r5, 34-p 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE X Sus- sex pullets, six months old, laying. Phone Clinton 622r2. Mervin Hatter, Varna. 34-b PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb EIGHT ROOM FRAME HOUSE, town water, new bathroom, sink and cupboards. All conven- iences, good location. Apply to Lewis Whitfield, Blyth. 34-b NEW, SMALL, TWO ROOM cabin, with built-in sink, cup- boards, screened door and win- dows. Floor covered with lin- oleum, Wired for electric light, Suitable for summer cottage. Size 12 x 20. Situated just north of town, A. Livermore, Phone Clinton. 808r11. Also chrome kitchen set, red arborite table top, with four chairs to match, 34-p ONE STOREY HOUSE, 19 x 40' with kitchen attached to be indirect. Would make a gobd home or a nice double cottage at the lake. Phone Clinton 263. • 34-p NINE -ROOM HOUSE, 'TWO SUN porches, double garage, oil heat with hot water, Centrally locat- ed. Apply to Mrs. H. Bartliff, phone Clinton 95. 34-b PIANO TUNING • ''OUP, PIANO earefully tuned runt call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. , 43-ttb S'H'OVES FOR SALE QUEBEC HEATER WITH 13 -inch etre box in `;ood condition. Phone Clinton 269M, 84-b 13ORGE, FOUR-HUIiNEit table- top electric range in excellent condition. Also Norge oil• -burn• ing siaeo heater in good condite ion, Bob Morgan, Mary Street. phone Clinton 41'7. 344E 13RAtm NEW 13EACII FOUXt- btirner heavy duty electric range with oven. Never uncrated, House wiring found. 'Unsuitable, Will sell cheap for endiii. Reg. ,$239.50, for mtick sale, $195, Phone C1hi tori 6344, 34-5=b CINT T..,, +I1 .1 S-44"'. QRD Bayfield Brand of Shakespeare Gained Wide e .cclaim Last Week fli3' our Hayfield correspondent) For the past week or two every morning the children of the village and the cottages, hurried to keep appointments with the leaders who drilled them for the festival Pre- sented in the Bayfield Town Hall last Saturday night. It was en- titled "Command Performance of t h e Bayfield - on - the - Bayfield, Shakspearian Festival." The command performance was for I-I.R.H, Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, and with- out doubt the children who imper- sonated the royal party, were the real "piece -de -resistance" of the whole performances Th,y were driven in bright red cars through the village on the way to the hall, and as they entered down the centre aisle, were announced over the 1333,C," by the Rev, Eric Carew -Jones in a true English de- scription, with all the proper salu- tations; "Her Royal Highness, Her Grace or Her Majesty" ;= After the Queen was escorted to the stage, by two red -coated soldiers, (Teddy Turner and Roy Telford, BayfieId), the royal party dressed in velvets, nylons, ,satin and brocade, tains, feathers and coronets, the boys in formal coats, silk hats, and kilts, and Winston Churchill with his famous cigar, all walked up to the stage, bowing or with low curtes- ies before the Queen. 'Io the child- ren who were init, and those who saw it, it will song be remembered. The following children took part: Queen Elizabeth, Gail Turn- er, Bayfield; Duke of Edinburgh, Lindsay Elwood, London; Queen Mother, Jackie Weston, Bayfield; Princess Margaret, Sally Beth Hunter, Toronto; Duchess of Kent, BIRTHS BUCIcLEY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, August 21, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley, Clinton, a son. FIELDS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, August 28, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fields, Hensel', a son. FORCIER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, August 27, 1953, to LAC and Mrs. Edward Forcier, Clinton, a son. GIBBINGS .- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, August 30, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibbings, Auburn, a daughter. HAUGH—In South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Thursday, August 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Haugh (nee Audrey Walsh), Dashwood, a son (Terrence Ro- bert). LECLAIR—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 25, 1953, to Corporal and Mrs. Jac- ques Leclair, Clinton, a daugh- ter. OESCH-In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, August 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch, Varna, a daughter. RAPSON--In Wingham Hospital, on Saturday, August 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rapson, a son. SCOTT—In St. Joseph's 'Hospital, Sarnia, on Friday, August 28, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott (nee Shirley Henri), a daughter, (Joanne Irene). TIMLECK—In St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, Toronto, on Friday, August 28, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Timleck, Clinton, a daugh- ter (Graces'. VICKERS --In York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket, on Tuesday, August 18, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickers (nee Joyce Seruton), a • daughter. VAN DAM1VlE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday. August 28, 1953. to Mr: and Mrs. Joseph VanDamme, Clinton, a daughter. MARRIAGES ALEXANDER-LIVINGSTON —At. the home of the bride's parents, on Friday, August 21, 1953, by Rev. White, Constance United Church, Lois Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. 'Livingston, R.R. 2, Seaforth, to Beverly Leverne Alexander, R.R. 1, Hensel', son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Alexander, R.R. 1, Hen- sall. BURR-GORNALL--In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday, August 29, 1953, by Rev, J. G. Lethbridge, chaplain at Westminster Hospital, Lon- don, assisted by Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Clinton, Elizabeth Joy, daughter of Mrs. Lawrence Guest Gornall, 'Brockenhurst, Hants, England, to Alvin J. Buhr, B.A., M.D., 'son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Buhr, Gretna, Man. )EAS -WILSON -- 'In Wesley - Willis United Church, on Satur. day,' August 29, 1953; by Rev. Hugh C, • Wilson, Ruth Mary, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson, Clinton, to Donald Alan Deas, son of Mr, and Mrs, Henry' N. Deas, London, HARRIS-LADD --- In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday, August 22, 1953, by Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Kathryn Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tough Ladd, Clinton, to Kenneth John Harris, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Harris, R.R. 2, Bayfield. 1V(acVICAR - B E A T T Y ---- In St, John's Anglican Church, Varna, on Thursday morning, August 27, 1953, by Canon A. A, Alra- ham, London, assisted by Rev, Carew -Jones, Bayfield, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs, Beatty, Varna, ono the late Geor' e H, Beefy. to John Alex- ander MaeVi(nr, son of Mrs. M:icVlear, T.c rdn:r, and the lain In mean Me :•Viola•, TbT)STICAI,T,-S("()TT . In Brum- field field United (''hurrah, on S.<tiur- day. August 22, 195:t 5:t l,, Tl.,r'. W J. Maines, Brucefield, Charlotte Alice "uth, (,-Yueldrr oi` Mr, and Mrs. Ttoss Scott, Brucefield, to rhino: Officer. Leon John ltush- cail, l.arhine, Que., son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Ttushcall, Fernie, I3.C', SEERS-BLAKE—At the home of the bride's parents, on Saturday Janet Burch, Toronto; Princess Alexandra of Kent, ,Barbara Torn- er, Bayfield; Duchess of Gloucest- er, Linda Wagaar, Hayfield; Duke of Gloucester, Billy Lance, Detroit; Son of Duke of Gloucester, Brian Elwood, London; Duchess of Nor- folk, Ann Hart, London; Duke of Norfolk, Ricky Wagaar, Bayfield; Lady Rosemarie Spencer Churchill, Bonnie Parker, Weston; Sir Win- ston Churchill, Strickie Aust, Lon- don; The Hon. Louis St, Laurent, Donnie Burch, Toronto; Duchess of Devonshire, Lynda Carew -Jones, Bayfield; Duchess of Portland, Ra- mona Telford, Bayfield; Queen Juliana of holland, Mary EIizabeth Irwin, Bayfield; Prince Bernhardt, Philip Turner, Bayfield; Princess Royal, Susan Kennedy, London; Queen Salote of Tonga, Wilson Treleaven, Windsor. Before the Queen left the plat - forth, she was presented with a bouquet of flowers by John Mac- Kenzie, Toronto, dressed in cos- tume of a young boy. Mr. Justice Maurice King of Stratford, who has spent his summers in Bayfield since a boy,, entered into the spirit of the evening and suggested that though they might not have the Stratford tent for their festival they had certainly equalled the tent's temperature. The whole programme was thought up and planned by Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Toronto, and her daughter Mary Alice. Proceeds will be turned over to the Pioneer Park' Association. Special credit should be given to the helpers: Miss Barbara Stevenson who as- sisted so much with the music and training of the children; Mrs. El- wood, London; Mrs. Frank Burch, Toronto; Claudia Moore, Detroit, who headed the property commit- tee and used her car; Mrs. William Parker who trained the children in the Maypole Dance; Pegi gins, Toronto, who headed the advertising, and many others who loaned costumes and properties. Jill Millsap and Alfred McAlIist- er, London, had the- task of mak- ing up. Charles Rogers deserves special thanks. So ended Bayfield's third summer- theatre. DEATHS. AHRENS—Suddenly, in Detroit, on Tuesday, August 25, 1953, Winifred Brown, formerly of Bayfield, beloved wife of Harry Ahrens, Detroit. Funeral from Trinity Anglican Church, Bay- field, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, August 28. BEZEAU—In Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on Wednesday, August' 26, 1953, Margaret Britton, be- loved wife of Lawrence Bezeau, in her 44th year. BLANCHARD—At his home in Brucefield, on Friday, August 21, 1953, Oscar J. Blanchard, be- loved husband of Harriete Pic- kett, in his 80th year, Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, August 24. BUTLER ---Suddenly at his home on Huron Street, Clinton, on August 22, 1953, John R. Butler, beloved husband of Elizabeth Cruickshanks, in his 56th year. Funeral under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch No. 140, from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Monday afternoon, Au- gust 24. CAMPBELL—At his home in Lon- deshoro, on Saturday morning, August 22, 1953, William Tho- mas Campbell, in his 85th year. Funeral from the Tasker funeral home, Blyth, to Blyth Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, Aug. 24. ELLIOTT In London, on Tues- -day, September 1, 1953, Alice Galpin, beloved wife .of Thomas H. Elliott, in her 70th year. Fun- eral from Logan's funeral home, to Bayfield emetery, on Fri- day afternoon, September 4. HALLAM--In Clinton Public Hes- pital, on Wednesday morhing, August 26, 1953, Thomas Hal- lam, late of 'Auburn, in his 86th year. Funeral from Knox Unit- ed Church, Auburn, to Ball's Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, August 28. RAPSON—In Wingham Hospital, on Sunday, August 23, 1953, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rapson. In Memoriam BERRY .-- In loving memory of Hugh F. Berry, who died one year ago, August , 22, 1953: "He liveth long, who liveth well." —Sadly -missed by his wife, bro- thers and nieces, • 34-b HOUSE for SALE Four -Apartment House $2,400 Yearly Income Solid brick, slate roof, 2 -ear garage; new air-conditioned oil furnace, heavy wiring. $11.000 with $5,000 down or will take $9,500 cash. APPLY IL C. LAWSON Realtor Clinton ..-.-.-s-4-.+ C JIVA lG t : 3; Contractors CEMENT • BUILDING CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired afternoon, August 22, 1(1.,"r3, hy' Rev. Williams, Maxine Clara, Guy SONS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. armies Blake, Benn/siller, to William Lincleay Seer's, Auburn, son the o zone C3lirlt + I2 Mrs. SeotS, Auburn, ane tart' 3m'1-pts'b Frederick Seers. 4 4444,44$44-4444:44.'444-44.4,44.4 ROXY THEATRE ItNTON NOW PLA. LING --,.Aug, 3-0 "HANGMAN'S KNOT" starring RantTolplt Scott — Dolma Ree MON-TUES-WED Mg, 7-8 , yCyarny`(t (1 Deborahr7� GRANT .i. KERR "DREAM WIFE" • =CRS-F+RI-SAT--Aug, 10-12 . Stirling Hadyen Richard Carlson "FLAT TOP" COMING—August 14 "SMALL TOWN GIRL" Jane Powell -- Farley Granger PAGE: ,Iv ' PARK THEATRE 6QD ERWCH,-rPl,one 1150 Now: "WOMAN OF THE NQRTH COUNTRY" In color with Ruth Hussey antl Gale Storm MON-TTIES-WEII–= "Small Town Girl' -,- In Tecluticolor ••�-. Come and meet the townspeople of Duck ,Creek and treat yourself to a thoroughly enjoyable fun and music show. One Powell --- Ann Miller Farley Granger Tlif7)R-TRI-SAT- Jeff (Chandler --,- Susan Ball and Scott Brady Adventure, danger and romance a- bound in this tale of a naval vessel disguised as a pirate to capture a strange fleet. --- In Technicolor --- Yankee Buccaneer Coming: Frederic March & Terry Moore. In "Man on aTightrope" CAPITAL THEATRE GOAERICH •-, Phone 47 Now: t`CU)0E TWO" - ,Sally rest, Ralph IWeckrer, Keenan WPM. MON-TIACs-WED- - Yaugho.. Monroe---.0oan Leslie. Joan Parker A. rugged U,S. marsliall battles Apaches and outlaws to finally end some frontier terrorism. Filmed in Trucolor. "Toughest Mau. In. Arizona" TUUIZ-FRI-SAT-,-• `4Sweethearts On Parade" --- In Trucolor• --, A medicine show in Kokomo puts a beautiful, music teacher on the road to a new interest in life. Ray Middleton --- Aileen Christy Bill Shirley Coming: "A Perilous Journey" --, with Vera Ralston & Scott Brady Cards of Thanks MRS. JOHN R. BUTLER and family wish to thank the many friends and neighbours for sympa- thy and kindness shown there in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. G. W, Sherman, Sparta, and members of the Clin- ton Legion Branch No. 140; also members of the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. Special thanks to Dr. F. G. Thompson, 34•,b We would like to thank neigh- bours and friends for their kind- nesses at the time of my brother's death. Also thanks to the pall- bearers and flower -bearers and Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna. — THE DQWSON FAMILY. 34-p MRS. GEORGE R. BUCKLEY wishes to express her sincere thanks to Dr. Newlands, Dr. Ad- dison, and the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital for their kind at- tention during her stay there. Also thanks to all those who sent flow- ers and gifts. 34-b I wish to thank all my friends for the nice cards and gifts I re- ceived while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and War Mem- orial Children's Hospital. (Signed) —JOHN CONSITT. 34-p I wish to thank those that loan- ed cars and sent flowers for my wife Winifred Ahrens; also the pall -bearers and Rev. E. Carew - Jones for his kind words. Your kindness will never be forgotten. —HARRY AHRENS. 34-b MRS. HARRIETTE BLANCH - ARD,, Brucefield, extends thanks lee the sympathy shown at the time of her late husband's death, and the kindness shown at the time of his illness. Special men - ten is made of Dr. Oakes and Dr. Yates, also Rev. W. J. Maines, Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie and Mr. and Mrs. Kornega, • 34-b I wish to thank my many friends for their lovely flowers and cards and all those who called while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Also special thanks to all who helped with the work at home while I was away and since I have been home, —' D O R E E N MUSTARD. 34-b CONFIIDENCE IMPORTANT In time of need you may call BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME with complete con- fidence. a it tuterai Aottzt Lal. /AAA Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY During. Summer 1Vfonths Sales held at 7.30 pan. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer X. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Flowers Telegraphed Anl+tw1i ere K. C. CO.IKECO FLORIST Phone 66W - Clio** 3% INTEREST on Savings Open a Savings Account in Clinton Community Credit Union To -day Children's Accounts Welcomed Savings Doubled in Case of Death Loans at Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY, Manager Office hours from 9-5 every day except Wednesday afternoon; open Sat. evening from 7-9 Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate of JOHN ROBERT BUTLER, Agent, Deceased. All persons having, claims against the estate of the above-named de- ceased, late of Clinton, County of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd of August, 1953, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Crown Trust Company on or be- fore the 30th of September, 1953, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated, August 29th, 1953. CROWN TRUST COMPANY, 284 Dundas Street, London, F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton; Ontario, Solicitor for the said Crown Trust Company, Executor. 34-5-6-b 4-$.444-+..9.+4+ ..f-• •-•-•-s e 1-0-S WILLS COST LITTI,,E and save much. Consult your' lawyer about your will. CONSULT H. E.. HARTLEY about your IUe insurance' Canada Life Assurance Co. -- Phone 454-W +-4•+++444•4-4-+1 ZS, S13OHd ,fig Waal" SPIO w. uelullA„ TIS atiA 013:auz2itn,IC aOIA'kmas 2M uOirsiAaRL Ist ()Tun OO'6 $ t>�xtz 1300W •lsoa epee ettegs w gszag Sue2ogsau ro sls0 pecan uT alqu -Irsite osly •4,14eurgrea qsf -a 3nUrem glooaW- z ss rpm arm) mini az Atm This adv. inverted as ordered • I n odericii. Business College Fail Tenn Opens September 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association Telephone 1272 or(428W -- Goderich, Ontario 31-2-3-4-5-6-b FOR SALE 4 -ROOM DWELLING --Hydro, good size lot, located in Bayfield, Ont, Price $1,000.00. 5 -ROOM STONE COTTAGE --•-(lot 120'x120'), furnace, heatilator fireplace, located on Maitland River near Ball's Bridge, Col- borne Township. Ideal location for sum- mer home. Price $2,500.00. H. C. LAWSON, Realtor Phone 251W Clinton, Ont, 51.80011 ;. 111 6gCtt 'Id'> for `_ ;<. JEANS—Sanforized Denim -- from 3.15 to 4.25 pr. -SHI TRTS—"all Clearance 1.29 ea. SPORT SHIRTS—Reg. 2.95 x..95 ea. r WHITE SIIIRTS—Arrow for Boys -2,95 ea. S.LACRS ---- Gabardine, checks, plains — all sizes -- 4.50 up PICKETT oCAMPBELL THE STORE FO la frit N . ARROW SKIRTS STETSON' HATS ONE 25 (Main Corner) CLINTON .S