HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-08-20, Page 6News of Bayfield CLINTON NEWS-.i3;FCOAP Mrs. J. Fulton, son, and grand- Weston, Mrs. E. Newton, who aaeehtei', Biggar, Seek., "Welted accompanied them fo the village. her bro.•ixer-in-law and 'aster, i remained for a longer visit with Mr. and 1tff. , . Percy Weston, last 'her sister, • week. I Mr, and Mrs. Fames Robinson Repreeentative _ - Mrs, N. W, Woods, Miss Lucy and two children left on Wednes- SSS L47CE R, WOODS Phone BAYFIELP 45r3 R. Weeds, and W, E. ,Buchan day to visit in Niagara Falls en were in Listowel en Sunday, the [ guests of Rev, and Mrs. F. Ives in I�ondon • I Mr and Mrs E. Flagg have Miss Janet M'acLeod, London, was home over the weekend, Dr. and Mrs, W. 3, Tilimann, London, are at their cottage, "leongvue. " Renouf Johns and son, Guane, are holidaying at Mrs, W. M. Westlake's. Xan Stewart, Ottawa, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Shortreed, Miss Diane Weldon, London, is the guest of Mrs. E. C. Elwood at her cottage. Miss J. E. Rankin, Stratford, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. •J, P. Rankin. , Mr, and Mrs. James Manness, Arcade, New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W,, E', Manness, Billy parker, London, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parker over the weekkend. Col. and Mrs. E, D. Elwood, Montreal, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. • E. C. Elwood. D. Donald Stephenson, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with his parents at the family cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Harold King, Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston. Miss Margaret Stirling, Lond- on, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Stirling. Master Howard Scotchmer re- turned home on Saturday after having spent a week with relat- Paull, H IL �h route to their home in Clear- Mrs. E. J. Trewartha spent a water, Fla, after having spent ter days ysrin Goderich Bennett. heeguest of a vacation at D. eA.r Atkinson's Miss May Jas. C. en eett. was n cottage, Blue Water Highway, Mr, and Mrs William Vair, retiik ed to London after a three Goderich Township, the guest last Thursday of Mr, vacatio at their lig and Mrs. Frank McCullough, Detroit, and Allan Ormond, Iron weeS n spentT many friends of Mrs. Miss. Eileen Gliddon and Nelson Mountain, Mich., are guests at j cottage en Main Street, Flagg James Ferguson who has been a Brown, Detroit, IVlich., were guests the Albion hotel, I Haven.'. 'patient in Clinton Pubiip Hos- at a wedding in Watford .on Sat - Mr. and Mrs, .Grafton Weston, Rev. and Mrs. LaVerne 1V.ior- Petal since • March, will be glad Lon•dpn, spent the weekend with ' gan, and family lett on Tuesday ' to know that she is improving Miss iss Adele Finlay, Clinton and the former's parents,Mr, an dmorning to visit in xall u ton in health and was able to he Mr, and Mrs, Frank McCullough Mrs. E. R. Weston.befo a returning to lvlarine city, brought to her own home en and family were recent guests of Misses Amy Grace and Jane' • e +Saturday. Mrs. Livingston, God- Mrs, John Finlay in River Rouge, erich, is caring for ,her, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bond and The August meeting of the Wo - Lawrence Bond, Wooster, Ohio; men's sionr' y and Dr. and Mrs. John Conway, John Woman1Vlis's AssoaciationSociet.o£ Rabiesthe- and Sandra, Dr, and Mrs. Byron vine United Church was held at Johnston, Erica, Mark, Ruth and the home of Mrs. Harry Williams, Stuart, Ashtabula, Ohio, are oc» with Mrs, Jack Yeo as leader. The cupying Mrs, McCarthy's cottage theme "Jesus Shall Reign" was in Lakeside Park, and Mr, and carried out by the singing of the Mrs. Charles Meister, Ashtabula, hymn "Jesus Shall Reign" and a Ohio, are staying at The Little talk on the theme by Mrs. Yeo. MM.' n The scripture reading, as taken Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. I•Ioward from the 27th Psalm was read by Windsor were the guests of Mr. Mrs, Lloyd Bond, and Mrs, Harry and Mrs. J. E. Howard from Fri- Williams led in prayer, Following day until Sunday while visiting the singing of the hymn "Jesus, relatives in the village. Their the Very Thought of Thee", Mrs, Son Walter, wife, and little Frank McCullough read a poem daughter Christine, who are "Cleaning the Lamps". During the holidaying .at Forest, also visited business period, it was decided to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howard on pack a bale, the donations to be Friday. turned in in September. Mrs. Eldon Shakesperian Festival is being Yeo read an article .on Temper- rehearsed for presentation in the ance, and Mrs. Bill Norman gave Town Hall, Bayfield, August 29. the chapter in the study book, on This evening's entertainment for "The Healing Ministry". T h e the benefit of the Pioneer Park meeting closed with the hymn Association is under the direction "Softly and Tenderly", after which of Mrs. R. G. Hunter. We can- Mrs, Harry Cudmore took charge not give the program because of the WA portion of the meeting. we don't know about it except The WA meeting opened with the sin in of the th Mic Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Castle re- turned to their home in Simcoe recently after having spent a fortnight at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs, J. Brown and Miss Ruth Joy Martin, Detroit, visited their mother, Mrs. F. V. Martin, "Boulder Lodge," over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Francis and family were in Thamesford on London; Mr. and Mrs, . Charles Parker, Weston, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. Mrs. Keith Pruss and baby, Sunday. Jimmy remained to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan. George Fellows returned to Windsor on Monday after hav- ing spent his vacation with his wife and family at their cottage on Louisa Street, Judy and Georgia Forrester re- turned to their home in Saginaw, Mich., on Monday after having; spent a vacation with their aunt, Miss A, Fernette. Mrs. J. M. Atkinson returned on Thursday after having spent a few days at St. Clair Shores, Mich. J. M. Atkinson was also. here orer the weekend. Stewart Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., and Miss Ernestine Cooper, Windsor, were the guests of the former's uncle, D. A. At- kinson, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Auld and fam- ily, St."Catherines, and Mrs. Auld's mother, Mrs. C. Seager. are spending this month at a cottage at The Highlands. Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Howard and Brenda Blair motored to Keewaydin camp on Friday morning and Margaret Howard returned home with them. Mrs. Martin Rosell, Steveston, B.C. arrived on Monday to spend a couple of months with her mother and sister, Mrs. William and Miss Berthena Sturgeon. Miss Maude McGregor returned home on Saturday after having been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital since las" December, her many friends will be glad to know. Kendall, Elmira, have been spend- ing a couple of weeks with their aunt, Mrs, LeRoy Path, Rev. and Mrs. John Graham, Port Burwell, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson have returned to their home in Toronto after having spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kennedy. Ml's. R. 1 ..Johnston is at her home in the village after having attended Summer School at the University of 'Western Ontario. R. S. Roddick, Halifax, N.S., has joined his wife at "Lland- udno" their home in. the Village; for the remainder of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Ford returned to London on Saturday after having spent the past few weeks at the Metcalf stone house Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston, Ray and Susanne, Detroit, are spending this week with the former's father, George Weston. Takeabreak.,. Rdaxwith with aCoke It takes only moments to pause fol' a Coke. Pays off in big dividends, too—for things get done when you work refreshed. nduosatensen Including Federal Taxes Authorised bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. "'Coke" is a registered trade -mark: Phone: 78 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 gifts to the Children's Aid Society, the gifts to be turned in at the November meeting.. The roll .pall for the September meeting is to be answered with a donation to the Sewing Booth for the Fall Bazaar. A committee, made up of Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, that it is a take -off on the Strat- g g eme song and ford Shakespearian Festival. repeating the creed. The scripture, Balmy, breezy, Bayfield will be taken from Matthew 5, 3rd verse on the lisp as well as Stratford. and Phillipians 4 : 5, were read and Guests at The Little Inn include: explained r the and Grigdent,g Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Rich, Inger- Cudmore,thMrs, report,d hichghave soil; Mr. and Mrs. F. Black and ed treasurer's waiovehr s$ 50. daughter, Irene, Tor6nto; Mr. and ed awasde balance on hand give Christmas tmas Mrs. H. S, Scott, Dearborn, Mich.; It ' decided to Christmas Miss Nellie Fluker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coates and daughter, Oliv- in, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hawkins, Windsor; Mrs. A. R. Cal- cott, Miss Nancy Stuart Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. George I4ewberry, Toronto; Mrs. W. T. Skinner, Miss Alicia Element, London; Miss Mabel Ross, Port Credit; Miss Susan Ardist, Miss Agnes Carlson, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard went to London on Saturday morning where they visited their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham. They went on to Simcoe to attend the "Derry Day" celebration where Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham later pick- ed them up and went on to Port Dover where they had tea with Rev. and Mrs. H. J. E. Webb. Jackie Fraser, London, spent They called at Port Burwell the weekend with his parents, returning home late that evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham returned Mrs. Cecil Cooper and son, Don- to London on Monday. ald, Clinton, also visited them willing Workers on Sunday. The regular meeting of the Wil - Mr. and Mrs. Blake Sherman and family, Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rockenfield and family, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Gower and family, London, are occupying Jowell cottages. for two weeks. Mrs. E Beaton and Janis, Miss Joyce Bell, Bayfield; Bill Lind- say and Alan Galbraith, God- erich Township, left on Sunday to spend a week at Bass Creek, Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Harry Baker, Connie and Gwen, .accompanied by Sandra Arnott, London, are at their cott- age in the village this week,. Harry Baker was also with them over the weekend. Mr. and• Mrs. J. Gingrich, Bad Axe, Mich., are visiting the latter's brother, Paul and Mrs. Cleave. Cleave Gingrich and wife are holidaying at one of the Scotehmer cabins. Mr. and Mrs. C. Shuler return- ed to Detroit on Monday after having spent a week with the latter's sister, Miss Elizabeth captain of the Bayfield Com- pany Mrs. S. May. This is Rosa- lind's first Canadian camping. The Rev. and Mrs, E. Carew - Jones, Christopher and Lynda, called at Keewaydin Camp on Friday morning for Rosalind and went on around Georgian Bay to visit friends in Meaford. They returned on Saturday via the Blue Mountains, Eugenia Falls and Flesherton. Trinity WA "Dingleton," the attractive summer home of C. R. Will on Delevan Street, was the setting for a most enjoyable lawn tea on Wednesday afternoon, Aug- ust 12, for the benefit of the Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity Church, The guests were received by IVirs. C. R. Will. Chairs were arranged in a circle on the shady lawn in ,front of the patio. Flow- ers in purple, white and yellow, ling Workers of St. Andrew's arranged on a gold cloth added Church was held at the home of a coronation touch to the tea - Mrs. Robert Blair on Wednesday, table set nearby. July 12, when 15 of the 18 mem- Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, Mrs. J. hers answered the roll call. The E. Howard and Mrs. Maynard president, Mrs. John Lindsay, op- Corrie poured. Mrs. Charles R. ened with prayer and the theme Will, assisted by her granddaugh- was "Life is Worth Living". The ter, Miss Nancy McCombe, hfrs. sccretary's and treasurer's reports C. Knuckey and Mrs. R. H. F. ware given, and a brace sale was Gairdner served. C. R. Will also planned for Au,;tust, 27 in the graciously assisted his wife in a';eincnt. The meeting entertaining those present. Over closed w:;h the singing of the Na- $50 was realized for W.A. work tional Anthem. in. this parish. Queen Rosalind . Miss Rosalind Carew -Jones was chosen by the Keewaydin Camp supervisors as the best all- around guide and crowned queen on the last night of camp. She belonged to the Buckingham Fa - lace camp and received gifts from the other tents. With Mar- garet Howard and another girl, she occupied Windsor Castle tent. The honour bestowed. upon Rosalind• is a tribute to her Eng- lish Guiding and also to the 5.00 5.30 6.30 7.30 8.00 9e30 Favorite Story Nopaiong Cassidy Danger,, Or. ufi &l ! Box 13 Philo Vance Id Vel '3!e "immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY Fora Estate Planning and Wills investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed investments 2 %,,,nn savings deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAU it PATERSON Trust Officer Benson, Guthrie, Phone 51 br any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO + MONTREAL. OtTAWA ' 'WINDSOR PPIA4AfA PALES 1 St101101ri` RAiUL.'IC S] MAWR CAti,CARV • VANCOUVER Mrs, Rarry •Cudrnor a and Mrs. Ed - • ward .Grigg, ,was formedad to leek after arrangements. for re-decoat- ing the cliureh. The meeting dos- ed with prayer by Mrs, Ctutdxnore. and lunch was served by the haat,. esses: Mrs, Harry Williams and Mrs, LloydBond,' Rayfield Volunteer Fire Dept ANNUAL 'WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26 GAMES 3 I N.6 O LUNCH BOOM ADMISSIONFtEE Proceeds for Maintenance of Fire Equipment • rs i 4- 4 4 t. 4 4 4 ti: ti 4' 4, b' e h. ow, • SING? DANCE? Play a Musical �s xi>ment? tater the 2ndAnnual Paisley Rotary Club SEARCH FOR TALENT x. Memorial Community Cent"re--PAISLIEL Friday, August 21----- 8.30' - .rn. 1 Big Cash Prizes --.Open to all ----No entry fee t Phone to Paisley Rotary Club, Search for Talent, CKNX; Winghiun, for last-minute. entries 1950 FORD DELUXE SEDAN was 81550 — NOW 1950 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN was $999 — NOW 1950 AUSTIN A-40— was $900 — NOW 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN TRUCKS 1952 FORD '/ry TON EXPRESS low mileage, just like new was $1400 — NOW 1947 FORD 3 TON, 170{' w.b. CHASSIS—was $800—NOW 1953 New Mercury I/2 Ton automatic transmission BOB ERS Radio and Sound NO. 8 HIGHWAY —• 11/2 Miles East of Clinton $1525.00 $950.00 $359.00 $1350.00 5.00 2101 The New 1953 AE O 117-` PRICE REDUCTION Nov in Effect AERO -LARK (4 Door) equipped -- old price $2400 " ,' ,'' �� New Price McPher$ofl Broso Aero-WilIys Sales and Service Front -End Alignment — Wheel Balancing; Phone 492 Clinton The..greatost *milt ireelNestern Fair hfstor171 , Mere agricultural manufac- turiny arid hemp product Jxhibits than ever,before4new and•enthing enter- tain't[,ent in'front of dui Grandstand paa oh the Wirt* — a bigger and fitter Kiddyland-all in all, the most outstanding avec! in Western Ontario for 1953, • MAKE,WESTBRN FAIR A FAMILY AFFAIR! Special n6n,ailmissian coupon attach. ,S ad to each strip of Advance Sale Tickets 1; must read, Western,tS;�Fair Association by 9,30,p.rrf Sept. ,, ,19,53 .to bo ��ible wt � ng. „qth AY5r6rN. a +s Dlf� ka� td 9t fT 4ltiet316f ilF•,llniirx6s ��h V,IriU} t�"�'�til� ,e Y, .14r,gkb kachi' ate' . Ennis Spc'andk y admislon prices.) �t jh t , fntrie{ f yY a dlcrafts and i'u'Jfry• 1`0, .a u lQ Uddsf 26 h,.' 'y Frere t wtltks Scm#'}hrrtgitt 'd krdn,, v41 t7,��7Idtpp�1fi,ir1yt 1s'allr��t§°wbbi °'• '1 n, r ADVANCE SALE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY BARTLIFF BROS.