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Clinton News-Record, 1953-08-20, Page 4
PAGE FOUR ,CLINTON NEWS-RXICOM) THUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond spent a few days last week in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Picot and family moved to Goderich last weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Robin Phillips, Guelph, called on friends in town *last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and family spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. Mrs, Melvin Crich, and Miss Mabel Harvey, are in Windsor visiting Mrs, Thomas Mason and other relatives. Miss Norma Stevens, London, spent the last two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, William Jenkins. Mr. Clifford Cooper, Flint, Mich. spent the weekend visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cooper, Frederick Street. Reconditioned VACUUM- • CLEANERS Priced from $10.95 to $49.50 Upright and Tank -type Cleaners all at Special prices.. See Them Today t MERRILL,RADIO 8 ELECTRIC% a.( acid &szuies PHONE 313 CLINTON Mrs. Julia Phillips, Detroit; Mrs. Harrison and daughter Gladys, Parkhill, spent Tuesday with their cousins, the Misses Davis. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Flint, Mich., spent the weekend visiting with Mrs. Thomas Glazier, and other relatives in Clinton and vicinity. F/O and Mrs. D. J. Godley, Greenwood, N.S., are ,spending their vacation at the home of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. G, Shoebottom. Rev. E. C. Rorke, Orlean, N.Y..; Mrs. H. Ambler and Margaret Pontiac, Mich,,; Miss Florence Rorke) Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. Mr. and Mrs. George Col- clough, Mr, and Mrs, Ira Mer- rill and Miss Violet Phillips, To- ronto, spent a few days last week at Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Mrs. Evelyn Gaines and two sons Donald and Irvin are spend- ing this week with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cooper, Frederick Street, and other relatives in Clinton, and vicinity. Mr. and ]'4rs. Ray Lawrence, Springfield, Mass., and the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Doctor Hum- phries, Ottawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eamor and daughters, Helen, Bernice and baby Margaret, and friend, Mrs. Hamilton, all of Cornwall, Ont., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jenkins motored to London an Saturday going on to Lambeth to •visit Mr, and Mrs. Nixon Welsh. Mr. Wel- sh has been confined to , his bed for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence, Springfield, Mass., and Mrs. C. Humphries (nee Ethel Law- rence), Ottawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend and other friends this week. Mervin Glazier, London, has re- turned back to work after a two week holiday, which he spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Glazier, and his sister and brother- in-law Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Blyth. Mrs. Grace Grealis, Mr. and Mrs. John Neilans, Cree and Glen Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McEwan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mutch, Mrs. W. J. Cook, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, Kit - VALUE NOTES FOR STUDENTS TRUNKS—Taxi Wardrobe Box or Dress Type Steamer Trunk. TOURING CASES—The handy small trunk for moving or longer trips—from 8.50. RING BINDERS—A wide assortment of real leather or simulated covers—from 2.95. 9 SHOES and WORK CLOTHES 4 H STONE CROCKS -1/2 gal to 10 gal. size COLD -PAC CANNERS -2 sizes PRESERVING KETTLES—all sizes granite and 'aluminum STRAINERS and COLL iNDERS FRUIT JAR FUNNELS WOODEN SPOONS Many Other Items SUTTER PERDUE 044W,4444"44,04'4.4,1"04,414~0,4`4" Junior Hiawathas Learn of Life Saving Youthful campers at Camp Hiawatha United Church camp, north of Goderich on the Blue - water Highway are taught many things, including water safety methods and first aid tips. Six life- guards are on hand to supervise swimming in a roped -off area of the camp, and the swimmers seldom get into difficulty. If they should need to apply artificial respiration, the lads will know how. Here Camp Director Harvey Sperling, Elimville, is giving some instruction, with Stephen Brown, Clinton; Jim Howson, Blyth and Robert McIntyre, Wingham, taking part. Mr., Mrs. W. J. Falconer, Lrucefield, Celebrated 50 Years Marriage Saturday On August 17, 1903, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Falconer, Bruce - field, were married by the late Rev. J. S. Cook, at the Ontario Street Church parsonage, Clinton. On Saturday last, the golden wed- ding was celebrated with a family reunion at the home of their Bon- in -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth. The home was decorated with baskets of, golden gladioli and. fern; and a three-tier wedding cake centred the table. The couple's eldest son, George Falconer, Tuckersmith Township, was master of ceremonies for a program, during which a mock wedding was staged by the grand- children. Mervyn Falconer read an appropriate address to the celeb- rants, and a platform rocker was presented to then by Miss Jean Falconer and Mrs. Whitmore. An electric clock was presented by Mrs. James Keys, Varna, on behalf of the grandchildren; Lynda Tor- rance, Porter's Hill, presented towels and bathroom sets on be- half of the great grandchildren. Many gifts and Dards were receiv- ed from friends. Following their marriage, the celebrants lived in Clinton for a chener; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neilans, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leiper, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, Wyandotte, Mich., all were in Bright on Tuesday afternoon, attending the :funeral• of the late Mrs. Guy Routly. year and a half, where Mr. Fal- coner was employed as a teamster with Harland Brothers. They mov- ed to R.R. 1, Brucefield, to Mrs. Falconer's father's home. Today they still live there and, in spite of being 73 and 67 years of age, respectively, they are active farm- ers, and love it. Mrs. Falconer admits that she does all her own housework and assists in "running the farm." Both are members of Turner's United Church in Tuekersmith Township. Mr. Falconer was born on Jan- uary 9, 1880, in Kinloss Township, Bruce County, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Redpath Falconer. Of a fam- ily of seven, he is the only surviv- ing member. Mrs. Falconer, the former Mabel Stanbury, was born January 4, 1886, in Stanley Township, on the farm on which they now live. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. George Stanbury. Her sister, Mrs. John H. McEwen, Stanley Town- ship, was on hand for the golden wedding. The couple have two daughters, Miss Jean Falconer, Picton, who is supervisor of public health nurs- ing for Prince Edward County; Mrs. Erlin (Kathleen) Whitmore; and five sons, George F. Falconer, Tuckersmith Township; Lawrence, at home; Franklin and Mervyn, both of Tuckersmith. One son, Victor D. Falconer, who served as reeve of Clinton at one time, died four years ago. There are ten grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Friends Honour Lorraine Livingstone At Pre -Marriage Party and Shower Mrs. Stewart Dale was hostess !Fowler sang a duet, accompanied at a shower held Wednesday even- by their mother on the piano. ing, August 12, for Miss Lorraine Livingstone, bride -elect of this month. Miss Gladys Collins got the short programme off to a good start with a few lively piano solos. A name -the -contest was then pas- sed around. Miss Audrey Godkin won the prize. Misses Lois Dale, Janet Mac- Gregor and Marie Dale favoured with piano numbers at different intervals during the program. A mock wedding directed by the acting parson, Mrs. Elmer Dale, gave the 60 guests a good many laughs. Other members of the cast were Mrs. Carol Johnson, bride; Mrs. Elgin Nott, groom; Mrs. Earl Nott, bridesmaid; Mrs. EIgin Dale, best man; Mrs. Ernest Dale, the bride's father. Then a novel wedding cake was presented, made of three layers. The bottom one was a canner (representing the laundry) carried in by Miss Marion Dale; middle layer, a cookie tin (representing the kitchen) brought in by Miss Elizabeth Carter and the top tier, a coffee tin (representing the bath room) by Miss Suzanne Dale. These were filled with ten -cent gifts, usable in each respective room, brought unwrapped by the guests. Miss Edna Armstrong favoured with a guitar selection. Miss Marg- aret Collins read a poem "To The Bride"; Misses Alma and Carol r"ENalf -Pinfs , 'rn nrouIto IThnet i'r ever. w Our prod' ,. The gifts, assembled in an ad- joining room, were carried to Lor- raine by Miss Mary MacGregor and Miss Judy Nott who read the verse on the decorated clothes basket. Lorraine most ably replied with a few words of thanks after which the ladies sang "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow", accompanied by Miss Gladys Collins. A dainty lunch was served to all present. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Lewis Jones, R.R. 2, Clinton, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Marion Baker, to James Ro- bert Edgar Snell,bson of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, R.R. 1, Clin- ton. The marriage will take place at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, September 12, in Ebenezer Unit- ed Church, Goderich Township. 33-x B 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Epps, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sybil Anne, to George Wise, son of Mrs. Wise and the late Wil- liam Wise. The wedding will take place at Bayfield during the latter part ofAugust. 33-b g, o Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Ruth, to Mr. Robert Kenneth Mercer, son of Mrs. Mabel Mercer, Londdn, and the late Robert H. Mercer. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, September 5, at 4.30 o'- clock in Westminster Hospital Chapel, London. 33-b 0 WI Phan Meeting For Grand others The Clinton Women's Institute invite any grandmothers from Clinton and vicinity to their meet- ing on Wednesday, August 26, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Mer- vyn Batkin, Princess Street, The roll call will be answered with "Why I Admire Elderly Ladies". The programme committee un- der the leadership of Mrs. Noble I-Iolland, Mrs. J. McGill, Mrs. J Batkin, Mrs. Tom Deeves, Mrs. Ed. Welsh and Mrs. C. V. Cooke, will provide entertainment for the af- ternoon. The social committee is in charge of the refreshments, and are requesting each WI member to bring their own cup and plate. 0 TUCKERSMITH LADIES WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 2 The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will meet on Tuesday, September 2, at the home of Mrs. W. P. Roberts. Roll call will be answer- ed by, "My Favourite Newspaper Column." SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1953 Daylight Saving Time Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON One Block East of Albert Street, North of Par -Knit Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Con .runion Service ,10.45 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 .p.m. Speaker: 1VJr. Henry Rob( ertson, Stratford FRIDAY, 8 p.m.-- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM Organist—Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Combined Services un- der the auspices of the Min- isterial in Wesley -Willis United Church. 41i1iie iClu=ITt�licYli ?arliteb Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship -- What the Church Stands For Prayer 11.20 a.m.--•-Primary School 12.15 p.m. --Church School 7.00 p.m. - Evening Praise Taking God Home 9.45 a.m.--lIolmesvillo Service Coarse to than House of Prayer St. Paul's Angliean Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 7.00 p.m.—Combined Service urds er the auspices of the Minis- terial in Wesley -Willis United Church. St.' Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Members and adherents of the church are requested to wor- ship with St. Paul's congrega- tion during the last four Sun- days in August, EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Chin -ch P,A.O.C. Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGABIJ. Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 1100 a.m.—Morning Service 7.30 p.m. --Evening Service Miss G. . DunSton will be speaking. Friday, 7.30 p.m. ---Young People,'s Tuesday, 8.00 p.m. ----Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME .'doa 4-4,4-4-+--4.4.4 44.44$ ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR --REV, A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., 13.D. ORGANIST -MRS. E. WENDORF t 0)r) a.m. Union Morning Services in Wesley -Willis United Church. Rev. II. C. Wilson conducting.; 7 q() p.tn.- Union Service in Wesley -Willis Church. TURNER'S CIIUROII v Services as announced Miss J. Hildebrand Feted Prior To August Wedding Among those entertaining for Miss Jane Merilyn Hildebrand before her forthcoming marriage in Toronto to Raymond Henry Litt of Vankleek Hill, Ontario, have been Mrs. A. D. Irvine and Miss Jeannette Reddick, who gave a kitchen shower at the Women's University Club; Miss Mabel Henderson, who arranged a presentation, . tea; Miss Lottie Edy, and the Misses Roper, who gave luncheons' Mrs. Stanley Schatz, who gave a luncheon and pantry shelf shower; Miss Kath- leen Cowan, who held an after- noon tea at her residence; the Misses Lucas and Harry Lucas, Mr, and Mrs. )carol d Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Hildebrand, who gave dinners, The marriage will take place on Friday evening in Park Road. Baptist Church, Toronto. Miss Diane Rogers will attend the bride as maid of honour. The bridesmaids will be Mrs. Max Morf, McMasterville, Quebec; Mrs. Desmond Thomas, Montreal; Mrs. Hector Van Reet, Toronto; and Miss Ann Roper, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Bonnie McLean, Arnprior, Ontario, will be flow- er girl. 1 .04,.../'N`44141.I44. Clearance Sale Continues We ,are Having a Real. Clean-up ©f Summer Merchandise YOU CAN SAVE ON YOUR BACK -TO -SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS BY SHOPPING NOW MISSES FALL SKIRTS -- Broken lines of First Quality Merchandise. Allool °°'ersor Orions. — Special at One Third.Off Wof Sizes 12 to 20 — — — •+ PEIOW'r CARDIGANS and PULLOVERS -- A choice selection of Aurora Knit Sweaters 250 Off (Substandards) % �l Other Sale Items include: DRESSES -- COTTON SKIRTS COATS & SHORTIES -- SHORTS T-SHIRTS and REMNANTS THESE ITEMS ARE SELLING QUICKLY AT SUCH LOW ]PRICES — YOU LOSE BY NOT SHOPPING — AT — 9 BARTLIFF" S ENERGY -RICH Builds . Stronger Boc es Serve Some Each Day — Our Saturday Special: Ii'rom Our Store Only—. RIB Ii ON CAKE -- REG, 35c for 4,6"W7,1APRO W'lJN'PM.V 2 I.l PI.,PIv► ..hJ"ONJJJ•MMPNPihPNr•asoa o,,awNi 1 BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS a,n(l CONFECTIONERS PHONE .i. CLINTON CASH S. "ECIALS for Aug. 20-21-22 Cheese, Kraft Slices ... 1/2 Lift.. PKG, 29c Cheese, •\ elveeta ?/2 T'..HII,. H" H .44.. 29c . Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP 16 am TWIT 45c TEA, Fiowerdale, O. Pekoe o, LB, Sic MASON JARS ... iveBD. Doz. $L23 C 0 Y. N JARS .... MED HOZ. $L65 Peaches, 100 Baskets NO.1 . Basket 69e SCG ,1 REDPATH (IRAN. . . . . 1.0 LBS. 90c ZINC ! I , NGS .. • DOZ. 35c SAIL' 0, MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE . %2 TIN 39c POTATOES, No. 1 , .. 15 LB. Fruit 39c ORANGES, Sunkist SIZE 252s ...HOZ. 29c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver BARTLIFF" S ENERGY -RICH Builds . Stronger Boc es Serve Some Each Day — Our Saturday Special: Ii'rom Our Store Only—. RIB Ii ON CAKE -- REG, 35c for 4,6"W7,1APRO W'lJN'PM.V 2 I.l PI.,PIv► ..hJ"ONJJJ•MMPNPihPNr•asoa o,,awNi 1 BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS a,n(l CONFECTIONERS PHONE .i. CLINTON