HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-08-06, Page 5"1131:7RSD.AY,• AUGUST B, 1.95$ CLINTON NEWS-R'.CCURA PAGE FIV. Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- . aertion) _ Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); • ittibsequent insertions 11/2 cents a 'word (minimum 35 cents); 15 rents extra for box number 4r ",;for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. ' IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE ---12 noon, Wednes- day, ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmlth Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry. 31-5-p PIANO TUNING YOUR „TIANO carefully tuned. ,rust call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. 43-tf b ° J POULTRY FOR SALE e New Me+' 1AC;OR ACCOMMODATION for RENT TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart - Ment, share bath. Phone Clinton 319. 31-b .ACCOMMODATION for roomers or boarders. Gentlemen preferred. Rhone Clinton .163R. 31-b THREE ROOM APARTMENT, share bath. Available immediat- ely, m,mediately, furnished, Phone 549R. 31-b TWO MODERN APARTMENTS to rent in the Town of Goderich. Downstairs apartment is furnish- ed Apply Harold Jackson,. phone Seaforth 661r14, 31-b Accommodation Wanted TFIREE ROOM FURNISHED apartment, by August 31. Box "8", Clanton News -Record; 31-b TWO 'BEDROOM HOUSE OR apartment, furnished or unfurnish- ed in or near Clinton for eight ;months, starting September, by AIRFORCE OFFICER. F/O B. A. Bowen, RCAF Station, Trenton. 30 -x1 -2-3-4-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1951 FORD DUMP TRUCK, with five yard box. Bill Parker, phone Bayfield 51r2. 31-1, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE CORNER LOT FOR SALE. 65x140 feet, Corner Gordon and Matilda Streets. Phone Clinton 572W. 31-p Employment Wanted - RELIABLE BABY SITTER, avail- able any time. Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, phone Clinton 604J. 31-p CAPABLE WOMAN REQUIRES housekeeping position. Phone Clin- ton 7773, before 4.30 pan. 31-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE COOKING APPLES FOR SALE. James Stirling.. Phone Clinton 900r12. 31-x ° HELP WANTED—FEMALE -YOUNG WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework; two adults, no Iaund- :ry; cheerful, healthy, modern home; live in; good wages; not a farm home. Write Box 7 Clinton News -Record. 30-1-2-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE , EIGHT YOUNG PIGS, five weeks clic;, Louis Dempsey, phone Clin- -..'ton 911r3. 31-b 13 GOOD YORKSHIRE PIGS, just weaned, seven weeks old. Fred McCool, Londesboro. Phone Blyth ' 28r14. , i 31-b CALF, SUITABLE FOR RAIS- ing. Also rubber tire wagon with. 'rack and Massey -Harris, seven foot binder. L: Tyndall, phone i.7anton 904r4. 31-b LIVESTOCK WANTED . 'WANTED. OLD HORSES AND • dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink %Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 93032, or 936r21. 9-ptfb 'DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stories" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea- • .forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb MISCELLANEOUS MESS CORN SALVE for sure rel,ef. Your Druggist sells Cress Callous Salve too, relieves quir"-h 31-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires, Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice, Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich-535. 10-tfb WILT, 13E DEMONSTRATING •nylon fur and Nenalla fur coats In the near future. These coat; sero, imported from France and Italy where they created a sonsa- i i >1 and are now on sale in Can ada. They will be sold by de non- st•ratiort only. Anyone wishing a demonstration call A. L. Redges at 31-p 225 CHICKENS FOR SALE, Red X Sussex, four months old. Apply to W. Rustenburg, R.R. 1, Clinton. 31-p 300 PULLETS, New Hampshire X Wyandotte, five months old, ready to lay. John Greydanus, R.it. 1, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r33. 31.-p PROPERTY FOR SALE -4 100 ACRES, BEST OF GRASS, shade and water. Apply to A. Wil- kins, 1844 Main St„ Niagara Falls. 30-1-p. COTTAGE ON ALBERT STREET frame. Five rooms and bath, base- ment. Immediate possession. Apply to Bert Griese, at Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. 31-b SOUTH PART OF LOT 25, MAIT- land concession, Goderich Town- ship. 40 acres, clay loam, frame dwelling, 66x36 foot barn. Steel implement shed, good well, all modern .conveniences. Situated five miles south of Goderich on Highway 8. Reply to Veteran's Land Act, Guelph. 30-1-b CANADIAN OIL HAS TRANS- ferred me to London, so I will sell my new three bedroom red brick home on Ontario Street, at cost, $9,300. It is completely modern, plastered throughout with cove ceiling, hardwood and tile floors, oil heating and air conditioning, screens and some storms, venetian blinds, landscaped and near the new school. A small down pay- ment will handle. For inspection phone Clinton 677r, Ronald Davis. 31-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR CARETAKING of USS 2, Hullett Township, will be received until August 8. Apply to Keith Tyndall, Secretary -treas- urer. 30-1-b TENDERS FOR INSTALLING oil furnace in USS 2, Hullett Township, will be received until August 8. Work to be completed by August 25. Apply to Keith Tyndall, Secretary -treasurer. 30---b HOUSE for SALE Four -Apartment House $2,400 Yearly Income Solid brick, slate roof, 2 -car garage; new air-conditioned oil furnace, heavy wiring. $11,000 with $2,500 down or will takep$9,500 $9,500 cash. APPLY H. C. LAWSON Realtor Clinton Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY During Summer Months Sales held at 7.30 p.m. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk CEMENT. Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phbne Carlow 1612 36-ptfb cowavotts sconce Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Popular Officer Leaving RCAF Station Pictured above, Squadron -Leader W. L. Baynton, Bobcaygeon, Ontario, hands over his post as Officer Commanding, Air Radio Officers School, to Wing Commander E. J. Greenway, Toronto, upon his arrival at RCAF Station Clinton from Air Force Head- quarters. S/L Baynton is leaving for Staff College in Toronto. Both served in RAF squadrons during the war, W/C Green- way with 76 Squadron in England arid the Middle East, S/L Baynton with 69, 458 and 206 Squadrons in Malta and the Azores. Since the war, W/C Greenway has engaged in admin- istration and personnel work in Ottawa and Goose Bay, while S/L Baynton has directed Radio Officer work at Lachine and Clinton. We wish thein both every success in their new endeavours. CHRISTIANSON — In . Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, July 31, 1953, to LAC and Mrs. Herbert Christianson, Clinton, a son (Richard John Henry). GERIG—In Oshawa General Hos- pital, on Monday, July 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gerig (nee Gloria Palmer), Oshawa, a son (Roland Palmer) . REICHERT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, August 4, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reichert, Hensall, a daughter. SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, July 31, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith, Hen- sall, a daughter (Donna Eliza- beth). VINCENT—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, July 30, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vincent, Londesboro, a daughter. WATKINS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, August 2, 1953, • to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins, Londesboro, a daugh- ter. BIRTHS NOTICE Due to the Federal . Election on Monday, August 10, there will be a Special Meeting of Clinton Town Coun- cil, Tuesday evening, Aug. 11, at eight p.m. (Signed) L. D. HOLLAND, Clerk, Town of Clinton. 31-b DEATHS REGAN—In Forest, on Tuesday, July 21, 1953, Lester Regan, be- loved son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Regan, ,in his 59th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth, on Thurs- day afternoon, July 23. TURNER—In Alexander and Mar- ine General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, August 2, 1953, C. Edward Turner, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Auburn, in his 21st year. Fun- eral from the family residence to Ball's Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, August 4. 0 LAND IS RAVAGED Down the years, lands unsuited for anything but forest growth have been alienated from lease holders and turned over to col- onists who, having cut and sold the wood, then abandon their holdings. No additional charge for use of our Funeral Home. One high standard to all' patrons, est tY ' ttneral Nuntr ROY THEATRE 0L1rtT0ri NOW PLAYING, Aug. 6-8 "THE PATHFINDER" starring George 1Vlontgomery --- Holena Carter MON-TI'SES-WED-.-Arg, 10-12 Gary Mari COOPER ALDON "Distant %Inns" — TechnicoIor — THURS-FRI-SATAni;. 1$-1$ Errol Maureen FLYNN O'HARA "Against all Flags" — Teclniieolor — COMING :Aug. 17 Humphrey Bogart—June Allyson 01BATTLE CIRCUS" PARK THEATRE GODERICH--Phone 1159 Now; "CAPTAIN PIRATE" by Rafael Sabatini -1(4301s Ilayward, Patricia Medina --.- in Color 111ON-TUI;S-W1:D— Esther Williams, Fernando Lamas Jack Carson See Esther as a beauty from the Bronx who swims the English Channel and keeps a rendezvous with romance, in Paris. "Dangerous When Wet" -- In Technicolor THURS-F$I-SAT-- Joel McCrea. Barbara Hale Alex Nicol A widower and his young son buy a farm, run afoul of a desperate group and finish the tale with a surprising climax. "LONE HAND" -- In Technicolor — CAPITAL Tl'IEATRE GODERICH --- Phone 47 Now; Alec Guinness in — "T`HE MAN IN TETE WHITE SUIT" MON-TUES-WED-- Howard Keel -- Jane Greer Keenan Wynn A plane crash in rugged Canadian timberland starts a dramatic story that will hold your interest throughout. `Desperate Search' THURS-FRI,SAT— Nancy Gates — Dick Denning Richard Loo This soldier of fortune lines up with Chiang Kai-Shek and has a terrific action story to tell you. Target Hong Kong Coming: "BELLE STAR" with Rod Cameron 3% Interest on Savings (No Service Charges) Savings Doubled In Case of Death' • • Open a Savings Account in the Clinton Community Credit Union today... Loans to Members at Reasonable Rates • ♦ W. V. ROY—Manager During June, July and August, Office open Saturday evening $ from' 8 to 10. TUNE IN BLUE WATER. CONFERENCE "Daily" Monday to Friday 10.15 a.m., E.D.S.T. Sundays — 10.05 a.m. CFCO, Chatham 630 ON YOUR DIAL 29-30-31-32-33-34-b Modern, Red Rug Brick Home For Sale Two Bedrooms, Modern Living Room and Kitchen and Bathroom. $2,300 down, balance of mortgage spread over 20 year payments. L. G. WINTER REAL ESTATE PHONE CLINTON 448 Clinton News -Record MRIL YOUR CLASSIFIED AD USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK A News -Record Classified Advertisement is the quickest way to tum that 'discarded article into cash. Now is the time to dispose of skates, cookstove, furniture, washing machine, fur coat, farm implements, live- stock, etc. Write your classified advertisement in the space below. Put your address or phone number—or both—in the advertisement. The cost of your advertisement. will be 2 cents a word, minimum of 50 cents for each advertisement. (Rate applies if 'advertisement is paid within one week after first publication.) 15 cents extrc if you wish a News -Record boat number, or have enquiries directed to the News -Record office. CLASSIFICATION: Charge to: Address Mail this classified ad. order in: CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, Ctinfon' Ont. Phone 4 Auction. Sale Of household effects will be held in Stanley Twp., Bayfield Road, on Wed., August 19 at 1 p.m. at the home of the late Rev. James Foote. Walnut antique sofa; walnut dining suite; 6 dining room chairs; cherry corner cupboard; library table; cabinet radio; sectional book case; cherry chest of drawers; dresser and bench; number of mir- rors; metal single bed, springs and mattress; sideboard; -walnut gate- leg table; mahogany chest of drawers; small oak dresser; mag- azine rack; book case; small tables; 5 bedroom suites; bedside table; walnut table; filing cabinet; electric lamps; floor lamp; picture frames; trunk; day -bed; Victrola and records; number rocking chairs; small tables; Singer sew- ing machine; antique china; num- ber pieces Bridal Wreath limoges, Royal Ironstone china; 2 hanging lamps; scatter mats; veranda fur- niture; Axminster rug; Wilton rug; Singer drop -head sewing ma- chine; kitchen utensils; lawn mow- er. TERMS—CASH. MRS.. JAMES FOOTE, MISS ANN FOOTE, Proprietresses, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E, P. Chesney, Clerk 31-2-b PLASTE ING STUCCOING PATCHING II ORNAMENTAL, WORK A Specialty ia'REE ESTIMATES DOL, G. CLOW Phone Clinton 342 28 -tib esturimatsreatese PERSONAL PENSIONS AVOID WORRY Phone 454W II. E. HARTLEY CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Go, 29-32-1b Special DEMONSTRATION OF NECCHI At The Huron County Trade Fair Miss Barbara Allen, a demon- strator of Necchi Sewing Ma- chines, will be at the Clinton Electric Shop booth on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 7 and 8. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish PHONES: Bus., 479; Res., 558 GALBRAITH Radio & Television "Clinton's TV Specialists" CAR RADIO Installation and Service Telephone 482 T E L E Y I S 1 0 N Goderich Business College Fall Term Opens September 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools .Association Telephone 1272 or 428W -- Goderich, Ontario 31-2-3-4-5-6-b WORK CLOTHING RtGISTERED TRAM MARK Headquarters for WORK PANTS WORK SHIRTS M O E Yl6 ALLS Etc. You Can't Beat G. W. C. PICKETT le CAMPBELL The Store for Men ARROW SHIRTS STETSON 1{ATS PHON it 25 — (Main Corer) CLINTON