HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-08-06, Page 4HURQ,N ST. PHONE 441 PA.OIn, rOUR =moil NEWS -RECO( ,D PERSONALS 1 Mrs. Minnie Jones, Dungannon, spent last weekend in town with friends. Elwin Merrill and Stan Mc- Donald spent Civic Holiday at Port Elgin. Miss Minnie Easom, London, is visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. David Easom, William Townshend, Souris, Man„ was visiting old friends here on Tuesday, 1 Mrs. Harold Johnson is im-1 proving after being quite ill with an attack of jaundice, Lloyd Carter, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Derwin Carter, Mrs. J. D. Carroll, Greenwood, N.S., is spending two months, with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Steep. The Plumsteel Family held a reunion recen+ly at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Plumsteel, Lan- don Road. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Laivrence are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Merrill ai ,d sons Gordon and Brian have re- turned from a week's holiday at 1Vlidldnd, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Piper and Sharon, Windsor, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. William Piper and David. Mrs. James B. Early and Mrs. Alice Guyette, Detroit, Mich., were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Trott. Miss Alice Sloman, Kalamazoo, Mich,, is visiting her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, J. Silcox. Miss Phyllis Shepherd, London spent the weekend holiday at the home of Miss Mildred Farquhar, King St. Mr. and Mrs. William Whit- more and Miss Elsie of Toronto, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, F. Townsend on 1Vlonday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Londesboro; Mrs. H. Martin, God- erich, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore are visiting relatives at Blyth Remn�nt GET READY NOW FOR. Large Assortment -= Good Lengths Sew and Save Fall Sewing FOR THE CHILDREN'S ack to School Clothes DEPT. STORE - PHONES: 363 — 36W Clinton Ontario Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Brucefield, Ontario, announce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Charlotte Alice Ruth, to Flying Officer Lean John Rushcall, Lachine, Quebec, son of Mr, and Mrs, Leon Andrew Rushcall, Fernie, B.C. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August 22 in Bruce - field United Church, Bruce - field, Ontario. , 31-p Reverend and Mrs, H, C. Wilson, Clinton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Mary, to Donald Alan Deas, son of Mr, and Mrs. H. N. Deas, London. The wedding will take place August 29 in Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton. 31-b and Clinton. Mr. Whitmore is much improved ,R£ter his recent illness. E. S. Livermore, QC. and Mrs, Livermore, London, were visit- ors on Tuesday, with Mr. Liver- more's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. THURSDAY, AU'GU'S' 6,1,%50 Founder of Ceylon .. omen's Institute, Grace Lob: Feted Dr, Mary Ratan' Is Native of Clinton Surprise Shower Dr. Mary H. Rutnam, formerly coons -the introduction of five On Monday evening, July 27, Mary Irwin and daughter of Mr. simple health rules has resulted in 35 friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J. W. Irwin, Clinton, is an almost complete eradication of returning this summer from Cey- diseases such as hook -worm and Bert Lobb to give a surprise Ion for a visit in Canada, Mrs. malaria. !shower for Miss Grace Lobb, r an Dr. Rutnam says that while bride-to-be. A story in song, discussions must be kept strictly writtenand presented by two of non-sectarian and non-party, yet the bride's aunts, Mrs. Norman every woman must remember that Snyder and Mrs. George Rend - she is a citizen and as such has Terson was enjoyed by all. rights and responsibilities. She! Humorous readings were given should learn to vote intelligently ley Mrs, Charlie Nelson and Mrs. and honestly for the candidate she Reg Cud . more, contest was believes can give the best service to her country. More than that, as a good eiti- Rutnam grew up in Clinton d after attending the public school and Clinton Collegiate Institute, here, went on to University, in Toronto, It was at university that Dr. Rutnam met her husband, who is a native of Ceylon. Following their marriage, she lived here in Clin- ton for several years with her children. One or two of her sons also became doctors. However, in the late 1920's, Dr. Rutnam went to live in Ceylon. In 1934 she introduced the Wom- en's Institute movement to the island, and through the years it has grown through persistent ef- fort into the most important and powerful women's voluntary or- ganizationtin the island, acting as a co-ordinating agency between government departments and the rural people. Records show a very rapid im- provement in the health standard of a village where a Sarnitiya fun - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sault, and three children, Chatham, are Spending a week with Mrs. Sault's mother, Mrs. W. J. Cart- er, Ontario Street. Misses Cathryn Wallis and Elaine Rathwell have returned to their homes after a visit with their grandparepts, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Welsh. Victoria St. Mrs, L M. Nay spent the week- end and holiday with her brother George McCartney at Beechville. M. D. Moore, Toronto, is spend- ing two weeks with relatives in Clinton. Miss Edith Tector, Chicago, I11., who had been visiting her friend Miss Margaret Davis left for Chic- ago, Wednesday afternoon. While here they spent two weeks at the letters' cottage, Kintail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pothering - ham returned home on Saturday after spending two weeks with Mrs. Chris Venner and other re- latives, Mrs. Venner accompan- ied them to Hamilton for the weekend and holiday. , Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Yallop, and son, Jimmy, Toronto, spent a few days last week at the home of the lady's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wild. Master Billy Wild who had accompanied the Yallop family for a week's vacation at Whitefish Falls, re- turned home with them. Roy A. Leggate, of the Court of Common Pleas, Pittsburg, Pa., has returned hoine after an ex tended visit at the home of his cousin. John A. Torrance, God- erich Township. Other recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tor- rance included Miss D. L, Reinke Hamilton; Mr. Jack Pasek, Det- roit; Miss Bella Watson, Galt; Mrs. D. J. Burns, 1VIr. and Mrs, William Burns, and Masters David and Larry Burns, London. Here Are So;.e T.x Savings Under Conser ative Governr:et INCOME TAX Now After Aug. 10 $150.00 None MAI.RIED MAN— Salary $3,000 SINGLE MAN— Salary $2,000 $150.00 $75.00 SALES TAX Any one spending $300 on Clothing, Shoes, etc. $30,00 None Vote Cardiff andSave Money FOR --Lower Municipal. Taxes FOR—Health Insurance, Prepaid Medical and Hospital Bilis FOR—Floor Prices for Farm Products FOR ---A Return of British Markets. { VOTE CARDIFF A. Conservative Government by saving tax dollars can Improve Old Age Security and Family Allowances. VOTE C IFF conducted by Mrs. Don Crich. The bride-to-be was seated in a prettily decorated chair and zen she should be interested in the t gifts were Drought to her in a little bit of Ceylon in which she I dollbuggy by several little lives --her village. ;nieces. Most important of all, every 1 After the many beautiful gifts mother is training future citizens, were opened, Grace replied fitt- and on the success or failure of 1 ingly thanking all for the many this great taWk the future of Cey- useful gifts. lqn depends. 1 A delicious lunch was served The Women's Institute of Cey- by the hostesses, Mrs, Alvin ion is sending five delegates to Lobb and Mrs. Don Crich. Toronto in August to attend the Associated Country Women of the o World meeting scheduled for Aug- ust 12 to 28. Heading this dele- MOST VALUABLE' INDUSTRY gation is the president, Mrs, F. B. deMel, Two Identical Car Accidents in Stanley (By our IXensall Correspondent) Two accidents which were prac- tically carbon copies of each oth- er, occurred last weekend. Each involved an unidentified car hit- ting another car. And in each accident damage to the car was estimated at $75. The two cars belonged to Herbert Kalbfleisch, London, and Nelson Heard, Bay- field. One accident occurred on the Brucefield-Bayfield R o a d, Stanley Township, and one on the Goshen Line, one milc north of Zurich. Both were investigated by P.C. Cecil Gibbons. An accident occurred Thursday morning, July 30 on the main street in Hensall in front of Hend- erson's egg grading station. A car driven by Harry R. Abell, Iro- quois, travelling east, was in col- lision with a car driven by Wil- liam Forrest, Hensall, backing away from the grading station. Constable. Leo Oesch, Hensall, who investigated stated that dam- ages to the Abell vehicle amounted to $150 and not much damage done to the Forrest car. Happy Workers Club To Entertain Children The July meeting of the Happy- Workers' appyWorkers' Club was held on July 9, at the home of Dorothy Will- iams. The meeting washeld a- round the quilt, so quilting would not be interrupted, The secretary gave her report, followed by the treasurer's re- port. Mrs.. Holland thanked ' the club for treats she had received when she was in. It was decided that the next meeting would take the form of a picnic for the members kiddies. It will be held on August 13, at the home of Mrs., William Glaz- ier. The roll call will be answ- ered by "What I left undone. when I came to the picnic", The lunch will be pot -luck so what- ever one food item a member brings, she is advised to make enough to do the family. urcli %ethit'es SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1953 Daylight Saving Time Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON One Block East of Albert Street, North of Par -Knit Sunday Services Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Communion Service 10.45 a.ni. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m Speaker: Mr. John Martin FRIDAY, 8 p.m.—BIBLE STUDY Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM Organist—Mrs. George Grant Morning Service and Sunday School cancelled owing to Rev. J. E. Ostrom's illness. 7.30 p.m.—Combined Service un- der the auspices of the Min- isterial in Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church. Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria St. K, L. SWEIGAB1.). Paster 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.—Young People's Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service , St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Members and adherents of the church are requested to wor- ship with St. Paul's congrega- tion during the last four Sun- days in August. EVERYONE WELCOME WESLEY-WILLIS United' Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship— "What the Church Stands For" 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12,15 p.m.—Church School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise— The Royal Black Knights of Huron County will be guests at the evening Service. A Welcome to All Worshippers ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST—MRS. E. WENDOI P 11.00 a.m Union Morning Services in Wesley -Willis United Church. Rev. H. C. Wilson conducting. 7.00 p.m.—Union Service in Wesley -Willis United Church. TURNER'S CHURCH Services as announced New Samples Now at Clinton NewsReorcI Don't (hesitate to ask us For advice on your next printing job, Just coli Clinton 4. From a fifth of the annual wood consumption — no more than is taken by fire, insects, and disease -- the pulp and paper mills alone create more national income than all the other forest industries. ?tour daily sharp Of vitamin D is found in milk Experts agree. 10, BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 or.o TObi' • Prime. Sale ,, All Dresses . All Summer Skirts All Coats and Shorties ,• :.. All SHORTS c '^ 0 • T-SHIRTS and b , f Y HALTERS v 1 Remnant Sale of Odds and Ends ' . • of Cotton, Rayon and Nylon. Materials /ALL 20% OFIF {i �� ti .O '' 4 ".'rt Lek Visit Clinton's Trade Fair -Aug. ci `{F You Are Invited • • • to visit our booth. at The Huron County Trade Fair FREE DRAW' --= 4 PRIZES For Ladies McBRINE •"COMET" TRAIN CASE BUXTON BILLFOLD , • For Men DACK "VIKING" SHOES BUXTON BILLFOLD .' AIKEN S Phone 2 Clinton " • Baked with the . • The BEST .. INGREDIENTS FRESHEST •.. . TASTIEST BREAD vi i rii Bili! i+\ all ' 3i1Ss ,' 6•ii,sii I?:,,. _ Tows Our Saturday Special: , From Our Store Only -- COFFEE CAKES 2r Reg. 3Oc for ... BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 or.o TObi'