HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-07-30, Page 6PAGE SIX News of Baylield Representative; JOSS LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIE1r.D 451'3 Pamela Fellows left on Monday to spend two weeks at camp near Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Ormond were in Detroit from Friday until Wednesday, J. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixons Brantford, were here over the weekend, Judge Owen, Hanover, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. I. MacLeod en Thursday. last., W. Ewing Buchan, Calgary, ar- rived on Saturday to visit his sis- ter, Mrs, N. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ahrens, De- troit, have opened their cottage, "'Trail Blazer" for the summer season. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Avery, Hol- land, Mich., were the guests of Miss M. Miller, over a weekend recently, Mrs. G. Churchward and Miss Lena Shortt, London, came Mon- day to spend a few days at her cottage, "Kearsney." Miss Lillian Stephenson and J. L. Meau]lough, Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Cameron last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose, Jim- my and Sally, Amherstburg';• spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Whhittall, "Stonehaven". Mr. and Mrs. F. Henirick, Birm- inghaiii., Mich., entertained guests at their summer home, "West - wind", over the weekend. Mr. ; arid • Mrs. Alex ReoclVi, To- ronto, and three boys, are occupy-, ing the Heidemann guest house in Bailey Park for five weeks. Miss Kathleen and Bernard Reid, Windsor, spent the weekend with their parents. Miss Penelope Shepherd, Windsor, was their guest. Mr. and Mrs, ,Armond Manness and two boys, London, are spend- ing their vacation with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Manness, The many friends of Thomas N. Elliott,, who recently, entered Beck Memorial Sanatorium, will be glad to know that he is improvingin health. Master Guane Johns is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. J..M, At- kinson. John M. Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., was here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Rae Porter and family, St. Marys, are spending a week, and Mr. and Mrs. C, Henry and family, London, three weeks in Jowett cottages. Mich., also spent the weekend with him, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brisson, Grosse Pointe, Mich., son"in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cordella and son Larry; Detroit, are vacationing at their cottage in the village. Mr. and Mrs, J, Barron and Janice spent Last week in the vil- lage. Mr. Barron returned to Lon- don and Mrs. J. Pease, London, is spending this week with her dau- ghter and grandchild at the family cottage, Miss Janet MacLeod, London, is home for two weeks vacation. Mr, and Mrs, Robert MacLeod and Kathy, London, and Mrs, Malcolm MacLeod, Clinton, also spent the weekend with Mr., and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod. Miss M, Twitchell, Mrs. Eliza- beth Wyatt and two sons, Nich- olas and Phillip, Toronto, and Mrs. R. E, H. Wyatt, London, England, came on Saturday tog spend two weeks at the home of Mrs. James Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Worth and three children, Canton, Ohio, are spending this week with the former's brother, Cpl. J. P. and i Mrs.• Worth and family: Mr. and Mrs, F, Maudsley, Brantford,• were here over the weekend and Mrs. J. B. Higgins accompanied 'her father and step- mother on their return. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mother- sead and two sons, Garrett and Christopher, Washington, D.C., are vacationing with the foriner's aunt, Mrs. R. W, Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Ritchie, Elm - vale, Miss 1V1<uriel. Ritchie • anti Jerk Caitipbell, Toronto, spent the week M. and Mrs. George' Bing. , Mr, and Mrs. E. A. a F`eatheirstod+ aecoitipaniec1 by Mr. and Mrs 11101 old King left on Saturday xnornlrig on a motor trip. through Norlhetin Ontario and home. via"li[ictilitia. Mrs. Harry Baker, and Gwen, London, are spending this week at their cottage. Harry Baker, Syl- via and Connie, and Bill McCoy, also were here over the weekend. Prof. and Mrs. Manley Thomp- son, and baby Catherine, Chicago, came last week to spend three weeks with Mrs. Thompson's par- ents, Mr. and lifts. J. MacKenzie. Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit, is spending a vacation with her'bro- ther, Leslie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mount Clemens, end with Mrs: Ritchie's parents, NOTICE Township of I-fullettt REGULAR MEETING Owing to ]Monday,. August 3, being a holiday, the Council of the Township of I1uillett;) will hold its regular meeting ora, August 4, at 8 Geo. W. Cowan, Clerk Miss Margaret Ferguson return- ed to Toronto on Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharpe and Phillip Rhynas.`Miss Ferguson has been appointed Probation Officer in the Civil Court for the City of Oshawa. George May, St. • Paul, Minn., and Thomas J. May, St. Louis, Miss., are spending this week with their nephew, Gordon.. Gall;•aith and Mrs: Galbraith, "Sylvan Acres". Ooderich Tew.liship Mrs. Paul Walden, Montreal, also has been. spending this month with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strutt and two children, Theobus, Virginia, spent the weekend with Mrs. SALE August 6th is the Opening Date Of Our Annual Footwear 4t; ale We must clear the summer and other broken lines to make room for the smart up-to-date lines we have ordered for fall and winter.. If rduring i you want t a bargain call l � this sale at the Clifford Lobb Store CLINTON ONTARIO Special Bargains July 31 and: Aug. 1 GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. gar 30c CLARK'SNS PORK and BEA McCORMICK'S MELODY n MALLOWSLAItGLi k'ACli.§,Glta . 29c GOLDEN NET RED COROE SALMON 2 15 oz. dins 23e GLENNS VALLEY PORK and BEA ROSEDALE CHOICE TOMATO JUICE Zo oz. tin 10c 1, SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL FRUITS and VEGETABLES FRESH DAILY BEST QUALITY MEATS At Lowest Prices Stanley's Abattoir Burt's Little Super Market PHONES 410 •4'20 f -- Where el,l�e You Can Park With Esse 2 . c/, ctrl 27c 15 oz. ling 19e CLINTON NEWS-IIIIICOPpD News of ,Auburn 9 .. a• .-* ► _ t w ++!r• • t+. . v fir. Mrs. George Hamilton is visit- ing friends in Seaforth. Elmer. Caswell, PlattsVille, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz on Sunday. IVIiss Winnie Vanstone, Toronto, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Miss Ruth Arthur, Reg. N., To- ronto, is visiting her another, Mrs. Mrs. John Arthur. Mrs. W, T. Robison is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Stephen- son and Mr. Stephenson, Toronto. Mrs; Frank Raithby has return- ed from a three weeks' visit with friends in Vancouver.. Paul Jardin, Clarksburg, is vis- iting his grandparents, .Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan; Mrs, Tom Baker, Britton and Albert Ducklow, Atwood, were re- cent visitors with Miss Clara Schultz. Mrs..Beatrice Coleman, Chelsea, Mich., spent last week with her nieces, Mrs. L. Ruddy and Mrs. Carl Govier. Rev. E. A, Ford, Californian wh.e was „ a minister of the Baptist c wrch some years ago, called on friends here last week. • Mr, and Mrs. William J. Craig visited with Mrs. (Rev,) A. Hewitt at the home of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ballard, Meaford, Allah Craig, son of William J. Craig, hes returned from a very enjoyable two Weeks' carnp at ;Aylmer with the Air Cadets of Goderich, Strutt's aunt, Mrs. Emerson t Mrs. D. H. W. Hamilton is on Heard. George Hewitt, SS "Bay- S the sick list. Her many friends fax" on leave for a week, also visited his sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, London, were with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard over the •weekend. Among those from a distance who were present for the funeral of William L. Ferguson, held from Knox . Presbyterian Church, Bay- field, on Wednesday afternoon, July 22, were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and children, Gerson; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and family, Sudbury; Miss Marg- aret Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Eg- bert Sharpe and Phillip O. Rhy- nas, Toronto; Mr. and,Mrs. James them. P. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs, J. Balkwill, London; Mrs. W. Balk- Women's Institute will and William Balkwill, Both- The Women's Institute held its annual children's day in the Forester's Hall on Tuesday. The president, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, presided with Mrs. R. J. Phillips at the piano. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, the Mary Stewart Collect, and one verse of "0 Canada." After the business had been transacted the following program was presented by the children: A chorus by 19 teen-age girls; solo, Carolyn Craig, accompanied by Mrs. W. J. Craig; piano solo, Mar- lene Easom; duet by Lila and Edna Daer; humorous reading by William Anderson; accordion num- ber by Rena McClinchey; piano duet, Glenda and Donna McDou- gal; tap dance by Joan Mills; duet, Bill and Gerald Dobie. Mrs. W. E. Bramwell and family of Blyth, presented a puppet show. The program closed with an accordion number by Rena McClinchey and a chorus by the girls. Prizes went to the boy whose birthday was nearest the day of meeting, Allan McDougal; the girl wearing a wrist watch, Bernice McDougal; the boy wearing wrist watch, Gerald Dobie; girl with gold buttons on he.r dress, Wanita Young; boy wearing red braces, Lorne Daer, Mrs, Archie Robinson who has been a valued member of the In- stitute and is leaving in the near future to reside in Clinton, was presented with a parting gift. Mrs. Edgar Lawson read an ad- wish her a speedy recovery. Her sister, Miss Cora Church, R.N., is nursing her. Mr. and Mrs, George Patterson, and Miss Florence Patterson, Mrs. Annie Henderson and Mrs. Doro- thy Reed, Goderich, visited Dr. B. C. Weir and Mr, and Mrs. D. A. MacKay on Sunday. Arthur Yungblut accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walden, Seaforth, and Mrs. Ernest Patter- son, Goderich, motored" to Algon- quin Park on Sunday. Miss Lila Yungblut, Reg.N., who has been holidaying there, returned with dress and Mrs, George Sturdy made the presentation. On behalf of the ladies who pre- sented the one -act play, "Diet Be- gins Tomorrow", Mrs. R. G. Tay- lor presented Mrs. Robinson with a gift. Mrs. Robinson expressed her appreciation. Lunch was served by the host- esses, Mrs. Ken McDougal, Mrs, Maurice Bean, Mrs, Stuart Ament, Mrs. W, 3. Craig and Mrs. Archie Robinson. HENSALL •-•-.0-4-•-4-• i -0-. George Ibbotson, Kincardine, recently visited with his mother Mrs. William Pepper. Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Goodwin and Mary are vacationing for two weeks at Schade View. Miss Kathryn Sells, London, was a weekend house guest with Mrs. Agnes Lammie and Greta. Postmaster Cecil Kipfer is on vacation, Mrs, Lawrence l3ayn- ham is relieving during his ab- sence. Dr. and Mrs. 3, C. Goddard and family have arrived home alter a month's vacation spent in Kel- wnna, B. C. well; Mrs. McLean, Arkona. Garden Tea" The ladies of the Church of the English Martyrs, Bayfield, spon- sored a garden tea at the summer home of Mrs. Harry A. Bauer on Tuesday afternoon, July 21. There was a large crowd in attendance including visitors from Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth and Zurich. The tea table was tastefully arranged with a black and white and white umbrellas on the lawn. Pastel sweet peas were centred on the tea table flanked with pink tapers in black candle holders. Throughout the lawn there were .occasional tables covered with pink and green cloths in keeping with the pink and green color scheme of the cottage. Pouring tea for the guests were Miss Agnes Savage, Mrs. E. J. Bauer, and Mrs. Philip Cook. The Royal Doulton figurine, on which chances were sold, was won by Miss Margaret Hammond. The; cake was won by Master Barry McKeon, and the following were the lucky winners of the door prizes: Miss Agnes Savage, Mrs. Helen Cobb, Miss M. Dunn, Mrs. John Flannery, Mrs. Kenneth Btue, Mrs. W. J. Milsap, Mrs. 3, W. P. Jones, Miss Ann Drouin, Mrs. Gladys Boay, Mrs. G. H. Tay- lor, Miss Adele Fernette, Mon- signor Bordeaux, Father Weber, Mrs. J. H. Grant, Mrs, L. A. Dug- gan, Mrs. A. R. Ford, Mrs. M. Woods. LASHMA CLINTON First Show'at Dusk Next to Community Park 2 Complete Shows Nightly Thursday -Friday July 30-31 "LADY IN THE. IRON MASK" PATRICIA MEDINA — LOUIS HAYWARD • Cartoon • News Saturday (One Day Only) Aug. 1 "FIREBALL" MICKEY ROONEY — PAT O'BRIEN • ' Cartoon • News Monday (Holiday) (1 Day) Aug. 3 "BABES IN BAGDAD" CLAUDETTE COLBERT --- GYPSY ROSE LEE PAULETTE GODDARD • Cartoon • News Tuesday -Wednesday Nuo. 4.5 "THE GUY WHO CAME BACK" PAUL DOI1GLAS ..- LINDA DARNELL • Cartoon News Thursday -Friday Aug.+!R Thursdayy G 6-7 "BANDITS OF CORSICA" RICHARD GRE E E : - PAULA RAYMOND Cartoon • News CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND 2 Shows Nightly PAW OR CLEAR Children Under • 12 Yew's in Cars i'REE! THURSDAY, JUL*1 :30, -.49,n News of Londesboro Melvin Brunsdon lias returned to his father's, Bert Brunsdon's. John Reid, Toronto, spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. George McVittie. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gaunt and family spent Sunday afternoon with friends near Lucknow. Miss Lavina Kugx, Toronto, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox. Mr. and Mrs, John Nott and Mr. and Mrs, E. Stevens visited with I-iespeler friends recently. Mrs. J. E. Johnston, Clinton, spent several days with Mrs. E. J. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Prest, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Colerich and Mrs. Colerich, Sr., London, were with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Stoberion and family, Seaforth, were with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs,. :John Nott. Miss Esther Jamieson and Miss Queen Campbell, Toronto, attend- ed the Stratford Shakespearean Festival on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn and Mr, and Mrs. Ira Rapson are having a few days holidaying, In Muskoka. They also will visit with Mrs. William Tamblyn and Mrs, Garry Cook who has a cot- tage at Gordon Bay, No Service Sunday There will be no church services on the Londesboro circuit next Sunday, August 2, but services will be resumed on Sunday, Agg- ust 9 with Rev. j. White in charge. Miss .Pauline Bell spent last week with her sister and , brotlj,- er-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Guy Bedard, London, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Dunlop and daughter, Kincardine, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Mrs. William Pepper was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison and Patsy at Waterford. Miss Marlyn Eyre and Miss Roebel, have returned after spending an' enjoyable week's vacation at Ridgetown. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Fox, Ro- bert and Shauneen, are spending the month of July' vacationing at the Hess Cottage, at the Pinery. E. R. Shaddick, who has been a patient at South Huron Dis- trict Hospital, Exeter, with a heart condition, is improving nicely and expected to be able to sit up the first part of this week. Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Geiger left Tuesday morning for a six weeks vacation with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray and family, Ed- monton. They also will visit with relatives of Mr, Geiger's at Vancouver and Sacramento Cal. Mrs. Cecil Kaiser and Mrs. Lila Kaiser, Toronto, spent the past week with Mrs. Earle Sproat at Turnbull's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. C. 5. McLean of London, were also recent weekend guests with Mrs. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs, W. J McLean and Bill Jr. of Ham- ilton were also visitors with their aunt. Ferguson Reunion Springbank Park was the sett- ing for the annual reunion of the Ferguson clan on Sunday, July 26, with. over 100 members att- ending from St. Marys, Guelph, London, St. Thomas, Kirkton, Ilderton, Clandeboye, Exeter, Thamesford, Bryanston, Denfield Whalen, Hensall, and Kippen. A full line of sports were run off in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Ferguson, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Exeter. Officers elected for 1954 were; president, Joseph Carter, Clan- deboye; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Austin Atwell, London; table committee, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Atwell, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne At- well, St. Marys. Radio Repairs PROMPT SERVICE Work Guaranteed BOB WEEKS Radio and Sound No. 8 Highway; 11/2 miles east of Clinton Phone 633-3 PICK-UP: In Bracefield, Don Gray's Store In Londesboro, Riley's Store In Blyth, Sparling's Hardware 23-b GET OUT AND. VOTE on MONDAY, AUGUST 10 for L. Elston Cardiff Your PROGRESSIVE CO ARVA AVE CANDIDATE IN HURON Committee Rooms in Bank Of Montreal Building, Clinton. Phone Clinton lib. For Cars and Information on Election Day Published by Progressive Conservative Association of Clinton jjj >:::> �:�<::r�<.�n�;h.,..a:�i piss•: })t.:?.',:•,;••.�p�•.•..••...•%':'�5irr'i'^`i'iiiiii iiii:f'••iwii:S':': STAYS ON THE' JOB—CARRIES THE LOAD You save money with a FARGO because a FARGO has the strength, capacity and low upkeep farmers desire. Shorter turning, right or left, makes a FARGO easy to handle — or park. Low fiodrs mean easy loading. The even weight distribution over each axle helps tires and truck to wear longer. Famous FARGO engine is well known to'farmers for Tong life — low upkeep. A FARGQ truck is built to fit your job. Let us show you how you save in more ways than one. MURPHY CROS. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH -- FARGO TRUCKS Phone 465 CLINTON Huron St,. i N ‘111\411 Purina "Joe" �-- OUR LATEST LIVE DISPLAY -- "Joe" was born on July 17th and was started on PURINA NURSE CI -IOW and PURINA CALF STARTENA on July 21st. Watch Joe Grog Compare Joe to Your Beef Calves Nursing Chow is Purina's new milk replacer for calves. Nurse Chow contains all the ingredients of cow's milk and is completely and easily sohible in luke warm water, CLINTON FARM SUPPLY has an economical Feed Programme to meet any farmer's needs Ms X