HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-07-30, Page 50 . re I LIFE ;.;,% t4-1---"---Fi.°4 ';:, -?"" '''''"' -r,sn - New Mo Att t un- r." UL ;,:454 RI R , VP.arrog - • inersp Bch le ,,...i. '°""Att. SLEEF 'ALE Wed's 3NA4 ital• ME ill" the WA T ADS ;7 t, . s. 1 ..,,,,,,...11,tt p .4.1 ,,,,,. 4-easa414.4444,:itatat's4-"aaatatt4a4a+awa-44-4 F®` S le FOUR - ROOMED DWELLING, modern conveniences, hard- wood floors, fully insulated, 11/2 years old; good location, early possession. FIVE-APARTMENT Dwelling, consisting of two- and three- room apartments; one com- pletely furnished; two partly furnished; two unfurnished; monthly income: $154. Im- mediate possession. ONE GOOD BUILDING LOT with 166 ft. frontage, sewage available, good location. APPLY TO ENT Co : »tr ryMetors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired Clinton News-Record MAIL YOUR CLASSIFIED AD USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK A News-Record Classified Advertisement is the quickest way to turn that discarded article into cash. Now is the time to dispose of skates, cookstove, furniture, washing machine, fur coat, farm implements, live- , stock, etc. Write your classified advertisement in the space below. Put your address or phone number—or both—in the advertisement. The cost of your advertisement will be 2 cents a word, minimum of 50 cents for each advertisement. (Rate applies if advertisement is paid within one week after first publication.) 15 cents extra if you wish a News-Record box number, or have enquiries directed to the News-Record office. CLASSIFICATION: ..... ... ..... .. • + S .. 01 • 0,41“. ....................... 4. Charge to; Address 4 Mail this classified ad. order to: CLII4TON litEWS.RECOgtD, Clinton, Ont. Phone 4 Cash Specials for July 30-31, Aug. 1 SALMON, , Red Cohoe, 1/2 lb. tin 25c PICKLES SWWEET MIGED, 16 oz. jar 25c MARGARINE, Rose Brand, lb. , . 32c LARD, Schneiders, 2 lbs. 39c SHORTENING, Domestic, lb. 26c CATSUP, Campbell's, 13 oz. btl. ....... 23c VINEGAR, Canada White, gal. RAISINS, Seedless, lb. SALAD DRESSING, Miracle Whip 16 oz, jar Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver TELEVISION and RADIO SERVICE FACTORY AUTHORIZED GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP We Stock All Tubes and Parts GALBRAITH RADIO and TELEVISION "Cinton's Only Record Bar" NEXT DOOR TO CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Weekend Specials 12 Sport Coats reg. to 37.50 $19.50 Diamond Socks reg. 2.50 $1.00 pr. Slacks reg. to 12.95 . SPECIAL GROUP $6.95 pr. Casual Jackets r„,, to 21.50 . $3.95 eft. Boys' Jackets reg. r. 6.05 We have regrouped the items featured in our 'Val-Summer Sale; prices have been low., ered still further. Every item a genuine SPECIAL! PICKETT isP CAMPBELL. The Store for Men ARROW SHIRTS STETSON PillONE 25 (Main Corner) CLINTON' 55e 19e 45c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s, dez. . 33c POTATOES, New No. 1, 15 lb. Peck 43e TOMATOES,No. 1, 11 qt. basket 95c IURSDAY, JULY $0, 1953 CLINTON NEWS-RECORP PAGE FIV4 Classified Rates HELP WANTED DISTRIBUTOR WANTED TO ...-- handle septic tank cleaner. Write to Town and Country Chemical Dist. (Western Division), 1606 London. Road, Sarnia, or phone Sarnia DI-7432. ' 3Q-p "LOST YOUR Kris.- ACCOMMODATION for RENT FARM. HOUSE WITH HYDRO. Lorne Tyndall. Phone Clinton 904r4. 30-ptfb '17-MEE ROOM SELF-CONTAIN- ed apartment, unfurnished, heat- ed, centrally located. Available about August 20, Phone Clinton 673w, 30-b FOUR ROOM APARTMENT — share kitchen. Phone Clinton 728w, 30-b T1''-MEE ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, two miles from town, James East, phone Clinton 807r6. 30-p GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT. Apply to Ken Johnston, Victoria St., south of CNR tracks, at Bert. Buller's old location, 30-p T W 0 CONNECTING ROOMS with separate entrance for rent, Continuous hot water. Share bath. No children. Box 5, Clin- ton News-Record, 30-p CABINS AT THE FALLS PIC- nic grounds on Maitland River, three miles east of Goderich on 'Highway 8. Reasonable rates. J. M, Driver, Goderich, Phone God- erich 931r14. 30-b URNISHED COTTAGE — two bedrooms, knotty-pine lined com- bination living-room and kitchen. Running water, sink, built-in cup- boards, hydro, icebox, fireplace. Reasonable rent. One mile east of Bayfield, in orchard. Apply J. Ross Middleton, phone Clinton 909r24, 29-30-b Accommodation Wanted TWO BEDROOM HOUSE OR apartment, furnished or unfurnish- ed in or near Clinton for eight months, starting September, by Airforce Officer. Box 6, Clinton News-Record. 30-b TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, preferably furnished. Needed by August 30. Phone Clinton 771J. 26-btfb WANTED BY AUGUST 30—Four- room furnished apartment within '12 miles radius Clinton Air Base. • Phone Clinton 771J or write Mrs. S. A. Morris, Clinton. 28-ptfb ARTICLES FOR SALE ICEBOX, WHITE ENAMEL, EX- cellent condition. Newly insulated and re-finished. Phone Clinton 231. 30-p 24 FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, factory built, beautiful interior, excellent condition, has shower and toilet. Ideal for two or four persons. Bargain pried. Apply Len Cole's Shell Service Station. 30-p ARTICLES WANTED THOSE OLD STEAMER OR wardrobe trunks collecting dust in your basement. I will be glad to rip 'any repairs necessary. Please contact Dr. P. Yates at phone 30-p • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — ,business trades listed: restaurants, Ages stations, tourist camps, grot- -.ell' stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb BICYCLES FOR SALE LADY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE, (radically new, apply to Miss Iffinnie Proctor, 35 Rattenbury St., West, Clinton. Phone Clinton 2761. 30-p FURNITURE FOR SALE FAWCETT OIL HEATER, WITH connections; Clair Jewel kitchen stove, both Al condition,. Cash or trade. Mrs. Kerr, High St, 30-x HELP WANTED-4EMALE -GIRLS WANTED FOR LTJNCH -atom, Apply at Stan's Lunch and "raxi 30-p YOUNG GIRL (PREFERAI3LY). Steady employment, Clinton :..,atiticiry and Cleaners. 28-9-30-p • a, rqNING ROOM GIRL WANTED Ammediately. Apply in person at Hotel Clinton or phone Clinton 793,. 31.'b `5OUNG WOMAN FOR LTGIrr housework; two adults, no laund- ry; cheerful, healthy, Modern dome; live in; good Wages; not a -'arnt home, Write Sox '7 Clinton "Tows .Record, 30-1-2-b KEY AND LOCK SERVICE—We offer a one-minute service on keys to be duplicated. Locks without keys' can be reset same day, See us about your lock problems. "Your security for tomorrow, is our interest today." Ball and Mutch, 26.7-8-9-30-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD, apply to Keith Tyndall. 30-b 20 LITTLE PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS old. Elgin Josling, Londesboro, phone Blyth 24r14. 30-p CALF, SUITABLE FOR RAIS- ing. Also rubber tire wagon with rack and Massey-Harris, seven foot binder. L. Tyndall, phone Clinton '904r4. 30-p LITTER OF TEN PIGS, ONE litter of nine pigs, weaned and eight weeks old. Cross bred Tam and York. Apply J. W. Crich, Phone Clinton 617r23, 30-p MATCHED TEAM OF BROWN reg. Clydesdale mares, weight 3,200 lbs., guaranteed honest work- ers. Government inspected for foal premium, with a three month reg. filly foal by side. John Lind- say, RR 3, Clinton. Phone 910r14. 30-p WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea- forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb LOST .AND FOUND LOST — EXTENSION LADDERS, painted grey, somewhere between ' Matilda Street, uptown, to and on Concession 16, Goderich Township. Reward. McMaster Painters, Mat- ilda St„ Clinton. '30-p FOUNTS — SUM OF MONEY found on a street in Clinton. Own- er may have same by naming sum and identifying approvimate place where lost, Apply at Clerk's Of- fice. 30-b MISCELLANEOUS CRESS BUNION SALVE RE- lieves fast, wears stylish shoes soon. Druggists sell Cress Corn Salve too.. 30-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb WHERE TIME IS IMPORTANT —Surge milkers lead the field. Safe operation, -faster milking, eas- ily cleaned equipment makes pro- fits for the farmers. Surge ser- vice is tops. Lovell McGuire, phone Wingharn, 593, has the proof. 30-b WILL BUY OLD BRICK IF YOU HAVE AN OLD BUILD- ing of light colored brick or sal- vaged light colored brick for sale, telephone 41r3, Bayfield after 6 p.m. or write H. H. ORMOND Bayfield NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersiniith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry. 25to30p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT Pep? Thousands of couples weak, worn out because body lacks iron, get vim, vitality taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory size only 60c. At all druggists. 30-b PROPERTY. FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE IN Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618r22. 30-b 100 ACRES, BEST OF GRASS, shade and water. Apply to A. Wil- kins, 1844 Main St., Niagara Falls. 30-1-p. COTTAGE ON ALBERT STREET frame. Five rooms and bath, base- ment. Immediate possession. Apply to Bert Griese, at Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. 30-p SIX ROOMS AND BATH, INSUL- ated, cement basement. Built-in cupboards, heavy wiring, hot air coal furnace, screens and storm windows. Possession, November 1. Terms. Apply Box 63, 30-p SOUTH PART OF LOT 25, IVIAIT- land concession, Goderich Town- ship, 40 acres, clay loam, frame dwelling, 66x36 foot barn, Steel implement shed, good well, all modern conveniences. Situated five miles south of Goderich on Highway 8. Reply to 'Veteran's Land Act, Guelph. 30-1-b CANADIAN' OIL HAS TRANS- ferred me to London, so I will sell my new three bedroom red brick home on Ontario St., at cash, $9,300. It is completely modern, plastered throughout with cove ceiling, hardwood and tile floors, oil heating and pair conditioning, screens and some storms, venetion. blinds, landscaped and near the new School. A small down pay- merit Will handle. For inspection phone Clinton 677r. Ronald Davis. 30-p CLEARY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, July 25, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William Cleary, Clinton, a daughter. DANIELS—In Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, on Tuesday, July 21, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Daniels thee Ardys Inkley), a daughter (Barbara Gail, sister for Linda and Nancy). HARTLEY — In Clinthn Public Hospital, on. Sunday, July 26, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Hartley, Clinton, a daughter (Christine Marie). McGILLIVRAY—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, July 29, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie McGillivray, Blyth, a daughter. O'BRIEN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, July 29, 1953, to Corporal and Mrs. Charles O'Brien, Clinton, a son, SHOULTS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, July 23, 1953, to Corporal and Mrs. Mer- vyn Shoults, Clinton, a daugh- ter (Patricia Edith Rose, sister, for Bill and Mike). WYNGE—In Clinton Public Hos., pital, on Sunday, July 26, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Wynge, R.R. 3, Kippen, a daughter. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne J. Brown spent last week at a fishing camp at Loring, Parry Sound District, and report good catches. Mr. and Mrs. M, Kilty (nee Madeline Shaw) visited the lat ter's parents, Dr. and. Mrs. J. W. Shaw, over the weekend. TENDERS FOR CARETAKING of USS 2, Hullett Township, will be received until August 8. Apply to Keith Tyndall, Secretary-treas- urer. 30-b TENDERS FOR INSTALLING oil furnace in USS 2, Hullett Township, will be received until August 8, Work to be completed by August 25. Apply to Keith Tyndall, Secretary-treasurer. 30-b 11111111110111IIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. KE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton III 111111111111111111111111111111111I1I111111111111111111111111111111if111111111111111111111 Eight Local Ladies Will Attend ACWW Conference in Toronto Among fortunate delegates to the first convention in Canada of the Associated Country Wo- men of the World which will be held in Toronto, Guelph and Stoney Creek between August 12 to 23, are eight ladies from this district. Mrs. Roy Connell, MrS, A, F. Cudmore, Mrs, Violet Habgood, Mrs, Russell Holmes, Mrs, Wil- fred Monaghan, Mrs. Real Mac- Donald, Mrs. Ernest Radford, and Mrs. Wes Shobbrook all plan' to attend the convention on, August 21, and to see the pageant, "Do- minion of Destiny" to be staged in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, that evening, All seats at that performance are reserved for members of the organization, but a repeat per- formance has been arranged for the following evening, on Sat- urday. Rbservations for these may be made through the Maple Leaf Gardens Box Office, either direct or by mail. Special music, and the con- tinuous action cavalcade promis-ed are provided from a large cast, and will, portray Canadian life from the country's earliest days to the present, all the way from the Indians and Vikings to the coronation of 1953. a. Stratford Races On Civic Holiday $8,500. in purses will be hung up at Stratford for the one day Harness Race Meet on Monday, August 3. The Supertest 3 3w. old Trot $3,750. The Dufferin Park Free for All Pace $2,000, the 2 yr. old Trot and Pace $750, The Kroehler 3 yr. old Pace for $1,000. and a 2.25 Pace for $600. make up the card. Eleven events in all will be raced off starting at 2 p.m. Beautiful trophies are added for the winners of each race. IOW NO additional charge for use of our Funeral Home. One high standard to all patrons. Pcattic uneral 7citatur GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb ROXY THEATRE CLINTO N NOW PLAYING--July 30-Aug 1 "THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS" Starring Gregory Peck, Ann Blyth TECHNICOLOR MON-TUBS-WED—Aug. 3-5 GINGER nocins VICTOR MOORE -- -- FRED ALLEN We're We' Not Married Two Bedrooms, Modem Living Room and Kitchen and Bathroom. $2,300 down, balance of mortgage spread over 20 year payments. L G. WINTER REAL ESTATE PHONE CLINTON 448 TUNE IN BLUE WATER CONFERENCE "Daily" Monday to Friday 10.15 a.m., E.D.S.T. Sundays — 10.05 a.m. CFCO, Chatham 630 ON YOUR DIAL 29-30-31-32-33-34-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY During Summer Months Sales held at 7.30 p.m. S. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk PARK THEATRE Gopipaucu—none 1150 Nowt Cornel Wilde and Phyllis Thaxter, "OPERATION SECRET" MON-TUES-WED— "YOUNG BESS" — In 'Technicolor A Three-Star portrayal of the first Elizabeth, before she became Queen, of Thomas Seymour, her lover, and of Henry VIII, the ro- bust ruler — starring; Stewart Granger—aeon Simmons and Charles Laugirtan THUR-PIH-SAT— Louis Hayward—Patricia Medina and John Sutton Based on a novel by Rafael Sab- atini and filmed An Technicolor comes a swashbuckling tale of the King of Pirates Cap'n, Blood. CAPTAIN PIRATE Corning: "DANGEROUS WHEN WET" In Technicolor — Esther Williams — Jack Carson Cards of Thanks I would like to thank all thoie who sent flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison,•Dr. Jackson, God- erich and all the nurses — MRS. KEITH HESSELWOOD. 30-p To all who rallied to give us aid and comfort in our recent need we extend our deepest gratitude and we commend the efficiency and kindliness shown by the police officers. With humble hearts, we thank God for all His mercies. THE MaCDONALDS, 30-p PLASTERING STUCCOING PATCHING • ORNAMENTAL WORK A Specialty DOUG, GLOW Clinton 342 remairausassa 28-tfbtaxasaaacanwa CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICII ('hone 47 Now; "VENETIAN BIRD"--with Ava Ilartok and Richard Todd MON-TUES-WED— "Ride The Man Down" -- In Trucolor — A vigorous tale of 700,000 acre Hatchet Ranch and of the war for its possession following the bliz- zard that killed its founder. Brian Doulevy Rainea and Forrest Tucker ALEC GUINNESS — Joan Greenwood — Cecil Parker Another grand performance by a, great British star; as the textile worker who invents an everlasting fabric. "Man in the White , Suit" Coming: 'DESPERATE SEARCH' with Howard Keel & Jane Greer 3% Interest on Savings (No Service Charges) Savings Doubled In Case of Death • Open a Savings Account in the Clinton Community Credit Union today ... • Loans to Members at Reasonable Rates I W. V. ROY—Manager + During June, July and August, Office open Saturday evening from 8 to 10. PERSONAL PENSIONS AVOID WORRY Phone 454W E. HARTLEY CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Co, 29-32-b .11,041,Ips."0 CASH RATE — (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- Asertion)—Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); antbsequent insertions 11/4 cents a • si7ord (minimum 35 cents); 15 Tents extra for box number or her direction to NEWS-RECORD (Office, CHARGED--15 cents extra, DEADLINE-12 noon, Wednes- klay, LIVESTOCK WANTED ' TENDERS WANTED 28-9-30-1-b H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone Clinton 251W THUR-FRI-SAT—Aug. 6-8 GEORGE HELENA MONTGOMERY *CARTER "The Pathfinder" COMING—Aug. 10— "Distant Drums" Gary Cooper Marl Aldon Modern, Red Rug Brick Home For Sale