Clinton News-Record, 1953-07-23, Page 5" T#,lltSDAY, JULY 23, 1953 Classified Rates WANTADS CASH RATE (If paid by ',Wednesday following date of in- 'siertien)--Two cents a word first iinsertion (minimum 50 cents); ,atubsequent insertions 1M cents a word (minimum 35 cent$); 15 cents extra for box nuni'ber or for direction to NEWS -RECORD tOffice, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE ---12 noon, Wednes- • ACCOMMODATION for RENT • S1VL LL FURNISHED APART- ment for couple. Phone Clinton 687M. ' 29-b ' IR,EE ROOM APARTMENT — part 1 y furnished, downstairs, heavy wiring, sink, hot water, centrally located. Phone Clinton 73J. 29-b FOUR ROOM APARTMENT — share kitchen. Phone Clinton 376W. 29-p ROOM FOR TWO, gentlemen (preferably), opposite radio sta- tion.' Mrs. Bill Hanly. Phone Clinton 6191.21,: 29:b •F.'(SRNISHED COTTAGE — two bedrooms, knotty -pine lined com- bination livingroom and kitchen. Running. water, sink, built-in cup- boards, hydro, icebox, fireplace. Reasonable rent. One mile east of Bayfield, in orchard. Apply J. Ross Middleton, phone Clinton 909r24. 29-b Accommodation Wanted HOUSE REQUIRED BY SMALL family by .August 1. Phone Clin- ton 394R. 28-9-b THREE OR FOUR ROOM fur- nished apartment for three adults. Needed immediately. Phone Hotel Clinton. 29-b TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, preferably ' furnished. Needed by August 30. Phone Clinton 771J. 26-btfb WANTED BY AUGUST 30—Four- room furnished apartment within 12 miles radius Clinton Air Base. Phone Clinton 771J or write Mrs. W. J, A. Morris,. Clinton. 28-ptfb REQUIRED BY COLLEGIATE teacher from September next, a house or self-contained apartment with two bedrooms. Reply to John G, Peacock, 73 Raglan St., Guelph, or to Box 5, Clinton News -Record. 29 & 31-b ARTICLES FOR SALE CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE and a number of pallets. Phone 'Clin- ton 206M. 29-p BABY CRIB, 20” x 40", steel springs, no mattress, good shape. K. Van Riesen, corner Whitehead and Albert Streets. Phone Clin- ton 294W. 29-b 'I AILER HOME -18 ft., equip -ped with Propane gas range, built- in cupboards, ice box, fully insul- ated, heavy electric wiring. Alum- inum construction. Priced very reasonable. Will finance. D. E. IV1acKinnon, Hensall, phone 116J. 26-7-8-9-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1951 VANGUARD SEDAN Blue -- Good Condition May be seen at 139 South St., Goderich BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES— 'business trades listed; restaurants, gas Stations, tourist camps, groc- 'my stores; one Maiir ;St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb Employment Wanted - TEEN -AGED GIRL DESIRES baby-sitting employment. Avail- able any time. Phone Clinton 419W. 29-b FARM MACHINERY SEVEN FOOT MASSEY-HARRIS binder, good working order. Ernest Brown, phone Clinton 19W. 29-p TWO ELEVATOR CANVASSES for Deering binder, Used Only two seasons. Reg. Miller, phone Clin- ton 911r6, 29-b • FURNITURE FOR SALE 1UTCHEN SET TABLE, FOtJ]t theirs and cabinet (solid wooden construction) painted white. Ap- ply 38 Regina Road, PMQ's, RCAF Station, Clinton. 29-b GOOD OAK Bt.TPKE'i' with lovely ' tairror. Tit excellent condition at a reasonable price. Phone Clinton 552J. 29-p HELP WANTED ---FEMALE GIRLS WANTOD FOIA LUNCH room. Apply at Stah`s Lunch, and Taxi. 29-b YOUNG GIRL (PREFERABLY). Steadyemployment. C 1 into rt Launry acidCIeanersr 2$ -93U -p "I -OST YOUR KEYS" KEY AND LOCK SERVICE --We offer a .one -minute service on keys to be duplicated. Locks without keys can be reset same day. See us about your lock problems, "Your security for tomorrow, is our interest today." Ball and Mutch. 26-7-8.9-30-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE_ SEVEN LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. W. H. Glazier, phone Clinton 911r4. 29-b 19 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE, ready to wean. For. particulars, apply to J, W. Crich, phone Clin- ton 617r23, 29-p TEN YORK PIGS, seven weeks old. Joe Flynn, phone Clinton 801r4. 29-b SEVEN YEAR OLD BAY MARE, weight about 1,300 pounds. Wilf- red A. Glazier, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 617r31. 29-p 17 PIGS FOR SALE, apply Her- man Gerrits, R. R. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 802r2. 29-p 11 CHOICE YORKSHIRE PIGS, eight weeks old. • C. W. Stewart, phone Clinton 808r3. 29-p SEVEN LITTLE. PIGS, eight weeks old. Ed. ?C. Glen, phone Clinton 620r24. 29-b PIGS FOR SALE, SIX WEEKS old. Arnold Dale, phpne Clinton 801r3. 29-b BLACK PONY, PONY CART and harness. Frank Riley, Kinburn, phone Seaforth 841r32. 29-p TWO THOROUGHBRED HERE- ford bulls. Will sell or exchange for your stock, grade cattle or hogs. W. H. Middleton, Clinton, phone Clinton 906r15. 28-9-b • LiIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or' 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone Stones collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21.., t• 9-tfb MORTGAGE WANTED MORTGAGE WANTED on mod- ern home in good locality. Con- tact Box 4 Clinton News -Record. 29-b MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA, would like company. Free ride for responsible person. Cadillac car. Start any time. Harry King. 29-b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve—wear stylish shoes soon. 29-b VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice, Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb FIVE BIG FEATURES of the Surge Filter Cooler—filters and cools in one operation, will handle up to 40 gallons of milk an hour, needs only to be attached to pres- sure system, is all stainless steel construction, and no milk is ex- posed. Call Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer. Phone 593, Wing - ham. 29-b WILL BUY OLD BRICK IF YOU HAVE AN OLD BUILD- ing of light colored brick or sal- vaged light colored brick for sale, telephone 41r3, Bayfield after 6 p.m. or write H. H. ORMOND Bayfield 28-9-30-1-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Part Lots 41-51, Tuckersmith Township, both sides of river, at any time hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry, 25to30p PiANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE THREE BEDROOM WARTIME house, newly decorated, reason- able. Phone Goderich 778M or call at 204 Regent Street, Gode- rich. 28-9-b Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbours who assisted so greatly at the time of the fire, and since. Special thanks to the Blythtelephone. operators; the Blyth Fire Brigade for their quick response. John Hallam, Harold and Bert Beacom for hay balers and equipment; those who loaned space for hay storage; Syd Lan- sing and Misses Flossie and Esther Jamieson. • We are deeply grateful. --JACK AND MARION SNELL, 29-p Modern, Red Rug Brick Home For Sale Two Bedrooms, Modern Living Roam and kitchen and Bathroom. $2,300 down, balance' of mortgage spread aster 20 year payments, L. G. WINTER REAL JCS't'ATE lhflO11tFi CLINTON 448 CLIN'Or; NEW -4 CORD PAGE FIV 10 BIRTHS Presbyterian aln WMS EVANS---In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, July 18, 1953, HeaarS i to Mr, and Mrs,. Richard Evans, Bayfield, a son, pital, on Tuesday, July 21, 7953, Training, FRANCIS—In Clinton Public Hos- A to Mr, and Mrs, Edward Fran- cis, RCAF Station, Clinton, a The Women's Missionary Auxil- son, iary of St. Andrews Presbyterian GAIRNS--In Clinton Public Hos- Church met on Tuesday afternoon pital, on Tuesday, July 21, 1953, at the home of Mrs. Robert Scott. to Mr, and Mrs, Alan Gairns Mrs. Robert McKenzie presided RCAF Station, Clinton, a son, and offered the call to worship HULL -- In Vancouver, B.C., on with the words of the poem, "Mes- Saturday, July 11, 1953, to Dr, sengers of Christ, who cometh and Mrs. Thomas E. Hull (nee late? , Mrs, George Gawley and Kathleen Cuninghame) U.B.C,, ,Mrs. M. D. McTaggart read the Vancouver, a daughter (Nancy scripture and offered prayer. Mrs. Kathleen) sister for Diane Eliza- Scott and Mrs. James Makins gave beth. the secretary's and treasurers re- SAUNDERS — In Montreal, on p°Pans for the presbyterial rally Saturday, July 11, 1953, to Mr. Saunders to be held September 15 in Knox and Mrs. Arthur E. Saunders Church, Goderich, at which Curr - (nee Jo Anne Cuninghame) ton members will take part, were Montreal, a son (Gordon Eu - completed. gene)' .Mrs. D. J, Lane gave informa- tion — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, July 20, tion concerning the Trans -Canada 1953, to LAC and l2rs: Lloyd tpo be conducted for strengthenint of the Training Jackson, Clinton, a son. all branches of work in the Pres - J N K S—I Clinton P li I s- pital, Wednesday, Pub 15, bempted nterianhurchthe foal mohien will of this 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, William year. Jenkins, R.R. 1, Clinton, a son. From the study book, Mrs. G. HoMcC spL1tal, en TueIn Clinton Public W Nott reviewed an interesting 1953,to Mr and Mrdays, H Juward chapter on "Education in Africa, McCullough, R.R. 1, Goderich, Old and New", in which it was a son. stated that a truly Christian PITT In St. John's Newfound- teacher in a government school land, on Monday, July 20, 1953, may exert a more effective in- to Mr. and Mrs. David G. Pitt fluence, than one of less christian (nee Marion Woolfrey) a son character in a Mission School. (brother for Ruth). With the singing of "What a Friend We have in Jesus", the WEBSTER — In Kincardine, on Sunday, July 19, 1953, to Mr, president closed the meeting with and Mrs, Wellington Webster prayer, and Mrs. Scott assisted by R.R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter Mrs. Slavin served light refresh - (sister for Jimmy). meets, MARRIAGES MCDOUGALL-APPLEBY —In the United Church manse, Blyth, on Saturday afternoon, July 18, 1953, by Rev. C. J. Scott, Thelma Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Appleby, Blyth, to Donald, Gordon McDougall, Auburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McDougall. SCHILBE-WATSON — In North St. United Church parsonage, Goderich, on Saturday after- noon, July 18, 1953, by Rev. H. A. Dickinson, Olive Prances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Watson, Goderich, to E a r 1 Schilbe, Zurich, son of Mrs, Schilbe, Zurich, and the late Henry Schilbe. DEATHS JUDD—In Detroit, Mich., on Mon- day, July 13, 1953, Williamnudd, son of the late Mr. an Mrs. Thomas Judd, Clinton, neral from the J. P. Miller funeral home, Detroit, to Forest Lawn Cemetery, on Thursday, July 16. REGAN—In Forest, on Tuesday, July 21, 1953, Lester Regan, be- loved son of Mr. and Mrs. James Regan, in his 59th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Sea - forth, on Thursday afternoon, at two o'clock. 0 In Memoriam SWITZER—In loving memory of Frankie, who left us so suddenly, three years ago July 27. "There is a link, death cannot sever. Love and remembrance last for- ever. Deep in our hearts his memory is kept. We loved him too dearly to ever forget." —Ever remembered by Mummie and Daddy, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. 29-b PORTER—In loving memory of a dear wife, mother, and daughter, Sarah E. Porter, who passed away July 20, 1952. "In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond, and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you." —Ever remembered by her loving husband Elgin, son, daughters, and mother, Mrs. William Reid. 29-p tete*Hfe1HH*N1N4H4H*H1,4441,44:eleiere:44+1H4H+el For Sale FOUR ROOMED DWELLING, modern conveniences, hard- wood floors, fully insulated, 1%2 years old; good location, early possession, FIVE -APARTMENT Dwelling, consisting of two- and three- room apartments; one• com- pletely furnished; two partly furnished:- two unfurnished; Monthly income: :154. Im- mediato possession. ONE GOOD BUILDING LOT with 166 ft. frontage, sewage available, good location. APPLY TO 11. C. LAWSON REALTOR Bank of Montreal Bldg. 4444+4.44-644444.4.44,44,44.1..;+04 PhoneClinton 251W Beattie Services are commensurate with the Best. euttie jiutter.tl #kite .L �,. ... moi. •`.. J. �♦V Jy... Dates Announced District Fall Fairs Here is a list of local Fall Fair Dates, as released by F. A. Lash- ley, of the Agricultural Societies Branch of the Department of Ag- riculture: Bayfield, Sept. 30, Oct. 1; Blyth, Sept. 22, 23; Brussels, Oct. 1, 2; Dungannon, Sept. 22; Exeter, Sept. 23, 24; Forest, Sept. 25, 26; Har- riston, Sept. 23, 24; Kincardine, Sept. 17, 18; Kirkton, Oct, 1, '2; Lions Head, Sept. 16, 17; Listowel, Sept. 28, 29; London (Western Fair), Sept. 14-19; Lucknow, Sept. 29, 30; Meaford, Oct. 2, 3; Mild- may, Sept. 14, 15; Milverton, Sept. 25, 26; Mitchell, Sept, 29, 30; Neustadt, Sept. 18, 19; Palmerston, Oct. 5, 6; Parkhill, Sept. 25; Ripley, Sept. 25, 26; Seaforth, Sept. 24, 25; Stratford, Sept. 21-23; Teeswater, Oct. 6, 7; Tillspnburg, Sept. 21-23; Toronto (CNE), August 28 -Sept, 12; Toronto (Royal Winter Fair), Nov. 13-21; Wiarton, Sept. 17, 18; Zurich, Sept. 28, 29; International Plowing Match, Durham -North- umberland, , Colbourg, Oct. 6-9. TUNE IN BLUE ON WATE CONFERENCE "Daily" Monday to Friday 10.15 a.m., E.D.S.T. Sundays -- 10.05 a.m. CECO, Chatham. 630 ON YOUR DIAL 29-30-31-32-33-34-b PLASTERING STUCCOING. PATCHING • ORNAMENTAL WORK A Specialty FREE E(SSTIMATES DOUG. CLOW Phone Clinton 342 28-tfb IIIIIIIIIIIL'IiiLIIIIIIi�IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIiltQIIIIIIIIIlhIIIIlII111II(IIilIIIIII Mowers Telegraphed , Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton JIIIIIIIIIIAIIII!ii11111 IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIlhl!';II111111I11111IIIIII CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 to -tab ROXY THEATRE. CLINTON NOW PLAYING --•fitly 23-25 Tda.e Royal Coronation Film -- IN TECHNICOLOR "A Queen is Crowned' MON-TU S -WED -.•July 27-29 Jolui Gilbert BEAL ROLAND "My. Six Convicts" THUItS-IFI-SAA—July 30 -Aug. 1 GREGORY ANN PEC BLYTH "The World In His Arms" Color by Technicolor PARK THEATRE CAPITAL, THEATRE GODEiUCfl., phone 1.50 GOI?ERIQII Tt'lione 47 NOW; $$ADIIOTT a; COSTELLO GO TO IVIARS"-- Try this fun- show in air-conditioned comfort MON-TUES-WEDS-. Fair Wind to Java' Iii Technicolor — If you fancy a salty sea adventure, if you have heard of the catastro- phic Krakatay explosion, you'll Want to see this thrill -pecked epic. Fred Macl%iurray and Vera Ralston remit S- 14I..SA'.�f.--- "Operation Secret" Based on the exploits of Peter Ortiz comes a story of World War II and of a Marine Hero who saved a government, Steve Cochran --.Phyllis Thaxter Cornet Wilde Corning: Stewart Granger & Jean Simmons in "YOUNG BESS" emessemosy Now: Camel Wilde and Teresa Wright in. "CALIFORNIA. CON- (UEST" -,- Technicolor MON- UES -WED-•,- Matinee Wednesday "The Story of Mandy" An appealing tale about a young seven-year-old who found her own solution to the affliction of deafness. Phyllis Calvert — Jack Hawkins and Torn 5forgan TII'URS-Fitz-SEAT.,.,. Matinee Saturday Richard Todd -- Ava Bartok and John Gregson An adventurous romance blooms and flourishes amid the canals and gondolas of Venice. "Venetian. Bird" Coining: Howard Keel and Jane Greer, "DESPERATE SEARCH" . lememmeersimenemeememisom . COMMUNITY Auction Sale -_ of — FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS From the Sales Yard, Bayfield Road, West on the outskirts of Clinton, on Saturday, July 25 at 1.30 p,m. There is a large consignment of furniture to this sale. Anyone wishing to place furniture in this sale may contact any of the und- ersigned. Joe Corey, Sales Manager Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 28-29-b PORTABLE RADIO SALE Free Batteries on these New Models MOTOROLA -- (Book Style) $49.95 MOTOROLA— (3-way) 54.95 SPARTON Hiker 39.95 GENERAL ELECTRIC ' 54.95 Used Reconditioned: EMERSON . $29.95 PHILCO 29.95 PHILCO, 5 tube 49.95 These sets inay be used on Battery or Hydro -- all are FULLY GUARANTEED by GALBRAITH Radio & Television. WE SERVICE EVERYTHING • WE SELL "Clinton's Only Record Bar" 1�I'HOIjE 482 A small amount of information about cancer may be enough to save a life, your life or someone dear to you, Learn the danger signals. Do what you can to help others to know the early signs of Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY During Summer Months Sales held at 7.30 p.m. J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk cancer. Encourage people to have any suspicious condition corrected with immediate medical attention. Have regular and complete physic- al examinations yourself if you are., .a woman over 35 or a man over 45 3% Interest on Savings r (No Service Charges) Savings Doubled In Case of Death Open a Savings Account in the Clinton Community ' Credit Union i . today... iLoans to Members at 1 Reasonable Rates W. V. ROY—Manager During June, July and August, Office open Saturday evening • from 8 to 10. ummer Sale gestions SP S RT COATS .. , from $10.00 up SUITS SPORT SHIRTS . T-SHIRTS SWIM SUITS BOYS' SOX BOYS' T-SHIRTS from. $25.00 up from $2,95 up from. $L39 up $2.95 29c pr. $1.29 PICKETT CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts ' ' Stetson Hats THE STORE FOR MEN PHONE 25 -- MAIN CORNER CLINTON Clinton News- ecord MAIL YOUR CI,RSSIFIED AD USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLAND. A News -Record Classified Advertisement is the quickest way to turn that discarded article into cash. Now is the time to dispose of skates, cookstove, furniture, washing machine, fur coat, farm implements, live- stock, etc. Write your classified advertisement in the space below. Put your address or phone number—or both—in the advertisement. The cost of your advertisement will be 2 cents a word, minimum of 50 cents for each advertisement. (Rate applies if advertisement is paid within one week after first publication.) 15 cents extra if News -Record wish a News -Record box number,' or have enquiries directed to the News -Record office. CLASSIFICATION: • Chcyrge to: • 4,04.0 6.14'-' 4,..' Address Mail this classified ad, order for CLINTON NEWS.RECOVW, Girton Ont. Phone 4 1