HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-07-16, Page 371Yf[llt,Sr,A ", JULY 16, 1953 wily Summer Weddings. ; , Butt=11el :ri ri mIirriage of I-Iei M;s. Ire ne tori to unea n Li rn - hull' Seat, Forest, was solemniz- ed in St.eJoseph's RC Church, CliAOnn, by Rev, J. W. P. Graham, on Saturday, July 11. They were attended by Mrs. Jaaaries ,Reynolds, Windsor, and D�L. Scott, Montreal. Other er k�ts were James Ren 1ds Mkheal, Lorraine and Marjorie 7L.e .> s Windsor; or; Mrs. Dunc an Scofi,Montreal andMr. and ]A' s. Toxin Scott, Forest. Parke-Zapfe ,i<" (_ ; e our 8iruceld Correspondent) tandards of madonna lilies: delphinium and roses and lighted to rs made a, fitting background fo the home' Wedding of Blanche M e Zapfe F and Kenneth n th Clarence, Peke, The bride is the daughter. of/ Mr. and, Mrs. Abe Zapfe, Br; lcefield „and the groom is, the sour of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence. P 5rke, Zurich; . W. J. Mathes, Brucefield United Church, officiated and Mi s Mary Beattie, London, provided Iv ding music. GIen Zapfe, bro- th .r of the bride, was soloist, iven in marriage. e by, h r e e father, g , the 4d, cY ase an orginal floor- lengtbi. geVeir of Olen lace,and:. net over taffeta. The embroidered nylon net vell extended into a train. The close*, fitting, We strapless bodice was topped with a jacket pf lace. and fea tgied a PeterP.arr collar and lily point sleeves, She carried, a easeade bouquet of yellow roses and mauve carnations, Miss Margaret Zapfe, London, sister} of the• bride; was Maid of honour, and Miss Ruth Scott, Lon- don and Mrs. Mel Graham, Bruce- field, sister of the groom, as bridesmaids, wore identical gowns of nylpn net over taffeta; featur- ing double net floor -length skirts, strapless bodices topped by net bolero jackets, matching head- dresses and carried colonial bou- quets of mauve and yellow carna- tions. Jim Dinsmore, B la k e, was gropmsman and the ushers were gugh Zapfe, London,: brother of the bride, and Ray Consitt, Kip - pen. The' reception was held at the Ritz Hotel, Bayfield; The bride's mother received, wearing a nylon navy dress with navy and white acccessories and a'corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother as- sisted. She chose dusty rose crepe with lace matciaing'accessories and corsage of bide ca'rna'tions. For a wedding tripto the east coast through the United States, the bride wore 4lege linen suit with: matchilig apeetsories and a corsage of yellow rosea: They will reside near Zurich. LASBMA CLINTON First Show at Dusk Next to Community Park 2 complete' Shows Nightly , Thursday -Friday July 16-17 "Take Care of My Little Girl" (TECH N I COLOR JEANNE CRAIN -- DALE ROBERTSON • Cartoon • ' News Saturday -Monday July 18-20 "JACKPOT" JAMES STEWART — BARBARA HALE • .Cartoon • News Tuesday -Wednesday July 21-22 "LET'S MAKE. IT LEGAL" C',LAUDETTE COLBERT -- ZACHARY SCOTT • Cartoon • News Thursday -Friday- July 23-24 "MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY" FRED MacMURRAY — ELEANOR PARKER • Cartoon • News CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND 2 Shows Nightly . •- - RAIN OR CLEAR Children Under 12 Years id Cars FREE! Routley -Wright In a double -ring ceremony at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, lev, R. M. P. Bulteel united in marriage Patricia Audrey Wright, daughter of Mrs. A. G. Wright, Victoria, B.C„ and the late Rev. A. G. Wright, to Cpl. R. Routley, sen of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Routley, Saskatoon, Sask. e h The bride entered the on c the arra of her uncle, Peter Wright, Strathroy. She wore a ballerina -length gown of white lace over satin,with fitted bodice and lace jacet with lily -point sleeves, Her finger-tip veil was held by a coronet pf orange blos- soms and pearls and she carried a :bouugquet of white and pink rose- ' She - v3'as attended , by LAW ;Frances Russell, who wore a bal- lerina -length gown of orchid lace oyer satin, with matching hat and accessories and carried a bouquet o yellow' rosebuds. Cpl. Peter Cooper was grooms- man; and they ui;hets were LAC,. Hal Hanson. and AC2 David Wright, Brother of the bride. Mothers o'f' the bride arid groom wore printed silk dresses with white accessories and cor- sages of white carnations. The re- ception was held in the airwomen,s s lounge, RCAF Station, 'Clinton. For thb weddfng trip, the bride chose a green taffeta suit with natural'straw hat and accessories to match. The couple will make their home at Goderich. Haberer-Heimrich Before a:, . setting of regal lilies argil blue delphinium in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, en Sat- uurday, July 11, Audrey Lauraine, daughter of the Rev. and: Mrs. Edward William Heinrich, ex- changed marriage vows with Fred_. erich Edward Haberer' son of Mr. Mrs. Frederick John Haberer, ,all of Zurich. The Rev. Heimrich :officiated. Mrs. John Tuerkheim, Zurich, ,was organist, accompanying the 'soloist, Miss Vera Roitz, Kitchen- er. The bride chose a gown of white double net over taffeta featuring an .overskirt and bodice of French dace over taffeta with net inset a stand-up collar and long sleeves tapering to points. A sweetheart headdress of net and satin held her fingertip veil of silk illusion and she carried a white prayer book with a cascade of blue car- nations. Attendants were dressed alike in gowns of twilight blue net and lace over taffeta with boleros, matching headdresses and bou- quets of white carnations. Miss Marjory Klopp was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Marg- aret Deichert- and Miss Marilyn Haberer, all of Zurich. Groomsman was Ronald G. Heimrich and ushers were John Haberer and Herbert Klopp, all of Zurich. The bride's mother chose a pow- der blue crepe dress with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations for the reception at the church. The groom's mother wore a navy dress with white ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations. For the wedding trip to Eastern Canada, the. bride donned a light cuittp3N N• EWS -RECORD l! i,blue linen suit, with white acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses. They will reside in Zurich. The bride is a member of the staff of Zurich Public School, Hoy -Reade Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, was the setting for a quiet wedding on Saturday morn- ing, July 11, when Fiances Rach- ael, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Reade, Port Elgin, N.B., became the bride of AC1 Stuart Joseph Hoy, Fort St. James, RC., son of Mr, and Mrs. David Hoy, Fort St, Jome$, B.C. Rev. A. GIen Eagle officiated. Given in marriage by Orville Menard, the bride were her Air- force uniform, and a corsage of red roses. The bridesmaid, Leona Huartson, New Westminster, )3.C., also wore her RCAF uniform and a corsage of yellow rases. Groomsman was Raymond Pel - ley, Harbour Grace, Nfld. Ushers were Vincent Stephenson, Mont- real, P.Q., and John MacDonald, Fort William, Ont. A reception was held at the home of the bride and groom in Clinton. Guests from a distance included Dorothy Reid; Port Ar- thur; Carlette Mur.ant, New Wat- erford, N.S.; Walter Willison, •Montreal, Que:; Wilfred Hewitson, Dryden. All members of the wedding party are stationed at RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, and all were uni- forms. Following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, the young couple will live in Clinton. Gryba-Butler The beautiful chancel of Knox Presbyterian Church, Gederich, accentuated with white gladioli and cornflower was the s'ftting, when Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, read the marriage vows, exchang- ed between Marilyn Corinne, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Butler, Goderich, and Flying Of- ficer Alexander Gryba' Comox, B.C. Alex Clark played the wedding music and accompanied Glen Lodge, soloist, who sang "0 Per- fect Love" before the bridal party entered, and "The Lord's Prayer" while the register was being sign- ed. Givefi in marriage by her father, the bride wore an imported gown of coronation white nylon tulle, fashioned with a moulded Basqque, and long sheath sleeves. The cameo neckline featured a wide border of organdy applique and similar applique circled the waist- line. The skirt fell in shirred folds, forming out to an aisle - wide chapel train. Her finger-tip veil of tulle illusion was caught to a crown of shirred net, encrusted with pearls. She carried white sweetheart roses. Miss Grace Gryba, Melfort, Sask., sister of the groom, attend- ed as maid of honor. Sharon Ann Butler, Toronto, was junior brides- maid. Mrs. Joan Clark, Miss Margaret Baxter and Miss Marilyn Turner were bridesmaids. Their identical ankle -length e m p i r e gowns were fashioned of shell pink nylon tulle over American beauty taffeta. Their headdresses were deep pink tulle nose veils, knotted. with lily -of -the -valley, and tied in large lover's bows at the back of the head. They carried cascades of English ivy. F/L Stanley Kerr, Burlington, and RCAF Clinton, was the groomsman and F/L Herbert 1 STORE GOLDSEAAL Sockeye Salmon 39c J'el.lo Jelly Powders Lk, , 26c Nabob Coffee 11b. bag 99c STOKldEL•'I"�a, Goor :, Cream Style, 2x;5... tiny 29c Sta-Fly Liquid Starch , 2 32 btls 27c IDARES Cream. Filled Cookies Holiday Margerine , , 3 Red Bird Matches Clark's Pork & Beans Tilhest Cake Mix 12 oz. pkg. 29c 1 ib, pkgs. 89c pkg. of $ boxes 27c 2 15 oz. tins 25c 2 1Ci oz. pigs. 59c Horne Grown Fruits & Vegetables arriving fresh daily --- Be sure and visit our Fruit Department. Superior Food Market RI G, gALL, Proprietor "WE SELL EOR LESS" Vret Delivery Clint4 n, Ont. — Phbixm 111 SALE Summer Dresses CHOICE OF Nylons, Eyelets, Sheers, Cottons, and Crepes q Sizes 9 to 17 -- 12 to 20 E . 38 to 52 and 16 1/2 to 261/z SALE PRICES $2.94 - $4.84 .84-$12.84 SPECIAL WASH CREPES $2.94 MATERNITY DRESSES $3.94 T -Shirts and Shorts .... Less 20% LOOK FOR TIIE YELLOW SALE TICKET O�V �� EVERY DRESS THINGS; Mk C .. atitt 44 TO S TART Mini (Jr(a. tar W Alt; Phone 50 PAGE TWIEn Smale, head i s ler, was assisted by officers from BCA ,Station, Clinton. A reception was held at the Maitland Golf Club, where the bride's mother received wearing a fleer-length gown of coronation purple lace over taffeta, turquoise velvet flowered hat, with corsage of sweet peas, Mrs. Anthony Gryba, the groom's ,mother, Mes- kanaw, Sask., assisted in receiving, Her gown was of navy crepe with white accessories, and her corsage was American Beauty roses. For travelling, the bride wore a strapless flowered white imported Swiss organdy with pink taffeta, bolero jacket, pink shoes with white accessories. A corsage of green carnations added a charming touch to her costume. The young couple planned their wedding trip to include a summer resort on Lake Huron, then :on to Meskanaw, Sask., and thence to. Courtney, Vancouver Island; B.C. The grooinis a radii officer stationed at Comore, B.C. Attending the marriage from Clinton were Mx. and M'r$. Frank Cook, Miss Emily Scruton, Mrs. D, J. Lane. Van De Pas-. Scha' endonk St. Peter's Reiman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, wassthe scene of a pretty wedding on Saturda'y morning, Jul . 11, wohen J 'e' i daughter of Mt, nd Mrs. Adriianus Schapendonk, Udenhout, Holland; became the bride of Leonard Van De Pas, Tilbury, Holland, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Martinus Van De Pas, Tilbury, Holland. Monseign- eur Bordeau performed the cere- mony. Given in marriage by Alfred Taylor (friend of the bride), the bride looked charming in a floor length white embossed silk moire gown, featuring a long over -peplum with scalloped pleated, edge ex- tending into a long train. Her three-quarter length embroidered tulle veil was held in place with al matching moire cap headdress and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. The matron of honour, Mrs'. Phf'Iip Durand, R.R. 2, Zurich, wore old rose silk taffeta, floor - length with matching headdress. She carried a bouquet of pink rose buds and white carnations. Groomsman was Philip Durand, R.R. 2, Zurich. The organist, Matilda Denoinme, accompanied the soloist, Bridge "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management ,and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 296 on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention coil PAYE B. PATERSON Duo Officer Hensall, Ontario, Mom 51 or any once of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 51TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR 111ACA FALLS • 9UDriURT RAUL'r STE. MARIE 1/4\CALGART . vANcouvtle Rig EF E L Mrs, W, C. Adams .and Cathy visited last Friday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Aikenhead. MT. and Mrs, I., Gray and fam ily,.have been visiting their father' and brother in the village,. Thornton Mustard, Toronto,, s holidaying at the borne of his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alec Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. A, Wright a;nd Ray, London, visited Mr, and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne on Sun- day. Karen Jean Munn, London, is spending several days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin. Mr, and Mrs. Reg.. Matheson, Port Cglborne and Mr. and Mrs. Percy. Harrison and family, Gode rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aikenhead. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Kaiser and Laporte: ' Dinner served in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, was followed at night by a reception and' shower in St. Peter's Parish Hall, St. Jos- eph: quests were present from London, Windsor, Detroit and Grand Bend. The young couple plan to live in Zurich. fr. and Mri , Ronald McKentie, Detroit, and Mr. and. Mrs. Jun Gayder, St. Catharines, were a- mong those attending the Parke- Zapfe wedding on Saturday, • Woman's Association The July meeting of the Bruees field Woman's Association to* thef form o a picnic,. helden t? manse lawn, Th rewas a good attendance and all present top C part in the games and eentests conducted by Mrs, W. iyfcEeatf . After the .games the ladies enjoyed a pot -luck supper, ' The winners of the games were; thread -the -needle, Mrs,. Cairns and Mrs. F Burdge, 'Mrs. H. Berry and Mrs, Thompson; running racer Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs, Squire and Mrs, Elliott; ladies' kick- lie -slier per, Mrs, W. Scott, Mrs. F. Burdge; children's Idelt-the-s}ippe , Carol ,Anderson, Janet Hend ,rsort• Children's running roe, S�hsaiia, Haugh, Carel Anderson; clothek pin race, Mrs. Treibner, Henderson; snow shoe rape, Mi Treibner's team•; not spilling the beans,., Mrs. N. Baird' and` Mrs. El- liott, Mrs. G. Henderson and Mrs. A. Johnston; Toss the ring, Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. R. Allan; lady with birthday' near est July 7, Mrs. Christie; child with birthday nearest July 7, Carol Anderson; lucky ebairs, M. McClung; Mrs. J. Broadfoot; pea- nut scramble. Competitive �• m► I.D.A. Sold on CASTOR OIL, 4 Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES _____________ d Special, Values and Reminders• for Thursday, Friday and' Saturday BRAND SPECIALS a Money -Back Guarantee ounce bottle, regular 40c' 29c CLEANING FLUID, spot remover—reg. 35, 69..29c, 59c FLAXSEED—Whole Seed --16 ounce, reg. 35c .,29c IDOL -AGAR Mineral 00 & Agar -- reg. 79c, $1.59 , 59c, $1.29 OLIVE OIL, 4 oz. bottle, regular 35c 27c PENETRATING LINIMENT, 4 oz., reg. 45c 37c VITAMIN 131 TABLETS, 100; 300, 37c, 79c....29c, 59c REFRESHES! Health COOLS! GIVES NEW Salts ZIP AND ZEST! ,59c LDA. HEALTH SALTS Absorbent Cotton SPECIAL "Val -U" Brand -1 pound (gross weight) roll ' 89e Talcum Powder SPECIAL "Jeanette" Brand -12 oz. Shaker -top canister. 19e Cameras and Films BROWNIE HAWKEYE CAMERA Flask Model $8.25 Kodalite Flash -holder for Brownie Flash Model $4.50 Baby Brownie Special $3.80 Duaflex 11 Camera, Kodet Lens $16.75 Duaflex 11 Camera, Kodar f/8 Lens $25.50 Flash Attachment for both Duaflex Models $4.75 Tourist "620" Folding Camera $29.00 Pony "828" $35.75; with field case $42.85 Pony "135" $41.0O; with field case $48.35 Standard Flash -holder for synchronized folding Kodaks.... $9.25 120 & 620 size 50e; Duapak (2 rolls) 95e 127 size • 45e; Duapak "(2 rolls) $5e Sun Glasses • KODAK VERICIIROME FILM AVIATION SPECIAL 99c KIDDIES' NOVELTY DESIGNS 25e, 29c POLAROID FITS -ONS $2.50 Other Polaroid Glasses $1.95, $2.98 TONE -RAY SLIP -OVERS $3.50, $4.00 Other Tone -Ray Models $4.00 to $10.00 Other Types 49e, 69e, 98c up SUN -CLIP $1,50 Bathing Caps Semi -Head Shape Caps 49c Seiberling .. 69c, 79e, 98c Thermos Bottles PINT S $1.89 $1.98 $2.35 QUARTS $3.00 $3.25 $4.15 UNIQUE F. B PENNEBAKER PHONE PHO SERVICE D1f4UGGI 14 ,o • ''‘N 'WV" \N‘k I Micro Mixin 1 Another Purina First With 24 to 30 ingredients in every bite of feed anew mixing process was needed. Purina scientists then developed micro -mixing whereby the most min- ute quantities of the antibiotics and trace elements would be uniformly distribut- ed through every mouthful of feed. CLINTON FARM SUPPLY carries a complete line of Purina Feeds and. Sanitation Products best results. o* cock. Remember. Purina products incl e.:.not•tgr,sell lata rile,, bill fo p °Au�co lo�Y'elt ,