HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-07-09, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1953 News of L�ndesboro MMiss Carol Williams, Clinton, visited with her grandparents, Mr, and • Mrs. Ed Your(gblutt. The young people of Burns and Londesboro churches are in charge of:the church service next Sunday] July 12. Arthur Kerslake and Mr. .and MK, Archie rWeher, Exeter, were Stiiiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dtirnin,. • MA's, Elnrperson Hesk, who has been visiting her daughters, and family at' Calgary, and Mr. and M1 William Govier, who have been visiting friends in Manitoba for the past month, have returned tao�e. foil", and Mrs, Lorne Shobbrook and two children, Oshawa, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. H, Shobbrook, Lorne returned home on Monday. Mrs. Shobbrook and children remained for .a few :more holidays. Induction Service Induction services were held for Rev. J, B. White, formerly of Florence, into the pastorate of Lgndesborp United Church charge on July 3, Rev, A. Glen Eagle, Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, was in charge assisted by Rev. W. 3. Maines, Brucefield, and Rev. William Archer, RCAF ,Station, Clinton, Rev. A. G, Eagle in .his address to the congregation, urged young inti to enter the ministry and for ministers to express the will of God iii every sermon. RevW. J. SALE OF Swim Suit DENIMS Trim. smart California -styling. Sanforized denim for long wear. Cool . . . smart home or at the beach. SHORTS 1.98 - 2.95 PEDAL PUSHERS 2.95 JEANS 2.95 SKIRTS 3.69 at FOR ...,..,tbeteter/5 THINGS SMART labii J' lav TO WEAR. Phone 59 CLINTONNWS-IIECORD. Maines addressed the new rain• ister, WI ]hears of Korea The meeting of the Londesboro Women's Institute held at the hon'1e of Mrs. Lloyd Pipe on Thurs- day, ,T,n)y. 2. Mrs. Stanley Lyon, t presiders , w. as in the chair; The Meeting opened with "0 Canada" ' followed by the opening ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasur- er's report was heard and corres- swered byrsome of the ladies hand- ing in pot holders. Mrs, S, Lyon read an article written by a worker with Dr. Lotta Hitaehmanova, in Korea, tel- ling, of the hardships of the Kor- eans. The Koreans are . cheerful people and won't stay sad and de- pressed. The writer wondered how, long .Canadians would stay cheerful if our homeland, were. changed into a land of terror, our children starving and several, fain - Ries crowded into small buildings they call horne. An appeal, was made for (lona- bans of clothing or money to be sent to Korea and this will .he in the charge of Mrs. Harold Sprung, Mrs, Bert Allen and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Next month each member is asked to bring in her favourite recipes for the recipe hook; with the sender's name attaehed. A duet "Mocking Bird Bill" was sung by Gloria and Karen Allen, accompanied on the guitar: by their mother, Mrs, Thomas AiJen. Two readings were given by Iii. Don- ald Sprung, "A Crooked -mouthed Family" and "Little Pup." Patsy Peckitt conducted two contests. The winners sang a song. The meeting closed with the singing of '"God Save the Queen". Lunch.was served and a social time was en- joyed. ...►...............-.-.-...-«-.•.-.-. H1NSALL WMS Holds Picnic Meeting, • T]ie Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church met in the church schoolroom Thursday, July 2, The meeting was Presided over by Mrs. George Armstrong. Mrs, S. Roobol conducted the devotion- al period; and read thescripture lesson. Mrs. T; C. Coates offered prayer. Mks. William, Henry gale tempMks.erance notes. Miss M. Ellis directed a period of contests. A picnic supper was served, Y1'U Holds Closing Meeting The Young People's Society of Cannel Presbyterian Church, T-1en- sall, field its last regular meeting of the season at. the manse. Edith Love was in the chair and Mary Campbell conducted the worship. Elected to fill the vacancies by officers leaving the district, were: president, Edith Love; vice-presi- dent, Alex Hoggarth; secretary, Mary Campbell; fellowship con- vener, Ross Faber. A new schedule of meetings and membership fees was adopted for the future. Included in the sum- mer plans is a picnic at The Pin- ery on Wednesday, July 15. Edith Love, Alex Hoggarth, Mary Camp- bell and Shirley Bellwere named to the committee to look after ar- rangements. Brownies' Open Meeting Brownie activities in Hensall came to an end for the summer with an open meeting in the Com- munity Park, Hensall, Wednesday afternoon, June 24. The area com- missioner, Mrs. K. B. Clysdale, St. Marys, enrolled Carolyn Baillie, Patsy Fletcher, Connie Rumple, Linda Oesch. She presented Peggy Goddard with her golden bar which is the second class B award. The three golden hand (first class) Brownies received their Brownie wings from Mrs. Clys- dale and flew up into Guides. Jane Horton was met by Joyce Peters who will be her patrol leader, and Jean Lavender introduced Beth Goddard and Margaret Smillie to the captain. Jean Henderson made her guide promise and Mrs. Clys- dale enrolled her. The girls made toast over open fires and served tea to over 60' guests including CLINTON LIONS CLUB SI,900 CASH In .Aid of Arena Building Fund CLINTON LIONS ARENA Thursday, July 16 Doors Open at 8 p.ln, Games Start at 9 p.m. sharp (DST) 12 Regular Games -$50 Prize each Game 3 SPECIALS for $100 DOOR PRIZE 1 Special Game - $1,000 Prize All Prizes Must Gobio Jac .pot pe44,044,4r4P4'4P 44+4,4 44#44,414$ 04.4rin 44 04'4.444 4..4 ' ADMISSION: $1,00 FOn 12,1ttOliLAlt• GAMES SPE 11AL ZIAltii+; CAIt»S tiara Cii.r"ds: 25e er,.eli or 5 for $1 25e each Or 5 far $ii itgtinESITEN`Iw POOTI-I PAGE T w News of Brucefield r•+-.-.-.-.-4. Miss Jean .Falconer, Pigtail, is spending the month with her par- ents. Jim Paterson and friends visited Mr, and Mrs. Alec Pate•son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hartwick and Jon, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, Patsy and Ron, Glencoe, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin last week, were Mr. and Mrs, R. Barr, Patsy, Jeanne and friend Donna Gregory, Burlington; A. J, Dinnin, Montreal. This week, Mrs. A. E. Munn and family, Lon- don, is with her parents. Pupils Honour Miss Zapfe At the annual picnic at SS 5, Miss Blanche Zapfe was presented with a beautiful table lamp by the pupils of her school, Shower In Church Schoolroom On Tuesday evening of last week Miss Blanche Zapfe was hon- oured by friends and neighbours when a shower was held in the schoolroom of Brucefield United Church. After a short program of community singing, readings, in- strumentals and contests, Miss Eva Stackhouse read a humorous original address and JoAnn Ald- winkle presented many beautiful gifts from a gaily decorated wag- on. She rd's assisted in opening -e.. eyrs the gifts by Mrs, Betty St. Louis, Mrs. Allan. Hill and Miss Ruth Scott. Blanche thanked those present for the lovely things givers her. A lunch and social half-hour followed, There were over 100 present. Trousseau Tea Mrs, Abe Zapfe entertained at a trousseau tea. in honour of her daughter Blanche, bride -elect of this week. She wasassisted in receiving the many guests by Mfrs, C. Parke, mother of the groom. During the afternoon, Mrs. Wil- liam Henry and Mrs, Basil Ed- wards, both of Hensall, poured tea and in the evening, Mrs. H. Cameron, Clinton and Mrs. T. Baird poured, The table, covered with a lace cloth, was centred with a bowl of red roses, flanked by tall tapers in silver candle holders. Miss Mary Beattie, London, show- ed the linens; Mrs. Melvin Gra- ham, the gifts, and Miss Ruth Scott, London, the trousseau. They were assisted by Miss Margaret Zapfe, In the afternoon, Miss Eleanor Jeffery and Mrs. Allan Hill as- sisted in the teal room and in the evening Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mrs. Mor- ley Storey, cousins of the bride, assisted. Other helpers included Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. Roy Con- sitt,, Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Mrs. Yeoman Aldwinckle, all aunts of the bride. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brown, Brantford, visited on July 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Middleton, Barbara arid David and Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Middleton visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs. James C. Shearer, Bright. Di. and Mrs, J. E; Mullins, To- ronito, returned home this week after spending a few days with Mrs. Mullins' parents, Mr, and Mks. Fred Middleton. SS, 10 Pupils Honour Teacher Pupils of SS No. 10, on the last day of school, honoured their for- iner teacher, Miss Olive Johnson, who is leaving to teach in Clinton. Vicky Cluff read an address, while Elaine Rathwell presented Miss Johnson with a rhinestone neck- lace and bracelet. SS 4 Promotions Grade 1 to . grade 2 Richard Powell, Wayne Yendall, Bobbie Pearson, Hugh Lobb, Marilyn Teb- butt; grade 2 to grade 3, Arnold Powell; grade 3 to grade 4, Dennis Rueger, Barbara Howard; grade 4 to grade 5,'Arleene Yendall, Alvin Jones, Charles Houghton, George Rueger; grade 5 to grade 6, Anne Farquhar, Joe Powell; grade 6 to grade 7, Jack Rueger, Mary How- ard, Dianne Houghton, Murray Lobb; grade 7 to grade 8, Bruce Lobb, Ron Pearson; grade 8 to grade 9, Muriel Howard, Joyce Forbes, Gordon Tebbutt, Don Lobb, Ken Farquhar. Teacher, R. M. Elliott. S.S. 10 Promotions The following are the promotion results of S.S. No. 10 Goderich Township (Fairmount School). Names. are in order of merit. Grade 8 to grade 9, Bobby Cluff, Kathleen Turner, David Middleton, Iris Flewitt; grade 7 to grade 8, Vicki Cluff (hon.), Graeme Postill; grade 6 to grade 7, Judy, Cluff (hon.), Garry Mer- ner, Jamie Storey; grade 5 to grade 6, Catherine Welsh (hon.), Gary Mote (hon.), Marilyn Rath - most of the Brownie mothers. The Brownies and Guides appreciated the interest shown by the older folk. well (hon.), Wayne Stirling (hon.), Frank Postill (hon.), June Turner, Evelyn Turner; grade 4 to ggrrade 5, Elaine Rathwell (hon.), Grace Flewitt (hon.), Ronnie Turner; grade 3 to grade 4, Robert Semple (hon.), Leslie Turner, Ronnie Flewitt; grade 2 to grade,3, Lois Rathwell (hon.), Mildred Turner, George Flewitt, David Welsh; grade 1 to grade 2; Bonnie' Stir- ling (hon.), Margaret Semple (hon,), Carol Steep, Gayle Mote, Judy Craig, Teacher, Miss Olive Johnson. -••eH-+ .•.-4-.0 .-S• VARNA S.S. 10 Promotions . The following is the report of S.S. No. 10 Stanley for June pro- motions: Grade 8 to grade 9, Maxine LeBeau, Bob LeBeau, Barbara Taylor; grade 7 to grade 8, Ron McClinchey, Bob Caldwell; grade 6 to grade '7, Marie LeBeau, Jean Rathwell, Ken Caldwell; grade 5 to grade 6, Jean Mc- Clinchey, Elaine Taylor, Mary Lou Taylor, Orrin Baird; grade 4 to grade 5, Glen Zapfe, Billy Rathwell; grade • 3 to grade 4, A, Larry LeBeau, Wayne Zapfe, Roger Layton, Isobel McCowan; grade 2 to grade 3, Brian Must- ard, Jean McCowan, Michael Le - Beau, Douglas Taylor, Grant Stephens, Irene Taylor, Bruce Rathwell; grade 1 to grade 2, Gerald Baird. Perfect attendance, Barbara Taylor. Teacher, Mrs. Ruby J. Webster. Goodwill Club Presents Flag to Wesley -Willis Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, was presented recently with the Christian Flag by the Goodwill Club of the church. President of the club, Miss Win- nifred O'Neil, presented the flag to Nelson W. Trewartha, clerk of the session of elders. Miss Luella Walkinshaw unfurled the flag, while the Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, minister, said the dedicatory pray- er. The flag is of white satin and on the upper corner is a red cross on a field of blue. Buy your KENWOOD BLANKETS the easy wa3 - ... join the KENWOOD CLUB! All yon do is choose the dreamy Kellwood colour you want, make a small deposit, then week by week watch the balance dwindle tall the blankets are yours! Whether you're collecting a trousseau or wish to buy lovely all -wool Kenwoods for your Home or for gifts, this by -tile -week plan is designed for your Convenience. A personal Kenwood Pass Book will record your payments and show you how fast you can buy in this budget way Drop into our Blanket Depart - men t ep rt- inent for fur (her information --and jour new! �gi�iv�1"lid j L wtidi_j P®oiiucrS PHONES: 80,1 MARTINS Dom. DRUG STORES • Holds the set Monger than any other permanent. Niwicna Refill $1.75 I.D.A. Specials THURS.-FR1l:SAT. A.B.S. C. TABS. 19e CA.SCARA TABS. 294 IIYDI;;,OGEN PERRO7IDE 8 oz, .... 23c 16 oz, .... 39e TOILET TISSUE 2 for 23c --, 4 for 450 THEATRICAL COLD CREAM 69e TOOTH PASTE 2 tubes, reg. 32c For 39c WITCH HAZEL 4 oz. . 16 oz..... 59e JERGENS LOTIO) SOAP 4 for 25e WOODBURY'S SOAP 4 for 2Se BATHING CAPS 49c -- 75c — $1.19 $1.29 SUN GLASSES 29e — 39c — 49c — 59e -- 79c — 99c — $1,49 $2.49 — $3.89 • SUN TAN OILS 30e — 49c — 60c -- 75c — $1.50 INSECT REPELLANTS D -TER 6 12SKEETERSCATTER 590 X1 0 o F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DKUGGI ' 14 "Hot Weather Hel s for Mom!" Cool. Cooking and Preserving ...., with an ELECTRIC RANGE Two -burner, Four -burner and Table Top Designs -- priced from $53,95 up. McClary Refrigerator -7.5 cu. ft. Be sure and watch our' window for a real buy, folks! FANS --- FOOD MIXERS and Many Other Items to help mother keep cool in the kitchen: SOME REAL SUGGESTIONS for keeping the children happy now that vacation time is here: Wading Pools from 4.95 up to 9,95 INFLATED TOYS Racer Boat, Tugboat, Balls, Rubber Sand Pails -- 89c Metal Pails -- 25c and 49c J Tricycles, Bicycles, Bats, Balls, Roller Skates, Croquet Sets, Table Tennis "COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND, WE'LL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU" — (ONE -MINUTE KEY SERVICE) — SALE SALE We are offering our complete stock of Best Quality Heavy Duty Aluminum Cooking Utensils for 20% off ?ON'T MISS IT! BALL & MUTCH CLINTON PVIONV 195