HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-07-02, Page 31 DRAY, 41,J,LY Z PATE We're aping off on a honey- 's r column' thl week, so if ou aoeSret Show up in the next edi- 1,,inn 9f the Snoozin' Record, you'll OXv Why, (1 and who? Why cent,and I. That's who!) We hope to get time for a wee d Back to the front office, „ • + h, al, / f e'd lust figured that what l the commotion ,in Clin- r ow and expected), we'd t get in a little trip right now', 0.4 of between St. Laurent and eXe,nbaker, or we'd be here a]l * * * ertainly we plan to be back in , ,n 'far the Progressive Conner ve speeches Wednesday night terPetr itoin Ts. e along, too, g,.g Personally `going to see her „cal edtic ation get off to a • . c `utak t 'Didn't have any in- • i}ce Bauer, her last week much, of the BACK SHOP but since she comes from a family e -i -t -fur Liberal of di d o he Mice,. ,he s was up to see the prime minister all right. We're going to see she has a chance to hear the other party's say so. Wish us luck on our wedding trip. We're planning to visit Behrniller Falls, if we can hop a fender going that way, ,Millic- ent's �MilIic- Put a brother.in-laws fourth cousin's uncle has the cutest home .there, which he's letting us use. a Only the provinces of Saskat- chewan and Alberta do not border on salt water. The pulp and paper industry uses one thirdofall electric newer generated in 'Qanada and the in- dustry has ben responsible for the ,growth of hydro facilities in Canada. Rudy Peterioss Detroit, Michigan. WILL BE SPEAKER AT TAM SATURDAY NIGHT ;I;ALLY CSF ,C NTQN AREA YQUTR FOR CHRIST ,At the Clinton .District Collegiate Institute July 4 8 p.m. ?Lir. Peterson is a great speaker with a wonderful testimony, having had both feet severed while serving , as a railroad engineer and by medical skill and•God's healing power is walking to -day. DO NOT PASS THIS OPPORTUNITY ..) ]OTICE ' '1 f - IgYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED J. E. Longstaff of Seaforth, ,will be in Clinton Tuesday ;Evenings --- 7.30 p.m. I.0 p.m. Wednesday Morning --- 9 a.m. to 12 noon beginning Tuesday, June 30 Office situated in McLaren's Studio, Albert St. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Cali Seaforth 791 collect, for Appointmen25-6t -b CANADIAN 0)1 COMPANIES, LIMITED rclipiwN rxwsrp,Ecorm LONRESBORO Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, is home for the holidays. Miss Phyllis McCool is visiting with ].Vers. Lena Crawford, Blyth. Miss Margaret Tamblyn, Dres- den, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Tam- blyn. Mrs. J, Moroso and two child- ren, Hamilton, and other friends, all of Hamilton, and Dr. Robert Lyon, Landon, were weekend guests with Mrs. William Lyon. On Thursday afternoon, June 25, the pupils of SS 10, and their mothers gathered at the school where the ;pupils presented their teacher, Miss Thomson, with a little gift in view of her depart- ure. :A..short programme was giv- en by ,the pupils, A lovely lunch Wasserved and a .good time thor- oughIy g1ljoYed by all, The annual strawberry festival of Londesbero United church Sun- day School was held in Londesboro Community Hall last Friday night. Following supper a three -act play entitled ''Finders Creepers", was presented by members of the Kirktori AYPA. -A special num- ber was presented by the Kirkton young people between the first and second acts of the play, Between the ,second and third acts, Rev. Mr, Gandier, who has been pastor of the church, was presented with a cheque from the congregation prior to his leaving for his new charge in Chatham. Norman Alex- ander read the address and Bert ;Shobbrook made .the presentation. •.. AUBURN Centenary Plans The executive -committee of the Manchester (Auburn) and .USS 5, f3ullett, centenary celebration to be held in 1954 has decided that the reunion 'should extend over a period of three days starting Fri .day, July $0. The event will commence with a parade to the new sports grounds where all the first day's activities will centre. Early in the afternoon of Satur- day, July 31, the former pupils of USS No. 5, Hul]ett, again will hear the peal of the old school bell which originally saw service on a schooner sailing out of Goderich, They will assemble at the school one anile east of the village. Many former teachers are expected to be present. The celebration will end on Sun- day with a community religious service. . Teacher honoured The ratepayers and pupils of USS 5, . Huilett .(Auburn School) held' a social gathering in the For- esters' Hall Thursday night to bid farewell to their teacher, Miss Marion McIver, W. L. Craig pre- sided for a program, which includ- ed moving pictures; a duet by Rena and Gladys McClinchey with guitar accompaniment; piano solo, Margo Grange; duet, Bill and Ger- ald Dobie, accompanied by Mrs. R. J. Phillips; piano polo, Marlene Easom, All the school children assembl- \\PP'''esit-1 .,,ANAw[ -4411!fr IKII First Show at Dusk M CLINTON Next to Community Park 2 Complete Shows Nightly THURSDAY - FRIDAY july 2 - -3 "MAT*RG° SEASON" • Gaene Tierney — John Lund • Cartoon • News ,SATURDAY MONDAY July 4 - 6 "AFRICA SCREAMS" ABBOTT and COSTELLO • Cgrtoon • News TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY July 7 - 8 "FROGMEN/1 Richard Widmark — Dana Andrews 1 Cartoon • News THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 9 -10 "FANCY PANTS" (TECHNICOLOR) — Bob Hope -- Lucille Ball • Cartoon • News w • CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND war 2 Shows Nightly RAIN OR CLEAR Children Under 12 Years in Cars FREE! Special ' Values July 3rd and 4th LIIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE— ,j 27c 48 oz. tin MONARCH SWEET MIXED PICKLES jar 23c CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S DATE & NUT ROLL tin. 21c WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP 4 cakes 27c ROSE DALE TOMATO JUICE 2; SCHNEIDER'S S1''READY CHEESE ---1/2 Ib. pkg. 27c SCHNEIDER'S DIAMOND MARGARINE 2 pkgs. 65c OUR OWN JELLIED VEAL lb. 65c min OWN JELLIED LONGUE lb. 69c OtlR OWN CORNED REED" lb. 65c 20 oz. tins 21c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A1UUVINo F1iEsn wins. Stanley's 'Abattoir surf's Little Super Mor ket Phones '410 420 Where You Cala Park With Ease The News-Reccord L Clintonn SIR o I am enclosing a clipping (Mac- Donald -Peters wedding) which I hope you may print in the News - Record. The groom is "a former. .0 it1 CDC' pup l now with the Civil Service in Ottawa, Thanking you kindly, a remain, Yours truly, Britannia Bay, R.R, No. 1 Mrs, James H. MacDonald. Ottawa, Ontario June 29, 1$53 ed on the platform and sang ono verse of "0 Canada" and "School Days". Miss Mclver was called to the platform, and Mrs. Gordon Dobie read an address expressing regret at her departure from the community, Mrs, Robert Turner presented her with a silver cream. jug, sugar bowl, and teapot on a tray, A lunch was served. Miss Melver, who has taught in Auburn for two years, has accept- ed a post in Ingersoll. + •-•-••••••,--•-•-•-•-•-• GODERIC H TOWNSHIP Mrs. Ed Tufts and two children, London, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton. Miss Doreen Wood, Yorkshire, and Miss Jean .`Mortimer, Lanca- shire, exchange teachers from England, on the Toronto teaching staff, spent the weekend 'at the home of Miss Lois Middleton. Community Club The SS , No. 4 Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Forbes. Mrs. L. Pearson presided at the meeting which was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Plans were made for the picnic, which was held on the -school grounds on Friday afternoon. It was' decided articles for an auc- tion should be taken to the next meeting. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and the roll call was answered by eleven members. Four visitors were pres- ent. Cards of thanks were read• by the treasurer. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was Served, with Mrs. Churchill and Mrs. Pearson as assistant hostesses. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. A. Hebden. SS 9 Promotions The following students of SS 9, Goderich Township have been pro- moted following a successful year's work: Grade 8 to Grade 9, Beatrice Murch, Kenneth Dutot; Grade 7 to Grade 8, Sylvia Idsin- ga, Douglas Cantelon; Grade 6 to Grade 7, Donna Murch; Grade 5 to Grade 6, Janet Tyndall, Kathleen Rathwell, Bruce Harris; Grade 4 to Grade 5, George Idsinga, Stuart Grigg, John Harris, Freddie Du - tot; Grade 2 to Grade 3, Nancy Stirling, Janet Harris; Grade 1 to Grade 2, .Murray Grigg, Gordon Tyndall, Keith Rathwell, Larry Gilbert, Baukje Idsinga. The teacher at SS 9 is Marg- aret Holland, of Clinton. SS 9 was successful in winning two ball games from their friendly rivals, SS 10, Goderich, during the closing weeks of school. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets: Supplies iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen- tary doses Vitamin lit. Introductory or "get- aequninted' size only 800. At all druggists. $ SAVE $ For your TIRE NEEDS of all sizes, come in and check aur prices. 20% off all new tires and tubes St. Joseph Service Corner No. 21 and 84 Highways 7-tfb JOST A REMINDER! Geoff Bingle & lack Bannetf ori CAN YOU NAME IT! cure callyng CLINTON All this week! LISTEN TO 980 CFPL LONDON o1 1 pan. daily i f DRUG STORES IT'S HERE! fabulous new i tmo!IO.N .PH,$MPOO t "' use New d 1y /tib ,shampoo torii9ht-- cfaad tomorrow y, our 1ho,ir .wilt be sunslhia'le Ipght. Tftgee . s!zes $1.25. I5 .4; 1 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE E. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 Special Rack Dresses Reg. Now 4.98 — 5.98 2.90--3.98 2 Piece Wash 'Silk aternty Dresses Reg. '5.95 -- NOW 3.95 Cotton Printed Maternity Dresses Reg. 2.98 - 3.69 -- NOW 1.98 OVERSIZE DRESSES --- 46 - 52 WASH SILK — Reg. 4.98 NOW 2.98 ARTIST SMOCKS Reg. 2.95 --- NOW - 1.98 WRITE UNIFORM DRESSES Reg. 4.50 — NOW 2.98 SIZES 16 - 42 MARTINS PHONES: 363 36W DEPT. STORE KEEP COOL ON YOUR VACATION ,It ET •A COOLING SYSTEM HECK -UP NOW! Soon, you'll be planning your vacation trip ... and, we hope you hove a fine time! But, don't forget to have your car's cooling system checked first 1 Avoid trouble and expense by having us: 1, reverse -flush the radiator; 2. check water pump and hoe; 3. adjust fan belt; 4. check for leaks and thermostat operation; 5, dean core of winter accumulation of dirt; 6. test -run to assure efficient operation of complete cooling system. Drive int HAVE YOWL COOLING SYSTEM CHECKED TODAY! MURPHY BROS. CHR SLFR PLYMOUTH M --y FARGO TRUCKS Phalli 465 CLINTON Huron_ St.