HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-11-27, Page 8NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, `The Press,—Londou Free Press. 'The Press.—Mcntreal Witness, Dresamaking.—Mrs. Kerr, Dental.— J. S. Jerome. Legal.—S, George McGill, Entrance Exataioation,—D. M. Malloch. 1.1xeoutorie Notice,—W. MoPhersou and Geo, Fortune Young Cattle Astray.—Robert Irvin, tee r Astray.—Geo. Sowler. Heifers A.stray.--Geo. Thomson, LOCAL NEWS --- FRIDAY, NOV. 27Tn, 1885. Caltea 'Central. • Baer tea and prairie chickens at the .Central. GATES for sale cheap at S. Graoey's. A $4 gate for $2.50. Farmers call and get 'one, CHARLEY SCHMIDT bought the Central and ha first class accommodation for 120 torsos. E. Bewails has a single set harness, new, -which he will sell cheap for cash or ex- -change for wood, THE new mail train on the L., H. it B. -which leaves London at 7.55 a. m. arrives rn Wingham at 10:50, instead of 13:50 as .stated in THE TIMES last week. AT Charles Schrnidt's Central hotel Sou 'will find the following celebrated brands of ,cigars: "La Carona," "Satisfaction,' "High. land Lassie." "Noisy Boys," and "Pure :Stook." Mits. Kann, wife of John Kerr, formerly of the Eclipse, has again started dress. yanking in the old stand over W. Holmes' :store, McKenzie block. Notice advertise- ment in another column. AGAIN to the front. Henry Guest is pleased to annouuce that he has gone into -the harness business again in his old stand -opposite the post office, where he would be pleased to see all his old customeras well and boiled eggs at th attpw ones. Nicker, is the happy possessor of a three-year-old colt which he purchased this week from a party in the vicinity of 'Teeswateir The animal is a good one, and gives evidence of becoming a good trotter with proper training. WHEN Funeral Furnishings are wanted leave your order with S. Gracey, who keeps all the necessaries for Funerals, Hat Crape, Gloves, (343., all furnished and Funerals at- tended to promptly. Charges reasonable. S. Gracey, Undertaker, Wingham. Oun new townsorial artist, in the Queen's hotel block, is having a big run, and all are much pleased with bier work. Give him a call when you want it good Lair out or shave; he guarantees his hair 'cutting equal to the best citywork. * !..• GRIP'S CORIC ALIVANAC.—This publication, for 1886, is to hand. It is brina-ful of amusement, coot:lining—besides its other * OYSTER cocktails and first class Meals tile ittral. . F Duca has soldhis residence on john street to Miss Taylor, a, sister to Mrs john Rirehie, Geer) smart boys wanted to deliver papers—one for each ward, °Apply to J B. Fisitousdx. BUCHANAN BRCS, llaV0 a large stook of relies and children's cutters whiolz they are selling very cheap. Parties witting anything iu this lire would do well to call on them, before buying elsewhere, Lasa Sunday morning and evening Rev. James Gray, of Toronto, °emoted the pul- pit in the Methodist church, and delivered ver loqueut and acceptable discourses, THE young man, William Johnston, who waa sent up for trial last week by Mayor Neelands on a charge of stealinga, antch, has been sentenced by Judge TOMS to six weeks iu jail. IN the five mile and obstaele -races at the roller rink, Wednesday, firening, Robt. Cornyn °eine out victorious:lin each,.... The obstaole race was most conAdal and afforded great amusement to the speck:, t A 8013THERS OALIrofilvfa PABIDIBE.—Thie is the title of a neatly printed, finely file ustrated and bighly in'keresting pamplet whioh has been Rout to 04 editor of THE TIMES by S. J. Sovereign, Who reoeptly went to Los Angeles for the enefit of his , health. It contains a des4iptive and historic kcolMt of Pasadena, San Gabriel, Sierra Madre and La Ctuada, wit}k. important reference. to Los Angeles and all Southern California. The work is well written and oontains.much useful infor, mation for those intending to settle ',laid palms and pines. And olives, ;loos, elms and vines," as one of the writers aptly puts it. A private, letter from Mr. Sovereign state. that the climate is agreeing •with him nicely, and; itlohough there is no marked improvement in his bealth, heis doitig as well as could bo eapeoted and is enjoying nimself. Ho appears to think very highly of the country in general and,Les,',,A.ngeles ill particular both as a, place of residence anc3.J:as a health resort. .,;,),,ikaaar4womortitikditre—On the e'vening of Thursday, the 10th iust., an interesting public meeting was held in the Congrega- tional churoh, in connection with the in. stallment ot the Rev. R. K. Black as pas. tor:. 'Rev. IL D. Hunter, of London, was chosen moderator, and after introductory soryioes, and submitting the favorable re, port of the couneila installation, an able and instructive sermon was preached by the Rev. D McGregor, of Guelph, from the impressive words of our Lord, "For my sake." In answer to questions put by the moderator, the pstor elect th7n gave the reasons which determined him to accept the call to Wingham, and gave a full and satisfactory statement of his doctrinal belief, and all his views of church polity and discipline. The Rev. H. D. Hunter then followed by offering the dedicatory prayer, and delivering a faithful and af- fectionate charge to the pastor. The Rev. Thomas Hall, missionary superintendant, then gave an able and spirited address to the people. The atterdance on the occasion was good, the interest well sustained throughout, and the friends of of the cause are much encouraged and hopeful of the best results from a settlement marked by such 'unanimity. • tor Cue popular young drayman, David Pringle, on Wednesday took unto himself a partner in the person of Miss Suther- land, late of Belgrave. THE Trims extends its congratulations and wishes the youug couple a long and happy life. THE treasurer hold a sale of lands for arrears of taxes at the council chamber, lea Saturday afternoon. All the lots ad- vertised with but one exception were dis- posed of. The bidding was pretty lively and some of the lots were out up and sold in parcels of thirty feet. Ox Wednesday Fred. Wright met with a painful accident while shingling the resi- dence of B. Kerr. Willie striking at a nail be missed leis aim and struck. the index finger of the left hand, knocking the end clean off, The wound is a most pain - ltd one and will lay Fred. off work for a time. THE bookstore of J. B. Ferguson is hav- ing a thorough overhauling and a number of new shelves have been put in to accom- modate his mammoth stock of. stationery: and fancy goods. This week he received a large consignment of Christmas and other Personal. goods and more aro on the way. The, 'Ilev. R. McCosh has been quite indis- large room in the rear of the store is being posed for over a week, on account of an specially fitted up for Christmas goods. Mr. • attack of broriohitis. Ferguson is evidently going into the bnsi- Lediet, who sprained his ankle a ness in dead earnest and with a deter- ccuple of weeks ago, is able to go about mina on to make it a success. withe assistance of a crutch. ..F.astrraNazAzzarri—Last Thursday even- /John Doubledee, D. Farrell and Wm. ing 4 party from Lebatten Chapter, Royal' irwit'i,--,opyrottpoiii,:-.:yoft town 3 esterday Arch Masons, of this townt paid a fritter- morning for the Michigan lumber weeds. nal visit to Havelock Chapter, R. A. M., Kincardine. The party comprised Right Harry A. Johnston, who has been work. Excellent Companion Dr. Tamlyn, Excel- ing at Shingle House, Pennsylvania, for lent Companions T. Bell andH. W. some time, returned home yesterday and , C. Meyer, and Companions C. E will'reMain 1 winter. W.R. Groves, J. A. Morton and Jas. Mc- }Min Carruthers, who has been in San Guire'Francisco during the past eighteen months, . They were handsomely treated by th r mcardine brethern and were enter:. returned home last Saturday, and will spend the winter here. H.- P. Chapman, proprietor of the job printing office at Ripley, was a caller at THE TmEsofAve on Wednesday. Mr Chap- , man is 9, brother to W. J. Chapman, the tanner. Simon Arnastrong, of Moorfield, who is well.knoWn .iu this neighborhood as a 'former merchant at Belgrave, has been spending several days iu town, the guest of his brother-in-law, W. Vi „Inglis. H. Buchanan, has returned to Wingham after spending three weeks ith friends and relatives in West Middlesex. He thinks of going south for the benefit of his health in a few weeks, to escape theisevere northern winter. • R. P. Sinimonsand his son Archie went I to London first of the week to visit poor Bon. Sirethons, who suffers the ex- treme penalty of the law this morning. They will claim the bodyand convey it to the family burial plot at Lobo, where it will be respectably interred. Last Thursday Robt. Rutherford, John Wilson, David and Thomas J. Mitchell, of Turnberry, left town for a trip to the runny south, and just about this time they are sucking Florida oranges and feeling' sorry for us poor fellows who have to stay ftt.01130 and face a cold winter. attractions—a double -page cartoon, "Anci- tained to an ,excellent supper. The via- isnt Nursery Rhymes for Modern, Poli- itors all express themselves highly pleaaed ticians." For sale by all booksellers ; only withilaa cordial reception they met with. 10 cants. ra-altuariaaa, A meeting of the Wingham p tmauen.-Pnaprnms.--All the propert Curling Club was held .0,t the Dinsfey lin this town bolongbig to C. Tait Scott will be disposed of by Sheriff Gibbons, at house on Wednesday evening, when the skips for the coming season were appoint - the Court house, Goderich, on Tuesday ed as follows: 14 ,Willson, A. R. Morris, J. next, to satisfy the claims of Wm. B. Hut. Dinaley, S. Kent, Mayor Neelands and J. ton, Peter Fisher and the Molson's bank against the estate. ;T. Anders, A. proposition 'from ther cricket clu to rent a portion of the park ALL parties who are yet indebted to F. for the season for 610 was accepted, and a Buchnuan, are hereby notified to call at committee was appointed to make the Buchanan Bros. and settle ore the 15th irecessiiii preparations to flood the park. December. After that date the ac- The members of the committee are now counts will positively be put into court bard at work and it will not- be very long for collection. If 3 on have costs to pay beforo t blame yourselves, as it is about time you bia had paid. (40—Many of our readers will regret Earn= EX,AMENATION.—.&s Will be se°, to learn of the death of Mrs. James Shaw, by advertisement in another column, the which occurred at her late residence on entrance examination for admission to the Shuter street, at 5 o'clock last Saturday high schools will be held in Clinton, S'a" 'morning. Fqr a long time Mrs. Shaw forth and Wingham, on Monday, Tuesday - and Wednesday, December 21, 22 9,ud 23. suffered from an internal cancer, but slie..) bore up bravely and no serious results Candidates who intend writing aro requir- ed ,to give notice not later than the 1st of were anticipat?.d until quite recently. The Dec ver. best medical skill of Wingham and London proved unavailing, and the fatal disease Qaapraw.—The Wingham Quoit Club's wa* permitted to run its cou!,.!D Mra. pitching for the season was finished last Shaw was an active, industrious woman, Friday, when tho match for the butter an affectionate mother and kind neighbor; dish given by Wm. Elliott, in the light and she will be sadly missed by her young weight class, and the cruet stand given by family and circle of friends. J. Patterson, M the heavy weight class, A WEALTHY Tn.i.mt.—In our last issue was concluded. There were but few com- petitors, only six entering for the light we gave Dal account of an old man named 'weight and three for the heavy. Ihe for- Itichard Greer, who came.from Inverhuron on his way to Buffalo, with but one dollar met was won by T. Leslie and the latter in his pocket, and who took up lodgings by Wm. McClymont. provided by Chief Pettypieee for several 1)o you want to get a Bureau, Sota, nights, and was then sent back home. It lounge, 13edstead, Mattress, I3edroom Set, now turtle out that Greer is not the poor or a Parlor Suite this fall Or 'winter? If tamp lie wished to be taken for, He you do go to S. Greeters Purniture Eirp. owns z farm of 140 acres in the township f ppritin, where you can get almost anything of Inver/an-on, has some $3,000 or 04,000 in the furniture line. Cold weather is in tho bank, and generally speaking 18 c corning on. We keep a lire going all the pretty well factd. However, Ito does not, t time. Conte in and warm yourselves and appear to enjoy his wealth like other see what we keep. Bring along your people, but prefers to go about the Country pictured and get them framed, B. Clratt,Yy, in the guise of a trattp midsponge his Yurniture Dealer and Undertaker, Wing- way. Those who know Mtn say he is a p Jao,:at, dil..:atly opposite T. A. Mills' st.:re. * prolessicmil beggar e open curling rink is in full Goo. McKibben, 3. P., has returned to town after spending a month visiting at Pictor!4Poterborough, Toronto and other plo,cei,iij He informs us that he has pilr- chase ft residence in Toronto, where he purposes making his future home, and where he will go into the real estate Wei- ness. Ile expects to remove to that city 0.13311t the first of next March. , :Ars. Brockenthire is rapidly recovering rem tho effeots of the operation she un- derwent at the Toronto general hospital a ample of weeks ago. Tito wound is on- irely healed and the attending physician vas enabled to remove the stitches hist Saturday. She suffers no plain and is gradually growing stronger, and it is et- ected she will asOn be able to return 1101116; Born. n 244. inst., the z`,7:fret:16;41 Ck(? e. St Married, MOBitinF—FonerTri.—Anvingiun, on the 251li inst., by Rey. IL K. Sleek, David bleDrido, of Turn erry, to Margaret, daughter of David Forsyth, of Yjw. ick. CUAW.—in Wingbam, on Saturday, the 2lst Elizabeth, beloved wife ot James Shaw, aged 42 years and 7 months, . . ' Buchanan' Brc. STEER ASTRAY. Came to the promises of George Bowler, lot 33, eon. 7, East Wawanosh, on 24th Oct., P yearling steer.. The owner by proving property, and paying damages. may take him away. Nov. 21st, 1885,-4t. Geo. Sownen. • NTOTICE, .41 The onncii ef the Corporation of theCounty of Huron will meet In the Court'Room, in the Town of cmderich, on Tuesday, the First day of December next. PETER ADAMSON. Nov. tith, 1885. County Clerk. TEACHR, WANTED. Male toanhor wanted for Section No. 11, Tumborry holding third class certificate and having taught at lead one year, Apply, stating salary, to . A. SWINDELOURST, Secy. and Teas. Wingham, 'Oct 21, 1885. Wingham P. 0. SAW MILL MACRINERY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the engine, boiler, and all the machinery used in connection with a saw and shim* mill. The machinery is all in tirst•elass condition and will be sold at a bargain, as it meet bo disposed of at once. Forfurther particulars address J. W. 1110wititAv, Oct. 27, 1885.-5t. ‘Vhitechurch P. 0. EIFERS ASTRAY. Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Zetland, three two year old Heifers—one red, one strawberry and the other brownish with some white on the belly, Any person giving information that will lelie to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. GEORGE THOMSON, Noir, 24, 1885.-5 t. %Attend. STRAY CATTLE. Strayed from boundary lino, lots 7 and 8, Tumborry, three steers, red and white; ono whito steer andOlie white heifer. All the animals are one year old. Any person furnishing information that will lead to their recoverY6will bo suitably rewarded. JAMBS T1PLINO'S SONS', Wingham, Oct. 21, 1885. Whighatn, P. 0. y OUNG CATTLE ASTRAY. Strayed from the promises of tho undersigned, Lot 6, Con. 6, 'Morris township, about the middloof July, 12 head of Cattle. 0 of them aro 2 years old and the other 3 ate three years old. 9 of them are steers and 3 of the two year olds aro heifers. One of. the two year old steers is mostly white and two others are spotted rixl and white. One of the three year olds is black and whito and the rest were mostly red. Any information leading to their recovery will be thank. fully received. ROBT. IRVIN, Morris, Oct 23rd., 1885.-5t Proprietor. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The Entrance Examination for the admission of pupils to the High Schools will be held in Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days of next December, commencing each morning at 9 o'clock. Candidates who intend writing at Clinton will send their names and address to James Turnbull, B. A, thosolat Seaforth to J. 0. Harstono, B. A., and those at Wingham to W. E. Groves. Esq. All notides from candidates are required not later than the 1st of December. 15. M. MALLOW, Inspector P. S. 47-49. N. Huron. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. • Pursuant to tho Revised Statutes of Ontario, chap. ter 107, section 34, the creditors of James Anderson, late of the township of Turnberry, in the county of Huron, and Province of Ontario, yeoman, who died on or about the twenty-eecond day of September A. D., 1885, are required to send to J. A. Morton, of the town of Wingbam, in the county of Huron, so. licitor for the undersigned executors of the said de. ceased, on or before the 16th day of December, A. D. 1885, tbeir names, addresses and deseriptione, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of their securities (if any) held by them ; and notice is hereby given that the said executors will immediately after tho last mon. tioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the said 'James Anderson, deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whichthey shall then have had notice. A WILLIAbl ANPITHUSEON and °Ronan Fopermig, Executors.; by J. A: Morton their soliciter. Winghath. 21st Nov., 1885. 48-50. 5,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER AT MASON'S. FROM 7 CENTS UP. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LAST YEAR'S PATTERNS AT COST, XMAS GOODS CONTINUALLY ARRIVING. G. MASON, Wingham, Nov. 13, '85 PALson BOOKSTORE. • --THE— Winghain Times Will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States from now until litTanuary 1, 1887 pox?, FBI_ 00_ —:0:— This is an excellent opportnnity to secure ty first-class local paper at Is very small figure Have determined to sell eft their stock et ou14 and jitoe n order to make room for other lines of goods. Now is your time to secure bargains no Boots and Shoes will positively Be Sold at ant And under for mash. thlioto Sons e Men's Long Boots from $2.00 and up. Boys' Long Boots from 1.25 and up., Mon's Low Boors from 90 and up. Women's Laced from 1.00 and Op. Women's Goat from 1.50 and up. Women's 0 Kid frOul 1 00 and alp. Men's Felt from 1.60 and lip. Childrens Boots from 30 and up. Remember this $ale .LAST$ ONLY 'TILL TIIE 1st of December Alcor which we will change to our regular prices, so come early and secure oast choice. Butter avid Eggs Taken. C. IV. 12111E011. --: 0 : GRE A.T SACRIFICE ( ) ::) B .CT -S AND SHOES. •• In order to make mum for larger stock of Staple and Vsnitai Dry %Goods, C. W. HENDERSON Has decided to rash off his immense stock of Boots and Shoes at a ro. t sacrifice. ; This stock must, be rusheci off nt once and at winiteuer figure it will bring, Now is the time to make your fall and' winter selections of 'Boots and Shoes. A LARGE STOOK bo select from, and at rock bottom figures. We are laying in a large and select stock of the finer • classes of DRY GOODS and purpose making our store the HEADQUARTERS IN WINGHAM for this class of goods. :A: :V: A : 40. -7.• 40. •e -,p• v DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. v A CP CP C. <LP -CP -CP CP CP 4> 40. C. W. HENDERSON, BEAVER BLOCK, - - WINGHAM. WINGHAM MARK:FITS. • Wingharn Nov, 27, 1885 Flour p,or cwt. $2 25 to 2' 50 Flour per bbl 4 50 to 5 00 Fall W heat per bus.... 80(t)o 81 .. 45 t 80 Spring ..• 28 to 30 Oats ti 6 0 b t Barley "0 to 55 , 55 to 56 25 to 25.AI:: Peas , Potatoes new Butter per lb....". 14 to 15 Eggs per doz..— 15 to is i Hay per ton new ....,800 to, 9 00 Woud,,,,.......,,,1 50 0 1 wip