HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-06-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD D THURSDAY, JUNE 25, i853 News of Bayfield Representative: ;MSS LIMY R. WQODS Phone BAYFIELD 451'3 parade to service at Trinity Church .on Sunday at 11 a,m. Mrs. • S. McPortland and two daughters, Chatham, are spend- ing the smuttier at their cottage. Mr. and 1vIrs. • lir, H. Dunn and two daughters, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. R. S. Roddick, #Ialifsx, N. S., arrived last Week to ,spend the season at her home, Llano- udno." Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dick, Lavonia, Mich , •came on Monday to spend a Week at the Kanter :Cottage, Mrs. ,William Norris and son Billy, 'Detroit, are seendin the ghe summer 'at their cottage in t taillage. Miss M. Miller .arise. Mies Jessie IVIetcal f, Detroit, are .at their 1ieelie in the village for the auminer. Mr. and Mrs. 'James l ftian 1 and Peter, Le' ndoli, a upied .ane of "the Jowett cottages overe weekend.. Mr. and Mrs. William Steed, and Becky, Dearborn, Mich., were in the village over the weekend, Miss ;Helen Edith Forrester, Robert MeVean and family over Goderich, visited her sister Mrs. the_, weekend. :;Mr: and M. William Craig, tomato, ,visited the ;lager's pare ente, Mr. 'end Mrs. George Castle over the Weekend. o o .o neg.. and Mrs, :George Fry re- lairned •to Lo} don ,Pit Menday After having ,anent two weeks .at Iie;ir cottage . here. 'fir. and ,Mrs, »on •Kingsbury ettd 1laiiuglas spent the mireekend With the afornier's brother, Kingsbury, Guelph. M. and :VOA. J. A. Orr and John, , Stratf ard, occupied the Miss Mildred Cameron was in London over the weekend.. 'Ronald Poth, Kitchener, came home on Thursday last for the situ er _vacation. and. Mrs. William .Moran, London, are aspend o i g a few days at their cottage. -'1Vfrs. 'William Stewart and family, Windsor, are at Mars- ville afor the Reason.. Trooper .Oliver Hopson is •:spending :two weeks furlough with his 'wife and family. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Heard and Joey, London, are :at their ,gecott- • a� on "�iyiiel 4i .. Te arr ce, Mr. and -Mrs, E>3. ,Meyers and family, Byron, speht'Sunday with Mir: and • lVfts, 'S. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. J. !,t'illmenn and family, London, peciipied their cottnne aver '.the ',weekend. Members .of L;O.L. No. 24 will .'AY-FI'F'L'D PAVILION FREE 'ADMISSION FOR GIRLS, UNTIL 11.00 °P.lfi. I)ancitig Every I+'riciay Night -- ,to ExamExam& Traher's +'eatilji ing Vincent 'Culolito 10.00•-1,Q0 — Relrreehm0►it Beeth oMING ay, June ,30--- • LE'iTIONE and His flue Water:Boys• Fea�,ifrhag *ARD •ALVE nilantlein and 'Mole Tyme 10:(04110 'Refreshment tooth , family cottage at Bayfield Terr- • -Check Them Now... • • July and August is the time to check on dream Separators While the price of butterfat is high you should be getting the best results from your machine. Make certain that your old separator is operating perfect- ly .... If It is not, come in and see us while our supply is complete. Come to the CLINTON TRADE FAIR August 6-7-8 • • J. H. BRUNSDON Phone 15 Clinton \\.\ \ 1 Big, Beautiful, Low PRICED '/;"1//fi 1i 8.8 Cu. Ft. Family -Size FRIGIDAIRE Here's everything you need in a refrigerator at a real budget price, Freezer space for 29.8 lbs. of frozen foods. Big Hydrator for fruit and vegetables. Cold Storage Tray. Door shelves. Fttnious Fri idoire Meter -Miser mechanistn. SEE IT NOW! LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS at SUT hR--P RDUE ace •ren the Weekend.. Mrs Robert Currie, Dearborn; M Mich„ was the guest of i sae s M. and R. Kruke, The Village Guild, over the weekend,.. 1 ayfield streets have ;received aehtial shampoo and 'haircut. This means •oiling on some and cal- • eche chloride on others. Mrs, A. Suppnick, Detroit, is at her cottage, "Holley Lodge," I4iss Holley Louise Suppnick ale PO Was here over the weekend, Bruce Chapman and two soils are the .guests of his 'perents, Or. and 'Mrs. .A. V. Chapman at their cottage on Louise,' Street.. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPher- son, Toronto, were the guests of the litter's father, •James A. and'Mrs..Cameron over the week end. Miss iJ--Iele Aber Tarda, Susi in -train ng atVictoria is .Ho p to , L ondon, is :spending her .vacation. at the family cottage on Bayfield Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.aAtkinson, and Miss Marlon Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Miele., were at their Noe in the village over athe v+reekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaren and Christine, Port 'Elgin were with Mrs. "MeLaren's -sisters, • Misses A. M. and,•E. J. Stirling; over the weekend. Misses Therese aria Margaret Bauer, 'Waterloo, haver been with their • parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. E.; J. Better, sit their cottage during the past week. George Bell of the S.S. "Prin- d oc" which ,was in Goderich harbour visited his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. •Ciiarl.e,s Bell from Fria day lentil Monday. L/Corp. J. 'Churchivard Iefti on Monday .to report ,for duty in! Toronto after having spent sev- eral weeks 'ea his furlough at the family cottage, "Kearsney." ••P. •C Lloyd and ,•Mrs, Westlake Elora, and 4:>. C. and Mrs. Barker and three children, Owen. Sound, were the -.guests .of •Mr. sand Mrs. Malcolm Toms Pr* Sunday. ,Mrs. Nelson McConkey, Kitch- ener, and =her ;daiighter-in-law, Mrs. John McConkey and baby ,daughter, London ,are at her home in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles • Parker and Bonnie, 'Weston; `Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss. and Janice, Ldfidoii, spent the weekend 'With their :parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H: ;Parker. "'Albert Vodden has returned to the home o'f Mr. 'and ;Mrs, M. Young, Blyth; after spendifig the past Month with his neice, Miss Larene Langford, 'at her summer home on River Road. Miss Grace Pepper, principal of Bayfield Public School, leaves a week after school closes to at - ;tend summer school in Toronto. She is studying to obtain her certificate as a supervisor in aux - iliary education. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brisson, Grosse Pointe, Mich. were at their cottage over the weekend. With them were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cordella and small son, and Mrs. Brisson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lewis, Dearborn, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Velett, Greg and Kirk, Dearborn, Mich., are holidaying at the Bell Cott- age at "The Populars" Also at the Populars are Mrs. William Grigg, Toronto, who arrived on Thursday last, and opened their cottage 'Bala Acres" for the sum.m er. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave left Students' PIANO RECITAL and Festival Selections by GODERICH TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Music Supervisor: Eileen Gliddon, A.R.C.T. at HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH TUESDAY, JUNE 30 at 8:15 p.m. ,Sponsored by Holmesville United Church WA SILVER COLLECTION • on .Sunday, June 14, on a motor trip to British Columbia with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Twentyman, Waukeegan, Ill. Vicky Twentrnan accompanied iter parents here and is staying with her clue ,Tames Cleave and fay, B ... Water Highway, Stanley Towne Ship, while her parents are away. A happy family reunion . was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth on Stinday when Mrs, William R. Jowett, Mrs. J. At Ferguson, Gdderich; r. and Mrs. E. W, Kendall, Y Grace and Jane, Elmira; James it r. and.Maitland Mr. .._l_ �s J�. d Peter, .London; Mrs, J.. W. Jbwett and Rennie Poth enjoyed dinner together. Mrs. Wzliiant 13. Jowett accompanied Mr. 'and Mr. s, E. W. Kendall and family on their return, to .Elmira. The hot weather brought hun- dreds of people to,Bayfield seek - in 'relief the g el of ower weekend. Clan Gregor Square was filled With picnickers on Scnday, and over this first summer Weekend there were near -record crowds at the ever popular Jowett's -Grove grounds. Some of the larger groups were the Vincent, Cox, 'Fisher, and Rader family reunions, and the R;inburrf Church Picnic, which with scores of 'email parties made a grand l total of 1400 people in all. Following the service in Trin- ity Church on Sunday morning, the rector, Rev. E. Carew -Jones. cenducteid the service of holy biaitism when two infants, Jan- ke, anicie, Maitdie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. _Keith Pintas, 'London, and Colleen Elizabeth, daughter of r. :and 'Mrs. Merton Merrier, ayfield were received into the church. Their sponsors were Mx. and Mrs. Fred 'Weston; also one adult, Albert Keith Pruss, whose --baptism was witnessed by his wife;, 'Jacqueline Pruss and Elaine Weston. "On Monday, June 29, ppavid William Bauer, youngest sten of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Water- loo, will be ordained a priest'. by Archbishop MGQuiian in St. Basil's Church,- Toidnto. He will say his first mass in St. Louis Churph, Waterloo, on July '5 at 11 'a.th. David studied at St. Michael's College acid St. Basil's Seminary, Toronto. He is Wel1- kno*n, in •Bayfield, having spent many summers here with his parents, and his friends wish God's richest blessing on the work for which he has been set. apart. Congratulations! Congratulations and best wish- es for many more happy years together go to the Reverend Canon and Mrs. It M. Langford who on Wednesday, June 24, marked their Golden Wedding Anniversary. They celebrated it at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R. E. Bricker, Waterloo. WA Service Held The members of the Woman's Auxiliary branches of St. James, Middleton; St. John's, Varna. and Trinity, Bayfield met in the latter church on Thursday after- noon last. The service, conducted by the rector, Rev. E. Carew -Jones, commenced with the singing of the W. A. hynin, "The love of Christ constraineth," with Mrs. E. A. Featherston at the organ. Mrs. R. 11. F. Gairdner welcomed the members of the other bran- ches and quoted from the Living Message: "Therefore we do be- ieve that God can ase the Wo- man's Auxiliary not as it is to day but as He will mould it, not because of its ability, but becacse of His power, not for itself but the world's unity — Grace Lind- ley from "Women in the Life of the Church" She then. introduc- ed the speaker, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, St. James', Middleton, who gave her impressions of the G6th annual meeting of the Dio- cesan Board held in London this spring. Mrs. Colclough took her hear- ers to those sessions and in her inimitable manner she gave them the very kernel of each meeting and speaker's message, inter- spersed with her quick wit and humour. Perhaps that which was most impressive was the re- port of the address given, by Mrs. Harold Whitley, M. A,, Toronto, Dominion Secretary for Little Helpers, in which she had referr- ed to the making of a stained glass window. Each piece of glass in the window serves a specific purpose and without each part the whole would be incomplete. Even pieces with imperfections refract the light coining through them and are used by the artist to make the picture more glor- ious. Comparing membership in the W. A. to such pieces, Mrs. Whitely had reminded her aud- ience that every member has a plare and must give herself free- ly to the doing of God's will if she is to fill that place, Mrs. J. B. Higgins sang, "My Task" very sweetly. 4 IS YOUR MONEY OUT OF WORK? If you yourself were out of work— not making any money, you'd consider yourself something of a failure, wouldn't you? By the same token -'-MONEY should be working, too, making more money and making it safely. 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates • Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest. • Pay 4%, payable half -yearly. Short term -5 years. • Authorized investment for trust funds. No fie/Out/lien in principal. IN Sa YEARS $411.1* ACCUMULATES TO $1.10 THE STERLING TRUSTS C O II h O i1' A T 1 O N HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay St, 1.'3 bunl,up St. 'Drano bard a •.$ • BRUCEFJELD Bob Allan, was in Ottawa .dur- ing the weekend. Mrs. Ben Keyes spent Tuesday visiting in Clinten. Mrs,. McKeegan, Glencoe, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Maines. Ron Maines, Blyth attended the tstrawperry Social zn the vill- age last night. Alec Paterson is• c onei ed to his home. liis friends hope for •a speedy recovery. Mrs,- Janet Wetsgn, Aylmer, ig vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, P. Watson. Mr, and Mrs, J, W. Stackhouse visited in Wilton Grove with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood . Stackhouse.. Albert pitmen, Midland, .Spent several ,days at his home on the second of Stanley last weekend. Edgar Alien is planning a new house on the third farm north of the village, in Tuckersmith Town- ship. Foundation have been started en the new house which Jack Mustard is 'building at the west end of the village. Mr, and Mrs. S. Neale, .With Pat and Ron, Glencoe,, vieited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse. Miss Ruth Snelling, Eleanore; Snelling, Jim Leslie, Eric end Errna Marr all of Pt. Colborne spent the weekend with ,the lore mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Snelling. Many ,attended the ,funerals `of the late Mrs. Janet :Ross in ;Glin-. ton Iast Friday, and the ".late Miss Jessie Grainger in 'Seaforth on Monday. Both; burials were in. Baird's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. • Ted Munn and family, London; Mr. and Mrs, R. Barr and family, Burlington; Mr; and Mrs. Scott Barr, Mitchell, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin. On Monday. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fraser, from British Coltunbia, called on their cousins, Mr. and 'Mrs. Dinnin. Decoration Service Decoration service conducted by the local IOOF was held on Sunday afternoon in Baird's cemetery when members, assisted by Legion members and ltebek- ahs decorated the graves of de- parted members. Rev. W. J. Maines conducted memorial ser- vices following the decoration. There was quite a large attend- ance. Pupils of S.S. No. 10 and their teacher journeyed by bus on Tuesday to Goderich, where they toured the Museum, Waterfront, the Salt Works, Bissets' Factory, Goderich Signal Star and other points of interest. KILLS ENO! get ai COOLING SYSTEM CHECK-UP NOW! You'll avoid trouble and ex- pense by having us. 1, reverse - flush the radiator; 2, check water pump and hose; 3. ad- just fan belt; 4. check for leaks and thermostat operation; 5. clean cors of winter accumun lotion of dirt; 6. test -run to assure efficient operation of complete cooling system. bkIVE IN! HAVE VOIUR. COOLING SYSTEM tNECKED TODAY l Murphy Bros. al cars t►r� a .F� Rc;fQ Xt iK 1 t Rader Reunion The second Rader reunion was held at Jewett's Grove, Bayfield, on Sunday, June 21, The weather was ideal and the secretary, Mrs, John Rader, reported 180 register- ed with a few more that hadn't registered. The registry showed relatives present ,from Detroit, Woodstock, London, Waterloo, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, Birmingham, Mich., liensall, Exe- ter, Zurich, Dashwood. Greetings were read from several wlio could not attend. VARNA •-4.-.-s-.-.-. *eel• A number from here attended the annual Webster Picnic at Goderich • on Saturday last. The many friends of Percy Workman are sorry to hear he is under the doctor's .care. The sympathy of this commun- ity goes out to the Austin family in the death of Mrs. Austin, and also to the Stephenson family in the death of Ralph Stephenson, Sr. Bible Society A meeting of the Bible Society was held in the Township Hall, on Monday evening of this week. Rev. Moore, 'Toronto, gave an address and showed a fihn, "The Bible on the Table", which was well received and enjoyed by all present. At a business meeting after- wards it was decided to join the Goshen and Varna branches with Rev. T. J. Pitt as chairman, John Armstrong, vice-president, and Ernest Pollock, secretary -treas- urer, Results of the races, under the direction of Martin Laub, Exeter, were as follows;', girls Six to ,eight, w Dnna Richardson; boys six to eight, Kennett Rader; girls, eight to 12, Joan Koehler; • keys, eight t1ouglas Thiel; ;"girls, 12 to 14, .Marian Rader; boY.s, 12 to,14, Wesley, Rader; young pen 15 and over, Lloyd Rader, Ail under five,: Richard Rader and Diane Koehler,', Sack race, Lloyd Rader; three-• legged race, Marian a`ll d June Rader; pick up 'balls, Joan Koeh- ler; hies whistle race, Wesley Rader;, e walk, Mrs. Berl Thigl;; men, over 21, Glen K • bier; men„ 50 and over, Louis Rest'emayer's team. Ringing the weiner, Mrs. Ivan! Taylor, Lloyd Rader; 'klelt-thea slipper, June Rader; wheelbarrow. race, Jimmy "Rader ;and Reith,, ttader; minute walk, Elmer Raderr pie plate race, Mr. and Mrs, er,ar']. Rader; egg throwing contest:, Lorne Rader and Jean Willert; guessing the number of mints in Sar, Mrs. Ed Borman. During the supper hour several special prizes were presented; old- est person, William Ruder; young • est baby, Gary Gamble, four weeks old; one who came fertile est, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Grenfell, Sask.; largest family, Mr, and Mrs. . L. H. Rader: longest: Married, Mr, and Mrs. Nick Ma -- ler; most recently married, Mrs. Witmer, whose husband is now in Korea. President A1vin Walper conduct- ed the business. New officers are; President, L. 11. Rader; first vice- president, Bruce .Klopp; send vl'ce-president, Harry .Hayter;sec- retary, fors. Harold Rader; treas- urer,: Ted Steinback; sports c$m- mittee, Bruce Koehler; table com- mittee, Mrs. S p Ted tel ,Tia)#k; grounds committee, Ross' lclia rd-- son.. While there are more single mei than single women in evi< ' Tiro-• vinee,. +be ',proportion of t#n rrled men is highest in British Colt t-• bi,: Alberta and Saskatchevt.'Xtl. the tt►kon there are tWO «hinny"r• - tied men for every single woma;n... The offering was taken up by Mrs. R. J. Larson and Mrs. C. Knuckey. After the closing hymn and benediction, pronounced by the Rector, those present were en- tertained in the spacious home of Mrs. Emerson Heard. The guests were received by the hostess. A miniature of the Royal Coach and attendants reminded one of the coronation and the rooms were decorated with iris and peonies. Members of Trin- ity branch served tea and dainty refreshments from the dining - room table, tastefully set with .silver tea services and a floral Center flanked by tapers in' sil- ver holders. Following a soeial hour, Mrs. Colclough graciously moved a vote of thanks to the Bayfield inembers. Mrs. Gairdner asked Mrs, Heard, who had made the gathering possible, to stand and receive it, after which she ex- pressed the hope that the mem- bers of the three congregations Would get together more fre- quently, `HIES E`NA•MINED --- GLASSES OE* J. E. Lo gstaxff of Seaforth, will be in Clinton Tuesday Evenings --- 7.30 p.m. -10 p.m. Wednesday Morning --- 9 a.m. to 12 noon beginning Tuesday, June 30 Office situated in McLaren's Studio, Albert St. • PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Call Seaforth 791 collect, for Appointment 25-6-b 4-••••-•-H 1 1 SnokeSignais Say a 44%0,0-- ----- HEAP - BIG 16th Anniversary SPECIAL at Glidden Cleaners 5% Off ALL DRY CLEANING BROUGHT IN SATURDAY JUNE 27 and MONDAY JUNE 29 Clothes wanted for July 1st must be in by Monday noon, June 29. /1 Is your Suit soft and lifeless? Will it not hold a crease? Try SIZIT> You will be amazed -at the results /1 GLIDDON CLEANERS DYERS, COLD STORAGE, REPAIRING (ONE -DAY SER•YICE ON REQUEST) We Pick Up auul Deliver Phone 466W s\m.\\°. m\` g o For Profitable Production "Careful Sanitation" is a rust We carry a complete line of FARM SANITATION PRODUCTS: (1) WARFARIM--mice and rat killer, (2) P1GTAB GRANULES—eliminates feed consuming worms. (3) CHEK-R-TON GRANULES—poultry wormer and appetizer, (4) PURINA INSECT OIL—kills mites, lice and germs-- Also preserves wood. (5) PURINA. FLS SPRAYS—cattle, buildings and household. (6) DISINFECTANTS --for dairy, stable and household. For Feed and Sanitation .. CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Mook)14NliV A.: 4. 44. 4. 4 4 4