Clinton News-Record, 1953-06-25, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 2 , x i; CLINTON ,NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Lower and Middle School CDCI Results Are Announced o I wire ne thexamfnation' re xe'sults .at Clinton •District .Colieg 4ite Institute for theryear 1052;53. arks :hive been mailed to those failed. ades " XI `an 'XII Millshave been Sta nt d hnour ariding.in•thesubJa c.ta.the :have coif complete a(I--:75 per cent or over; I �y.� r cent ,to 74 per Cent;,; `6 per t• 1�0 r .cent to 5 n. I 'Per er, cetto 59 r cent) . -Grade XII General TT RICHARD ANDREWS Eng. 11, Hist. in, Geom. C, Agr, Sc. II, French I. GEORGE BFeAT'! Y - Eng. III:, Com, C, Shop Work IL i LEN BLATR-=Eng,' II, Hist. 1, ,C,"Agr. Sc. C, Latin C, Ho a Ec, I. BARB RA BRANDON -Eng. II, Hist III, Geom. C, Home Ec, I. BQBIE BRANDON - Eng. x, t X, 'Alg. 0, Geom. III, 'Latin C`•, .'reach° C.:. RON i,I;.D' CARTER XII Hist. IL XX:Iiint Cy: RUTIJ ' CLARKE - Eng. C, Hist, 1111, :Geom. C, Home Ec. I, ripinninoninamensm MURRAY 'COLQUHOUN --• ,Eng, III, Hist, IIT, Com, C, Shop Work I, THOMAS COLQUHOUN - Eng. 1, Hist, I, Geom. II, Agr, Sc, ., Com. II, Shop Work h EILEEN CUNNINGHA°lg-Eng• I, Hist. I, Gegm. III, Agr. -Sc. II, I Latin II, French I. RICHARD ELLIOTT -- Hist. C4 Geom. C. ROBERT FINES -Eng, II, Hist, 1, Geom. I, Agr. Sc. I, Com. 1, Shop Work I, RHEA HALL, ---Eng. III, Hist. C, Geom. III, Latin I French C. JOHN'HAR'I'L Y'--- ►g. III, dist, I, Geom. C, Agr, Se. C, Latin "III, 'French III, DONNA 'McBRIDE-Eng, I, Hist, I, Geom. C, 'Agr. Sc, III, Latin III, ' French C, Hoorne Ec. , . BRUCE McDONALD - Mg. C, Geom. `II, ROBERT McDOUGALL--Epg. C, Hist.:Il, Geom. ' 1, Agr. Sc• . I, Com. II, ShopptWork [X• .. ROBERT MMG GOR .- , Eng. C, Hist. X, . Geom. II, Agr. Sc. I, French C, Shop Work IL ick nice In And See Our WIRE 'RANGE OF SPECIAL SUMMER COTTON SKIRTS Regular $5.95 -- at $3.95 CATALINA BATHING SUITS $6.95 - $13.95 FOR cbaeter'o SMARTIabie' ur(J; • tar THINGS TO - W EATS Phone 59 ' JAMS 4O1RIT1.'---Eng, I, Hist, II, Geom, II, 2 gr. Se. C, Latin, IX, French .II, DAVID OAK:ES ung. 11, Hist, 1,. G4'gm, I, Agr. e, I, Latin IL French II. SHIRLEY .p.mc);'OR -- Eng, I, Hist. I, Geom. I,gr. Sc. T, French I, Cott ,I Home Ec. I. McFARLANE 'j'AYLOR--Eng, II, Hist. I, Geom. I, Agr, Sc. II, Latin 11, French C. I GERALD manual' ---Eng. , Hist. I, Geom. I, Agr., Sc, I, Latin 1, French IL DOUGLAS YOUNGBLUT' --- Eng. 1, `Hi'st. I, Gebhi,I, . Agr, Se. I, French I, Shop Work' 1I, Grade XII--$peciai Cortunercial The following have completed the. Special Cpmn ercial Course: Shirley Ashton Elizabeth 'MacDonald 'Joan MacLii,ren June Mannin�g c Marjorie Men Ar}xi Howitt ' Dgnn"a' Sturgeon Margaret Zaphe • Grade. XI Gr de,}XI pupils have •passed in the subjects. First .class,: second clans, ,third class, .or credit standing has been ,granted in the Subjects con}pleted this 'year (Iiratory, Algebra, Agriculturall Science). (R) indicates that the pltpil has been reconvinended to continue,this Subject in Grade .XII KENNETH CARTER-Elig., Hist. I, Alg II, Agr. Se. II, Latin, Shop Work. MAE COI:EIVJAN--Eng,, Hist. II, .Corn ,.;Horne Ec, DONALD CORNISH -Eng., Hist. I, Alg. I, Agr. Sc. III, Latin, French. SANDRA ,DAW Eng., Hist. II, Alg C, French (It), sUorne DONALD DELLOW-Eng,, • Hist. IL Alg. :II, Agr. Sc. III, Com., Shop Work. DONALD DENOMME - Eng., Hist. I, Shop Nork. CARL FALCONER -Eng., Hist. I, Alg. T, 'Agr. Sc.' • I, 'Coin., Shop Work. OLA FANGRAD - Eng., Hist. C, Com., 'Horne Ec. HUGH FLYNN-Eng. (R)', Hist. IX, Coni,, .Shop Work. GRACE'TO.RREST-Eng., Hist. C, Com., Horne 'Ec. IONA GRIFFITHS - Eng., Hist. II, Alg. II, Agr. Sc. III, Latin, French. HARRY GUETTER-Eng., Hist. I, Alg. 1, Agr. Sc. I, French, Com. HELEN HAMILTON -Eng., Hist, T Alg. I, Agr. Sc. II, ,French, ,Home Ec. JOYCE HAWKINS - Eng., Hist. II, Alg. II, Agr. Sc. IT, French, Home Ec. YVONNE HENDRICKS - Eng., Hist. II, Alg. II, Agr. Se. C, Com., Home Ec. JAMES HOWES-Eng., Hist. 1, Ug. II,• Agr. Sc. II, Latin, French. KENNETH KEYES-Eng,, Hist. II, Alg. C, Agr. Se. III, French. DONALD LADD - Eng., Hist. I, Alg. II, Agr. Sc. III, .French (R), Com. JOHN MacDOUGALL - Eng., Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Agr. Sc. I, Latin, French. DOREEN McKENZIE - Eng., Hist. I, Alg. 1, Agr. Sc. I, Latin, French. BERNE McKINLEY-Eng., Hist. II, Alg, II, Agr. Sc. I, French, Com. DONNA McVITTIE - Eng., Hist. II, Alg. C, Agr. Sc. C, Com., Home Ec. MARILYN MARTIN -Eng., Hist. I, Alg. II, Agr. Sc. III, Latin, French. ALAN MITCHELL -- Eng., Hist. II, Alg. III, Agr. Sc. II, Com., Shop Work. PATRICIA MURNEY-Eng., Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Agr. Sc. C, French, Home Ec. ROBERT MUSTARD -Eng., Hist, III, Alg. III, Agr. Sc. C, Corn., Shop Work. BETTY LOU NEDIGER - Eng., Hist. II, Alg. II, Agr. Sc. II, Latin, French. BERYL POLLARD - Eng., Hist. III, Corn., Home Ec. BETTY POSTILL-Eng., Hist. II, Alg. II, Agr. Sc. III, Latin, 1E1 CLINTON LIONS $1,4Q0.00 N In Aid of Arena Building Fund 4.0.110 Tuesday June 30 Doors Open at 8 p.m. Games Start at 9 p.m. sharp (DST) CLINTON LIONS ARENA 12 Games at $5�0 $50 each {JACKPOT 3 Specials at -$10d Each Also SPECIAL MYSTERY BINGO ,Y. MrNakir .r wrtire,aw. A D M I S S I O N; $LO10 ton, 12 EEGULA BOAMES SP :L"}Al[; GAME t7AlitDS tbrtra Citr41s: 25c each or 5 for $i° 1,450, encu or 6 for $1. ItD+'x+'RESIEN T' 13OO1: French. HELEN POWER -Eng., Hist, Ii, Alg, I, Agr. Sc. II. French, Home Ec. LOUIS RAU-Eng. (R), Hist, IL, Com,, Shop Work.. EUGENE' REFAUSSE -- Eng„ Hist. II, 'Alg, III, ° Agr, Se, C, Shop Work, ELIZABETH ROPGES --- Eng., lHist. II, Alg'. II, Agr: Se, C, French, Home Ec. MARILYN SHADDICK - Eng,, Hist, xI, Mg. III, French (R), Com, WILLIAM SHARKEYY -, Eng., Hist. 'I, Alg, Agr, Sc. 11, Fre ' 'Latin,. French. KAY SHARP -- Eng., Hist, C, Com., Horne Ec. (R), GAIL SHEARING - Eng., Hist. III, Alg. C, Agr, Sc. C, Latin, Frerich(R). • CHARLES SHOBI3ROOK - Eng,, Hist. II, Alg. II, Agr, Sc. • I, COI., .Shen Work. t JAYNE MARY SMELL .,- Eng„ Hast, I, Alg, C, Agr. Sc, III, Frrench .(E.), Home. Ec. RONALD STEEPE-Eng., Hist, I, 1 . II, Agr. Sc. I, Freench, Com. SED 'EY STEVENS-Eng., Hist. I, 'Alg. I, Agr. Sc. II, French, Herne Ec. JOYCE TOWNSHEND - E n.g„ 'Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Agr, Se. I, Latin, French. ' NORMAN WALPOLE - En g„ hist. C Alg. C, Agr, Se. II, Corn., 'Shop Work. JOYCE WEBSTER-Eng., Hist. I, Agr. Sc. III, Com., ITorne 'Ec, MARGERY WEBS''i•ER Eng., .I•iist. IT, Alg. IT, Agr. Sc, III, COIL., Henle Ec. ROSE MARIE. WHITFIELD - 'Eng., Hist. ;IT, Alg. C, Agr. Sc. C, Latin, French. OLIVE 'WILSON -Eng., Hist. I, Aglg..i, Agr, Sc. I, Latin, French. BARRY YOUNGSLUT - E n g., Hist. III, Alg. I, Agr. Sc. I, Latin, Shop Work. Promoted to .Gracie XI Howard Armstrong, Marilyn Ashton, Shirley- Badley, Glenyce Bainton, Lorna Barrie, Joan Ben - Inger, Shirley Brandon, Alice Caldwell, Lorne Carter, Jacqueline Cluff, Doris Cooper, Walter Cun- ningham, Marjorie DoWson, DeI phine Erb, Richard Ferranti, Bar- bara Ford, Robert Galbraith, Ro- bert ,Caron, Mary "Goldsworthy, Elaine Grainger, Ian Griffiths, Joanne Hodgins, Doris Hutchins, Louise Hyde, Ruth Jackson, Mar- lene Jervis, Pauline. Jervis, Portion Johns, Edith Jones, Lawrence Jpnes, Peter Jones, Margaret El- len Lawson, Marie a are Lee, Earl Livermore, June McClin- chey,, filen McDonald, Jean Mc- Greger, Ronald McKay, Marion Makins, .Anne Medd, Beverley Merner, Judith Ogston, 'Barbara Oliver, Anne Ostrom, George Overholt, Terrance .Pearson, Al- bert Pepper, Kenneth Porter, Doris Postill, Catherine Powell,. Robert Read, Marie Refausse, .Ar- lene Richmond . Peter Roy,Gordon Frank Scribbins, Patricicruton, Thomas Shanahan, Douglas Shob- brook, Muriel Shobbrook, Richard Snell, Sheila Soper, Mavis Steepe, Claire Taylor, Ar- thur Tyndall, Roni Waldron, Willis Walpole, Marlene Walsh, Dennis Weymouth, Lois Webster, Nancy Webster. Recommended; Elle n Beyce, Mariorie C rtwright, Marjorie Clime, Mildred Fraser, Joyce Perdue, George Ross, Patricia Thompson, Promoted to Grade X Jean Adams, Alvin Armstrong, James Carter, Robert Carter, Gor- don Chambers, Lola Chutes, Ger- ald Coleman, Hugh Colquhoun, Anthony Denornme, Betty Anne Ducharme, Carolyn Faber, Betty Galbraith, Dorothy Glazier, Marj- ory Goldsworthy, Ila Grigg, Ther- esa Guetter, Grace Harris, James Higgins, Margaret Howard, Jean Hyde, Wayne Jackson, Kelvin Jervis, Kenneth Lee, Marian Lernnlon, Caroline Light- foot, Eugene MaoLaren, Ruth Mc- Farlane, Neil •McGregor, Helen McLeod, Monica May, Marilyn Medd, .Ruth Merrill, Murray Neil, John , Norman, 'Frank O',Brien, Alexander Ostrom, Robert Parker, Mervyn Penfound, James Rio,idon,. Patsy Scotchmer, Connie $c 'uton,. John Siertsema, Glen :Sturgeon, Barbara Taylor, Ina Taylor, Pataline Taylor, George Telford,' John Tyreman, Rob e r t Van; Riesen, Pieta Verburg, Carrie Ver- hoef, Sandra Williams, Betty Anne Young. Recommended: Andre Aubin,' Gerald Clarke, Hazel ;Flynn, Wil - liana German, Jella Hoyteina, een .Wright. District Coupies Choose Mid -June Weddings Thompson --Mitchell Pink and white peonies banked the altar of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Hespeler, for the marriage of Jean Marie, daughter of Lawrence Mitchell, Hespeler and the late Mrs. Mitchell, to Charles Wilson Thompson, Deep River, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Thompson, Clinton, on Saturday morning, June 20. Rev. J. F. Ford, Hespeler, conducted the double ring ceremony. Given inpnarriage by her father, the bride wore white chiffon nylon tulle over slipper satin, fashioned with fitted bodice and lace in- serts, a full bouffant skirt of chif- fon nylon, and rows of lace ac- centing the hip line. A jacket of Brussels lace and nylon was styl- ed with long lily point sleeves and a rolled wing collar of lace. Her veil was of elbow length net and she carried lilies and African daisies. The maid of honor was Lois Mitchell, sister of the bride, who wore a ballerina length gown of mint green net over taffeta, with lace in a rose design. The fitted bodice was partly covered by a acket with cap sleeves and peter pan collar. Her full bouffant skirt finished with a deep ranged flouncing. She carried a bouquet of pink snapdragons and African daisies with a butterfly centre. Mrs. Donald Wilbur, Preston, organist, accompanied the soloist, Mrs, Anne Dlugahecki, Kitchener. Groomsman was Beverly Hayes, 34 Alrna St., Kitchener. The ush- ers were Murray Thompson, Port Hope, cousin of the groom, and Thomas Mitchell, Hespeler, broth- er of the bride. The wedding breakfast was served at the Old Mill Coffee Shop, Kitchener, and a reception i'allowed at the home of the bride's father, 15 Adam St., Hespeler. Mrs. Raymond Mitchell, aunt of the bride, received wearing a frock of powder blue with navy aecessories and a corsage of ye - Iow pinocchio roses. The groom's mother assisted in pink nylon with back hat and black acce3so los. Her corsage was of cornf'nv el: and pink carnations. h'or travelling the bride donned a dress of white printed silk w'th red and gray floral design, tapped by a navy blue duster, a red and white sailor hat. She wore red shoes and a gardenia corsage. Fol.• lowing a wedding trip to Quebec City, the young couple plan, to live at Deep River. Out-of-town guests included those from Windsor, Detroit, i.uri- drn, Montreal, Flint. Mich., 7 o- r.onto, Port Hope, Hamilton, Chat- ham, Clinton. o- Hlemstra-'-Alnsing Elizabeth Wilhelmina, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs, Steven Atns- ing, Smilae, Holland, became the bride- of Gert Hiemstra, Clint- on, son of Mr's. Hiemstra, Clint- on and the late Pier Hiemstra, Foudgum, Holland, in a quiet ceremony, in St. Andrew's .I'res- byterian Church Clinton, nn P-' day afternoon, :One 19. Rev, G. F. Hoytema, of the Christian Re- fer/la e-fer la Congregation officiated. The bride was lovely lira long HENSALL Mason's Confer Degrees At the regular meeting of IJu- ron. Lodge 224 A.P. and A.M., held Monday evening in the lodge hall, Rt. Worshipful Bro. George 11, Jefferson, Clinton, and the RCAF degree team, frond RCAF Station, Clinton, exemplified the first degree on two candidates. Members of the team were W. Bro. A. Crozier, and Bro.. Ald- winekle, Clinton Lodge, Bros, G, Ilnry, 13rimdky, 1ramilton. 'rretts, Mitchell, Greb,Forrest, froth 1tCA>M Statioti Clinton. Refresh- tnents were sewed, white Satin gown with coronet headdress, a long veil and carry- ing a bouquet of white carnations. The young couple will live in Clinton. Bedard --Bell (By our Hensall correspondent) Standards of 'mums, snapdrag- ons and ferns, created an effective setting for the marriage of Gert- rude Kathleen (Kay) Bell, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensall, to Lucien -'Guy Bedard, Crumlin Airport, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Bedard, Hull, Que., at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on Saturday, June 20. Rev. J. B. Fox officiated at the double -ring ceremony. Wedding music was provided by J. L. Nicol, A.C,C.O., who accompanied the soloist, Mrs. William Brown, Hen- sall. She sang "The Lord's Pray- er" prior to the ceremony, and "Because" during the signing of the register. The bride, entering the church with her father, was gowned in white silk net lace over taffeta, styled with a long full train, and long tapering sleeves corning to a point over the hands. Her full length veil was arranged from a coronet of pearls, and she wore a pearl necklace and earrings, gift of the groom. Red roses formed her bridal bouquet. Four attendants preceded the pretty bride to the altar. Miss Marlene Petzke, Hensall, maid of honor, was costumed in pink net over taffeta, fashioned with a brocaded bodice and bolero jacket. She carried pink carnations. Bridesmaids were Miss Ruth-Sol- dan and Miss Jean Mousseau, Hen- sall. Miss Soldan chose a blue net (off shoulder style) over taf- feta and carried blue carnations. Miss Mousseau was gowned in yellow net over taffeta with bol- ero jacket, and carried a bouquet of mauve carnations. The trio wore matching nylon headdresses with pearl trim and lace mittens. Pauline Bell, sister of the bride, was flower girl frocked in floor length orchid taffeta, with match- ing headdress and carried a nose- gaX of orchid baby 'mums. '1'he soloist Was gowned in mauve taffeta with snatching headdress and mittens, with which she wore a corsage of yellow baby 'mums, Barry Baker, Crumlin Airpert, was groomsman, and Harold Bell, Hensall, a n d R. Orvis, Crumlin, ushered. For receiving the 45 guests at Monetta Menard's, Exeter, Mrs. Bell wore navy crepe with pink trim, white accessories, and cor- sage of pink gladioli. The bridal table centred the `three-tier wed- ding cake and color schemes in ?ink and whiteand te taper s completed the decorations. For the wedding trip to Niagara Falls anis Buffalo, N.Y., the bride wore a .pink suit with pgwder ;blue accessories, and corsage of blue baby 'mums. Out-of-town guests 'nein led those .fi'.Qiit Wheatley, Seafoi h; and Crumlin Airport. DaveyTHesk A quiet wedding took place era, Friday, June 12, in the Protest ant Chapel at Currie Barracks army station, Calgary., when, i'Larjorie Pauling„ °7ouxi$er daughter of ¥r, and Mica..+ erson Heck, Londesbore, , a united :in marriage with RoWt; Gerald Davey, Peter'orou.gh ' The .bride was .dressd in nav, taffeta with white aceetnattieSo and were ,a corsage of American Beauty rosea, 117lawTheywere attended by Mr. and s aG ndle"ls Rbbnantheri, brother -in« sister bride, Following the service a Wedti, ing'luneheon w served1y1t'1, iltiobinsbrt, 'assisted _by 'Mrs. mother of the bride. ?'ile young cgUP1e will..l; is ation d With re then. Cap an diad Arany. -SPECIAL! W A. X P. A P E R 11.D.A. BRAND Heavy grade 100 ft. • roll 16 oz. 59e can 75c "FIRST AID" 'ComiintItive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES SPECIA.74 VALUES and REMINDERS for EhurSday, Friday and Saturday Summer DRUG SUPPLIES I.D,A, An IDA ;Guaranteed ENGLISH STYLE Product HEALTH SALTS iD somi Promotes regular Acts fast 'to relieve elimination simple diarrhoea 28c 3P'ECALi WASP CLOTHS Heavy knit; 25c val. 19c, 2 for `35c VELVETTA SUp lies,' etc. Cream untan Band -Aid or Handl- .-65e Type,... 15c, 35c, 65e NOXZEMA PlaAd stic hesive Band- • SKIN des -(Band - Aid or ad), 19c, 40e, 59e ' CREAM Adtinaive Tape 15e, 20e 26c 65c Absorbent Cotton, 1,' 2, 89c :$I.69 4 ,oz. , ,v79c J.D.A. Poison25cIv0c,y Lo- k OSS.. Peroxide,lon 4, 8, 126 z 9c INTME 19c, 29e, 45e OINTMENT 75c SPECIAL! Furst Aid Kits $1.35, $2.25, etc, Gauze Bandages, 10 yds., 25e, 35e up Elastoplast )First Aid Dressings ...20c, 40c Zana-Buk Household Ointment 50c Kotex or Modess 12's 40c, 2 for 79c; 43's $L53 43c, $L49 '83c, 61c Jeanette TALCUM Big shaker cans. Choice of. odour 22c, 2 for 43c Tampax, 10's & 40's Johnson's Baby Powder Aqua ,Seal Baby Pants 39c, 59e Hankscraft Baby Bottle Warmers $3.25, $3.95 FLASHLIGHTS "Britelite" 1.39 ever early flashlights 1.35 up IODINE I.D.A.. Brand loz. bottle with rod, reg 25c 19c THERMOS BOTTLES quart size 3.00, 3.25 up Summer Remedies, SPECIAL! 'Clean-oe Nylon TOOTH BRUSHES 2 for 25c SPECIAL! Bobby & 'Pocket COMBS Regular 10c 7c, 2 for 13c etc. SAVE 25c Nature's Remedy TOOTH 23c, 45c, 89c PASTE Dr, Chase's Nerve OFFER Food °.,.. 79c, $1.98 2-32c tubes Ex-Lax 15c, 33c 64c value Fruit-A-Tives, 28c, 55c 39c Bile Beans two 25c size for 39c Dolcin Tablets .. $2.39, $3.95, $8.85 !antigen "E" .... 86.00 For Hot Weather Daintiness Vel -Vo -Tex Hair Removing Mitten, 25c Odo-Ro-No Cream 49c, 75c Odo-Ro-No Spray 43c, 75c PICNIC JUGS 1 gallon size $3.95 BATHING CAPS Semi -head shape cap 49c "HOWLAND CAPS $1.29 Seiberling 69c, '79c, 98c SPECIALS on LD.A. BRANDS Low-cut week -end prices offer you substantial savings on these popular T.D.A. Products ... this weekend only BORACIC ACID -one pound -reg. 45c 33c CASTOR OIL 4 oz. bottle -reg. 40c 29c COCOANUT OIL Shampoo -4, 8 oz., 27c, 37c IDASAL PAIN TABLETS, 5 gr., 300's 59c SYRUP, FIGS & SENNA, 2 oz., reg. 33c -27c WHITE EMBROCATION, 4, 8 oz., 23c, 37c WILD STRAWBERRY Compound reg. 50c 39c UNIQUE P BPENNEBAKER PHONE PHOTO • • 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST 11111111IIINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINIIIIIIIII NIIIIIiINIIIINIIIIIIIIIIININIIIIINIIIIINIINIIINIIIIIIINIIIINNNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIINIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIINIIININNIIIINIII na 1// Public Meeting TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday,, June 26 8:00 p.m. GUST SPEAKER OLIVER CROCKFORD REEVE OF SCARBOROUGH TOWNSHIP (President of Mayors and Reeves Association of Ontario) Everyone Come and Hear This Address on (vk Improvement and Town Planning ADMISSION FRE1 (Signed) Mayor W. 3. Miller, ('I'OWM Oi±' c isrrON) glCiUIINNN111N110(I1U111NII(flllNll(NiIIIIfIINIiIlNIl111NNNIINIIIINIIihi�lillNCrNI�IN�IIIHli9iIN1N�IIN�ItlI�IN�i�IH(iilNNli'giil�l��illNl�lll(I��VIIN�II�I�INIIiiNiNII1fININ��III{�fIN(blll!�Itii�lil�li Il111 00100 10101011 01111