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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1953-06-18, Page 6RI1VIIIIIII!I1111111INIM111lllllll l l llllllll l lllllllllll lllllllllll lllllllllll llllllllll l ll
Sarn E, Castle is visiting with
relatives at Tiverton, for a few
da I. inToronto a -
1r.. L. Mitten is t
tending the Grand Lodge of the
Mrs. John McFarlane, Sr., is
spending some time with her son,
Malcolm McFarlane, Mitchell.
Miss Irene Snider, London, spent
the weekend at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider.
Mrs. George Richardson, St.
Thomas, is spending the week at
the home of her friend, Mrs. Chas,
Mrs. M. D, McTaggart has re-
turned after visiting with her son
/staleolm, in Windsor, during cor-
onation week.
Weekend guests with Mrs. L.
McKinnon, Huron St„ were Mrs.
D. J. Atkinson and Miss Eileen
Atkinson, London.
Master Harry Cummings, Mary
St., entertained 12 little boys on
Monday after school, on the oc-
casion of his sixth birthday.
Twelve new members were re-
ceived into St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church at the Sunday
morning communion service.
1Vlajor Ellayne McAlpine, A.N.C.,
has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
W.IB. McAlpine, Queen St. Major
McAlpine is on her way to the far
east. '
14/Irs. W. J. Kay, Lapeer, Mich.,
is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. W.
Treleaven, Miss Elizabeth Gib-
bings and her brother, B. J. Gib-
Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Wilson were
in Oakland last weekend. Rev. Mr.
Wilson was preaching for anni-
versary services at his former
charge there.
Ardley, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs
Harry Bull, Excel, Alta., are visit-
ing friends and relatives in this
community prior to attending the
Snell Reunion on June 20 in Lon-
' desboro.
Mrs. Harry Bartliff and her
niece, Miss Alice Beveridge, Re-
gina, Sask., who has been spend-
ing the last three .months with her
aunt, returned from a three weeks
trip to the east coast. Miss Bev-
eridge left Wednesday for her
home in Alberta.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, Lulu
and Lenore, Patsy, Master John
arson, London; Mr. and Mrs,
erb Moody and Paul, St. Thom-
as; Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Goderich;
Fred Leaver, president, of Huron
laymen's association and four lay-
men, St. George's, Sarnia, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry A, Thompson, Sprucedal
farm, Goderich Township, last
Mothers' Study Group
Receives Thanks From
Captain Ellen Ropp, A.N.C., a
recent weekend visitor of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. McAlpine, Queen St.,
has arrived at her new assign-
ment at Frankfurt, Germany.
Mrs. William Butler, Toronto;
Miss Marjorie Ackerman, Dundas;
Miss Marion P. Huck, Toronto,
were visitors with the latter's sis-
ter, Mrs. D. J. Lane, on Friday
Mr, and Mrs. R. L. McEwen and
Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Agnew at-
tended the funeral of Mr. Agnew's
and Mrs. McEwen's brother, Wil-
liam, in St. Marys, during the
Mr. and Mrs. James Carter and
mother, London, spent Sunda
with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lucas visite
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Weekend visitors with Mr. an
Mrs. Ed Glen were Mrs. Mar
Elliott, Miss Ada Watt, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Neilans an
sons, Murray and Larry, Mrs. H.
Purdy and Master Tommy, Lon-
William A. Andrews, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Andrews, has
been successful in obtaining firs
class honors in all subjects in
third year chemistry and physics
at the University of Western On-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kramer,
Mrs. F. Sioman for Bale
The Mothers' Study Group of
Wesley -Willis 'United Church met
in the church parlours on Tues-
day, June 16, Mrs. Dudley Pegg
was in. charge, and the meeting
opened with the singing of a
hymn, followed by the Lord's
Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs.
Pegg read the poem "If", by Rud -
yard Kipling, and Mrs, Percy Liv-
ermore read Psalm 121,
Mrs. Irene McCall read the min-
utes of the last meeting, and on
motion of Mrs. Elmer Hugill, sec-
onded by Mrs. H. Kingswell, it
was decided that the meetings
would be discontinued for the
summer. The next meeting will
be held on Tuesday, September 4,
in the church parlours. Mrs. Dale
volunteered to take charge of the
meeting. Mrs. Howard Currie and
Mrs. Wilfred Jervis will be host-
Mrs. Jervis read a letter of
thanks from Mrs. Fred Sioman
and gave a list of the garments
sent in the layette. Mrs. Pegg
handed out literature on the
health of children, provided by the
Huron County Health Unit. Mrs.
Elmer Hugill took up the offer-
ing. Mrs. Pegg suggested that the
ladies try to stop their children
from throwing candy wrappers on
the street.
Mrs, W. Jervis read an article,
"Let Them Bring Their Friends
Home". Mrs. Currie read one on
"Why Housewives have no Whisk-
ers", the story of a man who took
care of the family for three
The meeting closed with a hymn
and the Mizpah benediction. A so-
cial hour followed. Mrs. Pegg con-
ducted a quiz. Lunch was served
by Mrs. L. Haughton, Mrs. Dales
and Mrs. H. Kingswell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Potter Ient
their home, on Thursday, June 4,
for the Sunday Cchool Executive
of Ontario Street United Church.
Mr. C. Stewart presided for the
routine business which included
final plans for the anniversary on
June 14 at 11 a.m.
Miss Grant very ably conducted
the first chapter of the new study
book: "The Bible and the Chris -
tion Religion."
The July meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. William Hog-
garth. A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the host and hostess and a
pleasant half-hour spent over the
Cash Specials for June 18 19 - 20
C EAMERY BUTTER, first grade lb. 59c
SALAD DRESSING --Miracle Whip,
16 oz. jar 45e
COOKIES—Melody Mallows, 14 oz. bag ---29e
LAND, Whyte's Pure lb. 18e
SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 33c
SALMON, Fey. Red Sockeye, 8 oz. tin ......... 35c
TOMATO JUICE, Rosedale, 48 oz. tin 23c
TOMATO JUICE, Rosedale, 20 oz. ... 2 for 19c
16 oz. jar ,... 32c
CATSUP, Aylmer, 11 oz. bottle 21e
ORANGES, Sunkist, size 288s doz. 25c
POTATOES, New No. 1 10 lbs. 45c
Thompson's Food market
Phone 40 We Deliver
Mr, and Mrs, Abe Zapfe,
Brucefield, wish to announce
the engagement of their elder
daughter, Blanche Mae, to
Kenneth Clarence Parke, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Parke, Zurich. The marriage
will take place early in July.
4: 4' *
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Col-
lins, Port Perry, Ont., an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Dorothy May,
to William Ehndon Morrell,
Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Morrell, Clinton, The mar-
riage will take place on Satyr -
day, July 8, at 7.30 p.rn, in
Kingsway-Lambton United
Church, Toronto, 24-b
Ontario Street Girls
]clear Mrs. Ruth Knox
Goodwill Club Concludes
Meetings Until Autun nt
To conclude the business of the
present term the Goodwill Club of
Wesley -Willis Church held a pic-
nic tea at the home of Misses W.
and D. O'Neil on Tuesday even-
ing. June 9, with 41 ladies present.
The meeting wasin charge of
the president, Miss W. O'Neil with
Miss M. Torrance at the piano.
The meeting was opened by sing-
ing a hymn, after which Mrs.
Paisley read the story of Joseph
from the Bible and a commentary
on the same by Jane Scott. The
confession from the hymnary was
repeated in unison ,led by Mrs.
The minutes by Mrs. NI. Steepe
were approved as read, The treas-
urer, Miss L. Walkinshaw, read
the financial report, also a letter
of thanks from the Salvation
Army for a donation received.
Mrs. H. C. Lawson, accompanied
by Mrs. Radford, sang "I Love a
Little Cottage."
Miss L. Johnston, as the guest
speaker, gave a most interesting
talk on the Alaskan Highway, il-
lustrating her talk with maps
showing this important highway.
Mrs. Lawson sang "The Second
Minuet". Mrs. Shearing and Miss
Torrance thanked all taking part
in the program and the hostesses
for opening their home.
A hymn followed by the Mizpah
benediction closed the meeting. I
Explain Phone Service
The Girls' Club of Ontario St.
United Church met at the home
of Mrs. E. Radford on Thursday
evening, June 11.
The president, Doris Batkin,
conducted the meeting which op-
ened with the singing of a hymn
and the Lord's Prayer repeated in
unison. Psalm 145 was read by
Hazel Parker. The devotions were
taken by Marjorie Dutot. The
minutes of theprevious meeting
were read by the secretary, El-
eanor Plumsteel, who also gave
the treasurer's report.
During the business discussion
a committee was named to make
arrangements for a picnic to be
held in July.
Edna Gilbank was in charge of
the program. Marjorie Bruder, a
winner in the Goderich Music
Festival held recently, sang very
sweetly two solos which were
greatly enjoyed. She was accomp-
anied at the piano by Mrs. Frank
Speaight. Mrs. Wiltse gave a re-
citation which provided much hu-
mour. Following this Ethel Mc-
Pherson conducted a Bible quiz.
Mrs. Ruth Knox, local Bell tele-
phone supervisor, gave a very in-
formative talk on the work of the
Bell Telephone Company, pointing
out many ways in which the public
could co-operate and thus receive
better service.
The meeting closed with the
Mizpah benediction. Lunch was
served by the hostess and the
ladies of Ruth Knox' committee.
Mrs. J. Radford moved a vote of
thanks to the hostess and all those
who had taken part in the pro-
Clintonian Club Plans
June Picnic at Home
Of Mrs. John Middleton
The Clintonian Club held their
June meeting at the home of the
president, Mrs. Colclough. The
meeting opened with the creed and
prayer repeated in unison.
Reports were read and adopted.
Roll call was answered with do-
nations to the bazaar table for the
The visiting committee reported
making nine calls on shut-ins, and
after discussion on arrangements
for the area picnic on June 24,
which is being held at Mrs. John
Middleton's, a penny bingo was
enjoyed by those present.
Mrs. W. Wise won the mystery
prize and then the hostess served
refreshments and a social half-
hour was enjoyed.
W " A. members of St. Paul's
Anglican Church are invited to the
WMS meeting at North Side
United Church, Seaforth, on Tues-
day, June 23rd. Cars will leave
the rectory at 7.30 p.m.
Phone 66W — Clinton
II11UI1111111111111111lIIIli11111111i1111111111111111 IIlI11111111111 L,illllill1lll11lilllll
Give Him Quality Leatbir Goods
Fine leather goods are always a. treasured gift. Choose from
our wide selection.
For His Holidays oar Busliness 'Tavel
Choose from Our complete range of
Mrs. McDonald Receives
Farewell Gift
From St. Andrew's Girls
The regular monthly meting of
the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church was held at
the home of Mrs. M. P. McTag-
gart with a good attendance, de-
spite the inclement weather.
Ruth Neilans, the president, was
in the chair, and opened the meet-
ing. Psalm 23 was repeated in
unison and Mrs. D. J. Lane led
in prayer,
After the reading of the secre-
tary's and treasurer's reports, the
secretary was instructed to write
a letter to the board of managers,
offering financial assistance it the
work of rewiring the church was
undertaken by them. Members
were reminded that a bazaar was
planned for the fall and that dona-
tions would be expected from
As one of our members, Betty
McDonald, is leaving Clinton to
reside in Sarnia, Mrs, Lane, after
expressing the regrets of the club,
pinned on a corsage and presented
her with a cup and saucer. Though
completely taken by surprise,
Betty thanked all, and hoped they
would call on her in nee new
Mrs. Lane and Verna Morgan
conducted two contests which
proved very amusing and educa-
tional, one being questions on how
well we know our own Huron
On behalf of all the members,
Verna Morgan thanked Mrs. Mc-
Taggart for the use of her home
and a very enjoyable evening.
The meeting closed with the
Mizpah benediction and a very de-
licious tea was served.
Ontario Street WMS
Holds June Meeting
The Woman's Missionary Society
of Ontario Street United Church
met at the home of Mr,s. C. O.
Martin on Tuesday, June 9. The
president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes,
The meeting opened with the
singing of a hymn, the reading of
a psalm and repeating the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
The worship service was con-
ducted by Mrs. M. Aiken, whose
subject was "The Holy Bible,"
After the scripture lesson an int-
eresting talk was given. The read-
ing of a poem "I am My Brother's
Bible", followed. A temperance
paper, given by Mrs. C. E, Elliott,
expressed thoughts from a talk
given by Dr. L. J. Henry, secre-
tary of the temperance federation,
and contained much valuable in-
Mrs. Harry Ball gave a resume
of the study book, "Along African
Trails," study of which had just
been completed.
Mrs, Willis VanEgmond played
an instrumental solo, "Nearer My
God to Thee" on the piano accord-
ion. The meeting closed with pray-
er by the president.
The next meeting will he held
on the lawn at the home of Mrs.
W. S. R. Holmes, when members
of the Baby Band and Mission
Band will be entertained.
Mrs. J. Radford Presides
For WA Meeting
The Ontario Street Church Wo-
man's Association met on Tues-
day, June 16 with a good attend-
ance. The president, Mrs. J. Rad-
ford, opened the meeting with the
singing of a hymn and reading a
psalm in unison, followed by the
Lord's Prayer.
The devotional period was taken
by Mrs. C. Martin, opening with a
hymn, taking es her subject "Pur-
ity of Heart" and closing with
The minutes of the last meeting
and different reports were given.
The ladies decided to have a letter
of thanks sent to the Brucefield
ladies, thanking them for their
kindness in inviting the Ontario
Street WA to their meeting on
June 3. It also was decided to
cancel July and August meetings.
Mrs. E. Radford played two
piano solos, closing with another
hymn. .A. delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the ladies. of St. Andrew's
e -el 1-1 * -11+! 1+.+++4
Mrs, Gordon Westlake
($y our Bayfield correspondent)
Funeral service was held on
Saturday, June 6, from the family
residence, for Agnes Pearl Love,
beloved wife of Gordon Westlake,
highly esteemed and life-long resi-
dent of Stanley Township, who
had retired in her usual good
health Wednesday evening, but
was stricken with a heart seizure
and passed away quietly early
Mrs. Il. Cox Provides
News of Scottish
Plans for Coronation
The Women's Association of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church
met on Tuesday at the home of
Mrs, George Roberton, Maple St.,
with a good attendance. The presi-
dent, Mrs. William Shaddock, pre-
sided and opened- the meeting with
a scripture reading, Psalm 46, and
In the absence of the secretary,
Mrs. Allan Maxwell read the min-
utes and Mrs. R. L. McEwen sub-
mitted a very satisfying financial
statement which included the pro-
ceeds from the bazaar held on
June 6.
A very interesting talk on her
recent visit in Scotland, was given
by Mrs. Howard Cox, who spoke
or conditions in Scotland, in gen-
eral, and the preparation for the
Coronation of Elizabeth II by the
Scottish folk was well described.
The thanks of the association was
tendered the speaker by Mrs.
The hostess and her sister, Mrs.
McLennan served dainty refresh-
ments at the close of the gather-
ing and a half-hour was spent in
social enjoyment. The WA of St.
Andrew's will not meet regularly
until September.
At the last regular meeting of
LOL 710, it was decided that
members would attend the district
church service to be held at Win-
throp on June 21 at 11.15 a.m.,
going also Goderich, with the fife
and drum band in attendance at
both services.
The lodge also requests all its
members to attend the next reg-
ular meeting to make arrange-
ments for. the church service on
July 5 at St. Andrew's Presbyter-
ian church.
Mrs. D. J. Lane Gives
Highlights. From
Presbytery Executive
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church met at the home of Mrs.
William Shaddock, Albert Street,
on Tuesday afternoon, June 16,
with the president, Mrs. Robert
McKenzie, conducting the meeting.
Mrs. Shaddock read the scrip-
ture and Mrs. Edward Farquhar
offered prayer. Mrs. James Mak-
ins chose for her topics in current
events, the graduation of our
deaconesses from the Toronto
Training School; the return of
Mrs. Hugh MacMillan to the For-
mosa field; and she read a very
interesting letter from Rev. Moore
Gordon, Korea.
Mrs. Allan Maxwell, in a most
enlightening manner, read the
chapter in the year's study book
on African life, old, and new.
The highlights of the recent ex-
ecutive meeting of Huron Presby-
terial society, were conveyed to
the auxiliary by Mrs. D. J. Lane,
who stated that the financialal-
locations of all the auxiliaries
within the presbyterial had been
increased, and therefore the need
for more earnest effort was neces-
sary to attain the new objective.
The secretary's report %vas giv-
en by Mrs. Robert Scott, and Mrs.
J. Makins, treasurer, submitted an
encouraging financial report.
A social half hour over the tea-
cups was enjoyed, with the hostess
serving refreshments, assisted by
Mrs, AIlan Maxwell.
Sunday, June 21, 1953
Daylight Saving Time
St. Paul's Angliean
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. M. Elliott,
Choir Leader
8.30 a.m.—Holy Conununion
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and
Sunday School.
Thurs., June 25 — Chancel Guild
will hold a pot luck supper at
Mrs. Counter's cottage. Cars
will leave the church at two
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. d. Lane, B,A., Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
(All times are D.S.T.)
9.45 a.m.----Service at Knox
Church, Bayfield
1.0.30 a.m.—Church School
11.15 a.m.----Divine Worship
(note change in time)
The members of the Masonic
Order and friends will be
present in a body.
Special Music;
Sermon Subject:
"Cleaning or Cleansing"
Let all who believe In God,
worship Him.
Huron St.
F3aptist Church
Minister -REV. J'. E. OSTROIVI
Organist ---Mrs, George Grant
11.00 a.m. Worship
12.15 noon --Bible School
7.00`p,xn,- =1✓vening WVorsltip
Pentecostal Church
Victoria St,
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School •
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service
Friday, 7,30 pen,—Young People,'s
Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study
and Prayer.
United Church
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
10.45 a.m. The Session will meet.
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Flower Sunday.
Childrens' Service,
"The Family Altar"
Presentation of the Christian
1.1.20 a.m.—Primary School
12.15 p.m. Church School
Union Evening Service in Ont-
ario Street United Church.
Come to the House of Prayer
Gospel Hall
One Block East of Albert Street,
North of Pat -Knit
Sunday Services
Sunday School ....... . 9.45 a.m,
Communion Service ... 10.45 a.m.
Gospel Service ..... 8.00 p.rn.
Speaker: Mr. dolor Martin
Mr. Martin Will be continuing his
talks from the first Epistle
Af John,. ,
945 a.m.--Sunday School
1i .00 a.m.—Reception of 1ti ew 114embers
7,30 p.rn. Laymen's Service --Men of the congrega-
tion in charge of worship, Special -speaker:
Mr, S. Whitmore, Tuekersmith Township,
9.45 a,rn.-,--Morning Worship
:10,45 a.m.—Sunday School
Thursday morning, June 4. The
body rested at the Westlake fun-
eral home, Zurich until Saturday.
Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton; Rev..
Martin, New Hamburg; Rev. E.
Heimrich, Zurich, conducted the
largely attended service.
Pallbearers were Dewar Talbot,
Harold Jones, Wesley McBride,
William ,Armstrong, Gordon Gil-
bert, James Cleave; flower -bearers
were Bob Madge, Gladwin West-
lake, Hugh Mcl3ride, Donald Bell,
Russell Granger, Clifford Talbot,
Jr. Interment was in Bayfield
She was the second eldest dau-
ghter of Mrs. Pearl Love and the
late John Love, Parr Line. She
was born on December 2, 1924.
She became the bride of Gordon
Westlak oen April 10, 1943. Al-
though not a robust person, she
had seemed in good health lately
and had been about her household
duties as usual that day.
She was a member of Knox
Presbyterian Church, Bayfield,
and organist of that church at
time of her passing. She also had
for the past month helped with
the music for Clinton Area Youth
for Christ.
Surviving besides her husband
are three children: Ronald, Sand-
ra, and Roselee; her mother, Mrs.
Pearl Love; two 'sisters, (Marg-
aret) Mrs. Harold. Jones, Kippen;
Miss Edith Love, Varna; two bro-
thers, James and Wayne.
Among those from a distance
who were present for the funeral
were: Elgin Fassel, Milwaukee,
Richard Stanbury, Toronto, Jack
Stanbury, St. Catharines, Mr. and
Mrs. Randolph Sammet, Merrit-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tal-
bot, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo-
rge McIntyre, Port Stanley.
Friendship Club Picnic
Proves happy Event
The Friendship Club •of St,
Paul's Church held their picnic at
the cottage ,9f Mrs. J. N. Hart
with a good crowd in attendance.
A bounteous picnic supper was en-
joyed after which the treasurer,
Miss F. Schoenhals, gave a report
of the blossom tea. Mrs. W. J.
Counter moved a vote of thanks
to the president for her kind hos-
The Ladies' Orange Benevolent
Association will meet on Tuesday,
June 23. New members will be
initiated. Lunch will be served.
All members please attend.
Mrs. Maud Trouse
Mrs. Maud Trouse, 525 Edward
St., Woodstock, who died Monday,
June 1, in Woodstock Hospital,
was formerly Maud Baer, and was
born in Clinton. She moved to
Woodstock 60 years ago. Her bus -
band, Lewis Trotise, died in De-
cember of last year.
She was a member of Central
United Church, of the WA and
Philathea Class, a charter mem-
ber of the King's Daughters, and
for 25 years had been in charge of
the Fireman's Christmas Fund
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs.
L. Tomlinson, Woodstock; Mrs.
William Plowman Toronto; and
Mrs. F. Stokes, St. Catharines.
Funeral service was conducted
at the Rowell funeral home,
Woodstock, by Rev. 3. V, Mc-
Neely, on Thursday, June 4, and
interment was made in the Bap-
tist Cemetery.
. with these BRIGHT GIFTS
There are lots of fathers
in the world — but yours
is still the BEST.
Make him feel really appreciated
with a gift he can wear
40�5 June 21
Arrow Shirts Stetson (fats
Fill Your Basket
of our
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TI/ONE 1 O><;ii:NTON